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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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that au europe, where there are such problems, is not very calm. look, in public opinion, this issue is not a priority today, because, again, a lot of information around this issue is quite rational, people understand and all the dangers associated with as, and all, well, let's say, actions that can be done by our emergency services bodies, there were other relevant trainings, that is, let’s say, the situation among the population is, of course, tense in relation to possible accidents on the roads, which i... man-made disasters, which can to accommodate the occupiers, but again, this does not cause any kind of panic there , unfortunately, we in zaporizhzhia, for sure, have been in a state of tension there since the first day of the war, and in this state people go to work, people work, people support the armed forces of ukraine and live their lives, despite the fact that the front line is 40 km away. well, i will put an end to this, and thank you for the conversation, askada shurbekov, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, take care, well , we have one more topic, and there is one more topic that
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we want to discuss before i give the floor, but no, no, i don't have any topic anymore, we can give the floor then, i thought of something, that's it, serhiy sgurets, director of the defenseexpress agency, host of the military summaries of the day column , serhii, congratulations, please give me the floor, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our military section we will talk about when f-16 fighters may appear on the front line about... information from the commander of the air laschuka forces with the destruction of one of the command posts, now information is being developed, and about the course of hostilities to the west of avdiyivka along the line of berdychi, semenivka, orlivka, tonenki, which were invaded by our military, and what is happening there now in the conversation with our military, if we establish contact with our guests, so about all that in a moment. i will start our military
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column first of all with a number of topics that have been circulating in the foreign media and which are worthy of attention in view of their importance for our security, primarily regarding the training of ukrainian pilots for the long-awaited f-16 fighters, the american edition of new the york times reported today that 12 ukrainian pilots will be ready for... combat operations on f-16s this summer, after ten months of training in denmark, great britain, and the united states. but there are a number of interesting details here. the publication notes that although the training of pilots on modern fighter jets took place, according to the instructors, at lightning speed, the training process is progressing somewhat more slowly than both ukraine and the allies themselves expected.
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most importantly, here the question is that a certain time was spent on preparation, in terms of mastery technical language, technical details, relatively speaking, they started preparing in august, and they started flying only in january of the 24th year. as for the fighters themselves, by the time these 12 pilots complete their training, only six f-16 fighters can be delivered to ukraine. in general, we know that denmark, the netherlands, norway and belgium have committed to send about 45 aircraft to ukraine, this is for three squadrons, but in fact the supply of these aircraft will go later and 13 will arrive only at the end of the year, the rest sometime in the 25th year , but the first six will be earlier, that is, actually now we will have a little more pilots than the planes that will arrive in the summer. service here is also interesting.
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it turned out that for each of the planes we need from eight to 14 technical specialists, technicians, and now about 50 ukrainian military personnel, as technicians, are undergoing training in denmark, and in fact it is the same for only six planes. another topic is the preparation of the lanes, here we understand that the air force command is currently solving this issue, the spokesman of the air force. yurii hnat said that we will not build new airfields, but we will it is quite difficult to use the existing ones, because the enemy is now trying to carry out attacks on all our airfields, so the provision of these airfields is an important issue, and it is also, well, an important component of the time of transferring these planes to ukraine. well, in my opinion, to be honest, this piece is not about betrayal, but about a unique story, because no country that has switched to the f-16...
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has done it as quickly as ukraine is doing now, i think that after the transfer of the first aircraft of the first experience there will be pace and transfer aircraft and training will be compensated by the use of others. capacities, we remember, we remember that there is a new training center in romania, which should become the main base for the training of our military, so in any case everything here will be according to plans , i think even faster, but how for me , the main intrigue is the list of weapons, because no foreign material so far mentions with what kind of weapons the f16 fighters will be transferred to ukraine, i hope that this list will be sufficient for to carry out missions. for air defense and for the support of our forces, which are conducting combat operations in sukhodol, and now our air forces are carrying out strikes against the enemy, carrying out, using mig-29, su-27, su-24 aircraft, and today from the commander of the air force of such, well
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, extremely interesting information appeared, commander oleschuk thanked the pilots for the targeted damage to the russian command post, he wrote that... thank you for the successful work, the general did not provide any other details, but it is that there was information, there is even a video, that this control point was located on a barge, this barge was standing somewhere on the ground, but now we see exactly this video, combat work was carried out on march 11 in the kherson region, but what is interesting, now hysteria is spreading among the russian public that probably at this command post... there was general teplinsky, on the one hand, the commander of the airborne forces of the russian federation, and on the other hand , the person who was responsible for the entire group of troops, which is on the left bank of the dnieper, on kherson oblast is occupying our territory,
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it is believed that general teplinsky is right there, well, a highly experienced general, and if it is really the case that teplinsky was on this borsch, then it will be, well, a unique situation in my opinion. in order to confirm the capabilities of both our intelligence and the capabilities of our means of impression, which with the use of aviation are capable of carrying out such pinpoint strikes on the enemy, but in addition to strengthening our air defense at the expense of f-16 fighters, we hope to receive an additional number of air defense systems of various type, and here one cannot fail to mention the story that is currently... circulating in the canadian mass media that the delivery of the nasans complex ordered by canada to ukraine is being delayed. let me remind you that the nasans complex is such a joint development, which
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is manufactured by the norwegian company konsberg and the american company rayton, which ensures the integration of norwegian equipment and its own missiles into it. complex, in total we have ordered about 15 such complexes, at least four such complexes are already on combat duty, and canada decided in the 23rd year to provide funding for the purchase of one more sams air defense system. in march of last year , it was announced that canada had paid $406 million to a manufacturer there, and in fact the difficulty was that... it was for ukraine and the united states to agree to an agreement on the transfer of these anti-missile systems, but today, there with reference to the minister bill blair's canadian defense ministry, it is reported that he said that
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in addition to the agreement, the americans must provide some funding to complete the contract with by the manufacturer consberg's defense and we are trying to speed it up. "unfortunately, the us has faced certain financial difficulties ," blair said. in my opinion, this situation is somewhat strange, because mom's contract was ordered and signed on the 23rd of the year. this contract has nothing to do with this money for the 24th year, which is still blocked by political battles in the united states, and i hope that the next ramstein, which will take place on march 19, will be at this meeting of the ministers of defense. the ukrainian side, the canadian side, there and the american side side, it will be possible to take another detailed look at this agreement and speed up the delivery of these air defense systems to ukraine, given that it has already been manufactured, and we understand that we need these complexes to increase
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the density of our air defense, especially since now in our in turn, the osin analysts are trying to figure out what happened nearby, donetsk at a distance of 80 km, because everyone is now trying to analyze the video, which seems to be about russian missiles hitting several launchers, one or two. launchers of the patriot complex, which were on the march, so far there is no information that allows us to verify unequivocally that the russian missiles really hit one patriot launcher twice, but in any case we understand that this information now needs to be detailed, one way or another, later we will receive additional information, but in any case we understand that at the meeting in ramstein we will talk about the fact that we need more air defense systems, more missiles. to the complexes that now carry the main burden in the fight against the russians for military purposes, and actually more
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ammunition, and when we talk about ammunition, by the way, we include the positive news that the president of the czech republic, peter pavel , said that in the coming weeks , ammunition that was found by the czech republic in other countries will begin to arrive , we remember that it is about... 800,000 ammunition, of which 500,000 are 155 caliber ammunition, the rest are 122 mm caliber, peter pavel does not name the countries where these ammunition will be purchased, although experts there made assumptions, talked about the fact that it can countries from south korea there, donetsk countries in africa, including other countries, in particular turkey, and when we say... about the fact that we are talking about 800 thousand ammunition, then this is actually quite a powerful number,
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because we understand that there are certain calculations that for defense purposes we need at least 90,000 munitions per month there for more active operations, including offensive operations, we need somewhere over 200,000 munitions per month, so in fact these 800 thousand will be extremely appropriate for conducting. er, various aspects of hostilities, and also when we talk about er, the import of weapons, the import of equipment, today the data of the stockholm international institute for the study of peace problems were made public, and it is noted that ukraine became the largest european importer of weapons in 19 -mu ter in 23 years, and is in... actually the fourth largest importer of weapons, after
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the russian large-scale aggression against ukraine began in 22, this study emphasizes that no less than 30 states have supplied ukraine with basic weapons as part of military aid, and it is indicative that our country's share in global arms imports, when we measure all... exports , imports, so in relation to world imports, ukraine now occupies 5% of world imports compared to 0 .1%, as it was before the war with the russian federation, the main suppliers of weapons for kyiv, according to sipri, were the united states, germany, poland and other countries, and ukraine received 66% of weapons from these three states. asked for to resist russian aggression. the main demand for imports in europe, by
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the way, against the background of the war with the russian federation, is exactly the ammunition we talked about, all countries need it now, but first of all, all countries are talking about what should be supplied first of all to ukraine, and then for myself, although not all countries are so clear-cut, it is artillery and air defense equipment, now, by the way, there is a demand for ground equipment. of air defense, well, has become radically significant, and this just accelerates the projects to the bottom of the european countries to speed up the production of air defense equipment, and in fact we also have to mention one more news that is related to the events of this day and this week, this is exactly the situation that is happening in germany, because we remember that for a long time ukraine asks... germany for the supply of taurus missiles, and today it became
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known that, in particular, the minister of foreign affairs of germany, analena berbock, supported the proposal of her british colleague david cameron that it is possible to exchange cruise missiles between britain and germany , ukraine should benefit from this exchange, it is said that if... directly germany, under certain circumstances, he is still afraid to supply tauros cruise missiles to ukraine, then a version is proposed when samples of... taurus will be sent to britain , in turn, britain will send to ukraine, accordingly, the number of stormshadow missiles. we know that stormshadow missiles are already used from our fighters from our su-24m, which have enough examples of successful
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use and destruction of the russian military purposes, and such an exchange of tauborus to britannia. and storming to ukraine looks quite an interesting solution, but it should be understood that in this sense certain technical issues are even removed, because there are difficulties with the integration of taurus missiles into the same 124m fighters used by ukraine, representatives of the mbda company said that this the process there will take from six months or more, we know the whole story, which was connected with... russian eavesdropping on the negotiations of german generals, who determined the technical difficulties related to the use of these taurus for strikes on the crimean bridge, about the use of intelligence data, about support and so on, but i am sure that in fact this whole story will not affect the fact that germany will substantially delay the supply of taurus, but the intermediate
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stage with the use that these taurus could be transferred to britain. and then stormshadow missiles to ukraine, this will only be an intermediate stage, but the intrigue here is that the question arises from which fighters or bombers or multi-role aircraft will be used by britain these taurus, because there is also the problem of integrating these aircraft into the british models, it still remains an intrigue, but in any case we understand that it is extremely important to insist that... european countries provided further substantial support to ukraine. we know that at the expense of france, on the initiative of france , a coalition of long-range systems was created, which precisely extends to the development and supply of missile weapons to ukraine. we hope that rammstein, which starts on the 19th, will be at the meeting this issue will also be raised in march. and
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on the one hand, i think that there will be, on the one hand, there will be some pressure from colleagues on germany, or it is. unblocked the taurus situation, and on the other hand , the question will arise regarding the expansion of the number of missiles that britain, in particular france, can deliver to ukraine. stormshadow and scalpy now remain, well, the most long -range weapons in the arsenal of the ukrainian air force, i repeat, they are used quite effectively, but when we talk about taurus, they still have a certain uniqueness, first of all it is an increased range, i hope that... germany will unlock variations at a certain stage so that the delivery of these missiles is carried out there with a range of up to 500 km, this will significantly affect the tactics of our actions, because so far the enemy has adjusted to what range stormshedow and scalps fly at, almost doubling the range, well , actually, well, it will create serious challenges for
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the russian federation, and now that we 're talking about the situation right on the front line, unfortunately, we... we can't right now to call to our guest, he is currently in the area near avdiyivka, and now we can make such general assessments of this day, we understand that now two directions are the most difficult, namely novopavlivskyi and avdiivskyi, these are two areas where in the past 64 combat clashes took place during the day, the enemy is now trying to carry out attacks as much as possible. around novomykhaivka, there are many clashes, but in any case there is no enemy advance, but when we talk about avdiivka and the entire line of confrontation that goes there, starting from berda or orlivka there and further south, what is characteristic is that the ukrainian troops carried out a number of counterattacks in this area, and although
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the situation around the settlement remains difficult in every direction, the enemy has no advance, there are quite a lot of videos, in particular there, under the same berdychs, there and the eagle, the enemy is trying to attack using these chinese buggies, which are being destroyed, destroyed either by our mines or by means of impression, and i hope that now the situation looks like this controlled, especially given that over the past few days the amount of ammunition used by the ukrainian army on the front line has increased, suggesting that supplies or reserves. now it is quite actively used by our armed forces in all areas, and i hope that this is a sufficient prerequisite for destroying the enemy along the entire line of confrontation quite actively. which, by the way, is also evidenced by the statistics of the general staff regarding enemy losses for each day.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is a ship. region of inclusion live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, good evening, we are from ukraine, congratulations, who has now joined us, we continue the great ether, i remind you that my name is vasyl zima, air alarm announced throughout the territory of our state, two mig 31k aircraft took off from the airfield... sryika and are moving to the ryazan region, two sides, enemy, potential missile carriers now in the sky, so it is desirable to be in shelters, and i
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will tell you about the most important news as of now. polish protesters and the police started stopping passenger buses at the border, deputy prime minister of ukraine oleksandr kubrakov said. he added that there are no explanations from the participants of the action, he emphasized that these actions are unacceptable. because during the war, because during the war, the passengers of such cars are usually women with small children, socially vulnerable sections of the population, military personnel who are returning or going to training and people in transit, an attempt to make them hostages of the protest, well, it looks inappropriate for the civilized world, or simply disgusting, the official emphasized, well, disgusting he added it himself. the new defense lines being built along the front line will be completed on time, prime minister of ukraine denys shmegal said during a meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine . but the pace is good, also during the meeting of the top military leadership
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it was about the actual supply of shells, missiles and other weapons to the front. regarding the situation on the front line, the president listened to the report of the commander-in-chief, colonel-general of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. and in ukraine. 15 soldiers of the aggressor country were sentenced to 12 years in prison. all of them cruelly treated the civilian population in the then- occupied chernihiv oblast, at the beginning of march 22 in the village of yakhidne, the occupiers created a torture chamber in the basement of a local school. they forcibly detained almost 370 residents there, on average which are almost 70 children. due to the inhumane conditions of stay and lack of provision of necessary medical care, ten people died in this basement. the prosecutor general's office is investigating the involvement of representatives of belarus in the case of the abduction of ukrainian children. this was announced by the prosecutor general of ukraine andriy kostin.
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he added that ukraine closely cooperates with the international criminal court in the investigation of this crime, but also conducts its own investigation into other officials of the russian federation who may also be involved in the kidnapping ukrainian children. kostin emphasized that they will be this year. these proceedings are now being investigated very actively and we are also cooperating with our partners who are assisting us in gathering evidence, we are also investigating the potential commission of this criminal offense by representatives of the republic of belarus, therefore these investigations. is our priority, i think you will see the results of these investigations this year as well. well, and the plot for your attention, 12 school shelters are planned
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to be repaired in kropyvnytskyi by autumn, because of this students are transferred to a remote school, but the parents were outraged by this decision, they say, the children don't have time to learn the material anyway due to constant worries, how did the conflict with the school management and officials end, our journalists will tell more. chermashtseva, the mother of a first-grader of the innovative gymnasium, says that the decision about the remote control was not agreed with the parents. a week's notice was given about the transition to online education. what is the rush, the woman does not understand, she says that the shelter is not an emergency, repairs can wait until the summer. we all know how to do it repairs, everyone knows that it dries up in the summer, it is better when no one walks here, it will be done faster. why now in the spring months. when it rains, there will be a downpour, in two months we will have time to do it, and in three months of summer vacation we will not have time to do it. outraged parents began to collect signatures against
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the remote control within an hour. an appeal to the management of the department of education was signed by a hundred people. i have two children, one in the sixth grade, the second in the first grade, and we have already completed distance learning with the eldest, well it all falls on the shoulders of the parents, and it is very difficult, and even now they do not have time to learn anything during the air alarms, and then in general it will be a horror. better let them go to school, they could already during the holidays.
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then he will not have time to complete all the objects, so he must start work now. the contractor, he won three such tenders, in which the terms are the same, and mrs. kostenko says that he does not have time. why didn't they use the services of other contractors, of which we have 15 more. explain the situation to parents and journalists the head of the school came out. according to her, the decision on repairs was made by the deputies at the session. the turn of works in the gymnasium fell on the spring. ventilation, additional toilets and wiring will be made in the basement so that half a thousand people can comfortably accommodate there. we had different studies, both distance and face-to-face, when it was possible to go out. here we, as much as possible, we studied full-time from september 1, not one day, there, maybe there, when there, once, if there was no water in our
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district. then we moved there temporarily remotely for one day, and now a little to be on distance learning, then i think that this is not such a big problem. the department of education reacted to the school scandal. after the appeal of the parents , a meeting was held with educators and builders, they decided to equip the basements without interrupting education. repair schedules are promised to be coordinated with all participants. during the process , a meeting was held with the heads of educational institutions in which capital repairs will be started in the near future, and there were representatives of the capital construction department, and we reached such a balanced the position that we will start contracting organizations and repair works in this way so as not to harm the educational process. in
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town. 38 schools. shelters in 14 of them remain unfurnished. from kropyvnytskyi for the tv channel. we continue. the air alert has been canceled throughout the territory of ukraine , except for the temporarily occupied crimea, luhansk oblast and the nikopol community in dnipropetrovsk oblast. we will continue, and now i will add yuri fizer to the floor. what happened in the world, and a lot happened? yuriy, will tell you in detail. congratulations, yuriy, please to you word. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, so about such an official addition to nato, world leaders continue to react to the statement strange to the will of pope francis and an example of impressive endurance and calmness from india, about this and more in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine.
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well, let me start with this: putin got more of nato near his borders. today, sweden has become the 30th member of the north atlantic alliance. the flag of this country was ceremoniously raised near the headquarters of this military-political bloc in the capital of belgium brussels. in parallel with this event, the swedish flags were raised at the headquarters of the alliance command in mons - this is belgium and norfolk - this is the state of virginia, the united states of america. let me remind you that the protocol on sweden's accession to nato officially entered into force on march 7, as reported by the us state department, antony blinken signed the document , stating that the conditions for joining were fully met. we must continue to help ukraine and show president putin that he will not win on...


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