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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EET

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no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, now we are adding to our marathon serhii voronov, an officer of the legion of freedom. mr. serhiy is in the mariyansk direction. a couple of minutes ago, we talked with oleksiy hetman. a retired major of the national guard, a veteran of the russian war, the russian-ukrainian war, and so is he said that the maryanka direction is extremely difficult, and the enemy is also trying to implement his specific operational plan there, but thanks to the heroism of our soldiers, the enemy somehow, i don’t know, does not manage to get close to the coal mine, so they would like to consider this whole matter of the coal mine maryanka in complexes you have a word. greetings from the studio, greetings from the viewers.
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in fact, yes, after avdiyivka, the enemy transferred enough reserves to this direction in order to try to attack precisely the novopavlovsk part of the front. actually, i want to say that it is still a line has somewhat stabilized recently, in recent days, such clear breakthroughs, well, we do not see, but often it... continues for one or another immediate positions, losing those positions there, whether one or the other side, in principle , the front line will not change is changing, the enemy is trying to attack near novomykhaivka, as well as pervomaiskyi, these are the two hottest, the two hottest villages on our edge of the front, well, actually, what should be noted is that the enemy increasingly began to use... k-51 grenades, which have
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chlorpicrin, actually, which is poisonous to servicemen, in particular, such cases even happened in our area of ​​the front. and what was, actually, the body's reaction to the use of such means, is it somehow possible to resuscitate quickly, and in principle, what are the signs of poisoning with this substance, how do our military personnel deal with it? well, actually there were burns of the mucous membranes of the face, well, actually burns of the eyes, well, the reaction is very simple, we use ordinary gas masks, they also help precisely in the fight against, so to speak, this method of incapacitation military personnel and how often does the enemy now use such means? well, i know as a minimum. two cases during the last
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few days, when such and such grenades were used, they were dropped, mainly they are dropped by drones, and the drops are a lot of trouble, both for us and in fact for them, because again, we do not stand still , we attack enemy positions, if we talk, mr. sergey, about the offensive capabilities of the enemy, we understand that they ... received certain orders, yes, if we take the specific presence manpower and certain armored, i don't know, units, what does the situation look like now in the mariyan direction? and actually, when i say that the situation has somewhat stabilized, we cannot say that it is some kind of silence, there are constant shelling, there are constant attempts to break through the ukrainian positions.
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in small groups with the involvement of armored vehicles, just recently , yesterday or the day before yesterday, they attacked three enemy tanks and actually two... we managed to burn them with our forces, even on the approach, our guys engaged in battle with the third one and repelled it offensives, well, actually we see that in principle the enemy has no problems with armored vehicles, with personnel today, and they continue their constant assaults, constant efforts to advance somewhere on one of the branches, well , actually, we already see, as i said, novomykhaivka and pervomayska are such settlements. which are key to enemy forces. mr. serhiu, president zelenskyi and concurrently the commander-in-chief said that the situation at the front is now much better than it was during the last three months, that is, if to speak in general. and what about your
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direction, has the situation stabilized and become somewhat better for you, or are you observing, on the contrary, a downward trend? well, indeed, perhaps, today i can really say that the situation is a little more certain than it was there tentatively three weeks ago, because today i already see several adjacent units entering the same part of the front, for its full there stabilization, leveling, the same way i see construction, well, such an emergency construction of fortifications, so to say emergency, although we all understand that today already... the 11th year of the war is going on, and actually, i really believe that the situation has somewhat stabilized compared to what it was even in february. mr. serhiy, please let me talk about the fortifications, you mentioned the fact that they started building urgently now, i
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understand correctly that until this moment, i mean until the last days, until the last weeks, when we started very actively and in the media space to talk about fortifications and their necessity, this process has begun... to happen much faster, well, i can talk about the activation of the last two or three weeks, it has really, really, really picked up, before that we were working in the direction, i did not see any obvious signs, not even signs of the construction of fortifications, and i am just saying for two or three weeks, it was very powerful, and today, in fact, in many places... i can see, going around some of our positions, going around populated areas, that it is being actively built. mr. sergey, what is the situation with the enemy's ammunition and in general, how powerful are they with the provision of an art component? well, it is usual in this war
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that the enemy has an advantage, including not only in manpower, but also in shells, actually they are now, well... at least we do not feel that they have any problems, we the situation, from what i know, may be somewhat stabilized , because at a certain point it was generally difficult, now it is a little better with, among other things , the ammunition that began to arrive in units so that we can also repel enemy attacks, which are constantly, constantly are coming mr. serhiu, i would i wanted to ask you about tactical? the enemy's aviation, to what extent is it now trying to use it close to the front line and actually use guided air bombs, is there a certain intensification of the use of such means? well, in principle, i will not say that this is the kind of
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activation that was, for example, like in avdiivka, but the enemy is still actively using cabs and fabs to destroy ukrainians. just recently a fab flew into myrnograd, literally yesterday or tonight a civilian was shot the population of silidovo, in fact, in the peace , in the peace in the peaceful quarter, the s-300 arrived, well, this is not aviation, it is a different type, so to speak, of weapons, well, actually, i will not say that it is once again saturated, as it was in avdiivka , but the enemy actively uses. this weapon method is also unpleasant, i will say , and all of us are waiting with little or no patience for the arrival of these f-16s, which are talked about so much. yes, we understand, but
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i would also like to ask you about the means of electronic warfare against enemy drones, so we understand that the enemy is also working very actively in this aspect, and we would like to understand to what extent. is he now ahead of us, or are we still trying to get some parity in this direction? well, i want to say that you need to strengthen yourself a lot. to strengthen in this direction, because drones are constantly hovering over the positions, and today , in fact, there is no such close-range combat, well, in particular, on the part of the front where our units are located, but actually i want to say that the enemy has the same this direction is developed, but our uav pilots still get them and just as skillfully attack their positions, so... that is, perhaps it is not worth talking about parity, but, well, in principle, we are constantly moving and strengthening in
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this direction, they work in the same way, and both sides are developing precisely towards the development of precisely more technological warfare. thank you, mr. sergey, for your work. serhiy voronov, an officer of the legion of freedom from the mariinsky district, told the press about the difficult situation, the enemy is trying to push through, but we understand that our military. they are also trying to hinder the enemy in some way, and besides, as mr. serhiy noted, the construction of fortifications has become very active in recent weeks, which really makes us happy. now we will take a short break and actually continue to discuss the most important things of today, but before that, i will once again remind you, our viewers, about our meeting, and for the 12th separate special forces unit , we need to purchase buggies for evacuating the wounded and transporting ammunition, well also. we need to buy cars, automobile and trench rebs, this is a small
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amount, 480 00, yes, we remember our previous collection, it seems to be 7 million, if my memory serves me correctly, this collection is a little, well, not a little, so significantly less , and so we hope to close it soon, with yours, of course, i will notice our dear viewers, so if you have the opportunity, please join the gathering, we will now take a short break and then come back to you. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, incontinence urine can make itself felt. feminist uro helped me. thanks to its natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination both day and night. feminost oro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. there are discounts on voltaren forte of 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and. especially
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mikrolax, 20% on psylsnyk, bam and ochsadno pharmacies, the premium sponsor of the national team represents united. stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:5. on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time.
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two hours to learn about the war and what the world lives two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in... united by football, stronger together. information day of the tv channel in the story. well, now we will talk about the situation on the polish-ukrainian border. the situation is not very pleasant. volodymyr balin, vice president of the international association, is in touch with us truck carriers. we are talking about blocking the border. glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. glory, congratulations. well, polish
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farmers blocked the movement of trucks from ukraine to poland for two days. pass in hryniv and in stelug, yes, and yesterday there was information, our consul general even went from lublin to the border, yes, because it seems as if they started to block the movement of passenger buses, what is now at the border? as for passenger transport, thank god, the issue has been resolved and we currently have no information, that they are blocking somewhere, moreover, the polish side in the person of the police stated that there was no blocking, it was only temporary. with transit, but as for cargo transportation, unfortunately, they are blocked, and frankly, as of today, i do not see any prospects for a solution, and i invite all exporters and importers to still look for ways to bypass the polish border, like this it is not difficult, taking into account the waiting queues in germany, in the west, in romania,
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in the direction of ukraine, it is true, but we do not yet see another option and promising ones we can't give clear ones... and if we are talking about railway transport, are they currently working on a possible branching of logistics specifically by railway, since we understand that the border with poland is currently in a rather serious crisis, and this may drag on for a long time? i would link here not only railway transport, but also sea transport, because if we talk about railway transport, it works stably, except for those few cases when there was a spill of grain, everything else works. stable, but it works in limited resources, because the polish railway, as in general, the european railway, it has never been adapted for the transportation of such , such a quantity of grain, well, for example , towards the ports, but taking into account the situation since november at the border, if we talk about sea transportation, we still
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understand that romania relates more competently to this situation, she is interested in... that the ways of transporting our agricultural products through romania towards exports were and developed, they are taking real steps towards this, accordingly, the railway, road transport now it goes more smoothly to the port of constantia, and i believe that, first of all , all these blockades have lost polish ports, unfortunately for the polish economy, but in reality it is all grain, it was also exported grain... by sea, and today we have a stable sea corridor, thank god, thank god, and glory to our armed forces of ukraine. and today we have more real alternative ways, apart from poland. therefore, if we talk about large transportation of grain, by railway, road transport, there is an alternative, it is our sea routes. the situation with the polish police, how they
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behave, maybe you have additional information, maybe there are some signals from the outside. our drivers, i want to make such a comparison, when we had a transporters' strike, and we clearly understood that most of the processes were regulated by the police, we liked it, we didn't like it, but the police did not allow a direct confrontation between the strikers and our drivers. today, unfortunately, we state that, from the beginning of the farmers' strike, the police have almost no influence on the situation, we had facts when the car left for... points for the borders of the dorohuskyi border crossing point , they were duly issued and should have transited through poland, for example, in the baltic countries, but the police turned them back and did not allow them to continue their passage, that is, the police did not control the situation of the passage, and it is me, for me personally this suggests that today the escalation of the conflict
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continues, the strikers have more leverage over transport. flow, and it seems to me that this indicates the weakness of the authorities and that the polish authorities are not interested in a quick solution to the problem today, and if they interested, it does not take strong enough measures within the legal field to stop this strike, unfortunately it does not. mr. volodymyr, i would also like to ask you about the drivers who are currently in poland and want to enter ukraine, we know that before, at least, the situation was very difficult with this, there were not even elementary hygienic conditions for drivers who just want to go home, has this somehow been resolved, is there now... some, well, let's say, a mechanism like to help those drivers who are stuck there, whether they are given any help from our side, and in principle, how this process takes place, whether
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the poles have somehow started to be more loyal to those drivers who, for example, from poland want to cross the border into ukraine. well, i want to tell you that our transporters, drivers, and together with them, our transport customers realize that the border is unpredictable, and in such a situation, they try to direct the transport to bypass the polish border. we have much fewer cars today stands on the polish side waiting to cross the border than was, for example, inside or at the end of the previous stripe. that is, we had a stable situation there of 3, 3.5 to 4 thousand cars. today we have approximately 1,500 machines. it makes no sense to expect drivers to wait in such, as you rightly say, in inhumane conditions. therefore, through the fact that the number of cars is less, if we talk about korchova and krakowiec, this is a checkpoint, which today, we hope, will continue to work, although there is information that it will be closed tomorrow,
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there are storage facilities where minimum conditions for drivers, and they can try there, accordingly, more or less for a while, all other checkpoints today are a live queue, it is a road, and the driver actually lives in the car along the road and there is no way to stop. to stand for a while, to wait for something, so from a positive point of view, our carriers are aware that there are significantly more risks that he will not cross the border quickly, and they bypass this queue, due to this the total number of drivers who are currently in the queue much smaller than last time, so not for our information, no one from officials of the local self-government body, or, by the way, strikers. who took responsibility and should provide minimum conditions, no one does it, they are not interested in it, and in fact we have a situation where drivers stand
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in line, wait, at their own discretion, the only one who finances this issue is the ukrainian carrier, because it understands that this is his driver, it is his responsibility for the car and for the cargo that he is carrying, and they are waiting, have chosen this path and are waiting until they can cross the border. and can you please, i also just want my own question to add, you said about what is already going on... understanding that you can get stuck there, accordingly looking for alternative ways. as i understand it, when a driver returns from europe to ukraine, he does not go to the polish border, he already tries to cross the border through romania and through other countries, including our neighboring states. in fact, the price of logistics will increase and, accordingly, the price of one or another product will increase, if all our carriers are now getting on the new rails and from. to rebuild logistics across other borders? thank you for the question , it is very interesting, i will answer unequivocally, yes, the price increases, i will tell you more if you
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have the opportunity to bypass the queue at the polish border, after all, the freight is higher , and the carriers take advantage of this, and primarily polish carriers, and it was against this that the strike carried out by our carriers on the ukrainian side was aimed, but due to the fact that today the polish carriers... did not join the blockade of the border, we are grateful to them for this and lifted the strike from our side, really bypassing the queue in any case is more expensive, and this, and this is the logistics that today, on which exporters, importers rely, they understand that it is better to bypass, pay more, but understand certain time and financial frameworks, than you are now standing at the border and you understand these passing cars. today, tomorrow, and if it is an express port, and there have been such cases when cars with goods that are quickly sold out, unfortunately, were forced to stand in a queue, while polish cars
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were moving, and ukrainian cars were standing, that is, the situation in any case closure of polish the border will make our export and import operations more expensive, but if we talk about whether we can predict that the border will be unblocked tomorrow the day after tomorrow, no, if this... business is long, if importers are primarily interested in their ukrainian consumers, they provide logistics are more expensive, but the goods are on the shelves on time, the goods are at the factories on time, and vice versa, our goods, the goods of our exporters get on the shelves of consumers in europe and consumers, producers of the european union in time. look, mr. volodymyr, i still wanted to ask you about our conditions. i don't know, blocked drivers, we mentioned it indirectly, but maybe there is some mechanism that would allow us to help our people who, because of these very
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specific unpleasant... reasons , are now at the border, in particular, maybe there is some, i don't know , the option of financial support or some other additional one, we understand that these or other firms may treat their hired workers differently, the key task is to ensure that people do not feel left out, yes, that is, there may be some negotiations with on the part of the association of international road carriers, of which you are the vice-president, so, for example, with our government and so on, well, in order to simply... people know that even for simple they get this or that penny, they get with money , i don’t know whether the association, or the government or some other relevant structures, well, it’s hard for me to say who exactly, well , but the additional money for the stay is plus or minus, well, to improve the conditions in which they are there, well, i i will emphasize once again that i am the sponsor of this situation in the first place the carrier, and the employees
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employed by the carrier who are there receive funds from... the carrier, as regards compensation for the carrier's losses, there are carriers, that is, there are carriers who can issue one at a time, i don't know, and others in a different way, that is, as if it a private story, yes, but we understand that the driver is simple , well, he is very often a kind of hostage sometimes, the fact that drivers are hostages, and if we recall the beginning of the program, we talked about bus drivers and passengers, they were also hostages, thank god it. short term promotion, but today the main sponsor of this situation is the carrier, and he receives, has obligations and receives the driver in the proper conditions so that he can move there calmly part of the way to the border. speaking globally, i would like to emphasize once again that, in fact, from the beginning of the strike, we emphasized that the polish border should be bypassed, because today we do not have a clear situation when the strike will end. believe me, those cars that
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in the first days of the blockade in... they have been in ukraine for a long time, this is a fact, because we had cars that carried humanitarian cargo, they were kept day, we had a car that carried cargo for asmap of ukraine, it was idle for two weeks, we tracked it not just on someone, but directly on our counterparty, so the main question is for the carrier, another question is whether today has a mechanism to compensate for its losses it is the carrier, he has, we have relevant developments, we are ready to share them with any su'. management, whether it is a carrier, whether it is an exporter or an importer, we have ready work on how to compensate at the expense of the strike organizers and relevant authorities local authorities, such a situation exists, whether the association or the state is ready today, how we can adequately compensate, i am honestly not sure, but in any case, in any private situation, we are ready to help, we help both drivers and carriers .
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thank you, volodymyr. the vice-president of the association of international road carriers was on our air, we talked with him about the difficult situation with the blocking of the polish-ukrainian border and also talked about how, in fact, carriers are now trying to change their logistical ways and how it will affect the final cost of this or that product, because we understand that the road will be longer, accordingly, gasoline and everything else will be needed even more, and accordingly it will affect the final cost of the product. which are lying on the shelves, well, but less so, the news time is already coming on the spresso tv channel, so we pass the word to our colleagues, we can already see, iryna koval is ready to tell you all the most important things, iro, we are glad to see you, we congratulate you and actually ask you to tell us, what will this be about release by the way, marto, well, in the issue i will talk about the attacks on russia, not only drones, about another lost plane and much more.
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so, wait. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. after the night attack. drones in russia disabled one of the largest oil refineries located near nizhny novgorod. according to defense express, the most important element of the enterprise, which is key in all technological processes, was destroyed. the russians will not be able to fix it quickly, due to the lack of western sanctions.


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