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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EET

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magnets, socks, stickers , well, in fact, this is a small souvenir area, next we have clothes, here are actually presented one copy of different designs, well, and more , accordingly, it is stored in the warehouse, and the entire space is decorated with paintings, since this is probably the most attention-grabbing , different generations formed different images of shevchenko, but both young and older people... keep lines from his poems in their memory. like a corpse, bury me on a grave, in the middle of a wide steppe in ukraine, so that the dnipro, that the shirokopol and dnipro rivers, and the cliffs, were could be seen, could be heard, how ravers in the eyes. bury, then get up, break the shackles, and sprinkle the will with the enemy's evil blood, and i will be in a big family, a family, free, new, don't forget, i will change.
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not an evil quiet word. we decided to test the knowledge of taras shevchenko's poems as well as espress employees. it stands in the village of sobotov on a high mountain, the home of ukraine is wide and deep. this is bohdanov's church, there he prayed that the muscovite would share good and bad with the cossack. rest in peace, bohdan, it didn't turn out that way. the envious muscovites cheered everything up. graves are already being torn up and money is being sought. your bullshit. they steal and desire you, and they do not find trouble, so bohdan, yosiv destroyed the god, orphaned ukraine , and the shameful ancient berry will be forgotten, and the good glory, the glory of ukraine, will come to life, and the bright, not evening light will shine quietly, hug me, my brothers , i beg you, i beg you. the step he made for us is very important now. as an artist, he collected in his works the vernacular, which... became the basis for
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the ukrainian standard, and the fact that he was arrested with a note forbidden to write and to paint, only shows how much russia is afraid of ukrainian culture. natalya stareprava, oleg palyamar, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. damn the stairs, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'll make it. what, there is no health? but what kind of health is there in the sixth decade. i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital+ - good health, active life. ask at pharmacies, good day pharmacy and 1sa pharmacy, gerovital energy and gerovital+ 500 and 700 ml with a 20% discount. the key to beauty is a healthy liver. carsil gives the liver strength. there are discounts on cars of 15% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, ban and oskad. there are discounts on kombi grip. 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and
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savings. and what do you think about lakalut fix? reliably fixed, my dentist advised me. yes, and particles of food do not get under the prosthesis, and the price is good, the right choice for my pension. lekalout fix is ​​a new cream for extra strong fixation of dentures and healthy gums. so your choice is laut fix. meet the novelty, a profitable package of 70 g. there are discounts. 20% there are discounts on pulmopriz - 20% in psylsnyk, psam and ochsadny pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together with... two hours in
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the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, an espresso in the evening , informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m., exclusively on our channel, greetings friends, on politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov. and guests of the project: we are bored,
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because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible, a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. dear friends, i remind you that lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working for you all day in this studio today, this is our final half hour, we will then return to the air at 2 pm and continue until 5 pm. thank you for the fact that for the first part of our broadcast , together with you, we collected 3700 uah for the 12th separate special forces unit, and now we would like to present to your attention special project espresso about our compatriots who went through all the circles of hell in russian prisons, and now we will tell you the story of yuri hrynash, he spent
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648 days in captivity. the russians brutally abused the military man, how he survived the torture, he told our khrystyna parobii about all this. let's see. 648 days in captivity, i was released from captivity on january 3 of this year, 2024. this year, ah, i myself serve, served and still serve in the 24th unit,
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as soon as i found out that the war had started, i immediately went to fight, yes, exactly when full-scale war, gone. to protect our state, this putin is a bad person, a bad person, let's put it this way, it 's not only that he has already killed its people there, he has zombified them, and he also wants to seize our state here under an adverb. it's as if it's their land, well, it's not normal , it's not right at all, i had to stand in line for several days, several times, four, five hours at a time, then i
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was mobilized, well, they already accepted the 24th part in yavor, we stayed there, i specifically 5 days. received a form, there is such a basic one there was special training, and after that we were already sent east, well, they didn’t tell us where, so i thought they would send us somewhere to kyiv, and i wanted, to be honest, to get somewhere in kyiv, because it was the third day of the war there or something, and they already the people of kiev went, i think it's okay, they need my help. we were sent first to bakhmut, well, everything was calm in bakhmut, this
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donetsk region, then a little further east, to pokrovsk, it was already like a second line, well, and then to popasne. and here in popasny , we stayed there for more than a week, not very long we managed to stay there while we were in the center of popasna, well, in principle, everything was fine while i was there, that is, they were constantly shooting at us, then from mortars, then from hailstones , then aerial bombs were dropped, but this, but there was no direct contact, it was in the center of popasna, then already when i found myself on the outskirts of the popasnoy in the early sector, there was already direct contact, let's say,
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there were already point-blank firefights, we were in the third position, and there were two positions in front of us, but they disappeared somewhere, something happened to them, no i know, that's all, and we were surrounded in the morning. surrounded well, it all lasted for several hours, they threw grenades at us , exchanged fire with them, well, we were in the basement at the time, and it turns out that we were... we were at a dead end, in a closed room, and we could only move through the basement, then it already happened that they retreated to the last dead-end room, and that was it, there were already two options, either death, or this, or surrender, they offered us more than once, by the way, to surrender, well, we refused there, they told them , say the girl, they sent them somewhere further, but then there was no way out, so they left first a few guys. didn't they all surrender at once, at first four left, and then five minutes after that we heard shots, well
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, i'll be honest, i thought they were shot, but no, then after a few minutes one of them returns, says: surrender, surrender , guys, you will not be shot, everything will be fine , everything will be fine in ukraine, it seems, at first they put us on our knees, tied our hands with heavy ropes, and read morals to us there for 20 minutes, like, you are westerners there, why are you here come on, we ourselves are local, well, we don't want to your support, we don't want to be in ukraine and so on, we just shook our heads that there was nothing to say to them, then they took us to the basement, some people there transported us several kilometers to their already captured territory, and this one also started they stripped us , checked for tattoos, whether anyone had any tattoos, they started asking everyone where he served, where do you serve... did he fight in the anti-terrorist operation before, who was what specialty, they asked, that
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's how one man was shot in the leg simply for that he is an artilleryman, they hit him several times there me specifically, that’s all, they sent us further, they sent us, i don’t know what city it was, but they sent us to the bullpen, it turns out that we got there to the bullpen around there, well, in the middle of the day there, it was 5 o’clock in the afternoon, six, somewhere yes, i don’t know, but they stayed there for about 12 hours , they took off our uniforms, i don’t know why they need our uniforms, well, i guess they sold them somewhere or something, or they sell this one too, some even have berets they were taken away, they were so barefoot, then they were there for a month, they walked barefoot in socks alone, ah, one of us was a boy he was very wounded, his arm was hit by a bullet, maybe not even one, his arm was broken in several places, he was bleeding, well
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, he was bleeding, he simply had shock paws more than once, he was already so white, capets, we wrapped his arm there as best we could, we just took it, took off this t-shirt, tore off the sleeve, wrapped his arm, but we thought that maybe they would provide some kind of medical help, well no, they said this one will survive, then you will survive, you won't survive , then it was not lucky, they also interrogated everything. what, they bought us a train once, well, we went to a supermarket somewhere or something, there amber curds, cookies, something like that, they also bought this somewhere, gave us something to eat, and they gave us two packs of cigarettes, that’s all you can say, the most humane people were from those who will come further, let’s say this, and this one, after that at night we were already taken away without warning, further away were the russian military and their employees. ufin in a blue uniform, well , how can you say the police, then we were transferred to
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luhansk sizo, we stayed there for a month, i think, we were also interrogated there, some were asked, well, i was lucky, there were three different investigators there, well, i got into something that is normal, some guys, this is called a cell from a cell after... again several people were taken away for the whole day, several guys, they got to such two lieutenants that they said that if you guys go into the office and if you see the flag of ukraine on the floor, it means that you are unlucky, they also beat you with slippers, you know, they beat you with electric current, and they put balls on their heads, they told stories, they strangled them like that, and even... one they wanted to shoot him, well, to scare him, and this one, but everything
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was fine, they just beat him and that was it, that's it then, well, they also forced me to appear in one video there, not even in two, in two videos, they also hit me several times, and that’s all i took off, but the person wasn’t really beaten, then it already works out in 10 it was 10 o'clock... battle, that's all already said by adboy, we went to bed and i didn't even have time to fall asleep, when our cell opens and the names of 10 people are called, and this one took us away. it is not clear where, at first they threw us into the pit, threw us like cattle , it was just 44 people in my opinion, we all sat down with a hollyhock, that is, you sit down with your legs to the side and another person sits down in front of you, you hug him, and they tie everyone
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together with something heavy and so on, so that no one there runs away, then they brought us to the airport, well, i'm at the beginning. i thought it was for exchange, i was so happy, and then i realized that it was not for exchange, because i heard that one of them was at the airport, we didn’t even see where we were, where we were going, because they put a hat on us on the head and tied with scotch tape, then they arrived at the airport and one said to the other, the russians, like, say that this now a bird will fly from the north, that is, a plane from somewhere. then we were transferred to auto-parks, we didn’t see anything either, we just drove and that’s all, and then we arrive, the gates open, i hear them open, we drive in, and they just threw us out on the asphalt, one by one, just like that , they immediately asked the name, surname , position and further forward somewhere forward, forward,
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and this one, we went into some room, ah, something like a temporary cell, that is... just a lattice without a door, and i heard that everyone guys that there are a lot of us there, that they are all right next to each other, well, right next to me, i could touch someone like that, but i didn’t see anyone, and i couldn’t find my people either, and then you hear that several people are being taken somewhere, someone is there the russian national anthem is being sung, we were told that just stand, whoever sits down, well, kapets in one word, well... not bad, i tell you, very strong, then, when i entered the cell, i was all blue behind, and so were the other guys too, all were blue, well, i was still relatively lucky, some were even luckier, some were there two or three times they just hit and that's all, and some guys , well, i won't say who, but one, for example, was told by the authorities in general, then
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he was lying down until the end, they told him to lie down, one went head-on, one had his ankle broken , there were many people who fell down, lost consciousness, they brought me to the cell , first at 23, there was a cell for six people, the cells were different, there were two people, there were also single ones, well, i did not fall into such and such, in general they were from two to 14 people, a cell, but we had a cell for six people, i come, i look too, they are all blue , the same as me... and this one at first, and the first day the boys were already there for a long time, it already turns out, as i got to the second day, the first day they did not give me anything to eat at all , on the second day they gave us a little soup for lunch, a spoonful of potatoes for dinner, and a piece
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of bread, well, you could say we were simply starving, well, i don't know, i didn't count the spoonfuls, but in general somewhere... five a spoonful of porridge and a piece of bread and porridge, too, there is nothing there, neither salty nor sweet, nothing at all, and tea too the same one, no, it’s for a day, it’s for one meal, that is, breakfast, for example , or at school and this one for lunch, the first or second was the first soup and the second was also porridge, well, there was soup there like that, so i remember in december we were given one spoon how to say food was there presentation was. it was very bad , they forced us to stand all the time, at first we sat there for the first few days , but then they told us that we couldn't sit, that we had to stand, they wanted us to stand for 16 hours, i was fine at first , first year, my legs didn't swell, well, then a year later they also started to swell and they are still swelling, they stood there, they constantly forced me
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to sing the russian national anthem five times a day, well, there were such exclusion days that much more often there... and they sang 20 times , well, on average , they sang the national anthem five times a day, that's how the day began, that is, you sleep, you hear the national anthem of russia and that's all, you have to get up urgently , form a column towards the door and sing, sing along with the national anthem, after that charging at once for 15 minutes, this is charging, how to explain it, well, just to get fed up more more. then after charging, cleaning from half an hour and then breakfast, after breakfast we just stand, they forced us, forced us to constantly teach all kinds of them. propaganda, their kind of nonsense, there about general zhukov, about the second world war, the poems were forced to learn more than 30 poems, and
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the poems were called such poor ones, like russia, or russia, russia, russia, or beloved russia, and then they were interviewed , every morning, every morning there was a morning check, there should have been an evening check as well, but it was only a morning check, so they opened each... cell in turn it took about an hour in total, and we took the camera out of the camera, we moved only bent , so you can say, the hands were behind us, and we moved like that, and we ran out of the camera, the eyes were told to close the eyes, well, i don't know how to move, well, i tried to do one thing to cover the eye and this one, and while we were standing in the corridor, one of them was checking the cell to see if there were any extra objects, there were times when they were beaten just like that, well, i rarely had such a thing, a total of five or six times, here once a for a few months,
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they just took it and filled it with a shocker genitals were beaten, 30 people out of 200 of our people got tuberculosis there because the conditions were bad, because there was a lot of dampness there and it was very cold and they ate very badly. one guy who was sitting with us, this one, one fine day, he was very afraid of getting tuberculosis, one fine day the door just opened, his last name was called, and something was said about him, well, he had tuberculosis and they took him away to another cell, when we arrived in vyazma, we were given two times to write letters, this time, the first once according to the template, that is, the way they wrote there, so we had to rewrite that i am healthy, everything is fine and he is feeding perfectly, something like that. and then a week later they gave me to write again in my own words, but they said that if we write something wrong, then they simply won't send it, after that there was no connection, i already thought that
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i would sit there until 30 years old, to be honest, and then one fine day, this january 3 , the door opens and they call my name by name and take me out . they took me somewhere, i didn’t believe it even then , even then, to be honest, i didn’t believe it, i thought that it was just somewhere, well, to another place, we were being transported to another prison, especially since there was a guy sitting across from me who had already said , that he changed eight of these institutions, and then we were brought to the airport on a plane, that's how they treated us already when they flew back much better, they said that we didn't raise our heads. but they didn't tie us up, they didn't beat us like that, then
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the plane landed, and i look like this, and there the buses are blue, and at least they told us not to raise, i looked so hard, i look from the bus, then i was already 99% sure that it was on, but not yet 100, a hundred already when i got on the bus and once again decided to take a chance, i look... there is an inscription above the airport belgorod, well, belgorod is near ukraine, and then i realized that i did not understand the instruction. what ms. lutkovska and i told you, i was so happy that i couldn't even express my emotions, somehow i just couldn't believe it, i just couldn't believe it, there were some boys crying, and it was so unusual in general, kapets, and then yes a few... this apathy passed, then i was also so happy and i am still happy, my mother and grandmother were very happy, they were very happy on the phone, when i just called, they were very
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happy and then they also cried there and hugged me, and i was very happy to see them, and friends too many, everyone is happy, i'm still lucky that, compared to some other guys, i'm still fine, the only thing is that i have a little problem with my legs, my legs really hurt. well, everything is fine in fact, oh, the sled broke down a little, i became 4 cm lower, well, we stood there constantly, so earlier i had this idea that there was no bad nations, there are bad people, well , it's hard for me now, it's hard for me to hold this opinion to this day, abnormal people just, well, i do n't know, they really just got some kind of pleasure from not beating us, mocking us, interviewing this one. .. then they interviewed me, why do this i don't understand, it's not normal.
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