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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EET

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well, for the third time, they will definitely not like it, and that means they will look for anyone, and you can see even this very statement that why do voters take refuge in an oppositionist, because anyone who is not a zelenskyist, who is not a zelenskyist, is in opposition to zelenskyi , and shelter, okay, let there be shelter, poroshenko shelter, there won't be, conditionally, if even a willing person refuses, he will say: no, i will categorically not go, there will be budanov, there will be anyone, if not zelensky. and zelensky cannot realize this, that he would still win now, but for some time it will pass and no longer, well, that is, now he will lose only to a hard worker, but time will pass and he will lose to anyone, mr. victor, they cannot accept that this is all this is the end already but , but look, despite all these stories, despite what is happening in lk, the business trip to london, we, we do not really know about...
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the ordinary servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, the question arises, how could this general be fired, and he could be, receive unfitness, and they are the third there a year, and some even more in the trenches and cannot get it, well, that is, there are very, very many questions , to what extent all this will affect... this will be promoted now, it will be used against zaluzhny unequivocally . it can be explained simply, as the doctors say, there are no healthy people, there are those who are under-examined, yes, of course, that there are some, maybe there were, well, there was no candle, maybe there were some arrangements for him to go there, well, someone. .. will be critical of
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this, someone with understanding, that's right, but the very fact that, well, for me the general is a hard-working, honest general, why doesn't he tell, while he was a military man, he couldn't talk about his ambitions, even if they were, well, they are or aren't, well, actually they will push him now , but if he didn't even have them, then now he's caught on a hook, which, well, he too, if he is now... you won't be a diplomat, a diplomat, the ambassador of a country there shames his country to say that we have politics here the management there played a little, draws arrows on the globe, tries to fight there, somewhere else, to lead the military, and this is stupid, that is, decency will surely play against him, of course, but it will play against all of us, because we are not given an alternative to zelensky, to those who are already with. ..
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fed up, we still need someone, and the hard worker is a symbol of victory for ukrainians, and you can’t take that away, no matter what the podolyak says, they will forget him, and they won’t forget him , no more, that is, even his stay in london will not be erased from of the national memory of general zaluzhnyi, and what he did during these two years, of course, of course, and he, well, he will only... only a politician will appear in politics, he will appear as if on a white horse, thank you, thank you, mr. viktor, for the conversation, it was political expert viktor boberenko, friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us there live, please like this video so that it is trending on youtube and facebook, and vote in our survey, today we ask you about is it correct... criticism of the words of the pope of rome
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about the negotiations with the russian federation, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, everything is also very simple on the tv broadcast, now we will see the interim results of the poll, 52% think so, 48 - no, well that is, 52% believe that the criticism of the pope's words about the negotiations with the russian federation is valid, and 45. next week we have bbc news, after the bbc news we will have the second part of the program, we will talk about russian fascism, the vatican, and whether russia is god. stay with espresso. congratulations you, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from locations of events
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live, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, re'. you draw your own conclusions. greetings friends, in the second part of our verdict program we are talking about russian fascism. the vatican, shabunin's two criminal cases, and whether god rules russia. however, before we start our conversation, let's watch a video of how the air force command forces of ukraine reported on the destruction
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of the enemy control post, the video shows a hit to a vessel near the shore. let's see. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please put a favorite. video, leave your comments under our stream, and most importantly, vote in our poll, today we ask you the following: is the criticism of the pope's words about negotiations with the russian federation valid? yes no, in everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please leave a comment under this
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video, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that the criticism of the pope's words about negotiations with russia... 0800 211 381 no 0800 211382 all calls to these numbers are free, call, later we will talk about what the pope said and how his words were interpreted in ukraine and the world. however , let's start our conversation with general zaluzhnyi. we know, friends, that march 7 president zelenskyi... announced that the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny would be appointed the ambassador of ukraine to great britain. exactly one month ago, on february 8, 2024, president zelenskyi signed a decree on the dismissal of general
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zaluzhnyi from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. there was quite a big resonance, quite a big reaction among ukrainians to this release. since general zaluzhnyi is a popular favorite, and this is evidenced by all the sociological polls that have been conducted over the past two years, general more than 90% of citizens trusted zaluzhny , and this is a fairly high rating of trust, both as a military man and as a person on whom the future of the ukrainian state depends, and suddenly, after president zelenskyi... announced the appointment of zaluzhny as ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary in great britain, there was information that zaluzhny passed the military medical board in the winter, where he was declared unfit for service in the army, then he wrote a report on
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his dismissal, the mirror of the week reports this with reference to its own sources, i quote it edition: after being dismissed from his position , zaluzhny was expelled by the president's decision. at the disposal of the minister of defense, defense minister umerov did not offer any significant military position, adequate level of training and experience, as president zelenskyi did not offer it before. under these conditions, general zaluzhnyi decided to resign from military service in order to have the opportunity and the right to do something else. did the minister of defense sign the report after the president announced his intention to send valery zaluzhny as ambassador to london editors it is not known, later our colleagues from ukrainian pravda wrote about the fact that lieutenant general serhiy shaptala, who , by the way, was the commander or chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, was also dismissed based on the conclusion of the military medical commission that he was unfit for military service with
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removal from military records . this information is about passing the military medical commission and obtaining the status of both the lanced and the shaptala. people who are unfit for military service obviously needs additional clarification from the side the supreme commander-in-chief from the ministry of defense of ukraine. because these questions about their suitability or unsuitability are already being articulated by people who are on the russian-ukrainian front. what happened to these generals, why were they brought to the status of unfit, well, and most importantly, most importantly, what is happening now with these 16 generals who were dismissed along with the deserving of their positions, do you remember, general. brodsky, general naev, heroes of ukraine, people who went through the russian-ukrainian war,
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starting in 2014, what positions did they have proposed, and most importantly, what are these generals doing now, combat generals who have combat experience behind them, who can teach servicemen and students, cadets of military schools and not only. military schools, what are the positions offered to them, what do they do, and do they all go through the military medical commission together, which will determine their status as unfit, so far we do not know this, nor do we know for sure whether the military medical commission after all, she made a decision on merit and on shaptali, because it was information from several sources from our colleagues, well... all publications, which usually use verified sources, gave the week's tserkalo, let me remind you, and ukrainian pravda.
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there is no, uh, there is no confirmation of this information yet, i hope that with the appointment, in accordance with the presidential decree, of the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador to great britain, this issue will be articulated and explained to the citizens of ukraine in some way, because it looks like this, that... the generals were dismissed from the military services from the army were released for offering them some diplomatic work, well in this case to a salaried one, i don’t know what the story is with shaptala, the lack of transparency in this matter arises, as a result of this , different interpretations arise, and people ask questions, what exactly with hard work and why he actually agreed to this position. and is everything so simple in this appointment, unfortunately, we do not know the answers to these questions
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either, because general zaluzhnyi is absent in the information space, he also does not say anything, and therefore these questions that i now articulate, obviously all our viewers, all ukrainians who watch general zaluzhny, his future fate, and actually those who are concerned about the future of ukraine, can bet. whether valery zaluzhny will return to kyiv after the diplomatic mission in london as a political leader or a leader of a political party is still unknown. now it is clear that zaluzhny is part of a big team fighting for ukraine's victory over russia. we'll see how this all pans out guys, but i'm hoping this week the authorities will put the dots on the issue of passage. of the military medical commission by generals, and i hope that the supreme commander-in-chief and the minister of defense
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will still tell what happened to those 16 generals who were dismissed on february 8-9 , 2024. another story that is unfolding before our eyes, and literally during the last few days, all european leaders have already managed to comment on the words of the pope. about the white flag and about possible peace talks that ukraine should go to with the kremlin. however, before telling all this history, i suggest listening to what pope francis said in an interview with the italian channel rci about ukraine and how he sees the future peace talks between kyiv and moscow. and i believe that those who see the situation, those who think about the people, those who have the courage to raise the white flag and
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negotiate, are stronger, and today it can be negotiated with the help of international forces. the word negotiation is a bold word. the press service of the vatican explained these words of the pope as follows: the pontiff calls for a ceasefire and the resumption of negotiations, and not to ukraine. however, peace negotiations with russia in the current situation are already the capitulation of ukraine. if the vatican does not understand this, if the holy see does not have this, then in such a situation they play on the side of the kremlin grandfathers, and first of all , vladimir putin. we understand that in this situation the holy see should articulate its position more clearly: russia should leave ukraine, russia should stop
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the war in ukraine, russia should stop killing ukrainians, because that is how it should be. and so the holy see believes, but the pope during the last two years, francis has not said a single word about putin, about how putin should behave in this situation, about the fact that russia is an occupier and an aggressor. instead, the pope praised russian culture in an online conference and told the young russians who are coming here to kill us, told them what a great culture they have, as he wanted. this culture, how this great culture educates russians and, in general, how it affects the whole world, and this, perhaps, can be called the shame of the current pope, just as it was the shame of his predecessor. in march in the year 39,
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a pontiff called pius xii came to power in the vatican. it was eugeniro maria giuse giovanni pacelli who was brought to the throne. so, pius xii began negotiations with the italian fascists led by benito mussolini. then he negotiated with the german fascists. the main task that he saw before himself. pi 12 is to reconcile fascism. with europe, or rather, to reconcile europe with the fascists, they say, let's sit down at the negotiating table and agree on how the fascists should behave in europe, and these negotiations lasted for a very long time, even after germany occupied poland, in the spring of 1940
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, a delegation led by ribbentrop came to the vatican, and they came with their nazi... flags, so ribbentrop greeted pius xii, with a zig, that is, he raised his hand, and this nazi salute was directed at the pope of rome, instead of reacting properly to this challenge, the pope of rome also greeted rabintrop with a raised hand, but no reconciliation, of course, took place. german, the german fascists used the vatican, and pius 12 did nothing was able to do neither with musalini nor with hitler, and obviously, it is this, this experience that pope francis had to learn in some way, and
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also to understand that it is impossible to reconcile with aggressors, it is not possible. to throw away white flags , because a white flag is a flag of surrender, and president zelensky very correctly said that we defend europe under blue and yellow flags, and blue and yellow flags are our flags, and no white flags will be over the ukrainians, because ukrainians protect europe from racists, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kulev. reminded the pope of the conciliatory strategy of the vatican, that is, in the first half of the 20th century, and urged not to repeat historical mistakes and consistently support ukraine and its people in the just struggle for their own lives. our flag is blue and yellow, under it we live, die and win.
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we will not raise other flags. at the same time , he is the head of the ukrainian greek catholic church. church his beatitude svyatoslav, arriving in new york , emphasized that the ukrainians have no intention of surrendering. let's listen to the blessed one svyatoslav i want to tell you one thing on behalf of the people of ukraine: ukraine is wounded, but not conquered. we are all wounded in one way or another. ukraine is exhausted, but ukraine stands and perseveres. believe me, no one even thinks about it. does not subside, to surrender, even where today there are hostilities, but we see that
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the holy throne is trying to reconcile russia and ukraine, and this is happening during the last two years of the great war, remember this crusade that wanted, wanted to hold in the vatican, so that uh... the cross was carried by two girls from ukraine and russia, we see how the kremlin is using the russian, the so-called russian orthodox church, gundyaev in order to direct all the church members in the russian federation to the ukrainians, the russian orthodox church, in this situation. creates the conditions for the russians to take up arms and go to kill ukrainians, the russian orthodox church blesses its believers
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to go, to rape, to loot, to kill ukrainians, and always, always russians cover themselves with the name of god, they speak of that they are pious, that they are orthodox, that they believe in orthodox commandments, although they do not follow these commandments. by the way, just a few days ago, vladimir putin declared that russia is directly ruled by god, he said this during the opening of the world youth festival in sochi. let's listen to him. we had such a military leader. minich of german origin , who said that russia is a country that is directly governed by god, because if it is not so, then it is not clear how it exists at all.
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in the first part, i agree: russia is a country which is directly controlled by god. it seems that putin is trying to imagine himself as god or the representative of god on earth, so he constantly ... this quote by minikh and repeats who minikh is, he said that he is a russian military leader of german origin, in fact he is german, so he was russian a military man, but he was born in germany, and of course he did not understand how this country exists, how this country is governed, in fact, this man's name was minnich. "burhart kristov is better known in russia as hristofor antonovych minnih, this minnih conquered lands under peter i, and caused
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a lot of trouble in europe and not only in europe, and he, having lived all his life in russia, could not understand how this country lives, how it works, because if there was no god, then this the country simply could not exist." saw this incessant drunkenness, he saw who lives there, now we see who lives there, because they come here to us, and we see who the russians are, but the constant repetition, god , god, god god, but there is no god, russia is ruled by the devil, and what russians can count on is cauldron of pitch in hell, that's all they can count on, but constant reference to god, constant repetition that we have a great russian orthodox church, constant
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attendance, constant attendance of the highest russian leadership to the church, no relationship of trust at all no, because this is how putin and his oprichniks try to prove that everything they... do, they do, referring to god's will, even more so, when putin says that russia is directly ruled by god, he means , which actually god is him, although he is not god, he is the devil, and friends, putin, once again, talks a lot about some family values, about the fact that women should give birth. many children, that russia should develop, but in the current meat grinder, which this russian devil arranged on the territory of the ukrainian state.
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he needs children and those who grow up for one thing only: to wage war. on the eve of international women's day on march 8, which is celebrated in russia, putin called on women to be mothers and give birth to more children. let's hear what he said grandfather of the kremlin you, dear women, are capable of changing the world with your beauty, wisdom, and mental... courage, but above all, thanks to the greatest gift that nature has given you, which is the birth of children. motherhood is an amazing purpose for a woman, difficult, responsible, which gives so much joy and happiness. the most important thing for any woman, no matter what profession she chooses, no matter what heights she reaches here, is family, relatives, loved ones, tireless care for children, their health and education. today in russia, the family and its
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interests and requests are at the center. attention in absolute priority, we will certainly do everything possible so that families with children , in particular, of course, large and young families, young mothers, feel the care and help of the state, and the state will then take these children from you, who will grow up and will go to war, if not with ukraine, then with moldova, if not with moldova, then with the baltic countries, if not with the baltic countries, then with the nato countries. he wants an army, he wants a big army, he wants more russians, so that more russians can be thrown into the conquest of foreign lands in order to fight with the whole world, this is the only thing putin wants, he doesn't need happiness, he doesn't need family well-being, he needs soldiers, and russia should finally understand this. what i'm
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talking about, when they will understand something there. another story that happened these days, namely on march 8, the former president of the united states of america donald trump called the prime minister of hungary viktor orbán a fantastic leader, instead orbán called on trump to come back and bring peace. what orbán actually said: we need... in the world leaders who are respected, who can bring peace, he is one of them, donald trump is meant: come back and bring us peace, mr. president, orbán wrote on the x social network after the meeting. well, apart from that, what else did orbán say after meeting with trump? that trump has quite detailed plans to end the war in
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ukraine is the point. consists in stopping aid to ukraine. let's listen live to what orban said. he says the following: firstly, he will not give a single penny to the ukrainian-russian war, so the war will end, because it is obvious that ukraine itself cannot stand on its own two feet. if the americans together with the europeans will not give money and weapons, then the war will end. and if the americans do not give money, then the europeans themselves. tell me, friends, what is the difference between orban, trump and putin? well, of course, orbán is the prime minister of hungary, a small country that seems to have decided that the future of ukraine depends on it. as if this hungary will tell us whether to join
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the european union or not, whether to join... the north atlantic alliance or not, because this country will have the right to agree to it or not . at the same time, vladimir putin and donald trump says almost the same thing, in order for the war in ukraine to end, you just need to stop financing ukraine. all. it seems to me that trump and putin agree on this, although earlier ... we remember that trump said that give me 24 hours, and in 24 hours i will put putin and zelensky at the negotiating table, and the war in ukraine will end in 24 hours. why did trump say that, now we understand, because we have to sit at the negotiating table.


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