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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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moscow announces the most massive drone attack in the regions of russia, since the beginning of the war in ukraine, in one of the regions there are victims, and all this is on the eve of the presidential... elections, so why are we talking about it now for the next 15 minutes in the studio in london dzaferov. but let's start with the message from ukraine: russian forces launched a missile attack on the crooked corner, due to a direct hit on a nine-story residential building and other places, three people were killed and at least 36 injured, including seven children. oleksandr vilkul from the military city ​​administration reported that there were at least three more hits in kryvyi rih, and
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president volodymyr zelenskyi expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and added that the search will continue as long as necessary. and on the night of march 12, the authorities of nine russian regions immediately reported drone strikes, in the morning the ministry of defense of russia announced that during the night russian air defense destroyed and intercepted 25 ukrainian drones, but in the afternoon they named another figure over. drones attacked russia, says the ministry of defense russian federation officially, the ukrainian authorities do not confirm involvement in such attacks, but also do not deny which regions of russia are involved. the message says that seven drones were destroyed over the belgorod region, 11 over another kursk region, for example, two drones each over the moskovskaya and orlov regions. one drone was shot down in bryansk, leningrad and tula regions. and at the same time, the ministry of defense of the russian federation does not
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mention the attack on the refinery in the nizhny novgorod region, which the governor of the region wrote about, so there may be more attacks than moscow's official figures. where did the drones end up and on what scale lesions? a power transmission line was damaged in the belgorod region. the city's mayor later added that one of the drones crashed into the city's administrative building, injuring two people. the governor of oryol region , andriy klychkov, reported on the fall. drone on one of the facilities of the fuel and energy complex in the city. local residents published photos showing a powerful fire, the area of ​​which, according to the authorities, was 100 m2. the fire has already been extinguished, the drone attacked another oil refinery in nizhnegorodskaya oblast, there was a fire, which was also extinguished, and the lukoil company, which owns this refinery , announced the suspension of the technological installation, in connection with the incident in moscow, the mayor of the city serhiy
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sobyanin says that the destruction and there are no victims. and in the rest of the regions, only the destruction of drones was reported. in addition to drone attacks , other hostilities broke out on the territory of russia today. soldiers of the legion of freedom of russia, rdk and the siberian battalion, which are russian volunteers who take part in hostilities on the side of ukraine, reported about the fact that they entered the border territory of russia. russian z-block. reported a shooting battle in the kurdish region near the border with ukraine. in other reports , the bjellgrad region is mentioned. the bbc cannot verify the veracity of these claims, but the russian side has confirmed the facts of the attack. let 's hear what one of the legion fighters had to say about this attack. and we first of all turn to the international. first of all, we appeal to the international community not to recognize vladimir putin as legitimate. that's why we are
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we divert the attention of the armed forces of the russian federation to ourselves, because they could send these reserves to the occupied territories of ukraine, to the zaporozhye direction, and so on. the election, as we know, is only at the end of the week, so there is still a lot of work to do, and the most interesting things are yet to come. about the elections, which the fighter mentioned. legion a little later, and we will talk more about the drone attack with military expert oleksandr kovalenko. congratulations, alexander. the ukrainian authorities do not take responsibility, but sources in the security forces said earlier bbc ukraine that the sbu and gur are behind such attacks. how do you think such an attack was possible? this attack was primarily made possible because the border with ukraine on the russian side is not sufficiently protected,
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let's say it as it is, without any pathos or exaggeration, the russians do not have enough resources to cover up. border strip, despite the fact that three groups of troops were formed with the border in ukraine, namely groups for the defense of the border strip, bryansk, bilhorod, kursk, and in fact they as of today, they cannot fully cover the entire border line. lanes, therefore both the rdk and the legion can effectively enter the territory of the russian federation and carry out their activities. yes, you mentioned the rdk, but if we return to the topic of drones, you said that the russians do not have enough resources to protect
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the border, but ukraine did not take responsibility, but it is interesting whether ukraine has the military potential for drones in particular, for such attacks ? and in order to... destroy the russian military infrastructure on on the territory of russia, we have already repeatedly seen that it was the air component that was used, drones with combat units, we can call them kamikaze drones, for example, which were directed to destroy, for example, some objects on airfields, the same fighters, or strategic aviation, reconnaissance aircraft, ah, attacks on... oil refining enterprises, which were officially recognized by representatives of the ukrainian special services, that indeed, these attacks are carried out by one or another power structure, and they are completely legal, because all these oil refineries, they are directly
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related to the provision of fuel and bridging materials to the russian occupation group, so there is indeed such a possibility, most of the areas that ... russia, the ministry of defense of russia declared, are more or less near or near the ukrainian border , however, we are talking about the nizhny novgorod region and the leningrad region, how powerful should these drones be in order to overcome such a distance, and today we can say that the functionality of air weapons, drones in of ukraine, it can reach the distance. flight up to 1000 km, and it is within this range that we can say that all objects that are somehow connected with the russian military infrastructure are at risk, and on the other hand, another question arises regarding the power of combat units of these drones,
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but the most important thing here is that depending on a sufficiently accurate, well-targeted point-of-care attack on one or the other... an enterprise can be dealt enough damage to bring that enterprise to a standstill, either completely or was forced to stop for long-term repairs, and the latest strikes that were made against russian enterprises, they were precisely aimed at the most vulnerable parts, the facilities at these enterprises, which stopped their work, and i want to ask very briefly about the ... attack to russia these volunteer legions of russians, how do such local attacks help ukrainian forces at the front, in general, what is the purpose of such attacks? and first of all, they disorganize the russian command, the system of commanding the troops, they cannot act in a coordinated manner in the face of a threat to the very
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territory of the russian federation, that is, to plan offensive actions, but there is another aspect, it is the aspect of forming future conditions for the creation of a demilitarized zone. already on the territory of the russian federation itself. thank you, oleksandr kovalenko, a military expert, was in touch with us. thank you. and how do the russian mass media comment on the drone attacks and the operation of volunteer units in the regions bordering ukraine, and is it possible to talk about changes in public opinion in russia? we are talking about this with the editor of the russia department in the service bbc monitoring vitaly shevchenko. congratulations, this is how the russian government explains itself. explosions and airstrikes to the population, in particular , such as today in nine regions at once, you know, they do not particularly explain, but they do not silence in the news, i just watched the beginning of the news program on the channel
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russia-1, one of the main releases news in russia, and there this news goes right at the very beginning, and... well, this is a typical approach, they do not explain, but tell in great detail how the residents of these regions suffered from the attack, so-called ukrainian bo. kiv and a terrorist attack took place, which the russians heroically repelled, and this is the approach they use, well, almost always, when it comes to drone attacks, that is, they lead their viewers and listeners to think that look how aggressive ukraine is, how russia needs to defend itself from ukrainian attacks and precisely... that is why we launched a special military operation, well
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, you say that they are letting their audience down, in general, is it possible to draw conclusions about some kind of change in public sentiment in the urf from the monitoring of russian forces, for example, falling support for putin or even russia's war against ukraine? you can't, i also looked at russian polls today. to what extent they can be trusted, and it follows from them that until now the main, main source of news for the majority of russians is the very state russian television, which tells them about terrorist attacks in ukraine, and this, despite the fact that, in principle, until now even from russia , you can read real news both on social networks and er... on independent russian websites that are currently operating abroad, but russians
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they still prefer, well , frankly speaking, propaganda, and this is what makes me think that such tectonic shifts in the perception of the war in russia, unfortunately, did not happen, so in your opinion, even the time of these attacks is somehow possible. .. but to influence the voting in the russian presidential elections, which should be held already this week? and i think no, given how tightly the kremlin controls this election process in general, if you can call it that, then they will vote when they need to vote, and these attacks are unlikely. will influence the decisions made by the residents of these regions, of course, they
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may be somewhat afraid to go vote, but what i heard on russian television, everything is fine, everything is under control, go vote. they call to vote, but in general, whether there are any forms of protest among russians and ukrainians in the occupied territories who do not want to participate in these elections, some will examine. do these elections even outline the staging? well, at the moment there is no, we all heard that in the widow of oleksii navalny yulia, she called on those who supported her husband to go to religious polling stations at noon on sunday, and just be there , vote if you want, don't want to, don't vote, just be there, that's the whole form of protest about... that , what is happening in the temporarily occupied territories, last friday i spoke
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with the governor of the zaporizhzhia region, ivan fedorov, i will actually ask him about it, he says that if people come to you with sirens and assault rifles, then in principle the choice is small, you can be forced to vote, he said it's not a form collaboration with the occupier if you want to save your life and the health of your voice. unfortunately, there is not enough, there is not enough time for us to listen. thank you, vitaly shevchenko was in touch with us. so, on tuesday night, the authorities of nine russian regions immediately reported drone strikes, and the governors of the oryol and nizhny novgorod regions confirmed that fires at enterprises had started as a result of drone strikes. this attack may be the most massive drone attack during the war in ukraine. and that's all for today. more stories on our website, and we are on the air tomorrow, take care.
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congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, today in the program. first of all, the cessation of aggression. the vatican has finally set priorities on the diplomatic path to peace in ukraine. why are ukrainians pushed to surrender? freezing of russian assets. switzerland took the first steps. who can become the locomotive of the confiscation of the money of the criminal regime?
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the overthrow of the dictatorship. russian volunteers came to putin's election with weapons. what is the benefit? bring rebel raids on the territory of russia. we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: are the raids of russian rebels on the territory of the russian federation bringing our victory closer? yes, no, everything is quite simple in youtube. if you are watching us on tv, please take your smartphone. or phone and vote if you think raids russian rebels on the territory of russia are bringing our victory closer 0.800 211 381, no 0 800 211382 calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, they are people's
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deputies of ukraine ivana klympush tsinsadze, head of the committee of the verkhovna rada on ukraine's integration into the european union. mrs. ivana, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening. oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy of ukraine from sluga of the people, head of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you and thank you for taking the time to join our broadcast. good evening, thank you for the invitation. andrii osachuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice faction, first deputy chairman of the committee on law enforcement activities of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. i congratulate you, mr. andriy. thank you for being with us today, good evening, well, since we are asking our tv viewers and viewers what they think about the raids of russian rebels on territory of the russian federation, which happened both today and in the past, i will ask you the same question, ladies and gentlemen, as i ask our viewers, whether
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the raids of russian rebels on the territory of the russian federation are bringing our victory closer. mrs. ivana, let's start with you, with you. you know, i believe that any transfer of hostilities in this war to enemy territory is a positive for our future victory, and just like these drone attacks on oil refineries, on absolutely legitimate military targets, and such actions of the russian volunteer legion on the territory of the russian federation. they will definitely force the russian federation to disperse its military capabilities in order to protect its own territory and , accordingly, will withdraw a certain resource from ukraine, so i believe that yes, such things one hundred percent add, well, arguments,
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let's say, military arguments. in a-a so that we would still be able to ensure the defeat of our enemy. thank you, mr. andrii, do such raids bring our victory closer? well, you know me i think that everything is quite obvious here, i actually completely agree with vanna's rhetoric, because any military damage inflicted on the russian federation, any military losses of the russian federation, any resources they need to divert from ukrainian. front, they certainly contribute to the success of the ukrainian armed forces. the only thing, of course, that interests us all is the scale and volume of such activities against the putin regime, formations from citizens of the russian federation, and i think that this is precisely the direction that they
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should develop, because all these endless conferences of russian liberals, who constantly... beat water in the mortar, this is all of course, maybe they are very interested, but probably the only option, how they can really fight for the status of good russians, is if they finance such armed formations as much as possible and take direct participation in such armed formations and forays into the territory of the russian federation, which will naturally accelerate the end of the regime. thank you, mr. andriy, mr. oleksandr, do you think such raids bring our victory closer? in order to win the war, it is necessary to conduct combat operations, not only to defend oneself on one's own territory, but also to conduct combat operations on the territory of the enemy, on the territory of the enemy. this is... of course important, so these raids definitely bring ukraine's victory closer. at the same time, i would also like to emphasize that these raids are politically and symbolically important on the eve of the quasi or
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pseudo elections in russia, because they clearly demonstrate to the world and the russian population that putin is unable to guarantee the safety of his citizens on territory of russia, and that's it well, such a small victory. to say, thank you, mr. oleksandr, this morning the fighters of the russian volunteer corps of the freedom of russia, the siberian battalion, entered the territory of the russian federation, took control of tyotkino, this is the kursk region. oleksiy baranovskyi, a volunteer of the russian freedom legion, confirmed that rebel units continue to control this settlement in the region, which is close to the sumy region. near bilopilly, the russian army is now retreating, let's hear what he said. the armed forces of russia are not
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expected breakthroughs in those areas of the border where they occurred. let's see how the situation will develop. it's literally the first day, and the election is at the end of the week. there is still a lot of work to do, and the most interesting things are ahead. we have plan a, plan b, plan c. let's see how things develop. we have many more surprises in zagashnik. some of them have already passed through gusenytsy, but we still have a lot in store. let's see how things will develop. well, it must be said right away that these are russian volunteers, that these are people who are citizens of the russian federation who entered on the territory of their state and demand or fight. as they say, with the dictatorship of vladimir putin. mrs. ivano, literally in 5 days russia will hold putin's election, because it's not a presidential election, it's an inauguration, i don't
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know, another coronation, putin. in your opinion, given the circumstances under which these elections are taking place, including in the occupied territories of ukraine, how is the kremlin conducting this campaign? there are sufficient grounds for the world community, that is to say, not even ukraine, the world community, did not recognize the legitimacy of putin, is there such a possibility? in my opinion, it is clear that the world community should not recognize, well , at least the democratic world community should not recognize the legitimacy of the head of the russian federation after these pseudo-elections, in particular because these elections will be held in... the occupied territories, which the russian federation, contrary to international law, has declared as its territories, which, on which
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forced passporting of ukrainian citizens takes place, on which again forced passporting takes place efforts to bring ukrainian citizens to the polling stations and present it as elections on russian territory is... the first, but at the same time, we also already have a decision of the same parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, which speaks not only about these violations by the russian federation, and about those changes to the constitution of the russian federation, which now allow us to once again, let's call it, be assigned to putin, as they are again. is the president of the russian federation, which also contradicts any principles of law and changes in power and changes, changes in approaches that
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should take place in a country that, well , somehow claims to be recognized as a country with some legal adequate regime, so there are other additional reasons why these elections should not be recognized and should would not give ... legitimacy to the russian dictator, and for the next, this is his self-determined term, at the same time, you and i, well, we are unlikely to see such a systematic disagreement, or a systematic non-recognition of various countries of the free world, including, well, these here is the appointment of the president russian federation. i think that actually, due to the fact that there are no international observers, international observers,
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the election itself. the process will not be perceived as acceptable in any way, but at the same time , you and i will not see what the countries there will say, no, this is not a valid head of the russian federation, i think that this should not be expected. thank you, mr. andrii, but what is the threat to the world of such an ostrich policy, because it is clear that what putin is doing, it is clear that putin is killing ukrainians, that he is destroying the ukrainian state. what is he trying to do to usurp power for full power in russia , it is clear that he is a dictator, an autocrat, and there are no elections there, so silence, or let's say, some kind of slow, careful criticism of what is happening in russia, and as a consequence and recognition of putin's powers , but how does it threaten the world? well, look, there's a pretty clear explanation for that,
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on the one hand, there's no... argument to justify the legitimacy of putin's reassignment that will take place this weekend, first of all, because this reassignment will take place in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. if there were no temporarily occupied territories there, it would be a completely different story. and now it is absolutely obvious, brutal, not just destruction, destruction and trampling into the swamp of international law that was being formed. since the end of the second world war, therefore, of course, by all formal signs , no one will claim the legitimacy of vladimir putin, but again, the realities of the world are complex, and so, as of today, i have long said that for sure the biggest, or one of the biggest problems of the great war in ukraine is the lack of a common vision of the west, the future of russia,
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there is none and... accordingly, so that we don’t talk about our ambitions to destroy the russian regime there, but such rhetoric is not actually heard from the key countries and nato and the g7, while everyone in one way or another keeps somewhere in their bosom different plans for the political end of the war, in fact, one way or another in the history of people, after all, wars are not ended by the military, but wars are always ended by politicians in the form of... documents that are very, very different. and in view of such a perspective, of course, neither the leadership of the united states nor the european union would like to put themselves in a situation where if they have to agree on something with russia there in a year, two, three, five, then they will to negotiate with a person whom they themselves will recognize as illegitimate would be contrary to the very
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idea. of such a potential agreement, therefore there is such a double situation here that on the one hand everyone understands that international law has been destroyed and the recognition of putin is not legitimate president is absolutely unacceptable, on the other hand, everyone is thinking about some plans to end this terrible conflict in the middle of europe, and therefore i agree with ivanna that most likely they will behave quite discreetly, sir? alexander, the lack of a vision of the future of russia , what to do with russia, isn’t this a sign of equality , that the world does not know what, what to do with everyone on this planet earth, well, relatively speaking, what they, they do not know how they want to see one's future, because the lack of vision of what to do with russia means not to understand or not to know what is ahead of them, well
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, very big... we really do not see any concrete and coherent strategy from the west in relation to russia, to its future. it seems to me that here we can recall the words of mark twain, who said that history does not repeat itself, but it rhymes, that is, we see that history, in a certain sense , repeats itself in the soviet union, that is, it is about the fact that then the connection took place. states, as the leader of the western democratic world, tried to avoid the disintegration of the soviet union, they they were afraid, they explained by what might arise, for example, the issue related to nuclear weapons, that is, they were also afraid of this, and perhaps now history is repeating itself in this regard, and therefore they do not have a clear strategy, but we must remember , that the disintegration of russia, its decline,


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