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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EET

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but there is an even greater feeling that the war must be on the territory of the russian federation, and that the russian regime will not be able to transfer it to our territory, and the further it goes, the greater will be the scale, logic and, in fact, the depth of this response. but at the same time, unfortunately, i have to disappoint those who hope that all these stories. and will affect putin's election, i don't know if it is a presidential election in the classical sense, probably not, but putin's election, of course yes, there i think that almost everything has already been planned, and at least for these days they definitely keep everything under control there, so this story is unlikely to set off an unstable wave. on the days of the elections and after the elections
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, but strategically, of course, this is a story that gives many russians the understanding that the war, in fact, is not only somewhere out there, it is here, and this, in my opinion, is the meaning of what is happening, but considering the scale of this raid, the fact that russian volunteers entered. to the territory of the kursk and belgorod regions, previously they entered the territory of the bryansk regions, as far as this can cause some resonance at least in the neighboring to these regions, regions, that is, what kind of resonance can there be from these raids, in my opinion, here the story is not about any local resonance, here the story is precisely that the war, it is on the territory of... the aggressor as well, and
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it is very important that all these stories spread not only in the neighboring region, but were mutually complementary, so that the understanding began to grow in russia that today's russia does not really have an image of the future, it is lost somewhere in the past, and if so, then in general, what does it really offer, and how... it's not for me only about the regions neighboring us, there , of course, the fsb is trying to keep them under control, as we can see, not always successful and often completely unsuccessful, but nevertheless, this whole story, it can be successful only when it receives a new breath, that is, if it goes like fire on such dry grass.
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like a wave, if you will, then it can actually work, but it definitely won't happen in the coming election days. there are literally five days left until the elections, putin's next election, because these elections really are cannot be called a presidential election, it is putin's re-election, and even this is not a re-election, but rather an appointment, re-appointment of vladimir. putin, this year these elections will be held, including in the territories that are occupied by the russian federation, which have already entered the constitution of the russian federation, this is kherson oblast, this is zaporizhzhia, this is part of the donetsk and luhansk regions, well, part of the zaporizhia and kherson regions, respectively, of course, since 2014 , russia has been conducting elections, various elections
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and on the territory of the annexed crimea, but the scale of the occupied lands and their number is increasing. is this a reason for the world not to recognize the legitimacy of putin, since these regions where yure is and de facto are ukrainian, and ukrainians cannot elect the president of russia, if they vote for him there, well , relatively speaking, a few million, then is... that the election is rigged at the expense of those people who were forced into the election who should not have voted for him? in my opinion, the question is actually much deeper, it consists in holding elections in the occupied territory territory, it is a crime in itself to hold elections in the territory where the borders are not defined, as a result of a manipulative change. of the constitution
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, four ukrainian regions were brought there by unclear borders, this is actually not just manipulation. this, pure madness , from the point of view of international law is self-evident , from the point of view of politics, the same, and the fact that today he cannot react to this is paralysis of impotence, but we are already used to this, the problem is that we need a very coordinated challenge which the west must put... for itself now it cannot determine and recognize the legitimacy of these elections, but it must also understand how, in general, after these elections the west will communicate with the russian authorities, since in russia, which is a presidential
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republic, it is not there is some other form, well, let there be a thought, for the sake of the federation and everything else, but the whole... system of power is built on the supreme leader, who is now called the president in russia, was once called, as we all know, differently, because on me, we have to question the legitimacy of not only the one who will be re-elected, as you said, as a result of these elections, and the legitimacy of the entire system of power, and this is exactly how we should act, legally. finding the same arguments, at least in the west, since the west will not lead to this, unfortunately, but also politically, of course, this is the story, it is actually very important, and the fact that the ukrainian film, which
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just two days ago won the oscar , shows what and how russia was going, in the sense of these... elections, but i would actually show it from this angle, that is, the legal basis of everything already understood, politics, well, basically yes , but there is also this very important moral component or moral dimension, and it's really cool, is it a certain coincidence, although i don't believe it, that our film won the oscar just the day before. .. these, these stylized elections, we have to use it, simply showing how russia actually went to this, where it came and where it will go next, and this is very, very clear from this film. and tell me, please,
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if the world does not recognize putin's legitimacy, does this mean that he will move into the category where... dictators, autocrats and with the prefix self-proclaimed president, i don't think, and i don't think that today in the world there is a political will to reach this basic consensus. i actually see that part of the world's countries and society, it actually understands that you cannot shake putin's hand, that you cannot shake his own hand... you can shake it, as it is actually established in the civilized world, the rest of the world will continue to do so. as he actually does next, so getting this is a great definition, as you said, which is currently applied to
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lukashenka, we, if we can, only partially, will it help us, given today's position of the west, well partially... will it help, will it help us, given today's position of non-western countries? the answer is bitter and is that rather not. mr. pavle, during the last few days there has been such an absentee discussion between the vatican and ukraine, to put it simply, between the holy see and the ukrainians, about the white flag about peace talks with the russian federation, the interview that the pope gave francis francis of paparym to an italian tv channel, where a journalist asked him whether the ukrainians should raise a white flag, he said that they should take the white flag and start peace talks. today , vatican secretary of state pietro parolin explained that the pontiff spoke in favor of creating, i quote,
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conditions for a diplomatic solution that would ensure a just and lasting peace. obviously, the creation of such conditions does not depend on only one side, but on both, and the first condition, in my opinion, is the very cessation of aggression. how do you, mr. pavle, evaluate the actions words and most importantly, papyrimsky's inaction during the last two years of the great war. against ukraine, but the pope is in a different world, absolutely, that is, in some parallel to ours, which is different, not worse or better, but completely different, he has a completely different history of latin american society, he understands the world in a different way sensei, in fact, he should understand how he is trapped in such... the most binary categories of us, good, evil, victory, betrayal, but he
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does not understand him like that, he understands him through logic compromises, does the logic of compromises help the church, that's a big question i have, but i won't get lost in today's debate within the catholic church, when the pontiff talks about the white flag, of course... he doesn't mean that we should surrender, but that he says it without a hitch, without understanding what it means for us, he breaks us all down emotionally, and in fact shows his unwillingness to understand us and talk with us, well , no one prevented the pope from having a very involved discussion with us, to understand , what is important, what is not important. he has his own apparatus, and people who are, of course, very intelligent,
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you just criticized cardinal parolin, but the pope is in a different reality, we already remember how the holy of holies is the easter holiday, there they also tried to use a ukrainian woman, and a russian woman, and all these stories should already have shown us that in fact pantu... thinks, that's why it gets us emotionally, and it's very right, to fight back emotionally, i believe that there are other reasons, not exactly not sweat, or can the vatican be in today's reality effective or useful, if it can, thank god, as they say, if it can't, we will use other measures, i actually see the possible influence of the vatican. very limited to humanitarian issues such as humanitarian aid, such as possible
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exchanges, can the vatican be useful here , i have my doubts, but nevertheless, for the sake of the people, it is worth a try, can the vatican be useful in some general political aspect, here i have already such very strong personal ... doubts that this is possible in principle, that the pope of rome will not to withdraw from this course and will try to speak for himself, despite the opinion of his own diplomatic and non-diplomatic service, this is also completely understandable, but this whole story it... it makes me, i think that ivan just emotionally hurts, because it is difficult, difficult
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to observe when the hierarch of the church, which should be concerned about people and their souls, actually thinks, well, how can i say it, very diplomatically, about something, about something completely different, well, let it remain. will stay with him, i know many representatives of the catholic church churches that are not just sympathizers of ukraine , but work a lot with us with their hearts and souls, and not only in the sense of humanitarian aid, so i would not spread his words to the whole church, but nevertheless he is number one, and he is a point of reference for us, so emotionally... watching and listening to him is very, very difficult, for me, for me, including,
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despite the fact that i have spent more than 30 years in international relations, i must admit, against this background , mr. pavle, emmanuel macron is trying to show leadership in europe, during the last two weeks, we see various statements, explanations, then clarifications, hints by macron about the troops that may... be on the territory of ukraine, countries, members of the north atlantic alliance, no, not nato, countries, specifically individual countries. president zelensky in an interview with the french tv channel bfm tv. and declared that the french military will not die in ukraine as long as ukraine repels the attack of russia. let's listen to what president zelensky said. as long as ukraine stands, the french army will be on french territory. but if putin goes to war against that other country
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nato, nato countries will decide how and in what quantity to send. or not to send their soldiers to their armies, to send entire armies, combat battalions to war on the territory of one or another nato country. zelensky explained quite simply: there will be a war in europe, the french will fight, now there is a war on the territory of ukraine, you are helping us, the ukrainians are fighting, but macron has already talked about a new reality or a new security system that can be in europe, because... for nothing he gathered the leaders of 20 european countries there and spoke about how we are now in general, how we will confront russia, whether there can be a new security system parallel to the nato system, a european, european army, which has been talked about for a long time, or some other certain agreements that will allow the europeans to quickly adopt, faster to make decisions,
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rather than at the level of the north atlantic alliance, it is quite possible, because in nothing is impossible in the dream world, we will not live in the world in which we were before the war, it is clear to us, to everyone else for now, well, at least partially. macron's merit is that that he let the genie out of the bottle , he somehow took this cork there, and this problem began to live its own life, it is of course emotionally very difficult, and what he did... macron, he launched this problem into public and political discussion before there was some minimal consensus within the eu and nato. as a rule, they do not do this and say that it is very wrong, controversial, but macron is an experienced politician, he actually knew and
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knew very well what he was doing. and as you remember, before this, before the summit... in the french capital, other leaders have also said that this issue is being discussed, i hope that i am not giving away any secrets when i say that the french representatives, several weeks before this summit, addressed letters with this proposal internally, of course confidentially, that is, this conversation is for those , who is involved in this, was by no means some kind of there... er , that fell from the sky, or from where, from where, or rather, not from where. i believe that this story is also about the opportunity to make a bridge to membership in nato, because we are doing well it is clear that there must
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be real security guarantees, how they must be strengthened, including through presence. troops and elements of the infrastructure , as it should be said here, there is no consensus yet , on the contrary, the spears are breaking, and thank god they are breaking, as a result, we need to talk, and not discuss all this under a blanket, there is a difficult position of many nato countries, which consists in the fact that the presence of troops in ukraine during the war. fundamentally increases the likelihood of a conflict with russia, including a nuclear conflict, but everyone assesses risks in their own way. but putin accepted this idea, and as you remember , he said in his address that he even quite emotionally said that those who will do it, they
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will contribute to the tragic. actions, so that he decided to raise the stakes, i think there are people in the west who are ready to raise the stakes. we need troops, including in order to work on the joint maintenance of infrastructure elements, also, also western weapons and many other things for training, that is, it is possible to build and cross out many spheres. which are critical here , so the discussion is starting, it's great , the discussion will be difficult, it's also obvious whether macron's statement was positive in the context of the european... elections, yes, there are problems there, macron has his own problems both inside the country and things and with the left, but in general, i still
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do not see any megathreats. in the states, this statement was rather not very successful somehow received a resonance, but it is also not critical, and macron understands very well, playing on the run. er election campaign, so in general i think that this macron's step, it is actually very interesting, i would approach it somewhat differently, but i am definitely not macron, and he sees the situation from paris, sees it differently, so let's distinguish the sinful from the righteous and the actual substance , the content of this proposal from the how he did it, but in general, in my opinion , he deserves to shake his hand for this proposal, which we should definitely do. another topic that is relevant for
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ukraine is poland, problems with poland, the polish-ukrainian border. today , the deputy prime minister for reconstruction, the minister of of development of communities, territories and infrastructure, oleksandr kubrakov, in an interview with rbc ukraine, said that the ukrainian government is doing its best to solve the problem of blocking the polish border. let's listen to what kubrakov said. i cannot say that the polish, polish government is not doing anything now. yes, we always want to get the result faster, but there is a certain dialogue with the carriers, a memorandum was signed there , fortunately, they have not yet joined the farmers' strike, that is, there is a certain situation there in a certain way, i hope, will settle with the farmers, that is, there is a more complex discussion at the european level. i am saying to the union that mixed issues and internal, internal , european, join, join, conditionally speaking, our question, we are hostages in this
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situation, i clearly understand that this is unfair, wrong, incorrect, and they, well, no one i shouldn't have done it, but i say once again that there are internal political forces there, some say that they are a little pro-russian, some say that they are it doesn't matter, but they pump this topic and will pump it. mr. pavle, what would you advise the current government in the current situation with poland, with the negotiations with warsaw, not to stir emotions, involve brussels and start a conversation not only as of now, but also in the context of future negotiations, and this is a difficult story, you mentioned on at the beginning of the conversation, what about... now in brussels they are talking about the approval of the so-called negotiating framework, this is a story that should determine the limits of the mandate, what
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the negotiators will actually do, what issues will be included to what extent, in what priority, i agree with mr. oleksandr in what he just said, and we all heard it, but... in general, i assess the situation somewhat somewhat more worryingly, i see the local elections in poland very not easy, i see the european elections, which are not just developing for the time being for the ruling monarchy, so we will have to understand in one way or another how we conduct further negotiations, all the countries are like this... poland , slovakia, hungary itself, the czech republic there , all former european union countries joined the eu, yes
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in small steps, so to speak, and we already have substantial access to the markets of the european union, although it happened in such a tragic way, and this actually means that the very logic, the very strategy of such negotiations. will be different, that we will have to agree, and if we can't do that, then emotional things like the border, they will be repeated with greater and greater power, and it is very important for us to understand the concept in general, how the european union will approach the reform of the common agricultural policy and those sectors that are critically sensitive for the economy. of ukraine, so i don't want to encourage anyone and say that we will solve it there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it should be, we have our own.
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a clear strategic framework, what and when we do, we must also understand that we need to find different ways for our exports, it is clear that during the war we are very limited here, but nevertheless, the sea is for us, as you well understand, absolutely critical, and our successes there at sea and in terms of the use of complex drones and many other... spheres they are for for our economic stability, for our economic security, this is a mega-critical story, this is how it really looks, but i am sure that we will reach, we will reach a compromise , as far as it will correspond to our wishes, as far as it will not generate some kind of betrayal in society, we will see, that is
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this...promise will definitely not be easy, but it definitely should not be on terms, on the terms of the polish side, it should be a balanced decision. today, the european commission should present the negotiating framework for ukraine's accession to the eu, and approval may take several months, but for now the european commissioner for enlargement , oliver vargei, proposes to recognize as completed only 24 steps of ukraine on the way to what does this mean? does this mean that we will have to finalize two more points, or can the european commission disagree with european commissioner oliver varghey and still recognize the four points that have been fulfilled and accordingly propose this negotiating framework that you mentioned? well , these are actually not completely related things, the agreement of this framework is not easy,
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history. political before the european elections, and now to package how it will look is very difficult, and for the european union in general this story, and how to actually start negotiations with a belligerent country, that is even with a belligerent country with nuclear weapons like russia, so far the political will for this in in general there is, but the understanding of political understanding, if you will, is not here yet. so that the detention, the approval of this framework, is also a desire to wait there a little bit and understand where the situation will come in a few months, and to survive the european elections so that no one, especially the right they did not use the approval of this framework for the european elections, well, in fact, not that it is a very pleasant story for us, but it makes sense, but clinging and... making hooks, as
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the hungarian commissioner does, this is actually a story like this, that is, we still we will fulfill the things that the negotiators will demand of us, but we will hang them as hooks for some other things, this is european politics, we understand it, but it does not work like that, that is, we need to see a broader perspective, and it is not for us bad, of course, but nevertheless... simple. thank you, mr. pavle, for the conversation, it was pavlo klimkin, politician, diplomat, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. today, during the broadcast , we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about the following: are the raids of russian rebels on the territory of the russian federation bringing our victory closer? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, and if you have your own opinion, write in the comments on youtube under this video,
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what do you think. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think these russian volunteer raids on russian territory are helping us defeat the russians (0800-211 381 not 0800 211 382), all calls to these numbers are free of charge, call, at the end we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have a retired colonel of the british army, military expert glend. mr. colonel, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, thank you. mr. colonel, it was announced in warsaw that there are 300,000 soldiers in the north atlantic alliance, who are in a state of high readiness for redeployment to poland in case of armed aggression against the country. this was announced by the deputy chief of the general staff of poland, karol.


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