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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EET

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nothing was canceled there, that the european parliament voted to criminalize the circumvention of european union sanctions to work with russia, what does this mean, how difficult was this decision, was there any opposition and from whom, well, apart from some parliamentarians of some countries, i will not even mention them , i guess for some reason, please, it is actually very good that there was practically no opposition, and the vote was very successful, more than 500 deputies voted in favor. and this directive is a law of the european union, it is not just a resolution of the european parliament that declares something and there are no real consequences, this is the approval of the directive of the european union, the european law, which will be uniform for all european states, regarding the fact that from now on , the violation of the sanctions established by the european union, and primarily this concerns the sanctions against the russian federation, will be considered, for now, every state of the european union has its own... authority in this
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regard considers certain types of circumvention of sanctions, for example, criminal, certain types of circumvention of sanctions, this is an administrative offense, some other types of violation of sanctions are not considered a violation at all, and this is how the russians find loopholes in order to purchase goods on the territory of the european union, which they then use in the war against ukraine, and there is even such a thing, as the deputies said during the debate here, there is the rule of finding a convenient court, when, for example, some company that wants to trade with russia, it looks in which state of the european union this type of activity is not a crime and in general, it may not have any sanctions, punishment, and works through that state, and in this way sanctions worth billions of euros are circumvented, and from now on, it means that any fact of circumventing sanctions will be considered a criminal offense, and the heads of the relevant... horses will
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receive criminal liability and imprisonment for up to 5 years in all the states of the european union, and also , for example, large fines will be unified for companies, which will be received by all relevant companies, that is, a very interesting, cool directive, and what is important, that the type of these same sanctions include goods of double purpose, these are goods that can be used both in normal civilian production and in the defense industry , and for the european union, these are, for example, the same chips, microcircuits that can be used for the production of missiles, for the production of precision weapons, or, for example, some machines that can be used at russian defense enterprises, or the same, for example, spare parts for civil aviation, but yes, these same spare parts, they can also be used for military aviation, that is, there are a lot such goods that can be used.
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in the defense industry, and from now on trading them with russia will be considered a criminal offense, and moreover, the directive clearly states that even if the absence of criminal intent is proven, that is, some company supplied some microchips, some russian company, and then they hop and arose have already appeared somewhere at a defense enterprise, the managers of this company will still be subject to criminal liability, which is very important today. it is important here who it is europol, who should be involved, i just don't know all the financial structures there, some kind of problem, who should be involved in monitoring this, well, for example, of course there is certain information from, well, intelligence structures, some people just happen to be there information, a missile fell, let's say in kyiv and was shot down, for example an enemy one, they disassembled the missile, they show that in this missile there are swiss, relatively speaking, german, french.
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american, well, america is not interesting here, well, it is not in the european union, but the countries of the european union, and here are their components of the 23rd year, whether there is already after the adoption of this decision, and here it is also important, whether what was sold before the adoption of the decision, whether the law here has retroactive effect or not, again, who should monitor it, who is that, and again, oil to circumvent sanctions, this is also an important question, which ones are bought in... the countries of the european union, by the way, this is a really interesting question, will the law have the opposite effect, because so far from what has been made public, uh, there is no specific indication of how this or that mechanism will work, because in fact, no considering that today the european parliament voted in favor of this directive, it still needs to be approved by the council of the european union, and that will happen literally in the next few weeks, and after that the final text of the directive will be made public and will be
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published in the official journal of the european union and after that through it will take effect in 20 days, that is , it will be possible to talk more clearly about it sometime, but for now we have that information. which, which we have, which sounded during the debate in the european parliament, but, for example, what is interesting is the fact that each country of the european union , after the directive enters into force, has only one year to implement it into national law, so let's hope that very, very soon this directive will work, well, although it is a year in terms of war for a very long time, but we hope that the states will show one more. there is one more question for you, well, today, i understand that it happened today, in the russian federation nakylim was summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs, the ambassador, well, she is a woman of switzerland, the swiss confederation, due to the decision of the lower swiss parliament there
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of the upper chamber, first the lower , then the upper approved, and with regard to russian assets, the fact that there are interest or taxes on assets or interest on assets, well, actually not the body of assets themselves, but still they will be transferred to russia, and we separate ukraine. and we understand that these assets in swiss banks are , of course, the private funds of the russian elite, they are not some funds that are conditional on some russia somewhere, and this is why such tension immediately arose and they said that if you do this, then there will be such and such actions, and generally you sorry, but what to do next with this, with these assets , is this issue being discussed, are they thinking about how to solve it, and here it is important that switzerland, as they say, does not back down, i believe that the swiss will not back down, but also how do you explain such, such fear and concern, let's say so, from the russian federation, somewhere there, after all, they have already found an egg with a needle in it, or not? by the way, a very apt question, because it is this directive that was voted today that allows for the complete confiscation of certain
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types of russian assets, and precisely it is not about the assets of the central bank, but about the activist of individuals, so it is quite possible that it is connected precisely with what was voted. today by the directive, because if it is proven that the assets of a certain person are involved in the circumvention of sanctions, then this is already established as a criminal offense, and the money can be confiscated, and it was discussed today in the hall of the european parliament that this is one of the mechanisms full confiscation of certain, in some cases, russian funds, and another reason why today the russians could worry, this is the meeting of ecofin, the meeting of the ministers of economy and finance in brussels. which took place today, and there was also discussion of the confiscation of russian assets, as well as the confiscation of income from these assets, and in particular, today the european commissioner valdis dombrovskis said that we have legal clarity on this issue, that is, some
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big step forward was made during today's meeting in brussels, and now the discussion has shifted to the use of russian assets for the benefit of ukraine. already on the level of the member states, and this is not yet official information, but it is possible that somewhere before july, in july and a little further, we will receive some first funds from these assets, and in particular, for example, ursola honelen said that the frozen russian assets, in including , first of all, the income from them can be used for the purchase of weapons for ukraine, which would be a very noble use of them. thank you very much, tatyana, for your comments, for your work and for explaining everything in such detail. and fahona vysotska, our correspondent in structures, executive and legislative bodies authorities of the european union from strasbourg, where today the european parliament defined the circumvention of european union sanctions on cooperation with russia as a criminal offense, now not only there
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will be some harassment, such unpleasant harassment that , well, no, prison, well, of course, there are courts, we understand that , but in principle in the perspective of prison, and i think that today ... will cool the heads of some capitalists, you know, as karl marx wrote in capital that if a capitalist or a bourgeois can make a profit of 300%, he does not think about his own mother , not about honor, no on conscience and ready to go to any crime in order to get a profit of 300%, but i think that russia paid more and to many people, may have blown the roof, and he was ready to go to any crime, i hope that this warning, it will happen, and russian money will not be such an attractive, attractive prospect, because the unattractive prospect of prison, even in europe, i think, will still be a cold shower, and i am for and caution, but in any case, thank you to the european deputies for this important decision in the confrontation with the aggressor country, and now about the war, in more detail, serhiy sgurets,
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director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, congratulations , good evening, please, good evening, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk about combat operations in the russian border. about the most massive strikes by our drones on russian critical infrastructure and about where we should look for internal reserves in the war with russia, because mobilization is not only about increase. the number of attack aircraft for attack or defense, more on that in a moment. today in the morning the war came quite powerfully on the territory of russia. ukrainian drones struck the largest -scale attack on 10 regions of russia and oil refineries, and quite effectively. and suspect. units of the legion of freedom of russia, the russian volunteer corps and the siberian battalion, which are fighting
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in the battle of ukraine. on march 12, they crossed the ukrainian-russian border and entered the territory of the kursk and belgorod regions. later, the legion of freedom of russia published an appeal in which the military stated that they not only dream of freedom from putin's dictatorship russia, and are making every effort to implement. realize your dream. the legion is going to the elections, so wait for you - said the russian military. the siberian battalion also shared a video from the scene of the events. this, by the way, is such a new combat structure, it was known about it for the first time, and the soldiers of this siberian battalion say that it is better to vote with a weapon caliber in the elections. let's listen to a little quote from these soldiers. guys, there is nothing to vote on the ballot, let's vote with the caliber 7.62,
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5.66, which is available, join the siberian battalion, guys, not with this, we see such an emotional video from the russians. citizens, then the legion of freedom of russia published two more new videos, it was already somewhere in the day, in which it was clear that the situation in the village of tyotkino is developing in favor of these units, it was said that tyotkino of the kurdish region is completely under the control of the russian liberation forces. putin's army, as it was emphasized, is rapidly leaving the village, leaving positions behind and abandoning heavy equipment. and there was a video, really from the chotkino course. region and this confirms that the hostilities on the russian -ukraine border continue and will continue for some
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time, because according to the scheme it looks like traditional raiding operations, which are carried out by units relying primarily on their own strength and capabilities, that is, what you come there with, you fight, usually this process takes place from three days to a week, while, as it was in the past. let me remind you that a similar raid was carried out by russian volunteers last year somewhere from june 1 to 5, again there was no such effective countermeasures on the part of the russian army on these parts of the border, although in their media, the russians, the russian army has already declared such a victory, it was said that as many as 100 people of the enemy's manpower were destroyed, six tanks, sau, caesar, i don't know where they found these caesars. 20 units of combat armored vehicles, and of course this is a lie, because there are no photos and videos. at the same time,
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the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, which actually supervises the actions of all units formed from citizens of other states, which are fighting the enemy on the territory of ukraine, rather reservedly commented on these events in russia, it was said by the spokesman of gur that it is about citizens of the russian federation and... these structures on the territory of russia act autonomously and independently, fulfilling their socio-political tasks. after all, they are at home, and this is not the first operation of these units on the territory of the russian federation, and now we can only talk about joint special operations of these adjacent units, this is how the main intelligence office commented on this story. so, in any case, this time with the election in russia is not so united, i am sure that this week... units of the russian freedom legion, the russian volunteer corps and the new structure of this siberian battalion will
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continue their attacks on the enemy, and this will be quite such a resonant demonstration of what is really opposed to the movements of putin's regime, which are ready with weapons in their hands to choose a better future for themselves, so that this will also be precisely against the background of the elections of this main russian criminal, and also russian... the story has a continuation related to the fact that today ukrainian drones attacked a number of critical infrastructure facilities in russia in as many as 10 regions, it was true. the largest attack in recent months, however, the most effective was the attack on one of the most powerful oil refineries in russia, luk oil. this plant is located near nizhny novgorod, the distance from the border of ukraine is about 800 km, and ukrainian drones destroyed the most important element of the plant, these are
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the oil processing installations, which are actually the key to this technology. them processes, and how it is reported in russia, the plant has now stopped working, and the company processed 15 million tons of oil per year, which is more than 5% of the total volume of russian refining, these are very high figures, and in addition , other facilities in russia were attacked that night, in particular, an oil depot was hit by a fake there, and as before, it continues. this such a stable concept, the destruction of russian critical infrastructure, and we see that drones have already become much more numerous, and they are capable of performing increasingly complex operations on territory of russia, which actually indicates a certain progress in the creation, production and use of long-range drones of ukrainian
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development. and what's more, in russia itself , a military transport crashed near ivanovo. il-76 plane, whose engine caught fire. up to 15 people were on board this transport plane, and at the moment, in addition to this disaster, the information about the downing of the russian su-27 military plane over the donetsk region is still being verified. andriy yusov, representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, said this that we are waiting for the continuation of these. their good news, so that's how it was for our enemies, which is actually still going on, well, now we 'll talk about other components related to vico with that, already about our realities, because in fact we talked at the beginning about the enemies, and now we have to talk about our reserves, about our things, and first of all about
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what concerns mobilization, because actually mobilization is not only about... increasing the number of personnel, there is an increase in the number of attack aircraft, and this is actually optimal using existing resources, redistributing them when necessary, and achieving better results, and above all, most likely in an asymmetric way, because it is completely illogical and inappropriate to compete with russia in a linear way, either in the number of soldiers or tanks. and now we are joined by pavlo kishkar, he is a major of the armed forces, chief of staff, deputy... of the battalion of the armed forces of ukraine. people's deputy of the eighth convocation. mr. pavle, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. i congratulate you, mr. serhiy. greetings ukraine. we communicate with you quite regularly, and we do now such a main topic, it is precisely the increase in the use of the armed forces, defense forces at the expense of finding internal reserves. and here
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you have a number of directions where it can be found. the strengthening of our armed forces of the military formations, but before that i would like to ask about one such thing, i had one conversation, a long conversation with a senior military leader, just last week, and i asked him about the fact that now there are many scientific structures, military scientific structures exists in ukraine in the armed forces, but at the same time we do not we see such recommendations, regular recommendations. for how to improve the situation on the battlefield, and i would like to ask your opinion about military, scientific institutions, is it not time for these structures to be closer to the battlefield, is it not necessary to introduce some changes in their existence so that they are so, well, scientific support, support for our military leaders, because when we even talk about a new type of military, about unmanned
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systems, we know that now we need to develop a concept of application, support the new leader with new developments, theoretical even developments, but i know that so far it is the same, well, it seems that our scientists do not have enough hands, what do you think about this ? thank you, mr. sergiy for the question, in fact there are a number of scientific tools in the structure of security and defense and the defense forces now, but unfortunately, like all the armed forces, so are our scientific units. they live in peacetime, nothing in their work has changed, fundamentally, that is to say, i am convinced that stress is such a stressful situation. for the country and for the armed forces, for for people, like war, it should shorten processes and reduce everything to responsibility
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tere signature tere, again responsibility, it is desirable that this responsibility serves the effective use of troops, forces and means in order to destroy the enemy, unfortunately, our, our the leading universe... has not become westpoint, i think everyone involved in the training, be it operational-tactical level or strategic level, will agree that it is relative training, moreover, some of the things that are heard from inside the university, look like it is much more important for us to show renovated rooms or toilets than to show the result of the work. of these or other scientific divisions, therefore, in fact , it is not currently a support for either the general committee or those commanders of the upper middle echelon who should
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use and use these tools in the life of the armed forces of ukraine. unfortunately, i say once again, there is no westpoint, there are no drastic changes, we live as we lived during peacetime, well... well, it was important for me to hear your opinion, so what we see here is that you and i agree in our assessment of this situation, and another component is territorial defense, we formed 25-25 brigades, if i am not mistaken, of territorial defense, during the use of hostilities they began to be divided into battalions, they are now in battalions there and fighting at the junctions of combat brigades, they are not in the best condition, they have to perform the same combat tasks and... the question arises, is it not necessary to reload this concept of territorial changeling and find some more correct solutions so that
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there is not only a name, but an effective territorial defense, and if there is no territorial defense, let's herd them into the ground forces, how will we form normal brigades and have at least a normal management system, what do you think of this reason? well, you already said everything in fact. indeed, now teroboron units are such a mobilization reserve for the ground forces, it is no secret that often densely entire units are transferred to combat brigades, so in my opinion beliefs, the structure of territorial defense according to philosophy must cover, especially now the beginnings of its pre-conscription prize. training, starting from the senior grades of the school , vocational and technical education, which should still be given to robotic systems,
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unmanned aviation complexes, and all people who study in prophetic education should come out with appropriate qualifications, whether it is a drone operator , be it a gunner or a human who knows how to use a robotic system. this is apart from what it would be for young people it is interesting, it is also practical, it would increase our mobilization base, and the main territorial defense units can be, they can be, i don’t know the mathematics to the end, because it’s all about money, they can be formed on the basis of territorial communities, i say again, not according to the principle regional, it does not work, we have already checked, it... should be the territorial defense of a specific territorial community, then financial resources, and people, and responsibility coincide in one, and now
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there is no responsibility, accordingly, no one is engaged in this, moreover , structural units, as the same 72nd center in the structure of defense, which was intended for the duty to detect. problems within the units, including the combatants who were on the front line, and to report to the dancer at that time, the commander of the territorial defense forces, did this, after they expressed these shortcomings, the people who headed this center, who were tangential to that told the truth about the situation in the units, they were simply fired, demoted, reduced in positions or transferred to... other units, so i think that the change the command of the territorial defense forces itself structures these things, and the second philosophy should
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be for the development of territorial defense. to do something, to have some vision of how this ground defense will fit even after the end of the war into the general structure of the country's security and defense forces. and mr. pavle, after our last conversation, you said that the right people should be in the right positions, i will then, it seems like a simple phrase, but when in the context of the fact that now general syrskyi has carte blanche from zelenskyi to shift commander brigades, and then the question arises, is there any system, so that the change of brigade commanders or the search for the right people in the right places, was based on some independent evaluation system or some indicators that are decisive, more decisive than loyalty to one or another chief , is it possible to create such a system of advancement along the career ladder in the ukrainian army? that's it away. difficult question,
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first of all, i never thought so, i think that now syrsky will not have the opportunity to make some kind of grading and evaluation system, he will bet on those people he knows, in whom he is confident and who, according to his conviction, can give results and save people and perform combat tasks, so it is necessary to think about it, to develop such systems. necessary, but will it work now, well, it seems unlikely to me, for example, there are many legal restrictions on its capabilities, for example, the promotion of certain people, whether it is a sergeant, or an officer, moreover , there are restrictions and in fact the impossibility of releasing people who abuse
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with alcoholic drinks or drugs... by means, well, well, i was lucky that i had units of people in my units, but these problems are so global, the impossibility of firing, even, well, by law, it means that if you you can't fire, and accordingly, you are busy in the full-time roster, you can't accept anyone, attract anyone to your unit, and such problems, we return to mobilization again. we are conscripting people into the soviet army until this army is voluntary, until mobilization is replaced by recruitment, until we understand that our values , which are based on freedom, do not allow us to be mobilized precisely, that training, knowledge, skill, military is much more important than performance. or someone else's personnel
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centers for their tasks. the tactical problem i have today is engineering, if there were blanks, you find people, they are sent with an engineering education, with a higher engineering education, people who know not only how to use a soldering iron, but also how to write and supplement and expand programs, and how to form networks according to various designs, from different tools, but instead, tsk and personnel centers, including those of the ground forces, decide where these engineers will go. we, as middle-ranking commanders, are ready to take on this, and in fact, she, that responsibility remains on us, for the fulfillment of a combat task, but for some reason, when i want to attract a strong person to my unit, it is between me and... man
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, there are two more structures that are not responsible for anything, well, it can't be, well, well, if i have a responsibility, if i can convince these engineers to come to me and help carry out this combat mission, yes let me take them to myself, why do i need tsc and these and personnel centers, and we are not talking about any general positions, we are talking about ordinary working hands, feet and heads. mr. pavle, thank you very much for the inclusion , i think that we will return to these topics many times, because they are extremely important for the ukrainian army to become, so to speak, not a copy of the soviet one, but a powerful digital new army, which can oppose the enemy's army, which is superior in numbers, and so we must look for something entirely different.


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