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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EET

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united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are back on the air, this is our final hour of espress marathon participation for today. olesya bakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we have been working in this studio for you since the very morning. we would like to remind you that our collection is ongoing, we are currently collecting for the 12th separate special forces unit, we are collecting for what they will need very much on the front line to protect. their lives, these are bugs for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as for automobile and trench reba, which will confuse russian drones, dear friends, today, you and i have already collected a lot, more than uah 60,000, this is the summary, as of now, but i think that we will get a little closer to the desired goal. a desirable amount
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, in general we need 480,000 uah for all this, and you and i need to collect another 150,000 with a small tail, to everyone, everyone who joins our collection, thank you, in general, if you look at it this way for this whole week, we you, because i remind you that we have already closed one collection with you for the 81st aeromobile brigade, we collected 800 thousand for 50 fpv drones. to summarize this week, you and i accumulated about uah 500,000. and fpv drones contributed to the vitamin mixture that espresso employees make in their spare time, and to fat for the military, and now buggies and for evacuating the wounded, transporting combat kits, as well as automobile and trench workers, we are collecting for this . so please join in, you still have an hour for it, you can give it a try. well, in the meantime, we will
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talk about what is happening with ukrainian cinema and what is happening with ukrainian filmmakers who wrote in fact, an open letter, an appeal asking that marina kuderchuk, who currently heads such a structure as derzhkino, be removed from her position and that the money allocated this year for cinema, more precisely for tv series, 500 or so million hryvnias, so that these money... directed for the military, whether this appeal has a response, or whether they are responding to it, we will ask andriy kotlyar, cinematographer, producer, member of the babylon 13 creative association, and olga bezhmelnitsina, producer of the head of the board of the ukrainian film academy, welcome to our airwaves, glad to see you, welcome colleagues, good health, actually, did you sign this appeal, is your name under this appeal, and is there any reaction to... this appeal from the film community? olya, i
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signed, i know you signed too. come on, olga, let's start with you. yes, we, and i, and andrii, and almost 700 of our fellow cinematographers are signatories of this letter. i also want to emphasize that this is already our seventh letter, we address various issues to the president, to the cabinet, and to everyone. managers bodies, ah, and we are asking to settle the situation that has arisen at derzhkino, and, unfortunately, we have not received any answers or reactions to any of these letters so far. listen, come on, i just want to understand, we see from time to time that in hollywood, for example, screenwriters go on strike there because the salary is too low, and that paralyzes, and some famous actors support, for example, and so on, but i have never seen anywhere in a democratic country that someone... against gathering and 700
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leading cinematographers of the country write a letter to change the head of the conditional state cinema, i don't know, i don't know what state cinema actually is, for example, in france or in britain, it definitely exists, well, we don't know, it doesn't get into any of the newspapers, why do we have such a problem with this kuderchuk , from where it started on your heads, and on ours, absolutely, well, in fact, the problem has been many years after the change. government , changes have obviously begun in cultural policy, especially in the field of cinematography, unfortunately, the industry was headed by maryna kudarchuk, and not yuliya senkevich, who we were counting on as an adequate future the leader who has us was supposed to lead us all to some kind of happy future of ukrainian cinema and the blossoming of the industry, instead we got an unprofessional, incompetent person who, well, first of all... absolutely
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carried out the state cinema policy there, first during covid, then the policy of recovery after covid, well, the last points were the attempts to simply destroy dovzhenko, this... as one of the few fully functioning cultural institutions in the country, that is, answering your question, all these 700 signatures, they did not appear yesterday or year because the state cinema was working great, there was a full-scale incident, it stopped working, she and mrs. kuderchuk, and the management of the state cinema council, she does not meet the challenges of the times, nor just common sense, that's why, well, you can imagine what kind of situation we have to face to... people to sign up during a full-scale war to refuse state funding, they appealed, because it really seems now that it is much more logical and rational to send these funds, well, if they cannot be used in the budget line for defense
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to send, then let them send it for some kind of restoration or other important humanitarian initiatives, because this money will simply be used by people who do not have any competence for this. it is obvious that there are huge corruption risks, so there should be no talk of restarting the institution of state funding at all, after the restart, after the re-election of koderchuk and the state cinema council, i think that the person who will professionally lead the industry, it will not be a problem for her to find these funds abroad. and if we talk about it again, this is yours an appeal to restart the state cinema , a person who... does not understand such subtleties, who is the head of the state cinema, what the state cinema does, what it is responsible for, how to explain to her why , at the time of a full-scale invasion, people depend so much on the cinema to the person who heads this state
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structure was changed? and you can, i will comment here, we don’t talk here, it’s not a question of personnel, here... it’s a question of the effectiveness of institutions, and here’s how about the previous question, when you say that, well, there have never been, for example, such situations in european institutions, because they are art-centric, that is, they think about the artist, who for them is an important tool in order to spread the narratives of their culture in the world, that is, the artists who receive funding, who create a film, an institution, work to make their support. to help them, we found ourselves in a situation where the artists are in direct conflict with state cinema, where we do not have an understanding with them on basic issues, because they are not interested in cinema, they are not interested in the representation
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of ukraine abroad, they really have their own very specific goals, and they are precisely manifested in the way that there is now... this pitching is planned and why so quickly, why without without restarting, without observing democratic procedures, they want to distribute this money, that is, it is not about ukrainian cinematography, about supporting artists, this is about completely different processes, and we always emphasize that in order to be able to create real films that today will represent ukraine at the oscars, at various international festivals, at venues, to speak about... our war, it is important that tenders for the support of such projects take place according to democratic procedures , which unfortunately are not followed today, that is, in principle, we demand, we demand compliance with the legislation, nothing special, we just
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know what i wanted to say that i just looked at who signed, and in principle , well, here, well, really, well, olas sanin and... pilunsky of the shevchenko prize are on here, and i know, well, literally, i go even just simply read the people who are here there are, and there are a lot of familiar people here, and i understand that everyone, everyone notable people signed it, in fact, nadiya parfan, for example, the director is known, and i don't know, iryna tsylyk, bohdan legvynenko, for example, the founder of ukrainer. vasyanovych , well, well, everyone literally signed that, in principle , someone still needs to pay attention to this , so that, i mean, under someone, i mean the authorities, so that there is some kind of reaction, from whom should this reaction be , the minister
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of culture has been gone for almost a year, they want to cross culture, i don’t know now with what, whether with the coal industry, or with some ministry of regional aesthetics, in short i... i'm trying to understand to whom this letter is addressed in this case, what kind of reaction do you expect from him, or is there already some kind of reaction, because we were told, for example, by the producer last week, last week we talked with alla samoilenko, the casting director. boldly, she said that people , especially men, who signed this open letter, who are related to the film industry, are starting to receive summonses, saying that they want money for the army, the signals are like this, look, this is definitely the biggest gap between the authorities and cultural space, i don't know, well, like in... decades or years, colleagues who are more in the industry, they even tell, well, even during yanukovych's time, kateryna
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kopolova, who was the head of state cinema there and tried to mediate this process, yes, between the government at that time and the artists, now, well, you are absolutely right, key people in this field sign a letter, when, well, they simply refuse public money, well, it should be more than just a call. this is already a problem for people in power, but obviously, well, with after this letter, we have a lot of behind-the-scenes conversations, attempts to calm things down, but no specifics, that is , we are now trying to consolidate the industry in order to find a certain new social contract and develop an adequate strategy for the development of ukrainian cinema, fair to everyone, and which will certainly include the interests of everyone . but it is very difficult, because there is a war in the country, you correctly noted that
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there has been no minister of culture for more than a year, or about a year, there are temporary acting responsibilities, and the focus of attention is completely different, unfortunately, one gets the impression that many people, who are also in the president's office, are responsible for this direction, this status quo is convenient, so that nothing changes, so it somehow is and it somehow... will be, but unfortunately, we are simply losing, as a country very strongly in international politics, in cultural diplomacy, those films that were released last year and the year before last, these are all the achievements of projects that were launched in the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th years, ahead ukrainian cinema has a big crisis of lack of cinematographic works, because state cinema has simply failed its activities in the last three years. that's all, we'll just get the maximum absence of the ukrainian voice in
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the world soon. why do you think there are only behind-the-scenes conversations with representatives of the film industry, there is no open conversation, and why the state cinema, or just because of their incompetence, they have failed their work over the past few years, you know, that's enough. question, and here is one of the reactions to our letter and not to our letter, in general, that the pitching of new projects has been announced, this is a record budget, this year, almost, as you said at the beginning of the program, almost 600 million hryvnias, which derzhkino wants to distribute in the format of this money, we have very big questions for the experts who are elected, there are questions in principle. the activity of this pitching, because the board for the support of cinematography, which must finally make
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decisions on the projects that will be selected, ah, today is illegitimate, that is, we have a court proceeding between the national union of cinematographers and the cabinet of ministers, which extended the powers of this board , she had to be changed in the spring of last year according to the law on this council. its composition should only work for two years, the cabin extended its powers, and we won the court of first instance, now we are waiting for an appeal, and this is also our biggest fear, that is, there are a lot of legal issues there both with state cinema and with the council, and here in the conditions of this uncertainty state cinema receives a record budget, well, that is, in what other country, in what other situation, in principle, can this be imagined, that is. when so many filmmakers are against it pitching, there is a lot of international publicity,
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this is also a separate issue about which we want to say that our western colleagues, they do not understand what is happening here, and why they cannot follow these democratic procedures, and in this situation, darshkino receives a record budget, well, that is, there are very , very many questions that, unfortunately, we do not have answers to, and therefore just some kind of public publicity, some... exactly publicity for the european, for the world community, unfortunately, for now this is our only option, which we see i want to understand really whether a country at war, a democratic country. at the same time, it ceases to be a democracy, but in reality , this question arises in my mind every day when i hear about these news, and when you talk about not entirely clear goals that are pursued not even by kuderchuk, but by the people who stand behind her during these pitchings the selection of certain films and directors, what do you mean in this case, what are you looking at right now, but
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from something so fresh, it means that a state agency is announcing... her website, for example, has been down for the third week, if you are now google it, well, the site is not working, they are announcing one of the contests for documenting war crimes, well, first of all, documenting war crimes, this is the prerogative of the prosecutor’s office of the military or the state investigation bureau, it is not the task of cinematographers, but they are behind them somehow and everything is patriotic, everything is very very very patriotic. and they use these simple slogans and words to try to cover up their unprofessionalism and inactivity, that is , they want you, they want you to do propaganda in essence, well, look, we will not to do propaganda, babylon 13 did not do propaganda in 2014 and we will not do it in 2024, obviously if there was
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a healthier situation in this area, all of us ukrainians are interested in ukraine winning, to do everything possible to the ukrainian voice sounded in the world every day on all possible platforms, but not with such rules of the game, when just a bunch of people, the cup says: and you go and document war crimes, well, this is profanation, these people who were there a couple of years ago tin serials for the russian market, they are now getting into topics they have never worked with. which will traumatize ukrainians, and which, well, well , to be honest, they simply should not be on the agenda, because it is not the business of cinematographers, well, in short, if it is just to explain where we are, i understand correctly, what, that the people who order music, conditionally speaking, have a desire that such
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conventional soviet films about the great patriotic war would be released now, and if desired, they would be made by people. whom they know well also from their work on different types of all this communication is reduced to the type of simpler, well, it’s somehow simpler, let’s talk about it in a simpler way, don’t trigger complex topics and and all such things, and maybe this segment really has a place for some kind of simpler content, but then when the state invests in its artists, who talk about complex with the world, and not when we do everything more simply, faster, and not to ask difficult questions yet, this is really scary, and yes, here we are, cinema now has to form meanings, contexts, talk, well, in an adult way by society about our obvious challenges that are
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today and there will be tomorrow, but instead the head of our state cinema wants to... destroy the duvzhenko center, trying to bring a dog training center there, but she tells people that there will be some documentation of war crimes here, not really understanding what if let them give the budget to this relevant department of the sbi or the prosecutor general's office, and the benefit will be 100% much more. this week we witnessed a controversy during an interview. of khrystyna silova , singer and tv presenter masha efrasinina, where khrystyna solovay told masha that on the people who dragged russian culture into ukraine are also responsible for the fact that we have a war now. andrii, if i am not mistaken, you were
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at the game among the group of students of karpenko karay, if my memory serves me correctly, then you were definitely there. my brother was in that group of students, and i was actually looking for you, because you were kidnapped, you were returning from the maidan to the dormitory, karpenko karoho and you were kidnapped on the way, and here you are now saying that there are people who made russian tv series, cooperated with russia, then they stopped to cooperate, but they made series in russian, this is still the involvement of russian culture in the ukrainian space, and they can go through these pitches, receive money and continue to make films, although we... understand that there are a huge number of patriotic, truly patriotic people, not those who beat their heels in the chest that i love ukraine terribly, after there, i don't know, 2014 or 2022, which are professional, which? and know how to work subtly with the material, but they are pushed aside, or they are sent summonses and told to go and fight, if you love ukraine so much, how should we be in such a case, how to be those people
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who are tangential to cinema, who love this ukraine beyond words, or did not love it after a certain moment, but loved it a long time ago, and now how should they be with those colleagues who are willing to win these pitches just to make money, and they are willing to do whatever they are told, want... super patriotic movie, want to document war crimes, okay, we'll do it, i don't know, well, look , many colleagues will go pitching because they have no money, because they have already been put in such a situation that they have nothing to feed their families, and i am not in a position to moralize them there , well, they know my position that it is wrong, it is immoral. to take these funds for myself, i find a simple answer, er, 10 years ago, a little more than ee sails, maybe a couple of thousand romantics started a revolution there in the city
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of kyiv, and a huge number of my friends have already died, and now i am not there at the front, i personally simply do not have the right i have no moral right to stop to stop because eh i would like to ... build the country strongly, that's all, and if i have some expertise in oli, people like oli beshy's friends have expertise in how to do it, then we just have to do everything depends on you, so that the situation as it is now is never repeated, that we never have any more marinas. kuderchuk in the movie, and that the state works for the benefit of its children, that's all, just that... what is needed to do, we have to go to court, so we will go to court, what else do we have to do, we will write letters, we will do something else talk, talk with international colleagues, we will do everything to restore
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common sense, that's all, ms. ola, maybe you heard if there were any cases of threats to those people, the people who signed these letters, and if there really are cases that threatened with subpoenas, did those subpoenas even reach the cinematographers. who signed this letter? and when, well, honestly, i don’t know such cases, and the wording was threatened with subpoenas, we also don’t like it, no one thinks that no one likes it, but we know that it is used, no, you know, just in our case the most difficult thing is that we have certain procedures when cinematographers have to go to category a festivals or some important festivals. actions where ukrainian films are presented, and here the state cinema has a mechanism where they simply do not release these people, do not give them permission to leave, and often
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it is there, or screenings in the hague, or indeed there at one of the most important sites, here they have such a mechanism, we don't know, well, that is, it is very interesting, well, there is no criterion which i would like to explain to someone why some cinematographers are released to the screening, some... are not released, this is the mechanism in the state cinema, i cannot say anything about subpoenas, because i personally have not heard of such cases, about vagrants, you know, subpoenas - it's time, well, if the tool is a whip, but for us it's just another place where we serve our country in countering russian aggression, that is, here olya is with you, that they have other methods, it's... not signing departure letters abroad on the presentation, it is not that they can simply not accept films, well, just don't accept films and create
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situations where the producer becomes a hostage and they just say to him there, boy, keep calm, then you'll be fine, you'll talk a lot, we won't accept your film, you'll get it, if it weren't for the settlement of a couple of million hryvnias , that's enough. to the state cinema, that's if they, well, you see, unfortunately, we live in such a coordinate system in 24, well, nothing, we would fight to change it, it's a pity that we live in such a coordinate system, when we fight with the country , which is actually such a coordinate system supports, and we definitely do not want to become such a country, but sometimes, sometimes we borrow methods, thank you for participating in our broadcast, andrii kotlyar, cinematographer, producer, member of the creative association, producer, head of the board of the ukrainian film academy, was with us at communication, we talked about what is happening now with the film industry, which
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they are trying to... more than 700 of the largest ukrainian directors and producers signed an open letter to the president, the cabinet of ministers, asking them to review that policy and remove what they consider to be incompetent the management of the state cinema, and also canceled the state order for 600 million hryvnias, which is not clear, who will produce it, i do not know, there is no signatory, for example, the famous ukrainian producer naum baruli, who, according to the research of the schemes, has... crimean business, russian citizenship , but he also has such a labor record that together with volodymyr zelenskyy he once founded the league of laughter, he is doing well, he is not laughing at us all, dear friends, our broadcast continues, we will still have two special guests ahead, lesya telnyuk and galya telnyuk , vocalist of the duet sisters telniuk, we will talk about shevchenko
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and about their... question of taras hryhorovych, but it will be after a short break, stay with us, if you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpakuy tv is just for you, with it you you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499. reliable battery included, just call now and order, free delivery is possible, check at consultants, cut branches, cut timber , chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement, with a strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even thick branches, once it is done, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use in difficult available places, complete with a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order
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of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air, this is our final half hour. andrii saichuk and lesya vakulyuk will spend these half hours together with the telniuk sisters. lesya and galya, but you can make a wish between two lesyas. being, use the opportunity. our viewers can also make wishes. i have a desire, although i cannot remember it, because it is one of those two climb, so that our gathering...


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