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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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in this way, the community tries to take care of people with inclusive needs. we have accessibility to all medical institutions, this is really a norm, a requirement of the national health service, ensuring inclusiveness. now we have moved on to educational institutions, and actually for this lyceum we have purchased a stairwell, for a place at the expense of the local budget. the ukrainian public health foundation started implementing security audits in our country even before the full-scale war, but... the russian invasion made its adjustments. a security audit is a tool that, first of all, turn allows the community to later direct the funds they have to cover priority issues related to security. that is, in fact , the community, and we have such requests from the communities, they want to conduct audits in order to understand, in fact, this road, or this lighting, or this or this traffic junction, what needs to be done, but within the framework. this project, which
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is currently being presented, also has a donor, the british embassy, ​​there are other donors who are ready to provide support to ukrainian women's organizations in addition to the funds in the communities. there is a security audit of the territories an important component of state policy, because during the period of the russian-ukrainian war , the security issue is in the first place. active participation of communities in the audit helps prevent violence and guarantees. the right to protection for every ukrainian. tetyana golunova, espresso tv channel. for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. just now to the most important
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events. exploded on a mine. in the kherson region, a 24-year-old man came across enemy explosives in a field. the event happened nearby andriivka village, the regional administration was informed. as a result of the detonation, a local resident was seriously injured in the neck and torso. part of his arm and leg was torn off. doctors are currently fighting for his life. five more residents of donetsk region managed to get the right to a safe place. to the guards from the white angels group, the regional police said. due to constant shelling of the ocheretyn community, the number of people willing to leave there is increasing. a resident of the village of novoselivka was the first to ask for evacuation. her house was destroyed by enemy shells. together with her two more fellow villagers left, a 90-year-old woman with her son. at the same time , an elderly couple from the village of umanske decided to evacuate. together with them, they took their considerable household, a goat. dog, chickens and ducks.
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on the front lines of kharkiv region and donetsk region. the head of the state border service, serhii deineko , visited the positions of the steel border and revenge guard brigades. deineko inspected the conditions of stay and support of the military, and also listened to the heads of units about the situation on the front line. on lymansky, in the bakhmut and kupyan directions , the russians are constantly storming and... shooting at our defenders, carrying out airstrikes, the head of the border guards presented the fighters with awards. in the kharkiv region, the security service detained a resident of izyum, who was correcting russian rocket attacks on the city. the woman was recruited in 2022 by classmates through a social network banned in ukraine. during the search of the apartment, the informants found a mobile phone with evidence of cooperation. with
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the enemy, the perpetrator is in custody. at the headquarters of nato in brussels today raised flag of sweden swedish prime minister ulf kristerson and nato secretary general jen stoltenberg arrived at the solemn ceremony. last week, the country officially joined the north atlantic alliance and became its 32nd member. let me remind you that sweden submitted an application to join nato together. with finland months after russia launched a full-scale war in ukraine. when putin launched his full-scale invasion two years ago, he wanted a smaller nato presence and more control over his neighbors. he wanted to destroy ukraine as a sovereign state, but he failed. nato is bigger and stronger, ukraine is closer to membership in the alliance. than ever before, and as long as
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brave ukrainians continue to fight for freedom, we stand by their side. the security situation in our region was not that serious. it is in connection with this that sweden submitted an application to join the nato defense alliance. georgia demands that ukraine extradite the members of mikheil saakashvili's government, georgian media reports. it is about zurab adeishvili and george lord kipanidze. adeishvili. now works as an adviser to the prosecutor general in ukraine, was prosecutor general and minister of justice in his homeland. lord kipanidze, currently the deputy head of military intelligence in georgia, was the deputy minister of internal affairs and accuses them of helping saakashvili to get
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to georgia in the spring of 2021. they say that georgia condemned the russian aggression in solidarity with the ukrainian people. so they want to see the steps taken by our government. the us, german and eu embassies have begun evacuating their personnel from haiti, it is reported cnn channel. as the media notes, the situation in the country is becoming increasingly critical. armed bandits continue to terrorize the local population and threaten to start a civil war if the country's government does not resign. in particular, we are talking about the prime minister of the country , ariel henri. currently, gangs. captured about 80% of the capital. border guard serhii dubov won the gold medal for ukraine at sports competitions in the usa. international competitions among wounded servicemen and war veterans continue in las vegas.
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the ukrainian won in cycling, covering a distance of 20 km. he became the best in the class among participants with limb injuries. as told by the ministry of veteran affairs. since the beginning of the competition , the national team of ukraine has already won 34 medals, 20 of them gold. the mercy and health charitable fund continues to help civilians and military personnel throughout ukraine. this time , the team visited the city of chernihiv, delivered a medical cargo to the central district hospital, the total cost of which is more than uah 14 million. they will tell what was passed on our correspondents. unique equipment for operations, rehabilitation tools, small parts for narrow-profile prosthetics and recovery after injuries, and this is not the whole list of what the charitable foundation of mercy and health donated to the chernihiv district hospital. a team of volunteers
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regularly delivers goods to medical facilities that help civilians and military personnel affected by the war. we are no longer one load. help was brought, including cars, ambulances, and cars for the transportation of people with disabilities, and such strategic cargo, such as cars for bringing our bedfellows , special refrigerators, so knowing this need, understanding that it is a living need, yes, that is, we work, and we work exclusively on the specifics of our fund, that we work exclusively with a living need, that is , we work it out, that is, they give us... a list, what we can, we bring, and it is targeted, that is, why do we consider ourselves, our added value, added value, because we do not bring what was handed over to us, and we bring exactly what that what these or other authorities are asking us to do.
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four of the 10 buildings of the chernihiv district central hospital were seriously damaged as a result of russian shelling and bombing in march 2022. part of which has been repaired, but the neighboring building of the polyclinic has not yet been restored. considering the condition of the hospital and the funds needed for its restoration. therefore, everything that we are given medicines, consumables, equipment, it is very important that we do not buy at our own expense, people simply give us as humanitarian aid. a team of volunteers deals with the medical supply of hospitals and military units. the whole country in total , six sea containers will be transferred to 16 hospitals and clinics. we have studied the need in detail and deliver this cargo to different parts of ukraine. in particular, part of the cargo this weekend will go to slovyansk, as well as to the front-line cities in donetsk region. some have already
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reached kyiv hospitals, some have now arrived here in chernihiv oblast. the charity and health fund also takes care of children from disability benefactors donated wheelchairs for communities. voice of parents organization. this is not the first time we are here, we have been taking care of this organization for a long time. it was created on the initiative of mothers who are mothers of children with disabilities. the charitable foundation of charity and health continues to develop various areas of activity to help military and civilians in different parts of our country and need your support. join fund meetings. you see the details on the screen. and i want to remind you about our collection, we ask you to help. the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd
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separate brigade. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction. so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields , drones are needed, and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 95,000. remember, each of your donations is important. so join the gathering. you can now see all the details on the screen. a suit with a secret. new oscar winner, ukrainian director mstislav chernov appeared at the award ceremony in a black suit. however, as it turned out, all the symbolism of this image was hidden in the lining, - reported the ukrainian company that sewed the costume for the artist. they said that the word "freedom" was written in yellow on the blue lining of the jacket. that was the news for this time, our team is working
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so that you will see an updated news release at 4 pm, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch on youtube my colleagues, antin barkovskii and marta oliarnyk, continue the broadcast of the tv channel. we thank iryna koval, we thank the news editors for this edition, that we are picking up the baton 12 for the third time, we are working live in the espresso studio , marta olyarnyk, tandin borkovsky, and by the way, the news arrived: ukraine is now closer to nato membership than ever - when, that's what jen stoltenberg said, during the ceremony of raising the flag of sweden near the headquarters of the alliance, according to him, ukraine. will become a nato ally and the question is not if, but when. here it is now
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to quote literally briefly, he, putin , it is implied, wanted less nato, he is getting more nato, more nato military presence in the eastern part of our alliance, finland and sweden are full members, and ukraine is closer to nato membership than ever earlier, stoltenberg concluded. ok, thanks, so what, an important signal, but a key story, like the euro-atlantic alliance. will implement this ukrainian maximum rapprochement during the washington summit, which will take place in the summer of this year, and we are now joining of our marathon taras zagorodny, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group. glory to ukraine, mr. taras! glory! well, right away we would like to ask you about possible next rotations in the ministry of defense. yes, and in particular, mr. tymoshenko appeared, again on the radar. of public interest and became an adviser to the minister of defense, what
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do you think will happen now and what is being done? well , this question is more for the minister of defense, who is his advisor and who performs what function for what, because we were presented, well, a new minister has arrived, he will manage in a different way, here the question is for him, what function are performed by specific people who are his advisers. we completely agree with you, yes, well, but, but, but, a certain key story is probably that, if you allow me, i will add, that, just a key story was that tymoshenko was dismissed with a scandal from the president's office, and it would seem that, well , we will not see him on political radars in the nearest future, here is such a very unexpected position for him appeared, he is now responsible for media and information coverage. to the ministry of defense, does tymoshenko have such a successful case in this aspect
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that umirov himself wanted to hire him as an adviser, well, listen, i don't really know what the situation is, i don't care, to be honest, who is in charge of communications there, i'm reading a post by yuri kas'yanov, a well-known volunteer, who writes that technologically miss russia is growing and growing, so that in a couple of 3-4 months it will turn out that we will have... they have an advantage technological and soon the terminators will be running after our soldiers, so i am more interested in the defense order, i will tell you frankly, yes, raising the question, why the cabinet of ministers does not... organize crediting of military industrial complex enterprises in order for them to work, a question for the minister of education, mr. oksen , who decided amid the noise of the so-called reforms, where are specialties such as rocket engineering and aircraft engineering, etc. disappearing, because we must concentrate on this, i cannot answer there that there are scandals, not
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scandals, we are not concentrating on this, if there are specific cases, then this is a question for mr. umerov, specifically, i think that he should be... asked what is happening there, but i am more interested in what is actually happening in industry, yes, why is credit not organized there, at least according to the 579 program, why did the cabinet of ministers not organize the secrecy of military-industrial complex enterprises, if they give orders to military-industrial complex enterprises, then at least give them the opportunity to work for export, we have such an idiotic situation, even if there is no order, we do not give the enterprise the opportunity to work for expert, to get money there, there is no... insurance , i.e. the agricultural barons who take our grain from odesa, where people die, they receive a state loan, state insurance, if something happens to the grain there, an enterprise, entrepreneurs who build factories that are under missile fire, then no one compensates them, they
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then restore all this at their own expense, that's what really interests me, because i, well, i am in this case. scandal, well, i don't think that the issue of communication is here, and who is doing what, well, this and that at the moment, if there are specific cases about mr. tymoshenko, then you should ask mr. umerov, and you know, we have something specifically about him, and you should ask what it is, who is there, what he does, and then i see, you know, how about these purchases, we were told , that the previous minister was bad, here i am already reading... food procurement, we created some agency that devours a lot of money, which switched to closed orders, they transparently rejected it, and now on closed orders, i did not understand that this is happening at all, that's what really interests me, well, i'm telling you frankly, because scandals are not scandals, well, there were scandals, if
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there are scandals, then they are specifically about mr. umerov, and not about me, mr. taras, look, i wanted to ask you about certain rumors, so, well... we began to treat certain personnel more seriously rotations related to our armed forces of ukraine, and here came the news about the commander of the military welcome forces mykola oleschuk, yes, earlier we would have said, well, these are all rumors, but, but, that is, there are certain trends, we understand that these are changing a whole, they have already changed a whole number of generals and relevant in the relevant directions, well , accordingly, now there are rumors about him and about... the commander of the naval forces? well, this is also a military issue, i do not comment on a military issue, if the syrian commander-in-chief has come, then accordingly he determines the qualifications of those people who are directly under his control, if he thinks that this person cannot cope, then that more questions to him, because we
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, you know, civilians must understand that the army is not just included. diploma in the passport or in this diploma is there , even if you are studying for the military, this is a craft, this is a craft that must be learned through specific practice and so on, you know, you can become a deputy without education right away, but you will not become a soldier, even more so high-ranking, if it is directly the responsibility of mr. syrkskyi, then he is responsible for personnel changes in this case, if he thinks that it is necessary, here, well, it is difficult for me here... to comment on the military part, mr. taras, well, this is not really about military, here is more about military-political, because zaluzhnyi is no longer just a military figure, but a political figure, whether we like it or not, but he has a very high level of trust of ukrainians, and this is the information that appeared over the weekend that he passed the vlk even before his appointment as ambassador to great britain and
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turned out to be unfit for military service, just like shaptala, this is, if my memory serves me, the former chief of the general staff. from bukrain, who was with the youth, and both turned out to be unfit. well, the situation looks amazingly. in addition, we understand that this information appeared from the mirror of the week's own sources. that is, it was not information before a certain publication. it just so happened that this information became known to everyone. don't you think that this kind of casts a certain shadow on zaluzhnyi and shaptala, because we understand what an open nerve is causing people, in principle, the issue of mobilization. suitability, unfitness, work of the vlk and the like, and when the former head and his subordinate receive unfitness for the vlk, it raises many questions in people. listen, we don't know. what is the order of discharge from the army? i am sure that the issue of passing through the vlk is simply included, you know, in the agenda, in this case, if the enlisted person wrote a statement to leave the army,
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then he must definitely go through the vlk, well, i have such suspicion, further, we haven't seen the documents, on what basis, who told you that zaluzhny, for example, could not have been injured or received something related to this, i am not mr. zaluzhny's lawyer, yes, i think that he himself can comment here... i don't see any betrayal here, to be honest, this is an issue, an internal issue, and for him to resign for service, and i am sure that this is necessarily the passing of the vlk, according to the standards established by our legislation, which reasons to pee, then the question is for him, i think he should give a comment there, on what basis was this done, or should the vlk directly say that it - on what basis did they do it? well, the hard-working man is preparing to go as an ambassador to london, obviously a military man cannot to be in a civilian position, if he goes
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, he must transfer to diplomatic work, he must leave one department and transfer to another department, so i am especially here, well, i don’t know, i don’t see treason here, but there is actually no betrayal here, well but we see how actively, so to speak, certain circles dispersed this whole topic, and we understand that this was also... done with a certain political aim, well, let's leave it when the situation is finally clarified, but we would like to ask you about the rumors, again connected with the head of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stefanchuk, as it were they want to rotate him, so to speak, to the constitutional court, and we understand that the verkhovna rada is not quite what they would like, for example, in the office of the president, that is, even in the presidential faction, the so-called chaos of chaos. no, i understand the logic of mr. stefanchuk, because the position of the verkhovna rada, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, is available today, but not tomorrow. the head
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of the constitutional court, well, it is for a long time, and you know, it may be there for five or 10 years, so it is logical that if he wants to move there, or the question is whether there is such a possibility, at least legitimate, well, with regard to the chaos of shotanya, well , there are several wings that form. the majority for these or other questions and, in principle , even among the servants of the people, well, on average , there are about 170 people for questions, then they select from those groups who are ready to vote for this or that question in this case, and mr. stefanchuk, if we talk about influence on the faction, it is not one of such determining, determining factors here, there is also a lot of extraneous things. mr. taras, if you allow, we would also like to talk with you about the changes in the ukrainian government, even
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shmyhal himself spoke about the fact that there will be certain reductions in the ministry, but here it is important to understand whether after the term of president zelensky expires, he will continue to fulfill his constitutional duties until we have elections, what will happen with our executive branch? and is the chair already being prepared for the new prime minister, or do you know anything about it? well, in general, what is the logic of these reductions, that is, for a couple of years, these or other ministries worked, i do not know whether they worked well or not well, but they worked, and here suddenly at a certain moment they realized that they are superfluous and something needs to be done, urgently rearrange the chairs, that's it. well, me too, i agree with you here that i do not see the logic in the unification or non-unification of ministries. that you, who know the bureaucratic kitchen, know that this is in fact a paralysis of these structures, well, for three months, at least, until, you know, one
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is liquidated, then they will decide what, where and how, that is why i am here categorically against it, but i only for the reduction of officials, it is possible to do it even within the framework of the current structure, the only question is what do you know if our officials did not, did not act cunningly here , they, ah,... if only you knew, they would not start to bring teachers, doctors and other people who perform very important social things under officials, and they can leave their loved ones in their positions , with huge salaries that look inadequate, according to the times in which our country is and the unemployment that exists in our country, so it is easy to reduce the officials, they can, the central apparatuses, i think that it is easy to reduce by two times, follow , that they some agencies. they didn't do it there, or state-owned enterprises in order to transfer people there, also with huge inadequate salaries, well, if we speak,
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well, for example, we have a lot. there are enough local councils located in the temporarily occupied territories, for example, the mariupol city council, the north donsk city council, the lysichansk city council , and others, etc., which, by the way, actively conduct tenders, spend money, it is not known for what, and many other things, they have been for a long time, it has been possible to disperse for a long time, the question is, for example, whether it is necessary to keep regional councils in this format, if there are, if there are... administrations, which everything must be subordinated and many other things, but at the level of local self-government bodies, many other things can be reduced, that is, what am i talking about, the reduction of the apparatus can be done without reorganization, and there is no need to tell our officials that it is so impossible, that mr. shmygail should have retired a long time ago, i have been saying that for a long time, he is simply inadequate in relation to military
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time, such is the time. there is no war, mobilization of the economy is not happening, as it should be in reality, money for financing the military industry in first of all, they are not allocated, state banks do not finance the military industry, no money is allocated from the budget for the expansion of state orders, there are no long-term contracts so that the military industry company can contract and purchase equipment. on it have stable, stable orders and much more. i am already silent about okroboromprom, which should have been disbanded long ago as an inefficient structure and many other things. this is entirely the responsibility of the cabinet of ministers, because the total war that is going against our country involves total mobilization, in including the rear. yes, and now the main thing is production, first of all professions, those people
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who know how. hands that know how to organize production and much more. by the way, we will be able to talk with the next guest, mr. taras, about why banks don't finance the defense industry. as always, we thank you for the opportunity to join our broadcast. taras zagorodny, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group. but after mr. taras, literally in a matter of minutes we will add vasyl furman, a member of the council of the national bank of ukraine and dr. economic sciences. so stay tuned. tired of heavy and bulky saws , then the strong saw from rozpakuy tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah, a reliable battery is also included, just call now and
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