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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EET

3:30 pm
and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement, with a strong saw, just look how quickly it copes, even with thick branches, once it is ready, and on unlike standard saws , it is so convenient to use in hard -to-reach places, the kit includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1490 to 9 with the possibility of free deliveries, check with consultants: a powerful saw is what you need, call! the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! well, tv channel information. in full swing, we are
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now joining our marathon with oleksiy honcharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, president of the committee on migration and refugees, parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. glory to ukraine. mr. oleksiy, we congratulate you. congratulations. well, first of all, we would like to ask you about the ongoing processes in the verkhovna rada. of course, we are talking about the mobilization law, 400 edits. well, the committee has finally taken up their consideration. perhaps you have some additional information on how the consideration of those is going now. 4 amendments, as the author of the amendments , i took part in the committee meeting today, and i can tell you that, to be honest, i am very disappointed, it all looks like such a complete disrespect and even a kick, excuse our military, because it looks like there is no desire to consider this law, but this is how i interpret it, well, see for yourself, the submission of amendments ended on february 21, only...
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today, the first day, they were considered for three weeks, three weeks, why, what took so long? today the meeting lasted an hour, even less, which means that the first 300 amendments were planned for consideration, why so many, and during the consideration already there, the tailcoat in the second ten was supported, as i understand it, unexpected, perhaps for the leadership committee, the amendment that removes the norms of the eye about a ban in... about freezing accounts, cards, a ban on driving a car, after that a break was announced, after the break they said that everything was enough for today, we parted, let's continue tomorrow, but if from the results, it is that the committee will propose to the verkhovna rada not to support these restrictions, this result, well, and the fact that this is all... will continue for quite
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a long time at such a pace and with such a desire to consider the law , and that means that the most important issue for me is the establishment of terms of service, this is what hundreds of thousands of soldiers are waiting for, so that they know when they can come home, and the establishment of clear and understandable rules for everyone, about the service, that's all the matter is delayed, to say the least, if it will be settled at all, sir oleksiy, look... in one of his last interviews with a french publication, he stated that there is no demobilization during the war, there are various issues regarding rotation and vacations, he was referring to the draft law on strengthening mobilization, which is taking place from demobilization and, in principle, whether it will happen, because such a statement by zelensky that there is no demobilization during the war prompts certain considerations, well, absolutely considerations, that it is called simply abandoning the military.
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that is, there is no demobilization during war, that is, those soldiers , those who went as volunteers, you, who were mobilized, but did not hide anywhere, then this is their grief, now let them be there indefinitely, well, this is how i translate zelenskyi’s words, because what is this, why is there no demobilization under time of war, why, why should only these serve, and how come it doesn't exist, and what if people, these are living people, they are not professional soldiers, they are exhausted, many of them are tired. moreover, i will tell you that i think that if these people are given the opportunity to go home today, through three or four months, many of them will return to serve, but they have the right to rest a little, exhale and feel that they are free people, not someone's serfs, they still have families who also deserve it, so i am outraged by this as a comment, by the way, i want to remind you that i heard all this a year ago, when i first started to raise this topic, but then , as if, somehow, zelensky moved...
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to speak, we need to decide, regarding those who have been serving for a long time. let me remind you that in the first version of the government draft law, which was submitted in christmas night, there was a deadline, there was no demobilization, the term of service. six months , but i thought it was a long time, but it was, or now i see that they are already going to leave it and that's it, and if this topic were to be closed, well, it won't work, because it's a very huge social injustice in relation to the families who are fighting today, well, and for everyone else , it turns life into a lottery, you know , that is, you were caught, and that's it, and you'll be there for an unknown amount of time, well, just hide there. well , this is a very wrong signal, there should be a signal completely different, clear rules of the game, clear term of service, you know how long to serve, you know that you will have rotations, you know that you will be trained before being sent to zero and so on, this should be resolved, i hoped that this bill precisely about this, but i see
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that the government is absolutely moving in some other direction, and this comment by zelenskyi, well, he infuriates me, look, and in your opinion, how long should it take? this is the process of consideration of amendments, it seems to be a technical issue, but we understand that it is important, well, that's it yes, you know, it's quite difficult to count here, you know here, like in school, if two workers have three shovels each, and if there are five workers, then how many shovels are there and how long, well, if you take it purely mathematically, right 4200, today we considered there are 300, tomorrow it is planned to consider from 340th to 680th, well, at this rate it is... about 12-14 working days, on weekends, i asked the committee today, they are going to meet, well , at least they are not planning to, well, that means two- three weeks, or so, to review the edits, and then it will be ready
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in order to pass it to the verkhovna rada, well , i would at least hope that some kind of public publicity would force them to somehow work more actively with it, but... the most important thing is the result, because if in the end they don't work terms of service nothing, so why is there such a bill at all, what is it needed for? yes, mr. oleksiy, we would like to talk with you about our european integration, yesterday deputy prime minister stefanyshina made a profile statement that ukraine has already completed the fulfillment of the european commission's conditions for approval of the negotiating framework, the european commission had until today to present the negotiating framework and assess progress in ukraine's reforms, what to hear from this? reason, well, here i can say that we are waiting for this negotiation framework, and i have nothing to add to stefanishyna's words, there are publications in the international media that, most likely, this negotiation
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framework can be handed over to ukraine only in june , such things sound, well, of course, we need to promote this as quickly as possible and push, push, so that they give us a negotiating room as soon as possible the framework and... and the necessary conditions and tasks have been set, all this must be done as soon as possible, the question of european integration for us is a question of security, it is not just a question of the quality of life , it is a question of the principle of existence of this life, of its existence. mr. oleksiy, what kind of signals, for example, came from our european colleagues, partners and so on, well, we remember a rather serious resolution of the european parliament, so european parliamentarians are a little worried.
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the european parliament said there, stop doing stupid things with those participation, alone let's participate. not with an unequal approach to different political forces in the parliament, because no one does this in europe. instead, olga stefanichna begins to tell what it means that something is right there, what is right, where is right, if it is the european parliament, look, that’s it for now, it’s called, well, at first they don’t give public signals, they say there, boys, girls, well, here you have a problem, let 's fix it, then they say, it is already open, but there are no solutions yet, we have already reached the stage when there is already a solution, they say so... in you have a specific problem, you are violating democracy, that's not how it works in europe, fix it, and instead of getting sober here, they start saying, yes , we're not violating, well, they'll just say the following, well, okay, then you , you know, you
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are not ready yet, friends, you are not ready yet, because europe is certain rules, norms, europe first of all, these are certain procedures, if we are talking about our internal ukrainian procedures. what can be, so to speak, a reboot of the cabinet, the reduction of ministries and the key story, why exactly now, what is the purpose of all this, and accordingly, maybe we will have a new one. candidacy for the position of prime minister , maybe shmyhal, so to speak, will be moved somewhere for a promotion or to some academic job, well, accordingly, maybe they are also talking about changing the chairman of the verkhovna rada , ruslan stefanchuk, because it is as if, as if, i emphasize, he is trying on and on the constitutional court, look, i'm the first, i don't have any inside information on this topic yet, how will things be, i will definitely... i'll share with you, i personally don't i believe that there will be these replacements, because
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it seems that a better prime minister than shmyhal and a better speaker than stefanchuk are to be found for zelensky's code, that is, they are people who do whatever they say from the bank, unfortunately , for these institutions, for the institutions of the government, for the institutions of the parliament, this is a problem, but for zelensky it is obvious that he likes exactly these. style and this kind of work, so i somewhat doubt that there will be such changes, well, this is my personal feeling regarding the reform of the government, i think that some steps are quite possible here, but unfortunately , i think that they again took action on the draft law on mobilization, which is currently being considered in the committee, and by the way, mr. oleksiy stated that literally with a one-vote advantage, they excluded the amendment that actually included. blocking of accounts , bank cards, cars and so on
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, that is, but we understand that this is now only at the committee level, we do not know how certain amendments and provisions of the draft law will be perceived in the hall of the verkhovna rada, so there will be a lot of interesting things ahead. and changes too may be enough, now we're going to take a short break, after that we'll be back on our air, so stay with us, get tired. from heavy and bulky saws , then the strong saw from the unboxing tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah , also a reliable battery is included, just call now and order, free delivery is possible, check at consultants, cut branches, cut logs , chop wood, all in one go with the strong saw, just look how fast it can handle even thick
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united by football, stronger together. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general , i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we started it. every thursday at 9:15 p.m. in the project , velikiy lviv talks about the most important things on the espresso tv channel. well, let's add it to ours now marathon oleksii lesin, an independent military observer, a leading belarusian expert on defense issues and the military-industrial complex. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksandr, long live belarus. lives in belarus. well, the armed forces of the republic of belarus have started preparing for combat readiness, and at the same time, the news arrived
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that an inspection of teroborona has begun in the gomel region. about this. reports the belarusian village. what kind of checks are these? well , the point is that recently, the leadership of belarus is very afraid of implementation scenario of a coup with outside help, that is, if you follow the statements of oleksandr lukashenka according to intelligence data, they found several training points in poland.
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provide assistance in the form of belarusian formations that are currently fighting against russian troops, that is why this version is constantly supported, periodically, one military unit, then another conducts training, some end, others begin, well, in order to eradicate, so to speak, illegal armed elements, they offer to use the territory. territorial defense, these people who live in this territory, they are mobilized in the territorial defense, and must monitor the appearance of agencies, unknown faces, suspicious personalities. mr. oleksandr, we understand all this, and we understand that the reasons for all these actions are
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artificially stretched, as they say, but let's talk about the real ones. actions, why is this all happening now, it is happening because there are certain preparatory works for certain actions that may be directed against ukraine, or are these some internal military exercises, relatively speaking, between russia and belarus, that is, we understand that the real reasons for all these actions may lie in something completely different, well, in the last time in general. meanwhile, in general, this participation of belarus in military operations against ukraine is not raised at all, especially after they decided in russia that they cannot stretch their armed formations for another 1000 km, because the border between ukraine and belarus is approximately 1200
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km, and they say that if a war breaks out on this border, then ... russia simply will not have enough forces to ensure manpower and equipment, so thank god that there are no military actions taking place on this border, and i believe that there is a certain understanding between putin and lukashenka so that belarus will remain a rear and an arsenal that will help russia in production, in training russian. facilities on the border with belarus and have enough
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personnel there, so i believe that there is some demonstration effect. because if they were preparing for war, they would start mobilizing the forces that currently exist in belarus are not enough to start a war against the armed forces, which have a lot of combat experience, they are very motivated, they defend their territory, so i think that this is an option. so far unreal, well, god forbid, in any case, we understand that lukashenka has additional forces, we understand that there is a certain mobilization reserve in... belarus, yes, and there is information that the russians are hiring from time to time, or then they hire belarusian military personnel who are sent to
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the front line under a contract, yes, i don’t know how they arrange them all, well, but the information about what belarusians, the belarusian military, subcontracted by the aggressor state, are also on the front line, how large-scale can this be?
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military specialists, or participate directly in the actions at the front, and there is such an unannounced agreement between putin and lukashenko not to create obstacles for them and allow them to participate. well, but in any case, we understand that putin can win this agreement with lukashenko, and we didn't want it to come as a surprise to everyone, so the situation as of today can be the same, as of after... two weeks, a month, the situation may change , so there is a certain risk, according to this, if we talk about the transfer, for example, the possible transfer of additional russian resources to
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the territory of belarus, mr. oleksandr, as you can see, how long it would take, that is, maybe now they have built some additional rolling road there, something else, well, in general, in general, according to calculations. to the territory of belarus, both by road, highway, railway, and also by transport, because in a period of special tension, aircraft traffic il-76 was getting stronger, and i personally saw it. there were also periods when russian transport planes were landing at machulishchi airfield literally every hour, so i believe that
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during the day tens of thousands could be transferred to the last message, mr. oleksandr, that a column of the iskander m operational-tactical missile complex was spotted in the minsk area oblast, as part of a column, if the belarusian grove is to be believed. three self-propelled launchers, three transport units, charging units, as well as one command and headquarters were moving car, so previously the column moved along the m-55 highway from the side of pukhovychy in the direction of osypovychy, which is in minsk and in the minsk region. in general, if we talk about the number of iskander m on the territory of belarus, well, there are official data that there are approximately two to two.
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the mobility of this complex and the fact that it is actually owned by russia, belarus simply uses it for training purposes, then at any moment their number may increase, because... the distance to iskan is 1000 km, the average speed can reach 70 km , therefore, within 10-12 hours, the group iskandar can increase significantly on the territory of belarus thanks to the forces that are in the west, on the western border, and yes, i just wanted to clarify in the end how powerful the air defense system is and whether it has been... once the belarusian air defense has been strengthened, so recently, received more
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is essentially the property of russia, because no transfer or sale of these complexes has taken place, but there is an agreement that joint training centers will be created on the territory of belarus, which will be provided with russian equipment, and which will be used. the presence of russian systems on the territory of belarus, it is said that they can not only train, it is said that they can not only train, but also conduct training military duty. mr. oleksandr,
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i would like to ask you one last question today. russian volunteers are once again conducting a raid on the territory of the russian federation, and it is interesting to understand whether the same option is even possible on the part of belarusian volunteers, and how do you think lukashenko might perceive it? in general, analysts who work, the ruling elite believe that such an option is possible, and they believe. that the number of such volunteers can grow to hundreds or even thousands, and if we take into account that there is training on the territory of poland, several such centers and the fact that belarusian volunteers who have combat experience are fighting on the territory of ukraine and declare that they would like, they would like to enter belarus and change the regime. i
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think this is a pretty serious power. of course , they will need help and support from the outside, otherwise the advantage of russian and belarusian of the army is quite significant, how does belarus feel about it, says the creation of the tornado group. thank you, oleksandr alesyn, an independent military commentator, a leading belarusian expert on defense and the military-industrial complex, was on espresso. well, in the meantime, we are already giving the floor to our colleague iryna koval, who is ready to inform you and us about the latest news. iro,
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we give you the floor. actually, we ask you to tell us what this issue will be about. thanks marta, well, the number of victims due to the crash of a transport plane has increased il-76 in russia, and besides that, i will tell about how the fsb worked under the cover of the church in kyiv. wait for everything in the release. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the number of victims of the ill-76 military transport plane crash near the russian city of ivanovo has increased to 16. the russians write about it.
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the public was allegedly on board.


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