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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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the future of ukraine, as if this hungary will tell us whether to join the european union or not, whether to join the north atlantic alliance or not, because this country will have the right to agree to it or not. at the same time, vladimir putin and donald trump are saying almost the same thing: in order for the war in ukraine to end, it is simply necessary to stop funding in... ukraine, everything, it seems to me that trump and putin agree on this, although earlier we remember we know that trump said give me 24 hours and in 24 hours, i will put putin and zelensky at the negotiating table, and the war in ukraine will end in 24 hours. why did trump say that, now we understand, because
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he plans to bring ukraine and russia to the negotiating table in a fairly simple , non-diplomatic way, by stopping financing ukraine and providing military aid, but if trump thinks that after , how will he stop providing aid to ukraine, the ukrainians will surrender or raise the white flag and start peace talks with putin, he is very wrong, i think this is a mistake. of the entire western world, because during the last two years of the great war, the ukrainians proved that their courage, their victory, their desire to protect their country, their desire to protect their freedom and their independence is much stronger than the russian army or the weapons that are in hands of the russian occupiers, because
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we understand that without freedom, without independence, ukraine simply will not exist and there will be no us, because any arrival of russian occupiers in any region of ukraine, this means the occupation and destruction of ukrainians, the same dmitry medvedev, the former president of the russian federation, and now the deputy head of the russian security council, speaks about this destruction quite often. of the federation, biden naturally criticized trump's meeting with orbán and he said that this is not the way to behave and even more so to talk about trump, that he is a fantastic leader, that he was sneaking up on trump , meaning orbán, to win him over, one way or another to dictators and authority figures.
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thugs all over the world, and of course, of course, in this situation, we understand that the future of the united states of america, which will be decided at the end of 2024, will concern the future not only of the united states of america, but also of the whole world, not only of ukraine, but also of the entire planet earth, because what to expect and what to expect from her? no one understands donald trump at the moment, but all these bells that have rung and all these conversations about the fact that ukraine should be brought to the table through negotiations through the absence or tightening of military aid, this means that donald trump has such a plan, and it needs to be reported also think officially. kyiv and western
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europe, because trump has repeatedly said that the united states of america is not going to protect countries that do not contribute to the north atlantic alliance, and therefore, obviously, 2025 will always be a new year, the year of building a renewed security system in europe , renewed security system in the world, because... the arrival of trump will mean, in the event that he wins the presidential elections, will mean the reformation of this security system, and the world, including ukraine, should prepare for this reformatting. a few words, friends, let's talk about what is happening in ukraine and what events have become such that require our discussion, well, in particular. shabun, vitaly shabunin, head
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of the anti-corruption center, reported that the state bureau of investigation registered two criminal proceedings against him. vitaliy wrote about this on his facebook page: tatariv dbr registers criminal proceedings against me for evasion of military service. despite the fact that i voluntarily mobilized in the armed forces in the first days of the war. also , the tatariv state bureau of investigation is registering another proceeding for forging documents from the nakc by me. despite the fact that nazk has electronic document management, because it is impossible to do this. both cases were opened at the request of lawyer rostyslav kravets. is the center of the kremlin network of telegram channels, as well as a henchman of pavel vovk, the head of oask, who after the capture of kyiv was supposed to legalize yanukovych, a rather sharp statement by vitaliy shabunin, and rather
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serious accusations both towards tatarov, who currently works in the office of the president of ukraine, and in side of the state bureau of investigation, because if tatarov is really in charge of the state bureau. the bureau of investigation and provides information about vitaly shabunin or asks the state bureau of investigation to open criminal proceedings against him, this means that we are again, friends, returning to the times of viktor yanukovych, and in this situation, the comments of the state bureau of investigation and nazk are not enough, because, as writes shabunin, he could not forge the document. on zk, since there is an electronic document flow, but this case is also illustrative, because we know what is now many questions to the ukrainian authorities regarding the fight against corruption, and the anti -corruption center is a public organization that
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talks about who, where, how and when stole in the ukrainian state, and therefore any similar criminal proceedings... it is possible be perceived as pressure on anti-corruption officers, as an attempt by the authorities to put anti-corruption officers on the same level as corruption officers in order to prove that, you see, anti-corruption officers are breaking the law, there are two criminal proceedings against them, and they, who can tell society that they can to tell the authorities if they... themselves have criminal proceedings, so over the next few days, friends, we will wait for the reaction of the sbi and the explanation, the sbi and nazk should explain what is happening with the criminal proceedings against vitaliy shabunin, and if he is really disruptive legislation and
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the legal field, then the reaction of both the dbr and the nakc should be tough, of course. well, since we are talking about the fact that vitaly shabunin is accused of evading military service. i can't help but mention the shocking incident that happened at the checkpoint in the vyzhnytskyi district chernivtsi region, on march 7 , representatives of the territorial central tsk, representatives of the tskk, were attacked by two men, you can see how it happened, who were armed with axes, one of them, who was on top of a horse, the military tried to stop, the other under drove a car, hit one of the soldiers with it, then began to beat them
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with the butt of an ax and broke the windows of their vehicles, and one of those who is part of the territorial... territorial center of assembly of the tsk , one of the representatives, is a man, who fought at the front, but you see, if on the eastern front he fought with the russian invaders, then here he had to accept the battle from the western dodgers, and the way it happened is actually terrifying, you see, the men go for... the tivkas have axes in their hands and begin to attack two representatives of the tsk. this is not the first time, we see similar stories and we see how ukrainians try to protect themselves from subpoenas, territorial
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assembly centers, we see how representatives of the tsc cannot protect themselves, there are more questions than... obviously, the answers to these questions should be given by law enforcement officers, because this is a crime, an attempt on the life of representatives of territorial assembly centers. and for this crime and for these attempts, those people who raised an ax against military personnel or former military personnel should be responsible, well, at least there are no former soldiers, since they serve in the tsk, the military personnel, and obviously the law enforcement officers of the vyzhnytsky district of the chernivtsi region will answer, and what actually with these gentlemen who took up axes, well, alone. of our issue, friends, let's remember the 95th quarter, about the company that was a family of president
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zelensky, and now they got into yet another scandal, in their new issue they decided to joke about families that were separated due to a full-scale war, actress iryna gatun, who was previously embarrassed by a number about the siskadovskaya girl. now she played a woman who returns to her husband from poland, where she spent a year and a half due to a large-scale invasion. let's look at this fragment. on the first track, a fast train was arriving from warsaw, i had not yet left the compartment, he was. he already undressed me, i asked to go home, he didn't
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i heard, because i already moaned, i don't know who is funny about the fact that families are separated, that families are in europe, in european countries, that fighters are stationed. the eastern front , that they are meeting after a long, long separation, but the funny thing about quarter 95 is that they are trying to make funny scenes out of it and make ukrainians laugh at it, although there is nothing funny here, and obviously this is a great tragedy for many families who are , which are divorced, but the 95th quarter is always distinguished by that. all that was joking at the level of gee-gee, haha, no more, you know, and
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another problem that there is is that people don't have red lines that they can cross and that they can't cross and they have a specific humor, they have a specific team that specifically... makes jokes , and let's not forget, friends, that for a very long time quarter 95 was the company that brought russian actors to ukraine, those actors and singers who now actively support vladimir putin, they simply had the green light in quarter 95, well , remember that this happened until 2014. year philip kirkorov, nikolay baskov, lolita, natasha koroleva, everyone who is now licking
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putin's ass, were on the stage of quarter 95, and quarter 95 should at least apologize for this and say: sorry, instead we see some bad jokes about what is happening in our lives, some interpretation is needed. the second interpretation of what is happening in our lives, it would be time to put an end to it, instead i will put an end to this program, friends, i will remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms youtube and facebook, like this video so that it can be promoted in youtube and facebook trends, and take part in our vote, today we ask you about whether it is valid to criticize rymsky's words about negotiations with the russian federation . we see the poll results on
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tv. 53% think yes, 47% - no, in youtube yes, 70%, no 30%. well, actually, that's it, friends, we'll put an end to it, don't forget to come to the verdict at 8:00 p.m., every day we work live, on ... more prompt information, the best guests in to our program, so i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly
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assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. yuriy viktorovych hrynash, lviv region. yuri hrynash viktorovych, lviv region, drohobych city. i was in polonia, 648 days in polonia. he left polon on january 3. this year, 2024, and i myself serve, served and still serve in the 24th part,
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as soon as i found out that the war had started, i immediately went to fight, that is when... full-scale war, he went to defend our state , well, this putin is a bad person, a bad person, let’s put it this way, it’s not only that he has already eaten people’s heads, zombified them, and he also wants to seize our state here under the pretext that it is like theirs earth, that's it abnormal, wrong in general, i had to stand in line for several days , several times, for four, five hours,
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then i was mobilized, well, they already accepted the 24th part in yavor, we stayed there. i spent specifically 5 days, we received a uniform, there was such a basic special training, and after that we were already sent east, well, we were not told where, so i thought they would be sent somewhere to kyiv, and i wanted, to be honest, to get there somewhere in kyiv, because it's the third day of the war there or something, and they've already traveled around kiev, i think it's okay, i need mine help. we were sent first to bakhmut, well, everything was calm in bakhmut, it was also the donetsk region, then a little further
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east to pokrovsk, it was like a second line. well, then we went to popasne, and here in popasne , we stayed there for more than a week , we didn’t have time to stay there for very long , we were in the center of popasne, everything was fine, in principle, while i was there, they were constantly shooting at us, sometimes from mortars, then from hail then... aerial bombs were dropped, but this one, but there was no direct contact, it is in the center of the then, when i was on the outskirts of the temporary sector, there was already direct contact, let's say, there were already point-blank firefights, we were in the third
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position, and there were two positions in front of us, well, they disappeared somewhere, something happened to them there, i don't know... this one we were surrounded in the morning, they surrounded us, well, it all lasted for several hours, they threw grenades at us, we exchanged fire with them, well, we were in the basement then, and it turns out that we were in a dead end in a closed room, and they could move only in the basement, then already it so happened that they retreated to the last dead-end room, and there were already two options, either death or this, or surrender from captivity. by the way, they offered us more than once to surrender, well, we refused, they told them to tell the meadow, they sent them somewhere further, well , then there was no way out, so they left first, er... several guys did not all surrender at once , first four went, and then five minutes after that we hear shots, well, i 'm honest, i thought they were shot, but no,
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then after a few minutes one of them turns around, says: come on, surrender, guys, you won't be shot, everything will be fine, first they put us on our knees, tied our hands with heavy ropes, and read morals to us there for 20 minutes, like, you are westerners there, why are you you climb here, we ourselves... locals, well, we don’t want your support, we don’t want to be in ukraine and so on, we just shook our heads, all we could do was say nothing to them, then they took us to the basement, some people there transported us a few kilometers into its territory already captured there, and they began to undress us, to check on us tattoos, or who has any tattoos, they started asking everyone where the service is? where did you live, where do you serve, did you fight in the anti-terrorist operation before, who was your specialty, they asked, that's how one
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man was shot in the leg simply because he was an artilleryman, they hit me several times there, specifically me and that's all, they sent us on, they sent us, i didn't i know what city it was, well, they were sent to the bullpen, we arrived there, it turns out, in the bullpen. around there, well, in the middle of the day, it's 5 o'clock in the afternoon, 6 o'clock, i don't know, but they stayed there for about 12 hours, they they took our uniforms, i don't know why they need our uniforms, well, i can only guess that they sold them somewhere or something, or they sell this one too, some of them even took away their berets, they were so barefoot, then they were there for a month, they walked barefoot in one's socks, but ... one of our guys was seriously wounded in the arm, a bullet hit him there, maybe not even one, they broke his arm in several places, then he was bleeding, well, he was just bleeding, he more than once
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he was in shock, he was already so white, the cap, we twisted his arm there as best we could with ours, they just took, took off this t-shirt, tore off the sleeve, wrapped his arm, but we thought that maybe they would provide some kind of medical help, well, no, they said that if you survive , you will survive, if you don't survive, then you won't. bad , they also questioned everything, how, they bought us trains once, well, we went to a supermarket somewhere or something, there were amber curds, cookies, something like that, they also bought this somewhere, they gave us food, and they also gave us two packs of cigars, that’s it, well it can be said, the most humane people were from those who will be further, let's say this, and this one, after that night in our without warning, they already took away, then already, there were russian soldiers and their eyes. ufin employees in blue uniforms , well, how can you say the police, then we were transferred to luhansk sizo, we stayed there
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for a month, in my opinion, we were also interrogated there, some were asked, well, i was lucky, you could say there were three different investigators there, well, i got into something that is normal, some guys. here we were taken from the cell from the cell one by one for the whole day, several guys, they got to such two lieutenants that they said that if you guys, if you go into the office and see the flag of ukraine on the floor, it means that you are unlucky, they also beat you with slippers, you know, they beat you with electric current with slippers, and they put bullets on their heads, they told stories, they strangled them like that. they even wanted to shoot him, well, to scare him as well, but everything was fine, they just beat him and that was all, and
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then, well, they also forced me to appear in one video there, not even in two, in two videos, also several once hit, well, that's it , that's it, and that's it, and so the person was not really beaten, then this... it turns out that at 10 o'clock we had an adboy, that's all they said adboy, we went to bed and i didn't even have time to fall asleep, when our camera opens and the names of 10 people are called, and that's when they took us away it is not clear where, at first they threw us into the pit, they threw us around like cattle , it was just 44 people in my opinion, we all sat down cross-legged, that is, you sit down with your legs to the side and... and another person sits down in front of you, you hug him, and they tie everyone together, so that no one escapes , then they brought us to the airport. well me
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at first the gentleman thought it was for an exchange , he was so happy, and then he realized that it was not an exchange, because you hear that there is one of them at the airport, we didn’t even see where we were, where we were going, because we they put a cap on their heads and tied it with scotch tape, then they arrived at the airport and one said to the other, the russians say that this time a bird will fly from the north, well that is... and so somewhere from somewhere, then we were transferred to autosacks, us too we didn't see anything, we just drove and that's all, and then we arrive, they open, i hear, the gate opens, we drive in, and that's it they just threw us out on the asphalt one by one, threw us out, immediately asked us our name, surname, position and then forward somewhere forward, forward, and this time we went into some room, and something... like a temporary
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cell, that is, just a lattice without a door, and i heard that all the boys, that there were a lot of us there , that they were all right next to each other, well , right next to me, i could touch someone, but i didn’t see anyone, and i couldn’t touch my own either to find, and then you hear that several people are being taken somewhere, someone is listening to the russian national anthem, they are singing, we were told to just stand, who will sit down, so well... kapets, in a word, they were so good, i will tell you, very strong, then when i entered the cell, i was all blue in the back, and so were all the other guys there were blue ones, well, i was still relatively lucky, some were even luckier , someone was just hit two or three times there and that was it, and some guys, well, i won’t say who, but one, for example, was told by the organs at all, then he was lying down had already reached the end, they said that he should lie down. one
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went head-on, one had a broken globin, there were many people who fell down, lost consciousness, they brought me to the cell, first at 23, there was a cell for six people, the cells were different, there were two people, there were also single ones, well, i did not get into such and such, generally there were two up to 14 people, a camera, but we had a camera for six people, i come, everyone watches too. they are the same as me and this one at first, but the first day there the boys already sat there for a long time, it already turns out that on the second day i got there , on the first day they did not give me anything to eat at all, on the second day they gave me a little soup for lunch, dinner alone a spoonful of potatoes, and a piece of bread , well, you could just say we were starving,
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well, i don't know, i didn't count the spoonfuls, but in general there are about five spoons of porridge and a piece of bread, and the porridge is also not salty no licorice, none at all, and tea is the same, no, it’s for a day, no, it’s for one meal , that is, breakfast, for example, or on the eyes and this one for lunch, first and second, the first was soup and the second was also porridge, well, there used to be soup, that’s what i remember in december we were given one spoon how? to say the food was there, the attitude was very bad, we were forced to stand constantly, at first we sat there for the first few days, but then we were told that we could not sit, that we had to stand, they wanted us to stand for 16 hours, i was fine at first, the first year, my legs they didn't swell, well, then a year later they also started to swell and are still swelling , they stood here, they were forced to sing the russian national anthem five times a day, well, there were such
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exclusion days that... it happened much more often and they sang 20 times , well, on average , they sang the anthem five times a day, that's all the day was beginning, that is, you are sleeping, you hear the russian national anthem and that's it, you have to get up urgently , form a column towards the door and sing, sing along with the anthem, after that immediately exercise, 15 minutes, this is an exercise, how to explain it, well, just to we ... we get even more milk, then after charging we clean for half an hour and then breakfast, after breakfast we just stand, they forced us, they forced us to constantly learn all their propaganda, their kind of nonsense, there about general zhukov, about the second world war, poems forced to learn more than 30 poems, and poems such poor names, like...


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