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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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our values ​​and the ukrainian point of view. stay tuned for the updated espresso and thank you for your trust. good evening. we are from ukraine. russians are fighting russians on the territory of the russian federation, which is happening in tytkino and its surroundings. formations entered other regions of the russian federation, he did not arrive, what happened to the russian il-76 plane in the ivanovo region, were there really too important officers there for the russian aviation, and the help from the united states of america, which we will receive in the near future, about we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes, my name is vasyl zeman, this is the big ether program, and i and my constant and wonderful colleagues have prepared for you a lot of important things that we will
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voice, and of course respond to all those actual events that are just now developing, but in particular in the border areas of ukraine on the territory of the russian federation , we will monitor and inform. let's start with the announcement of the collection. the espresso tv channel calls to join the gathering in bagi for the evacuation of the wounded and the transportation of combat kits, as well as for the car and trench rebbe for the 12th separate special forces unit. our defenders destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day, this is a gathering to... can save human lives and increase the effectiveness of the unit, so join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which our army restrains the aggressor and sharpens the sword with which our army mercilessly cuts down this aggressor. our goal is uah 480,000, i will see how much we have already collected, we are doing well, join us, support us and we will do it as soon as possible. we will start the situation in sumy oblast, where the enemy dropped aerial bombs today, well, let's also talk about... the situation on
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the border with sumy region in the kursk region of the russian federation, where hostilities continue, and the russian army is fleeing for some reason. viktor babarenko, expert of the bureau of policy analysis , mr. viktor, i congratulate you, good health to you, it is still interesting, tyotkino has not yet been renamed to titchyne, such a wonderful ukrainian word is titchyne from the word titka, ta, but we are starting, and we will now move on to this topic, but let's start with the news that is unfortunately so unpleasant. the enemy struck an air strike attack on sumy oblast, well, the information was that a large family was injured, two children and one adult were injured, maybe something changed in the evening, well, i hope that luckily there were no victims, but please, yes, let us fly to the velikopysariv community, well, what do we have, well , so far i don't have any other information, just like you, i'm not there now, although i was in that community not so long ago. well, it comes to them
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from time to time, people have gotten used to it, not only that, it really shakes me sometimes, well, if it shakes, what about the children in the five-kilometer zone were almost evicted, although again not all of them, there are many parents who are protesting there, they don't want to be evicted, but they are trying to evict them from the five-kilometer zone, and we have another 20-kilometer zone , this is a zone, well , if a five-kilometer zone is a zone of impression by mortar systems. that a detachment came there, unloaded, fired a few shots, moved, tomorrow they are shooting at another populated place, in fact for them this is an opportunity for such a kind of training, that is, you can imagine the cynicism, yes, that is, they they learn by shooting, well, before , that is, how it happens, they have, for example, some injured part of the brigade, which was torn somewhere under the bugledar, there under the kupyansk radio station... yes, it is brought
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here for redeployment, it is replenished here, and they undergo coordination here yes , that is, there are some new fighters, of which, well, there are conditionally 150 left, 50 of them are still there, 100 new fighters are being added, veterans are training young people , yes, and they are training there, for example , to use mines, mortar calculations , they are just training if on... on residents of nearby communities in sumy oblast, 18 of them from the 51st, the arta also shoots, they try to shoot back at the arta, it is up to 20 km away, and the new pilots of kaba, yes, they also train not on the front line, but how to teach a young pilot, well, for now, practice in sumy oblast, throw it wherever you want, yes, know how to go there, drop it there 40 km from the front line. and
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go to the airfield there, everything is so that there are no take-offs and landings, and the lieutenant was trained several times, and then he already flies to perform tasks in a more similar city, that is, it is some kind of... front, it is clear that the front is not the one we imagined there, as in the ato zone, it was conditionally in some, well, after debaltsev, and there in the 16th, 17th, 18th year , it's hotter here, it's definitely hotter here, people suffer more here, but people are used to it, i say that despite all this, well, in the communities there, 70% of the pre-war children remain, there, whoever wanted, he moved in, there the students, of course, have already... of the danes age all left, but many who returned, or did not run away, they are sitting there with their children and single people, well, i am not i know, this is the choice of people, sometimes it is very strange to me, but as for tyotkino, so that we know that this entire hlushkov district
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of the russian federation, suja, hlushkovo, tyotkino, these are all-ukrainian villages that once belonged to the sumy slobitsky regiment, was so suzhanska. and my aunt's, and suja and glushkova - these hundred cities, well aunt's no , suja, the hundredth town of the sumy-slobitsk regiment, you can see it there, suja is a little to the east of aunt's, to the south a little to the east, and near aunt's rezhilk, i was there, well i was there several times in my life, it was a paradise for smugglers, why, because it was until the 14th year, and from rezhivkino. in fact, ryzhivka ends and aunts begin, even the last houses of ryzhivka, they are in the russian federation, so you can pass and not see how you moved from ukraine to russia, well, it was like that, well, conditionally there in zero, yes, when i am there i have been there several times, we took ethnographic expeditions there
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so that our philologists could study ukrainian philology there, yes, look, there are also ukrainians living on the territory of the russian federation, they... sing the same songs, cook the same borscht, drink the same moonshine, and they don't marry russians, what about my aunt's sejm, and through the sejm there are already russian villages and russians, russian ethnic russians live there too they did not intermarry with each other, well, maybe in the last generation, but until, let's say , until the middle of the 20th century, they definitely did not marry each other. well, how different were they, by the way, they just understand that ukrainians and russians are different, very different, and now, well, i don't know how russian the volunteer corps went in, but they report on what the aunt took, but i’m still joking that now
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a referendum should be held there, and on behalf of nutkin, they can hold a referendum on behalf of the entire kursk region, like them, they don’t they took zaporizhzhia, they took melitopol, and on behalf of melitopol there they said: "oh, the entire zaporizhzhia region is a holy russian land, so we could hold a referendum at 3:00 p.m., at 4:00 p.m. how he was once with us, forgot how his would wave their hand, everyone would press the buttons, and that's it, the kursk, belgorod region is part of ukraine, we could act like that, so that we would be like the russians, but..." fortunately, or perhaps, in this case, unfortunately , we are not russians, we must behave in a civilized manner and respect international law and internationally recognized borders, that is why it is the business of the russian volunteer corps to liberate the russian
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federation, russians, russian rubyats of russians, how was pkazat one literally one second, so you know what, what. .. a russian from the russian volunteer corps, that's how they have it the russians take the cities, first level them to the ground, and then they say, oh, this is the russian city of mariupol, or severodonetsk, or bakhmud, or avdeevka, well, that is, the ruins are declared a russian city, then the russian volunteer corps takes tetkino and there is no destruction there, no murders , there is no buche, that is, everything is as it should be, that is, the russians, who are fighting for ukraine, gained civilization from us. and they fight like a civilized army, that is, without killing civilians and without total devastation, but i’m only here, well, we still have three minutes, i important, it is necessary to explain to our citizens , listeners, or viewers, and the logic, you know
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, people say, but why, well, there are such, well, i just always read all the social networks, posts , and there and everything must be discussed in order to explain to people, because keeping silent is also wrong. why this circus, we went in, then we will leave , it would be better if there was something, or it would be better there, but there, and why are you doing this, well, first of all, it is done by the russians, i say so right away, there and, ah.. . but what is the importance here, especially before putin's election, which he wanted to hold under so to speak, the sound of fanfare from avdiyivka captured by the russians, the russians captured avdiyivka , relatively speaking, maybe they wanted more work there, but also berdichi and everything and to capture karlivka, i don’t know, but well, here it turns out that it’s not the sound of fanfare, and the sound of the disgrace of the madman will be heard, please, why it is important or not important, i don’t know, well, no, it is on... extremely important, because again in the same tetkino, elections will not be held, there is no one
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will vote for putin, well, i think that now they will find all the strength to fight back, push us, well, let's say, our allies, our allies from the russian volunteer corps, but this is extremely important, this is the answer, well, in fact, this, well, as the leader of the rdk, he is the same today, when they came in, they distributed a video that... this is how they participate in the russian elections, and that their choice is not putin's russia, that there is another russia, and it's good that they showed it, that's good in itself, well, if any of the two are in russia, and not on the territory of ukraine, then that's already good, and and this is indicative, that is, now all of russia is boiling, and this too, well, it is good in any way, so... that is, there is nothing bad for us here, although some people say, well, now they can
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push a stack of sums there, well, theoretically they can expand the front in this way, but theoretically, i want to assure, well, first of all , my countrymen and and all those who are there in order for them to strengthen there and transfer one, two or three brigades here and make a kind of storm fist, conditionally there are thousands in... well , imagine how much it is necessary to take somewhere and somewhere to take these echelons and transfer them and we live in the 21st century, the war of the 21st century is a war without of military secrets, that is, to send them a battalion or a battalion of 21 tanks, yes, there is a russian state, and they need 20, well, 20 tanks , yes, this is already an echelon, and they also need cars to deliver them, they have to do something plus themselves... let the people themselves down, plus let them down
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at least a few ammunitions there, i.e. one battalion to transfer, that’s already several echelons , imagine how much it is to transfer several brigades, how is it possible , our satellite named after the shelter will even notice it, plus the allies will tell us as soon as this grouping will be to accumulate for us, the first thing that the cia will tell about it, misest, massad and so on, and so on, there and... even the romanian security guard will tell, well, budanov has ears and eyes there, that is , plus some moscow stirlitz, who works there for pinyons, for za za for bucks for the washington opcom, he will also pass and in this simple way we will know from 10 sources that they are preparing to go there for money from the judge, for example, yes, okay, we will know and we'll meet them, that is, they can't do it from scratch, only we can from scratch they don't have such satellite, well, satellite capabilities, and that's why we could
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bring the russian volunteer corps there, they went to tetotkino there, so that we don't have any illusions, it's clear that they won't reach glushkov, even more so they won't reach kursk, the more they will not repeat prigozhin's doubles, they will be ousted, in one day or two they will be ousted, but still they can say that we disrupted the elections, well, at least in some part of the territory of the russian federation. for emotions, for professionalism and for objective information viktor bobarenko from sumy oblast, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis, reports that two children and an adult have been wounded in the shelling of sumy oblast, but this information is the last, fortunately, there are no casualties, fortunately, but the enemy hit the community of sumy oblast with these mortars. now we will leave sumy oblast, move, as they say, to european oblast and... we will talk with tatiana vysotska, who today, this is our correspondent, who observed
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the work of the european parliament today, and will tell us live from strasbourg. tatyana, congratulations to you, congratulations to vasyl, congratulations from strasbourg from the boulevards of the european parliament, i'll come up briefly, i know that you will say everything yourself, well, but still , an important decision was made today, if i understood everything correctly, nothing was canceled there, that the european parliament voted for... criminalization of sanctions evasion of the european union to work with russia , what does this mean, how difficult was this decision, was there any opposition and from whom, well, except for some... comments from some countries, i won't even have them, i guess for some reason, please, actually very fine the fact that there was practically no opposition, and the vote was very successful, more than 500 deputies voted in favor, and this directive is a law of the european union, it is not just a resolution of the european parliament that declares something and has no real consequences, it is an approval
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of a directive of the european union, the european the law, which will be uniform for all european states. e regarding the fact that from now on the violation of sanctions established by the european union, and primarily this concerns sanctions against the russian federation, will be considered a criminal offense, and therefore it is very important that at the moment each state of the european union has its own legislation on this matter, certain types of circumvention of sanctions, for example, are considered criminal, certain types of circumvention of sanctions are an administrative offense, some other types of violation of sanctions in general . is not considered a violation, and thus the russians find loopholes in order to purchase goods on the territory of the european union, which they then use in the war against ukraine, and there is even such a thing as deputies here during the debate, they said that there is a rule for finding a convenient court, when, for example, a
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company that wants to trade with russia, it looks in which state of the european... union this type of activity is not a crime, and in general it may not have any sanctions and works through that state and in this way circumvent sanctions worth billions of euros, and from now on, it means that any fact of circumventing sanctions will be considered a criminal offense, and the heads of the relevant companies will receive criminal liability and imprisonment for up to five years in all states of the european union, and also, for example, as for companies , large fines will be unified, which will be received by all relevant companies, that is, a very interesting, cool directive, and what is important is that the type of these same sanctions includes dual- purpose goods, these are goods that can be used both in ordinary civilian production and in the defense industry,
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and in the case of the european union, these are, for example, the same chips, microcircuits that can be used for the production of missiles, for the production of precision weapons, or for example, some machines that can be used at defense enterprises of russia, or the same, for example, spare parts for civil aviation, but yes, these same spare parts, they can also be used for military aviation, that is, there are a lot of such goods that can be used in defenders, and from now on their trade with russia will be considered a criminal offense, and moreover, the directive clearly states that even if it is proven that there is no criminal... that is, some company supplied some microchips to some russian company, and then they originated somewhere, they already appeared somewhere at a defense enterprise, the managers of this company will still be subject to criminal liability, but if a very important initiative was voted today, it is important here who is europol,
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who should be involved, i just i don't know what kind of financial structures there are, who should be in charge of monitoring it, well , for example, of course there is certain information from, well, intelligence structures, some people are just there with information that a rocket has fallen, let's say in kyiv and shot down, for example, the enemy, disassembled the rocket , they show, in this rocket, the swiss , relatively speaking, german, french, american, well, america is not interesting here, well, it is not in the european union, here are the countries of the european union, and here are their components in the 23rd year, or right after the adoption of this decision. and here it is also important whether what was sold before the decision was made, whether the law here has retroactive effect or not, again, who should monitor it, who is that, and again, oil to circumvent sanctions, that’s it that's also an important question, right? which are bought in the countries of the european union, by the way, it is a really interesting question whether
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the law will have a retroactive effect, because so far from what has been made public, there is no specific indication of how this... this mechanism will work, so that in fact, despite the fact that the european parliament voted in favor of this directive today, it still has to be approved by the council of the european union, and that will happen literally in the next few weeks, and after that the final text of the directive will be made public and will be published in the official journal of the european union and after that, it will come into force in 20 days, that is, it will be possible to talk about it more clearly at some point, for now, here we have... the information that we have, which was heard during the debate in the european parliament, but for example, that it's interesting that every state of the european union, after ...
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another question for you, well, today, i understand that this happened today in the russian federation , the ambassador was summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs. a woman of switzerland, the swiss confederation, due to the decision of the swiss parliament there, the lower upper first the lower chamber, then the upper one approved regarding russian assets, the fact that there are interest or taxes on these assets or interest on assets, well, actually, not the body of assets themselves, but they will still be transferred to russia , and we to ukraine, and we understand that these assets in swiss banks are mainly the private funds of the russian elite, they are not some conditional funds of some russia, and that is why it is immediately so on... if you do this, there will be such and such actions, and in general you you will regret it, but what to do with this, with these assets, is this issue being discussed, are they thinking about how
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to solve it, and here it is important that switzerland, as they say, does not give up, i believe that the swiss will not give up, but how do you explain such fear and concern, let's say with on the part of the russian federation, have they found an egg with a koscheev needle somewhere there, or not yet? by the way, a very apt question, because it is this directive, which was voted today, that makes it possible for the complete confiscation of certain types of russian assets, and it is precisely not about the assets of the central bank, but about the assets of individuals individuals, so it is quite possible that this is connected precisely with the directive voted today, because if it is proven that the assets of a certain person are involved in the circumvention of sanctions, then this is already established as a criminal offense, and the money can be confiscated. it was discussed today in the hall of the european parliament that this is one of the mechanisms for the complete confiscation of certain, in some cases, russian funds, and another
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reason why russians could be worried today is the ecofin meeting, the meeting of the ministers of economy and finance in brussels, which took place today, and there was also discussed the issue of the confiscation of russian assets, as well as the confiscation of income from these assets, and in particular today the european commissioner. dombrovskis said that we have legal clarity on this issue, that is, some big step forward was made during today's meeting in brussels, and now the discussion of the very use of russian assets for the benefit of ukraine has already moved to the level of member states, and this is not yet official information. but perhaps somewhere before july, in july and a little further, we will receive some first ones funds from these assets, and in particular, for example, ursula fonden said that frozen russian assets, including, first of all, the income from them can be used to purchase weapons for ukraine, which would be a very noble
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use of them. thank you very much, tatyana, for your comments, for your work and for the fact that everything was explained in such a detailed and professional manner, tena vysotska, our correspondent in the structures, executive legislative bodies of the european union from strasbourg, where the european parliament recognized today. bypassing european union sanctions on cooperation with russia criminal crimes , now not only there will be some arrests, there will be such unpleasant arrests that, well, no, prison, well, of course there are courts, we understand that, but in principle, in the perspective of prison, and i think that today it will cool the heads of some capitalists, you know how karl marx wrote in capital that if a capitalist or a bourgeois can get a profit of 300%, he does not think about his mother, honor or ... his conscience is ready to commit any crime in order to get a profit of 300%, and i think that russia paid more, and many people may have demolished the roof and he was ready to commit any crime. i hope that
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this warning will come to pass, and russian money will not be such an attractive, not such an attractive prospect, because the unattractive prospect of prison, even in europe, i think, will still be a cold shower and for and caution, but in any by the way, i thank the european deputies for this is an important decision in the confrontation with the aggressor country. and now about the war, in more detail, serhii sgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the daily military summaries column. sergey, congratulations, good evening please good evening, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today , in our column, we will talk about combat operations on the russian border, about the most massive strikes by our drones on russian critical infrastructure, and about where we should look for internal reserves in the war with russia, because mobilization is not only about... increasing the number of attack aircraft for offense or defense, more on that in a moment. damn stairs.
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united by football, together with... stronger. this morning , the war came quite powerfully on the territory of russia. ukrainian drones struck 10 regions of russia and oil refineries in the largest scale, and quite effectively. and the units of the legion of freedom of russia, the russian volunteer corps and the siberian battalion, which are fighting. on the side of ukraine, on march 12, they crossed the ukrainian-russian border and entered the territory of the kursk and belgorod regions. later, the russian freedom legion issued a statement in which the military stated that they not only dream of liberating russia from putin's dictatorship, but also make every effort to realize their dream. the legion is going to the elections, so wait for you - said the russian
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troops. the siberian battalion also shared a video from the scene of the events, by the way, this is such a new combat structure, it became known about it for the first time, and the soldiers of this siberian battalion say that it is better to vote with a weapon caliber in the elections. let's listen to a little quote from these soldiers. guys, there is nothing to vote on the ballot, let's vote with the caliber of all points. 62 5.66, which is, join the siberian battalion, guys, not with this, we see such an emotional video from russian citizens, then the legion of freedom of russia published two more new videos, it was already somewhere in the day, on which it was
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visible. that the situation in the village of tiotkino is developing in favor of these units, was it is said that the tyotkino-kurt region is completely under the control of the russian liberation forces. putin's army, as it was emphasized, is rapidly leaving the village, leaving positions behind and abandoning heavy equipment. and there was a video indeed from the tyotkino-kursk region, and this confirms that the hostilities on the russian border with ukraine continue and will continue. continue for a certain time, because according to the scheme, it looks like traditional raid actions, which are carried out by units relying primarily on their own strength and capabilities, that is, what they came there with, that's what you fight for, usually this process takes place from three days to a week, at the same time, as was the case with the last raid, let me remind you that a similar raid was carried out by russian volunteers last year somewhere from the first to
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the fifth... june again there is no such


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