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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EET

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chancellor adolf hitler and how this whole story ended for the whole world, everyone remembers well, the great war, the second world war, which led to millions, tens of millions of people around the world lost their lives due to the fact that at one time determined, decisive and effective policies of the european , the world level did not take appropriate measures to quell the german furor, this time history is repeating itself, already, but already in relation. to the russian sensation and this is actually a challenge that we all have to accept. of course, it is pleasing against this background the position of the french president, mr. macron , but it seems that he is just taking advantage of the situation, trying to take over the powers of the european leader, but what will come of it is difficult to predict, because i understand that first of all, mr. macron is a populist, and he is interested in , to please their own voters, their own electorate. and therefore i am quite cautious about
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any even very encouraging statements, but i rely more on real concrete steps related to the supply of defense and military equipment from our western partners, here we have some alarm bells. our minister of defense rustam omerov said in one of his interviews that we will receive only 50% of what is guaranteed to be supplied by western partners in the form of weapons, military equipment, and ammunition for those weapons. i.e. 50% promise a lot but do far from everything, and this is a challenge, because why bother, if you help, then you help, but again, without helping, our western partners should understand that here now it is ukrainian soldiers under conditional pledge not only a safe space in those territories of our country that are under the control of the ukrainian government, and in principle on the entire european continent, because putin does not hide his alarmist plans, putin's top propagandists shout: that lisbon is
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a russian city, in principle the policy of the current russian the federation is conditioned by the fact that they dream of recreating a similar ussr 2.0, and i want to remind our audience that during the period of time when moscow dominated the eastern part of europe, including the eastern part of the now united germany with its capital in berlin was also under the control of moscow. mr. vladyslav, a few more questions, literally 5 days ago, again. the partisan group also reported that the occupiers' oil pipeline was destroyed in feodosia on the night of march 3. please remind me what exactly he provided, of course, they reject this information and say that nothing like that happened, although they are talking about an oil depot, and we are not talking about an oil depot, we are talking about specific races , about absolutely specific designs, very technological constructions , which will not be fixed so quickly, i think, so definitely, so it is about... the oil pipeline, which
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is located on the territory of the fiodesia oil depot, is a kind of infrastructure element that connects these tanks where fuel is stored with each other, respectively above the points of entry and exit, therefore , a part of the important infrastructure is destroyed, which actually partially renders the entire oil depot in an inoperable state, and we understand that it is a key element in meeting the current needs of the russian occupation contingent, that operates in the crimea and... sevastopol with the same oil products, and under such conditions, of course , the russians have something to worry about, because on the one hand they have deployed several air defense systems in the feodosia region, in particular the most modern battery of the s-400 complex, and on the other hand on the one hand, it demonstrates its illiteracy and inability to resist the massive drone attacks of the ukrainian defense forces, which means that the baboons, which not so long ago were burning in the territory of the suburbs, will surely ... be repeated, again
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i still remember last year's speech by the president of ukraine zelenskyi, who said the following while addressing the residents of crimea and sevastopol: stay as far as possible from enemy military facilities, it is deadly dangerous, because every military target is an absolutely legal target for the ukrainian defense forces, and it must will definitely be destroyed, it's time. government, listen, i don’t know, you are basically a creative person, the fact that a military expert is also a poet, very handsome, by the way, and i don’t know if you did it on purpose in such an artistic way or not, but you are sitting in the colors of romanian and of the moldovan flag, now on the screen , seriously, that's why i want to expand our overview of the situation a little bit, because moldova is also part of black sea romania, the black sea region, and putin has 100% of his own plans there, which... interferes with this plan in the political sense
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, we know that recently there was a so-called congress of these bastards, it's been a long time since they met in 18 years, there's a thug russian government there, it's just that there's some kind of army there, which is oriented towards... a russian type of army, it is not clear that they say different things about her, and the last chord of this shameful, this shameful performance, is the visit of the leader of the so-called pro-russian, pro-russian gagauzia, i apologize, not all gagauzians are absolutely like that , we have many gagauzians living in ukraine, i know them personally, they are great patriots of ukraine, and they fight and and support the troops, this is not about all the hausas, it is definitely 100%, but the part that is in the moldova region. this lady is russian, if it is possible there, or maybe she can be called a comrade there, to a friend of the führer, visited moscow, and there she took pictures with him and asked to complain about moldova, under oppression, means from the central government and the same, well, that is, in
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one movement, that is, some kind of special media operation is being observed, in my opinion, and it can or can it be somehow... together with the military, some actions are applied there or not, can you give such a political-military overview? of course, there are such risks, and we were quite cautiously waiting for the same congress of people's deputies of all levels, which took place on the territory of the self-proclaimed transnistrian republic of moldova, from which came such a big air bubble, which was actually concentrated on only one thesis, give mr. from moscow we get money, but what concerns gagauzi, the southern part of moldova, this is definitely such a very alarming bell, because we can only imagine that the mismatch of status, on the one hand,
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the head of the russian federation, putin, and on the other hand, one of subjects of moldova, and bashtan, that is, the head of this autonomy meets. with the russian leader, well, certainly not by status, but nevertheless such a meeting took place, it seems to me so clear a signal that moldova may become the next focus of certain destructive processes, in addition to the fact that in the near future it will plunge into the pre-election process, including the process related to the holding of a general national referendum on the further direction of moldova's foreign policy, it is about a referendum on joining of the european union to the relevant security institutions of collective europe, this is actually a very important case, and of course, total opposition to this process by moscow and pro-russian moldovan politicians, it will take place. of course, local
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self-government bodies and local services that provide a safe space on the territory of our neighboring country have a lot to work on, well , i hope that they are appropriate. and professional support will come from the fraternal people of our moldovan friends from romania, because it seems to me that there is no sentimentality here, we must implement the entire case of measures aimed at stabilizing the situation and suppressing any separatist movements, because when all these cells are not extinguished in time , no block, our moldovan friends can feel all that horror. through which ukraine passes since february 2014. mr. vladyslav, in the end, i really thank ayder for, let’s say, trying to scale a little, to look more broadly, exclusively at the borders of the crimean peninsula, but i propose to do this in the context of the situation on
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the front line, in particular in our southeast, or can it be considered that the russians took quite seriously the hints of the defense forces and its official... commanders and representatives on the difficult fate of the kerch bridge, if now, based on military analytics, they are trying to advance and press again in the area of ​​the coal mine, and i will remind you that this is an important point, a logistical point , they have not yet built any alternative logistical routes, they tried, maybe they are trying now, nevertheless, the kerch bridge. the crossings are no longer reliable, so it is necessary to capture the ugledar, is this statement correct? an absolutely valid remark, because the key element that ensures sustainable logistics, that is, transportation within the framework meeting the needs of the russian occupation army operating in our territories is
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a railway connection, that is why it is very important for the enemy to cut off the ughledar ridge, that is why it is important for the enemy to protect the valnavakh railway station from the influence of ukrainian artillery, for this they need to advance our units as far as possible, because now the 17 km substation allows us to use long-range artillery to turn all enemy military echelons to ashes in the event of a new attack. through this railway station, of course, now the enemy is trying to make an emergency pace to build a new railway track that will run along the northern coast of the sea of ​​azov, as far as possible from our artillery positions, but this process is not easy, because in the south of donetsk, as well as in the south of the zaporizhia region , our werewolves are working, who from time to time these efforts will turn the enemy into a pile of scrap metal, for example, there is already confirmed and verified information that one of the bridges across the river... has already been destroyed, and the russians have not yet had time to complete it,
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so the war continues, the enemy is looking for any opportunities to revive its logistics, and it is obvious that all these logistics will work so that the enemy will be able to advance further, both in the south of zaporizhzhia and, accordingly, in the south of the kherson region and will continue to try so that he will continue to try to keep the currently occupied crimea and sevastopol under control, so we have a lot to work on, but the key fact is that what allows us to implement all our plans is a matter of resources, so our diplomats also have a lot to work on, in terms of supplies and long-range artillery, long-range high-precision missiles, all this is important in order to destroy the enemies, and considering that diplomats in ukraine are now actively becoming military personnel of a considerable level with considerable merit in fact, i think that we will have some success here. thank you vladyslavy, vladyslav soleznyov. military analyst and ex-spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. time to take a break, right?
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two hours to keep up with economic time to talk about money during the war oleksandrevka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please and sports news, review of sports events by yevhen pastukhov, two hours. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. saturdays every week. politclub helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world.
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vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, lady. gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. we continue the joint project of the tv channel and atp, together we talk about baraber
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temporarily occupied crimea and in connection with the studio larisa voloshina, journalist and psychologist. ms. larisa, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations, friends, glory to the heroes. salam aleikum. well, the third, third wave of searches took place in crimea, in the focus of attention of the russian special services, the so-called and their branches in... on the peninsula, now representatives of the crimean tatar people, religious , in particular, leaders, mrs. larisa, do you think they have intensified now this? pressure, and doesn't it look kind of, you know, especially cynical, after one of the authority of international courts actually recognized that there is no pressure on religious or ethnic grounds in crimea solely because of political views, this can happen, and after that these crazy three waves,
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there are people arrested, there are people whose relatives are still looking for them, because they did not understand where are they, what is this story about? well, friends, in my opinion, this includes the issue of war, because it is absolutely obvious to the russians that a possible ukrainian offensive on crimea will be accompanied by uprisings, support actions, and such actions to meet to the ukrainian army, it is the occupiers who understand this absolutely obviously, that is, to them it is this... not the territory of the occupied donbas, which they cleaned there for 3 years, where there are, of course, partisans , there are people who are waiting for the ukrainian army, i have no doubt about it, but these people are disunited, they are not collapsed, because they are each in their own home, and what is the crimean tatar people, this is a people that had structures,
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structures of the mejlis, all national structures of unity, which continue... in principle to function today, theoretically, every crimean tatar knows every crimean tatar, that's right, and it's obvious that a certain grouping of people is taking place, including around religious leaders, around religious authorities, that is, now they are trying with all their might to somehow remove the russians or take control of what we call the crimean tatar national solidarity. in order to reduce the factor , as they call it, of the fifth column in crimea, and pay attention, now again, the pressure has gone, the pressure has gone on the crimean tatar lawyers, luftiye zudiyeva, a woman who, even before this, constantly, she never hid
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nor her position, but nothing, she spoke on international platforms, every time she returned to the territory of the occupied crimea through ukrainian territory she was controlled, she was constantly searched and interrogated, but nevertheless, well, somehow they did not allow themselves to be treated as a woman, but but now they are simply removing activists and those people who are respected in the crimean tatar community, well, in general , the situation is actually terrible, and you know, larisa, in principle, if i am honest, i would call on all the people who are being hunted by the russians there, just get out of there in any way , but at the same time i know how it will be perceived , people don't want, crimeans don't want to leave their homeland in spite of everything, and it's really such a shame for people who risk themselves without having a weapon , nothing, having only dignity
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and yes, yes, different political views, that's absolutely true, but... what a threat, what kind of regime is this, for which people who have different, different political views at home imagine a threat, i think what's going on, you know what, is that they want to create one atmosphere , so that as many people as possible leave , so that they can be replaced by anyone, and this trend will continue throughout the entire war until it ends with our victory, but they will try to simply... clean it up as much as possible, so that even in the last stages to say: no, well, you see, there are no indigenous people here, there is almost no one left here, here are the unfortunate russians, yulia navalna, navalnaya will come to their defense, i don’t know, khodarkovsky says, we must take into account the rights of military pensioners, then what, that's why, what is the end, is it just an instinct, that is, they can't
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live otherwise, yes, no, no, pressing, not forcing, there, not repressing, or. it's really some kind of strategic, maybe not as i said, you can say something differently goal, it's just that sometimes we think that they just do something automatically, just because they're lazy, in fact, often in the end it turns out that there was even if there was such a strategic plan, the point is that what we call russians, well, russians, is not a nationality, it is not even political identity, this is what... krom called a totalitarian-collective personality, that is, it is such a transformation of a person under the conditions of a totalitarian regime, when a person actually becomes... the personification of this regime, a person must give up everything personal and merge into some kind of community , as you know, in germany this was the hitlerian truth theory,
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i.e. some, and the russians are now under putin, this is exactly this community, and that is why anyone who carries a national identity, some cultural identity, is a threat to them, that is, because it is an enemy element, i i agree that... in crimea, it is special, because it is important for russians to show that this is russian crimea. here i want to remind you about the trump factor. we constantly talk about the fact that the arrival of trump is a threat to ukraine because trump can force ukraine to sit down for negotiations with russia, that's all la-la. but, we have to understand who donald trump is, he is a person who repeatedly expressed himself so casually as... appearances, but he simply demonstrated his worldview, saying, well , listen, well, crimea is there, it is russian, there are also russians, and it is necessary that trump and all those who support trump do not have any,
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there are russians, therefore russians, by the way, recently i have been watching videos with crimean, allegedly crimean tatars, who say how they are fighting voluntarily in the russian army against the fascist junta, and how do they mean they are defending... their native russian crimea, they can now see that these videos have been filmed, well, it is obvious to any media person that they have been filmed, there is good direction, that it's staged, and it spins, and the faces are covered, then we're not we know who the crimean tatars, chechens are, who are they in general, maybe they are residents of the rostov region, but here they are, and there are a lot of such and such videos right now , allegedly of crimean tatars, who tell how puntavazh are gathering here. to destroy their native russian crimea , that's about it, that's all, that's all such a message to trump, and when we talk about the threat to trump, i want to remind you that there is
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no problem for trump to take and recognize russian crimea, but in general he does not care about international right, just like spitting on putin, he can just do it alone, because he is wants, that's why we, when we say that he can sit on the table of negotiations on russian terms. to say no, he can recognize the russian crimea, and for this this whole spectacle is being considered, this is what is being done, so of course we are in great danger, i believe that ukraine, the ukrainian state should now again, as it was in the 14th year , when the russians tried to show that crimea is a conflict between ukraine and russia, and crimea has always been russian, ukraine took, began to support the crimean tatars, their subjectivity, their rights are on samovy. destruction, and in fact, in the international imagination, crimea became equal to the crimean tatar indigenous people and its territory of historical residence.
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right now, ukraine should once again strengthen this narrative regarding crimea, once again start demonstrating crimea as the territory of indigenous people, indigenous peoples of crimean tatars, ukrainians and crimeans, and about the fact that what russia is doing. is ethnocide, instead we see that we are somehow playing the wrong game regarding crimea. and let me remind you, we even have a mezhelis legally, at the state level, the crimean tatar people have not been marked enough, and this is a big question for the ukrainian state, which we will certainly raise in our next programs. ms. larisa, thank you. very clear accents, larisa voloshina, a journalist and psychologist joined in the common. project of the espresso tv channel and atr together beraber. thanks to ayder muzhdabaev for his work. thank you, christ. thank you all. see you next saturday. be with us. nine-year-old
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victoria ostrovska, 11-year-old suzanne osman and 14-year-old. angelina panfilyuk. all these girls disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, and for quite a long time it has not been possible to find out where they are now. that is why i really hope for your help, and, of course, i am mostly addressing the residents of the territories of the kherson region that are not controlled by ukraine. i know that ukrainian tv channels are not broadcasting in your country now, but you may be watching this program on social networks, so please look carefully at the faces of the missing. beginning. victoria ostrovska looks nine years old years she has dark blond hair and brown eyes. a child has disappeared in the skadovsky district of the kherson region. the police became aware of this
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in the summer of last year. since then , there was no news about victoria ostrovska. suzanne osman. the girl is 11 years old, has dark hair and dark eyes. the child lived in the village of bekhtery, which is also the skadovsky district of the kherson region, which is still occupied. the search for the child has been going on for exactly a year, and this is 14-year-old angelina panfilyuk. the girl lived on the right bank of the kherson region in the berislav district, in the village of dudchany. the territory was povan almost from the first days of the full-scale war, but in the fall of 2022 she was released, and it was during this period that it became known about the disappearance of angelina, where the girl may be now no one knows, maybe the child was taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or maybe to russia in general. that is why your help is very important. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of victoria, suzanne or angelina, or maybe
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just somewhere... saw these girls, please let us know immediately. even a small piece of news can become very important. to the child tracing service you can call magnolia at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if you suddenly find yourself in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write to the chatbot of the magnolia children's search service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i told you. only three children in history who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course that the vast majority of children were found and now everything is fine with them, unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in
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the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. at the same time , children are also disappearing in territories controlled by ukraine. as the experience of the magnolia children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers. we discussed this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of involving children in... solving family issues: involve the child in developing the family budget, in solving some problematic issues, because sometimes we make some decisions, and these decisions are difficult, difficult, we ourselves are very worried and worried because of this, and the child is only informed about the result, and he perceives it as a personal insult, well, for example, a child was expecting a new phone, but due to some family events we don't have money for it, and instead of
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explaining to... together with the child decide how and in what we can save and when we can anyway to save money for that new phone, we just bring her this idea that there will be no phone, how then we are perceived, well, as an enemy who just wants to destroy the child's entire peaceful life, break all dreams and so on, and if she knew the whole process, and if she participated in discussion, and if her voice was important and she could say, let 's give a little here for... this is where i am ready to give up something, for the sake of it, she would feel her complicity in the family budget, in planning, felt that she is important, and what could be better in life than feeling important?
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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we start the information day with news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. at night, russian terrorists dropped an aerial bomb on a high-rise building in kupyansk, kharkiv oblast, previously without injured, but the five-story building was seriously damaged, there were several fires. three apartments from the first to third floors were on fire in one of the entrances and another apartment in another entrance. the total area of ​​fires was 150 km.


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