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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together we are stronger, but here we are back and we said that we will talk about geopolitical challenges, but we will already cast an eye on the east and we will be helped in this by an orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, research fellow of the oriental studies department of freiburg university, one of the oldest european universities. good morning
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, mr. mykhailo, do you see the end, the movement towards the end of hostilities in the middle east, i am talking now about israel, about whether there is actually a chance that they will stop shooting? they may stop for a certain time, and then they will return to their ways again, that is, there is now a high probability from a tactical point of view. certain agreements, but the israeli side will not be satisfied with these agreements, as well as the palestinian side, so it will be another temporary armistices, of which there were dozens, if not hundreds, and since 1947-48. you mean that it will be a truce for some short time, short in the sense of a few weeks, or it could be years. and then an escalation or a new
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escalation? i think it will take months , maybe a long time, until hamas rebuilds its combat capabilities, which have been greatly damaged, and it will depend on, after all, what the future of gaza is, ah, i wouldn't say after hamas , because hamas has not been ousted, absolutely, i would say, future gases, but... once that truce is decided, the talks are going on, they 've been in cairo, they've been in paris, there's a chance that there will be an exchange, although the palestinians are demanding a lot more people there than israel is willing to give up, here , but will the tsagal remain in the gas, that is , the israel defense forces, so obviously it will remain, but not in all the gas, and it is clear that even their pere'. there, it will not be without problems, i.e.
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there will not be israeli troops just standing there and palestinians walking around, there will be and then all kinds of episodes flare up, and the main question that has not yet been resolved, probably the final one, is what will happen next with rafah, that is , will there be an israeli offensive on this extreme point of the gaza strip on the border with egypt or not, huh. so, we, mr. mikhail, those who have not followed much or do not know the history of all these things, understand that now there is some kind of strange situation, a strategic ally, a separate ally relationship between the state of israel and the united states. biden says netanyahu is doing more harm than good to israel. about netanyahu's role in and before the government of national unity was formed, there was also a lot of talk, these are such domestic and ...
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israeli serious things, plus a crack in relations, at least with the united states of america, and plus the realization that hamas, whose goal was the final destruction and removal of the issue of hamas, therefore there will be no final destruction, which is now called a victory for israel, because what is a victory for ukraine, we have this very clearly in all our heads, the borders of 1991 , putin kaput and no more military pro... from the side of the russian-fascist federation, how is israel's goal set here now, on what, on what victory should this war end? and this question is because netanyahu initially stated the following goals: hamas is destroyed, gaza is under complete control, he decided to finally close the issue with gaza, so to speak, here we see that it is not closed, especially biden, and we know very well , that the american military doctrine provides for two lashes. abroad, yes outside
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the united states, here they support ukraine, here they support israel, if if the third conflict drags on somewhere, it will be more difficult, the thing is that... with his policy, he actually turned a very large part of israeli society against him by bombing gaza and such rather harsh measures, where his rating was not the best anyway, there there were so many scandals with netanyahu, so much criticism, well, how the western leftists in general and circles in principle are relatively adequate react to all this, well here it is clear that neither the american nor other administrations ... turn a blind eye to this, biden elections, if biden continues if such events take place in gaza, then some of those leftists who are against trump, they may also cool down to biden, that is, there will be a choice without a choice, and it is
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extremely threatening for biden, such left -wing liberal circles will lose their support, israel are giving clear signals that there needs to be an agreement, extremely clear, but in... netanyahu, obviously, he will consider it a victory to push the leaders, the leaders of hamas out, i mean the warlords, because the political wing has been there for a long time from qatar to turkey to kuwait sitting, and fighting ousting the commanders, part of the destruction, well, the control of the brick, that is, they did not in fact come up with anything better than to turn the gas into what is now on the west bank of the jordan river. in fact, put all this under mahmoud abbas, maybe make a promotion for fatah there and all, but in 2003-5 during the time of ariel sharon, this already happened in gaza, there were jewish settlements there, and then
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hamas came there, that is, they offer that a scenario that is temporary and netanyahu understands and all that there may be some temporary truce, but since... neither side has been destroyed, neither side has achieved what it considers a victory, especially the palestinian side , which was euphoric from the attack on october 7, saying, look how hamas managed to go against such an army, it's easy to take, there are so many victims among the palestinians, and all this went in the other direction, so again it is possible to predict a certain freezing of the conflict this year, the presence of troops - well, and what is also most important in this case, israel has already had to invest so much money in this war that there already we are talking about raising taxes, reducing government programs, the economic situation in israel has deteriorated significantly, at the same time, in the allies of hamas, in iran, in qatar,
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in principle, everything is fine with the economy , that is, a war for survival, that's how it is, you know, who will exhaust whom, they are very... but here the situation is different, as we say, a war of attrition and a war of resources, here it is a little different than in our case in the russian-ukrainian war, about resources, by the way, and here it is today march 12 in the indian ocean, here they all are will emerge, russia, iran and china, in fact , it would be quite powerful if russia would get access to resources and money in such a triangle, and it's just... naval exercises, they are the ones who send messages to whom and where with these exercises, something like a counterbalance to the exercises in the mediterranean sea, which nato troops are conducting, well, in fact , in northern and eastern europe, that is, it is just to show that we have a different bloc, and here
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are your nato exercises, our exercises, or is it in support terrorist activity houthis, what... a uav attack was made on the us fleet in the red sea, it was repelled there last night, what kind of things are happening here , it is not clear to whom they want to show what? in this case, it seems to me, there is another socio-psychological point: it is the putin complex, the fact that in the 90s, the americans were everywhere, and russia, except for one floating base, in tartos, in syria, and in sevastopol, now occupied by russia, there is almost nowhere for... for them to show , say, the americans, that we can pull out some kind of fleet somewhere far from the borders of russia, that more, especially against the background of what is happening in the black sea, where even the biggest skeptics who believe in the military power of russia see that it is going to the
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bottom, and by the state that has hidden its fleet altogether, ukraine is meant and almost it does not exist, it achieves these goals by other means, in this case they are trying to... show something to their partners there, india, in particular china, iran, that they also have naval capabilities, because russia has a huge complex of some kind. appreciation of their maritime state, they even have us we can mention there about the cruiser varyakh , which they themselves sank at one time so that , they say, it did not go to the enemies there, and here putin generally has somewhere to show, somewhere to brandish weapons closer to the americans, so that they see, this was key for him task number one is so good, you can even get close to taiwan, but you can bring out some other trough and demonstrate something from it there, not the global south, as we were told, because it was always very good for us when india worked on
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the military industrial complex of russia, buying oil, when china said that we do not help them, and then we saw tens of millions of deliveries of drones and everything else, technological fees to russia, but now with those exercises in the current realities, the countries of the global south, but primarily india and ... do china still believe in russia, or do they already know that all of their net analogues are puffed up and lying? well, if you read the analysis of experts on maritime issues, issues of the modern fleet, then after what happened to the black sea fleet, part of it, it became clear that the ships are only worth something if long-range missiles are placed on them, in particular. with nuclear stuffing, everything else with relatively simple means goes to the bottom very easily, despite the fact that
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how much money needs to be invested in it, so this type of war is very well understood, even now, look at how long the american operation against yemen has been going on, but the houthis still launch drones, they still attack, despite the fact that the means are relatively cheap against the background of how much the americans have to spend, china also sees this, the war of the future india also sees it, everyone sees it, that is why these russian maneuvers are an attempt somewhere, once again to ride something there to show the americans that they can still be present somewhere, but on the one hand , the withdrawal of the russian fleet somewhere east, not the fact that russia realizes that it will have to keep some more forces there, it can play to some advantage for ukraine, they even have strategic aviation now in the far east in... trying to train more away from the ukrainian borders, why, because they need to show their presence there, a
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presence on all fronts, they will not pull it out at the same time, therefore, if russia is crawling out of its skin in order to show something somewhere along its various borders, this will in principle deconcentrate its military potential and even more so show, as many western analysts have already noted, that here it is necessary to distinguish pr from but just went to the bottom. mykhailo yakupovovich, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, freitburg university. thank you for participating in our program. and we immediately add our next guest, yes, valentyn nalyvaichenko is with us, people's deputy of ukraine and former head of the security service of ukraine. mr. valentin, welcome to our airwaves. good day, glory to ukraine. let's start with this story with oscar. so we all rejoiced yesterday, we were all happy, actually satisfied, however, because ukraine received
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its first oscar, and the sediment immediately appeared when we realized that from this shorter international television version, the awarding of the victory to the ukrainian film was simply cut out, entertainment they are, so now i am i will tell you, disney entertainment has already commented that... that this is the decision about what will go into the main version, the full version, the short version, i'm sorry, they decided a few weeks ago and immediately talked about the fact that in 20 days in mariupol , of course, this nomination will not take place, but actually, as roman minulorich mentioned, when the documentary film about navalny won in the same category, it was included, so it was included, shown, broadcast and so on, why such a selective... approach in fact, this year we show this category, next year not show, i think, let's start
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by noting that for the first time in history there is a ukrainian oscar, the oscar is an american award, it is not, it is a myth that it is an international one, or someone from the international community conducts it, no, it the american film academy, but it is truly considered the most prestigious in the world, and the victory of the ukrainian film, the ukrainian team of mstislav chernov, as a director. this is a victory for all of us, because the truth has come out through this documentary, the truth about crimes against humanity in mariupol and indeed throughout country during the war, which was unleashed by russia. the federation is precisely the main reason that the film about war crimes, documentaries at the oscars, broke through to america by the decision of the american film academy, and this is the reason why the american film academy and producers are limited in the rights to have such in large versions, you know , entertainment, where
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there is more, where hollywood with happy end still prevails, they are limited in the rights to... then rebroadcast such content, such content is meant to be content about war and murders, that's the only reason why the american kinokami, why do you think it's only because of the content, but more than once, i know it, i worked in america, it's their rules and isn't it because they recruited there in to the film academy, just like in this hollywood, there are such leftists that trotsky would cry, well, maybe, my friend, you and i are not in the film academy yet... we would of course broadcast the full version and every day, but the reality is, this is an american award and the most prestigious in cinematography, but, but this is a victory, this is a victory for ukraine, and here you can't underestimate this, moreover , we have to thank you, because a huge team of producers, including ukrainian and american ones, worked to make this
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happen, because let me explain again, this is an extremely commercial mechanism, oscar, it's extremely expensive. .. the mechanism, there is big , really huge money, regardless of whether it is left-wing or right-wing or left-wing, it is for a ukrainian documentary film to break through, to receive such an award, it is huge, you know, as one would not like to call success about war, but this a huge breakthrough, let's call it that, but it's very important that the truth about the russian-ukrainian war will be seen by those who believe in... different theories about language, well, we know, and one more thing, if you allow, very briefly, how lawyer, i will tell you and as a legislator, those documentary footage, the originals, which record russia's crimes against humanity, against civilians, which were collected by the ukrainian author's collective, they will go gaga, this is another such, you know, huge work of the ukrainian author's
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collective, they helped tremendously and to the international criminal court, between... the people's prosecutor khan and his team, these documentaries are also submitted as evidence, and this, according to international law , is accepted by the international criminal court as evidence. yes, we wanted to communicate one more important topic with you, it's about the european commission , which made a decision, well, we told ourselves that that's it, the time has come, there is a framework for starting the accession procedure. to the european union in 2-3 days and the negotiating framework will be ready, this is what we were told most recently, yes, but here it is history that all these countries, 27 countries, still have to agree to it, it takes a little time, a little time it could be a few months, it might not be before, oh, i would hope, what is
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a few months, i would really like to, because in june, in the summer, we have elections in europe. according to that time, well, european politicians will actually be busy with slightly different things, is this period of three months, from march to june, now critical for us and can we use it to improve our position in negotiation process. our position now is that we are a candidate country for joining the european union, we are a country that expects and will receive a negotiating framework in the near future, so that more specifically, all chapters will be opened for the start of negotiations on the accession, full-fledged and full-scale accession of ukraine to the european union. this week, indeed, from today, indeed, work is underway in the european commission, and we are working directly with them, with european parliamentarians, including, work is underway so that all 27 countries, as soon as possible, approve that
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each chapter, there is transport, infrastructure, communication. zok, the rule of law, justice and so on and so on, opened for negotiations for negotiations with ukraine, because we will be the 28th member country of the eu, and what 27 countries have to agree, here the question is not that it is against us, and this issue is that with each of them, for example, with france, we will have our own specifics of negotiations, it will mostly be about the agro-industrial complex, about agricultural products and so on, with poland, well, it is clear that this is issue number ... one, but countries such as portugal, spain, for example, will have completely different specifics, this is the labor market, and other european standards, social standards, that is why each country needs it and... i will explain why we need it, because during march, we need to define and have almost 30, if not 32
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negotiating groups from ukraine in each of the fields, but i would ideally like to see if we had professional ministers with knowledge of foreign languages, then this is exactly the government that should become, if it is necessary, then it must be updated by the ukrainian government, the government of negotiations on joining the european union the union, you know, it's such a... the outsider is already a two-way movement, and i don't think we should be pessimistic that it's until the summer, before the elections, no, we're now in the position that it's march, and starting today, we expect that these agreements will be passed and that the negotiating framework will be approved, and that negotiations will be opened for each one, for each one with a direction. mr. valentin, we literally have a minute and a half left, but i can't help but use your professional knowledge as a former head of the service. security of ukraine, because we have a big one riddle, the first riddle - it has already been confirmed by all possible means that there is a spy somewhere, and maybe not one, who merges, including
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plans for a counteroffensive, and this was confirmed by the main intelligence agency, the name of the mole or moles we still do not know it was said, hristo groziev comes out, says the international community claims that the facers sit in kyiv at high levels and do not have a surname, so... well, let's decipher, first, the first part of your question, i have been speaking for a long time and my professional position during the war is to transfer the military counter-intelligence to the general staff , to the ministry of defense, then there will be no leaks, wiretapping, remember there was a wiretapping of the lieutenant, then the president even said that they had leaked plans for offensives and counter-offensives, now other extremely disturbing moments are appearing, there is a professional answer, and you are talking to a specialist, i... have long believed that military counterintelligence, especially military specialists, counterintelligence, also have technical equipment, have knowledge of how to work
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, including in order not to appear in order to enemy agents did not appear among the military the leadership of at least ukraine, and it is time to do so, to hand over military controls, to make our military even stronger against the enemy's special services, and we still have half a minute for the security service of ukraine to respond to hristo groziv, or he gave us his last name. yes, here is the second part, i think that i know and respect christ groziv since july 2014, we really did then, and they helped us to investigate a terrorist attack, we investigated him after the downing of a malaysian boeing, as you know, gaga even condemned international terrorists , russian, and not only that, but what as for christ the thunders, i think he has already passed on such information as he has to foreign partners, and now is the time for the sbu, contact the british american partners. the people's deputy of ukraine and the former head of the security service of ukraine was with us, well, we don't have time for everything, and
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12:00 pm
we summarize the informative morning across the country on the air of the news press. khrystyna works in the studio shipwreck the border post in shebekino was destroyed, an armored personnel carrier and a control point for drones in the kursk region were destroyed. in russia, the border fighting is gaining momentum. volunteers of the legion of freedom of russia continue their work. on the belgorod-kurdish direction. propaganda publications reported that during the fighting in the belgorod region, a major of the russian guard was killed. let me remind you that during the night, the fighters of the legion of freedom of russia, together with other russian volunteers fighting on the side of ukraine, broke into the territory of the russian federation. as reported by the ministry of defense of the aggressorka country, the rebels entered from three directions with the support of tanks. there they even managed to report that from.


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