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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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greetings, dear viewers, i am anayevomelnyk and the news team is ready to tell about the most important events of the moment: the number of victims of russian terror is increasing, three people have died. in donetsk region , during a night attack by the russians, according to the regional administration, two bodies were recovered from under the rubble in dobropilla, pokrovsky district. the occupiers targeted the city with drones, one person was injured and several houses were damaged. and in the morning, the enemy shelled chasivyar with artillery. a 66-year-old man died there, and mornograd was targeted by terrorists three guided aerial bombs. among 12 people injured. they are a 16-year-old teenager.
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as a result of the explosions, at least 17 high-rise buildings and 30 cars were damaged. the russians used new aerial bombs against the civilians of mirnograd in donetsk region. these are probably improved versions of the cabs, said dmytro lykhova, the spokesman of the defense forces of the tavry region. according to him, the occupiers released three barrage aerial bombs. they have additional functions. layout and power plants. the use of such indicates a new stage in the development of russian controlled aerial bombs, - noted lykhovi. therefore , the ukrainian air defense forces need to prepare for new challenges in the fight against such munitions, the spokesman concluded. the occupiers continue to press on the zaporizhia and avdiiv directions. during the day, 54. three combat clashes took place there,
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the enemy carried out 27 airstrikes, launched 153 kamikaze drones and covered the positions of our troops more than a thousand times with artillery, informed the commander of the tavria troops group oleksandr tarnavskyi. zsu gave the invaders a decent rebuff. 310 invaders became killed or wounded. among the destroyed and damaged enemy equipment is a self-propelled anti-aircraft missile, rocket-gun complex pa'. c1, saugit, hail installation and two cctv complexes. 7,260 occupiers were destroyed by ukrainian defenders within a week. oleksandr pavlyuk, commander of the ground forces, informed. the equipment of the russian terrorists also suffered significant losses. during the week, the armed forces of ukraine burned 91 tanks, more than 200 armored combat vehicles, almost 300 artillery systems and more than 10 jet systems. by the fire
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the list is supplemented by 13 installations, enemy air defense, half a thousand vehicles and one ship. and we have a collection. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are asking for help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers defend our country. in the zaporozhye direction, the losses of drones are constantly increasing, and they must be replenished so that our soldiers do not risk their lives and go on an assault on minefields, we can help, our goal is 500 00 uah, the account already has 57 00, join this collection , all details you see on the screen. ukrainian communities are looking for answers to the challenges faced by women during the war, to find them.
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the ukrainian public health foundation is helping as part of the women's peace and security project in responding to the challenges of the war, which regions have joined it and which security issues have already been resolved, about this in our material. sectoral implementation of the national 28 territorial communities from 14 oblasts of ukraine joined the project of women peace, security, responses to the challenges of war, which was financially supported by the government of great britain. initiative since last year, it has been implemented thanks to the partnership of six of the strongest women's public organizations with the apparatus of the government commissioner for gender policy. when we talk about this policy and the approach of women merbezpeka. we are talking about different social groups of the population, necessarily identifying their needs and taking them into account, then forming and implementing state policy. only then the state aviation... can be
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effective, we talk about this at the government level, but the mechanisms and tools are laid in such projects. question safety of citizens. today, more than ever, unites east and west, south and north of ukraine. the experience of the project has shown that our state is in dire need of solving common problems, which audits of territory security help to cope with. in all 28 communities , the audits were, i would say, very successful, very effective, and they also helped not only to identify problems that exist in the context of security for women in the communities, not only women, by the way. and men and all the residents of the communities, but they are very important that they helped the residents of the community to understand these dangers, to see what is wrong and how to correct the situation.
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as part of the project, the valkivska territorial community in the kharkiv region managed to purchase and install video surveillance cameras on streets with more traffic, which reduces the risk of road accidents. it is thanks to the community security audits. determined which places in the region carry the greatest risks and threats, decided to specify in the project that a safe space on kharkivsya street is the most important thing, because there are even fatal outcomes on this street, and it is very important for the police to understand how, which vehicles move along this street, both drivers and pedestrians understand when there is video surveillance, traffic rules are followed. the speed of motor vehicles and the rules for pedestrians as well, they do not run across the road wherever they want, but are observed. a security audit is the first step to improving life, and the zhytomyr urban territorial
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community demonstrates this on its own example. as part of the project , cluttered areas near the local park were cleared, which could be a place of attack on women or children. he was also able to start a local cultural and sports center. ecoflo and solar -powered lanterns, so that children can do normal activities even during blackouts. we were all engaged in security issues before becoming a deputy, but now we have received very clear such instructions, information has already been collected, and it seems to me that it is extremely important to track global grants, which are related to ecology, which are related to security, because this development is already well not of one generation, but of european countries. and we have a lot to learn. in addition, we did more monitoring of security measures of all 29 city targeted programs that exist in our community. and in order to find out, in general,
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what our situation is with the inclusion of security measures in the programs that are financed, in order to find out what are the gaps and maybe they are somewhere. well, work to avoid them. lviv oblast also actively resolves security issues. in the bibra territorial community , after security audits, the condition of areas near educational institutions and hospitals improved. a protective structure was set up for the students of the local support lyceum. in public inclusive restrooms were installed in institutions, ramps were made and escalators were purchased. in this way, the community tries to take care of people with inclusive needs. we have access to all medical institutions, this is really a norm, a requirement of the national health service of ukraine, ensuring inclusiveness, now we have moved to educational institutions, and actually for this lyceum, we bought a stairwell for a place at the expense of the local budget. the ukrainian
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public health foundation started implementing security audits in our country even before the full-scale war, but the russian the invasion made its adjustments. security audit. this is a tool that primarily allows the community to later direct the funds they have to cover priority issues related to security, that is, in fact , the community, and we have such requests from communities, they want to conduct audits in order to understand , but really this road, or this lighting, or this or that traffic junction, what needs to be done, but within the framework of this project, which is being presented now, the embassy is also a donor. and other donors who are ready to provide additional funds in communities support to ukrainian women's organizations. the security audit of territories is an important component of state policy, because during the russian-ukrainian war, the security issue itself is in the first place. the active
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participation of communities in the audit helps prevent violence and guarantees the right to protection for every ukrainian. tetyana golunova, tv channel. espresso. three drones attacked the village of gorkovskyi in the belgorod region, writes the local governor. he claims that two drones were allegedly shot down, and another one flew away. a private house , the windows were blown out, there were no casualties, earlier, the official announced the attack of two drones on the city of stroitel, after the fall of one of them , a truck caught fire there, also in the village of polyana, one of the two drones damaged a kamaz at an agricultural enterprise. that 's it for a moment, the news team will meet with you at 3 p.m., then meet my tireless colleagues, lesya vaka. and andriy saichuk.
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the last nuts are already being tightly tightened before sending to the front line, volunteers are preparing 11 cars. three of them were purchased with funds charitable organization. all-ukrainian charitable fund jevago. soon our fighters will receive the keys to suvs and minibuses - says andrii oginok, a volunteer of the auto angel-lviv charitable fund. thank you very much to everyone who helps us, in particular to the zhivago charitable fund, with the funds of which this car was purchased, the pickup truck that is going east with us today, and another pickup truck that is currently being repaired. these three vehicles will go to the dnipro air defense forces. tenth separate mechanized brigade and the third assault brigade, a
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humanitarian aid truck will go to the front along with the cars. also, with the funds of the zhivago family, a generator, two banderopovers and a set of tools were purchased, such a good professional, this is also the day for the dnipro air defense. cars in the war zone, a consumable that is always needed. that is why volunteers buy four-wheel drive pickup models with high cross-country ability abroad. dear friends, we are back on the air, we continue our marathon, this is espresso, this andriy saichuk, we are happy to welcome you, we are happy to welcome all those who have been watching us since eight in the morning and all those who... have just joined us, to those who have heard and to those who have not heard,
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for all of you, this is an announcement and a reminder that we are collecting, we are collecting for the 12th separate special forces unit, and we are collecting for very necessary, very necessary things that are needed at the front to save lives and to push the enemy away from our positions. so, what the 12th separate special forces unit needs, they need a buggy for evacuation of the wounded and transport of combat kits, and they also need car and trench rebs to confuse the enemy, enemy drones. dear friends, we thank you for today's collection, which has been going on since the morning, for today we collected 53 00. in total, we need to collect 480 thousand. and we only have about 165 00 left with
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a small tail to close this collection, we believe that today we will get even closer in order to announce a stop collection later, well, while it continues, we will grateful for every hryvnia. well, now we will talk with dmytro lykhovii, the spokesperson of the oso in tavriy, he joins our conversation, mr. dmytro, we congratulate you, we are glad to see you, good health, colleagues. mr. dmitry, to begin with the shelling that russia has done today, and you said that russia uses, aerial bombs that it drops, but in such a way that it equips them with some such engines, and they actually turn into missiles, how many such bombs , or they just decided to use some new, new technique, new method use, how many are there? it was they who decided to use a new bomb, er, actually
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, we have to talk in the complex here, because we are talking about the number of enemy airstrikes, which decreases as the air defense of the armed forces of ukraine knocks out their su-34 bombers, which carry guided air bombs , and uh, the further this drydown continues, the more the number of aerial bombs that... russia uses on the front line, on the positions of our soldiers, as well as on civilians in residential buildings, decreases. if... a month ago, in the middle of february, we talked about 60-70 airstrikes per day throughout the operational zone of the tavriy operational-strategic grouping of troops, now this number has decreased by two, two and a half, sometimes one and a half times, for example, yesterday throughout the osukhtavriy operational zone, the muscovites struck 27 airstrikes, before that in
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the previous days there were 29, 24, 33, 26, 25, that is something like this order of airstrikes per day, that is , we see that this number is consistently decreasing, but you need to understand that almost every such strike is a controlled air bomb, these are the so-called cabs that have been converted on cab from fabs, sorry for such possible. kagamburs, but these are old high-explosive aerial bombs, control modules in the form of wings with a certain mechanism are added to them, and they become such glider bombs, from bombs that are simply dropped, they turn into, well, in fact, into such a type of missiles that fly
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to the specified target , these bombs have a large... crushing power, which is embedded in their index, where 250-500 is their weight, that is, the mass of the warhead in kilograms, well, in some cases, they use fab 1500, this in general, it spreads all over the place, but it happens less often, and now we see in recent days that the enemy is improving... this type of weapon and bombs, which used to have a module of the umpk, which is deciphered as a module of planning and correction, they move on to bombs with a ump module, where it is not yet clear what is encrypted in it, but
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i guess it is a barrage, this is a new stage. the development of russian aerial bombs, their warhead is taken from the old soviet fab-250, that is, a high-explosive aerial bomb, but unfortunately, they manage to attach a much more modern module and power system to it, which makes this bomb even more autonomous, and accordingly, it can cover a longer distance to the target that they set for themselves, and right away it has to to explain why they actually use these bombs, because this is done so that their planes do not enter the zone of damage of our planes or our air defense, these cabs are dropped somewhere from a distance of
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at least three 35-40 km to the target, i.e. well, it almost does not reach them, although there are such cases when here we are talking about a dry fall, when one and a half dozen of their planes were shot down, well, the use of such bombs is gradual, this means, firstly, that the russian industrial military complex, well , is developing, unfortunately, despite the sanctions, and -secondly, that even greater efforts will have to be made to shoot down the carriers of these bombs. because they are launched from a longer distance and hit targets more or less precisely, although in this case, when the muscovites hit myrnograd, pokrovsky district of the donetsk region, it is again about not hitting, they hit, they hit , well, if you can call it that, er, between the houses
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on the territory, 17 multi-apartment residential buildings, 20... seven cars were damaged and about a dozen people were injured, one of whom was a teenager, that is, the improvement of these bombs on the umpb module did not add to their accuracy in this particular case, unfortunately, unfortunately, that is, they still hit civilians, civilian infrastructure, because they are crooked, let's say it, dmytro, what news in general from the tavriz direction, what is the situation? in principle, the same can be said about the direction of the news, because a defense operation is underway here, the situation is, well, as we say, tense. but it is controlled, despite the fact that it remains difficult, the enemy attacks at once on three sections that are hot for us, this is novopavlivskyi, the former
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on maryanskyi, avdiivskyi and orikhovskyi in zaporizhzhia, so i count the number of combat clashes every day, yesterday , 54 assault actions were recorded throughout the operational area of ​​osukhtavr, in total, well, several of them were ours in answer. to the actions of the russians, when it was necessary to restore positions, then there were 54 combat clashes - this is already more than 2/3 of all battles along the entire front line that stretches through ukraine, that is, the taurian direction is one out of four, but on it more than 2/ 3 of all fights are happening. the hottest, hottest spot is the novopavlovsk direction , yesterday there were more than 30 attempts by the russians to break through our defenses, well here... muscovites are raising reserves, constantly deploying some kind of reinforcements in order to advance further the eastern outskirts of the small village of novomykhaivka,
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as well as in the area of ​​the villages of georgiivka and the city of krasnohorivka, here they have set themselves a goal and have been going there for not the first time, even for a month, that is, not everyone notices this in society and among journalists. but i emphasize that even at the peak of the avdiivka defensive operation, when everyone was talking about combat operations in avdiivka itself, where there was the greatest aggravation, then there were more combat clashes in the novopavlivsk direction than even in avdiivsk, well , on some days, today almost every day on in the novopavlov direction, there are more assaults by the enemy, and those units, those units of the defense forces that maintain their own defense there, they are real heroes who do not allow... the enemy to advance further west, the novopavlov direction, this is what i just said about him , the avdiiv direction is steadily hot, here the front line is, so
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to speak, dynamic, and it is held by our defenders along the line of berdachi, orlivka thinka, where 16 enemy attacks were applied yesterday, well, the enemy is also mostly there was not successful, although... although in those cases when positions from heavy artillery are simply destroyed, when the enemy uses , for example, a sunburst, then the defenders are forced to withdraw to other positions, because there is simply nothing to hold on to, there is no longer any fortification , and on the orihiv direction, on which the enemy sometimes attacks with armored vehicles, sometimes yes, sometimes uses atvs and buggies, and we call it when... with powerful assaults, eight enemy attacks were counted yesterday, that is, the tauri direction remains the most active, the most
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hot, and the more the enemy attacks, the more losses he has, so for yesterday , the total losses of russians in manpower, killed and wounded together, are 310 people. if we talk about weapons and military equipment, then these are 65 units, that is... among them as many as 12 tanks, 17 armored fighting vehicles, five artillery systems, one anti-tank missile complex, there are also grenade launchers, 28 cars, one unit of special equipment, very many were shot down or neutralized by the means of reb drones, as many as 312, in addition, they were destroyed four ammunition depots and one enemy dugout was hit, as for specific... units, well, i always single out something so that it is interesting and it can be seen that it is not just a tank or not just a unit of special equipment, then i can name, among yesterday's of the affected russian
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equipment, one self-propelled anti-aircraft and missile-gun complex pantsyr s1, this is a means of air defense, one self-propelled artillery installation hyacinth, one reactive backup fire system bm-21 gra. and several complexes are already traditionally video surveillance by moore m. already britain british intelligence notes that the defense forces of ukraine have begun to accelerate the construction of defensive positions in several areas of the front. i saw that you also visited one of the directions, and on your facebook you can see photos of the defense structures you visited, there are also dragon teeth, please tell me how it is going. the actual construction of these defense structures, fortifications, how many of them there are, to what extent, how far are they already ready? well, we did this work and gave it away.
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and for public use in the form of files, video, they themselves made a certain video there that is so wide to show it, you can watch it on the facebook page of the united press center of the defense forces of the tavri district, after that there was already a lot of news on the development of this topic, for example, in addition to the zaporizhzhia region, it began to build fortifications more rear dnipropetrovsk region, which already has its own teeth. horse and they approach the equipment of trenches and other means of fortification, this process has been going on since december last year, and when asked why it did not happen earlier on the front line, closer to the line of battle, the answer is simple, because last year ukraine conducted an offensive operation, and the same sappers, the same engineers were used to overcome enemy...
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fortifications of enemy engineering and fortification structures, now they are used to , to create new systems in platoon strongholds, dig new front trenches, equip them with firing cells, overlapping gaps, armored capsules, concrete bunkers and other elements of non-mine and... mine protection, which constitute a single complex of buildings in case of an enemy attack, this process is ongoing, some of these complexes have already been built, some of them actually already have, well, you can say , infantry units live and are on duty, because these systems of defensive structures are built in close contact with infantrymen, with representatives of mechanized
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teams that actually give orders. so that they want to see in what place, what quality, where to block from fpv drone strikes, there from artillery, that is, they, it’s not just that some did, others settled, and there anything will be, but it should also be understood that these are the second and third lines of defense, which are being built mechanized and with the use of equipment, because such works are possible no less than 5 km away. from the line of combat collision, because in those conditions in which not only artillery and aviation, ifp drones are actively used now, builders take a lot of risk and are under attack, so those lines that were previously at such a distance, they are now, well, according to e the dynamics of the front line have come much closer to the battle line , but mostly they are still in reserve.
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they are still waiting for their time in order to be useful to our defenders, well, it will be very good if they are not needed, but in that case, if such a case does come, it will be such a mottled eyes, here are the systems of ditches and trenches , other defense-type structures, which are not a continuous line, but use elements of the terrain, folds of the terrain, roads, reservoirs and other features in order to conduct an effective defense for our troops, and as you can see, now in the same avdiiv direction the situation has actually stabilized, well, it's common the merit of the engineers, fortifiers and , of course, first of all, those soldiers, those fighters who are on combat duty and now at this moment they are simply repelling, as always, very massive attacks by the russians, who
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, unfortunately, are outnumbered, who have a significant advantage in artillery , in the number of aircraft projectiles, which are still used quite massively by aviation, and the rest of the means of destruction. thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro lykhova, the spokesman of the operational and strategic grouping of tavria troops was in touch with us. we're going on a short break we are coming back and we will talk with the general of the army of ukraine mykola malomuzhy, stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah, a reliable battery is also included, just call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, saw
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