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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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greetings, this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, we will start within the next hour and 45 minutes, we will be with you briefly in eternal memory of honor and thanks to all those soldiers who died fighting for ukraine today and those civilians who, unfortunately, were killed or wounded by the enemy, and a big thank you to the film crew that made the oscar-winning film mariupol 20 days in mariupol, that's for starters, and now let's start with the announcement of the collection. espresso calls to join the gathering on baguio to evacuate the wounded. transportation of combatants kits, as well as for automobile and trench rebs for the 12th separate special forces unit. our soldiers destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day. this collection will help save human life and increase the effectiveness of the unit, so join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which we restrain the aggressor and sharpens the sword with which we cut down this aggressor, well, we, i mean , the armed forces of ukraine, because we are in the rear , and they are there, and this collection is for them, our goal is 480 00 hryvnias, i will see during the broadcast how much we... already, how much you have already collected, and i will announce
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number, in principle, we are not going at a bad pace, and i hope that in the near future we will be able to send this buggy to our soldiers, well, let's start by talking about donetsk region, it is not so often possible to talk with donetsk region, the situation there is actually very difficult, but today there is such an opportunity, serhii dobryak, the head of the pokrovsky military administration, mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, you know, today i was looking at the news feed to find some news, there is not much news about... pokrovsky about many other cities, on pity, donetsk, but there every day that life is happening, which unfortunately is now called war, such a life at war. i would like about the security situation, first of all, for you to tell me about the last days, at least, maybe even a week, today, what is the situation, the shelling, the dangers, the threats, please, yes, during the period of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation in us there were 62 shellings, only 13 since the new year. unfortunately, we have 29, we
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are more or less a city that is, shall we say, not on the front line, we have 29 people killed, and 237 people injured, mainly the enemy, if he attacks pokrovsk, well, of course , pokrovsk is not, not two and not 5 km there, let's say from the same avdiivka, even further from bakhmut, but in principle this is a city that still... remains under threat and the same and those kabs and other or long-range artillery, i don’t know if it finishes there or not, but in any case there is such a threat, and what bothers the enemy the most and what is the most likely threat, let’s say this, it is rocket fire after all , cruise missiles or ballistics are meant, or are used are these terrible cabs? so our city is constantly bombarded by ballistics, it's s-300 or iskanders for two years, that's why... the flight
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time is 20 there, 8-30 there is more than seconds, that's why it arrives, then the siren already sounds. if we look at pokrovsk, now , how many percent of the city is damaged, are there at least some neighborhoods or a complex of buildings where everything is fine in general, is the city still wounded, well, now we see the footage, i understand your answer roughly, but i want you to tell or? the city, it's all in these scars, sores and wounds, unfortunately, the whole city is scarred, this year it was specifically more in the city center, currently we have three high-rise buildings destroyed, 54 private houses destroyed, 201 multi-story buildings and 963 houses damaged. private damage, you know, i
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know that this is ordinary terrorism in the private sector, in residential development, as we can see, i am watching how the utility workers work, well , obviously, the rescuers work, of course , the rescuers work at the first stage, then the utility workers try to sort it out , well since the spresso tv channel is watched not only, as they say, by high-ranking viewers, not high-ranking people, well, citizens also watch and authorities, i know this very well, but... maybe there are some needs that, i understand that you have have their own sources of communication and channels of communication, but if there are any such needs that could be covered by volunteers who can hear, or someone will tell someone, or someone will actually hear, say: let's see, there are such, well, it's in the communal technology, perhaps in some other means that are required for provision conditionally, conditionally normal life every day, and maybe we need some kind of reserve there, again, funds for someone for... provision
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of communal services of some kind there or something else, please, thank you for the question, well, first of all, i will honestly say that we have already been in the war for 10 years, we understand what to do, when to do it, secondly, we have great synergy with the regional military administration, we have common, let's say, material reserves, secondly, it is very true, they help in a great way humanitarian organizations and international organizations, but of course you said correctly, there is also a need for utility equipment, because it suffers from shelling, and it is expensive, well, things are like that. that's why we work in principle, but i'll be honest, together we constantly keep our finger on the pulse and always see support, there it says that our
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international organizations and the regional military administration will support us, by the way, i read it today, i don't know, i decided to ask it again , that frankivski pokrovsk decided to agree on cooperation, it is true or not, it is true, we signed on saturday. with ruslan marcevich, well, with the city, a memorandum, they promised us, they will help us first of all, 200 sheets of slate will be brought, well, this is the beginning, well , by the way, this is very cool, because when those communities that are now, well, conditionally far from the front, that can more or less again it is still normal to live and develop, it is very good when these communities provide... and those cities that are closer to the front line, and the combat units themselves, i know that in lviv every month the authorities report on how much has been allocated and always when there stands out there somewhere, let a million dollars, let there be some more money, they always say, it 's not enough, let's give more, but how about a lion's revenge, it's called, but it's cool, because
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this money and on the one hand you can think, well, lviv is far from the front, what kind of lion is there yacha , well, first of all, there are many lviv residents at the front, first of all, there are many dead, many who are fighting, but on the other hand, this money becomes revenge, because you buy drones, you buy more. some means and then you destroy the enemy, that is why and finally, on humanitarian issues, there are in communal services, which now maybe there are urgent problems, and the provision of pharmacies, hospitals, and what is the life of people every day, maybe there is a separate problem in something, maybe with water, maybe with something else, please, for now yes, for now everyone we have communal services available, thank you to the regional military administration. this was a synergy of two communities of the regional military administration of the red crosses, which made an alternative source of water supply, so we have, if not every day, then according to the schedule, there is always water, and thanks to the watermission, we also have 10 separate points
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reverse osmosis, there is drinking water, water that is given free of charge and delivered free of charge. well, for now , trade, water supply, heat supply, gas supply services are available in the city and community, thank god and our armed forces of ukraine, everything is fine, and if any business is working, is it still successful, well, apart from those taxes, which are collected from the salaries of, let's say, employees of the communal sector, some other taxes, well, there are a number of mandatory ones, is it possible? after all, somehow , to pay small and medium-sized businesses some bills, as far as i understand, the cities that are close to the front, in my way , the military p.p.d.f.o. was not taken from there, or they were taken , well, all of them were
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taken by the p.d.f.o. taxpayers who pay on time. in full, this is also our industrial sector, the coal industry, the agricultural sector, i will not say why, yes, we have problems, but they are not critical, we are talking about our community, so in this case we are still at zero, let's say so , well, i will ask here very carefully, and you will say as it should be said, because now a lot of fortifications are being built, you understand that the enemy will accumulate somewhere there, well, somewhere is fighting now. on the far borders, avdiyivka is further from pokrovsk, even further than bahmud, but we understand that we must always be ready for any development of the situation, this is life, these are the realities of life, and of course it is much safer to do so to feel, well, we are now seeing an example of a time gap, where
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something was being done at a bit of an emergency pace, but is there the possibility of funding from the center, because i don't think that the local community will pull it with its budget. to do certain works, i don't say where they are done, how they can be done, because the enemy will always look, well, there, but in principle, whether this is a question, it is solved, well, in advance, again. just in case, thank you for the question, but look, i would say that since march 22, the whole of ukraine rose up and rallied together. ah, about these words for today, believe me, there is help from the state budget, local ones budgets, well, in general, in principle, donetsk region worked on fortifications, and not only that. therefore, we are already talking about our multi-phased one. protective, let's say, breeds, we join as a community, and
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every community in donetsk region, the regional administration, and i confirm once again that the regional state budget in this area is in full swing from this year, let's say, the work continues intensively, thank you very much , on this one, well it's pretty good actually because you know when there's a defense. and the military will not be in the field to defend suddenly that the advance of the enemy is possible, may this never happen, yes, but it is better to have a safe situation, thank you very much, it was serhii dobryak, the head of the pokrovsk village administration about life in the city of pokrovsk, of course, this is not the front line, but it is almost there , well, that is, we still understand what is flying there, and if an anti-aircraft missile, a jet fire system, a tornado or a hurricane arrives from there , we understand that it is close, well, that is, it is close, and there is no living space in this place. and now zaporizhzhia is also difficult in our country the situation, actually such a permanently difficult
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situation, unfortunately, and skada shurbeko, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, is in touch with us, mr. askade, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, this morning there was just information about an enemy attack on zaporizhia, well no in the city, and in the region, and then again today there were blows, quite loud, which could be heard in the city, from what you can tell, please tell, most importantly, the consequences of people's lives. people, and there were two strikes on the suburbs of zaporizhia, it was the zaporizhia district, currently all the circumstances, so far there is no information about the victims or the destroyed infrastructure , the only thing that is known is that these were most likely ballistic missile launches from the temporarily occupied crimea, because the monitoring groups recorded the departures and in fact the population had a few minutes to either go to shelter or bomb shelter, so we hope that after the completion of the investigation of all and... actions there, that there will be no injured, no killed, no damaged property there, because today all services
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are working normally, in general there and energy sphere, so, let's say, relative to the place, at least they didn't feel any consequences from these strikes, well, thank god that's the case, we'll see when the investigation is finished, we hope that after all , the most important thing is that you can't, who you can't sell it, these people will be alive, but let's see what the information that was spread about today, it's not specifically about zaporizhzhia. region, but we know that a part of the zaporizhia region, a large part, unfortunately, is currently temporarily occupied by the enemy , well not the enemy, russia, well russia enemy, and such information, it was information that was voiced by british intelligence, if i am not mistaken, that russia may be preparing the deportation of ukrainians without passports to the russian federation to the temporarily occupied territory, there is some time until april, if i am not mistaken, if you don't get a passport of the russian federation, and you will, you won't be there... a local and you don't have citizenship, allegedly , and these people won't be told to go to zaporizhzhia
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or to kropyvnytskyi or to cherkasy, no, they are planned to be deported, as they say, to the districts permafrost or economically depressed regions of russia, and unfortunately there are many of them in russia or fortunately, whether this is true or not, how many people can there be who do not take passports in principle, and now they can also be expelled from their homes, in general . this is what we said, in principle, that the pressure is increasing, but this is again a very important signal that after two years of occupation, in fact, they are forced by the russians to look for new, new, tougher methods, or to force our people to temporarily occupied territory to get passports, this means that there are many of them, and they should, and they think what to do with them , as far as we know, there is a deadline of july 1, that there will be some kind of simplified procedure for obtaining a russian passport changed there, that and then you will need to submit fingerprints there and if not, then people will be deported there, or to make some other restrictions with him again, well, that is, we understand that they
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are now trying to speed up these processes from one point of view, it is also connected with the elections, because in general this whole wave is about july 1, about the need to receive passport according to the simplified procedure, it was quite significantly pumped up just before the elections, so i think that this is one of the factors, and another, of course, that they are trying in this way to identify people who already have such an anti-occupation position there, to break them , in fact, and you are absolutely right that we cannot be talking about any deportation to the controlled territory, it will actually be simply the kidnapping of people and their imprisonment and... moving to the deep territories of russia, because in fact all these stories about deportation, even since the beginning of the war, because periodically there was such information, in fact they ended, or that people were sent on foot through the gray zone, across the contact line and then shot in the back, or in some other way they were actually released just for the video, in fact then they imprisoned all the temporarily occupied people who were arranged there
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territories, that is , unfortunately, no one is freely releasing people from the temporarily occupied territories of our ukrainians, but we understand that... it is anathema to the russians and we understand that our people are holding on, and again this thesis is confirmed by the fact that and movement actions opposition, they continue, these are such as the explosions of autocollaborators, only recently it happened in berdyansk, and we see constant actions from the side of the yellow tape, that is, two years of occupation, all various methods of pressure, but this does not change anything, our people continue to fight against the russians on the temporarily occupied territory, i have two questions here, first, the occupiers promise to retake zaporizhzhia in a day, i will not even ask this question, because it is clear that... this is a wet dream, but the second is interesting, again, i will ask, and you without naming the locations there, who is doing it, but simply the fact itself is important here, that in zaporizhzhia they developed and manufacture ground drones, well, this is open information, i did not hear it from sources, i read it in the news feed, that is why i voice it, because me, but i understand that the enemy can hunt anyone, so we are not there, but the very fact is that in zaporizhzhia, well, in fact
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, near the frontline city , ground drones have been developed and are being manufactured, i don’t know which ones there, or those that evacuate or those that mine or. well, but wow, as much as there is an opportunity today zaporozhye, perhaps with the support of the state, with the support of private business, or people somehow invest money themselves, to do what is needed on the front: drones on the ground, in the air, there are some other things, nets, well, it’s a little cheaper, but it’s working for the war , again, not for the war, but for the armed forces, which wants to finally stop this war in ukraine, i want to say that zaporizhzhia, despite its proximity to the front line, remains a very big support for the armed forces. of ukraine, starting from organizations that manufacture drones, and this already has such an industrial one scale, ending with our metallurgical enterprises, machine-building enterprises, which actually also work for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine , this is again, this is open information, because the industry of the zaporizhzhia region is largely self-oriented to our defense capability, because we have a large number of these enterprises and they work and
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continue to work, despite the large number of attacks on these enterprises and hostile others. and that's about, again, going back to drones, i think that there is more than one such initiative, more than one, let's say, a circle of people who produce it, there are several organizations of different scales, but they work, some work for donations, some work as business associates, some recruit these industrial scale, it even turns out for them to be, let's say, the sphere of production, they enter into some kind of agreements and contracts with the armed forces of ukraine and do it all on an industrial scale, so i think that for... zaporizhzhia, despite its proximity to the front line, more than 600 remain in the city thousands of people, the city is working, and thanks to the armed forces of ukraine, today the city has not been bombarded with s-300s for several months, that is, it is important to have time between flights, enemy missiles and the transition to shelter, this has significantly stabilized the economic the sphere of zaporizhzhia , the overall productivity of the economy, and today
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zaporizhzhia is a reliable support for the armed forces of ukraine, and by the way , i'm already thinking about... let me think about this zaporizhzhia in a day, it's clear that this is impossible, the enemy is standing today there in the working area, somewhere there other areas, maybe, but it’s still only from orichov, if i’m not mistaken, it’s 70 kilometers to zaporizhzhia, that is , he can’t reach it in a day, even if he really wanted to, even if there were no roadblocks or anything. but it's important, it's important to emphasize, i'd like to say that i'm just, i'm just one more thesis, here in kharkiv, well, the enemy is there too... crawling near the city, conditionally, and for, well, there are still shellings, well, but in zaporozhye shelling, just in the first two months of this year, 100,000 kharkiv residents, approximately such a number, well, there they say from 50 to 100, well , somewhere they say that it left closer to the people, this is just a fact, and someone believed what the deputy ms. ustinova said, that kharkiv would be besieged there, but it works, well,
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maybe the enemy is counting on this to depopulate the city, and a depopulated city is a dead city, and it is much easier suddenly, what to take? even if, look, i will tell you frankly, there are no such trends in zaporizhzhia, ah-ah, and even all these ipso about the fact that zaporizhzhia can be captured, look, well, in fact, this started a month ago, in that including information such a psychological special operation on the part of the russians with their activation in the robotino region, when they increased the number of shelling, the number of attacks, and during this month they actually did not advance even in the robotino region, not to mention the nuts there, that is, they are still tens of kilometers away in fact from orichov, that is, our townspeople... they do not have objective information about what is happening at the front, because we see the front here, we are near it, and people, not that they are not leaving en masse, people in general not are leaving, i think there is a great merit here, including the bodies. at all levels , because today we see active work on the construction of fortifications, today there are already a large number of construction projects hidden in schools, underground schools, that is, in
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general, it is demonstrated at all levels that zaporizhzhia will be a stable city, and on the contrary , everything is being done today, so that from the point of view of security, people feel safe and comfortable here, and those people who at one time left there last year, when there were massive shelling, so that , on the contrary, they return, so i can to clearly say that there is no population outflow in zaporizhzhia, as in kharkiv. well, there is still a little bit, literally, there is a minute, but here is the information about the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, now it is somehow less talked about, but they did not allow them to go there again, they did not allow the magate mission, representatives of the magate, and there is a problem with that , that the fuel somehow remains there for a certain time of operation, well, i am not an atomic energy engineer, so i will not pretend here that i understand it very well, but there are some certain problems, please tell me, or again anyway... in zaporizhzhia, this issue is also relevant today, because, well, living next to the au, the largest in europe, where there are such problems, is not very peaceful. look, in public opinion,
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this issue is not a priority today because, well, again, a lot of information around this issue is rational enough, people understand and all the dangers associated with as, and all the, well, let's say, actions , which can be done by our bodies of the state emergency service, the other was the corresponding training, that is, let’s say, the situation among the population, of course, which is tense in relation to the possible there accidents or man-made catastrophes that the occupiers can arrange, but again, this does not cause any kind of panic there, unfortunately, we in zaporizhzhia, probably from the first day of the war there, we are in a state of tension, and in this state, people go to work, people work, people support the armed forces of ukraine and live their lives, despite the fact that the front line there is 40 km, well, i will put an end to this and thank you for the conversation, askada shurbekov, mp for ... of the regional council, take care of yourself, well and we have one more topic, and there is one more topic that we want to discuss before i pass the floor, and no, no, i don't have any
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topic anymore, we can pass the floor then, i thought of something that now and , everything, serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency , host of the military summaries of the day column, serhiy, i congratulate you, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk about when we are on the front line. may appear f-16 fighters about unexpected information from the commander of the air force loschuk with the destruction of one of command posts, information is currently being developed, and about the course of hostilities west of avdiyivka, along the line there are berdychi, semenivka, orlivka, tonenka, which our military reached, and what is happening there now in the conversation with our military, if we establish communication with our guests, therefore. about all this in a moment, usual things become
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unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. i will start our military column first of all with a number of topics that have been circulating in foreign media and which are worth paying attention to in view of their importance for our security. first of all, regarding the training of ukrainian pilots for the long-awaited f-16 fighters, american. edition of new the york times reported today that 12 ukrainian pilots will be ready for combat on the f-16 this summer after 10 months of training in denmark, great britain, and the united states. but there are a number of interesting details here. the publication notes that although pilot training on modern fighter jets took place, according to the instructors
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, everything was lightning fast. however, the preparation process is progressing somewhat more slowly than expected by both ukraine and the allies themselves, and the main issue here is that a certain amount of time was spent on preparation, in terms of mastering the technical language, technical details, relatively speaking, they started preparing in august, and they started flying only in january of the 24th year. as for the fighters themselves, at the end of the training of these... 12 pilots , only six f-16 fighters can be delivered to ukraine. in general, we know that denmark, the netherlands, norway and belgium have committed to send about 45 planes to ukraine, that's three squadrons, but in fact the delivery of these planes will take place later, and 13 will arrive only at the end of the year, the rest sometime in the 25th year, but the first six will be earlier, that is, actually. rez u
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we will have slightly more pilots than the planes that will arrive in the summer. maintenance, here are also interesting details, it turned out that for each of the planes we need from eight to 14 technical specialists, technicians, and now about 50 ukrainian military personnel, as technicians , are undergoing training in denmark, and in fact it is the same for only six planes. another topic is strip preparation. here we understand that the air force command is currently solving this issue, air force spokesman yuriy ignat said that we will not build new airfields, and we will use the existing ones, it is quite difficult, because the enemy is now trying to carry out attacks on all our airfields, so securing these airfields, well, the issue is important, and this is also, well, an important component of the time of transferring these planes to of ukraine. well, to me
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, to be honest, this piece is more... not about treason, but about a unique story, because no country that switched to the f-16 did it as quickly as ukraine is doing now, i think , that after the transfer of the first planes, the first experience will be the pace and transfer of planes and the training will be compensated by the use of other facilities, we remember, we remember that there is a new training center in romania, which should become the main base for the training of our military, so in any case... that's all will be according to plans , i think, even faster, but in my opinion the main intrigue is the list of weapons, because no foreign material so far mentions with which weapons the f16 fighters will be transferred to ukraine, i hope that this list will be sufficient to carry out missions for air defense and to support our forces that conduct combat operations on land, and now our...


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