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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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of the russian federation , co-organizer of the free peoples of postrossia forum, an interesting conversation, let’s move on, pass on, move on, and we’ll say goodbye already today, because we have to pass the word on to our colleagues, and antin and i will return to this studio at this time tomorrow, we will with you to analyze and inform you about everything most important, take care, see you tomorrow. 18:00 in ukraine, for your attention, a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. the ukrainian consul left for the border crossing point.
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dorogusk due to the detention of buses with ukrainian passengers, the ambassador of ukraine to poland, vasyl zvarych, informed about this. the consul will conduct on-site negotiations to unblock flights. earlier it became known that polish protesters and the police began to stop passenger buses at the border. there are no explanations from the participants of the action. the ukrainian government called such a situation unacceptable, because during the war, the passengers of such buses are usually women with children. children, the elderly and returning servicemen or go to study. ukraine urged poland to develop tools and mechanisms that would make it impossible to continue blocking the border. for more than four months, polish farmers have blocked the movement of trucks in front of common checkpoints. how to ensure unimpeded transportation of ukrainian agricultural products to european countries. about this participants.
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the participants of the ninth meeting of the ukrainian-polish intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation discussed this, the representatives of the delegation strive to ensure that incidents on the border do not harm cooperation two sides our commission is an example of the fact that we can and know how to negotiate and we do it with results for our regions and our states. i would like to thank the ukrainian side for its openness, the work of our intergovernmental commission is a good platform for discussing complex issues and for ensuring future cooperation. poland expresses solidarity with the ukrainian people and will be with you in good and bad times. the european commission must make a decision on the presentation of the negotiating framework for ukraine's accession to the eu within three days.
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reported the deputy prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration of ukraine olga stefanishyna. she also emphasized that today the parliament passed the last legislative act needed to complete the recommendation. in particular, the people's deputies adopted changes to the administrative legislation, which introduce liability for violations of lobbying legislation. we have restrained optimism. technical forecasts and as usual, after this decision we will work intensively with the capitals. it is important to follow the progress. european the commission is responsible for many countries, so there is a tendency to drag out the process. ukraine has a high capacity, it moves very dynamically, and we cannot afford this, that is why we consistently put pressure on making a timely decision. new defensive lines that are being built along. the front lines
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will be completed on time, prime minister denys shmyhal said during a meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief. he noted that the construction of fortifications in three lanes 200 km long is a large-scale task, but the pace is good. also, during the meeting of the higher of the military leadership, it was about the actual delivery of shells, missiles and other weapons to the front. regarding the situation on the front line, the president listened to the report of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. oleksandr syrsky. in ukraine , 15 soldiers of the russian federation were sentenced to 12 years in prison. all of them cruelly treated the civilian population in chernihiv oblast. at the beginning of march 2022 in the village of yagidne. the occupiers created a torture chamber in the basement of a local school. they forcibly detained about 370 residents there, including almost 70 children. by not'. conditions of stay and failure to provide
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necessary medical care, ten people died in this basement. 14 years old. grata will be led by a collaborator who was one of the first to support the invaders during the capture of balaklia. we are talking about a former employee of the disbanded local militia. for his voluntary cooperation with the russian invaders, they appointed him first as the head of the pseudo-police, and later as the head of the occupation administration. in these positions , gauleiter spread the kremlin regime on the territory of the city and helped the invaders carry out repressions against ukrainian patriots. the traitor was detained during the liberation of kupyansk, where was he hiding? he was sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment, with the deprivation of the right to hold positions in state authorities, local self-government and law enforcement
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agencies of ukraine, for a term of 11 years, with confiscation of all property. in odesa , border guards detained two residents of zaporizhzhia. regions that tried to escape to the unrecognized transnistria. at the final stage of their illegal journey, they desperately stormed from anti-traffic ditch with a telescopic ladder. seeing the border guards, the men ran away and stopped only after warning shots were fired. administrative reports were drawn up on the fugitives and their cases were referred to the court. on employees of the tcc in bukovina, the court sent two men to custody who attacked the military with axes. this was reported to the police of the chernivtsi region. violators face up to seven years in prison. i would like to remind you that on march 7, social networks published
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a video showing two men with axes attacked military personnel. the incident happened in the village of ploska, vyzhnytsky district. the driver of niva first ran over a 41-year-old man, and then together with his accomplice hit the victim with an ax. almost uah 1.5 million and more than 70 g of jewelry. this is how much it cost a resident of zakarpattia to allegedly remove damage from the family, the regional police said. the so-called seer assured the woman that she needed money and gold jewelry to perform the rituals. the victim transferred part of the funds to the attacker's bank card, i transferred the rest to her in cash through a trusted person. the fraudster herself was in chernihiv at that time, she was already detained, and her bank cards and jewelry were also confiscated.
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former us president donald trump is not going to support ukraine in the war against the russian invaders if he wins the presidential elections. this was announced by the prime minister. hungary's viktor orban in an interview with a local publication. according to him, trump will not want to finance the security of europe instead of europeans. so he will not give money to support ukraine. eco-activists led by greta thunberg blocked the entrance to the swedish parliament. the protesters wanted to draw attention to overcoming climate disasters. according to 21-year-old thunberg. she was joined by a group of active researchers from various fields of research and dozens of activists. among other things, activists accuse fossil fuel companies of deliberately slowing down the transition to renewable energy sources in order to generate more profits. we
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are staying here, the fight will last as long as it takes. we are not going to give up, this is just the beginning. climate crisis will only worsen, so it is our responsibility, all those who have the opportunity to act must do so, we call on everyone who can to join us and join the movement for climate justice. a historic victory. for the first time, ukraine received the most prestigious film award, oscar. the documentary film 20 days in mariupol by director mstislav chernov was recognized as the best in the feature-length documentary category . it was announced last night at the oscars 2024 ceremony. during his speech , chernov said that he would like the film to never had to shoot. i'm honored, but
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maybe i'll be the first director on that stage to say, i wish, i wish i never had to make this movie. i wish i could trade it for russia never attacking ukraine, never occupying our cities. well, if you haven't seen 20 days in mariupol yet, definitely do it. watch the tape yourself and recommend it to your friends who live abroad, because the whole world should see it. that was the news for this time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and say goodbye to you until tomorrow, and literally meet you in a moment. my colleague vasyl zymy.
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espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone. turn on polls and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22. the premium sponsor of the national team presents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine!
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greetings, this is great ater, my name is vasyl zima, we will start within the next hour and 45 minutes, we will be with you briefly in eternal memory of honor and thanks to all those soldiers who died fighting for ukraine today and those civilians who, unfortunately, were killed or wounded by the enemy, and many thanks to the film crew who made the film mariupol, 20 days in mariupol, which won. oscar, this is for the beginning, and now we will start with the announcement of the collection. espresso calls to join the collection on the buggy for the evacuation of the wounded and the transport of combat kits, as well as for the car and trench rebs for the 12th separate. special forces, our soldiers destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day, this collection will help save human life and increase the effectiveness of the unit, so join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which we restrain the aggressor and sharpens the sword with which we cut down this aggressor, well we, i mean the armed forces of ukraine are lying, because we are in the rear, and they are there, and this collection is for them
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, our goal is uah 480,000. we are going at a bad pace, i hope that... in the near future we will be able to send this buggy to our soldiers. well, let's start by talking about donetsk region. it is not so often possible to talk with donetsk region, the situation there is actually very difficult, but today there is such an opportunity. serhii dobryak is the head of the pokrovsky military administration mr. serhiy, congratulations. i congratulate you. you know, today i was looking at the news feed to find some news, there is not so much news about pokrovsk, as about many other cities, unfortunately, donetsk region, but that life, which, unfortunately, is now called, happens there every day. war, such is life in war, i would like about the security situation, first of all , you tell me about the last days, at least , maybe even a week, today, what is the situation, shelling, dangers, threats, please, yes, during since the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, we have had 62 shelling, only since the new year until now 13 shellings, unfortunately, we have
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29, and this is us... more or less a city that is, shall we say, not on the front line, we have 29 dead people , and 237 people wounded, mainly the enemy, if pokrovsk is attacked, well, of course, pokrovsk is not two and not 5 km away, let's say from the same avdiivka, even further from bakhmut, but in principle this is a city that still remains under threat and the same with those cabs, and there is a different or long-range one. i don't know if she finishes there or not, but in any case she is there is a threat, and what bothers the enemy the most and what is the threat, well, the most likely, let’s say this, is rocket fire after all , we mean cruise missiles or ballistics, or these terrible cabs are used, so our city is constantly bombarded with ballistics, this s-300 or iskanders, all two years old, so
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the flight time is 20 there, 8-30 there are too many. e seconds, so it flies, then the siren already sounds. if you look at pokrovsk, now, what percentage of the city is damaged, are there at least some neighborhoods or a complex houses, where in general everything is fine , or is the city wounded, well, now we see the footage, i understand roughly your answer, but i want you to tell me whether the city, it is all covered in such scars, bruises and injuries. unfortunately, the whole city is scarred, this year it was specifically more in the city center, currently we have three high-rise buildings destroyed , 54 private houses destroyed, 201 multi-storey buildings damaged and 963
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private houses damaged, you know, i... ordinary terrorism in the private sector, residential development, as we can see, i watch how the utility workers work, well , obviously, the rescuers work, of course , well, at the first stage, the rescuers, then the utility workers try to dismantle it, well, since they watch the espresso tv channel, not only, as they say, dignitary viewers, not dignitaries, well, just citizens , the authorities are also watching, i know this very well, and maybe there are some needs that, i understand that you have your own sources of communication and... channels of communication, but if it is possible any such needs that could be closed volunteers who can hear, or someone will tell someone, or someone will actually hear, say: let's see, there are such, well, it's in communal equipment, maybe in some other means that are needed to ensure a conditionally, conditionally normal life every day, and perhaps we need some kind of reserve there,
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again, funds for someone to provide communal services or something else, please, thank you for the question, well... first of all, i will honestly say that we have been at war for 10 years, we we understand what to do, when to do it, secondly, we have a great synergy with the regional one military administration , ah, we have a common, let's say, matrix, material reserves, secondly, humanitarian organizations and international organizations help a lot, it's true, but of course, you said correctly, there are also needs for... communal equipment, because it suffers from shelling, and these are expensive, well, things are like that, so we work in principle, but i will be honest, together... we constantly keep our finger on the pulse and always see support there , we are called and our international organizations
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and regional the military administration, by the way i read it today, i don't know, but i decided to ask that frankivsk and pokrovsk decided to agree on cooperation, is it true or not? it 's true, on saturday we signed a memorandum with ruslan artsevich, well, with the city. they promised us that they would help us, first of all , they would bring 200 sheets of slate, well , this is the beginning, well, by the way, this is very cool, because when those communities, which are now conditionally far from the front, which can live more or less normally again and to develop, it is very good when these communities provide both those cities that are closer to the front line and themselves combat units, i know there in lviv every... month the authorities report on how much has been allocated, and whenever something is allocated there, whether it be a million dollars, whether it is some other amount, they always say, it is not enough, let's give more, and like a lion
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's revenge, it's called, but it's cool, because this money and, on the one hand, you can think, well , lviv is far from the front, what kind of lion is there, well , first of all, many lviv residents are at the front, it 's - first, many dead, many who are fighting, but on the other hand, this money becomes revenge, because you buy drones, you you buy some more means and then destroy the enemy , that is why, and finally, on humanitarian issues , there are communal services, which may be urgent problems now, and the provision of pharmacies, hospitals, what is the life of people every day, is it possible that there is a separate a problem, maybe with water, maybe with something else , please, for now, yes, for now , we have all communal services available, thanks to the regional military administration, it was a synergy of two communities of the regional military administration with red crosses, do it... or an alternative source of water supply, therefore, if not everyone finished on schedule , we always have water, thanks to votramission, we also
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have 10 separate reverse osmosis points, there is drinking water, water that is given free of charge and delivered free of charge, well, for now in... in the city and in the community, services, trade, water supply, heat supply, gas supply, thank god and our armed forces of ukraine, everything is fine. and, well , does any business work, does it still succeed, well, except for those taxes, which are collected from the salaries of, let's say , employees of the communal sector, some other taxes there, well, there are a number of mandatory ones, is it still somehow possible to pay small and medium-sized businesses in... i understand that the cities that are near the front, i don't think military pdf was taken from there, was it? well, everyone was taken by the personal income tax, not only the military, but also
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the rescuers, but we keep the financial front, thanks to our tax payers, who pay on time in full, this is also our industrial front. sector, fire hour industry, agricultural sector, i won't say what, yes, we have problems, but not critical, we are talking about our community, so in this case we are still at zero, let's say yes, well, i will ask very carefully here, and you will say yes , as it should be said, because now a lot of fortifications are being built, they understood that the enemy would accumulate somewhere there, somewhere, well, they are now fighting a little on the distant borders, and there avdiyivka is further from pokrovsk, even further. bang bang, but we understand that we must always be ready for any development of the situation, this this is life, these are the realities of life, and of course
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you can feel much safer, well , we are now seeing an example of a time gap, where something was done at a bit of an avalanche pace, but is there a possibility of funding from the center, because i don’t think that this the local community will use its budget to carry out certain works, i do not say where they are done, how they can be done, because the enemy is always... where to look then, well, there, but in principle, whether this is a question, it is solved, well, in advance, again anyway, just in case, thanks for the question, but look, it's me i would say that since march 22, the whole of ukraine rose up and paid together, ah, regarding these words today, believe me, there is help from the state budget, local budgets, well, in general, in principle, donetsk region. worked on fortifications, not only, that is why we are already talking about our multifaceted protective, let's say so,
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species, we join as a community and every community in donnychchyna, the regional administration, and i confirm once again that the regional state budget in this tangent from this year in general , in full swing, let's say, work continues right intense, thank you very much, on this one, well, it 's very good actually, because you know, when there is a defense, and the military is not in the field to defend suddenly, that there is a possible advance of the enemy, let... never be that, but it's better to have , i’m keeping the situation safe, thank you very much, it was serhiy dobryak, the head of the pokrovsk military administration, about life in the city of pokrovsk, yes, of course, it’s not the front line, but it’s almost there, well, anyway , we understand what’s flying there, and if if an anti-aircraft missile is flying there, well, a jet system is under fire, a tornado or a hurricane, then we understand that it is close, well, that is, it is close, and there is no living place in this place, but now we have zaporizhzhia, and there is also a difficult situation there
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, in fact... such a permanent difficult situation, unfortunately, askada shurbeko, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, from we are in touch, mr. askade, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, this morning , information about an enemy attack on zaporizhzhia just appeared, well, not in the city, but in the region, and then there were strikes again, today, quite loud, which could be heard in the city, from what you can tell, tell me, please, well, the most important thing is the consequences of people's lives, health people, and there were two strikes on the suburbs of zaporizhzhia, this... was the zaporizhzhia district , and at the moment all the circumstances are being established, so far there is no information about the victims or destroyed infrastructure, the only thing that is known is that these were most likely ballistic missile launches from temporarily occupied crimea, because the monitoring groups recorded the evacuation and in fact the population had a few minutes to go to a shelter or a bomb shelter, so we hope that in general, after the completion of the investigation of all other actions there, that there will be no wounded, no killed, no
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of damaged property there, because today all... services are working normally, in general, the energy sector there, so , let's say, relative to the place, at least they did not feel any consequences from these strikes, well , thank god that it is so, we'll see when the investigation is over, we hope that the most important thing is that you can't , who can't be sold, that people will be alive, let's see what the information that was spreading today was also about, it's not specifically about the zaporizhzhia region, but we know that part of the zaporizhzhia region, a large part, unfortunately, there is a temporary one today. that enemy territory, well not the enemy, russia, well russia the enemy, but also such information, it was information that was voiced by british intelligence, if i am not mistaken, that russia may be preparing the deportation of ukrainians without passports to the russian federation, to the temporarily occupied territory, there is some time until april, if i'm not mistaken, if you don't get a passport of the russian federation, and you won't be a local there , and you don't have citizenship, allegedly, and these
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people won't be told to go either. in zaporizhzhia, or in kropyvnytskyi, or to cherkasy, no, they are planned to be deported, as they say, to the regions of the eternal freeze, or to the economically depressed regions of russia, and unfortunately , there are many such in russia, or fortunately, whether it is true or not, as then , how many people can there be who do not take passports in principle, and now they can also be expelled from their homes? in general , what we said is happening, in principle, that the pressure is increasing, but this is again a very important signal. that after two years of occupation, they are actually forced the russians are looking for ever new, new, tougher methods, or to force our people in the temporarily occupied territories to get passports, that means there are a lot of them and they have to, and they are thinking what to do with them, as far as we know, there are deadlines of july 1 , that there will be some kind of simplified procedure for obtaining a russian passport that will be changed there, and then it will be necessary to take fingerprints there, and if not, then people will be deported there or again some other
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restrictions will be imposed on them. well, that is, we understand that they are now they are trying to speed up these processes from one point of view, it is also connected with the elections, because in general this whole wave about july 1, about the need to obtain a passport there according to a simplified procedure, it was quite significantly fueled just before the elections, so i think that this is one of the factors, and another , of course, that they are trying in this way to identify people who have such an anti -occupation position there, to break them, in fact, and you are absolutely right that there is no deportation... to the controlled territory can't talk it will actually just be the kidnapping of people and their imprisonment and toppling to the deep territories of russia, because in fact all these stories about deportation, even since the beginning of the war, because periodically there was such information, in fact they ended, or that people were sent on foot through the gray zone, through the contact line, and then shot in the back, or in another way, in fact, just for the sake of the video , they were released, in fact, then they imprisoned
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all those who were happy there. for the occupied territories, i.e. no one is free.


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