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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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he was with us, now the moment of silence is approaching, the time when, at 9:00 a.m. every day, the whole country honors the memory of those who died because of the russian invaders. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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hello everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting the information day together with you. in this broadcast, we talk about the following. ukraine must gather courage, raise. white flag and be ready for negotiations, so as not to bring the country to suicide, - said the pope. zelensky criticized the pontiff for virtual mediation, and the head of the ugc svyatoslav shevchuk said that ukraine is wounded but not conquered and called on skeptics to come to the country. reactions to the pope's statement and what is behind it ? soldiers from nato countries are already in ukraine - said the minister of foreign affairs of poland , radoslav sikorskyi. he thanked the countries that - i quote: take this risk. but did not begin
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to list them, what is it about, what can the discussion of the leaders of the eu countries about foreign troops in ukraine lead to? system read and do it loudly, - said the general director of the tylu state operator arsen jumadilo. he claims that they are trying to discredit and disrupt the reform of food procurement for the military. who does this? at the same time, dzhumadilov himself is criticized for the failed reform, so what is happening with procurement for the armed forces. we talk about events in ukraine about... important statements and the situation at the front every weekday from 9:00 a.m. subscribe to the radio svoboda channel so you don't miss important broadcasts. nato soldiers from nato countries are already in ukraine. this statement was made by the minister minister of foreign affairs of poland radosław sikorski during a conference in the polish sejm dedicated to the 25th anniversary of poland's membership in nato. and yet, he did not specify exactly which countries are in question. sikorsky's statement came after french's words. according to the polish
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minister of foreign affairs, nato countries must also take steps in response to russian aggression and added that not only russia can warn against escalation, but also nato countries must prepare mirror responses. the troops of nato countries are already in ukraine, and i want to to thank the ambassadors of those countries who took such a risk, they themselves know better who... this is not something unthinkable, so i appreciate the french initiative in recent days, it has a good intention, it means that the president of russia should think about what our next move, not that he was sure we wouldn't do anything creative and could plan his scenarios that way. but italian defense minister guido crozeto spoke out against the idea of ​​deploying western troops in ukraine. he said that such a step would be a hindrance. with
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crazeto noted that russia's transition to military lines makes it more flexible than the west, writes the italian lastampa. but the deputy ambassador of russia to the un, dmytro polyanskyi , reacted to statements about sending nato troops to ukraine. the russian news agency tas quotes him as saying. such a perspective causes a string of irresponsible european politicians, a desire to seek escalation of the ukrainian conflict, to bring it to a new level, already. non-mediated, direct confrontation of russia in nato and nato. and here in the usa, in the usa they emphasize that they are american there are no soldiers at war in ukraine, and kyiv did not ask washington to send troops. us president joe biden stated this in his speech to congress , and there he emphasized that ukraine needs american weapons first of all. yevhen dykiy, expert internationalist, scientist and veteran of the aidar battalion, joins our broadcast. i congratulate you.
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to our broadcast, thank you for participating, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, what do you think the statement that nato soldiers are already in ukraine means? well, i guess... first, this may be partly true, i fully admit that instructors from some nato countries can work in our training centers, and i also admit that in those units of ours where western equipment is serviced, in particular, where it is repaired, there may well be it is time for advisers, consultants from those countries that have been using such equipment for many years to appear, of course, again, as i emphasize the word allow. here's some kind of information that i'm so specific about this at the moment i don’t own it and thank god this war is already too transparent, we and you and i are civilians and we know too much about what is being done behind the scenes of this war, it’s good that at least this
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information is very blurred and inaccurate, but what i definitely i can say that there are no units and no military service at the front. there are definitely no members of the nato countries, that is, no one is fighting for us, somewhere in the rear , maybe someone sometimes helps us, of course, we now carry foreign volunteers by the arm, this is a different story, they are here as private individuals, they are not in at this moment, they are serving in the armies of their countries, even those of them who have served there before and are professional soldiers there, but that is a completely different story, they are servicemen of the ukrainian army of foreign origin, and not military servicemen. nato countries, yes, but in general, it seems to me that radislav sikorsky picked up such a very powerful, i would say, very decisive diplomatic game that emmanuel macron started, and this game itself, in general, this statement of macron and the whole discussion that it provoked, it is
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definitely very beneficial for us, i would even ventured to say that macron's statement about the possible dispatch of troops to us gave us much more benefit, a... than the actual dispatch of these french troops would have given, so why this benefit, mr. yevgeny, what is this benefit, can it lead to to the point that, well , this kind of real help from nato member countries will be with the troops? well, actually, the benefit is in two aspects, you started with one, there is such a concept, what is called the overton window, when something is considered absolutely impossible, something like the fact that the sun will rise tomorrow will descend in the west, not in the east, and suddenly someone starts discussing it. and first there is a reaction, no, this cannot happen, because it can never happen, and then it begins, well, and if this happened, what would it give, pros and cons, everything, this is how overton's window opens and something that even it was not discussed at all, because simply by definition it was impossible, and now it becomes one of
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the possibilities and further they begin to be compared, pluses, minuses, worth, not worth, and this, this is the first thing that macron did, that is, in principle, with this very statement. .. this discussion he potentially made direct military intervention possible, until two years ago this was not considered even in theory, but much more important, i would say even different, the fact is, what is this statement by macron at all now, for the first time someone started playing with putin in that a game in which putin had previously played one goal. this game is called military-political blackmail and bluff. the fact is that in fact russia does not want a direct conflict with nato. russia... is very afraid of a direct military confrontation with nato, because it knows very well, in fact, what it will be like the result of this clash, they had a precedent in the 20th year, the only direct clash of the americans with the army with the russians in syria in our century, you remember something there then, something was not shared by the towers of the kremlin
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and they angered the wagners through diplomatic channels, they said our there is none, well, they are not there, but the only battle between the russians and the americans in the 21st century lasted about an hour, more than 200 years... the russians did not kill any americans, this is the technological difference between russia and nato, and the russians actually know it very well, they are absolutely not going to fight directly with nato, they are terribly afraid of this, but here is what you have to give credit to the old kgb officer putin, he knows how to play poker brilliantly, but keeping a poker face and raising the stakes is his strongest point, he bluffs brilliantly, and the west, unfortunately, the whole the time for this bluff was running out, but putin... threatened what he himself actually fears, a direct confrontation, and it turned out that nato is also very afraid of this, and not only the europeans, biden in fact is the most typical victim of such putin blackmail, and suddenly appears european a leader who says: if you threaten us with a direct confrontation, it is not that we are not
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afraid of it, but we are still considering the issue of not waiting for you to attack one of us, but to send troops to ukraine right now, and it is very important that the leader of a nuclear country said this. that is, it completely nullifies the nuclear component of this putin blackmail, which is a direct collision, this will be a collision with a nuclear state, yes, and here another nuclear state accepts this challenge and says: yes... and we are ready, and we, on the contrary, may still be the first step let's do it, and you saw after that what a hysteria there was in the swamps, because for the first time someone played with them their game, in which they had previously beaten the same goal, it turned out that you can play together, and here macro, in fact it doesn't matter how the events will develop further, whether we will ever have some senate divisions, that is precisely what macron has done this diplomatic move, it is probably the strongest diplomatic blow against russia in these two years. yes, and this is so unexpected, let's say it was, and, in these two years, but really interesting, to
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what will it lead to and from whom, yes, but nevertheless, two years ago i started by trying to call putin and negotiate with him, but you see, people learn, people learn, everything changes, the world changes, i want i have time to ask you about the information we received in the media that general valery zalozhny and lieutenant general serhiy sheptala have been released from military service due to their health, and about it to ukrainian journalists. the truth was reported by their sources in the ministry of defense, here is a question for you, is it normal that a combatant general and more than one, as we see with experience, turns out to be irrelevant to the army in general, and also, what does such decisions of the vlk mean, if it is really true? no, it's really true, and by the way, i personally knew about the fact that they were undergoing vlk a few weeks ago, but i just never publicly commented on it, it's not my business, well, what, well, you and i all understand , what exactly... the two generals who commanded the troops, mainly from
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the command bunker, well, they were the ones who lost their health the most during these two years, of course, that every, every kvlk will understand this, this is not an ordinary ordinary infantryman, who can undergo treatment after a wound and even with the amputation of a limb , he does not always get unfit, but quite often now and then, forgive me to the people there with one.. . . . there is no limb without a limb and so on, the vlc tries not always, the truth depends a lot on the doctor, but we, i know a lot of cases when people, even amputees, are given limited fitness instead of unfitness, well, well, well, what is their loss of health in comparison with a loss the health of the two generals, who spent as much nerve, as much strength, you know, if you ask the question in the plane, is it normal that two generals do not continue their service, and you... somewhere on a civilian, then this question is exclusively for them, i will remind you that mr. yevgeny, is there not such
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a political, important point here, they are not sent to the vlk by force, they had to go there voluntarily to the vlk, that is, we are talking about their choice, and i think that about moral and ethical side of it, i think it is logical to ask them, mr. yevgeny, and what is done, if there is not, there is no such decision, for example, the vlk, then what is done with the former head after he is removed from this... position, he must be in the service somewhere or under someone's command, as it seems, he he is transferred to the reserve of the new commander, and the new commander can either keep him in this reserve or offer him some other military position, well, let’s put it this way, well, it’s easy for a private, like i was, i’m a simple soldier, it’s easy tell the soldier what he would do on the spot general, i immediately make this clarification, but i don’t know, i would... for example, in the place of both of these generals, i would ask: well, okay, let us, each of us, let us, for example,
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command a brigade, let us form a brigade and take her to the front, and if they had already been denied this, well, then i don’t know what i would have done, maybe i would have really gone to the vlk, but as far as i know, they went to the vlk right away, well, the positions are really of that level, as they held before, well, there is simply no such level of positions in the new head committee for them. send a request for an interview with mr. sheptala and mr. zaluzhnyi, and of course it would be interesting to hear their version of how it happened, but thank you for the clarification, explanation and your version, evgeny dyky, expert internationalist, scholar veteran of the battalion aidar was a guest of svoboda ranok. although not directly, volodymyr zelenskyi responded to the pope's words about negotiations and the white flag in the russian-ukrainian war. the ukrainian president said that the burnt white walls of houses and churches are beautiful. they conditionally say who should stop in order for the war to end. i
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thank you to every ukrainian chaplain, who with the army, in the defense forces, there, on the front lines, protect life and humanity, support both with prayer, and conversation, and deed, this is what a church with people is, and not 2,500 km away, somewhere there to engage in virtual mediating between the one who... wants to live and the one who wants to destroy you. earlier, in an interview with the swiss media, francis of paperym said that, i quote: the one who has courage will be stronger. raising the white flag and negotiating is brave. this statement of the pontiff was criticized in ukraine and abroad. word negotiation is a bold word. when you see that you are losing, that things are not going very well, you need to have the courage to negotiate. shame on you, but how many deaths will it end in? negotiate in time,
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look for a country to mediate. don't hesitate to negotiate before the situation gets worse. the press service of the vatican stated that in his words, with regard to ukraine, pope francis intended to call for a cease-fire and restore the courage of negotiations, but he did not mean exactly surrender. minister in poland of foreign affairs said that the pope should call on putin to withdraw his troops. the german bundestag also criticized pope francis' statement, and the ukrainian foreign ministry invited the head of the catholic church to ukraine. meanwhile, ukrainian. the ambassador to the vatican will soon have a meeting with the pontiff, andriy yuraš will meet with pope francis in order to, quote: convey to the pope several points that are basic for ukraine. in an exclusive comment for rfe/rl, he also explained why it is important to once again explain to the priest that ukraine is a victim, and should i contact russia? let's listen to a fragment of the conversation between the ukrainian ambassador to
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the vatican and my colleague oleg galev. i think you understand very well that... my reaction, like that of the absolute majority of ukrainian citizens, is very disturbing, and obviously mostly critical. we subconsciously understand that the pope wants and offers models of peace, unfortunately, he applies them in forms that are not completely acceptable for ukraine, for ukrainian society. the second thing i have to say is very big... this is not only for me, but for the whole ukrainian society, this is not the first time when we have, well, in such a paradigm, the opinions expressed by the pope, francis, that is, but on the other hand, we must understand that such statements do not reflect the position of the apostolic
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capital, the vatican city state, the state secretariat, more ... this is his personal line, personal views, respectively, this entire controversial plane of discussion, it is connected precisely with the corresponding statements of the pope himself. i want to emphasize, and this is very important, that our position began to be supported by special messages and promoted by managers embassies of leading countries, accredited. at the holy see, er, we are currently developing models under the conditions when the pope does not show a desire to er be in ukraine in the near future, although he does not rule out that this may happen in some prospect of the arrival of other prominent figures in ukraine representatives of the vatican.
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actually, this situation forces her to inform the pope once again. about her several points that are, well, basic for us, we should address not to ukraine, but to russia, ukraine is a victim, ukraine is a state that cannot in any case to accept the model of this raising of the white flag, because for us it is a matter of life and death for the entire society, for our identity, and there are a few other points that... of course follow from this statement , we will next report, explain and talk with the pope about all things. viktoriya vdovichenko, program director of security studies at the center for defense strategies, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning, studio, i greet you. the pope's phrase about raising the white flag is a coincidence
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your opinion, or the inaccuracy, maybe , or it could be part of the discussion that russia is... introducing, you know, probably the third option, because notice the date that this interview was recorded with the pope , has i mean, it was written a month ago, to be precise, at the beginning of february, but why did it appear and attract such incredible attention in the press only at the beginning of march, that is, such a, you know, massive campaign, first the visit of president zelensky to recep tayyip erdogan to turkey, where there was a call for peace held so peaceful. and then parallel to that, literally the next day there was information that the pontiff is calling for the raising of the white flag, that is, you know, how communications, they are limitless, but first of all, how do we select news and combine or we combine them together, probably , which determines a certain strategy, therefore, in my
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personal opinion, this is quite such a provocative campaign, which was just massively presented and not only in ukraine, it was primarily aimed at the western world, the discussion of what really need such a large number of victims, narratives. that a lot of people are suffering , so it is necessary, as they say, not just to cease fire, but also to recognize this moment of surrender, and it does not matter how it was said, because as you know, there was even a phrase partially taken out of context, but it is presented in the media with exactly such a half-hearted meaning, and this is exactly what matters, because, excuse me for taftology, this meaning, or narrative or context. it is precisely what affects us subconsciously, we cannot measure it somehow in a material way, yes, but we can see the impact it has, imagine how it was perceived in
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italian society, which words of the pope are actually very powerful words, as well as representatives of, for example, the latin american world, yes, that is, where the pope has origin , papa bergoglio, from argentina, for example, but south america, when we talk about how important the global south is to us, then... so here i see personally , you know, a lot of audience targeting and checking how it will be react, but first of all, you know, not everyone reactions, they reach, for example, these specified parts of the world at the same time, that is, for example, the words of the ministers of latvia or poland, which you announced just before my inclusion, i do not know to what extent they will be transmitted to latin america or to african countries, where it is important . the pope, and his place, his words, they are a priori weighty, and here i say again, it is very important that we communicate correctly and our line, and that the words
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of the pope are not something new, and what we know that there is a special pontiff who is engaged in the so-called search for ways to end the war and just peace, i am talking about cardinal mateo dzubti, this is nothing new, a person who is specially authorized, let's say, to find such a negotiating framework and such a way, has been to ukraine more than once, and, as you can see, here in this very context of the interview it is not quoted, by the way, no explanation is given, that is, in my opinion, if we still think critically and look through the eyes of western audiences, the words will of course stick, because no one has ever understood the words of the pope so deeply before criticized, because he still considers it... it is in labkah the messenger of god, and if he says so, then imagine the idea, or what, what impact these words had on these target audiences
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that we talked about, victoria, if we talk about this in general, well, these theses, these proposals, they are not are sounding for the first time, and not for the last , obviously, the president of turkey once again began to raise the issue of negotiations, invited turkey to the platform and precisely so that russia would be involved there, well, we heard zelensky's answer that it is impossible now. ukraine does not see this, again, in your opinion, this is part of some big one discussions that incline ukraine to negotiations with russia, perhaps incline to capitulation? well, let's put it this way, the talk is absolutely true, and it is indeed, as you can see , as i mentioned earlier, one news after another, that is, even the consistency is evident, despite the fact that i again the attention of our tv viewers and listeners that the interview, ah... the pope was recorded a month before it was for some reason picked up by the reuters agency, and then accordingly reproduced and published by all other agencies, and let's say, really,
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during the visit of president zelensky, as i already mentioned, and to turkey, such and such negotiations were conducted, and that's why here you see, let's say in terms of communication, we received such a crazy campaign, which... calls for a negotiation framework, but what is this negotiating framework, here , you know, everyone understands it differently, that is, we perfectly understand what it should be, and both president zelenskyi has already reacted, it is necessary to quote the words of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba's words are those of the pontiff, as well as those of recep tayyip erdoğan, as well as those of other ministries, including those of the baltic countries, but not only. countries of the so-called eastern europe, but whether these words were heard in all corners of the world in quotation marks, this is a big question, because in fact, victoria vdovychenko, program
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director of security studies of the center for defense strategies was a guest of svoboda ranok. the first oscar for ukraine, which, as they say, would be better if it didn't happen, and whether procurement for the armed forces is under threat, we'll talk about it later, but in the meantime, subscribe to our channel and write a comment under this video, from where you watch us and. what is the top topic this morning for you? the ministry of defense announced the conspiracy of suppliers and, as a result, the disruption of auctions for food for the armed forces. arsen jumadilov, the head of the recently created state rear operator agency, stated this at a briefing. dzhumadilov said that the kyiv district administrative court did not satisfy the claim of one of the suppliers, who challenged the requirements in the
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purchase contract. products for the army, and after that the suppliers are coordinated, according to the words zhomadilov, withdrew their proposals, which the head of the dot agency sees as pressure on the ministry of defense and reluctance to comply with the terms of the new contracts. the state operator tylu presented a new model of providing military food in february this year. since then, as they say, the agency 's lawyers have received 10 lawsuits in court regarding new procurement procedures, suppliers, they say, want to preserve the procurement process that worked before... the reforms, and ex-nard boryslav bereza in the disruption of bidding for the supply of products to of the army blames the dot agency itself manager zhumadilov. he said that the department twice radically changed the terms of the auctions, and because of the inadequate terms, no one came to them. arsen dzhumodilov, general director of the state operator tylu, joins our conversation. arsen, i welcome you to our broadcast. thank you for joining. i congratulate you. last
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week you announced about... an attempt to disrupt food auctions for the armed forces, what facts do you have to support this and why do you think this is happening now? the facts are quite obvious, we had auctions scheduled for all the lots, which means that there were suppliers who offered their services, but literally one day before the opening of all procedures, when the auctions were supposed to take place , such offers were withdrawn, accordingly... the auctions did not take place, this is an attempt to really disrupt the procurement of food for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, this the attempt was unsuccessful, i can already inform you, because we are currently moving according to the plan to contract the entire volume of food by march 15, we are doing it in a way within the limits and on the basis of the current legislation of the norms that regulate
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such situations when there is urgency. with the need for what the customer has to do , what the suppliers who work for the ministry today have lost, of course, it will not be ignored, we have already appealed to the anti-monopoly committee that they have conducted an investigation into coordinated anti-competitive actions, and i think that in fact there are reasons to talk about not only an administrative offense. in the sense of anti-competitive actions, which must be established by the amcu, but also about criminal offenses, in which case the law enforcement authorities have already given an assessment. arsen, am i correct in my understanding that there will be no burst of purchases, because for now you will conclude direct contracts with suppliers? we 're already concluding them, when we say direct, it doesn't mean that without applying some procedure, as recently as last week we... we
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announced the first round of accepting commercial proposals in response to our request, we did it publicly, we, well, we also sent out these requests for commercial proposals to all those suppliers who came to ours procedures earlier, or which today supplies for the ministry of defense, all these requests were received, in response to these requests we received proposals, all the proposals that we received were evaluated for compliance with the qualifications in... that is , we are talking about the fact that this there must be capable suppliers who are actually producers of food products, who have experience in supplying large volumes of food products for customers, we have a response from the market of those suppliers who for years, and maybe even decades, could never enter into contracts directly with the ministry. arsene, if...


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