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tv   [untitled]    March 10, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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we continue our program , we will continue it until 8 p.m., that is, we have half an hour left, we will start with the head of the kyiv office of the energy community secretariat and the minister of energy and environmental protection of ukraine from 19 to 20 , mr. oleksiy orzhel, he appeared before by us, thank you, mr. oleksiy, for finding time for us, thank you very much, look at what i have here on... it is written, what we were preparing for, the revenues of the russian federation from oil and gas increased by 80%, writes us such a publication as bloomberg, on the one hand, and with on the other hand, these indian state-owned oil refineries avoid oil from the russian federation, the turkish terminal refused to accept oil from the russian federation, we know that gasoline, if russia stopped selling it, would still be the same. as a result do they profit from
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having oil and gas or not ? well, good evening, if they did not have income from oil, because gas is already such a big question, how much real income there is, not today, if there was no oil and oil products, it would be much more difficult to today it is really difficult to balance the rashid budget, so in this case they really are. have revenues and information that 10.5 billion is increased, by this amount revenues were increased in february, it is true, but let's look at it comprehensively, taking into account the fact that the main brand, which is exported by the russian federation, this is the urals brand, they also have the sokil brand, so new, they are now trying from various sources to export their
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oil with their so-called tuna fleet, that is, illegal... tankers, and in fact, if you look at wars, the price and or the difference between the reference brand brend, which is a brand that is traded all over the world, and the urals brand was about $3-4, that is, the discount was a small amount there, because the urals are objectively just worse in quality, now such a discount is $18. but the objective reality is that the same india that we mentioned, and the same china, and unfortunately, also confirmation that sometimes this oil, which processed somewhere in india, petroleum products also appear on the european markets, so objectively yes, clearly for...
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today they are trying to find, and because of the big discount, which, well, let's say this, the market discount, it's $3.4, now the discount 18$, they try to offer it as the most interesting price, and as a result, when they go out, they find buyers for themselves, if you look at the situation with how indian companies purchase, well, objectively, today, as far as i understand, they do not want to sign long-term contracts, i.e. wherever possible. get a cheaper price, even a bigger discount, realizing that long-term contracts can be well monitored and sanctioned accordingly, but this does not mean, unfortunately, that they will not buy it in the spot markets, it is in the markets where you can buy a lot at once and once again engage in the processing of russian oil at the oil refining facilities of india, that is, they try not to bind themselves with long-term obligations with. pure, on
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the other hand, unfortunately, they do not exclude their desire to simply buy cheaper, and accordingly earn much more money, you, you, you, mr. oleksiy, used such a phrase that i just immediately caught on, and now i will interrogate you, you said, we do not know what the real incomes are, what i i read that in many russian large... companies, the management is simple, that is, the income from the sale of oil and gas does not go to russia, the money stays there, and the management does this, realizing that they will not get rich any further, at the expense of what, and they simply do not have this money get into, they officially do sell, money, pay, but this money does not go to the russian budget or the budget of russian companies, but remains in...
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management offices in the same india or maybe somewhere in holland or maybe somewhere in cyprus, well, in short somewhere somewhere in the world, what do you say, well, i think that some part of it is true. everyone is now trying to escape from this crazy russian regime, even people who made money from this regime, they understand that they need to hide this money somewhere, somehow, there are bigger problems, in fact, this with what money do they pay for russian oil, if you take indian currency, then nothing can be done with it, there is what is converted in this national welfare fund, or whatever they call this fund in the russian federation, they have liquid resources are gold, which is increasing in price due to instability in the world in general, there are yuan, which is still a convertible currency, but the indian currency, it can only be bought in india, and therefore they are looking for
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an opportunity to buy for drachmas, for other types currency in order to still get real liquid resources in order to somehow replenish the federal budget, and one more thing, they are changing domestic taxation in the russian federation, let's say they replaced customs duties, export duties, that , which is imposed on export goods, on tax, on mining, that is, they are really trying to make sure that there is, let's say, the tax base, so that it corresponds most closely to the resources we own. there is a russian federation, they should be taxed accordingly, to make it easier to monitor and track money accordingly. you just have to understand that objectively in russia, even when they try to enter the grain markets, when they enter other markets, and the main source
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of income is still oil and oil products, they lost the gas markets, the european markets almost completely, but the chinese they will screw it up. as they will want it, because they are the only buyer, so in this case one of the sources, a critical source of filling the budget, the federal budget, is precisely the oil revenues that the rashists have, another the question is important, which means that some people say that it is possible to continue the transit of russian gas, and others... that it is not necessary to continue this transit, and i am asking you whether it is necessary or not, because many people probably do not like it very much, because it is still russian gas , but ukraine, as far as i understand, must at least receive some kind of payment for this transit, that is, it can be profitable for
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ukraine, i do not know whether it receives, does not receive, whether the russians pay or not, but if in ask you, would you continue this transit, or say, yes, we don't need this transit. well let me answer, in fact, if we, when we signed the transit agreement in the 19th year, we signed with the condition that we either pump or cut, and those volumes that today are not pumped by gazprom, and do not fully fulfill these reserved volumes according to the contract, according to which, over time , you can collect money from them, the problem is different, the problem is that to collect money from a world terrorist, who has already been arrested from him... gold and currency funds, his funds and assets abroad because of the war, well, that it's already like that, you know, it's not about anything, that's why objectively speaking, if there really is a fee for transportation, in this case it is much smaller, and the fines are already becoming
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so illusory, why do we continue, because after all, ukraine has always tried to be a reliable transporter for others as well. on the other side of the pipeline, we have austria, hungary and slovakia, these are the three countries that still continue to receive natural gas through the gas transportation system of ukraine. however, the volume of natural gas also allows us to make more optimal use of our gas transportation system because it supports pressure in the system, otherwise we have to work in the reverse mode, and this means even greater costs to pump our ukrainian consumers. if , after all, it is possible to finish the year 2024 under such conditions, we fulfilled our contract before the war, we can file lawsuits again, and we are a reliable supplier, then these are different schemes
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that someone will buy natural gas on the border of ukraine with russia, which it is absolutely, well, illegally terrorist, in a terrorist way is trying to... somehow move somewhere, but moreover, if some appear there, well, for example, there is a point of judgment and it is there today, well, again such... and volumes are pumped there, which respectively go to these three countries, and there is no ukraine there, but there are some other consumers, well, in this case, this scheme, it was probably operational before the war with the rashid federation began, and these ideas that the gas transportation system can be controlled by european companies that are interested in the volume of pumping , and then it is a question of energy security, because the pipe,
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well, conditionally ukrainian, but under the control of european companies that consume russian gas with certain shareholding opportunities, which means that, if they still have a rivet in their heads, they will not bomb this infrastructure accordingly, because that is bombing europeans, but again, this everything is already in the past, and now it remains simple... one question, yes, potentially ukraine can earn somewhere there 400-500 million dollars for these for this amount of pumping, and the russians receive more than 10 billion, and these 10 billion will then go to that they will be to produce rockets and support your racist regime in no, well, we cannot influence these 10 billion, we do not have such opportunities, so what can we do? there is actually here, there is actually a very, well, cold question, these volumes can
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go through the turkish stream, the volume of pumping through other and transport corridors will simply increase. i would, from the point of view of the ukrainian government today, still raise a huge question whether it is possible to pump and try to block the increase of these volumes through other alternative transport corridors where. on the other hand, we can see statements from the austrian government that they will no longer consume russian gas, we have hungary and slovakia left, but again, well , we have to work, yes, but ukraine needs a gas transportation system under such circumstances, which you told us, mr. minister, then it's just a pipe, it will rust and everything, and it is not known why it is needed, whether it is needed, in the form in which it is. it is not needed today, it needs to be rebuilt in a completely different way, optimized somewhere
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more than 2/3 can potentially be reduced, optimized, and in fact, it is a question of what, and we have to put a completely different logic of further development, if today it is already an objective question, do we need this export ban banning the export of natural? because we already have enough of our own gas for domestic consumption, is it necessary, can ukraine become an exporter, and accordingly replace the volume of russian gas in europe, and gas is really needed there, then in fact our gas transportation system can become the system that will already a to transport gas from ukraine to europe, but it is still a huge optimization work. this is an investment, and it must be done today in order to, well, in particular, the potential
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natural gas that can be exported from ukraine, and accordingly we impose a tariff on transportation so that it is competitive on the european market, so this is a huge job that it must be done already today, and in fact, as far as i know, the operator system of ukraine is doing it, and it is possible to somehow use the ukrainian storage, as far as i understand, ukrainian storage facilities are unique, they can hold huge volumes for this europe, how likely is it that the europeans will store their gas to us, and we will then release it to them, moreover, this is what is happening today, but just we spent this heating season somewhere close to more than two billion, which were in ukraine's snake farms, that is... the volumes that european traders directly brought in,
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in order to later take them away at the moments when there is maximum consumption, and so ukraine can provide volumes of more than 30 billion, there was an assessment that it is possible to provide 5 billion during this winter, there was a corresponding assessment that our storage facilities are not so vulnerable and can withstand missile strikes, because of this... it was precisely the trust from the europeans traders, and ukraine can become , you know, such an airbag, in conditions where there is a possibility that... that the price will increase very much in the winter to the european markets, when during the summer you pump ukrainian storages, into these unique storages, as you right they said, huge, natural, and then you take away the moments of maximum consumption, it smooths out the price and allows simply european consumers to pay less, and in fact, here is
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a huge opportunity for work and the idea that just, if you go back and the idea of ​​the gas transportation system, when it was managed consortium, it is possible to manage a european consortium with our gas warehouses, and this means that these russian terrorists will bomb not only ukrainian kazpovschi, they will also bomb european europe very much, we hope no one will bomb anything, i hope for the victory of ukraine, oleksiy orzhyl, head of the kyiv office of the secretariat of the energy community, minister of energy and environmental protection. from 19 to 20 years old, thank you very much, now we will talk about the fact that yesterday is shevchenko's birthday, today is the day of taras hryhorovich shevchenko's death, and we will talk with the prose poet, translator oleksandr irvants, i have one today some good acquaintances in the program, well, many, at least not as usual,
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let's talk about what the role might be, well, we understand that... either they are transferred somewhere, or they are simply destroyed and so on, and this is natural, but what about in russia, this is a very interesting moment, right now mr. oleksandrvanets, poet, novelist, translator, if he appears, i will say hello, hello, hello to you, oleksandr. greetings to mykola kostovych, hello, hello, this is the question, so there is a de-russification of ukrainian culture, street names, monuments and so on and so on, at the same time we have such controversial opinions about shevchenko, somewhere in
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the occupied territories the shevchenko museum is closed, and then it is not opened, somewhere it is not touched. somewhere they shoot at monuments or chests, somewhere they don't notice, what do you think is the fate of shevchenko in russia, will he disappear as a result of this war, just as pushkin will disappear from us, so shevchenko will disappear from them. thank you, but it's worth googling, pushkin was dropped off here, in moscow under the ukraina hotel. is there a monument to shevchenko, or is it standing now? this would be the answer to your question. and in general, of course, they, well, they understand that shevchenko is something important for ukrainians , in fact, and that's why, let's say, they don't ignore him, or shoot him, or under
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him, again, mention some kind of friendship, well, in a word, they know that ... this is a significant symbol for ukrainians, and it is being exploited, and by the way, after the program , i will try to google whether there is a monument to shevchenko in moscow, this is an important topic, in my opinion, yes, and one more point, ukrainians, ukrainian culture, i think we , ukrainians, talked about this with you a long time ago, they will finally transform the russian shevchenko. who is gloomy, we now showed him under fire in borodyansk , well, the russians were not yet under fire when we talked about it, but what always confuses me is that he was a cheerful, life-affirming person, well, he would not have survived in those conditions , if he was gloomy, but all the monuments, all the portraits, those mustaches on the bottom,
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that look, everything has disappeared and so on, and i want to see... shevchenko cheerful, the way he was, smiling, we, we finally , let's get rid of this tradition imposed by in russia, i think, there is such a gloomy shevchenko , and there is also one sitting opposite the university, who has now received a double, he came out and is standing there near the university, kostovych, kosiovych, shevchenko died at 47, in my opinion, you and i are already older than him, brother, actually there are several monuments in the world. to the young shevchenko, it seems that the work of ivan kavaleridze is somewhere in washington, very beautiful, where shevchenko was young, and there are also beautiful monuments to the young shevchenko. that is, in general, this image with a mustache is imposed, well, it is part of the big one russian propaganda, which included the fact that
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if ukrainians had someone of note, then he should be in a fur coat, in a cap, like, i don't know how, in a recent tv series, a girl from kolomyia, who lives at home in a wooden house, walks, walks on the tables. so this was the idea of ​​a ukrainian, about the number one ukrainian, you can even say that, but, in principle, what do you think about the fact that we took it as an imposed version, our songs are so gloomy, we like such literature , that someone insults us, we are so offended, something i am not i saw among the cossacks someone... offended, because they would always only think that they would lose to someone, they still won duels and not one and not two. and so on , i have the impression that if we were, shevchenko is this one on
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the renewed earth, the storm will be an opponent, shevchenko has energetic, life-affirming, exclamatory lines, there is no need to sculpt that he was that, he, he was not absolutely decadent, he was cool, he has everything, he has poems in neimovir. topics, for example, even he has a political satire, it is in kobzar, that is where, kapral, which ivanovych is armless, armless, and drunken long-armed, ruled ukraine, he writes about the then governor, who is the head of kyiv, and well, it would be like writing poems about klitschko again, that is, he wrote topical political satire, he, he energy, even. even in depressing things, he is still strong, he has energy, i don't think that shevchenko would have cooled down like that, and with regard to interpretations,
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it is also obvious that they were the same in the days of soviet propaganda, now what is the question, broader than shevchenko, despite the fact that this time in today is our anniversary, yesterday is our birthday, what challenges do you see before... ukrainian culture, what can we do today, looking there further? it is obvious that today the main challenge is to restrain people who will write a lot about the present and nothing, well, as always during the war, about the war comes out well after the war after a few years, but today it is somehow not so good, in principle, that well... because ukrainian culture is always secondary, because only russia, only russia, only in we have the nutcracker, we have ballet
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, we have everything, everything in moscow, st. petersburg what are you talking about, about now, about today, no, but i am absolutely convinced that 100 times less is known about ukrainian culture in europe , than about russian culture, and it is necessary to do something about it and whether it is possible to do something about it, that is the question. well, if you are talking about europe, then i will tell you that this may be the only case when it would not have been happiness and misfortune that helped, from the 22nd year both in germany and in other european countries and in poland, just a lot of ukrainian books comes out in translations, ours break through to italy, break through to other countries, well , in this way europe compensates for the long-term indifference to... us, but in fact, now we have, i'm just doing the last day of my scholarship in bamberg in bavaria, and i've been here for a long time
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time, and i see that ukrainians broke through here, to the market, to the bookstore, to the cinema screens, ukrainians came, i see it, objectively today it is here in europe. but when we talk about the market, it means that ukrainian authors, ukrainian books, they, as it were to say, if the market accepts them, it means that it is of high quality, it is good literature, because they will not sell bad literature, i think so, or it is because we have a war, and they feel sorry for the poor ukrainians, they accept at least some, if books, what about... well, listen, here the public will not buy rotten goods, in fact, we have really good authors, poetess, oksana,
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stomina. kruk, artem chech’s book point zero was published here, that is, not only, there is now a lot of good poetry, really good war poetry, there is igor mitrov, there are today’s laureates, the same dmytro lazutkin, yaryna chornoguz, this is really very cool, high-quality poetry, and it already exists, it will be, that is, the war is documented in literature too. okay, this is good news , i hope, now there will be bad news, i really hope, and russian literature, it is still, we are all still dying of happiness in europe, reading dostoyevsky, or somehow we look differently, maybe at modern russian writers, what is the fate of russia, russian literature, and russian culture in europe? well,
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first of all, why do you... use the pronoun we, me i don't know, it doesn't concern me or you, well, i can joke, i'm imitating shevchenko, i'm also ironic like that, okay, well, then i didn't understand your subtle humor, sorry, sorry, look, and the fascination with russia, what further from russia, it was, it is, it did not happen, it is weathering little by little, little by little, slowly, that is, it is still like that. and the nutcracker, and this masha and the bear, it’s there, there are posters hanging on poles in berlin, there ’s a puppet show, masha undber, eh, it ’s based on that soviet cartoon, but here you understand, eh, there is still a sobering in relation to russia, it is happening, slowly , but it is happening, but these are old, old stamps, really, ee dostoevsky or something... this is
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schwandzei's schwan, swan lake, it is all deeply rooted in them, huge money was hooked on it, and it , it will be , i hope, it will pass, but slowly, not today, not tomorrow and not the day after tomorrow, and the last question, or a group of questions, we return to taras shevchenko again, from where he knew everything, from where he wrote for one and a half hundred years. such that you sometimes read, you get the impression that he just returned from the front, wrote poem and told this poem about the muscovites , about what was happening there, i, how could it be, how could it be, what was happening in that head, i did not get into that head, understand, no one did , i am convinced, no, shevchenko is truly a great poet, and he
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has this title of prophet, he does not have it... it was really normal for him, well , it was easier for him, because he was the first in this literature, and at the same time kotlyarevsky was already behind him, he already had the ukrainian language, but this genius, this inspiration, emanation, inspiration, charisma was also needed to really present ukraine in poetry, well, he did it, and he really has a lot of growth in it. thank you very much, oleksandr rvanets, poet, novelist, translator, was with us, thank you sasha , see you, come back to ukraine, i would also add that when i really have many artist friends, they say what a poet he is, he is a fantastic artist, that is, men of letters say that he is a genius poet, and artists say that he is a genius artist, and that 's enough, i used to find it quite funny when,
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when, when... artists are with writers gathered and quarreled, because some said that no, he is a poet better than an artist, and the other said, no, he is an artist better than a poet, genius, well, what are you going to do, now the news , anna eva melnyk is already waiting for you, on all is well. muscovites attack in six directions about the situation at the hottest points of the front unfriendly drones in st. petersburg, which objects were attacked and creative...


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