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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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you know, i believe that any transfer of hostilities in this war to the territory of the enemy is a positive for our future victory, and just like these attacks by drones, on oil refineries, on absolutely legitimate military targets, so also such actions of the russian volunteer legion on the territory of the russian federation. will definitely force the russian federation to further disrupt its military capabilities to protect its own territory and, accordingly , will take a certain resource away from ukraine, so i think that yes, such things one hundred percent add, well, arguments, let's say , military arguments. in a-a so that
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we could ensure the defeat of our enemy. thank you, mr. andrii, do such raids bring our victory closer? well , you know, i think it's quite obvious here, i actually agree completely with vanna's rhetoric, because any military damage that is done to the russian federation, any military losses of the russian federation, any resources that they need distract from ukrainian. front, they certainly contribute to the success of the ukrainian armed forces. the only thing that of course, we are all interested in this, the scale and volume of such activities against putin's regime, formations from citizens of the russian federation, and i think that this is precisely the direction that they should develop, because all these endless conferences of russian liberals, which they are constantly... breaking the water of the introduction, that's all
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, of course, maybe they are very interested, but probably the only option, how they can really fight for the status of good russians, is if they finance such armed groups as much as possible and take a direct part in such armed groups and forays into the territory of the russian federation, which will naturally accelerate the end of the regime. thank you, mr. andriy, mr. oleksandr, do you think such raids bring our victory closer? in order to win the war, it is necessary to conduct combat operations, not only to defend oneself on one's own territory, but also to conduct combat operations on the enemy's territory, on the enemy's territory, this is extremely important, so these raids definitely bring ukraine closer to victory. at the same time, i would also like to emphasize that these raids are politically and symbolically important on the eve of the quasi or pseudo-elections in russia, because they clearly... demonstrate to the world and the russian
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population that putin is unable to guarantee the safety of his citizens on the territory of russia, and this is such a small victory, one might say. thank you, mr. oleksandr, this morning the fighters of the russian volunteer corps of the freedom of russia of the siberian battalion entered the territory of the russian federation, took control of tyotkino, this is kursk. region, a volunteer of the legion of freedom of russia , oleksiy baranovsky, confirmed that the rebel units continue to control this settlement in kursk oblast, it is next to sumy oblast, next to bilopolya, the russian army is now retreating. let's hear what he said. the armed forces of russia did not expect breakthroughs in those areas of the border where they occurred. let's see how it will develop. situation, we
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are literally the first day, and the elections are at the end of the week, there is still a lot of work, and all the most interesting things are ahead. we have plan a, plan b, plan c. let's see how things develop. it depends not only on us, but also on what forces the kremlin will throw at suppressing this rebellion. we have many more surprises in zagashnik. some of them on the tracks have already passed, but we still have a lot in stock. let's see how things will develop. well , it must be said right away that these are russian volunteers, that these are people who are citizens of the russian federation, who entered the territory of their state and are demanding, or fighting, as they say, against the dictatorship of vladimir putin. mrs. ivano, literally in 5 days russia will hold putin's election, because it's not a presidential election, it's an inauguration, i don't know, putin's next coronation, yours opinion well, given the circumstances under which
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these elections are taking place, including in the occupied territories of ukraine, how does the kremlin conduct this campaign? there are sufficient grounds for the world community, that is to say, not even ukraine, the world community, to not recognize the legitimacy of putin, is there such a possibility? in my opinion, it is clear that the world community should not recognize, or at least the democratic world community should not recognize the legitimacy of the head of the russian federation after these pseudo-elections, in particular because these elections will be held in... in the occupied territories, which the russian federation, contrary to international law, has declared as its territories, in which the forced passporting of ukrainian citizens is taking place, in which there is again a forced
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attempt to bring ukrainian citizens to the polling stations and present it as an election on russian territory, this is... the first, but at the same time, we also already have a decision of the same parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, which speaks not only about these violations by the russian federation, but also about those changes to and to the constitution of the russian federation, which allow now for the second time, well, let's call it appointing putin, as again. the president of the russian federation, which also contradicts any principles of law and change of power and changes, changes of approaches that should take place in a country that somehow claims to be recognized
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as a country with some legal adequate regime, so there are others additional reasons why these elections should not be recognized and should not give ... legitimacy to the russian dictator, and the next one is his self-determined term, at the same time, you and i are unlikely to see such systemic disagreement and systemic non-recognition of various countries of the free world, including, well, these, this appointment of the president of the russian federation. i think that in fact, due to the fact that there are no international observers, among international observers, the election process itself will in no way, well, be perceived as acceptable, but at the same time, you and i will not
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see what the countries there will say, no, this is not a valid head of the russian federation, i think that's to be expected. it is not worth it, thank you, mr. andrii, but what is the threat to the world of such an ostrich policy, because it is clear what putin is doing, it is clear that putin is killing ukrainians, that he is destroying the ukrainian state, that he is trying to usurp power in russia, it is clear that he is an autocrat dictator and there are no elections there, so there is silence, or shall we say, some kind of slow, careful criticism of what is happening in russia? and as a consequence and recognition of putin's powers, how does this threaten the world? well, look, there is in this quite a clear explanation: on the one hand, there is no argument to justify the legitimacy of putin's reassignment, which will
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take place this weekend, first of all, because this reassignment will take place in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, if there were no temporarily occupied ones there. territory, then it would be a completely different story, but now it is absolutely obvious, brutal, not just destruction, but destruction and trampling into the swamp of international law, which was formed since the end of the second world war. therefore, of course, according to all formal signs , no one will claim the legitimacy of vladimir putin, but again, the realities of the world are complex, and as it is today. moment, i have long said that probably the biggest, or one of the biggest problems of the great war in ukraine is the lack of a common vision of the west, the future of russia, there is none, and accordingly, so that we do not talk about our ambitions there to destroy the russian regime, but such rhetoric
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in fact, it does not sound from the side of the key countries and nato and the g7, while everyone in one way or another kept somewhere in the bosom. different plans for the political end of the war, in fact , one way or another in the history of people, after all , wars are not ended by the military, but wars are always ended by politicians in the form of some... documents, which are very, very different, and from this perspective, of course, neither the leadership of the united states nor the european union would like to put themselves in a situation where if they have to agree on something with russia there in a year, two, three, five, they will be negotiating with a person whom they themselves will recognize illegitimate, it would contradict the idea itself. such a potential agreement , that is why there is such a double situation that on the one
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hand everyone understands that international law has been destroyed and recognizing putin as not a legitimate president is absolutely unacceptable, on the other hand everyone is thinking about some plans to end this terrible conflict in the middle of europe, and therefore i agree with ivanna that most likely they will behave quite discreetly, sir. sandra, the lack of a vision of the future of russia, what to do with russia, is this not a sign of equality, that the world does not know what to do with everyone on this planet earth, well, relatively speaking, that they, they do not know how they want to see their future, because the lack of vision, what to do with russia, means not to understand, or not to let them know what lies ahead, well , too big... we really don't see any specific and coherent strategy from the
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west in relation to russia, to its future. i think that here we can recall the words of mark twain, who said that history does not repeat itself, but it rhymes, that is, we see that history in some sense it can be said that the soviet union is repeated, that is, it is about the fact that then the western united... states, as the leader of the western democratic world, tried to avoid the disintegration of the soviet union, they were afraid, they explained it by what might arise, for example, the issue related to nuclear weapons, that is, they were also afraid of this , and perhaps now history is repeating itself in this regard, and therefore they do not have a clear strategy, but it must be remembered that the disintegration of russia, its decline, the decline of this empire, this is not... a discontinuous, irreversible process that is an objective process, that is, it does not depend
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on the will of a person, and it is necessary to prepare, the event should already have both plan a and plan b, related to what will happen when the russian regime, which from the outside, it looks quite solid and confident, but inside it is already rotten, and this, by the way, was shown by the situation with prigozhin's uprising, when... in fact, there was no power and desire of the soup to stop his advance on the territory of russia, that is, the disintegration of russia, disintegration is a matter of the nearest historical of the future, and it is necessary to have a certain strategy for ukraine and the west as well. well, of course, don't reduce this strategy to simple phrases that there should be peace talks between russia and ukraine, and even more so, as the pope did. pressure not to call for sitting down with a white flag or to offer russia
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to conduct these peace talks, by the way, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg in an interview with reuters, in response to the statement of pope francis that ukraine should have the courage of a white flag, literally said the following , let's listen. no one wants peace more than ukrainians, they suffer every day because of... the zagardnya war, they want peace, at the same time they want to exist as a sovereign, independent state, and the only way to ensure this is to provide military support to ukraine. now is not the time to talk about the capitulation of ukraine, it will be a tragedy for ukrainians, it will also be dangerous for all of us. well, thank god that the secretary general of nato clearly articulated this position, because pope francis. closely resembles one of his predecessors, pope pius xii, who in the 39th and 40th years tried to lead
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negotiations with mussolini and hitler, and in fact he repeated practically the same mantras: it is necessary to sit down at the transition table, it is necessary to agree on something, he agreed on something there with rebintrop in the 40th year, then the nazis went on and captured holland and france, well, that is, this history is repeating itself, mrs. ivanna, why... in particular, the holy see does not teach this history, why the pope consciously or unconsciously, god knows. er plays along with the russian federation and putin, why can't he clearly say: here is a killer country, here is a country that suffers from aggression of the russian federation, what prevents him from doing this? well, it seems to me that we have to understand that the position of the pope, the post of the pope,
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to a certain extent still remains political, and the political post, and er. this particular roman pope, he probably represents the entire ideology, ideological, ideological approaches of this so-called global rooster, which is not aware of this, well, this evil, which the russian federation carries with it, and does not want to see it, even when it manifests itself. in the harshest catastrophic ones such things that russia has been doing on the territory of ukraine not only for the last two years, but for all 10 years during which this war has been going on. and in fact, i am sorry that the pontiff turns out to be such a weak political
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figure and is a hostage of some of his own, probably ahead.' ideas about the world, and besides, i think that to a certain extent, somewhere , probably, we, as ukraine, and as a state, and perhaps as churches, are not finishing up with this work with this pope, which would be important to have there in place, well, such an active ukrainian presence that could provide arguments, to give... advice to the most holy throne, it hurts me very much that a person from such a position, from such a post, with such opportunities, with such influence in the world is unable to use this influence in order to stop evil and, well, some with such
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mantras that it is necessary to reconcile both sides and to have the courage of the white flag on... is trying to appeal to the ukrainians, if not understanding or not realizing, or deliberately ignoring the fact that if the ukrainians raise the white flag, then this means that we, as ukrainians, only as the sovereign state that stoltenberg is talking about will not exist, we will not exist physically as a people, as individual people, as individual personalities, because russia will do everything to finally destroy everything it claims. on separateness and on ukrainianness on our territory, that's why it's such a bitter bell that is ringing in the world today, and of course i want to hope that there will be voices around the pope that will force him
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to really apologize, i see such efforts some such dim and... gray attempts to explain what he meant by on the part of his spokesmen, but they definitely cannot stand any further criticism, i would like to simply take this opportunity and thank our patriarch, the head of the ukrainian greek catholic church svyatoslav, his beatitude, for his position, which is definitely the position of the ukrainian people , ukrainian believers. ukrainian catholics, including greek catholics. mr. andriy, what do you think about pope francis, he does not understand the situation in ukraine, or he does not want to understand, or is it possible that he deliberately plays on the side of the russian federation and understands that, as he said, this is a country with a great
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culture, remember, he addressed the russians at the youth forum. online appeal to the russians who were at the international forum in st. petersburg, that is, he lives in some coordinate system of his own, although ms. ivanna correctly said that with such status and such power in the world, he could have done much more than he did , that is, not to articulate these white flags and calls for peace negotiations, where, where, where they cannot happen. it's just, you know, friends, we often overestimate people, depending on their status, on their mandate, i slightly disagree with ivanna, who... she is trying to criticize him, as it were, that he is not able to retreat from some of his previous beliefs, listen, we are all hostages of our previous experiences,
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and no matter how experienced or intelligent people are, they all live in a certain coordinate system, which was formed by decades of their professional work, whatever it was, even at such a high intellectual level, and surely a word must be said at the political level. like the current pope, who has been in this party for decades, i am absolutely convinced that the problem is not even what he said, but the fact that he believes everything, so that is not what you are asking me, is he playing on someone's side there, playing along with someone, no, i believe that he believes in it, you know, and it is much worse, he is completely a way out. from these left-wing milieus of south america, which have always been very leftists who had a completely different philosophy
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than there protestant europe or even the united states of america, again, he is from that part of the world where ukraine is very far away, well, we all travel a little around the world when we are sometimes allowed to, but we know this experience when in america you find... you feel that europe, excuse me, damn it, well , it is very far away, you can feel it on your skin, ukraine is even further, but imagine people from latin america, from argentina, from brazil, that is, for them it is all some kind of mythology, this is russia, there is some ukraine, and russia is still perceived as an empire, everything around the empire is probably some small countries that trade, and how strange it is, but even a person like the pope... he really lives in this coordinate system, and that what he said, he believes it, it's his reading, including the gospels and his
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role as a pontiff, you know that standard scheme that you have to turn the other cheek when you're beaten one by one, so we're unlikely to correct him, but world public, publicity, media influence, he's doing his job, i've been a bit busy today, but... i read something somewhere that he's already put it in reverse a little bit there, and they've already started to interpret this statement of his two days ago a little differently, so they 're changing, based on the general tone of media communications in the world, and i think this is just another example for all of us who work in ukraine, that we still have an uncultivated field of work for the promotion of ukrainian interest and ukrainian... narrative, especially in south america, where our embassies are practically non-existent there, i know a little on to the argentine, brazilian embassies
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, well, everyone knows, there is a minimum staff, minimal resources, and of course, ukraine is not represented, accordingly, to expect that we will be known, we will be known, we will be protected, well, very naive, so let's to look first of all at the history with the statements of the pope, as a task for us to work more and more in the international arena. thank you, mr. andrii. mr. alexander, how do these statements that are heard, including from the lips of the pope, how do they affect the final decisions made by the leaders of western european countries, in particular, regarding the assets that are frozen in western europe of russian assets, whether this causes some kind of fluctuation. the leaders of western europe, and suddenly now ukraine and russia will agree, we have frozen russian funds here, and they, they will now agree on everything, and then it will be very inconvenient in front of
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the kremlin, in front of putin, we will give this money to ukraine and again we have to look for some justification , it is necessary to somehow explain it to putin, i think that rather, if it is about the question of the money of russian assets su'. assets that were frozen, and we are now trying to have these assets confiscated and transferred to ukraine, there is a certain resistance, but it is rather not caused by any principles or ideals or values ​​of a spiritual or ideological order, but by specific economic interests, because unfortunately, many countries where russian money is located, they are not interested in confiscating it and handing it over, and they are looking for various excuses not to do this, but there are very clear legal arguments,
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because russia...commits serious international crimes, and such crimes as the crime of aggression or the crime of genocide, these are crimes not only against the victim, not only against ukraine, but also crimes against the entire world society, that is , against those countries where there is russian money, and this is a sufficient legal, international legal argument, as a countermeasure, as a sanction in order to... confiscate this money and hand it over to the victim of these crimes, the victim of aggression and the victim of genocide, i.e. ukraine, and this is enough, but unfortunately, we see that these countries, they will continue to look for opportunities and arguments not to do this, but here we have to show persistence, determination and convince them, in the end, to do the legally
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correct thing. today, negotiations took place in the european commission and the european commission prepared the negotiating framework necessary in the process of ukraine's promotion to membership in the european union, and radio svoboda quotes the vice president of the european commission, marush shevchovych, who, after the meeting of the board of european commissioners , stated that we have completed work on the proposals for the draft negotiating ... frame with ukraine and moldova, which will be submitted for consideration by the council. the next step should be the approval of the proposed negotiation framework by the ministers and leaders of the eu countries, but as the president of the european commission ursula fondeyan stated before that. in her opinion, it is unlikely to happen before the european elections, which will be held in june 2024. ms. ivanna, it is time to agree on these
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negotiations. framework and how they will proceed, how ukraine's progress in the negotiations on membership in the european union will proceed, whether it is not prolonged, or whether it the usual procedure that happens with every country that claims to be a member of the eu, it happens differently with different happened and with different countries and in one case or another it took... some number of even months to agree on this negotiation framework, but in in our case and yours, we must understand that the longer the reconciliation process is delayed, the more it will be politicized, if it is about the fact that it will take place against the background of the parliamentary elections to the european parliament of the pan-european elections, and they will take place on june 9 this year, and... and
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actually you and i also understand that there are a large number of different environments there, which in different countries, members of the european union, who will try to use, say, or the already adopted decision on the negotiation framework with ukraine and with moldova, as such an electoral argument for, by the way, destabilizing... well , a certain destabilization of the situation, i think that even in the situation with, say, the blocking of the polish-ukrainian border, there is a large presence of such a political component, and these are similar things, well, if not in the form of strikes and blockades there, in some other form, we will also see in many other countries, and in many other countries, i
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think this is exactly what it is about. happened when the president of the european commission, ursula fondain, said that the negotiating framework would most likely be approved after the elections to the european parliament, although it is not in the interests of ukraine, in my opinion, the longer this process of adopting the negotiating framework is delayed framework with ukraine, unfortunately, the chances of that it can be... postponed not until the month of june, but until the next year 2025. i am talking about this because, unfortunately, the next presiding country in the european union will be hungary from july 1 to december 31, 2024, and it will definitely not be a priority for her in her presidency.


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