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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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in such topics and questions, there should be professional, professional comments, not hype or panic. and now there will be a short pause, then we will return with oleksandr morshchevka, stay with us, do not go far. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves movement. joints with dolgit cream, what do you want, i will lift dolgit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, ask at pharmacies , good day pharmacy and 1sa pharmacy, dolgit cream 100 g with a 20% discount, there are 10% discounts on pectelvan ivy in travel pharmacies for you and savings. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load , urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of femininost. ro helps restore control over
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about money during the war oleksandr morchevka polesandre , good evening, please welcome the audience, thank you vasyl for his word, in the next few minutes you will learn about new payments from the government, and we are also talking about sowing and border blockade, wait for the details in a moment, i am oleksandr morshchevka , congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i will start with hot information, it became known that the cabinet of ministers has... renewed targeted assistance for children who have been granted the status of a member the family of the deceased defender. so, such figures have been determined, for children aged one to 15, the following amount will be established: at least uah 7,800 per child, if there are several children in the family, then uah 6,100. well, these are such fixed amounts, vasyl, i just immediately, well , because there, well, i... i understand very well that every child
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needs, well, at least equal help, and it is clear that if there are two or three children in the family , on the one hand, well, as if it turns out to be more for everyone together, they calculated that 7,800 are certain basic needs, but it turns out if two children, the basic needs are less , well, for two, it’s like 12 00, well, well, i mean , i understand that there is a lack of money, there is everything, but there should be justice here, in fact, two children, i was a half-orphan, well, in soviet times, what can we say, well, we got it. 100 soviet rubles, this is almost a monthly salary, but equality, equality , so absolutely, that is, well, well, but here is such news from the government, and there is news from a topic that i follow in detail here, the poles completely blocked the movement of trucks from ukraine to of poland at points pass of sheghini, yagodin, ughryniv and ustelukh. andrii demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service, reported this. at the crossings of yagodyn and sheghini, the protestors missed the last day. from poland to ukraine, 50 and 30
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cars, respectively, in total there are 1500 trucks in queues on the polish side, most of them opposite the berry checkpoint. according to demchenko. they do not block the korchuva-rakivets direction, but they plan to renew the protest on march 13, there are now about half a thousand trucks. well, by the way, in the ukrainian business in the european one business associations said that because of these blockades, almost 98% of all companies that cross the border and do international business were forced to increase their logistics. expenses, well yes, here it is almost 100% , and plus there is the price of increasing these expenses , here you know, just look at this whole history, firstly, many people have already forgotten where it all started, and secondly, anyway then everything will return to normal and it will be as the european commission tentatively decides there, because this is a global decision for the entire economy
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of the european union, and it will benefit now from this only russia, in fact, this situation , vasyl, affects the spring sowing right now, the ukrainian grain association has already assessed the harvest of this. at the level of slightly more than 76 million tons of grain and oil crops, while the 2023 harvest was higher by as much as 6.5 million tons. improvement or deterioration of these conditions in the spring and summer may make adjustments, experts say. such indicators in the new season are caused by the reduction of sown areas due to low prices on the world market and the improvement of logistics. well, it is clear that here it is about increasing the cost of logistics. due to the blockade of the ukrainian-polish border. well, business owners still hope that there will be no obstacles to the export of food through the black sea and through the danube ports. well, at least two years will be needed for the demining of the right bank kherson oblast. currently
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, sappers have examined a third of the liberated territories, destroyed more than 155 thousand mines, streamers, unexploded shells and other explosives, he noted. oleksandr prokudin region , more than a thousand sappers are working on demining the region, the survey is ongoing fields, 196,000 agricultural plots are currently safe for crops, winter crops are growing on them, or land is already being prepared for sowing. let's listen to the direct speech. farmers have already sown yary barley on square 1, and peas on square 660 ha. this year, the total area of ​​crops is expected at the level of 153,00 ha, which includes spring cereals and grain crops, technical crops, as well as melons, potatoes and vegetables. indeed, despite the war, planting has already begun in
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several regions of ukraine, mostly spring crops. the ministry of agrarian policy says that the championship is still held by odesa. our journalists have prepared a material, they say that... agrarians now place bets mostly on vegetables than on grain. let's see. this territory is part of the state enterprise at the odesa breeding institute of the academy of sciences of ukraine. here they not only store varieties of ukrainian selection, but also actively sell seeds to farmers. a good seed is our independence. we are not waiting for someone to bring us or put them on the border at the border... they couldn't bring the poncho here, we have our own seeds, we sell seeds all over ukraine, even our seeds everywhere. in turkey and bulgaria, where climatic conditions are similar to those of southern ukraine, the company's products are also well known. at the end
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of autumn, local farmers purchased 30 tons of wheat and barley. ukrainian varieties are considered to be of higher quality than foreign counterparts. since autumn , winter wheat and winter crops. at this enterprise , high-quality plant protection products are used, they say that out of uah 12,000 of the cost of a ton of grain, only uah 1,000 is for agrochemicals, so the effectiveness of drugs is more important than economy, however, due to the unstable situation on the... border, the prices of seeds have decreased, farmers are not sure that they will be able to sell the future harvest, so they are increasing the area for vegetables, the area has increased because there is a need, there is a need for vegetables, there is today's demand is increasing, so
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farmers are increasing their acreage and growing all grain or technical crops, well, they won't, even an abnormally dry autumn prevented it. of the planned volume of winter barley and rapeseed. in addition, if the spring will be hot and dry again, there is a possibility that some areas will have to be reseeded. there are stairs. therefore, everything depends on what the weather conditions will be in the future, but at the moment there is still moisture, therefore, but we are still waiting for rain, but we hope that the harvest will be from odesa for the espresso tv channel. well, let's move on. last week , ukrainians received 173 loans for a total amount of over uah 280 million under the ye ostelya program, the ministry of economy reported. as far as this program is, well , maybe such a driving force for activation
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real estate market, not only that, we will talk with our guest, real estate market observer viktoriya bereshchak, joins the conversation, good evening, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the game, mrs. victoria, well , isn’t it that every week the government reports on yeoselya, or does this program actually support the real estate market, which seems to me to be sluggish now, your estimates? in fact, housing is effective for the secondary market, first of all, because if we look at the statistics for the first time, that is, new buildings account for all a few percent, it's a percent below five, it means that having a home is not yet the driver of the primary real estate market, and the developers who actually build, they rely on their financial instruments to encourage the buyer to buy, however, yeosel really has potential. expansion and we have already seen how she, how she managed to restart the market, when
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the program was expanded in august and a larger category of citizens were able to use loans at 7%, and the next stage has already been announced, this is actually an opportunity issue loans for townhouses and cottages, i.e. for their own houses, so the program for this year has potential, let's not forget that there is housing under the new under... the recently adopted bill will be integrated with the state compensation program is recovery, and people , who, conditionally speaking , will receive, will want to receive compensation from the state for destroyed housing, will be able to use this certificate, yes, use this compensation together with the housing program, this can really spoil the primary market, ms. victoria, well, you really mentioned about is restore these are certificates for destroyed property, i was in the frontline regions and
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i was surprised that people, well, of course, life goes on, people have plans for victory, people are building, people are buying apartments not because they have nowhere to live, for example , to expand the family or for the children to leave, who have already grown up, in your opinion, is there insurance for war risks among the development and in general in the industry, maybe the developers somewhere... include it in the price of a square in novobudoy ? uh, let's be honest, the developers weren't ready at first to go for insurance, because they were not familiar with this mechanism, they did not know who to turn to, the market for insurance services is in its infancy, in the new buildings segment it is not super developed, but the situation has changed somewhere around the beginning of the energy terror, that is, in the fall of 2022, in the winter of 2022, on the 23rd, and now there are... indeed a number of companies in ukraine, not only in the kyiv region or in the regions that suffer the most from
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rocket attacks there, meaning, for example, dnipro or odesa, but also in other regions, some companies are going to to insure their facilities against potential war risks, as much as it increases the price of a square meter, i want to say right away that in calculations it is no more than 3-5%, depending on the concept. housing, that is, of course, if we are talking about some segment of the business class or comfort plus, where more expensive materials are used, where more social infrastructure is used, which leads to growth, respectively, of the square meter, yes, this percentage of insurance is a little more expensive there, but the end consumer practically does not feel, instead in the case arrival, which, unfortunately, no one is insured against, the insurer really covers. these risks for the developer and , accordingly, for investors, well, this is good
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news, the market has really adapted and there are prospects, and this reassures consumers and clients. thank you for the conversation, viktoria bereshchak, a real estate market analyst, was in touch, well, this will also be the end of the column about money during the war, i follow the news from the world of money, watch us, there will be more to come. thanks to oleksandr morchyvka for the information about money, and now i invite you to conversations of serhiy rudenko, the verdict program will start at 8 p.m. today, it will definitely be informative and... serhiy, what will be discussed? please. congratulations to vasyl. at 8 p.m. we start our two-hour broadcast. the first part of our program will feature former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine pavlo klimkin and retired british army colonel glen grant. let's talk about the latest events in russia. we know that on the morning of march 12
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, russian volunteers entered the territory of the russian federation in bilhorodsk and kursk regions. and some of these volunteers are still driving battle on the territory of the russian federation. what is the activity of russian volunteers connected with, how will it affect the presidential elections, more precisely , putin's election, which will be held on march 17 in russia, because russian volunteers say that they will fight for their right to choose another person. and of course, let's talk with pavel klimkin about... the situation in europe, how europe is trying to consolidate and prepare for a possible offensive or a possible conflict with the russian federation, let's not forget the topic of pope francis , who called on ukraine to raise the white flag and
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start peace talks with russia, in a word , many different topics, many... different aspects of international politics, especially those related to military aid to ukraine, retired colonel of the british army glen grant will comment on the situation with european security in the context of donald trump's recent statements that if he comes to power in the united states of america, he will treat the north differently. atlantic alliance , and as orbán tells us, he will stop aid to ukraine in order for peace to reign on the territory of ukraine as soon as possible, well, to put it simply, to cut off the supply of weapons to us, what do glen grant and pavlo klimkin think about it literally in 13 minutes, in an hour we
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will have in the second studio people's deputies of ukraine, ivanna klympush-sinsadze, andriy osadchuk and oleksandr. we will talk in detail about how the world reacts and whether it reacts and whether it reacts sufficiently to the aggressive policy of the kremlin and how it should react in this situation, well, of course, about the frozen assets of the russian federation, and how these frozen assets can work for the ukrainian economy and the ukrainian army, all this will be in the second part of our program, so we start in 12 minutes. stay with us, then the big evening of vasyl winter continues. vasyl, you have a word. thank you, serhiy, so at 20 the verdict program, well, we continue, and now, unfortunately, unfortunately, there is sad and tragic information from kryvyi rih, and the head of the military administration oleksandr vilkul writes that as a result of an enemy missile hitting the missiles ,
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there are at least three hits in the crooked corner, you now see it on video, including. a direct hit to a nine-story building, there are dead and wounded among civilians, the state emergency service has workers putting out fires, an ambulance is working, and also here to help people , one is deployed to the east, well, who is there in the crooked corner now can hear us sees, then join near the atb from 8:00 p.m., you can go there for issues of resettlement, building materials, to close broken windows and any other issues, more than 30 victims have already been admitted to hospitals kryvyi rih, five... in the operating room and among them a child is being monitored, we are also monitoring sympathy and pain, so putin can only take revenge for effective military actions against russia, hitting civilians, unfortunately. lina chechenina is with us, she will continue the topic of oscar, but , unfortunately, with a scandalous undertone, lin , please, have a word, good evening, good evening, vasyl, well, after such tragic
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news, yet another, well, just the news is very touching before that, because it is about... 20 days in mariupol, this tape was cut from abbreviated international version of this ceremony, what is treason, what is not treason, i will explain in just a few seconds. so, i think you've already heard the news because it continues to unfold. the fact is that this year i commented on this ceremony. when we sat down to re-record this abbreviated international version, we found that the moment where our crew, the crew of the film 27 days in mariupol about... when they were coming out and the director's speech was cut out of that ceremony, well i'll say that the whole is already running day in social networks, i will try to explain, well
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, this is the moment, and what is the international abbreviated version, this is the version that the people who organize the oscars then distribute to tv channels, and well, because people cannot watch four or five hours of the whole thing what was at this ceremony, it was all... it was live there for more than four hours, if you take the red carpet, then even more, and that's why such abbreviated versions are sent out, and usually more than half of the various nominations are cut out of them and leave only that these are the most important ones that were written about the most, and the situation is simply that last year public culture also broadcast this ceremony, and as you remember, the award was won there by the film navalny, and with a shortened version... the exit of the film crew and the speech of yulia navalnya, the wife of this russian politician, was not cut, it was left, and therefore the management of public culture decided
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to send a letter to disney, the organizer, with a request to explain why this happened in general , well, in general, we do not remember whether they were cut from abbreviated version earlier this category is the best full-length documentary, but in each case if not cut. then why did they cut 20 days, if they were cut constantly, then why did they then make an exception for the film navalny, i will try to explain, there are such options, but now i will tell you how the events unfolded, after social culture sent a letter, we received a response from disney, although their answer was to the request of the voice of america, the ukrainian service, they explained, in fact, that due to time constraints, they are issuing such a short version, well, what did we know anyway. and explained that the categories that will be kept , that will be cut, were agreed upon, some two or three weeks before the ceremony, and well, in the end, not everyone
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was satisfied with it, and the national council for television and radio broadcasting, and they also wrote their appeal, it this was quite politically correct, diplomatically written, that i will remind you that disney was one of those, it seems , seven companies that immediately after... a large-scale invasion left the russian film market, and all films, for example, disney in russia are shown illegally, they are stolen tape, but under all these references , the representatives of the national council noted that it was very strange for them that such a significant film was still cut, and they said that this is an ongoing struggle for democracy and the theme of ukraine, it should be heard, and therefore it's quite strange that they cut out exactly... this exit of the journalists and the speech of mstislav chernov, they also asked disney to re-edit this
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international short version and still include 20 days in mariupol in the next ones, although of course i doubt it, that it is technically possible now i'll tell you briefly the reasons, i very much doubt that the reason for this is political, i think there is a high probability that it just seemed to the directors or authors that... this category is not as important this year as, for example, it was last year the category where the award was won by the film navalnyi, these are my thoughts, well, this only shows that we need to talk more about our culture, more about ukraine and more, well, even demand something from different people with the help of letters and other actions. if those people who carved this ceremony for participation of mseslav chernov and his team experienced even a minute
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of what the people of mariupol and slav chernov himself experienced in the first days of the week of these battles, they would not have done it, but for this this film was made, so that billions of people around the world could see it, the crimes of russia, the crimes of russia, and the heroism of the ukrainian people. i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, i'll remind you not to miss the 20th verdict, and now the weather forecast, who should we expect from the heavenly office, tomorrow, let's listen and watch together. meteorological hello to all, our dear viewers, we are with you we continue the column dedicated to the upcoming world day of the meteorologist, which is celebrated on march 23, and this column is called meteorological stations of kyiv region. and today we will talk about the capital's weather station and, as always, some stories and various interesting facts. so, regular meteorological observations
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have begun in kyiv. in may 1855, well, since the organization of the own mythological observatory at the university, now the shevchenko university, these observations were made four times a day, a break in work station was during the second world war, the first director of the observatory was professor of physics of kyiv university, ernest knoor. in 1981, the metro station was from the university. taken to the south of kyiv and placed in the building of the aerological station on nauky avenue, where it is still located, the second interruption in the work of the stations lasted during the full-scale invasion of the russian aggressor into ukraine from february 25 to march 5 , 2022. most meteorological parameters are measured using sensors, temperature, humidity, pressure, etc. now on five meteorologists and eight
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aerologists work at the station. well, it is clear that aerological sounding of the atmosphere has been stopped in connection with the work of anti-aircraft defense, this is the kyiv metropolitan weather station, and the data we often hear is precisely from it. once again , i would like to thank the borys sreznevsky central geophysical observatory for assisting in the preparation of this material. we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. tomorrow is expected to be relatively calm. situation, there are no powerful or even moderate magnetic storms is expected, so let's move on to the weather forecast for the next day on march 13, and march is winding down, although the weather sometimes turns around and reminds us of the near winter, but we don't forget that the astronomical spring is on march 22-23, so for now it's still sleet, he probably thinks so, has the right to fall, so
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tomorrow we have rain and sleet in the west of ukraine , slight pluses at night, +3-+7° in transcarpathia up to +11 in the afternoon, cloudy weather will prevail in the north of ukraine, if precipitation is likely, then in some places it is small, at night the air temperature will be from 0 to 4° of frost, during the day +3 -6°. in the east of ukraine, it will be cloudy tomorrow, with precipitation in some places, the air temperature is +3, but this is a slight minus during the day and at night. in the central part of ukraine, the weather will also not be too comfortable, directly, let's say, rain, sleet, the air temperature during the day will fluctuate only within 2-5 degrees of heat, at night a slight minus. in the southern part of ukraine, since it will be warmer there, +6 +10°, in the crimea even up to +15, the precipitation will naturally be in the form of rain, and in kyiv, in the capital for...
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tomorrow, march 13, the weather is expected to be cloudy, there is a chance of small precipitation, but nothing significant, after all, the atmosphere will most likely be limited to dense cloudiness over the capital, at night 0 minus 2, during the day +3 +4°, do not worry, do not worry about snow, on weekends in most regions of ukraine will warm to comfortable values. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and ours victory today in the program. fierce fighting on the territory of russia, the rebels took control
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of the border. populated areas. how will rebel raids affect putin's election? ring exchange. germany may give taurus missiles to britain, and in return will strengthen ukraine with a new batch of storm shadow. will the replacement be equivalent? accession to the eu is delayed. approval of the negotiating framework may be delayed for several months. who stands in the way of ukraine to the european union. we talk about this and other things during the next hour with the politician, diplomat , former minister of foreign affairs, retired ukrainian of the british army, glen grant, in an hour , literally in an hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, andriy osachuk, oleksandr mereshko and ivanna klympush tsinsadze, on our air, but before starting our big conversation today , take a look.


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