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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 9:30am-9:59am EET

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statements about the opening of air traffic, because it looks like a lottery, because security can be won and you can lose, there are great chances to lose this lottery, because it is people's lives, and now during the war, when it is very difficult to provide it and there are not enough air defense means, and we we need these air defense systems and talk about the fact that we can ensure the safety of the canvases, well... for me, as a people's deputy from the specialized committee, it is very strange, i would like to see this strategy, i would like to see methodology and recommendations, i don't know , the israeli side, as they see it ensuring this security, how do they see passenger insurance, who will take and sign a paper from the ukrainian side that will guarantee our citizens that they can safely use aviation.
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by means of transport and fly from uzhgorod, lviv or another airport safely to our western partners warsaw, i don't know there to other countries of the european union. that is, for you at the moment, this is such an unrealistic prospect? you know, well, everything is real, if you work on it, if you involve many parties and make a considered decision, if it's simple to announce that we are opening tomorrow. i think it is more like some simple statements, but not a detailed plan, which is agreed with the parliament, with a specialized committee, which is agreed with the society, i talk a lot with people, and so far i have not seen a single person who said that i am ready to get on a plane in the current conditions and fly, for example, to warsaw from lviv, because if there is an air alert. and we are on
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the plane, what to do? eh, who guarantees this security? even if we put a dozen air defense systems near the airports, no one guarantees safety from these ballistics, which uh, well, very quickly reaches our western regions there , two minutes or less or a little more, even the pilot will not be able to do any uh about any countermeasure against these missiles and uh... somehow save life, this just pray and hope that this missile will not hit this plane, well, you and i have not seen the proposal from the government, is there such a clause, probably not, but it would be interesting to really see what the ukrainian side offers , and can you say so for now so that it was it is clear to the viewer, who does not come into contact with this industry, but what is happening with the aviation industry in ukraine in general, there are no civilian flights for the third year, some airports are closed. was lost in the occupied
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territories due to hostilities, to what extent is this industry in a crisis situation? and indeed the situation is not critical, but difficult, because the personnel who worked at the airports, who supported the viability of these airports, are either forced to work abroad now, this is a certain kind of help from our western partners, when people, so as not to lose money. lose their qualifications, work abroad , as soon as martial law ends, our country wins, they return to ukraine and work in ukraine at our airports, and support for the viability and functionality of our airports continues, they are monitored accordingly, they are maintained in the appropriate condition, but for that, even if we talk about the uzhgorod airport and about...
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planes, for example, the boin 737 or the airbus a320 there, then we need to talk about the modernization, the modernization of this airport in order to he was able to receive such planes, and these models , they are the most popular among civil aviation, it is also a question of where to get money, who will give it and who, and whether these funds should not be used during the war for fortifications, structures to support our army, i think that there is a whole list of needs that exist in our state in order to protect and liberate our territories, ukrainian territories, volodymyr, thank you for your opinion, i hope that you, as a deputy from the specialized committee and your colleagues there will be an opportunity to get acquainted with them proposals of the government and share them with society, if it is possible in the current realities, thank you for participating in our broadcast, volodymyr kraydenko, people's deputy, deputy chairman. of the parliamentary committee
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on transport and infrastructure. on our air, only important topics, sharp statements, operational news, join the morning air of freedom of mornings. every weekday from 9:00 a.m. on the radio liberty youtube channel and also on tv channels, be sure to write comments, like this video, subscribe to our channel and share the video with your friends and acquaintances, this is important. but the verkhovna rada will meet urgently to adopt a resolution regarding the illegal elections of the russian president in the occupied territories of ukraine. this was reported by iryna, a deputy from european solidarity. gerashchenko for this, according to her, deputies will be returned to the meeting hall, despite the fact that last week's planned plenary sessions were canceled. meanwhile, the head of the luhansk regional military administration, artem lysohor, announced the start of illegal voting in the occupied luhansk region. he says that the so-called commissions have already received
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the ballots and will travel to those who live in remote areas for unauthorized voting. and they are just as illegal as they are called before. voting has already begun in the occupied territories of donetsk region and zaporizhzhia region. preparations for illegal voting were reported in the kherson region. the center of the national resistance of the special operations forces of ukraine reported that the lists for this illegal voting in the occupied territories by place of residence were compiled according to with fake statements in order to increase the turnout and lay a route for the members of the election commissions that covers. all houses, the main stage of the russian presidential election will take place from march 15 to 17 throughout russia and the occupied territories. dmytro lubinets, the commissioner for human rights of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, called on international partners and
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foreign journalists not to take part in the coverage of events related to the so-called elections held in the illegitimate territories of ukraine captured by russia. i can also contact our if you are on the occupied territories, you have the opportunity to watch this broadcast, write what the situation is there, the situation with the preparation of the so-called elections in the occupied territories, and pavlo romanyuk, adviser on legal issues of the civil network opora, joins our broadcast, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining, congratulations , i congratulate our listeners, what is the current situation with the process of preparing these elections in quotes in the occupied territories, are people being forced, or are they only using these... fake lists, are they putting pressure on people or not to come and participate in this process? well, in fact, they are using similar methods that they used already during the previous illegal election campaigns,
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in the temporarily occupied territories, in some territories they started the so-called early voting earlier than usual, because... you know, elections scheduled for march 15, 16, 17, at the same time, in certain districts of the occupied districts of the kherson region, they began door-to-door visits, usually with armed groups, and forced them to participate in the vote. in addition, some of the technologies well, which was used and continues to be used, it is forced passporting, for one thing. on the one hand, they apparently allowed voting on ukrainian documents, although the goal is quite clear , to find out among the local population who has these documents, who did not change, did not forcibly change their citizenship in
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the future, in order to put pressure on these people, or how , by the way, let's say, the head of the occupation administration bolytskyi zaporizhzhia region. he s there was such a confession in war crimes in war crimes regarding coercion deportations, he also said that we evicted the local population with ukrainian attitudes, that is, in fact for them, if we say those tools, they are tools of coercion, controlled voting, they used it before, moreover, well, again ... even, even on the russian website, the so-called ftik, information about the number of voters in the temporarily occupied territories was removed, in my opinion, this is all done only
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in order to hide the real number of voters, draw the turnout and so on to create a picture for what seems to have been a high turnout and a high level of support, this once again proves that elections are used exclusively as a tool, well, an attempt to legalize. the passion of these territories , that with people at public events related to the election or some other political topic, in order to, let's say, exclude, exclude suspicions of collaborative activities, instead, those citizens of ukraine, or, let's say, moved, or for stronger russians, to the temporarily occupied territory, who stopped by, and they, and who participate in
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organization and conduct, these are members of election commissions, these are the so-called, i wouldn't call them observers, these are supervisors who, let's say, play the role of such and such pillars, er, tin soldiers who do not decide anything, only they need to be there, for such persons. such persons, their actions will be qualified as collaborative activity according to part five of article 111 with the mark one of collaborative activity for participation in the organization and holding of illegal elections in the temporarily occupied territories, except moreover, if even their actions are not covered by the composition, it is participation in such elections, the organization of such elections entails responsibility and also for encroachment on territorial integrity, because as i have already said, this is... a tool for legalizing the occupation of these territories, thank you, if you can briefly,
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or conditionally speaking, the world can somehow react to this there with the ukrainian submission that these elections there are illegitimate, and is this illegitimacy possible for all for all elections there in general for putin's election this weekend, and precisely in this and the point is, because we we believe that the holding of elections in the temporarily occupied territories, i.e. in those territories... to which russia does not have sovereign power in these territories, one, is not changeable in power in russia, two, and the lack of democratic rights and freedoms do not allow , that is, in general, undemocratic elections cannot lead to the formation of legitimate authorities, so we appeal to the international community not to recognize them. it is not just that these elections should not be recognized as such, but undemocratic russian ones
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the elections lead to the formation of an illegitimate self-proclaimed president of the russian federation, now we will run away from the reaction of the world, so to speak, how they will react to this, indeed, thank you for joining, pavlo romanyuk, adviser on legal issues of the public, civil network opora was a guest of svoboda ranok , hello, this is news for a minute, here is a short story about something interesting and... important. the awarding of the academy award to the team of the ukrainian film the winner 20 days in mariupol was cut from the international television version due to time constraints, but the composite the summary of all winners was included in the shortened version. the company real entertainment informed voice of america journalists about this in response to their inquiry as to why the ukrainian team was not shown on international television the day before. in this regard, public television immediately expressed their indignation at the organizer of the broadcast, and ukrainians en masse... at this incident on the company's facebook page. the ukrainian
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expedition went to the akademik vernadsky station in the antarctic, nine scientists and five more team workers life support went from kyiv by bus to poland, then by plane they will fly to chile in south america, and from there by ice breaker to antarctica. this is the 29th ukrainian expedition and for the first time in the last 27 years there will be as many as four women in it. that's all i have time to tell you, look for more interesting news in social networks. thank you to irina ostrovsky, for diluting our broadcast with such cultural and interesting news, stay with radio liberty, we are on all platforms in social networks, in order to know more, if you just started watching this broadcast, you can take this video, start watching it from the beginning, there we are talking about this raid of the legion of freedom of russia, rdk and the siberian battalion on the territory of russia, which is there. happening, see you tomorrow too, see you tomorrow , my name is kateryna nykrecha, our whole team
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wishes you a peaceful day, we are coming back, yes, we thank our colleagues for the meaningful information , we are picking up the information relay, we remind you about our gathering on bugi, medavak and on rep, okovny and automobile, 10 thousand at a time. even more than 10,000 have flown to the account, another 90,000 is needed and the guys from the 12th separate special forces unit will have such a car, it quickly overcomes any nonsense. and takes the wounded from the battlefield, but look, these are such electronic warfare systems that are very important, they are in a complex with our drones, they give an invincible pair in our skillful hands, so if you can donate as much as anyone can, or through a smartphone you can see the qr code or card number immediately below it,
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while we continue to collect interesting information and smart opinions for you. and with us our next guest is already in touch - iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. ms. iryna, welcome to our airwaves, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good morning. ms. iryna, of course, about the bill that was to be voted on in the second reading, at least the amendments were to be considered this week, as a result, i don’t know, the supreme arahama, the arahama of the ukrainian people, said something there that... the deputies are going to communicate with the military, that is why we are canceling the work of the parliament, can you also explain why this session week suddenly turned into some kind of video chest, and regarding the fact that the meetings of the verkhovna rada were canceled, this is pure voluntarism on the part of the monomajority, which
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actually canceled the meetings that had already had their agenda approved, there was a bill on mobilization, it is still under consideration in the committee, and today the committee is starting to consider amendments to the bill, before that the committee considered it by directions, and in fact the amendments that were submitted, yes, and more than 200 amendments out of four have been received only from hearsay, that is, they have already been formed by directions, some of them have already been taken into account or rejected, and accordingly, now during the consideration of amendments in... the committee , we reduced some time due to the fact that the committee has already decided on directions, so the committee starts working with the authors, at the invitation of the authors, regarding amendments, arguments, their consideration or rejection by the committee for preparing it for consideration in the verkhovna rada already, in a word , the table will be, then it will be grouped, only there is one
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amendment, which suddenly yesterday they decided to highlight in all social networks, it has again become... a financial bubble, i am talking about the fact that, let's face it, the poor fight the most, because those , who will have a salary higher than uah 3500, then they can have armor, you just have to pay money to the military and that's all, and you can sit in the rear, and let the poor sit in the trenches, that's how it is communicated, at least by those who read it, or is there really this amendment, is it really written like that. well, i really don't know where it comes from has been running since yesterday, but such an amendment in the bill on mobilization does not exist in principle, that is, we talked about the fact that there are certain concepts that were being developed, either in the office of the president, or in the government, or in the nata lukha committee, regarding the ability
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to be tied to the level of wages, they said, which gives or creates grounds for... a postponement of a person who has a certain amount of wages. for our part , we emphasize that such selective selective approach is unfair and is, well , immoral from my point of view, because it poses too great a risk of further disillusionment between different groups of people in society, and will not really help to mobilize and ... will improve including the functioning of our economy, and therefore consider even the concepts of this from my point of view is madness, because we need to focus our attention if we are talking about the need to improve mobilization on completely different criteria for this mobilization and demobilization, including. ms. irina, what are the possible edits, or already
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are impossible, and those who go to them are discussed on the sidelines. is this all that we can read in telegram channels, in some official sources, is this all that is really being talked about, are there any other things that need to be paid attention to now, that may become important and that require public discussion, look, in fact, this wrangling over the amendments will continue until the bill does not even enter the session hall and until the parliamentarians... go through their amendments already during the consideration of the bill in hall, therefore, for now, we will still be in this information turbulence around this draft law for at least a month, and... given that there is already a clear understanding on the number of amendments that have come to one or another norm proposed by the government, it can be said that the committee and the majority of the deputies do not
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support the introduction as a duty of the electronic cabinet, cabins, the committee, as well as the majority of the deputies who submitted the amendments, do not support the sending of an electronic summons accordingly, the committee does not support, and the majority of the deputies provided... regarding the expansion of the powers of the tccsp with the possibility of applying the so-called measures of influence to citizens who violated or did not appear with a summons. the committee also does not support the government's proposal, like the majority of people's deputies , regarding the factor of exemption from military service. we believe that 30... six months of continuous military service should be differentiated with criteria for accounting for these 36 months, in particular 18 months under combat
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orders should be counted as one a day for two and give reasons for a serviceman who has such 18 months of opportunity for release, so 18 for 36 and 100% they are not. should be tied to the rate decision, it needs to be removed, because in that way it looks like a legislative manipulation that is trying to just, you know, set up the possibility of a release and then not give it, which will create even more tension and public outcry, the decision of the bet must be cleaned. there were also quite a lot of discussions regarding persons with disabilities of the first, second, and third groups. so far, a consensus has been reached that all persons... with disabilities of the first, second, third group will have a deferment, there were many discussions about caregivers, there was a lot of discussion about parents-educators, but
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representatives of the ministry of social policy were invited, the minister directly participated in the meeting committee, and it was agreed that what was proposed to the government in the government draft law in the form that it would be at this stage would not... affect the interests of these categories of persons? mrs. irina, i want to talk about one more thing, it is not so relevant of this bill, but to ask you, our defender, military serviceman mykola seviliv , on his page openly writes about spitting, as he writes, in the face of warring ukraine, about the military medical commission passed by the ex-commander-in-chief, general zalu. and the ex-chief of the general staff, general shaptala , both passed, and then, here is what mykola writes: tens of thousands of my comrades from various branches
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of the military go through nine rounds of medical queues, the result of which is either a healthy diagnosis or a light one, which has little significance in the war , limited suitable, well, in unique cases , unsuitable for military service, and suddenly, surprisingly, surprisingly, the two highest army ranks are unsuitable, and this is the same as with amputated limbs, with chronic... led the army, were responsible for hundreds of thousands of lives, unsuitable, which in they have some unspeakably incurable pain, the consequences of injuries, severe ptsd, you really want to know this , the armed forces of ukraine want, this is only a fragment of what he wrote, what kind of special operation is this against two generals with military experience at the hands of military medics. .. mission what was it done for? well, i think that we should approach this issue with you from the point of view that during a large-scale
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invasion, the supreme commander-in-chief does not really need military personnel, generals with great experience and expertise, who would have the opportunity to continue serving, i would say that even the discussion of the so-called... agriman for mr. zaluzhnyi to britain also indicates that his team and he are no longer directly needed by the highest military and political leadership of the state, and this from my point of view is a huge problem because it is their experience that would be able to be used in the defense sector to strengthen it and really be able to use their knowledge, experience and skills. in this case, we will discuss in what way zaluzhny's team was actually squeezed out of the defense sector, starting there with
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the decisive behavior of the idiotic maryana bozugla, who stormed zaluzhny and the entire generality that was his team, and ending now, when and after , how are you they were ousted from their positions, they continue to be caught up with the fact that they resigned in some wrong way or in an easy way, so from my point of view this is more a question of the military-political leadership of the state, which actually ousted the hard-working man and his team from the defense sector. mrs. irina, we still have two and a half minutes to talk, and it should be understood that way, we can, whenever we want, or we are just making up, i am talking about three lanes 200 km long, and this is the task that is now facing us, now, and not two years ago, or is it really all that it will be so serious, qualitatively, or just to please the eye, that we are doing something, if
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we continue... to continue through the rose-colored glasses of the telethon to sell advance victories, advance counterattacks, advance fortifications that we have, although in reality it turns out that they are not there, and now we are starting to talk about what they should be, then this should have been done yesterday, even last year, not to cry about a counteroffensive and to conduct an information policy, but we have already won, not to buy billions. months 17 billion again written off on the asphalt, and it was necessary to write off or, let's say, invest directly in the fortifications, so now the information chase is starting again, such a battle for boasting about the consequences of what was not done directly by the executive branch of power during a large-scale invasion, for example, in 23 th year ms. irina, thank you for the answers, thank you for the conversation, and we hope that
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some... result of those structures will actually be not just for the telethon, not just to tick a box, but really military then they will be able to say that this is good, and this is what helps us. iryna fryts was with us, a people's deputy of ukraine, a member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. god, what a funny piece of crap i'm watching, now in this russian kiriyenko, together with this chishlin poshilin, went to the occupied avdiivka and... we will prepare this video, we will definitely show it a little later, and they walk around those ruins, and to them the locals who stayed there come out and only ask them one thing the question of how we can vote for putin, in a word, we will definitely show you this kind of nonsense later in our program, but all about it after the news, because now khrystyna porubi and the novyn team have prepared a selection of the most important, freshest information about the main thing, about what need to know for the moment
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and we pass on christina's word. thank you, colleagues, i will tell you how the battles on the russian border are developing in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy , wait a moment. news on the air espresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll tell you about the most current... this moment. in fighting continues in bielgorod region. russian volunteers fighting on the side of ukraine launched a joint operation on the territory of the russian federation. they took control of the village of lazova rudka in the belgorod region. also , a shooting battle continues in the village of tyotkino , kursk region - said former deputy of the state duma of russia ilya ponomarev. simultaneously.


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