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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EET

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but came, i didn’t have a ukrainian passport, so i was leaving, got this passport and my mother was like, well, no, it’s not a real passport, it’s not true at all, because she didn’t even know the current laws of ukraine at all, and if my classmate i didn't get a passport then, i was the first in our class, i wouldn't have known either, at 16, i turned 16 at the end. 16th year, so i received my passport at the beginning of the 17th year in mariupol, i did not receive either a denerivskyi or a russian passport, this was my conscious position. difficult, it seemed it would seem that people who have left should be assisted in the procedures for obtaining a passport, and really, thank you very much, there are many... foundations that deal with
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legal aid and they will guide you from and to the issuance of a passport, but here at the moment , there are many legal problems, for example, the identity card procedure, when you go alone to an unfamiliar place, to a country with which the only thing that connects you is a birth certificate and four classes of the subject. ukraine: you have no witnesses. the documents issued there are invalid. i don't even pass them, they don't even pass through filtering, and then you go and try to prove it. no, i was actually under occupation. what do you mean, where is your passport? i say, there is no passport. couldn't you go to get a passport? i say, i couldn't leave to make a passport, i had, i don't know how much. 14, who would let me in, when i
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crossed the border with the eu, i was just incredibly happy, firstly, all this suffering at the border was over, secondly , i understood that i could no longer hide. e my personality from the people around me, and what i am i can speak ukrainian on the streets, and all kinds of household things, eh, i paid with a card for the first time, eh, i saw all kinds of brand stores around me, it was just something... incredible, and of course, water, hot
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water in the tap, that's the most important thing , sanctioned, not at crazy prices, we have goods that entered our market, they entered through russia, if something was sanctioned, it is in russia, it entered through kazakhstan, through belarus, we now go shopping with our neighbor , coca- cola, and it costs, well, it doesn't cost a penny, and it's simple at the household level, there are some chocolates , familiar brands, kedcats, baunc, i don’t know, nutella milk, that is, all that, it was a sign of prosperity, i go to otb, they give me the rest, i understand that i don’t recognize these pennies, there was no such thing, i saw all of them, i remembered all the pennies, how they were supposed to look.
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i didn't know if this money was real, i was there, it seems that i saw some new culture, i really began to feel that there time stands still, that here these 10, 9, how many years have passed, and there they have not passed and are not will pass, they are so simple замерно, юность, молодость is an international thing, youth, youth is an international thing that is not subject to any political regimes. it is regimes like the russian one that suppress this young personality very much, and this is clear to any young person, of course, and among there are people who have become some kind of russian loyalists, patriots, goyds, but these are also very special people with their moral, let's say, relativism, and yes, when it becomes clear that it is just to live, fall in love, love, create a family, dress , how are you do you want to simply enjoy life, communication with other people and build your own... personal happiness simply becomes
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impossible, then you understand that the problem is precisely that there are people who do not allow you to do this, they should not be given i imagine spring or i don't know summer nights there, you know, not nights, the evening after 11 p.m. , when the lights are on, i just imagine illumination on the street, i don't know in the windows, illumination, maybe it's some kind. beauties on the street, shops that open until, i don't know until 11 p.m., some cafes are open until 11 p.m., at least until 9 p.m., that is, we had a normal practice of closing everything at 50 p.m. in order to get there in time, because all traffic stopped going adequately there at 7 p.m. it is, i don't know,
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the world of curfew, it carries with it a world with normal transport in the evening and illumination on the street. and windows, when i talk about illumination, i remember donetsk there , i remember there, maybe some photos that i saw from the cities of ukraine, i want this illumination, i want this europe, i want light here, i don’t want light somewhere out there borders, so i plan to return, er, i don't think that i will return to donetsk right away, because firstly, i will be scared, and secondly, i really want to... live for a while in territories that have not been they have been occupied for such a long time , probably in kyiv, well, this is such a banal option to live somewhere under the control, and then probably
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in donetsk, i can say, be patient , the patient will polish you, your spirit will become steel, so be patient, tolerate, the patient will tolerate you will not save you from misfortune, no one will knock you off your own path and so on, just endure, gather strength, and indeed, if you do not feel safe, if you are not sure that you are ready enough to fight from within, if you understand that this is not an idea at all, it is not feasible, yet... that please leave, being there is the risk is not only for yourself in terms of the fact that you can be taken somewhere, bitten, and brainwashed, this, i don't know how much money the world will have, it will be necessary for therapy
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after that, just to adequately perceive the world, i don't know, to adequately perceive atms of a private bank, and not to walk, like that it works, it is in... it always works, we will not sum up, draw your own conclusions, and write in the comments what you think about the generation that grew up in the occupation, what do you imagine... their future and even if you have a story you want to share, contact our editors on one of the social networks that are in the description of the video, or again, write in the comments, i read them. for today, i have everything, donbass realiy was with you, papa!
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. ukraine can stop putin. biden appealed to the us congress to unblock aid to ukraine. how did the trumpists react? scenarios. intervention macron will initiate the introduction of troops into ukraine in the event of a russian breakthrough to kyiv and odesa. which of the allies will support france? a frank and friendly conversation - the special representative of china was told in kyiv about the war and the peace formula.
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results of lihuey's diplomatic tour of european countries. about this and other things. over the next hour, we talk with politician and diplomat valery chaly. in the second part of our program. which will start in exactly one hour, there will be a journalist club andriy yanitskyi and yanina sokolova will be guests of our studio. however, before we start our big talk, let's take a look. video of an explosive stop of enemy equipment , the bulava unit from the separate presidential brigade named after bohdan khmelnytskyi destroyed a russian tank with the help of an fpv drone and mines. how was it let's see
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friends, we are live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please like our video, subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey, today we ask you about... about this: do you approve of the appointment of a hard-working ambassador to great britain? yes, no, please vote on youtube with the button either yes or no, write your comment under this video. if you watch us on tv, get your hands on it smartphone and vote. if you approve of president zelenskyi's decision to appoint an ambassador to great britain (0800-211-381, no), 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free. call us, it is important for us to know your opinion.
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we have our guest, valery chaly, politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start our conversation, mr. valery, with a visit today's president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi to turkey. this visit has just started and the meeting between president zelenskyi and president erdogan is also ongoing, as far as i understand, judging by the information tapes. the day before, the office of the president of ukraine said that the topic for the conversation with recep tayyip erdogan will be the peace formula of ukraine, the organization of the peace summit, the safety of shipping in the black sea, global food stability, and yes... the release of ukrainian captives and political prisoners, which are held in the russian federation, and
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of course, joint projects in the defense-industrial sphere. mr. valery, over the past two years, we have seen many efforts by erdogan and erdogan's efforts to become a mediator between ukraine and russia, but each time because of moscow's position, he failed to stand between ukraine and... russia and provide his mediation services. do you think that erdogan can now play an important role in a possible conversation about possible talks not in the format of ukraine and russia, but russia with world leaders and ukraine with world leaders about the future of ukraine, about the withdrawal of the russian army from the territory of ukraine. well, let's start with such a global question that you asked, and what
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negotiations can be about now, that is, i don't understand at all where there is a possibility of discussing this format of negotiations, the ukrainian side has already clearly stated, regarding the position, well, the peace formula and de-occupation of territories, protection of ukraine, clear position. to prevent russia from lying again with its methods, sorry for the slang, to separate everyone, that is, the position is known, the russian position is also known, to record the occupation of the territory of ukraine, despite all the rules and norms of international law, there is no subject of any negotiations at all, about mediation, here you asked two options, the first option is turkish mediation. in such a global process, yes , it is hardly possible, there are many
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different arguments, but i will tell you that there is some kind of mediation, it can be the united states, it can be a mediator, allies such as britain and germany, france, that is, they can be mediators, and what is the mediation option turkey between the kimiks, between... russia and nato countries, well, hardly, therefore, if we talk about the mediation of the head of turkey regarding supply issues, well, what is called. grain agreement, well, he quite successfully achieved his goals and image goals, maintaining and growing relations with moscow and with kyiv at the same time, that is, it was a success of turkish diplomacy, and as it turned out, in principle, it lasted for quite a long time, although it is
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russia that destroys such approaches, which, by the way, turkey probably noted. but as a result , i can say that there was a diplomatic success, and his personal role here is great. as for broader issues, the possible exchange of prisoners is also an example of turkey's active work and success, well, in particular, you know, our guys from azo were under agreements there for some time, so there is also mediation in this regard, but what regarding mediocre. as you say, between russia and ukraine, this is a situation that does not look at all realistic so far. well, we will wait for the results of zelenskyi's visit to istanbul, because it is already known that he visited a construction ship there the factory where the corvette, the second ship
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of the ada class, which will be called hetman ivan vyhovsky, is being built, it became known today. that is, turkey helps us and fulfills our orders and always cooperates with ukraine in defense and military in the defense-industrial complex. mr. valery, another event that happened yesterday, but today continues to be discussed, is president zelenskyi's decision to appoint valery zaluzhny as ukraine's ambassador to great britain, despite the practice. diplomatic, despite any the rules that exist in the world, in accordance with the vienna convention, the ukrainian side announced that zaluzhny will already be the ambassador to great britain, how correct was it, how motivated and whether the ukrainian side is running ahead,
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announcing zaluzhny as ambassador to great britain before receiving greman ? well, i will only comment on my part of foreign policy and diplomatic practice, after all, i am a specialist in all issues, therefore the first position, the appointment of the british ambassador has not yet taken place, the appointment is according to the ukrainian legislation is enacted by presidential decree, by the way, many do not even understand that even a presidential decree is not yet the departure of the newly appointed ambassador of ukraine to the country. he still has to take certain additional steps, then there are relevant orders in the ministry of foreign affairs, which for some reason i forget everything now, by the way, there is a countersignature of the prime minister, and the minister of legal affairs submits a candidacy, in the constitution of ukraine, even in case of dismissal ambassadors are of the position that these steps
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of the president should be signed, also countersigned by her... the prime minister and the minister of foreign affairs, although this is a very formal procedure in our country, but there were times when this was closely watched not only on bankova, but also on mykhailivska and hrushevsky. now with regard to this announcement, which took place er before the party to which agriman is approached, agriman is a request for agriman, it is a request from one party to accept a specific candidacy. to the position of ambassador and give his consent, it is accepted, well , as a rule, and it is accepted in principle in the world now not to refuse, these are some extraordinary already moments, if they refuse, but nevertheless, it is definitely not customary to announce, to announce it in advance, it is considered, it
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may not be a demarche, well, it would be strange if in the case of submitting a candidacy. the march is accepted, but it is considered a violation of customary international law, and in principle it does not really correspond to the convention that you talked about, because it, the vienna convention on the law of external relations, on external relations, it is precisely the fourth article that says that the country must receive confirmation on agriman, well that is agriman, confirmation consent to the appointment of such a person to the position of ambassador, this does not apply to other diplomats, it also applies to the military ... to the positions of the atc, there is also a certain preliminary procedure for such preliminary agreement, so as a conclusion, what the ministry of legal affairs in ukraine did, made in my memory, not only mine, i think that my colleagues who work professionally in this service also know, this is the first time it has been done in this way, in
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other conditions, the receiving party could perceive it as, well, such a person is not very polite, let's say so, not a friendly move or violation secrets, that's right, the main thing there is that this and that is not accepted, not accepted in relations, as if it were not so friendly to us britain and other conditions. then we could simply refuse and everything, but in this case we will call on our british friends to understand our situation, and to us and the ambassador in kyiv, i really hope that he knew about such a decision, and i really hope, well, obviously the leaders of britain knew, otherwise i can't imagine that riche sunok could not know this, he knew, but did the embassy in kyiv know in the british, well... this another question and regarding our issue of an official comment, to issue an official comment of the ministry of foreign affairs, that is, it is against all the rules, well
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, i will tell you, these rules are in the textbooks of first-year students, i myself taught international public law, protocol, there at the institute of international relations, there all this is clearly written down, moreover, i will tell you, eh, if we even take test tasks for diplomats who want to take up new higher positions there, they have somewhere around 40, 45 questions on this vienna convention, and well, a strange situation consists of diplomats who go to positions, we ask them to answer one thing correctly, and we do another, well, this is not a very good story, to break all these rules and all international norms, i would say so, to humiliate one's professionalism, that's all, and i'm more interested in it here , because you know, we have people, people will change , some will come, others will leave, history continues, in the end, the main task is
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war, victory, but professionalism and compliance with norms and respect for partners, especially great britain , this is something that i think is very important, must be defended, and if we just remain silent, if it becomes a practice, then we may not now, at some stage simply... receive some unfriendly action from even partners, if we act like this in diplomatic, very freely juggle rules internationally. well, it is quite possible that the decision about zaluzhnyi was made by those who did not study and do not know the norms of the vienna convention, this can also be in principle, it cannot be, it cannot be, because, because the spokesperson, er, the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs, nadolenka. not nadolenka, but nikolenko, let nadolenka, who is in charge, apologize diplomatic academy, and i think that in the last week of his work, well, in this
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position, i am not sure that this is the best ending, and of course specific people are responsible for this, there is a name in the ministry of funeral affairs who are responsible for this, no it is necessary to shift all the responsibility to those who give political orders there, and there is something about... professional work, after all, your back must be straight, you must have some professional abilities and a straight enough back to explain above, even to the level the president that some things can be done differently , you can do it without breaking it, there are other ways, i see a lot of options here, how it could be done in a different way, so i think it's great, everyone knows, moreover, i'll tell you, it's not very diplomats accepted. professional, very much so, let's say it's just a one-time situation, but we are talking about something completely different,
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it seems to me that we still need to return to attention, to professional principles and defend them, if no person, diplomat will defend these professional principles , then our diplomatic the service will drop below. and how would you evaluate president zelenskyi's personnel policy in the diplomatic sphere, there would be many... political appointments and many people perceive the diplomatic service as, well, as some kind of language pension or as some kind of departure abroad as a departure from some position and they give a person there is the status of extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador, you as a diplomat, as a person who has known this field for a long time, what can you say about it, because there are many of us. cases, we can name some such strange appointments in belarus and bulgaria, please the ambassador was appointed in a very strange way and her background is unclear, and venediktova
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went to switzerland as an ambassador, so there are many questions before such appointments, to what extent do they destroy this system that was built in ukraine since 1991? i told you, from a legal point of view, the president, he heads the foreign policy of the country, article 106 of the constitution, he has the right to decide, that is, these issues, i just told you that there is... a procedure, that actually the minister of foreign affairs responsible for such decisions, well, the prime minister even countersigns in some cases, that's why, when dismissal, that's why i think that on the one hand, there are points that we discuss with you, but it is the president who determines these priorities, how it is done, not now it is not a secret for anyone that the center of making not
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only political decisions has moved in general. foreign policy, but very specific such decisions are functional, he moved to banking, therefore, in principle, it is possible, maybe the realities are such that regarding the approach itself, well, there was always an approach, they talked about it, there was always an approach, that there can also be professional diplomats, career diplomats, there can be so-called political appointments, but so-called, why i say, there are political appointments when a person is engaged in foreign... politics, or is related to international negotiations in various formats, at various positions, that's one story, well, he actually has an education that can be applied here, and fluency in languages, of course, then it can be considered, but if it's exactly what you said, what to send somewhere away from the internal politics of ukraine , or i don't know, for
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some service well, it would be very wrong , it lowers the status, because it is hard work, if you do not sit back, but do the work as much as possible, especially in key countries, and it is obvious that the work of diplomats, not only the ambassador, because the ambassador alone does not do it there everything , there are employees of foreign diplomatic institutions, there is diplomacy, let’s say this, well, it is broad in various departments, and it is a huge job, huge, especially during the war, it is just... just a colossal job, concentration of efforts and in general, it has be the maximum selection, but if it will turn into simply after some transfer of positions by ambassadors, well, as a rule, we are talking about ambassadors, then this will eventually, after a certain period, hit very hard on the motivation of career diplomats, who sometimes spend
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20-25 years in order to reach the taco. level, on the one hand, on the other hand , they understand that maybe you don't need to engage in such and such a practice, just diplomatic, and you can, maybe you don't know the entire vienna convention, well, i jumped out right away, so yes, it has a bad effect, especially if the proportion of these the number of political appointments is already skyrocketing , that's true, look at the last ten appointments, you will understand everything, and there is a second issue here, which can be solved even with this approach: with this model, unfilled positions, we need to somehow close the issue with this publicized by the initiative of the embassies of africa, which did not end in anything, you remember the competition, there are all those who want to, let's go to africa, let's be ambassadors , it did not end in anything, it seems that a year has already passed, that is , more than 20 positions in the world have not been filled, well, there are such, which should be paid more attention now, and norway itself is on... now
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making a lot of efforts to help ukraine.


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