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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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that you will see it, i have no doubt about it, about the reasons for appointing zuluzhny as the new ambassador of ukraine to great britain, said the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, on the air of the united telethon. let's listen. for a very long time, the president was looking for the strongest possible candidate for the position in london, and one of the key requirements was exactly... a military understanding of the military context, because britain is not just our strategist there, a special strategic partner, it is one of the leaders in military affairs, in military aid to ukraine, there they don't send anyone, london is an extremely important destination for any country, and in communication with these ambassadors who work in london, i am convinced that valery zaluzhnyi will be absolutely ... one
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of the most respected figures there, and he will bring many, many benefits, not only from the point of view of bilateral relations with britain, but also for such backroom diplomacy with the countries of asia, africa and latin america. it is understandable with general zaluzhny, because general zaluzhny is a statesman, he is a person who serves the state ukraine, and he, as a person who is responsible, she accepted this position and... accordingly , she will work in this position, but yanina correctly noticed and noted that information, sociological data from sotsios was made public the day before, where in the second round, when comes out in the presidential round, when zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi come out, then, accordingly , zaluzhnyi gets 607% in the second round, and zelenskyi gets 32%. my colleague, maksym rozumnyi, made a comparison. the publication of this sociology,
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on the eve of zaluzhny's appointment, as a declaration of war or an attack without a declaration of war, that is, he perceives what happened to the zaluzhny as a declaration of war, no, not a declared war, but in principle, this sociology is simply murderous. andrei, how do you perceive this history of sociology, which was made public literally in a day, and such a lightning bolt. the decision to announce zaluzhny as ambassador to great britain, without even waiting for a response from london, that staff diplomats simply shrug their shoulders and say, well, in principle, it is not done that way at all, could this sociology push the president's office to resolve the issue, well in quotation marks, the question of zaluzhnogo, we do not hear you, i think it is audible. yes, yes,
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uh, yes, i, i think that such decisions are not made quickly after all, but really sociology could have pushed, the office of the president, to release their decision earlier than they planned, in order to just inform this story , and for everyone to talk specifically about the appointment, and not about sociology, but such an informational step, well, i also wanted to support yanina, she is for... about the article by the worrier in zaikonomist and there were also articles in cnn, it could also be one for reasons why exactly was he appointed to this position, because for the english-speaking world he is one of , well, probably two well-known and recognizable politicians, well, politicians, i think of ukraine, of course everyone knows zelenskyy now in the world, but if you ask who is now... ukraine
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abroad as a face, then zaluzhnyi , i think that many would call a second person, and this will precisely contribute to the fact that ukraine will receive more weapons, more defense contracts, here i see a pragmatic benefit, even in spite of the possible political risks for office of the president and for volodymyr zelenskyi in the future already after the war, when there will be elections. but we don't know whether the elections will take place or not, and when they will take place, that's why sociology today is a measure of today's moods, what will be there in a year, in two, in three, we cannot predict, well, we have to, let's talk about they didn't say that, they said it in general terms, you understand that the weapons of nato countries, they were mainly tested, well, if not...
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take the conflicts in which the united states of america participated fragmentarily and provided weapons, in such a volume , in which we became realistic the main weapons testing ground of nato countries, they never had. our current main feature as partners, i emphasize as partners, and the value for them, is that we have conducted research, i will explain to the ukrainians , as it were, increased analytics of all the weapons that they had in their armament for many years tested on training grounds, and not in wars. i especially focus on the latest weapons now. here. therefore valery fedorovych is well aware of this, and so are our lobbyists in the united states of america, a group of lobbyists, including volunteers and air intelligence, maria berlinska, daria kalyniuk, these are the people who came there, and given the direct analytics from the military, all of this
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was presented together with valery zaluzhny, so he perfectly understands the entire system, at the moment for... both nato and for great britain , including, and for germany and france, given their weapons, what they have that works, what doesn't work, and what we need in view of what we have already experienced, so this is a man with on all sides, and on the issue of weapons, well , they are extremely valuable now, believe me, on on the negotiating table, this topic of the arms resource , it became one of the main topics in the negotiations with the congressmen, when... we became not people who extend a hand and say help, you must have watched biden's speech that night, and that morning in kyiv we were able to see it , this enchanting speech with very cool theses , bellicose, probably for a long time, biden has not talked so long and belligerently about
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ukraine, only about ukraine and about helping ukraine, then one of the topics was the argument that you are giving us weapons not only, for us to protect ourselves. europe and your status as the number one democratic country have been supported, and let us analyze it all, and you will know that you are in bad shape, that you are not shooting well, so at the moment valery zaluzhny, the person who owns this folder, very well, and i am sure that we have specially hired experts for each position who will be able to do it all, he worked with them, they will also be able to voice it all. positively, i really appreciate what happened. thanks, colleagues, we have to take a short break, for a few minutes we will return to the studio. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. drone attacks, kamikaze. political
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analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest spots. shot, liberty life, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. this is the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko. we work live and at the same time we conduct a survey with the live broadcast. we are you we ask about this. do you or do you like or approve of the appointment of a hard-working ambassador to great britain? if you watch us on. on youtube, then everything is quite simple there, yes, no, or write your comment under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you approve of this decision, 0800-211-381, no , 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free,
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two of my colleagues are visiting me today, they are yanina sakalova and andriy yanitskyi, let's talk about zaluzhny, about sociology, about great britain, about... significance, let 's also talk about the opposition very briefly, because why did i mention the two opinion polls that came out on the eve of the announcement of the appointment of zaluzhny as ambassador to great britain , the socis poll came out, where zaluzhny defeated zelenskyi in the second round of the elections, according to the opinion poll, there is another survey that came out today, this is a survey by the kmis about political leadership in ukraine, about who is the leader of the ukrainian opposition. here are also quite interesting numbers, why why exactly these two sociologies caught my eye, because they appeared just in the interval between the announcement of zaluzhny as the new ambassador to great britain, so who do ukrainians consider to be the leaders of the ukrainian
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opposition, as evidenced by kmis data, 26% consider poroshenko to be the leader of the opposition, 17% they called the shelter, followed by people's deputies dmytro razumko, everyone. zaluzhny 3% and former adviser to the president of the office of the president oleksiy aristolych 2% and yuri boyko, by the way, the leader of the prohibition. the opzsh party is also 2%, but it’s like the president’s office here, i don’t know, sociologists, let's say this , clearly emphasized that zaluzhnyi was not in the opposition, was not the leader of the opposition, and well, it's like 3% there, that is , compared to 67% there, 3% here, they look a little small, but the trust rating for zaluzhnyi is rating of people's trust, this is not a rating for a political figure, because zaluzhny never said that he wants to become... a politician, although we understand that he is already a politician, he influences politics in ukraine more than anyone else , and was influential
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when he was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces ukraine, because there was no such policy from him at all, no opposition, no government , except for the skillful actions of valery zaluzhny, yenin, who do you consider to be the leader of the ukrainian opposition, is it even necessary to talk about the ukrainian opposition during the war, because when 17% serhiy prytula, that he is... the leader of the ukrainian opposition, well, to be honest, with all due respect to serhiy dmytrovych, but to call him the leader of the ukrainian opposition, well, somehow it doesn't work, poroshenko, yes, he is perceived as the leader of the opposition, well, the leader of the shelter of the opposition, aristovych is the leader of the opposition, what do these data show? testify to the ignorance of our citizens, friends, read the lists, follow, even if it is not broadcast, what is happening in the parliament. eh, read the right e communication channels, in particular the espresso tv channel, subscribe to
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yanina sokolova's youtube channel. in fact, jokes are jokes. serhiy prytula on this list is not, by the way, an absolutely oppositional representative, despite his distant ties with the voice party and his candidacy for the post of mayor during the elections. the mayor of kyiv, this whole story somehow stalled, although, believe me, v in political circles, there are very active rumors that serhiy prytula will take the political force with him if the elections are next, who will be there, there are even talks, and it is clear that it will be part of the military, therefore it will be one of the competitors of european solidarity, and maybe serhii will invite fragments of the voice party to join him, which , unfortunately, due to... conflicts will no longer be passable in the version in which it is now,
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well, european solidarity, as far as i understand it, will not unite with asylum in the electoral list, therefore on on the scene now, among the people who have announced their political ambitions or announced their political ambitions, we have european solidarity and volunteer serhiy prytula, who has already applied for certain political positions in... power structures, so, by the way, he is so low-ranking, because people analyzed how they see the picture of power, or how they see the future picture of power among those who have decided on their political course, this, by the way, is a wake-up call for serhiy prytula that people already understand that he will be bogged down, and i think, in the parliamentary and presidential elections, who is the leader of the opposition, serhiy? well, for now, i think for everyone. it is obvious that the leader of the opposition is european solidarity,
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why? well, because there is an opposition bloc in the verkhovna rada, its redemptive bodies have not been killed like a hydra, unfortunately, by the system, for me it is wild, i still do not understand what boyko is doing in these ratings, which we just saw with you, if you paid attention, there the south gave the most votes for him, which is under shelling on... constantly 24/7 simply, well, you can see, west, center, south, here is boyko 4.6, and, east - two, the east has already understood something, and maybe more people just left, the south is still 46, why? well, probably because some trash characters appear, like from odesa, who say that they do not understand ukrainian, in principle, for friendship anyway, and in general, putin is not to blame. well, in short, you have seen these trash videos, i will not dwell on them, that is why the party remains a voice,
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european solidarity remains, any of them can be the leader of the opposition, well, only by number people's deputies, and in terms of the level of influence of decision-making, it is certainly european solidarity, that is why they are currently the leaders of the opposition, regarding serhii prytula, i told you my opinion, i think that he will go to the elections, it is you behind everything signs of when the elections will be, but here is an interesting moment, by the way, and i did not see these numbers, serhiy, which you just showed, i saw only sausage, the shooting was just two days. series, i did not have time to investigate this moment, and for me it is a surprise, because the numbers that i saw before they said that people have a high level of trust in serhiy prytul as a volunteer and associate him with a volunteer, but regarding political activity, i have directly seen surveys of people in social networks and on the street, i have not
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seen such closed, anonymous numbers yet, so they are not associated their electoral preferences with him, as with... the leader of the future political force and candidate for the presidential post, therefore 17%, you see, this is already a result, i think, positive for serhii and his like-minded people. well, the editor tells me that there is no merit was on this list, but there was an option when those who answered could name their surname, so 3% are those who named it, maybe if zuluzh was put as the leader of the opposition, maybe he would be in the first position , well... i mean in the survey, it’s just who, who was named by those who were surveyed, pay attention, pay attention, there is also aristovych, we can comment briefly, friends, his numbers, call your relatives and tell , that oleksiy aristovych continues his activities for a reason, because he is the one, in view of rhetoric, often in my opinion in russian,
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despite the fact that he is wanted there and has criminal cases against him, all this has been done for a long time. political manipulation, when we see an outright, bloody war going on, and it's clear that somebody who's being persecuted by a dictator, we think is our friend in this whole story, but the rhetoric that's going on just brings me closer to thinking about taking a certain stratum of the electorate from opzh, and you can see it from the numbers, the south again supports him there, so i... think that if there are elections in the coming years, then you will see another political force, oleksia restovych will definitely do it given his ambitions and personal human qualities, knowledge of all processes and the ability to reach the audience, he has it, that is, from time to time, i
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get there, switching to watch a video with a certain purpose , i come across some recommendations, they seem to me, then i see that 35 00 or 50 thousand people are sitting and watching aristov, it is clear that this is part of the russian federation, because he speaks russian, but ours too, so it is worth looking closely and watch this whole process and move on before the vote, thank you, thank you, yanina, andrii, well, yanina is right in saying that opzzh is a banned party, and it's not just about that. faction in the verkhovna rada, because in 2020 more than 400 opz representatives were elected in the local elections, and they still sit in local councils, cut some budgets there, distribute land, make various decisions, and this is also a question for the state, why the state actually this so-called opposition is doing this, and it
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is not the opposition, this part, it is part of the current ukrainian government, and this is not... safe, well, i know that at the local level , in many local councils, there is a movement to deprive the deputies who were elected from opzh of their powers, as far as i understand, it is legally difficult to do, especially since they have all already publicly repainted, the greatest patriots, here, let's say, we lack the institution of reputation and memory. voters, in order to remember who voted for which party and what they professed, i would also note, well, i would once again emphasize that there was nothing meritorious about this survey kmis, as one of the alternatives offered to the respondents, and the fact that 3% of its citizens simply
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actually entered the ballot themselves, this suggests that it has a much higher... rating if it were offered to people immediately, so maybe we we don’t know, maybe it’s in the second place, well, it’s unlikely that in the first place would be a hard-working person, not a shelter, if he was in these questionnaires from the very beginning, which i also noticed that in fact 17% were undecided, or 17, another 17 % said that there 17:18 and that there is no real opposition in... the country, this a large piece of the electoral pie, in fact more than 30%, 35% of the citizens, e. they can make their choice later on and swing this poll in one direction or another, and
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plus we don't know who will actually run when the elections are held, there other popular people may appear, i don't know about the plans of mr. budanov, i don't know about the plans of klitschko, sadovoi, well, we have many politicians and public figures who potentially. can apply for the highest positions in the state and for which they can potentially vote, well in including well-known volunteers , why are we talking only about the shelter, because we have another well-known fund, come back alive, which also collects huge sums, there are popular bloggers, there is a sternenko blogger, there is a falcon person who has 1 million subscribers on youtube channels, friends, join yanina sokolova's youtube channel, thank you, i'll say right away that you're unlikely to see me there, well, you can support someone, let's say no, i don't have the right
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to support andria, i'm a journalist, support we have bloggers and those who consider themselves not journalist, and exclusively a public activist, journalists do not have anyone to support, i can only boldly say who is the enemy of the country and for... who should call the elderly people in the environment or friends-relatives in the south-east in view of the numbers and say that did not vote, because this is the choice of the future of the country, the candidate, thank you colleagues, we have to go off the air, well, we heard that yanina sokalova will not run for the presidency of ukraine next time, although never say never, i think that this is exactly the woman president , it would be interesting to me it seems that someday in ukraine it should happen, so thank you, thank you to yanina sokolo, and thank you to andrii yanitskyi for participating in the program, it happened. program verdict during the program we conducted a survey, friends, we asked you about this, do you support the appointment of a hard-working ambassador to great britain, so
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47% approve of this decision, 53% no, well , about the same proportion as in youtube, i put a full stop on this conversation, it was the verdict program of serhiy rudenko, i'll say goodbye to you until 8:00 p.m. monday, have a good weekend. see this week in the program collaborators with olena kononenko. who headed the roshi organizations in the occupied territories? under the protection of our friends, russian soldiers. but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always resonate. hello, i'm olena kono. and this is the collaborator's program about traitors who, at the call of their heart and soul, went to serve the rashiv occupiers. today there will be many new faces of treason, who are asking to be defamed
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throughout the country, but let's start with a well- known music producer seller yuriy bardash. after the full-scale invasion, he fled the country and first hid in georgia. there, on the pages of his social networks, he compared ukraine with nazi germany, and called himself a russian. after that, bardash allegedly began to receive threats from the georgian legion, so the traitor decided to flee to russia. i came here, roughly speaking, with a backpack. yes, i have been to moscow before, but this time with the knowledge that i am here forever. in his telegram channel, a great expert and traitor. bardash writes that it was the zsu that was blown up kakhovsky and believes that the descendants of russia will study how a great state, standing on its knees, ruled the history of the whole world. i think that no one will study it, because such an empire
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must simply disappear. in addition to everything, bardash boasted that he would soon receive a russian passport and change his name, and he called the glimpses of ukrainian patriotism that appeared in him a few years ago a coincidence. the phrase "putin will fill us" is a phrase that reassured ukrainians. they wanted me to tell them. and so the traitor's dream finally came true. on january 23, he received a cherished passport with a chicken. there is nothing to be happy about, because he will soon lose his ukrainian citizenship. now even a rooster in a ukrainian village has more rights and freedoms than bardash, for whom the door to the civilized world will finally close. well, then about those who also try with all their might to be useful for russia, faithfully serve nofuro, such as, for example, the mother of kherson. the people of the kherson region are headed by alina shamrai, a russian public organization called the union of four, which
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was finally able to get out of the country in july 2022. a lot comes to mind after watching this video doubts about the adequacy of a person and his presence of common sense. although what am i talking about, what common sense do collaborators have? until february 24, almost no one had heard of alina shamrai, but when the kherson region was occupied, the scumbags of the russian media began to mass write laudatory odes about the union of the subjects of kherson and its head. as revealed. this organization cooperates with local gauleiters and promotes russian propaganda under the guise of the interests of children. how do you ask? everything is very simple, through manipulation and lies. shamray on camera, he begins to sing a song about the desire of children to sleep peacefully in cribs, not in basements, to go to kindergarten and walk in parks under a peaceful sky without shelling, but at the same time he forgets one important detail: to say who exactly took away childhood from our children.
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thanks to whom the little one hears explosions, and has to hide in shelters at night. we already feel safe under the protection of our friends, the russian soldiers. the organization shamray is financed at the expense of the occupation military-civilian administration of kherson oblast, and its members receive salaries in rubles. i don't even know how much you need to earn to say such frank vomiting on camera, although alina doesn't seem to need much, head. everything to be enough for a white person. as a non-executive director of the shamray organization, she distributes leaflets "kherson region, the future is with russia" and actively participates in political events, calls for the opening of educational institutions in order to integrate children into life under the tricolor cloth. before, as we did, we signed up, there was an electronic queue, but now i have come free of charge, the child is satisfied in a group of 15
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people. well, why not, this. children at home and wait, is it better to go, study and teach our children. in may of last year , a notice about the suspicion of shamrai appeared on the page of the prosecutor general's office. she faces up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. and while in ukraine this traitor is awaiting a court sentence and a cell, she herself is grasping at the last opportunities to descend even further to the social bottom. alina is also trying to build a political career in the occupied territories. her name. we found in the list of candidates from the united russia party in the past fake elections of deputies of the kherson region, but the traitor was never able to get the promised mandate. we see that in the conditions of the svo, the kherson region and other new regions demonstrate an impressive unity with russia. journalists of trc tavria heroically perform their work every day. well,
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someone take the bottle away from her, bring it to... and inform her that soon drastic changes in her life are waiting for her, she will have to enjoy chefer, not syvukha. from a masseuse to a clerk's chair, this is kuzmenko evgenia mykolaivna , born in 1989 in the village of novotroitske, kherson region. her father, mykola kuzmenko, is the archpriest of the novokokhov diocese of the uoc mp. kuzmenko graduated from kherson state university and was engaged in cosmetology until february 24. and worked as a masseuse. when the great war began, she moved to her parents in the village of novotroitske, there she joined the occupiers and began to beg for positions. at first, the invaders placed kuzmenko in a local employment center. she served there with faith and truth, so you should be proud decided to push it further. tori kuzmenko was included in the list of candidates for deputies of the occupying regional duma from the united russia party in the pseudo-elections that took place from
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september 1 to 10. yevgenia demonstrated real people's love and support for the russian federation on pro channels. in local public places , the collaborator urged locals to repaint the ukrainian symbols in the tricolor. elections are a mechanism of checks and balances of power. citizens have the opportunity to evaluate their elected representatives and, if necessary , replace them with new ones. in the elections, this traitor won the occupiers solemnly handed her the mandate of deputy of the fake kherson duma from the united russia party. when there is motivation, i think it doesn't matter what age you are, you are young, old, you don't care what you are working for, and when there is some encouragement, it motivates people. this traitor knows exactly what she is talking about, because she has been through it herself. the occupiers encourage her with positions, so working for the bunker grandfather is an incomprehensible dream for kuzmenko. words by volodymyr volodymyrovych.


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