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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. five more residents of donetsk region managed to be taken to a safe place by law enforcement officers from the bilyan group. told the regional police.
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due to constant shelling of the ocheretyn community, the number of people willing to leave there is increasing. a resident of the village of novoselivka was the first to ask for evacuation. her house was destroyed by enemy shells. together with her , two other fellow villagers left, a ninety-year-old woman with her son. at the same time for evacuation an elderly couple from the village of umanske also weighed in. together with them, they took their considerable household. goat, dog, chickens and. ducks on the front lines of kharkiv region and donetsk region. the head of the state border service, serhii deineko, visited the positions of the steel border and revenge guard brigades. deineko inspected the conditions of stay and support of the military, and also listened to the heads of units about the situation on the front line. on the lymansky, bakhmutsky, and kupinsky directions, the russians are constantly storming and shelling our defenders, causing damage.
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airstrikes, the head of the border guards presented the fighters with awards. an attack on the volgograd region of russia, where drones targeted an arsenal with shells. opposition telegram channels reported that an emergency situation occurred on the night of march 8 in the territory of the military unit of the village of kotluban. shoigu's office traditionally reported on the successful operation of air defense. at the same time , the governor of the region announced that a fire broke out on the territory of one of the military units, and said that the fire was promptly localized and extinguished. polish farmers completely blocked the movement of trucks at the checkpoint in hryniv in the direction of poland. at the same time , they allow only four trucks to leave the country every hour , the state border service reported. a similar situation currently exists at the checkpoint in stelukh. there
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, the protesters do not let a single truck out of ukraine, and only six trucks can go in the opposite direction every hour. also, as of march 13, farmers are planning to renew the blocking of trucks at the korchova krakow checkpoint. ukraine begins negotiations with the united states america and the european union on the opening of airports. this was announced by the deputy prime minister of the republic of moldova. according to oleksandr kubrakov , it is too early to talk about the exact dates of the resumption of flights, but ukraine has prepared proposals for the operation of letovysh in conditions of martial law. former spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs, oleg nikolenko, became the consul general of ukraine in toronto. he announced this on his facebook page. he wrote that he had received new opportunities to advance the interests of ukraine and ukrainians and bring victory closer. in the position
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of speaker of the ministry of foreign affairs, nikolenko stayed for more than three years. the swedish flag was raised at the nato headquarters in brussels today. swedish prime minister ulf kristerson and nato secretary general jen stoltenberg arrived at the solemn ceremony. last week, the country officially joined the north atlantic alliance and became its 32nd member. let me remind you that sweden submitted a statement. to join nato with finland a few months after russia launched a full-scale war in ukraine. 800,000 shells from the czech republic will arrive in ukraine already in the coming weeks. this was announced by the country's president, peter pavel, reports bild. it is not disclosed which countries were able to deliver such a large number of shells. let me remind you, information about the transfer. of ammunition
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appeared a month ago, then the czech republic was actively looking for money for their delivery. 12 ukrainian pilots will already be able to fly f-16 fighter jets, but there will not be enough for all planes, the american new york times writes about this. by the time the pilots return to ukraine, the partners will deliver only six f-16s out of the approximately 45 fighters promised by the european allies. ukrainian pilots have already spent 10 months of training in denmark, great britain and the united states of america. they still have some training ahead of them. in the new training center in romania. former us president donald trump is not going to support ukraine in the war against the russian invaders if he wins the presidential elections. this was stated by the prime minister of hungary, viktor
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orban, in an interview with the local newspaper herado. by according to him, trump will not want to finance the security of europe instead of europeans, so he will not give money. in support of ukraine. a suit with a secret, the newly-minted oscar winner, ukrainian director mstislav chernov appeared at the award ceremony in a black suit. however, as it turned out, all the symbolism of this image was hidden in the lining, reported the ukrainian company that sewed the costume for the artist. they said that on the blue lining of the jacket... the word freedom was written in yellow. shevchenko performed by the little ones ukrainians on the occasion of the 210th anniversary of kobzar's birthday, the national library
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of ukraine for children is holding an open microphone event. the words of the great kobzar were echoed by the voices of kyiv schoolchildren. more than a hundred young incas aged from seven to 16 took part in the readings. the day before, also on the initiative of the library, a poetic marathon poetry of boundless was held, in the framework of which shevchenko's poems were heard in various languages ​​of the world. when we posted the announcement that we would have an open microphone, teachers started calling us and ask whole classes with children to participate, because they like to perform. moreover, they teach a lot about shevchenko at school. today, shevchenko is more relevant than ever, as in most of his poems about peace, about family, about meekness, he is such a famous poet, who knows
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what to draw, everything, and in this spirit , he learned all this for his years, he taught it. of all poetry, and he acts for ukraine, as a hero of ukraine, a poetic hero. this year marks 159 years since the first day public performance of the national anthem of ukraine. on this occasion, on hrynok square, in front of the town hall, hundreds of lviv residents performed the slaven and unfurled a huge flag of ukraine. the military took part in the event. orchestra, cadets of the national academy of ground forces, pupils of the lyceum named after heroiv krut, choristers of the municipal choir homin, deputies and representatives of the city council and all willing citizens and guests of lviv.
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and i want to remind you that... the collection of the espresso tv channel is ongoing, our military is being asked to help with the purchase of maviks and components for them, as well as fpvvi drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction. so that they do not risk their lives and go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and we can help them. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help we have already collected almost. 80 thousand hryvnias, so remember, each of your donations is important, join the collection, you can now see all the details on the screen. such was the news at that time, marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskyi continue the broadcast of the espresso tv channel, while we
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i'll see you at 15.00. greetings to all viewers of spresso, the information day is in full swing, in the next few hours we will talk about the most important things for this day and not only, today we will talk with ivan stopak, a military expert, an employee of the sbu from 2004 to 15 years, first, but before that i i would actually like to remind you about our collection, we are currently holding a collection for the 12th separate special forces unit, we need to collect uah 480,000 for a buggy for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat
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kits, as well as for automobile and trench slave our defenders destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day, this collection will help save human lives and increase the efficiency of the unit, so join us , every donation strengthens the shield we use to deter the aggressor, if you have the opportunity, please use the bank card number and qr code, if it is more convenient for you to make a contribution precisely thanks to the qr code, literally in... a few clicks, it is very convenient to do it, and we remember that there are no small contributions to help our armed forces, so i encourage to join you, and if we have the opportunity to join ivan stupak to our air, then let's join. ivan stupak, military expert, sbu employee from 2004 to 15 years is already in direct contact with us. glad to welcome you and glory to ukraine. congratulations, congratulations, studio, thank you for inviting, glory to the heroes. let's start with what is happening with russia, ukrainian hackers obtained documents
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that testify to the intentions of the russian federation to fight in the west, but we remember when putin said: but we will never attack ukraine in our lives, but we never in our lives are we going to fight for nato and europe, and we know how it all ends, in the opposite way, as you think, these documents that the hackers got, so i will briefly say literally that it is actually ... in these the documents talk about the inevitability of a new world war and the expansion of russia's expansion into the baltic states and poland, it is characteristic that a recent article of the german publication bilt already describes the scenario of a russian attack on the baltic states, so we remember that bilt wrote about that literally in a few years , rather than putin will be ready to attack one of the nato countries, and europe itself is already preparing for this. what do you think about it, what do you think, is russia also preparing intensively for the fact that it will... well, in fact, wage the third world war. yes, well, let's separate when there are plans and when there are
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capabilities, these are completely three different situations, you can say so, the russians always have plans, they had plans to seize crimea by annexation several years before such a capability in general they appeared, that is , no one forbids them to write any plans to ukraine, to crimea, to europe, to the baltic countries. although to washington, but it is a different story about the capabilities, whether there is any capability to do it at all, that is, once again there may be a plan, it can be adjusted, it can fantasize, but in fact there are no tanks, no aviation, no equipment, this is a completely different separate story , and yes, i read this document, by the way, it is not so much about the attack as about, as they say, de-patization, i.e. rejection of this western, increased censorship on the internet, increased censorship on tv, spread throughout the country
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in its russian everything-everything, as a total dominant, which should be there, everything else should be nothing, ah, that is, i think, such a story is expected after the inauguration of putin in the month of may, and here again returning to the potential war, i will say this, weakness provokes, the more the countries of western europe show their strength, the less likely such a war is, because the russians are also, well, they are not stupid, you have to admit it, they sit with calculators, they make ratios , how many people do we have how much equipment we have, how much everything, everything, everything we have in relation to, for example, the europeans, if it comes to parity with each other, then i think that there will be no talk of any war at all. ukraine, unfortunately, provoked it with its weakness, they simply calculated banally, there are fewer people, less equipment, less ammunition, just less. mathematically, and therefore the probability of success is very high, which they tried to take advantage of.
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mr. ivan, look, another very interesting statement is coming from the lips of our european friends. here, for example, the czech president, peter pavel, says that the presence of nato troops in ukraine will not violate international norms. this, you know, this wave-like information campaign, which was launched by emmanuel macron, has already begun. yesterday, poland officially announced that... allegedly nato troops are already in ukraine, but without details, well , there are a lot of intrigues, please explain what we don't understand in this situation, maybe? this is also a game of preemption, now the rates, now the rates are being raised by the countries of western europe, not russia, if in recent years europe and the whole world was catching up with russia, they raised it, well, everyone reacts reactively, then backwards, well , they are catching up with the russian federation, now , on the contrary, the europeans are catching up, they are starting to raise the stakes, raise the stakes, and the russians are forced to
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react now, i don’t think that the nato military, if i know... they will be in ukraine, they will take part in hostilities, i don't know, near avdiivka, podroboton, i don't know, or anywhere, anywhere, the only option, in my opinion, is the protection of the state border, help to the ukrainian border guards, the ukrainian army, the north, starting from the volyn region, ending with the chernihiv region, it is with belarus, plus it is transnistria , it is possible to carry out service somewhere in the waters of the black sea, it is possible to protect ships that will participate in the grain corridor, grain agreement, this is as an option, as i think the further development of events may be as follows, i cautiously predict such a small disclaimer, but please remember that even a year ago nato did not consider the possibility at all, that someone from the military countries of nato, members
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of the participants of this organization will be in ukraine, now they distanced themselves from the alliance. nato separately as an organization, all the rest of the countries, as they want, there is good will in the czech republic, please place, that is, no one in the alliance holds them, it frees the hands hypothetically, for poland to deploy its air defense system in the direction of ukraine , that is, approximately, very subjectively, to the western outskirts of lviv, they can extend their air defense, thus making this territory of ukraine. under his umbrella air defense to protect against russian missiles, i don't know, drones, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and so on, that is, this version of the development of events is very, very good. mr. ivan, i would also like to discuss with you the information that was released by cnn, it said that in 22 we were one step away from essentially nuclear war, yes,
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from the use of nuclear weapons by the russian federation, and besides information appeared, this is new york. wrote that the united states was preparing a non-nuclear response to this action by the russian federation, the situation was that, according to the western media, the ukrainian army, unfortunately, failed the counteroffensive, and accordingly , putin decided that there was no point in using nuclear weapons at the moment. as you think, the successes of our armed forces will again pull out this red button for... the agenda, rapid successes, that is, the rapid successes are the liberation of kyiv region, chernihiv region, sumy region, the kharkiv operation was very successful, the liberation of the city of kherson, and so on here are rapid advances, they really could hypothetically lead to panic in the kremlin, ah yes ah, you advance, that's it, then we use
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nuclear weapons, i'm not talking about the fact that these big rockets shah had to leave. i do not know how to fly to ukrainian cities, but the russians could really try to use something small tactically, i will remind your viewers that during the soviet union , soviet scientists, together with the military, very actively experimented on how to reduce the charge, in general, where you can stuff a nuclear charge, i'm sorry, let's maybe a mortar mine, well, let's go, let's give a small charge, and that's how clear it is, this is not an explosion tens of kilometers, but something small, something local. i don't know, hundreds of square meters, maybe a kilometer or 2 km of filled territory, depending on the size of this projectile, they experimented with nuclear torpedoes, some small bombs, artillery shots, that is, something small, so that one projectile could be used and it would have the same result , which would be equal to, for example,
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i don’t know hundreds of ordinary shots, but there was a trick in this, i think that this option is very active in russia... i was scared, but when the ukrainian counteroffensive failed in 23rd year, so i agree, indeed, in moscow they could consider it, and it is possible without nuclear weapons, well, it is possible without it, we will work anyway, yes, mr. ivan, well , the working version and the version, so to speak, quite believable, but if we talk about the specifics of russian intelligence, for example, then, well, quite unpleasant things happened, in particular , we are talking about two patriot launchers that were destroyed. by russian drones, this, so to speak, indicates something, so we will not multiply conspiracies and rumors, well, but in any case, i.e. somehow too much, two units. well come on, the russians are reacting, we again, we shouldn't think of them as complete jerks, they are reacting, they are really learning and we have to learn from them, unfortunately,
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reactions, how they work, how hymers was destroyed, how was previously destroyed our petri complex, we don't know, there is one launcher, two. the great loss is the people who were in these installations. look, a russian drone, not a kamikaze, which... was on patrol this territory, he can fly deep into ukraine 40-50, maybe even more kilometers, zaporizhzhia region, dnipropetrovsk region, maybe donetsk is there, of course, then the story is already clear, and he saw, recorded, well, this ukrainian crew of the previous patriot, passed the command , gave the coordinates and was urgently hit by an iskander ballistic missile, that is, it was actually minutes, and now it is already online with... information that the commander of the ukrainian air force, he was, well, dismissed, that is, if this is confirmed, then such
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coordination can be done directly, because after all, we lost the patriot, and mr. lychuk lost his position precisely because of the loss of the patriot. well, look, what kind of functionality he had, that’s how we understand, well, that the enemy is cunning and treacherous, so you rightly said that you can’t take the enemy lightly, on the other hand , we understand that there were also... colossal successes on the part of our air strength, well, success, but they bet on libra, i apologize, on libra scales, okay, a dozen of our planes, based on the calculation that we have several hundred of them, and of ukrainians, there are only a few units, not even dozens, but one unit of these patriot systems, and this was most likely the variant that walked along the front line, guarded by russian planes, fighter-bombers, how many 10-11 units passed behind it. period, he simply put it on the ground, that is, it was the maximum response for the destruction of russian aircraft. if we get an additional patriot, it will be really good, especially since
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there are a lot of them in the western world in general, there are plenty of them, well, i think they can without problems transfer, i don't know, the americans, the germans, plus one or two more such calculations, it will not be critical for their security, but for our security, for our security, for the war, it will really be a big, big gain. mr. ivan, there was also information that russia is currently producing 250 thousand shells per month, which is three times more than the usa and europe for ukraine, now we feel a certain hunger at the front, yes ammunition, but this trend has begun to change, of course , that no one discloses certain details, therefore what, well, because it is not necessary for those who do not need to know this, as they say, but if we are talking about the possibility of ukraine against... to stand against russian aggression and actually about parity, about resources, then what do you think, whether in this this year we have every chance to reach this parity, because many people say
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that this year will be extremely difficult, but we understand that a lot will depend on resources, by shells you mean parity, by shells yes, well, artillery ones are meant, but i think no, unfortunately, no, we won't be able to get out, well, come on, well, the russians have... their own power, the ability to manufacture a certain number of shells. in peacetime, in the fat, zero, in the fat, decades, they could make up to 1.5, 1.7 million shells a year there, such numbers were called, now they call 2 million, okay, maybe they upgraded something there , accelerated, accelerated, and they can do two, plus they also have north korea, which supplied them with a certain number of shells, we do not know now whether they are supplying more, whether the bidding is going on, whether it has ended or... shall we continue or not we will sit further and now the bidding is going on, unfortunately, europe cannot produce such a number of shells at the moment, so let's give
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you an example, the rhine metal company, which just a couple of weeks ago started a new production of shells in lower saxony, it was also opened by armin poppenger, the head of this company, boris pistoriyu, wolav scholz, they say we can make 2,000 shells for ukraine, but... attention in 2025 and attention for a year, that is, 200,000 shells per year, we need this amount per month, thank you , mr. ivan, they would talk and talk, thank you for your work, ivan stupak was in touch with us, a military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine in 2004-15, so now we are going to take a short break and continue our broadcast in a couple of minutes, see espresso. if you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak tv is just for you. with it, you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient
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psarynsky drugstores. to you and savings premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger i congratulate you this is svoboda live on radio svoboda we have already approached the snake itself the following shots can you. news from the scene live, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis, objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoborlai openly and impartially, draw your own conclusions, so what, informational
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day of the tv channel. we understand that a lot of events are happening, so to speak, in the international sphere, but the key story is happening now on the great front of the russian-ukrainian war, so the occupiers have begun to act more actively in the direction of novomykhaivka, they are pulling up reserves, pulling up reserves in the novopavlov direction, in particular the tank regiment , this was stated by the spokesman of the united precedent of defense forces of the tavriz region, dmytro lykhovii, i quote lykhovii. since the beginning of today, monday is the enemy began to conduct somewhat active. than always actions in the direction of the populated areas of novomykhaivka - this is the novopavlivskyi direction, as well as in the direction of the so-called roman ledge, this is the village of urozhayne and staromayorske, this is another ledge on which the territories were deoccupied during the ukrainian offensive operation in the summer of last year , the enemy has pulled up some reserves there, in particular , a new tank regiment has arrived in the novopavlovsk direction, and the enemy wants to advance and increase pressure on the villages of novomykhaivka and georgiivka in the krasnohorivka area. let's add
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now to our broadcaster volodymyr nazarenko, artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the national guard of ukraine rubizh, we welcome you to our broadcast: "glory to ukraine". glory to the heroes, good day, studio, good day tv viewers, thank you for the opportunity to join your thread. we will ask you to quickly describe the situation in your direction, what is happening, what efforts the enemy is currently using there, what resources they are using, if possible, please share. i can state that, unfortunately, the situation has not changed, and... the enemy continues to inflict artillery fire shelling, trying to advance , trying to carry out small assaults in many areas, in many small, in relation to many small positions around many settlements, because we perfectly understand the eastern direction of bakhmut, it is several tens of kilometers north and south of bakhmut, and under that , which has been for several months, and in fact for several months, more than a year and a half, the situation is without...


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