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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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not so many actually made it into the dpr army, even i would say a minority, most managed to successfully escape or get some armory positions so to speak. my former headmaster, who went quite deliberately, although he sincerely hoped that unprepared students would not be thrown into the manholes, but they were still thrown, and there was another friend of mine, who accidentally got there and also died there. yes, he was a student, but how can something be illegal if for... that solved everything, i just had emotions of horror, i saw the news, it was absolutely i didn't understand their character, i couldn't understand how they entered the territory overnight, i couldn't understand how they were shooting so far overnight. well, that is, they have advanced
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so far, they are already shelling so close, the first day i could not react to it in any way, i had panic, confusion, i checked whether my acquaintances were normal, er, and then it began mm, the research stage began , because as it turned out, not everyone shared the same point of view as me, the first arguments began, among acquaintances, among strangers, the first open hatred began, i started it for the first time to be taken absolutely seriously, from the very beginning the hot water disappeared, there were periods when the water was completely turned off and it was not given for several weeks, then you had to
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go with bottles, with eggplants, to some points where water was given out, water was served for 5 hours, i think once every three days, it was brackish water, very brackish water , yellow, gray, it stank, but nevertheless, thank you, at least there is water, because... i later, when i started reading the stories of people from mariupol, it was a horror for me that i think how good it is that i always have in the bath there was this dirty puddle, if only for something , hard, hard, hard, hard, without water it's hard at all, i don't know, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, i was very careless, and i just openly uh... uh
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expressed my support for ukraine on my instagram, and purely because of this carelessness of mine at the very beginning, there were many people who supported ukraine, they already knew about me for sure that you can discuss everything with her, and then when i closed my account a month later the account, e-e , these people, such as these, have already been filtered out there chats were full, such chats were full, because there were and still are such people, and it is clear that they wanted to somehow unite in this dystopian atmosphere, the problem was that, for the most part, these chats did not exceed 10-15 participants, because adding it was very difficult for someone to go there, one had to be absolutely sure that a person would not betray, and it still happened: that even in such small
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chats there was judas iscariot, who later turned out to be the wrong person to whom it was worth telling all this, who later turned out not to be the person who should be told all this, according to people who wrote both as a soft sign and ukrainian, here in the texts we understood that this is the person... most likely we have already seen the russian layout and this is our person , that i don't have a home and according to the rule of good tone, as according to the rule of good, i learned about such a phenomenon as ukrainian music, modern, i don't know when it is, the renaissance of ukrainian music at the beginning of the invasion and ukrainian music in general. that is
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, i remembered the existence of elsa's ocean, everything else, even, even, no matter how funny it sounds, even... she helped a lot not to go to daho when the full-scale invasion began, many of the bloggers i watched from tiktok, some even from youtube, switched to ukrainian, one one of the bloggers from instagram posted in her story that she is switching to ukrainian, because this is how she expresses her identity, and i really like it... responded, and i switched in correspondence with my friends whom i could trust, eh -e to ukrainian, i switched to the ukrainian language so as not to drive through the roof, because i studied the russian language at university, and
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i needed to somehow separate myself from it , it felt like a brute, i needed to cover it with something, wash it away, er, strange allusion, but... also, somehow separate my brain from the thought , which is expressed in russian , and the opinion expressed in ukrainian, because the opinion expressed in russian, it can be different, well, at the beginning of the invasion, that is, it could be pro-ukrainian, it could be pro-russian, pro-deneerian opinions are also strange, very strange the consensus is like this, it's like a defense mechanism, that is, you know that those who speak ukrainian. the blame is a priori on your side, if i recorded some voices in ukrainian at home , then it was just like that with the phone in my face, whispering at home and
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going outside all the time, i had to remind myself that this is how you switch to russian, in my area , i know many people. not that there are many among all the people, but right here in every house i know one or two soldiers of the dpr, so it was quite dangerous, uh, speak ukrainian louder, before the full-scale invasion, uh, ukraine, i didn't feel separated from ukraine, because i don't know. there is such a subject in the children's program now, we had a subject from the second grade, it seems to be very interesting, both nature and society at the same time, and a little history, me and ukraine, it was called , here, and in the context of this, i realized that donbas, donetsk,
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yes, it is part of ukraine, i knew the geography of ukraine, i knew the geography of ukraine until the last, i still do not know the geography of russia, although we seem to have studied it, until on the 22nd, well, there are the last few. for three years it was already very difficult to perceive myself as part of ukraine, but no one told us that we were russia , we were told that we were russians, we were with russians, russians were our brotherly people, but i was aware of myself until the last, probably, as part of ukraine , i knew that ukraine was actively developing in terms of progressive views, i was sitting in tiktok. due to my geolocation, i received a lot of ukrainian tiktoks, because tiktok sees, donetsk, ukraine sends me ukrainian tiktoks, people who are not occupied territories, from those positions
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i understood that, for example, there is kyiv pride, which promotes the rights of lgbt people, who are actively engaged in women's rights, and i really liked it, and even then i thought that it was of an additional scale, that oh, what a pity that i am so detached from this information space and , in principle, from ukraine, it seemed to me that if i do not leave now, i will never leave. and i wanted to live life, it sounds funny, i wanted to see life without a curfew, i didn't want to leave, but i couldn't
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stay, i started looking for opportunities, i i started looking for opportunities to leave immediately after i realized that i was under... castle, then i was offered to leave for the territory of the russian federation, and then i realized that i could go somewhere further from russia, so i agreed to this plan, i i had no idea how it would turn out, i thought that everything would be there in that... practice turned out to be wrong, let's say, fantastic, everything turned out to be quite simple, but in short, there were many options, but of course, at that moment it was scary, because at any moment everything could go wrong on the way . i found out that i was going to kharkiv somewhere on in the middle way, i was going to another city altogether, before that i was planning to go to another country altogether, i couldn’t organize
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the documents to take the cat there with me, it’s hard physically, it’s hard morally, first of all it’s very hard to leave home, well, whatever it is was not, no matter in what state he was in, no matter what connotations he got for himself, it is very difficult to leave him, you leave for russia, very noticeable. well, how, how much we differ despite 9 years, despite 10 years, what they tried to impose on us, show, prove, is very visible, and here already it's physically difficult, because i'm alone, i'm small, i'm small, i have a cat, a big suitcase, a suitcase and that's all, and i have to drag it all by myself somewhere, it was a four-day trip. for them, i went through everything that i could go through, i gave birth every night, in the train, every time i
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was so shaken, everything went as well as possible for me, in particular, everything went as well as possible for me with the best result, my mother and i first came to the deneriv border , passed it easily, we thought that there would be some ancient greek mythical tests, but for in fact, everything turned out to be quite simple, as the person who planned it all explained to us. which should probably be skipped further, i.e. such logic was then at the checkpoint. from rostov we came to st. petersburg, stopped there for a while and then went to the estonian border in ivangorod. and finally there was the main boss in the form of the russian customs, who began to interrogate me. they asked me for various confidential information. address information, from where and to where, they took fingerprints, asked all kinds of questions about my life, checked my phone and
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they asked my relation to the so-called svo. i passed through the humanitarian corridor, well , it is difficult to call it a corridor, it is a very difficult path there, but i passed. i didn't have a ukrainian passport, that's why i was leaving, here is my ticket to ukraine, it was ukrainian language, ukrainian language. after crossing the border and the birth certificate, it was scary to go through the filtering, because you were obviously intimidated, plus you don't know how necessary a person you are in such a context, you don't have these documents, you're not a fact that you can prove my views, i have her ukrainian documents, and i was very lucky with... the fact that my other relatives insisted on this and
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convinced my parents to do it, eh, because my mother, when i told her what do you imagine, in in ukraine, you can already get a passport at the age of 14, and it will be a card, not a book, so cool, and i also admitted this from a classmate who received this passport, and my mother is like, well... no, well, these are not real passports, this is not true at all, because she did not even know the current laws of ukraine at all, and if my classmate had not then the passport, the first in our class, i would have known fluently, at the age of 16, i turned 16 at the end of the 16th year, so i received my passport at the beginning of the 17th year in mariupol, i did not receive either denerivskyi or russian. it would seem, it would seem, that
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people who have left should be assisted in the procedures for obtaining a passport, and indeed, thank you very much, there are many voluntary funds that deal with legal aid, and they will guide you from and to the issuance of a passport, but... at the moment , there are many legal problems, for example, the id card procedure when you leave alone in the bottom. a familiar place to a country with which you have the only connection, there is a birth certificate and four classes of the subject i and ukraine, you have no witnesses, er, the documents issued there are invalid, i don't even pass them , they don't even pass through filtering, and then you
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go and try to prove, no, i was actually in the occupation, what are you saying, where is your passport, i say, there is no passport, you couldn't leave to make a passport? i say: i couldn't leave to make a passport, i had it, i didn't i know how much 15-14, who would let me in? when i crossed the border with the eu, i was just incredibly happy, er, this is the first thing, all this suffering at the border is over. er, secondly, i understood that i can no longer hide my identity from the people around me, that i can speak ukrainian on the streets, and all kinds of
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household things, er, i paid for myself for the first time. with a card, eh, i saw all kinds of brand stores around me, it was simply something incredible, and of course, water, hot water, in the tap, this, most importantly, is a license, not at crazy prices, but we have goods that entered our market, they entered through russia, if there was something with...sanctions , it was in russia, it entered through kazakhstan, through belarus, we now go with a neighbor to the posiriki, and coca-cola, and it costs, well, it doesn’t costs a lot of money, and it's just at the household level, there are some chocolates, familiar brands, toss, baunc, i don't know, nutella milk, that is, all that, it was
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a sign of luxury, i go to otb, they give me. i understand that i do not recognize these pennies, there was no such thing, i saw all of them, i remembered all the pennies, how they were supposed to look, i did not know is this money real, i am there , it seems that i saw some new bill, i began to really feel that there time stands still, that here these, 10, 9, how many years have passed, and there they have not passed and will not pass, they i don't know, well, it's just measured, young one. youth is an international thing that is not subject to any political regimes, and it is precisely such regimes as the russian one that suppresses this young personality very much, and this is clear to any young person, of course, and among them there are people who have become some kind of russian loyalists, patriots, swingers, but these are also very
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special people with their moral, let 's say, relativism, and yes, when it becomes clear that it is easy to live for whom. is impossible, then you understand that building your personal happiness simply becomes that the problem is precisely that there are people who do not allow you to do this, you must not let them, this should not be given to you. don't give this to you i imagine spring nights, or i don't know, summer nights there, you know, not nights, evenings after 11 p.m. when the lights are on, i just imagine the illumination on the street there, i don't know, in the windows, you know the illuminations may be some beauties on the street, shops that are open until, i don’t know, until
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11 p.m., some cafes are open until 11 p.m. , at least the first one, that is, we had a normal practice of closing everything at 5 o’clock in order to get there, in time, because all the traffic stopped walking adequately, there at 7 o’clock, here , i don’t know, it’s a world without a curfew, it carries with it a world with normal transport in the evening and illumination on the streets and windows, when i talk about illumination, i remember donetsk there, i i remember there, maybe some photos that i saw from the cities of ukraine. i i want this illumination, i want this europe , i want the light here, i don't want the light somewhere beyond the borders, so i plan to return, uh, i don't think that i will immediately return to donetsk, because first of all , it will be scary for me, secondly, i really want to live for a while, er
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, in territories that have not been occupied for such a long time, probably in kyiv, well, this is such a banal option to live somewhere under control, and then... probably in donetsk, i can say, endure, patience will polish you, your spirit will steel, so endure endure, patience no one will save you from misfortune, no one will knock you off your path, and so on, just endure, gather strength, and really, if you don't feel safe, if you don't... that you are ready enough to fight from within, if you understand that we will not implement this idea at all, but for now, please
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leave, being there is a risk not only for yourself in terms of the fact that you can be taken somewhere there, bitten and brainwashed, i don't know , how much money the world will have for therapy after that. to simply adequately perceive the world, i don't know adequately perceive the atms of the private bank, and not go around, like, it works, it, it, it always works, to beat up the pods'. we will not give opinions, draw your own conclusions and write in the comments what you think about the generation that grew up in the occupation, how you imagine their future, and
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also, if you have a story that you want to share, contact our editors in one of the social networks that are in the description of the video, or again, write in the comments, i read them. for today, i have everything, donbass realities were with you, papa. naobay - natural eco-cosmetics. neob is the real you. there are 15% discounts on anti-catarrhal drugs in the psyllanyk, bam and shchadnyk pharmacies. there are discounts on voltaren forte 20%. plantain bam and oskad are available in pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel.
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congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's win. they help understand the present and... predict the future for the world . trump's second presidency will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together! my friends, congratulations, already tomorrow, and tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, the oscars start , i don't know if you plan to watch this ceremony, because it takes time, inspiration and some strength, because it all happens at night, well , it's night here in ukraine, and so what. .. usually people here are so preoccupied with the oscar, in part, and this is the main film award for us, because there are other things there, for example, the bafta and the golden
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globes, well... the discussion is not so loud, but usually people are clear, from monday to they don't watch any shows from sunday to monday, they sleep even afterwards they get up in the morning and watch the news, what happened there. i believe that this year, many more people will probably watch this ceremony, or, well , they will read the news much more carefully already in the morning, because, let me remind you, our tape is ukrainian... it can win the oscar award, and 20 days in mariupol are given fairly high chances for the win and in fact we have only one competitor, it is so serious, i will tell you about it, first i will remind you about 20 days in mariupol, about its success, about the fact that the film recently received a bafta in the same category as the best a documentary film, full-length,
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but this film had completely... other competitors, because they will compete with other films at the oscars, i want to remind you that from the very beginning, when 20 days in mariupol was shown that year at the sundance festival, the american there was a success with this film, and from that time it became clear that this film is not only serious, it is skillfully shot, because the authors and mstislav chernov, the director and yevhen maloletka, who... his materials were also included, because they the two of them went there with the producer to selisiya stepanenko is all about shooting, but at the same time he is a spectator, he is made like this so tensely enough, he is made, well, almost like a documentary thriller, he keeps the attention, but at the same time he is not non-manipulative, or rather there are no such cheap manipulations that you can heard in other documentaries...
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films of the world, and here we also have many tapes about the war, where there is such sad music, and it makes you feel some kind of emotion, and i am not very pleased to watch such tapes, where they directly force me as the viewer should feel something, here there is no, here there is respect for the viewer, it seems to me that this is what gave 20 days in mariupol such a sufficiently powerful world fame, because when you go to various about... discussions, there are such special sites for the world , where you can come and write a review for almost any film, rate it, but i saw mostly positive reviews, enthusiastic from the world audience, so we are waiting for the oscars, will our group receive an oscar, by the way, i want to remind you, this is important , which is actually the first we are loved, this is the first ukrainian film , but it can be the first ukrainian
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film, it is already the first ukrainian film that was completely ukrainian and was nominated for an oscar, because there was the film "winter on fire, for example, but it was a co-production, ukrainian authors and netflix, americans. last year we saw that the house made of sticks was also nominated, when the film about navalny won, then our film was, but it was also a film about ukraine, about a ukrainian orphanage in a gray area, but it was such an international a large co-production, there are 20. in mariupol, at all screenings and festivals, it is shown exactly as a ukrainian film, although there are american producers, american producers, and to be honest, if you talk to any producers who are somehow interested in the oscars, then each of them will tell you that making a good, talented film is still not enough to get into the shortlist nomination, or even win an oscar, and for this you need to have a lot of money,
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you need to spend. a good marketing and promotional campaign is enough communicate a lot, communicate , in particular with film academics, this does not mean that this is corruption, it means that you are promoting your film, if you do not do this, then, unfortunately, unfortunately, the chances of your getting into it are significantly reduced, come on now let's talk about the competitors of our film, i think at the end i will tell you about the main competitor, and the others i think are... no not competitors, well, i'm joking, all the films are good, of course, but there is the film bobi vine, the people president, this, can i have this tape, by the way watch legally on the youtube channel of national geographic, it tells about uganda, and about bobby wine himself, this is a pseudonym, a rapper, musician, representative of show business, which
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he began to occupy many, well, some number of years ago. politics, therefore many


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