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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel, we are starting the information day with news in the studio. khrystyna parubiy works. at night, russian terrorists dropped an aerial bomb on a high-rise building in kupyansk, kharkiv region. previously, there were no casualties, but the five-story building was seriously damaged, several fires broke out. three apartments from the first to third floors were on fire in one of the entrances and another apartment in another entrance. the total area of ​​fires was 150 m2. they have already been extinguished - informed the rescuers. and naro'. oil depots are burning and exploding.
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it turned out to be an alarming night for residents of several regions that were attacked by drones. the explosions rang out in kursk, oryol and belgorod region, the local governors said. in orly, as a result of a drone hitting an oil storage tank , one of the tanks caught fire. no casualties so far. also, due to the drone attack , seven settlements in the belgorod region were left without electricity. local authorities claim that the drone allegedly dropped four explosive devices and damaged power lines. the mayor of the russian capital has already reported on the downing of the uav in the morning, an unknown drone attacked the lukoil oil refinery in the city of kstovo, nizhny novgorod region. the drone hit an oil refinery, causing a fire. russia's advance on the front was stopped. the situation on the front line has become much better than in recent years. three
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months, president volodymyr zelenskyi said in an interview with a french tv channel. the head of state noted that the ukrainian army had difficulties due to a lack of ammunition, an air blockade, russian long-range weapons and a high density of enemy drones currently, the russian army cannot advance further and is suffering heavy losses. at the same time, the president specified that the situation could change again at any moment if ukraine does not receive sufficient military aid. help, and i will remind you about our collection, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable fund are asking for help with the purchase of maviks and components for them, as well as fpvidrons for the 74th battalion of the 102nd, a separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction so that they do not risked their lives and did not go on an assault on minefields. drones are needed and we can help. our goal is uah 5,000. with
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your help, we have already collected over uah 100,000. remember, each of your donations is important. therefore, join, you can see all the details on the screen. they disguised themselves as part-time employees of the tsk and extorted millions from men of draft age. in kyiv, law enforcement officers detained a criminal group that organized a mobilization business. suspects disguised as law enforcement officers and collaborators. of territorial picking centers, were stopped on the street men, searched them and promised help in removing them from military registration. only one of the victims was defrauded of uah 1,700, and in total , the gang was responsible for 10 criminal episodes, including fraud, extortion, and kidnapping . it included four people, among them previously convicted of serious crimes. depending on the role and participation in... criminal activity
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, the three detainees and one more member of the group were informed of suspicions under several articles of the criminal code of ukraine. prosecutors of the pechersk district prosecutor's office have already appealed to the court with a petition regarding the selection of preventive measures in the form of detention. the echoes of past wars destroyed seven soviet-made high-explosive aerial bombs in the sepere region of rivne. a resident of the village of tarakaniv, duban district. discovered two munitions during field work. later, during an additional survey of the territory, the employees of the state emergency service found five more such fap-100 bombs. all ammunition was in combat condition, so they were destroyed in a specially designated city. the prosecutor general's office is investigating the involvement of belarus in the abduction of ukrainian children. as stated prosecutor general andriy kostin, there is evidence that lukashenka's regime helped russia. in this terrible
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crime, and ukraine is working to establish a list of those involved. they promise to finish the investigation and make the results public this year. these proceedings are now being investigated very actively and we are also cooperating with our partners who are assisting us in gathering evidence, we are also investigating the potential commission of this criminal offense by representatives of the republic of belarus, so these investigations are in our priority, i think this year you will also see the results of these investigations. 12 school shelters are planned to be repaired in kropyvnytskyi by autumn, because of this, students are being transferred to a remote school. however, such a decision upset the parents, they say, the children do not have time to learn the material anyway because of anxiety. how the conflict with the school management and
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officials ended, our journalists will tell. anastasia chermashentseva, the mother of a first-grader of the innovative gymnasium, says that the decision about the remote control was not agreed with the parents. they warned about the transition to online education week. the woman does not understand what the rush is all about. he says that the shelter is not an emergency, repairs can wait until the summer. we all know how repairs are done. everyone knows that it dries better in the summer. when no one walks here, it will happen faster. why right now in the spring months, when there will be rain, a downpour. in two months we will have time to do it, and in three months of summer vacation. we won't have time to do it. outraged parents began to collect signatures against the remote control. for an hour of appeal to the management of the department of education signed by a hundred people. i have two children, one in the sixth grade, the second in the first grade, and we have already completed distance
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education with the older one, well, it all falls on the shoulders of the parents, and it is very difficult. and even now, during air raids, they don't have time to learn anything, and then it will be a horror in general. education authorities, says anastasia chermashentseva, argue everything with the employment of a contractor. he said that he will not have time to finish all the objects during the summer, so he must start work now. the contractor, he won three such tenders, in which the terms are the same, and ms
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kostenko says that he does not have time. why didn't they use the services of other contractors, of which we have 15 more. explain the situation to the parents. the head of the school spoke to journalists, according to her, the decision on the renovation was made by the deputies at the session, the turn of work in the gymnasium fell on the spring, ventilation, additional toilets and wiring will be made in the basement so that half a thousand people can comfortably accommodate there. we had different studies, both distance and face-to-face, when it was possible to go out, here we studied as much as possible face-to-face from september 1, not one day. there maybe once there, if there was no water in our district, then we moved there temporarily remotely for one day, and now i'm going to spend a little time on distance education, so i think that
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this is not such a big problem. the department of education reacted to the school scandal, after the appeal of the parents, they convened a meeting with educators and builders, and decided to equip the basements. without interrupting training, they promise to coordinate repair schedules with all participants in the process. a meeting was held with the heads of educational institutions in which there will be in the near future, capital repairs will be started, and there were representatives of the capital construction department, and we have reached such a balanced position that we will, will start contracting organizations in this way. these renovation works so as not to harm the educational process. there are 38 schools in the city, shelters in 14 of them remain unequipped, from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. next issue in less than an hour, stay tuned.
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wagons were held hostage back in august of last year at the request of sbi investigators and... prosecutors of the pechersky prosecutor general's office the kyiv district court seized freight cars of the poltava mining and beneficiation plant. the prosecution refers to these wagons as alleged material evidence of the illegal sale of production waste. the investigation of this case is still ongoing, but the company's lawyers do not agree with both the charges and the number of seized wagons. we found out and received written answers from ukrzaliznytsia. and ukrzaliznytsia does. record of who transported what to whom, in which wagons, and so on. we managed to find out
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that only 158 wagons participated in the transportation products for this specific counterparty, and all that are owned by pz were arrested. we see clear illegality in this. the factory emphasizes that the seizure of wagons has a negative effect on production indicators, because it has become much more difficult to sell products. such a court ruling actually jeopardizes the timely fulfillment of the post. therefore , we now see a decrease in the volume of shipments of akatki, an increase in our cost price, as a result of which our company's profit will be lower, as a result of which the volume of tax deductions will be reduced. by due to the arrest of the plant's own wagons, it was necessary to rent transport from several private owners. the technical condition of the wagons, one might say, is not satisfactory and is not intended for the transportation of our goods, because of the large gaps, as a result of the transportation. there is a leakage of our cargo, i would still like to find an understanding in this question,
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why our wagons are standing and not working for the benefit of our ukraine. due to the lack of wagons, the sale of products is delayed, and this can lead to the loss of sales markets and significant losses, even more, due to such actions the enterprise, which is one of the largest taxpayers and employers in the region, has already suffered losses of more than 150 million. hryvnias, and more than 30 million hryvnias of taxes were not received by the budgets of all levels. the poltava mining and beneficiation plant hopes to correct this regrettable mistake as soon as possible, which can lead to the destruction of the enterprise, and all involved officials, the investigator, the prosecutor, the judge and others, will be punished accordingly for such deliberately illegal actions, the lawyers emphasize.
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good morning, oksana welcomes you with an espresso vysochanska and roman chaika, we are working for you today, collecting information about everything that happened in the country, in the world, analyzing it with our guests and experts, and collecting it. we would like to remind you that we are collecting on medivac buggies and on rep. trench and automobile for the 12th separate special purpose detachment, here are the details you see, they will help you donate, 100,000 uah must be collected for this purpose, a total of 480,00 must be accumulated in the account, and we we already know from experience that this amount can be collected even in one day, well , we are counting on you, of course, since this the night was again ... a combined mass attack of drones in different regions of ukraine, so we will start this morning a little
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differently, because it is two people dancing the tango, and as the moscow-fascist occupiers write, they say that they shot down as many as 25 ukrainian drones, and it was in the kursk, tula, voronezh, arlov and belgorod regions, as well as the city hero, moscow. it's strange that in... in most cases, i look now, they killed everything, but in oryol they shot down our drones with the help of an oil depot, 17 people escaped, in our drones shot down our drones in the nizhgorod region, with the lukoil oil depot, why are they hitting our peaceful drones with the oil tanks, we don't know, they also shot down a lot in the moscow region, and then maria ivanovna opened a hospital in... belohorodsk village, horkovsky opened it and took
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a video for us, where the tanks of the armed forces of ukraine drive along the outskirts of the russian countryside, this is such a morning, unexpectedly, and for the sake of completeness , i will only add that 17 shaheds out of 22 that russia launched over ukraine were shot down by our air defense forces, now we will talk about the south, because traditionally, a part of all those shaheds flew through the south, oleksandr tolokonnikov, spokesman... was this night actually in view of this attack? is it an exceptional or a typical night in the kherson region, when it constantly flies overhead and the anxiety does not subside? well, it 's a typical night, i guess, and unfortunately, the alarm here doesn't work the way it does in other regions of ukraine, here we have an alarm that warns more about the fact that either shahedis are flying by, or
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maybe a ballistic missile. the use of ballistic weapons, thank god, himself kherson and the region, it rarely flies, but for most of us, the alarm is the sounds of exits, shells from guns from the left bank, and this is all over the territory of the right-bank kherson region, the coastal zone, this is such an alarm, and it was also night, it was audible.. . explosions and explosions were heard in the morning, so far there are no reports of any hits in kherson itself, so in general, the russians shelled 17 settlements over the past day, including kherson, 13 private houses, one educational institution were damaged, an ambush, also on unfortunately,
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there are also victims, yesterday around 1:40 p.m., there was shelling ivanivka, there already in the evening, when they were dismantled , they collapsed, and there the police made a detour, a detour, they found the body of a 66-year-old man who died as a result of this shelling, also yesterday a 24-year-old boy blew himself up on a mine near the village of andriivka. ah, was in the field, came across an explosive device, most likely a mine, and received serious injuries, a traumatic amputation of one leg, and a very serious wound, the other leg, let's hope that the doctors will save her that leg, also injuries to the neck,
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hands, now in the hospital. in the surgical department, in addition to this, two more men suffered as a result of dropping explosive devices by the russians from drones, one in zmiivka, one in dudchany, one was treated on the spot on an outpatient basis, received only a concussion, the other was hospitalized. mr. oleksandr, tell me, please, it's the same there, these are these days, these are the days that must end somewhere there. on the day of the vote, but it is so in many stages, in russian this game is called, get over me, as putin sings, and what they are doing now in the occupied territories, they found some way to catch people so that those voted, and what kind of radio station is this, we see what is being said about the populated
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areas of our liberated kherson region, did you listen to it, what is going on there? as for tavria , i didn’t listen, to be honest, i know, i’ve heard that it happens, they catch coastal areas, of course , the occupiers do it for this, in order to intensify, perhaps, some panicky moods and start dogs, but also in our there is a counteraction that works, and different people work against it in different ways, i will tell you how. ah, as for the elections themselves, this vagrant circus is really going on there, ah, they tour with their boxes in populated areas, in houses , well, first of all, it is clear what, why this multi-stage vote for putin, so -called, why it happens like this, because
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there are very few collaborators, they have staff to arrange it. and that's why it's easier to tell them that it will be early in different regions in different settlements, points at different times, as if for security, but first of all because there are not many people who come forward to vote, and above all there is not enough staff for the organization of these so-called... election commissions or election precincts there, they are boring, i don't know what to call them, but they continue to wander around the villages like this. people, to vote for neighbors, including the dead, for those neighbors who have left, for relatives, just to catch someone and persuade them
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to vote for the whole village, their schemes are classic, mr. oleksandr, what do you say, please? we have all already rejoiced at this news that it was possible to bring five children and their families out of of the temporarily occupied territories of kherson region, but we know that this is a very, very difficult process, we have been told about this more than once on the air, that the occupied kherson region should leave. it is expensive and very, very difficult, how did it work, can you tell me briefly? yes , it's again, it's thanks to safe ukraine, a charitable foundation in cooperation with our, and our administration, as well as in the central authorities, they took out five children, three girls and two boys, from two to 13 years old . an 18-year-old orphan was taken out with them, and this work continues, there are already more than 30
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the children have been taken out since the beginning of the year, and the work is going on, and what exactly, well, scheme, scheme, or go through europe or through suma, two options. and in principle , we both work on both of these routes, we work and help, and the fact that there is a constant search for these children in the occupied territories, then there is work to bring them out, thanks to this entire fund and our employees who also join in this. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the information, for the conversation, oleksandr tolekonnikov. and with us is the spokesman of kherson ova. by the way, regarding children, in russia, can you imagine, they have issued such special methods as to work, to reflash ukrainian children who were taken
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from ukraine to russia, because they assume that they are small saboteurs, they monitor where the children sit on the internet, who insults them, insults them , reads and so on, and is transferred to ours, but it looks even tougher when it is included in the scheme. belarus and the international children's fund, better known as cef, helps them, but then he doesn't know what to do at all, the only thing that can console this presidential candidate putin is that the judge who issued a warrant for the international criminal vladimir putin, headed the international criminal court in gaza, well, let's take a short break, then we'll come back to berdyansk, we'll talk about it, it's always interesting there, despite the fact that... the city is under occupation, the resistance works in a few more minutes about it, there are discounts on
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vitamin d3, d3 max, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, ban and savings. turn on well, it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. fuck, you're on a tv show too. oh, what is needed. megu, turn on the centurion. there are discounts on psyllium, ban and oskad pharmacies phyto broncholithin 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is
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korabelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become languages ​​for many relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, espresso in the evening.
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stronger every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso.
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we are back, as promised, we are adding to of our conversation viktor dudukalov, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council. mr. viktor, welcome to our airwaves, glory to ukraine. yarovan glory, congratulations. briefly, please describe the current situation in berdyansk? we understand that it's election day, but in general, how often do some explosions sound like a moody population?
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the mood is still optimistic, drug trafficking is flourishing, everything is plastered with aquafreshes with elections, the infrastructure continues to fall into disrepair, everywhere there is propaganda, well, next to that, i can say that nature takes its toll in the sea of ​​azov , according to my information, there is a lot of fish, because no one catches it, there is no economy , looting, looting and theft continue, and with the help of our port, including the dispatch of security forces, orcs in the city, in the district, wherever possible, because the occupiers are feeling very tense today before the elections, well, very tense, they know that, as a matter of fact, that everything will end the way they plan, predict, are they expecting some surprises, you know , as they joke, you can get a premium ticket for public services
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a week before the elections to know the results, so... they already know the results of the elections, but they understand that not so long ago they undermined one collaborationist and under the total control of the occupiers, and they understand that they, well , the situation is not under their control in general, that's why they are dragging these commandos , the security forces, and they are trying to hold elections now in the context of doing as little as possible to actually do something, but to have a picture, because they understand that any polling station... is a potential object that will potentially mined, and any top collaborator , whom today they protect incredibly, change their place of residence, hang wherever possible with cameras, video cameras, surveillance video surveillance, that is, they are trying to establish their security there at maximum speed, but it does not work, they understand that they are in ukraine, they understand that everywhere there are people who do not like them, and there may be
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even more of them today. therefore, they perfectly understand that these elections, you know, have been given to them from above, please hold them elections, but they are really a certain tension for the collaborators and for the occupiers, because they are constantly associated with risk for everyone. mr. viktor, among the listed decorations of the city under occupation, you first mentioned drug trafficking, but here it is better and people from russia have come, as well as the russian guard and the fsb, and how is it that drug trafficking is flourishing? so many of them came so that it would be easier to control and organize it, i think, but where are they pushing these drugs next, well, here is the port, here is berdyansk, where next? well, look, today's announcement is number three, maybe number three or number one five on local boards and chats, this is a remote job, 800 dollars a week, and what is it actually?


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