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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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things, meanwhile, the situation, judging by everything there , is much more confused and actually tense, at least it can be seen from this conversation, which continues between solovyov and such a russian military commander podubny, where podubny tries to tell that all this, what skabieva told me now, it was broken two days ago, but now it seems like something like that is happening there, but nothing like that. difficult , as if there and in general something like that , literally no one has succeeded in anything, but at the same time look at his face, which is well, let's say, very excited. the most tense situation is probably on the state borders, our group covering the state borders actively opposes the enemy, and the enemy, well, it should be said , tried to start a breakthrough on the territory a few days ago.
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a strong tactical group by the forces of the belgorod region literally lost five tanks, more than 10. armored vehicles of different classes of personnel, there were about 70 people there in just a few hours. in general, the enemy's plan is in the grayvoron direction. the enemy planned operate at the junction of kharkiv and sumy regions. it was opened and the enemy was actually destroyed. the armed forces of ukraine continue to attempt to break into the territory. it is not necessary to simplify the actions of the enemy, but in fact, since 3 o'clock in the morning, the enemy has been making maximum efforts to implement its own informational and psychological attack. it is clear that war is always mathematics, so the situation is tense. well, as always, everyone was destroyed, and someone still attacks, who attacks what, it is unclear, some kind of mystery, but everyone. well, something so interesting is spreading
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history, well, how do russian propagandists explain it, well, they explain it obviously quite simply, that all this is before the presidential election and only literally in order to disrupt the election of putin, another, how can you disrupt the election of putin, it is not clear, you can think that if half russians do not come to vote, then putin will not be elected, funny, in principle, they announced yesterday what the results of putin's election will be, they already said that 70% of the population will come to the elections and 80% of those who came will vote, so how it can be changed is not clear, that's all it is clear, even the results, i say, are already clear, the ones that will be, that's why these stories, they are extremely kind of, you know, far-fetched, but the main explanation is that they are trying to disrupt putin's elections.
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it is clear that this breakthrough was prepared precisely in order to organize basements in psychological countermeasures, and the owner, it is clear that in view of the choice, but actions on the ground are actively supported by the unit of information and psychological influence, prepared and fake videos, which, by the way , have already ... appear on the internet, ready natural preparations, which should make the population in the border regions panic, which should destabilize the situation, which should one way or another affect the turnout at the elections and disrupt the elections, and at the same time , i think that the belgorod region is acting, this is actually only part of this show, which prepared by the formations of the kyiv regime, and in general it seems to me that... the belgorod
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region is already so used to the attempt to manipulate the information and communication environment on the part of the enemy that the understanding that they have informational immunity. well, informational immunity can be as much as you want, but is it possible to develop immunity against the flight of drones, well, it would be interesting to use the example of solovyov himself, put him somewhere like that and let him develop immunity there. somewhere on the front line before the arrival of drones, i would look at this immunity, of course, it is very interesting how it can be developed, meanwhile, all these conversations, you know, do not correspond at all to the mood of the residents of the belgorod region, who are a bit like that so to speak, they fight in panic, and so on here the taxi drivers are telling each other, there all night around and in belgorod, missile danger, public... transport does not
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run, taxis, generally slippers, everything stops, and in belgorod too, and everywhere around the circle and behind the mountain, and in kozynka, and in gorkovsky, and in berezovka, everywhere. our castles were shelled, it lay like novostroivka here without a name , they beat it not far from our border at all , don’t you go anywhere there, because they broke through ours there and yours there, so don’t worry, they broke through in the wet orlovka, and they broke through in gorkovsky, in in general, battles are tough there in kosen they are coming, i called the boys, well, that's it, so we hope that it won't stop there. and yet this breakthrough will continue as long as this situation is developing, we are also waiting for what else will be known, it was reported somewhere that it is as if over the forest in valuyki in pavlo, so it is also in the belgorod region, according to preliminary data , this is a su-27, local
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residents report that there was a powerful outburst, after which the forest started to catch fire, well, we are waiting to see what will come of it, you see, this is how it all looks... it looks like this video, and here is the location, where is it all happening, and actually, i think the next few days will determine this whole development of the situation, in general, how this russian propaganda will work, how it will try to remove these consequences of all these actions in general, because in principle, well, it turns out to be such a strong and powerful blow to russia, well... let's see, we'll watch and we'll meet.
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about the state of affairs in the state. this is the name of the traditional speech with which the president of the united states addresses every year. to congress, but for the third year in a row, joseph biden begins it with the war that russia started against ukraine. this year, the american leader directly compared putin with hitler, and himself with president roosevelt, who more than 80 years ago managed to convince congressmen not to stand aside from the second world war and help the anti-hitler coalition. so biden again called on congress to immediately approve the aid package. if anyone in this room thinks that putin will stop at ukraine, i assure you, he will not. but ukraine can stop putin
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if we provide it with the weapons it needs to self-defense my message to president putin, whom i have known for a long time about... is that we will not back down, we will not bend, i will not bend. members of both houses of congress listened to the speech, including the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson. when the us president talked about the danger of putin's russia for the western world, johnson nodded his head and even applauded. but, as the american press notes, he did it uncertainly and hesitantly. it is johnson who is currently blocking. aid package to ukraine. few people doubt that if the project is brought to the floor for a vote, he will get the required number of votes. but the speaker does not do this. he, a long-time admirer of donald trump, was elected to office with his support and listens to
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him on all issues. trump's position is known. he complains that the us spends too much money on aid to other countries, and promises to end the war in ukraine within 24 hours of winning the election, while refraining from criticizing putin, whom he often calls a smart guy. we give billions of dollars in aid to other countries, while not protecting our own border and our servicemen. if i were the president, putin would never have attacked ukraine, because i told him: don't do it, europe pays too little, it should give more money. even more worrying is trump's meeting with hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, whom the former us president hosted at his estate in florida on march 8. according to the media,
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the main topic of conversation was ways to end the war in europe, and orbán's so-called recipes are known, to leave the occupied territories to putin, to refuse ukraine's accession. to the eu and nato and begin to restore economic and political ties with russia. whether we like it or not, ukrainians like it or not. ukraine is located. on the world map where it is. the best prospect for it would be for it to become a buffer zone between russia and the west, of course, with security guarantees. if this fails, ukraine will lose its territory. the russians will destroy ukraine again and again and again. russia will never accept on its doorstep such a member of the eu and nato as ukraine, never. many members of the republican party. consider such the proposal is a sign of weakness, but very few will dare to publicly say so if it
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is supported by donald trump. the so-called super tuesday took place in the usa this week. internal party elections for presidential candidates in 16 states and one territory at once. trump won almost everywhere. his only opponent, nikki haley, who advocated further aid to ukraine, announced her withdrawal from the race. believes that a political rematch between trump and biden in 2024 is finally becoming a reality, and according to the latest polls, the likely candidate for republicans are ahead of the current president, his influence on the party is growing every day, in fact , the aid project for ukraine can be killed by one single trump post on social networks. for the time being , the ex-president refrains from a direct call to fail the aid package to ukraine. he even believes that if trump wins , on the contrary, he can significantly increase support
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for ukraine. for example, such a scenario is described by ex-prime minister of great britain boris johnson. and the first term of trump, who was so feared in ukraine, did not lead to a sharp change in us policy, moreover, unlike during the administration of president obama, where biden served as vice president, the trump-era white house began to supply javelins to the ukrainian army instead of kovdr, but that's all... this is just an assumption, it is impossible to predict trump's actions, because he is an unsystematic and unpredictable politician. the risks of this are understood in europe, where they do not rule out that if trump returns to the white house, the us will be able to go so far as to abandon its commitments to nato. therefore, the so-called old world is trying to strengthen its own defense capabilities and increase support for ukraine. in particular, a number of european countries agreed. shells that the czech republic found for ukraine. we
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appreciate the efforts of the czech government and all countries that have made their financial contribution. we are grateful to you. 800 thousand shells is a big number, but very soon it will be exhausted. we cannot make a decision, sit down and say: finally we did it. if there is an offer similar to the czech one in other countries, then we should start collecting money for it right now. today and help them in their implementation. however, despite intensifying efforts, europe is not capable of completely replacing the military aid of the united states. in addition, it lacks a common strategy for the war and a desired scenario for its end. against the background of uncertainty in the eu and political turbulence in the usa, talks about the so-called peace have intensified again, the chinese special envoy li hui visited kyiv and moscow again this week, as he did a year ago. brussels. according to the results of the tour, beijing called for an international conference, to
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which, of course, russia should be invited. another so-called peacemaker, the president, became active turkey's recep tayyip erdogan. at the end of the week, he received president zelensky in istanbul. the visit was not announced in advance. like beijing, ankara offers mediation services and calls on ukraine and the west to sit down at the negotiating table with russia. zelensky does not agree with this. we don't see how it can invite people who block, destroy and kill everything. we want to get a result, the result is a fair peace and a fair one for ukraine. therefore , first, the civilized countries of the world will develop a detailed plan and will have a result, already then they will involve representatives of russia, precisely those who are ready for a just peace. meanwhile, ukraine and its western partners are preparing. the peace summit in switzerland and they do not plan to invite the russian federation to it. but, if
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the us does not approve the aid package, and the situation at the front becomes more and more difficult, the pressure of partners on kyiv may increase, and the services of uninvited peacekeepers such as china and turkey will be in demand. after all, in a world where the us is ready to voluntarily give up global leadership, this place will quickly be filled by others the players laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uuro , it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost uuro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. there are discounts on broncolitin phyto. 15% in travel bam and savings pharmacies. what to do in order not to get sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and, most importantly, quercitin to strengthen
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together with. see this week in the collaborators program. roshiysk kherson oblast duma who are they, deputy deputies from the kremlin. we, personally, have been waiting for russia for 30 years. but how do traitors wash the cities of schoolchildren? only development awaits the kherson region. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. last fall, russia held so-called elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, in particular in the kherson region. as a result, the so-called kherson regional duma was formed, which included 36 deputies. the largest number of fake candidates entered from the united russia party, 28 of them, followed by a few each from ldpr, fair russia,
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communist party of the russian federation and fair russia for truth. the main task of this research. who is an illegitimate body - this is to establish life in the region according to the laws of the russian federation. i have already told you about some who decided to fall to the social bottom and received a mandate from the kremlin. today's issue is a continuation of the acquaintance with the newly elected fake russian officials. at the first meeting of the so-called kherson regional duma deputy deputies elected their head. she became 57-year-old tomilina tetyana yuriivna. before becoming a collaborator, she was a candida. mayor of kherson in 2015 and director of the mishukov academic lyceum at kherson state university. the war of ukrainians against ukrainians tired me. standing fed up to the throat with pseudo-patriotism and politics for the sake of money and vanity is also very fed up. i am going to the mayor of kherson to engage in politics
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for the people and for development. please help me. at the debate of the mayoral candidates, tomilina then declared that she was in place the americans equipped a biolaboratory at the municipal haystack station. a secret , particularly dangerous laboratory operates in kherson. infections in the city center. the contract between the us department of defense and the ministry of health of ukraine exists, no one knows about it. the adequacy of the director of the academic lyceum even then raised questions. the diagnosis was confirmed when it turned out that the woman was among the founders of the kherson public organization public safety and development, and her partner was oleksandr gulyaev, a well-known separatist who represented in 2014, the fake kherson people's republic. at the congress of the so-called republics in yalta. even then, their pro-kremlin views began to be exposed. when the russian troops completely captured kherson, milina began
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to actively cooperate with the occupiers. in the summer , the loyal dog of the kremlin master was appointed as rector of the kherson state university, for which the collaborator paid. on september 12, 2022 , an explosion rang out in the apartment of the so-called rector. tomilina was seriously wounded, and... her the bodyguard died, after this incident she began to glorify putin's regime even more actively, literally with her back in her mouth. we, personally, have been waiting for russia for 30 years. but this turned out to be not enough for the big ambitions of the traitor. she wanted to become a politician, and therefore, after winning the primaries, she was listed as a candidate for the united russia party. and tomilina got that toy mandate. almost two years of crawling before the invaders did not pass. when the special military operation started, but everyone thought i was crazy, of course, when i was told on the trolleybus, oh, the orcs have arrived,
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who called them here? i went to the center of the trolleybus and said: i, and we still do not consider tomilina to be an adequate person. after she was elected head of the kherson pseudo-regional duma, she travels around russia, meets with politicians from moscow and st. petersburg, speaks at forums. ponders what will happen after russia's victory, tries to integrate part of kherson oblast under russian laws and develops plans for his further political career. a fool gets rich by thought, it's a bit like madness: to manage a body that exists and is legitimate only in the sick imagination of russians. back in the summer of 2022 , the first suspicion of tomiliny under the article of collaborative activity appeared on the website of the prosecutor general's office. the case is now being considered. the malinovsky district court of the city of odesa, later on, this embezzlement earned itself a second suspicion, proceedings were initiated against her on the facts of complicity in an enemy country. this case has already
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been referred to the pechersk district court of kyiv. what remains of tumilinium in this case? there are several options: stay as long as possible in the desired mode of the red star, because when it becomes worn out in the swamps, it can simply be disposed of. the second option is to return to ukraine. our law enforcement agencies are always waiting for her, at least she will remain alive. our next traitor with the mandate of the kherson regional duma is moroz oksana petrivna. today, united russia with the support of the people's front in the skadovsky municipal district, congratulates. oksana moroz was born in 1975 in the village of shevchenko, skadovsky district. at first she taught ukrainian language and literature at skadovsky school number one. then she resigned from 2006. from 2006 to 2020, she worked at the rysu naan institute as a leading specialist in the sector of intellectual property marketing research and economic analysis, and at the
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same time, on the 22nd, for several months, she held the position of head of the social protection department in the skadovsk city council. when skadovsk was occupied, moroz began to look for ways to profitably betray ukraine, and in the summer of 22, such an opportunity appeared. at first , the occupiers made her the head of the department social protection. kadovska, in just a few months she became the head of the education department. at the same time, the collaborator entered the kherson state pedagogical university, created by the invaders, at the faculty of state and municipal administration. before the accession of our regions to the russian federation, history was hushed up, children did not know the whole truth. moroz chose her future as a role model, so it was an honor for her to become a deputy of the kherson regional duma. in her new role, she travels through the occupied territories and distributes humanitarian aid from the united russia party. he appears in political advertisements and agitates
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people to believe and support. russian peace. it was decided to build a new dispensary for high-quality and fast medical care, since the old one was destroyed by rockets from the kyiv authorities and is no longer subject to restoration. tamoroz decided to impose the neoführer's ideas not only on adults, but also on children. according to the media, in the occupied part of the kherson region, before the constitution day of the russian federation, which is celebrated by russians on december 12, collaborators held lessons where they told to schoolchildren about the foundations of the russian constitution, and moroz joined in. she held a lesson for the second-grade students of skadovsky school no. 3, in which she explained that the russian constitution reflects the democracy and justice of the russian state, ensures a decent future for society and the well-being of every citizen. well, as we all know, the constitution in russia exists only for a tick, because what kind of democracy, justice can we talk about when the country has been in the country
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for more than 20 years... a usurper and a bloody murderer, and for any manifestation of war there immediately planted i think that shortly after the presidential elections, the gulag torture machine will resume its work in full force. in november 2022, the sbu reported suspicion of this traitor. according to the investigation materials, it is moroz who carries out the so-called state control over educational institutions in the skadovsky district, organizes and supervises the conduct of russian propaganda events by them. no problem, soon moroz will be organizing events in our prison, where knowledge of the ukrainian language and literature will be needed. no dead brother, no suspicion from the sbu, nothing could stop yuri kovalev from the russian mandate. this shallow official was able to slip into the rashiska kherson regional council. these two traitors were within earshot of the first full-scale invasion. the younger kovalev was a people's deputy from the 186th district after the occupation.
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remained in the city and cooperated with the russians. a year and a half ago, he was killed in a bare pier. his older brother, yuriy kovalev, was a deputy of the kherson regional council. after the full-scale invasion, he headed a state-owned enterprise in the kherson region and also cooperated with the occupiers, for which he received a suspicion from the sbu in the fall of 2023. but such unpleasant little things did not bother yuri. he was engaged in more important matters, became a deputy. with the support of united russia, with the support of our president in the 24th year , only development and prosperity awaits the kherson region, and all social institutions will be provided with everything. and when he received a cherished mandate, becoming the head of a fake agrarian committee. the issue of reregistration of land plots is being discussed, because they have full rights after re-registering according to the rules of the russian
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federation, receive all. yuriy kovalov re-registered his company under russian law at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. among the enterprises is a local agricultural holding, which this year transported almost 35 tons of stolen ukrainian grain to russia for a total amount of uah 140 million. in addition, the seller's companies are actively supplying food rations to russian soldiers at russian checkpoints in the occupied part of the region. i feel that walking with inflated things... and kovalev's mandate not long left, his younger brother was already waiting for him in hell. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about kremi sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine and for your attention. news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the legion of free russia continues to maintain the village of tyotkine in kursk region. this is reported by the legion of free russia itself. despite the fact that the authorities of the kurt region have strictly prohibited the distribution of photos and videos of shelling, airstrikes and combat operations in the region. let me remind you that a massive attack on the border regions of the kursk region began today.


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