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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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the issue of priority is clear that completely different things are important to the white house now , so we should emphasize that, but in fact it is a global, strategic problem that our western allies are still not ready to quickly respond to challenges to international security, which the russian federation is trying to put before them as quickly as possible. mr. taras, while you were explaining to us about the nuances of customs clearance of tanks, macron postponed his visit to... ukraine for the third time, after his loud and really important statements for us, then we wait every time, wait, wait, not here, wait, wait, wait, not here, what is it? i think there are two moments here again, and the first moment, obviously, it can be more so safe, yes, well, because the next weekend is, ah, the days of the so-called elections, yes, presidential elections in russia, and obviously, as for such significant dates, especially considering that russia...bunker det generally
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put the topic of war on the number one spot in his so-called election campaign, it is obvious that here the risks for all of us are increasing, because we understand very well that the putin regime can time the aggravation not only of the situation at the front, but there is also an increased risk of mass attacks, and the second point, obviously, that the president macron, announcing... about this actually very good initiative of his that western troops, troops of western allies can be deployed on the territory of ukraine without any problems, it is an individual decision each of the allies to send or not to send these troops, well, nato will not formally have anything to do with it, but the putin regime, it will be put in a situation of strategic uncertainty, because they will rehearse there that these are nato troops, but in fact, well, formally it will not be so. to say
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that it will not be a nato contingent and it will not be a nato mission in ukraine and it will be the same story turned against the russians that the russians used against us in crimea, unidentified little men, and here they are also unidentified western troops, nato troops are not nato troops, but let the russians think and let their propaganda spin as it wants. obviously, mr. macron wanted to bring to kyiv a ready-made solution with a ready-made pool of allies who, so to speak, have the political will to start such missions. but we see that mr. macron now has certain problems with gathering, so to speak, a core of allied countries that would finally and officially agree to his initiative, and i think that mr. macron, as a person who includes, so to speak, he likes attention, he also likes such beautiful bright gestures, i think that one of the reasons why he has postponed this visit now is because he hoped to bring an already ready coalition of countries led by france to kyiv. which
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will be ready to deploy a military continent on the territory of the joint ukraine if necessary , but so far it has not been able to do it, because some countries, especially germany, are there at all levels, they are simply shouting that no-no-no, such what you offer us will never happen, and by the way, even the british do are very cautious about this initiative, i think this is one of the reasons why we have to wait a little longer for mr. macron, uh, well, we will wait, although there sikorsky from warsaw says... that nato has already sent its troops to ukraine , but what kind of instructor, we will probably see, mr. taras , thank you for your comment and analysis of the current situation, taras zhovtenko, international security expert of the dem-initiative fund, we will take a short break, but we will continue to analyze exactly this military and armed component, because the head of the public will be with us league ukraine nato. stay with espresso.
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15% there are discounts on lysac, 10% in psylszynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on noshpa tablets of 15% in in pharmacies, plantain will save you money. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine. there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world do you dream of, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two
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hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we come back and immediately join our conversation with serhii djerzh, the head of the public league ukraine-nato, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. serhiy, welcome to our airwaves. i congratulate you. a few minutes ago, we
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finished the conversation with taras zhovtenko and actually finished with the fact that there are already nato troops, well, not troops, nato servicemen, in particular instructors on the territory. of ukraine , and the question is whether it will come to the point , in the near future, in your opinion, that more of these servicemen will be in ukraine, we are talking about those statements by macron, if there will be an escalation, if they will actively move to kyiv, to odessa, or simply that sounds good and macron well understands that it is not so easy for the russians to move to kyiv and odesa, but the statement itself was heard, and it adds such ee... weight to the french president himself, well, this is such a multi-layered statement, in fact, macron devoted a lot of time to to reach some kind of political agreements with putin, called him many times, but then he
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got the idea that something needs to be changed and there can be no negotiations, it is necessary to act from the position of such strength. from a position of strength, and it's great that he started this idea, a discussion, maybe a certain coalition will be created in the future , we know that the previous coalitions, which were related to tanks and planes, also all started with the thesis that it was impossible, and then somehow this process got better, and we have tanks in ukraine, we are waiting planes, if there are 55 countries that are part of ramstein and they help ukraine... with ammunition, weapons, ammunition, then why not help personnel, if ukraine defends not only its territory, but also the whole of europe, and everyone has already agreed to this both in nato and in the european union, because they understand that ukraine is accumulating russian aggression on itself today, which
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otherwise would be directed, or will be directed at the baltic countries, poland and other european countries, so why not actively help now. in order to counter russian aggression, on the one hand, this is great information for us, on the other hand, it is a message to the kremlin that you should think about your future. not everything is so simple, nato can act more actively than it looks now, the only thing is that many european leaders hastened to somewhat defeat this idea, saying that their troops are not there, ukraine is not there, and they are not planning to send troops there, it seems to me that from the point of view of such an international drama, the pause is not sustained, if this pause were longer, it would look more critical. more influential, i wanted to ask you, mr. serhiy, and about what we
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just had time to talk about, our viewers may have heard for the first time about how silly stories arise within nato absolutely on the same place, now there is one of uh unprecedented variants of military exercises until the end of may, a number of countries are involved eastern and northern europe, but he didn't tell us what. our guest says that the tanks are overturning the abrams, they need to move from german territory to poland, it seems that nato countries, the united european union seem to be transparent, and the customs officers go around and do not know how to register tanks as mass transport, it is probably necessary was, or like bicycles, but the idiocy is simply incredible, and in this case, how quickly such different countries are rebuilt... is the psychology of nato countries, because in some countries, where the iq is higher, well,
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for example, in norway, there everything normally works, because there they understand what it is, in countries where they are playing with pacifism, and and and and about nothing, something like this always arises there, well , the roman pope syndrome, let's call it that, that's how quickly you can finally bring it all to common denominator, well, we see with you how nato was preparing for war, russia was scaring everyone. that nato is planning some kind of war, but you and i saw that in fact there is no such visa-free military visa for european countries, because a lot of work has been done by the european union in terms of such conveniences for citizens, for the importation of goods, people, and as for military equipment, there is such a visa-free regime. no, that is, it still needs to be fixed, because if we are talking
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about the rapid movement of troops, the actual concept of nato predicted that if there was an attack on poland, for example, or on the baltic countries, then in europe somewhere further from the front line they would be concentrated the main forces will wait for the americans and then move to the defense, to the defense of these countries, which have been attacked. attack, but apparently on the way they will meet customs officers or policemen with sticks, who will begin to understand there what it is, what it is, well, that is, if we speak seriously, there is really a lot of work for nato, and it is the opinion that arose after the collapse of the soviet union, that nato is no longer needed, it is a thing of the past, nato is needed today more than ever, and nato is also needed. reads the newspapers
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of 1990, maybe that's why, that's why he repeats it, today nato is needed more than ever, all european countries see it, i think the americans, canadians also see it, and these maneuvers are exactly statfast defense 24, which will be this is such a system of various maneuvers. which will last for six months, the focus is really on eastern europe, northern europe, and there, according to legend, the enemy is commensurate with nato forces, that is, very serious forces must be involved, land, air, sea forces, in order to show their coherence and the ability to act jointly to repulse the aggressor's attack, and for yourself, mr. serhiu in... record some such actions of other members of the alliance, which could be preparing for the fact that the states
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will leave nato in some time. well, actually, europe faced a very difficult dilemma today, let's say, well, let's remember the year 2008, when ukraine was not given the map, and the chancellor spoke against it, the then french president sarkozy spoke, it turned out. the mistake underestimated the geopolitical role of russia, and time was lost, and today europe found itself not only in front of a war in the east of europe, but also in front of a threat. the withdrawal of the united states from nato, no one expected this before, it seemed that everything would be as usual, gas would flow, business with russia would be as usual, the united states would always be to guarantee the security of europe, and it is possible to spend less money on defense and not accept ukraine into nato, namely this rejection
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of new countries that want this, is this a strengthening, is it a weakening of nato or is it not a weakening? of course. weakening, because at one time, if ukraine became a member of nato, the geopolitical situation was completely different, international, and this is a strengthening of nato, if ukraine is a member of, of course, because this is an additional territory of the operational space, it is still its own military science, its own military-industrial complex, which is there everything in principle, well, it was necessary for us, europeans, ukrainians and... to make this security stronger, and then europe looks more self-sufficient, and it is clear that today europe is not united if ukraine is not in in the european union, in nato , europe is not united, not to mention other countries that want to become nato members, there is georgia and in the future moldova,
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so this is the first thing, and the second thing, that no one expected that it can return... the political situation as a result of democratic processes there, on which russia has an unconditional influence, because we cannot, we know that russia influenced the electoral process in the states in 2016, this has already been proven, and it is possible that these forms of influence are more veiled, but they exist, we cannot reject them, and thus playing with this democratic process russia achieves some of its possible results. many people in the states themselves do not see it, but europeans expect that there may be a weakening of the influence of the united states, a weakening of the support of the united states within the framework of nato, so we need to rely on ourselves, and europe remains without the united states and without ukraine in nato, therefore
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some steps are needed here to change this situation, well, first of all, i think that... there is a chance to preserve peace in europe, following the theses of biden, which he voiced in the congress, he said that russia will not stop at ukraine, but ukraine can stop putin, so everything should be done, i think, from the point of view of the europeans, to help ukraine become stronger and return the status quo. yes, i would like to ask you, mr. serhiy, about this complex matter. complex scheme, and it rests again on germany, taurus and scholz, this scheme that was offered, let's buy there is a way to push, but here we will buy a taurus in london, we will give them a stormshade, and then on the second day we will turn on the tv, twitter,
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telegram and see that the german opposition is against it, and says that there is no need to do these tricks. give taurus directly to the armed forces of ukraine and that's it, this is the second series of the same theater of the absurd. well, actually this idea of ​​great britain, it is no longer aimed at implementing this scheme, pushing the germans. still, why are these missiles so complicated to move around europe, some go to storage there, others go to ukraine from there. it is necessary to give these missiles to ukraine directly and that’s it, there may be some reservations, that is, we are ready, i think, the ukrainian side is ready for the fact that there will be no german specialists, that there may be some other things, but for us it is, in any case would be a step forward, especially since the coalition to provide
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ukraine with long-range weapons has been created, so why the delays, well, not until... we understand that these maneuvers are certain political within the german political system and executive power, but we know from previous stories that the germans often were waiting for the americans to take the first step, in this case, president biden, while making great statements in support of ukraine, could also do another great thing to pass us attacks. this is also a long-range missile, maybe it would solve the issue for the germans to transfer their taurus missiles as well, mr. sergey, and what is wrong with the fact that... it was so, i mean, we were promised that winter would come , spring will come, f-16s will fly, at the end of winter we were told, spring will come, summer will come, f16s
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will fly, today we were told f-16s will fly, but only six pieces, although there should have been fifty, well, i think that here really, this is the whole situation, well, confuses not only the citizens of ukraine, but also our opponents. because they also count these planes, how many there will be, then in this whole mass of information there are of course some uh such uh camouflage some stories for for such a cover for what is happening really, we can also do this to think, well, to please myself that what is real is real. the position is that there will be f-16s, i think that at least a few of them appeared in ukraine, this will open the way that later there will be much
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more of them, and they will work. and probably the last question: 83,000 missiles, which are no longer needed in canada , would have to be paid for their write-off, disposal, etc., there is an option to transfer them to ukraine, although not all of them are in such excellent condition. we need them, we don't need them, what will we do with those warheads that are missing from a large number of missiles, is this whole story with transportation from canada to ukraine realistic? well of course it's realistic there are no problems here, we have equipment and ammunition transported from the united states, so in the same way it can be from canada, disposal is expensive, because it is such a ... systematic work of spending, just giving them from warehouses is cheaper, actually it is more effective for canada, plus the moral side is more correct,
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because they support ukraine, which needs it, we see that we do not have parity with the russians in many types of weapons, so why not strengthen us, i think , what would it be, well... it is very positive to provide us with those missiles that correspond to the technical state there, even if they are outdated, i think that the ukrainian side would actively use them, because in general, concluding the opinion, what is the problem is that they expect some success from us, we expect success from ourselves, but there is no such thing as a full-fledged naval force, and our aviation is weak in terms of numbers. does not meet the needs of artillery ammunition, there is not enough, we have less ammunition than the russians have, and
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how to succeed in such cases, if we are provided with equipment and ammunition, at least, even if it corresponds to the level of russian, we are actually counting on and waiting for this mr. serhiy, thank you very much for the conversation, unfortunately we have to say goodbye, serhiy jerch, head of thunder'. of the league of ukraine, nato and a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine was with us. then the ether will continue the news. the story of a russian agent from vinnytsia. later on the air. there are discounts on aquaspray oxy, 20% in psyllium pharmacies, you and savings. there are discounts on amixin ic tablets. 10% in psarynyk, ban and oskad pharmacies. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use
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by football, together stronger, 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time in the studio is working. shipwreck three people died, 12 others were injured due to the russian attack on donetsk region. two children are among the victims. seven settlements of the region, including dobropillia, myrnograd, selidove, toretsk and chasiv, came under enemy attack. reported to the national police. 30 residential buildings, two educational institutions, an administrative building, 27 cars and critical infrastructure were damaged.


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