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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EET

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who the union, although it happened in such a tragic way, and this actually means that the very logic, the very strategy of such negotiations will be different, that we will have to agree, and if we cannot do this, then such emotional things as the border, they will be repeated with greater and greater power, and it is very important for us to understand, in general, the concept of how the european union will approach the reform of the common agricultural policy and those sectors that are critically sensitive for the economy of ukraine, so i do not want to encourage anyone and to say that we will solve it there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it should be, we have our own clear strategic framework, what and when we do, we also have to... understand that we need
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to look for different ways for our exports, it is clear that under during the war, we are very limited here, but nevertheless, the sea is absolutely critical for us, as you well understand, and our successes there at sea and in terms of the use of complex drones, and in many other areas, they are for our economic stability and for our economic security. this is a megacritical story, that's how it really is looks like, but i'm sure we'll reach , uh, we'll reach a compromise, how much it will meet our wishes, how much it won't, generate some kind of betrayal in society, we'll see, that is, this compromise will definitely not be easy, but it definitely does not have to be on the terms... on the terms of the polish side, it should
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be a balanced decision. today , the european commission is to present the negotiating framework for ukraine's accession to the eu, and approval may take several months, but for now , european commissioner for enlargement oliver vargei proposes to recognize as completed only 24 steps of ukraine on the way to the eu. what, what does that mean? this means that we will have two more points. finalize, or the european commission can disagree with european commissioner oliver varghey and still recognize the four points that have been fulfilled and accordingly propose this negotiating framework that you mentioned? well , these are actually not completely interconnected things, the approval of this framework, it is a difficult political story before the european elections, and now to package it, how it is... will
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look very difficult, and for the european this is a story for the union in general, but how to actually start negotiations with a belligerent country, that is even with a belligerent country with a nuclear weapon, like russia, so far the political will for this in general is there, but there is no understanding, political understanding, if you will, so far, yes that the detention, the approval of this framework, is also a desire there a little... and to understand where the situation will come in a few months and to survive the european elections, so that no one, especially the right to european elections, will not use the approval of this framework, well, not really , so that the story is very pleasant for us, but it has sense, and clinging and making hooks, as the hungarian commissar does, is actually a story of one kind, that is... we
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will still carry out the things that the negotiators will demand from us, but we will hang them as hooks for some other things, yes this is european politics, we understand it, but that's not how it works, that is, we need to see a broader perspective, and it is certainly not bad for us, but nevertheless it is simple, thank you, mr. pavle, for the conversation, it was pavlo klimkin, politician, diplomat, former minister of... border affairs of ukraine. friends, we we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. today, during the broadcast , we are conducting a survey. today we ask you about the following: are the raids of russian rebels on the territory of the russian federation bringing our victory closer? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, and if you have your own opinion, write in the comments on youtube under this video what you think. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think these... russian volunteer raids on
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the territory of russia help us defeat the russians 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 380. all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have a retired colonel of the british army , military expert glen grant. mr. colonel, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, thank you. colonel, it has been announced in warsaw that there are 300,000 nato troops on high alert for... redeployment to poland on the case of armed aggression against the country, this was announced by the deputy chief of the general staff of poland, karol dymanowski, at the same time , the president of the united states of america stated that there is no need for additional troops of the united states of america in poland, and there is no
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need to expand this contingent, at least this was the information before the visit of polish president andrzej duda to washington. in your opinion, is there now a need to increase the number of military nato countries in poland, taking into account the threats assessed by representatives of european states from russia? no, we have enough troops on high alert and we have to remember that if we continue to move soldiers, it will mean that people will be far from their homes, it will mean that they will not pass routine training, they will just sit like that, ready and waiting. we understand that america and the united states,
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they have huge capacities to provide reserves. of course, we also understand how powerful nato's capabilities are, and i am sure. that, for example, the military planes can be transferred to positions very quickly, but not people, because people are exhausted in this way, being far from their families, they lose, unfortunately, their competences, but we understand that the threat has increased so much. colonel, how likely is it that vladimir putin could start a conflict, i don't mean a war, a conflict with... some country that is part of the north atlantic alliance solely for the sake of one thing: to sit down at the negotiating table with nato and prove that vladimir putin is not negotiating with ukraine, but putin is negotiating with nato about
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some kind of coexistence on the european continent? you mentioned so many things here. firstly, there is no such thing as an attack on one of the member countries, if he attacks such a country and a nato member, it means that he is launching an attack against the entire alliance, that is, we understand that nato is on the ground, in the sea, in the sky , after all, there is a huge quantitative advantage, this is, firstly, secondly, there is no such chance, in general, an opportunity to disconnect, that is to say, shift the focus from europe, or somehow disconnect europe, the european union and sho, of course, putin must withdraw his
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troops from ukraine, this is the only way, in connection with which nato will go to negotiations? the administration of the president of the united states of america at the end of 2022 was developing a response plan if putin uses nuclear weapons in ukraine, the new york times wrote about it. administration officials said the united states' response would have to be non-nuclear, but they quickly added that it would have to be some sort of dramatic response, perhaps even a conventional strike against units that launched nuclear weapons, or they risk encouraging. not just russian dictator putin, but any other authoritarian leader with a nuclear arsenal, large or small. moscow did not, in any way, not comment on this information, but what, what could be the warning from
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the united states of america, except that there could be a conventional strike on the launchers that launch nuclear weapons, or could they? washington has much more to say to putin. first, there were already warnings. we expect that russia will do something, we said clearly both from the side of the usa and from on the part of other countries, after all, it has been since 2014, which ruled out any nuclear attack, and we know that there were even talks with the president of china on this issue, if putin decides to go ahead with a nuclear ... strike, he understands, what will happen in response, we know
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that it will be a real collapse for russia, the fact is that the usa has so many different types of weapons, they don't even have to dare to use nuclear weapons, they have really a lot of soldiers who are ready are ready to intervene, or with the use of other types of conventional. if he will dare to take such a radical step , he will simply sign his own death sentence, because the people who are in putin's circle, whose children are now in europe, in america, they have real estate there, of course, they do not want their entire future to be simply destroyed through putinsky. that is, to put it simply, putin can be killed, but not allow a nuclear war?
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yes, i think so, if not to kill, then somehow eliminate, i don't know, some psychiatric clinic, for example, yes, we, it is a very radical step to use a nucleus, but we understand that the entire network. putin, they are not ready for this, they understand what the chain reaction will be, putin is playing this way now, and let him continue bluffing, he knows clearly what will happen if he takes such a step. colonel, over the past few months we have been watching the federal chancellor of germany, olaf scholz , try to... convince him that he should provide ukraine with long-range taurus missiles.
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there was even an appeal to the bundestag regarding the transfer, the possible transfer of tauruses to ukraine. the chancellor of germany said that he did not want to not to create any misleading expectations, therefore once again confirms the impossibility of transferring taurus missiles to ukraine. let's hear what scholz said. as for one weapon system, given its effectiveness and method of application, i believe that it cannot be used without control, but the participation of the german military is not justified, even from outside the borders of ukraine. my clear position on this issue is that the use of these missiles is unjustified. my task, as chancellor, as head of government, is to express myself precisely and not to create any misleading expectations. and mine answers respectively are clear. colonel, what is scholz afraid of?
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it must be remembered, yes, that he represents left-wing politicians, and left-wing politicians, they very often intertwined their relationship with russia, they wanted to believe that russia... is a good partner, that is, his party has never had a pro-american orientation , to say that he is talking nonsense now , i will say so, because not to use such missiles, it only increases the chances that this conflict can reach germany, and i think, unfortunately, he cannot think about all this at the same time and sleep peacefully like that, because... he says, on the one hand, we have to fight with russia, and on the other hand, he says that we cannot
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provide ukraine with the necessary weapons in order to she beat russia and it doesn't make sense, it's some kind of nonsense, i don't know how he can even sleep at night expressing such ideas. against this background, the head of the british foreign ministry, david cameron , last week declared his readiness to work closely with german partners to help ukraine, in particular, he did not rule out possibilities of ring exchange. berlin transfers tourus missiles to london, and london sends another batch of storm shadows to ukraine , german foreign minister anna lena berbock does not rule out such a possibility either. and let's hear what ms. burbock said. ring exchange is a german invention so to speak, it would be an option and we have already done it with other equipment some time ago. well, that is, germany wants to shift the responsibility, colonel, to great britain, although
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great britain is already helping, providing important aid to ukraine. yes, of course, the position of great britain is quite clear, we gave what, we give, and we gave, we will give what we can. yes, in the past and now, when we talk about support for ukraine, great britain plays a leading role. we just use financial resources to buy weapons from other countries and transfer those weapons to ukraine, but of course, everyone understands that no one can defeat a country like russia, if only one weapon is at your disposal, of course we act and diplomatically, and
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financially, we are trying to convince germany to hand over these missiles. ukraine is in great need of such missiles, people, civilians and soldiers die because of it, that is , if you do not provide such missiles, then they just have a passive participation in the killings. mr. colonel, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said in an interview with the french tv channel bfm tv that the situation at the front is now improving in ukraine. let's listen to what president zelensky said. this situation is much better than the last three months, that is, with us there were some difficulties due to the lack of artillery projectiles, long range, blocking the sky and the large number and density of drones, the russian federation, we
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worked very well on the russian aviation, we have now leveled... the situation in the east, russia's advance has been stopped. mr. colonel, against this background, the director of the cia, william burns , stated that ukraine can regain the offensive initiative in late 2024 and early 2025, provided that the congress and the senate of the united states of america restore funding to ukraine. if... united states america will not restore this funding, or this funding will be delayed, how does this threaten ukraine, and, accordingly, western europe? actually, it's a very complicated question, and the answer is quite difficult to find, because it all
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depends on many different variables, because russia is actually throwing everything into the crucible of war right now. what she has, she is trying to show it as such a political bonus before the elections in russia, that is why it is such a positive signal for them, because the ukrainians pushed out of avdiyivka, for example, at the moment it is quite difficult to do certain judgments or forecasts, what will be the suspension of the russian offensive, zelenskyi definitely. is right to put it that way, but we know that the ukrainian armed forces are also exhausted, and so how long this pause will last, i do not know at the moment, but i am sure that russia will look until it finds some weak spot, some weak point along the whole line front, and then it will start
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hitting there, of course, it is very difficult for the armed forces of ukraine now, very... difficult to prepare soldiers for another counteroffensive, even if they will have the necessary weapons and ammunition from the us, they , they still need to be trained, they need to be trained, because what happened last year, yes, the soldiers, the military, they were not prepared for what they faced and suffered huge losses, if, but, if they don't get that... it won't go far. over the past month, french president emmanuel macron has hinted several times in different interpretations. about the fact that the french army or french army troops may sooner or later end up on the territory of ukraine, this caused an immediate reaction, a big reaction in the kremlin, you
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allow the possibility that individual countries of the north atlantic alliance can send small contingents to the territory of ukraine if necessary. well, there is no sense now in sending such small legions and the like on the part of individual states, that is, if there is still a decision to send their military to ukraine, then it is necessary to do it on an appropriate scale, on a large scale. yes, macron wants to put himself somehow, you know , in such a light that he... is the leader of a in europe, after all, putin has somehow now receded into the shadows, he is now playing the role of a villain, he is now trying to put pressure on scholz as well, i also
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want to say that he says sensible things, he has been preparing his military for a year for such a development of events, why the british, german . or french troops, why should they prepare for such a scenario, because we have already talked about the fact that if there is a certain attack on one of the nato countries, then it is necessary to really put the troops in a high state of readiness, send these troops from france, for example, a larger contingent of troops on the territory of ukraine, or would that mean? that russia, having, for example, retaliated against france, simply started a war with the entire north atlantic alliance, because there is point five, but these troops, does
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this agreement on the north atlantic alliance allow us to avoid this? this is a very good question. so far, russia has taken on a lot of bad initiatives, they work a lot in the media space, they want to undermine trust, put top representatives of the highest political level in a bad light establishment, they are trying to intimidate georgia, the baltic countries, moldova, and what did france do? france tried to transfer all this threat to russia itself, to russia, and so putin now has to think whether he
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wants to take this war game of his to another level, i think that putin will not do it, and even if there are french troops in ukraine , despite this, he will not dare to do anything more, because for him it is a great danger. mr. colonel, today the russian public. russian media write about that the ministry of defense of great britain publishes footage of tests of a classified laser weapon, long range, the video shows the use of a laser against static targets and a dry test on the range, do you know what this weapon is and how much it is in such that it will help in ... to hit russian, including equipment, if it is tested in ukraine. yes, there are
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open sources that provide specific announcements, specifically about this laser weapon, which works against missiles, against military aircraft, and that's it. this has been known for a long time, after all a lot of countries have been testing something like this for 25 years, and therefore, if such weapons are really at the proper level now, then good luck, use them, we will see what happens, because so far i have not heard that such tests have really been successful, but i read about the fact that several countries, yes, they are just... looking for exactly such systems in order to disable satellites, but if there are already such conversations, it means that
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such a thing will be invented in the future. colonel, at the american institute for the study of war assume that the russian defense-industrial base will inevitably face a shortage of manpower, a reduction in stocks, including due to sanctions, so its capabilities will not be sustainable in the medium and long term . do you think russia will have enough time to recover at the current pace of hostilities? or create new types of weapons and be at some level? there are a lot of different discussions, especially when it comes to heavy weapons, they can no longer produce in sufficient quantities, or even cannot make specific
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spare parts and generally heavy. and all this is precisely the consequence of sanctions. one of my friends who has connections in russia claims that the people who work in the factories in russia can be called, i don't know, some young ladies from the village who do not know what they are doing there at all, that is, they have unskilled personnel, they already lack, accordingly, the weapons they make do not match. standards, when we talk about sanctions, there are countries, there are countries, switzerland in particular, for example, and others that just violating the sanctions, certain companies , there are companies all over europe that are defying these sanctions that are sending russia what it needs using third countries, to armenia, azerbaijan, for example, so i think russia really has a big the potential
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is that... it manages to get what it needs using other countries, but unfortunately, getting these parts, they just don't have the specialists, then turn all that iron into proper equipment, combat equipment. we know that russia was successful along, they had real specialists, but now we see. as far as they are and that is why they will continue in this, they are improving the means of radio electronic warfare, they have specialists for this. thank you colonel, for speaking to you, this was llen grant, a retired colonel of the british army, a military expert, friends, we are live on the channel and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, we are conducting a survey, today we ask you
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about such as whether the raider is approaching our victory. russian rebels on the territory of russia federations, let's look at the interim results of the poll, we don't have the interim results of the telecast, but on youtube 72% are so close to our victory, these raids, 28% no, you see the phone numbers now on the screen, we will hold the results of the full vote in the second part of our program , which will begin after the bbc release, in 15 minutes , people's deputies of ukraine, ivanna klynpush tsintsadze, andriy osadchuk and oleksandr mereshko will be in our studio. let's talk about everything, about the world and ukraine, about the european commission, about the raids of russian volunteers on the territory of the russian federation, do not miss this broadcast, stay with us.
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moscow announces the most massive drone attack on russian regions since the beginning of the war in ukraine, in one of the regions there are victims, and all this is on the eve of the presidential elections, so why now, we are talking about this for the next 15 minutes in the studio in london dzaferov. but let's start with a message from ukraine. russian forces launched a missile attack on kryvyi rih, due to a direct hit on a nine-story residential building and other places, three people were killed and at least 36 injured, of them seven children. oleksandr vilkul from the military administration of the city reported that in kryvyi rih there was still...


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