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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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risks, well, in fact , they took all ships carrying kalibr sea-based missiles away from the territory of crimea, relocated them closer to novorossiysk, i believe that they will be more intact there, the authorities, well, actually the ukrainian army has already proven many times that the russian fleet cannot exist in the black sea, it is heavier than water, well, it's just physics, so without lyrics, just physics, it can't exist like that, why, i'm sorry. yes, yes, without a doubt, this is a confirmed fact, just as russian planes often fall to the ground, because they, much heavier than the same, the same air, and just before our conversation, i saw another post from our air commander , mr. laishchuk, confirming another plane crash, and it happened at a distance of more than 150 km from the combat reporting line, what is such a good missile? exactly at such
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a distance to destroy the next russian plane, it is not known for sure, but nevertheless the fact of an increase in the russian martyrologist of the loss of aircraft, in arjai, here is my question in connection with this, mr. volad, please tell me you're a military man, you understand logic just like that, well, purely military, i'm not saying that, it's clear that we don't think the same way as kotsaps, but there are some rules, that's been proven many times in... heavier than water , heavier than air, but they fly, fly, fly and swim, and swim, and swim, what are they waiting for, if in fact, it’s already on schedule, that’s when you wake up, well, it’s not a joke, i’m not bravadoing, well just really, in the morning you just look in the news, look, no, look, there is no plane, there is nothing there, that something is wrong, something day off or something, yes, that is, constantly, by what logic do they continue to keep ships there.
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in crimea, to keep weapons on them , there are missiles, i don’t know that there can be drones there, it means that there is a military depot there, yes, the same goes for airplanes, although they say that airplanes have started to fly less often and don’t fly so close anymore , that's how it looks in simple logic, why do they do it, it's stalin's order, that is, to melt and fall, or something, of course. to a certain extent, it is so, because the same one-way ticket does not work now only for the military sailors of the russian black sea fleet, ide for the e-e military pilots of the russian military and space forces, although we must give credit to the russian air force, they are constantly replenishing their losses, even sending new batches of the same fighter-bombers closer to the borders with ukraine 134-135 , but then again fate...
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their further perspective is obvious, over time they will still be turned into a pile of burning scrap metal on ukrainian land, maybe even on non-ukrainian land, because the distance at which we recently began to hit russian planes is actually impressive, because the distance is 150-200, and sometimes even more kilometers, if we are talking about the example of the second a50 type plane that we shot down and the same flying radar, that distance was very, very significant, by the way, in... it is possible to note that after we sank the russian ship serhiy kotov, for three or four days in a row, the russians are in no hurry to leave the bays and water areas that are protected to open the black sea, apparently they have disclaimer, oh well besides, i think that now the commander of the russian black sea fleet has a lot of uncomfortable questions because, despite such threatening telegrams , instructions from moscow. the russian ships
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of the cherman fleet get tired and go to the bottom of the black sea to rest, so we have to understand this. the russian black sea fleet, the only conscious decision it can make and implement here in the current conditions, is to get away as far as possible from ukrainian shores, then it has at least a ghostly chance of saving the remains of its ships. then no, i suggest staying with the black sea fleet, there is no need to go anywhere. stay, because it's beautiful, well, first of all, yes, it's beautiful, it's impressive, and secondly, i wonder what will happen next. mr. vladyslav, you mentioned the commanders of the black sea fleet, who is their commander, i apologize, viktor sokolov, i apologize, does not appear publicly, so that it is possible to verify that he is alive in general from october 2022, but... russians tried
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to impose its adequate condition on the world with some videos that were not actually recorded after the attack on the headquarters of the black sea fleet. in sevastopol, i searched, i tried to find some confirmation, where exactly this vice admiral can now sew, and i did not find, moreover, the international criminal court this week issued an arrest warrant for viktor sokolov, the commander of the black sea fleet of the russian federation , as well as the actual commander of long-range aviation, air force, space force. the russian federation can also be arrested, well, in other words, the world issues a warrant for the arrest of a person for whom we do not have any at all understanding that with her fate, you have an understanding, a valid remark, especially for going
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to wikipedia, i’m looking at who they have at the helm there, nakhimov, i think that admiral nakhimov, that’s right, i don’t rule it out, no, his surname vice admiral pinchuk sounds different, but nevertheless, on february 15, this official allegedly heads the command of the russian black sea fleet, but where he is is not entirely clear, because the building, the main headquarters building, has been destroyed, without any signs of restoration work , and turned into a heap twisted and burned stones, because after burnt stones, because at one time ukrainian rockets visited dovastopol, which in principle turned that building into a three-story building. and such a clumsy and pitiful sight. of course, the russian base in sevastopol has a fairly extensive infrastructure, so they found some kind of office or room there, where the chfs command team and its headquarters are located, but the trend, the trend is definitely happy. i
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think that it was not for nothing that this year at the beginning of the year, our president zelenskyi said that in the 24th year, special attention will be paid to the ukrainian defense forces. fire impact on enemy military facilities in crimea and sevastopol, and the logic of such reasoning is obvious, because in order for us to be able to exonerate and clear crimea of ​​enemy presence, we need to systematically and methodically destroy all enemy military facilities in crimea and sevastopol, there are, by the way, about 232 positions, 232 objects, and besides, you have to look closely at the structure of the kerch bridge, and sometimes it seems to me that the attack on kotov... this is a kind of rehearsal before a large-scale game or a large-scale use of our resources regarding the destruction of the very structure of the kerch bridge, here it is worth mentioning again the american general ben hodges, who literally described step by step what the ukrainian army should do, but in order to
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implement that case , we need a storm shadow scale, we need an attack, everything and we need, first of all, the same tauruses, regarding the transfer of which we still have discussions with... western partners, in particular with german ones, but, but there is another very strong argument that can destroy the foundation of the same kerch bridge, these are our kamikaze drones, be it magura 5 or possibly siya baby, but the effectiveness of their combat use has been repeatedly proven by the ukrainian army. i can add, friends, about these taurus, recently in an interview, this week in an interview on the atr tv channel. musaeva said that, in her opinion, the german chancellor does not give these bulls, because he has some idea that russia and ukraine can have negotiations and that germany and he personally will be in these negotiations with mediators, well, it is difficult to imagine
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at such a level of intelligence in modern europe, well, i just don't know, the leader has some kind of reality, i asked sevgil then, he will put his signatory, putin. will, will, will, will not violate this any, just any agreement, conditional even, she answered: "of course not, but this is the idea, this is how the leadership in europe looks now, now, well, there is macron, true, well, that's another question, let's look at things, not just words, and what i'm talking about, and suddenly yesterday i read there in the politika magazine, it is a well-known influential magazine, this is exactly the version that western journalists are..." er, they know that he is really counting on the upcoming negotiations between russia and ukraine, where he, chancellor scholz, will be by someone there, a mediator , so there is no need to destroy moscow, well, the corresponding kerch bridge, so as not to offend putin, so that the furor feels undignified there,
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so that he cheerfully goes there to some peace talks, about which, by the way, he himself does not say anything, but just whispers and in turkey on this there was a forum where there was a ukrainian tezhda. delegation and what they are talking about, yes, china constantly says about it, what it is, it is absolutely impossible to imagine, and i would like to know your opinion analytically, that is why they are doing it, well, krome... crazy intention to become a mediator in some there, world , in your opinion, there is such a statement, i am a doctor, but i can look, so i am not a doctor, but it seems that there is a purely medical problem, and what is called impotence, political impotence, that is, the inability of some european leaders to decide such adult decisions are responsible, because in fact, it seems that our highly respected western partners... forget, forget the historical parallels that at one time in
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the middle of the last century led to the power and absolute domination in the same germany, still hitler's germany, and chancellor adolf hitler. and how this whole story ended for the whole world, everyone remembers well, the great war, the second world war, which led to millions, tens of millions of people all over the world lost their lives because of what at one time determined, determining then. european and global geopolitics did not take appropriate measures to quell the german furor, this time history is repeating itself, already in relation to the russian furor, and this is actually a challenge that we all have to overcome. of course, the position of the french president mr. macron is pleasing against this background, but it seems that he is simply taking advantage of the situation, trying to take over the powers of the european leader, but... what will come of it, it is difficult to predict for now, because i understand that in first of all
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mr. macron is a populist, and he is interested in pleasing his own voters, his own electorate, and therefore i am quite cautious about any, even very depressing statements, but i rely more on real concrete steps related to the supply of defense and military equipment from our western partners, here we have somewhat alarming bells, our minister of defense, rustam... in one of his interviews said that only 50% of what the western partners promise to supply us with guarantees, we will receive in the form of weapons, military equipment, ammunition for anti-tank weapons, i.e. 50% , they promise a lot, do far from everything, and this is a challenge, because why lie, if you help, then help, but again, without helping, our eastern partners should understand that here right now ukrainian soldiers under conditional cover provide not only a safe space for tehta. which is under the control of the ukrainian government, and in principle on the entire european
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continent, because putin does not hide his alarmist plans. putin's top propagandists shout that lisbon is russian city, in principle, the policy of the current russian federation is determined by the fact that they dream of recreating the same ussr 2.0, and i want to remind our audience that during the period of time when moscow dominated the eastern part of europe, in that... and the eastern part of the now united germany with its capital in berlin was also under the control of moscow. mr. vladyslav, a few more questions, literally 5 days ago, again the jsc partisan group reported that the occupiers' oil pipeline was destroyed in feodosia on the night of march 3. please remind me please, what exactly did he provide. of course, they reject this information and say that nothing like that happened, although they are talking about an oil depot, and we are not talking about an oil depot, we are talking about... specific races about absolutely specific structures, very technological structures, which will
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not be fixed so quickly , i think so? of course, so it is about an oil pipeline that is located on the territory of the fiodesia oil depot, it is a kind of infrastructure element that connects these containers where fuel is stored with each other, respectively over the entry and exit points, thus destroying part of the critical infrastructure that actually leads. militarily disabled the entire oil base, and we understand that it is a key element in providing the current needs of the russian occupation contingent operating in crimea and sevastopol with the same oil products, and under such conditions, of course, the russians have something to worry about, because on the one hand, they placed several air defense systems in the feodosia area, in particular, the most modern battery of the s-400 complex, and on the other hand, it demonstrates his illiteracy and inability. to resist the massive drone attacks of the ukrainian defense forces, which means that the fireball that was burning not so long ago
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in the territory of the suburbs, i still think it will definitely be repeated, again, i remember last year's speech of the president of ukraine zelenskyi, who said the following while addressing residents of crimea and sevastopol: "stay as far as possible from enemy military facilities, it is deadly dangerous, because every military target is an absolutely legal target." for the ukrainian defense forces and she will definitely be destroyed in this its time. government, listen, i don't know, you're basically a creative person, in addition to being... a military expert, also a poet, very handsome, by the way, and i don't know if you did it on purpose in an artistic way or not, but you you are sitting in the colors of the romanian and moldovan flags, now on the screen , seriously, that's why i want to expand our overview of the situation so much, because moldova is also part of the black sea and romania, the black
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sea region, and putin has 100% of his own plans there, which interferes these plans? in the political sense, we we know that recently there was a so-called congress of these bastards, they haven't met for 18 years , there is already a gangster russian government there, it's just that there is an army there that is oriented towards russia, a russian type of army, it is not clear what is different about it they say, and the last chord of this shameful, shameful performance is the visit of the leader of the so-called pro-russian pro-russian gagauzia, i apologize, not all gagauzia are like that, there are absolutely many of us in ukraine. i know them personally, they are great patriots of ukraine and fight and support troops, it's not about all ggaus, it's definitely 100%. but the part that is in moldova , the gego region, this lady, if it is possible to call her a comrade there, visited comrade führer in moscow and took a picture with him there and
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asked to complain about the oppression of moldova, that is, from the central authorities and. .. itself, well, that is, in one movement, that is , some special media operation is being observed, in my opinion, and it can, can it somehow be used together with the military, some actions are applied there or not, here is the politically military can you give such a review? certainly, there are such risks, and we waited with serious caution for the same congress of people's deputies of all levels, which took place on the territory itself. the transnistrian republic of moldova was announced, it turned out to be such a big bubble of air, which was actually concentrated on only one thesis , gentlemen from moscow, give us some money, but what concerns gagauzi, the southern part of moldova, is definitely such a very alarming bell, because we we can only imagine that
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the mismatch of status, on the one hand head of russian on the other hand, one of the subjects of moldova, bashtan, that is, the head of this autonomy, is meeting with the russian leader, well, certainly not in terms of status, but nevertheless such a meeting took place, it seems to me such a clear signal that moldova can become another concentration of certain destructive processes , despite the fact that in the near future it is immersed in the pre-election process, including the related process. the nationwide referendum on the further direction of moldova's foreign policy refers to the referendum on joining the european union, the relevant security institutions, collective europe. this is actually a very important case, and of course, there
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will be total opposition to this process on the part of moscow and pro-russian moldovan politicians . of course, there is a lot to work on... local self-government bodies and local services that provide a safe space on the territory of our country, neighbors, well, i hope that there will be appropriate and professional support from the fraternal people of our moldovan friends from romania, because here i am it seems not to be sentimental, it is necessary to implement the entire case of measures aimed at stabilizing the situation and suppressing any separatist movements. because if all these cells are not extinguished or blocked in time, our moldovan friends may feel all the horror that ukraine is going through, starting from february 2014. mr. vladyslav, in the end, i really thank ayder for, let's say, trying to zoom in a little, to look wider than just the borders
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of the crimean peninsula, but i propose to do it in the context of the situation. on battle lines, in particular in our southeast. can it be assumed that the russians took quite seriously the hints of the defense forces and their official commanders and representatives about the plight of the kerch bridge, if now, in view of military analytics, they are trying to advance and press again in the area of ​​the coal mine, and i will remind you that this an important point, a logistical point. they have not yet built any alternative logistics routes, they tried, maybe they are trying now, nevertheless, the kerch bridge, the crossing already. unreliable, so it is necessary capture carbon, is this statement correct? an absolutely valid remark, because the key element that ensures stable logistics, i.e. transportation within the framework
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of meeting the needs of the russian occupation army operating in our territories, is the railway connection, that is why it is very important for the enemy to cut the ugolodar ridge, that is why it is important to protect the enemy from the influence of the ukrainian artillery valnavakha railway station, for that they... need to move our units as far as possible, because now the distance of 17 km allows us using long-range artillery to turn to ashes all the enemy military chalons in the event that they move through this railway station. of course, now the enemy is trying to build a new railway track at a real pace, which will run along the northern coast of the sea of ​​azov, as far as possible from our artillery positions, but this process is not easy, because in the south of donetsk, as well as in... zaporizhzhya oblast , our werewolves are working, who from time to time will turn these enemy efforts into a pile of scrap metal, for example, it has already been confirmed and verified information that one of the bridges
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over the kalmius river has already been destroyed, and the russians have not yet had time to complete it, so the war continues, the enemy is looking for any opportunity to revive its logistics, and it is obvious that all these logistics will work for , so that the enemy could continue to advance, as in the south of zaporizhia. so, accordingly , in the south of the kherson region , he will continue to try to keep under control the currently occupied crimea and sevastopol, so we have a lot to work on, but the key factor that allows us to implement all our plans is the question of resources, so there is something for our diplomats to work on, in terms of supplies and long-range artillery, long-range precision missiles, all this is important in order to destroy the enemies, well, considering that diplomats in ukraine... military personnel of a considerable level with already considerable merits are actively becoming diplomats in ukraine, so i think that we will have certain successes here. thank you vladyslavy, vladyslav soleznyov,
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a military analyst and ex-spokesman of the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. time to take a break, for a little while, right? unfortunately, but not for long. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what life is like. the world, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events
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of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. we continue the joint project of the tv channel and atp. together we are talking about the temporarily occupied crimea and in connection with the studio of larisa voloshina. journalist and psychologist. mrs. larisa, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. congratulations, friends, glory to the heroes. salam alaikum. well, the third, third wave of searches took place in crimea, in the focus of russian attention special services, so-called and their branches on the peninsula, now representatives of the crimean tatar people, religious, in particular, leaders. ms. larisa, do you think they have intensified this pressure now and does it not look somehow, you know, especially cynical
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after one of the authoritative international courts actually recognized that there is no pressure on religious or ethnic grounds in crimea, solely because political views, this can happen, and after that these crazy three waves, i was arrested. there are people who are still looking for theirs relatives, because it is not clear where they are, so what is this story about? well, friends, in my opinion, this includes the issue of war, because it is absolutely obvious to the russians that a possible ukrainian offensive on crimea will be accompanied by uprisings, support actions, and such actions against the ukrainian army. it is absolutely obvious that the occupiers understand this, that is, for them, this is not the territory of the occupied donbas, which they have been cleaning there for three years, where there are, of course, desks...
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there are people who are waiting for the ukrainian army, i have no doubt about it, but these people are they are separated, they are not united, because they are each in their own house, and what is the crimean tatar people, this is a people that had structures, structures of the midjlis, all national structures of unity, which continue to function in principle today, theoretically every crimean tatar knows every crimean tatar, that's right. and it is obvious that a certain grouping of people is taking place, including around religious leaders and around religious authorities, that is, now they are trying, the russians with all their might, to somehow remove or take control of what we call crimean tatar national solidarity, in order to reduce the factor, as they
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call it the fifth. columns in the crimea , and pay attention, now again, the pressure has gone, the pressure has gone on the crimean tatar lawyers, luftiye zudieva, a woman who even before that, she never hid her position or anything, she spoke on international platforms, she every time she returned to the territory of the occupied crimea through ukrainian territory, she was controlled. constantly searched and interrogated, but that's not it less, well, somehow they didn’t allow themselves, with regard to women , but now they are just removing activists and those people who are respected in the crimean tatar community, well , in general, the situation is actually terrible, and you know, larisa, i would, in principle, to be honest i would urge all the people who are being hunted by the russians there to simply leave
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the report in any way possible. but at the same time, i know how it will be perceived, people don't want, crimeans don't want to leave their homeland in spite of everything, and this is actually such a trap for people who risk themselves, having no weapons, nothing, having only dignity and yes, yes, different political views, that's absolutely true, but what kind of threat, what kind of regime is this, that is threatened by people who are at home... other, different political views, i think it's about, you know, about the fact that they want to create such an atmosphere that as much as possible, well, that as many people as possible leave, just to replace them with anyone, and this trend will continue throughout the whole war until its end, our victory , but they will try to simply clean up as much as possible, so that even on the last ones stages to say: no, well, you see
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, there are no indigenous people here, there is no one left, here are the unfortunate russians, yulia navalna, navalnaya will come to their defense, i know there, khodarkovsky says, we must take into account the rights of military pensioners, etc. , that’s why, what is the end, is it just an instinct like this, that is, they can’t live otherwise, yes, no, no, pressing, not squirming there, not repressing, is it really such a strategic, some kind, maybe not like i said, maybe you can say something differently. and it's just that sometimes we think that they are just something they do it automatically, simply because they are lazy, in fact, often in the end it turns out that there was such a strategic plan, the point is that what we call russians, well, like russ, it is not a nationality, it is not even political identity, this is what erich fromm called a totalitarian collective personality, that is, this
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is such a transformation of people... in the conditions of a totalitarian regime, when a person becomes in fact the personification of this regime, a person has to give up everything personal and merge into some kind of community, as you know , this is in germany was hitler's true ariat, i.e. some kind, and the russians are now under putin, this is exactly this community, and therefore anyone who carries a national identity is a threat to them. character, some kind of cultural identity, that is, because it is a hostile element, i agree that it is special in crimea, because it is important for russians to show that this is russian crimea, here i want to remind you about the trump factor, we constantly talk about the fact that the arrival of trump for ukraine is threatening because trump can force ukraine to sit down for negotiations with russia, that's all it's la la but...


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