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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EET

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rather, the situation is different, and they are afraid to officially go to work, and they also say that this is not exactly the determination of mobilization, you know, colleagues, there is such a rule in pedagogy, it is not the punishment itself that is scary, but the expectation of punishment, yes, that’s how it is here with us all these conversations, inciting the situation with the law on mobilization, in fact , has such a, i would say, subversive and subversive nature, those people either sit at home, or do not go to work, or if they do not go to work, they hide in idleness, paralyzing business activity, mr. mykhailo, thank you for the conversation, mykhailo nepran, the first the vice-president of the chamber of commerce and industry of ukraine was with us, next on our air, dear friends, there will be maria gurska's project about politics about the world, i will remind you that andriy and i still have an hour before the marathon, so i urge you to stay and at the same time. .. this
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project, in this project, maria gurska, together with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, paweł kowal, the representative of the polish government on the restoration of ukraine , will discuss the current problems of international relations, so please bring to your attention maria's project gurska is close to politics, close to the world, let's see. this is about politics, about the world, maria gurska and pavel koval. as always, we summarize the events of the week and do it on... we start today with world politics, we will talk about the events that are unfolding and still to come this year in the united states. super tuesday took place this week, which has definitely put america and the world in front of the fact that there are two candidates running for the presidency of the united states, and it is joe biden and... you know, it looks like
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when i talk about ukraine in the united states states, i say that ukraine is not so far away, because what happens in ukraine in the war affects the whole western world, but in the opposite direction it also works like that, that is , what is happening in the united states, the results that we we can see at the primaris, these are , after all, preliminary results for now. which from our point of view is pure madness? let's talk about some of the details of this us election story. well, in particular, on monday the us supreme court decided that none of the states can disqualify candidate donald trump from the presidential election. let me remind you, we are talking about the claims of the states of colorado, maine and illinois to remove trump from participating in the elections due to his role in the storming of the capitol in january 2021. and this is not the only
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case against trump in american courts. we will remind you that there is also a case of keeping secret documents at home and paying bribes to a porn actress for her silence. why is all this not enough to stop trump from returning to the white house, and what should we expect? and i actually said that you say super tuesday, the case is closed, as if so, but in my opinion, there is still a lot to do in the us elections unknown, and there will be some non-standard situations, if only because... considering the current situation in the usa, we should be ready for some more changes. it is very interesting how the scenario will unfold.
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there are a lot of unknowns, that is, it looks like everything is as usual, everything is stabilized, but the final decision of biden, who now has to play such a game, but some say, and maybe he will change his mind, i am not so deeply convinced that this will happen , but serious people say so, and on the other hand donald trump, who has these serious legal problems that can prevent him from swamping, i don't think it will come to such a situation here, because in america it would be something new, but then again, serious people say so, and all this is possible. in a speech this week, joe biden mentioned his age, the president says it's not about how old he is, it's about how old the ideas he defends are. let's talk about this, this fact. at the end of the next presidential cycle, biden will be 86 years old, and trump will be 82. what does this say about american politics?
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just depends on how much someone is willing to use power, power and opportunity, on the other hand, what you are talking about is a fact, so from afar you can see that there is a generational tension in america where power is concentrated in the hands of people who are clearly older, someone will say: ok, but let's take the classic example, when konrad adenauer became chancellor of germany, he was already at a very respectable age, that's right, but the political scene in the united states seems a bit blocked today, and actually the question is how is it that in such a democratic system, so i think these are also serious issues
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of the domestic life, the political life, the domestic agenda of america, the ideas that biden is presenting are really important to us, so let's look at it from a different perspective. not taking into account the age of the candidates, but the essence of what values ​​they defend. joe biden presents the ideas of the american democratic tradition. no matter how paradoxical it sounds, but together with the ideas of ronald reagan, a representative of the opposite political camp, the politics of the symbol, aware of how important it is for america's preemptive response to threats from world leaders, especially when it comes to authoritarian rulers like putin. i would even say partially totalitarian, who are ready to destroy peace in europe. biden's thinking is reagan-style thinking, which goes like this: we are responsible for the situation in the west. if someone violates international law, as putin is doing today, if he attacks
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his neighbors, threatens the west, if it is clear that he has real tools for this and his threats can come true, then we must react, otherwise the price will be too high, because otherwise they are worth it. in a few years it will be 10, 100, 200 times larger, and again we will have to pay with someone's blood, in this case, probably with the blood of the citizens of one of the central european countries, because the fact that putin will not stop is beyond discussion. such discussions took place in poland, for example, recently, when the speaker of the sejm spoke rather harshly about putin, but the reality is that, in my opinion, the speaker of the sejm was right: putin should be detained with all the brutality, if do not do this.
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haley fought with trump for the opportunity to compete for the presidential seat from the republican camp, beautiful, young, determined. confident and prepared. there have been some cases of women trying to enter politics in the united states before, but it was usually hard to resist the impression that they were there just to paint this or that presidential candidate. it was different with hayley. so why did she lose? she lost because of a trend that is ruthless and... the united states and the whole world. the word goes about absolute populism, because the things that trump says scream revenge to heaven. this is populism of the highest order, and she could not defeat it. we see a change towards an almost religious attitude towards the leader. people's attitude towards trump is exactly that. his followers treat him like
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a religious leader in a sect. it is difficult to call this a normal political relationship. that is, when a voter says: i support trump, but i don't like something about him, or when the voter wants to change something. does pressure on the politician? no, you see that a large part of the american population is under the influence of their fears and intimidation, and it is fear that dominates the world today, people are afraid of war, they are afraid of change, at such times it is always the time of quacks, because these quacks come and say, in there is a better way, a simpler one, we know everything, trump is an excellent example in this regard, a textbook, he says: i know how to end the war in ukraine in one day, complete absence of any complex or deep ideas. that's all it seems very simple, everything is very simple , as, for example, with ukraine, they say, you just have to stop shooting, and then, usually, when such people win, of course, they cannot really do anything, but they explain, blame everything on the external enemy, on some obstacles, they make up, and this simple
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world that they sell to the voters works, and in the case of trump, unfortunately, this is what happens, today america is very divided, we complain that poland is divided, that everything is half-baked in politics and what ... a large part of people simply hate their politicians opponents, but let's be honest, we see the same thing in america, everyone who knows america knows that america is like this today, and trump fuels it, and trump wins. because he mobilizes his supporters, and the most serious things are sacrificed, how can this be explained? you know, i have this opinion, just a few days ago i returned from ukraine, i was in kyiv, of course, and also in kharkiv, i visited very close to the front line and even in positions where soldiers fight, shoot and spend days in trenches, in this picture is constantly present to me in the mind that this is the real stake today, hence this retreat of america. would be simply unthinkable. ukrainians mobilized so amazingly and built up their armed forces. you can
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see it in their eyes, how the country has changed in the last two years. the defense of the country is developed from the technological side. and now such a simple fact that there is no ammunition, that there is not enough of it to defend these positions, may not even decide the fate of ukraine. the fact is that it would decide the fate of the whole world. what to expect from such peacemakers as trump and orban, what europe should prepare for, ukraine and poland? orban represents the russian approach and russian interests within the eu, and this applies equally to money, energy, strategic issues, and it also applies to political connections, and orban is not the only one, because it should also be noted that there are many such political parties in europe, which fortunately do not have much influence on governments. let's recall the brilliant example of italy, where giorgia meloni
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managed to keep her colleagues under control, even partly representatives of other parties that are part of the coalition, who were in contact, who have an ongoing close relationship with putin, yet putin has managed to build what i call the putintern in europe. that is, the network of kiel parties that influence governments and decision-making. fortunately, this does not apply and does not pass. trump, for example, trump is the ideal american component of this putintern, because we clearly see who orban represents, it is clear that orban becomes his own person for him, because orban can also be a link, a connecting link with the kremlin, it starts to join into one whole, into one network, i would not separate already of these processes today. the only thing that is not completely clear is how much trump is addicted to. journalists and analysts
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believe that trump is under the illusion that he can negotiate with putin to stop attacking, and that when trump realizes that he really can't do anything about it, he will change his policy. how do you look at this question? the nature of this dependence of trump is not understood, maybe he is somehow dependent historically, maybe because of personal friendship. perhaps some people think so, he has such a character, it is about what, because he's a narcissist, that kind of narcissistic leader, so maybe some are like that too , he might think he's going to do something and then it turns out he can't do it, but you know, we're talking about somebody wanting to experiment on the living organism of the whole of europe, that's the point, because something other than trump's game with the security of the whole of europe is at stake, so the stakes are too high to allow this to be attempted. that's why i'm not comforted by anyone telling me he's narcissistic, that's why he acts like that, me
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i think that this is and will be a serious problem, but the main problem about trump is actually the instability, the ambiguity of his motivation, the fact that he so easily influences these parties of the european putintern, because it is not only orbán, i warn against such thoughts, it important parties in italy, these are important parties in france, in france it is not known at all who will win the elections, it could be marie le pen, who openly says that putin in quotes is her banker. i'm just wondering if trump already knows that it's impossible to come to an agreement with putin, or is he still under the illusion that he can change anything? this is for testing, the price of testing here is too high, it would be safer if biden won, but we don't really affect it. americans should decide here, ukrainians living in the usa will undoubtedly have an influence on this. the ukrainian
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community knows how to mobilize and organize well. poles living in the usa will definitely influence this as well. however , from the outside for those who are not citizens, do not vote, given the customs and rules in the usa, it is very difficult to influence this. this is not ours forces, although some people actually say, this argument seems reasonable to me. try to reach republican voters, explain to them what the threats are. in his speech about the state of affairs in the country, joe biden this week mentioned the need to provide military aid to ukraine. the most dangerous thing is that trump has real influence over the majority of republicans in
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the house and senate, so let 's face it, trump has influence in congress, that's the worst part of this story, up to a certain point. it might seem simple to us such a situation that senators or parliamentarians are trying to create some additional coalitions, solve some issues and that this money is not a complicated story for ukraine, but today everything is obvious that it is a very complicated story, because it is worth looking at what we have, we we have a situation where they are willing to vote against this money and delay, even though the majority of this money will be spent in the united states, often in their constituencies, which means that they are ... under so much pressure from trump that they will not help front that sometimes they are ready to act contrary to their electoral interests, so the matter becomes serious, in my opinion, and by the way, not only mine, because i increasingly hear such thoughts on the sidelines. as more and more people say it's not about money or tricks, the attitude of trump, and possibly putin, on
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a large part of the american establishment. fortunately, the european aid package has been working all this time, that is, in practice, to explain what we are talking about, the money that the european commission has provided is money for salaries, for recruiting soldiers, for everyday work, but if we talk about the american package, it is intended for the purchase of ammunition, the purchase of weapons, and this package, this money does not work now, it does not go here. i remember their requests, their questions, why this is not happening, because people trusted america, why they are defending the west for the second year on the front line, and the west is hesitating, pondering
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and delaying the matter, the moment may come when it will be too late. this week, groups of congressmen from both american parties appealed to us defense secretary austin with a request to transfer large-scale missiles to ukraine range of atakms and solve the problem of shortage of ammunition. what are the prospects? at the moment , the forecast is not the most optimistic. two months ago, we conducted all the negotiations based on the fact that the necessary means to get the front line, namely the 150 mm shells and other elements, would 100% arrive, so we discussed what we could do before ... from the front line to destroy huge opportunities for the production of weapons, their storage and other military potential of russia, that is, the matter is completely clean and honest, if the country conducts a military operation, is at war, the more it defends itself as ukraine,
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it has the absolute right to use it, but we are talking about it two months ago, believing that everything will be different. today we speak in different terms, because today we speak in conditions where we know that the basic issues are not secured, that is , a situation may arise, for example, that putin will break through the front, because there will be nothing to shoot from, and this could be a big historical mistake west, a mistake of the usa, and it is worth talking about it today, it is the essence of the matter in general, that the ukrainians mobilized, deployed people, modernized the army, survived, and then one element was missing. a huge number of people believe and do not leave the country, women, children, this is a huge wave of refugees to europe in case of failure. undoubtedly, today in ukrainian society there is an element of positive belief that everything is possible, and the point is not to pickle this still positive mood of ukrainian society in the coming weeks. how
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can polish and ukrainian politicians influence the united states in this direction, how to act once? there are many ways to do this are political actions , that is, what polish politicians are doing, for example, and this is worth saying, because practically this is a ukrainian issue, in fact, it is a security issue of the entire region, and therefore polish politicians show almost daily obsession at every international meeting, today it is the most important a topic for the prime minister, for members of the government and for the minister of foreign affairs and for parliamentarians, dozens of meetings on this topic take place almost every week, the pressure comes from each meeting. said from each cup of coffee, because on such meetings usually drink coffee, but this political pressure makes sense, and it gives certain results, because i see, for example, how the attitude of american politicians is changing, who skeptical commentators are starting to see these connections, but it is most visible, for example , with german politicians today, who up to a certain point said: no, we will not give taurus, that is, those missiles that
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can express the target as far as possible from the front, so the politician should be super-active in such times. today, there is no other country, apart from poland, which would so actively defend what that was achieved in the last two years, i.e. political and military support of ukraine. we appreciate the personal sacrifice of every ukrainian family. not every ukrainian family lost someone, but practically every ukrainian family was and is involved in this, and we will also think about polish families, because it is not us, but joe biden, in his speech about the state of affairs in ukraine, said that putin will not stop at to ukraine, we all have to understand this. to understand putin, you need to imagine hitler in 1938, not to make the same mistakes as then. another interesting story happened this week - it's a leak.
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if the world continues to help ukraine and provide the necessary weapons? i have the impression that we have already talked about this several times, that there is a thin line between intimidation and repulsion and warning. and i think that the element of fear of russia plays a huge role in germany. the fear of russia, this is a very bad phenomenon because it also affects politicians and they start making decisions to please this sense of public opinion, which is also afraid, so people
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are afraid, and this is what the research shows, which you are talking about, but in reality most people are unable to appreciate what the use of taurus or other such weapons means , what the consequences are, their responses simply come from fear, that is the problem, our role is to overcome this fear, it is better to explain, so i did not want to would talk about apocalyptic scenarios , because they are unlikely to mobilize people , most often they just cause fear, and someone thinks, well, it is worth waiting, maybe something will change, the only thing that can change is the elimination of putin by his entourage, otherwise i will not i don't see any positive possibility to somehow get through all this today. using the principle, let's wait and see, but if we talk about this shower, the shower itself is a conversation. this is just proof that even very professional systems like germany's are imperfect, it's a colossal failure. the minister of defense of germany himself, pistorius, said that this is a big mistake, but it also shows that, you know, there
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are some fractures in germany as well. because i interpret it from two sides, there is a downpour, but you can see that they are trying to understand how everything to do, that's why this process of transferring taurus is going on, and it is important if we want ukraine not only to wait on the front line this year. and fought on this front, but also returned the following parts of its territories. we are waiting for taurus, we are waiting for taurus, atakmsy, for help and weapons for ukraine, and we also expect and demand responsible leadership from world politicians. pawel koval, chairman of the commission on international affairs of the polish sejm and authorized representative of the polish government on the reconstruction of ukraine. maria gurska, journalist of espresso tv channel, editor-in-chief of the portal. see you next week.
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stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, me called mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18.15 for espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk.
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5:10 p.m. on ereso, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live connection, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, by one on weekdays. according to the results of february, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. i congratulate chas news on the air of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound. we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. premium sponsor
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team. represents united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are coming back in the ether. this is our final hour of participation in the espresso marathon for today. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk. we have been working in this studio for you since the morning. we would like to remind you that our collection is ongoing, we are currently collecting for the 12th separate special forces unit. we are collecting for what they will need very much for the front line, which will protect their lives, these are buggies for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as for a car and trench reba, which will confuse russian drones, dear friends, for today we have already collected many, more than uah 60,000, this is the summary, as
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