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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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well, as for me, to be honest, this material is rather not about treason, but about a unique story, because no country that switched to the f-16 did it as quickly as ukraine is doing now, i think that after the transfer the first aircraft of the first experience, there will be a pace and transfer of aircraft and training will be compensated by the use of other capacities, we remember, we remember that there is a new training center in romania, which should become the main base for the training of our... military , so in any case everything here will be according to plans, i think even faster, but in my opinion the main intrigue is the list of weapons, because no foreign material so far mentions what kind of weapons the fighters will be handed over to ukraine in the 16th, i hope that this list will be sufficient in order to carry out missions for air defense and to support our forces that conduct combat operations on land, and now our... the air force carries out strikes
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against the enemy, carrying out using mig-29, 127, 124 aircraft, and today from the commander of the air force appeared like this, well extremely interesting information, commander oleschuk thanked the pilots for the targeted attack on the russian command post. he wrote that thank you for the successful work, the general did not provide any other details, but it is said that there was... there is even a video of information that this control point was located on a barge, this barge stood somewhere in the millennium, so now we see exactly this video, combat work was carried out on march 11 in the kherson region, but what is interesting, hysteria is now spreading in the russian public, that probably on this command point was general teplynskyi, on the one hand the commander of the airborne forces of the russian federation, and on the other hand the man
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who from... teplinsky is right there , well, a highly experienced general, and if it is really the case that teplinsky was on this borsch, then this will be, well, in my opinion, a unique situation in order to confirm the capabilities of both our intelligence and the capabilities of our... means of impression, which with the use of aviation are capable of carrying out such pinpoint strikes on the enemy, but in addition to strengthening our air defense at the expense of f-16 fighters, we hope to receive an additional number of air defense systems of various types, and here one cannot fail to mention the story that is currently unfolding to the canadian mass media that the delivery of the nasans complex ordered by canada to
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ukraine is being delayed. let me remind you that the nasams complex is such a joint development, which is manufactured by the norwegian company konsberg and the american company rayton, which ensures the integration of norwegian equipment and its own missiles into this complex. in total , we have ordered about 15 such complexes, at least four such complexes are already in service. combat duty, and canada decided in the 23rd year to provide funding for the purchase of one more sams air defense system. in march of last year, it was announced that canada had paid $406 million to a manufacturer there, and in fact the difficulty was that ukraine and the united states had to agree agreement on the transfer of these anti-missile complexes.
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but today it quoted canadian defense minister bill blair as saying that in addition to the deal, the americans must provide some funding to complete the contract with the manufacturer gonsberg's defense, and we are trying to speed it up, unfortunately, the us has encountered some financial difficulties - said blair. in my opinion, this situation is a bit strange, because the current contract was... ordered and signed on the 23rd, this contract has nothing to do with these money for the 24th year, which is still blocked by political battles in the united states, and i hope that the next ramstein, which will take place on march 19, then at this meeting of the ministers of defense, the ukrainian side, the canadian side, there and the american side, it will be possible once again look in detail at this agreement and order
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the supply of these air defense systems to ukraine, given that it has already been manufactured, and we understand that we need these complexes to increase the density of ours. anti-aircraft defense, especially since it is now the turn of osinanalytics they are trying to figure out what happened there near donetsk at a distance of 80 km, because everyone is now trying to analyze the video, which seems to be about russian missiles hitting several launchers, one or two launchers, which complex of patriots who were on the march, there is no information yet , which allows you to verify there... it is significant that the russian missiles really hit one patriot launcher in these two times, but in any case we understand that this information now needs to be detailed, one way or another later we will receive additional information, but in any case , we understand that at the meeting in ramstein we
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will talk about the fact that we need more air defense complexes, more missiles for the complexes, which now bear the main burden in the fight against the russian military, these goals, well, in fact, more because... of supplies, and when we talk about ammunition, by the way, we count as positive news the fact that the president of the czech republic, peter pavel , said that in the coming weeks , ammunition that was found by the czech republic in other countries will begin to arrive, we we remember that it is about 800,000 ammunition, of which 500,000 are 155-caliber ammunition. the rest are 122-mm caliber, peter pavel does not name the countries where these ammunition will be bought, although experts there made assumptions, said that it could be countries from south korea over there, down to the low countries of africa, including other countries,
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particularly turkey, and when we talk about 800,000 munitions, that's actually quite a powerful number, because we understand that... there are certain calculations that are for the needs of defense we need at least 90,000 munitions per month there for more active operations, including offensive operations, we need somewhere over 200,000 munitions per month, so in fact the 800,000 will be extremely appropriate for various aspects of the war effort, and likewise, when we talk about... the import of weapons, the import of equipment, today the data of the stockholm international institute for the study of peace problems was published, and it is noted that ukraine became the largest european importer of weapons in the 19th and 23rd
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2000s, and is actually the fourth largest importer of weapons, after the beginning of... russian large-scale aggression against ukraine since the 22nd year, this study emphasizes that at least 30 countries have supplied ukraine with basic weapons as part of military aid, and it is indicative that our country's share in the global import of weapons, when we measure all exports and imports, so in relation to world imports, ukraine now occupies 5% of world imports. then compared to 0.1%, as it was before the war with the russian federation, the main ones according to sipri, the united states, germany, poland and other countries became the suppliers of weapons for kyiv, and ukraine received from
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these three countries 66% of the weapons it requested to resist russian aggression. the main demand for imports in europe, by the way, against the background of the war with the russian federation, is exactly the ammunition we talked about, all countries need it now, but first of all, all countries talk about what needs to be supplied first turn to ukraine, and then for yourself, although not all countries are like that unequivocally, these are artillery and air defense equipment, now, by the way, the demand for land-based air defense equipment, well, has become extremely significant, and this just accelerates the projects in a number of european... countries to speed up the production of air defense equipment, and in fact we also we have to mention one more piece of news related to the events of this day and this week, this is precisely the situation that is happening in germany, because we remember that for a long
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time ukraine has been asking germany for the supply of taurus missiles, and today it became it is known that, in particular... german foreign affairs minister annalena burbock supported the proposal of her british colleague david cameron that it is possible to implement in... the exchange of cruise missiles between britain and germany, ukraine should benefit from this exchange, it is said that , that if , under certain circumstances, germany is afraid to supply tauros cruise missiles to ukraine, then a version is proposed when tauros samples will be sent to britain, and britain, in turn, will send them to... ukraine accordingly, the number of stormshadow missiles , we know that stormshadow missiles are already
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used from our fighters from our su-24m, which have enough examples of successful use and destruction of russian military targets, and such an exchange of tauborusa to britain and stormshadow to ukraine looks quite interesting solution, but it should be understood, by the way, that in this sense even with... there are certain technical issues, because there are difficulties with the integration of taurus missiles into the same su-24m fighters used by ukraine, representatives of the company mbda said that this process will take six months or more there, we know the whole story, which was connected with the russian eavesdropping on the talks of the german generals, who determined the technical difficulties associated with the use. these taurus for strikes on the kryna bridge, about the use of intelligence data, about support and
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so on, but i am sure that in fact, this whole story will not affect the fact that germany will substantially delay the supply of tauros, but the intermediate stage using the fact that these taurus could be transferred to britain and then the stormshed missiles to ukraine, it would only be an intermediate stage, but the intrigue here is that ... the question of which fighters or bombers or multi-role aircraft will britain use these taurs, because there is also a problem integration of these aircraft into the british models, it still remains an intrigue, but in any case, we understand that it is extremely important to insist that european countries provide substantial support to ukraine in the future. we know what for at the expense of france, on the initiative of france , a coalition of long-range systems was created, which precisely extends to the development and
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supply of missile weapons to ukraine. we hope that at the ramstein meeting , which will begin on march 19, this issue will also be raised, and on the one hand, i think there will be, on the one hand, some such pressure from colleagues on germany, or she still unlocked the taurus situation , and on the other hand, there will be a question about expanding the number of missiles that britain... in particular , france can deliver to ukraine. stormshadow and scalpy now remain the most long-range weapons in the arsenal of the ukrainian air force, i repeat, they are used quite effectively. but when we talk about taurus, they still have a certain uniqueness. first of all, this is an increased range. i hope that germany will unlock variations at a certain stage so that these missiles can be supplied with a range of up to 500 km. that's right. time will significantly affect the tactics of our actions, because so far the enemy has adjusted to the fact that on
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how far do stormshadows and scalps fly , almost doubling the range, well actually, well it's going to pose serious challenges for the russian federation, and now that we 're talking about the situation right on the front line, unfortunately we can't get our guest on the phone right now, he's just is in the area near avdiyivka and... now we can make such general assessments of this day, we understand that now two directions are the most difficult, namely novopavlivskyi and avdiivskyi, these are two areas where in the past 64 combat engagements took place during the day, the enemy is now trying to carry out attacks as much as possible around novomykhaivka, there are many engagements, but in any case there is no enemy advance, but when we talk about... the entire engagement line that goes there, starting from berda or orlivka there and further to the south,
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what is characteristic is that the ukrainian troops carried out a number of counterattacks in this area, and although the situation around the settlement remains difficult in every direction, the enemy has no advance, there are quite a lot of videos, in particular there under those the enemy is trying to attack with bards and eagles. with the use of these chinese buggies, which are being destroyed, destroyed either by our mines or by means of impression, and i hope that now the situation seems to be quite controlled, especially in view. that over the past few days, the amount of ammunition used by the ukrainian army on the contact line has increased, which indicates that supplies or reserves are now quite actively used by our armed forces in all areas, well i hope that this is a sufficient prerequisite for the enemy to be actively destroyed along the line of confrontation, which , by the way, is also evidenced by the statistics of the general
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staff regarding the enemy's losses for each day. good evening from ukraine, good afternoon and welcome to the tetatet interview program on tv channel-24. nobel peace prize in 2022 together with the russian non-governmental organization memorial and the belarusian activist alesii bilyatsky. thank you very much for being our guest today, oleksandr. thanks for invitation. more than two years of war in ukraine, we all know about bucha irpin and mariupol.
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do you still find evidence of crimes in ukraine today? we have been documenting crimes for 10 years, because this war did not start in february 2022, in february 2014, when ukraine got a chance for a quick democratic transition after the fall of an authoritarian regime due to the revolution of dignity, and in order to stop us on this path, russia entered the game. russia uses war crimes for intimidation, this is a deliberate russian policy state russia is trying to break the people's resistance and occupy the country with a tool that i call massive civilian pain , so we are documenting that pain, and in our joint putin tribunal database , we have documented over 64,000 episodes of war crimes in just these two years of a large-scale invasion. but will
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you continue to find them, after all? ukraine was able to win back a part of the territory, and now there is peace on the front line, do you continue to reveal crimes about which, perhaps, earlier didn't even suspect? yes, because when we talk about this kind of crime like sexual violence, it is a very hidden crime and people will dare to speak after a certain time. last weekend , russian drones hit a home. houses in odessa, whole families with children died there. no matter where the front line is, there is no longer a safe place to hide from russian missiles in ukraine. you and other ngos are trying to build
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a case for creation special tribunal for the trial of vladimir putin. you have national tribunals, you have an international criminal court. why create another tribunal? the problem is that we face a lack of accountability because there is no international court that can prosecute putin, the top political leadership and the top military command of the russian state for the crime of aggression. even the iss does not have such jurisdiction, unfortunately, but all these evils. or planning and unleashing this war if we are the result of their leadership's decision if we want to prevent something worse in the future, we must punish the state and its leaders who start such wars today, that is why we must feel this gap in capabilities and create a special
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tribunal on aggression and prosecute putin, lukashenko and... is it observed progress on this issue? i know there have been discussions, it seems that western countries are saying yes, in principle, but in practical terms we will have to wait for such a tribunal. we have one positive intermediate step that is real important from a legal point of view. last year, an international center was created in the hague to investigate the crime of aggression, and five countries sent their prosecutors to work. in this center, this means that when a special tribunal is created, they will not have to start from scratch, they can rely on the conclusions of this international center. you mentioned the international criminal court, which issued an arrest warrant for vladimir putin and his children's commissioner for the forced deportation of children. so putin's order is finally here
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already is why not support the decision of the international criminal court and focus efforts on bringing volodymyr putin to justice. there is no competition here. the work of international criminal judges is extremely important, and when they issued... this first arrest warrant, i really welcomed it, because it's a huge signal that we need in our world, which is that we don't care that you are a sitting head of state , which is a member of the un security council. we don't care that your state has a powerful military potential with a nuclear one weapons if you commit a war crime, you will be prosecuted by the international criminal court. that's the message, that's why it's very important, but the problem is that the international criminal court has no jurisdiction to prosecute putin for the crime of aggression, precisely for the resolution of this
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war. i will say more, in the entire history of mankind , we have only one such precedent. this is the nuremberg trials, where nazi war criminals were tried only after the nazi regime fell. but we live in a new century, there is no need to impose justice depending on when and how this war ends. we cannot wait, we must create a special tribunal now and bring putin and his entourage to justice. and i repeat once again that all war crimes, all crimes against humanity and this war itself, genocide became possible only because... a crime of aggression occurred. the crime of aggression is a so-called mother crime. that is why we must give a clear signal to the world that the leaders who unleash an aggressive
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war will be held accountable for it. the international criminal court issued two more arrest warrants for high-ranking russian officers and said they were likely involved in crimes during the missile campaign against ukraine's energy infrastructure in the period from from october 22nd to march 2023. this is a small step, or anything significant, as the investigation of specific crimes committed on your territory begins. it's definitely not a small step, it's a big step. first of all, i must acknowledge the incredible speed for international justice. after all, it is about intentional destruction of energy. of course, this was also made possible thanks to cooperation with
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ukrainian law enforcement agencies, which helped identify the missile court and their commanders. so it was a good example of cooperation between national state authorities and the international criminal court. the international criminal court classified these actions not only as war crimes, but also as crimes against humanity. yes, you briefly mentioned the issue of genocide. obviously, it is legally difficult to prove the fact of genocide, but you work in this field for more than 10 years. when you read about what the russians say, when you see what they do, what really. they commit genocide in ukraine. this war is genocidal in nature. putin recently gave a public interview in which he reiterated his genocidal intentions. he
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said that ukrainians do not exist and that we and russians are one people. and we, as human rights defenders, have been recording for years how these words turn into terrible practice on the ground, when russian troops purposefully exterminate the active local population. priests, artists, teachers, journalists, heads of cities and so on. how they ban ukrainian language and culture and destroy ukrainian cultural heritage. how they forcefully take ukrainian children to russia for adoption into russian families. in this way, they implement the principle. ukrainians, you must either be re-educated like russians or killed. and i, as a lawyer, know that genocide is a crime of crimes, it is very
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difficult to prove, there are... very high standards, but i can explain to our audience what is happening in very simple terms: you don't need to be a lawyer to understand that if someone wants to partially or completely eliminate some national group, it is not necessary to kill all representatives of this national group, you can forcefully change their identity and the entire national group will disappear. and my last question: human rights in ukraine. some civil society organizations express concern about the persecution of journalists by the authorities. kyiv mayor vitaliy klitschko, criticizing president volodymyr zelenskyi, recently said that he is concerned that ukraine is moving towards one-man rule. you are a law enforcement officer. i understand that while there is a war in the country, now is not the best time to discuss it, but are you concerned that human rights are not fully protected in ukraine? a real challenge
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because war is poison to any society. the logic of war dictates centralization. democratization dictates decentralization. the logic of war dictates the limitation of rights and freedoms, security requirements. democratization, on the contrary, dictates the expansion of the dimension of rights and freedom. and these are two contradictory logics that exist simultaneously. therefore, we, ukrainians, are now in a very difficult situation position and balance between these two logics. victory for ukraine is not only about expelling russian troops, restoring our integrity, liberating people living in crimea, luhansk region, donetsk region, zaporizhzhia, kherson region and other temporarily occupied territories. victory for ukraine also means success in the democratic transformation
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of our country. we all know what it means for us to win a war with russia. it makes no sense for us to switch to the principles that russia professes. many thanks to oleksandra matviychuk for this conversation on france 24 and many thanks to ours to the audience who were with us. the key to beauty is a healthy liver, carsyll gives strength to the liver, there are 15% discounts on carsyll in pharmacies, plantain, ban and savings, there are discounts on otrivin spray, 15% in pharmacies plantain, ban and savings, there are discounts on spazmal tablets 15% plantain is available in pharmacies, and it is economical for you. the premium
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. according to the results of february, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november to us it's been 10 years, we've updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov, our values ​​and ukrainian perspective remain unchanged, keep an eye on the updated espresso and thank you for your trust. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be
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analyzed? we will find out the guests of the project this week and who will be the guest of the studio already this sunday, the topics will definitely be relevant, the guests special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live, how easy is it to be discharged from the army through vlk? the military says it's not easy, but i...


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