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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EET

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well, actually, tell me what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, well, polish protesters have already started to stop passenger buses with ukrainians. i will also tell you about which russian soldiers were convicted in ukraine and a lot of other information will be in the issue, so stay tuned. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. polish protesters and the police started stopping passenger buses at the border, the vice-prime minister said. oleksandr, minister of ukraine kuberakov. he added that explanations from the participants of the action. no, he emphasized that these actions
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are unacceptable, because during the war , the passengers of such buses are usually women and children, socially vulnerable sections of the population, military personnel who are returning or going to training, and those in transit. the attempt to make them hostages of the protest seems inappropriate for the civilized world - the official emphasized. new'. the guard lines being built along the front line will be completed on time, prime minister denys shmyhal said during the meeting of the stake supreme commander-in-chief, he noted that the construction of fortifications in three 200 km long lanes is a large-scale task, but the pace is good. also, during the meeting of the top military leadership, the actual delivery of shells, missiles and other weapons to the front was discussed. regarding the situation on the front line, the president listened to the report by the head of state.
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oleksandr syrsky of the armed forces of ukraine. in ukraine, 15 soldiers of the russian federation were sentenced to 12 years in prison. all of them cruelly treated the civilian population in chernihiv oblast. at the beginning of march 2022 in the village of yagidne the occupiers created a torture chamber in the basement of the local school. they forcibly detained about 370 residents there, including almost 70 children . ten people died in this basement due to the inhumane conditions of stay and failure to provide the necessary medical care. almost uah 1.5 million and more than 70 g of jewelry. how much did it cost a resident of transcarpathia to allegedly remove damage from the family - the regional police said. the so-called seer. she assured the woman that she needed money and gold jewelry for the event. points,
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the victim transferred part of the funds to the perpetrator bank card, advised the rest and gave her in cash through a trusted person. the fraudster herself was in chernihiv at that time, she was already detained, and her bank cards and jewelry were also confiscated. ukrainian communities are looking for answers to the challenges faced by women during the war. ukrainian helps to find them. public health foundation within the framework of the women's peace, security project, responses to the challenges of war, which regions have joined it and which security issues have already been resolved, this will be discussed in the next article. sectoral implementation of national 28 territorial communities from 14 oblasts of ukraine joined the women peace, security response to the challenges of war project, which was financially supported by the british government. the initiative from the mine... this year is implemented thanks to
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the partnership of six of the strongest women's public organizations with the office of the government commissioner for gender policy. when we talk about this policy and the approach of the merbezpeka woman, we are talking about different social groups of the population, necessarily identifying their needs and taking them into account, then forming and implementing state policy. only then can public policy be effective. we talk about this at the government level, but the mechanisms and tools are laid down in such projects. today, more than ever, the issue of citizens' security unites the east and the west, the south and the north of ukraine. the experience of the project has shown that our state is in dire need of solving common problems, which audits of territory security help to cope with. in all 28 communities, the audits were carried out, and... i would say, very successfully,
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very effectively, and they also helped not only to identify problems that exist in the context security for women in the communities, not only women, by the way, but also men, and... all residents of the communities, but they are very important that they helped the residents of the community to understand these dangers, to see what is wrong and how to correct the situation . as part of the project, the valkivska territorial community of kharkiv oblast managed to purchase and install video surveillance cameras on streets with more traffic, which reduces the risk of road accidents. it was thanks to the security audits that the community determined which places in the... region carry the greatest risks and threats. decided to register in project, that a safe space on kharkivsya street is the most important thing, because there are even fatal outcomes on this street, and it is very important for the police to understand how and
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what kind of vehicles move along this street. both drivers and pedestrians understand when there is video surveillance, traffic rules and speed are observed. transport and rules for pedestrians as well, they don't run across the road wherever they want, but follow the rules. a safety audit is the first step to improving life, as demonstrated by the zhytomyr city council's own example local community. as part of the project , cluttered areas near the local park were cleared, which could be a place of attack on women or children. also, the local cultural and sports center was able to start ecoflo and lanterns on... solar batteries, so that the children could exercise normally even during blackouts. we all dealt with security issues before becoming a deputy, but now we have received very clear such instructions, the information has already been collected, and it seems to me that it is extremely important
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to track global grants related to ecology, which concern security, because this is the work of not one generation, but of european countries, and we have a lot to learn. in addition, we also monitored the safety measures of all 29 urban target programs that are in our community, and in order to find out, in general, what is our situation with the inclusion of safety measures in the programs that are funded, in order to find out what are the gaps and maybe there are some, well, work on... to avoid them. lviv oblast also actively resolves security issues. in the bibrsk territorial community after security audits, the condition of areas near educational institutions and hospitals was improved. a protective structure was set up for the students of the local support lyceum. in public
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institutions, inclusive restrooms were installed, ramps were made, and escalators were purchased. in this way, the community tries to take care of people with inclusive needs. we have accessibility of institutions, this is really a norm, a requirement of the national health service of ukraine, ensuring inclusiveness, now we have moved to educational institutions, and precisely for this purpose , we have taken over the lyceum, purchased a staircase for a place at the expense of the local budget, security audits the ukrainian public health foundation began to be implemented in our country even before the full-scale war, but the russian invasion made its adjustments. a security audit is such a tool that... first of all, it allows the community to later direct the funds they have to cover priority issues related to security, that is, in fact, the community, and we have such requests from communities, they want to conduct audits in order to understand, and really this road, or this
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lighting, or this or that traffic junction, what needs to be done, but within the framework this project, which is currently being presented, also has a donor, the british embassy, ​​there are other donors who are ready to provide support to ukrainian women's organizations in addition to the funds in the communities. the security audit of territories is an important component of state policy, because during the russian-ukrainian war , the security issue itself is in the first place. the active participation of communities in the audit helps prevent violence and guarantees the right to protection for every ukrainian. tetyana golunova, espresso tv channel. and i want to remind you about our collection, please help with the purchase of maviks and their components, as well as fp drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction. to prevent them from risking
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their lives and storming through minefields, drones are needed, and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help, we have already collected almost 100 uah, remember, each of your donations is important, so join the collection, you can now see all the details on the screen. such was the news at that time, we will see you at 6 p.m., read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social media and watch on youtube. my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskii continue the broadcast. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak is just for you. with
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you and save. there are discounts on pectelvan plyushch. 10% in travel ban and savings pharmacies. big broadcast by vasyl zima. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours. air time, two hours of your time , we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii sgurets with us, and what the world is like, now about what is in happened to the world, yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovech will speak in more detail , please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much. chechen for information about the news of the culture of the presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka
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didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. premium the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, the informational evening of the tv channel started at 14:50 and an important message from the deputy prime minister for reconstruction oleksandr kubrakov. polish protesters started to stop passenger buses going to poland and to... poland quoting kubrakov unpleasant news is coming from the blocked polish border, protesters and police are stopping
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buses going to and from poland. passengers are detained without any explanation. kubrakov called such actions unacceptable, because during the war in ukraine, the passengers of such buses are young women with young children, socially vulnerable sections of the population. the attempt to make them hostages of the protest seems inappropriate for the civilized world, which we will carefully monitor. this situation, we will inform you about this scandal, yes, but in the meantime, we will add dmytro zebavin, a deputy of the mariupol city council, to our broadcast, we will talk with him about the situation. in the city and not only, mr. dmytro, we congratulate you, good day, so today our ukrainians and a team of ukrainian journalists, directors, received the most prestigious oscar film award for a documentary about mariupol, about the 20 days they spent in mariupol and recorded all the atrocities they saw, i would like to ask you in general
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whether you have seen this tape and actually , how did she react when... we found out that the documentary about mariupol won an oscar, i have complex feelings, because i and my family saw all the atrocities of the russian occupiers with my own eyes, my family and i survived these long three-week blockade in mariupol, when the russians they simply besieged the city and did not allow... free people, citizens of ukraine, to leave the city, they created a humanitarian catastrophe, first they did it to plunge mariupol into the stone age, and then they just started killing civilians by the thousands, just by shelling them with artillery, shelling from the air, our city
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and simply destroying residential high-rise buildings , were just like cards, and to be honest, my wife and i watched this film twice, it was very difficult for us, we saw footage of many places where the film crew was, and that i i want to say that this movie all the citizens of ukraine should watch it, all the ah... international partners of our entire world community should watch it, because this is probably, you know, the most tragic oscar in the history of mankind, which has been for all time, because this film showed, on the one hand, the genocide of our people, by russia, and these atrocities,
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this and that one are simply disgusting. a whole russian nation of murderers and terrorists, and i believe that the world community should just watch this film and understand that if they do not stop the russian invasion now, if they do not help ukraine, then the whole world can plunge into such darkness because russia will not stop at ukraine. yes, mr. dmytro, and accordingly. i would like to ask you about the situation, well, conditionally , conditionally speaking, i say the mariupol direction, i.e. marinka, novomykhaivka and ughledar, i understand that you know the topography well and actively monitor this or that news, share, be kind, non-secret news from the line front in the above-mentioned directions, well, the situation is very difficult and, let's
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say, there is a record of the fact that the russians have begun to strengthen another line of defense and accordingly, the residents of mariupol very often record the movement of wood from the city, the movement of concrete structures from the city, that is, there are , let’s say, in relation to this issue, there are fortifications both from the side of the temporarily occupied territory of the zaporizhia region, and directly already on the volnovarsky road, that is, the occupiers generally made fortifications on eh volnovsky road in such a way that they built from olenivka to, in fact, valnavakha, more than 2,000 different wagons as a kind of fortification
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structure, and accordingly, they see that there are certain threats for them, because on the positive side for us, we still cannot reach our temporarily occupied territory, but the defense forces can use ukrainian cotton to destroy the accumulation of russian troops and the movement of russian equipment and certain fortifications and warehouses, so strictly speaking, do not feel safe, and therefore the people of mariupol very often record such things as, in addition to the process of rotation taking place there, they. are still recording, respectively, simply the movement and redeployment of the enemy, and we would like to have you to ask about the information
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that came from the adviser to the mayor of mariupol, petro andryushchenko, he says that russian troops are now withdrawing forces to the northwest of the mariupol district and to rozivka, in zaporizhzhia, whether there is any information about what is being prepared or potentially can the russians now prepare in this direction? as a matter of fact, they are strengthening this line, as i have already said, it concerns this and that section of the temporarily occupied territory from the azov coast and approximately to starodubovka, and accordingly there, in addition to that they have a line of fortifications is in the zaporizhzhia region and, accordingly, in rozkovka. and they are also building another line of defense on the border between zaporizhia and donetsk regions.
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mr. dmytro, according to the approaches to the enemy, what about the mariupol direction? you know, this is such a permanent process, and as i already said, in principle, in the zone of damage of our armed forces, any target on the... temporarily occupied territory of ukraine, and as we can see, we are recording many moments of ukrainian warfare on the territory mariupol district, on the territory of the azov coast, and even the novoazovsky district, which is the furthest from our armed forces, but it is the closest to the borders of the country. terrorist and there is still an opportunity to get the targets that the occupiers have, they initially thought that
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they could feel safe in the novoazovsky district, well, let's say, but no, and therefore the people of mariupol, taking into account the fact that they have a very difficult time with the occupiers logical system, that is, they have this path from the rostov region. to through novoazovsk and to mariupol they have a lot loaded and they are forced to constantly redeploy in order to avoid shelling, but still they do not succeed. panem, the port of mariupol works, it works like that, but not at full capacity, large ships cannot enter there, and accordingly they use the port mostly to rob. ukrainian land, to export scrap metal, to export ukrainian grain, and there they import construction materials, even though we understand that
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some of those materials are weapons used by the occupiers, so they cannot to make large movements in this logistical way, but still, this moment is present, and now the focus of the occupiers is still more on... uh, railway connection, they dream there to build a railway connection through volnovakha, that is, from the territory of the terrorist's country , to build directly to the zaporizhzhia region and further in the direction of crimea, but they are building it next to volnovakha, well, that is, it is, let's say, close to the front line, and accordingly, i don't think that... the occupiers will have success because if they even build and will be launched, well, it will be very quickly, stopped , stopped in various ways by the armed forces
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of ukraine. mr. dmytro, i can ask you one last question about the pseudo-elections, or rather, about the ostentatiousness of this process, whether now they are somehow trying to bring it to a more or less civilized picture and organize certain polling stations, or are people just being grabbed like this... on the street, what happened to those pseudo-referendums, when they voted allegedly for joining the russian federation in kherson oblast and zaporizhzhia? and no maybe, the occupiers even have difficulties with showing some kind of picture , uh, what they have already drawn there, that on the first day of preliminary voting, they , just like in the past pseudo-elections, decided to stretch the days of preliminary voting there, days and the days of single voting, well, that is, i was generally confused in those days, when they held these demonstrative gatherings there for a week, and what?
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they do, they carry out precincts in the same way as in the past pseudo-election process boxes on the street and just grab people , crowds, even imagine , film crews can't collect video material for the plot, they can't get enough synchronicity, where people will at least say something, well, that is, there are usually two or three random people there and her according to... according to my information , these film crews spend 3-4 hours there in order to collect at least some video sequence for the stories, that is, the occupiers, let's say, did not cope with this task, and i think that the collaborators who are responsible for this election process , well, they don't last very long remained, because they are not even able to create a picture of any mass, i.e.
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people. yes, they are even brought there in the stories , well, it is very clearly visible, they are there in the same clothes, that is, they are forcibly brought to vote , but even taking this into account, the picture does not look like a mass of people going to vote, but in pension funds, yes bells, post offices, there are people there, you don't have to wait there, there are a lot of people, they are waiting at least to... get some money there, to somehow live, and they don't go there with ballot boxes, because they understand that at least they will be beaten there. thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro zabavin, a member of the mariupol city council, was on the air of espresso, and we were actually talking about an award for ukrainian directors and journalists who shot a documentary about 20 days in
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mariupol, actually witnessed what. they started and talked also about the situation that is happening in mariupol itself and in the mariupol district, and about the elections, the pseudo-elections of putin, the re-election of putin on the territory of occupied mariupol, here i wanted i would actually like to pay attention to an important message from the ukrainian border service, because before the inclusion of mr. dmytro antin , he read information from kubrakov about the fact that ukrainian buses are not being allowed through. on the border, here, the spokesman of the state border service , colonel andriy demchenko, in a comment to the ups , said that the border guards do not record problems with the passage of passenger transport directly across the border with poland, be healthy, but do not rule out that sometimes their movement through places where are polish protesters far from the border can be complicated, that is, the story is such that people pass through customs and border control, even the polish side
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accepts them, there may be such a situation directly in poland that certain protesters can other buses have to be delayed somewhere, that's the story, thank you martin, that is an extremely important signal, we will monitor and report. gleb repich is in touch with us, candidate of chemical sciences. glory to ukraine, hleb, we congratulate you. glory to heroes. well, we would like to ask you about which for example, chemical weapons can be used by the enemy when we talk about the front line from time to time. information is coming in that the enemy is using some or other chemical substances, if so, well, unfortunately, this often happens, that is , they use those chemical weapons, which are supposedly not prohibited, which belong to the type of irritants, in fact, these chemical weapons are many people have it in their pockets or in their handbags, it is an ordinary spray can, it also applies to this, but i note that
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the geneva convention... is prohibited the use of such weapons precisely in military conflicts can be used for self-defense, to disperse demonstrations there , but it is not possible in war, so they violate it, firstly, secondly, this is still a very unpleasant way, because who once fell under the influence of a gas bottle, they know how effective this thing is, that is , unfortunately, it is an effective weapon, with which, for example, you can smoke a soldier. zakop, okay, uh , secondly, what else can they do, but luckily, until they think of using it, it's nerve agents, it's what was used in syria, they saw the consequences of the attacks there, that is, there it is a weapon that acts on our nervous system, that is, our nervous system is a super-sensitive structure in general, and it is so thin that this chemical...


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