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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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money-loving americans and europeans, so that we can endure them. as for your tone and whether or not the first lady will go to president biden's speech, i will say this, every official has functions besides being human, and i can tell you as a non-professional diplomat that... 90% of the time you have to do the work that you don't like, but you have to do it because you were sent to negotiate, the enemy in front of you, or your imperfect friend, or a friend with a sick head, that's such a job, you have to do it do this work, and when you especially need help, who you are sitting next to, what you are flying in and what you are wearing, this is an absolutely ten-line thing, we all need to understand that such situations exist. in which, and this is for
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most diplomats, you do not belong to yourself, your role is to perform the function that you have to do. unfortunately, i have to end our conversation, i am sincerely grateful to you, mr. roman, for this brilliant analysis, i want to remind our tv viewers that roman bezsmertny, an iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, was currently working on espresso. congratulations, this svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to... the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom of life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast,
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2 hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso.
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oleksandr morozov, a political scientist, political expert, lives and works in prague, will be working on the air of the tv channel. glory to ukraine, oleksandr, i congratulate you. hello, hello. if we talk about the trajectory of death that putin has now outlined, how far do you think he is willing to go now, and in general, how far will it be collective the answer is if it doesn't... because what
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's happening in the united states is extremely worrying. if you look realistically, the kremlin is now in this position. first of all, not only the blitzkrieg of 2022 failed, it must be admitted that the results of the entire military campaign to this day are much lower than what putin had hoped for, that's for sure. in a sense it is. a large-scale failure of the military campaign, a demonstrative example that many military experts are now paying attention to, the kremlin began to destroy avdiivka in march 2023, last october, 2023, a kind of assault began, which ended as late as february 2024, and there are no more tangible serious successes. and
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those who carefully observe this situation from the military side do not have a sure answer to this question. the kremlin's war is bogged down, this is a fundamental point. the second point is important. and what is happening around europe at this time. and something unheard of is happening in europe. the christian democrats faction in the bundestag insists that germany provide taurus to ukraine. it's really amazing event, because the cdu and csu were talked about. bavarians fully support putin, they are guided only by economic interests. and now the cdu takes such a firm position. macron has just publicly hinted to the kremlin that on the sidelines of conferences he attends, some
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speakers are publicly saying that european armies will have to be directly involved in the russo-ukrainian war. the kremlin is on it. reacts painfully, couch smarts laugh at macron, but the reality here is an extremely new thought, a new message, which in a neat form macron reports to the kremlin. finland and sweden join nato. an unprecedented process is taking place on the eastern flank. the ten-year military construction procedure for nato's eastern flank has begun. now these days. training takes place there with a contingent of 100,000 in central and eastern europe. and the delay in the american military aid package that is now there is causing a lot of frustration, but the reality is pretty much what
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general austin, the united states secretary of defense, said late last year. military production received orders in 35 states of the united states. we can clearly see that the european governments and the united states are setting themselves the task of increasing the production of projectiles four or five times. this is the reality after two years of war. and i would say that on the one hand, it is even very encouraging from the point of view that the kremlin is stuck in a state of waiting now. well, he is counting on the fact that something will happen. will the hussites in the middle east create problems, china will start something, the west will somehow decline by itself, ukrainians will get tired, etc.? it's like that a state of expectation that something will swing
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in the kremlin's direction. but on the other hand, it causes anxiety. showed in the past that he can wait a long time, but at the same time it is now clear that this war itself has transformed russian society for the worse. putin is now in a situation where in 10 days he will receive 85% in his so-called election, that is , a confidence referendum, and with a large turnout. according to his message, it is clear to the federal assembly that... he may not be satisfied with the war as it is happening, but with the way he has standing economy, satisfied and satisfied with the state of russian society, which he likes, it was reborn, there was no final form of a conformist
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society, which is ready to go anywhere, to endure any repression against itself, and this is what creates a rather dangerous. the war did not become as popular as putin and his technologists had hoped, but we understand that he is entering a long scenario. indeed, society, more precisely, the population, now somehow we rarely use the word society in relation to russia. expect what is there civil society that affects the processes, no, there is a population, and we can say about social strata, social groups that, depending on their profession or place of residence, now benefit from putin's war or
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lose something, but have caught their tails and remain the most loyal and ready to be so in the future. in other words, putin's population is ready for anything. this is fundamental. and a plus to this is the bureaucracy. a very large bureaucratic layer. so during the war, for these two years, putin finally felt his bureaucracy, which kyriyenko and his apparatus have been preparing very actively in the last 5-7 years. putin and the kremlin pumped up bureaucracy training programs. by the way, now the kremlin is actively testing these models in the occupied territories. what exactly kirienko and not only him, but a large circle of moscow people, are doing in the occupied territories, putin makes us understand that he is going to not
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one next term, but two. that is, plan until 2036, not until 2030. this is how he sees this situation. we cannot say that he will succeed in all this, because there is a lot or it all boils down to violence, no doubt about it. and this cannot but continue in the war that putin is waging and in the attitude of russian society, where nothing can be expected except for the escalation of violence. i am quite attentive and serious. reacted to putin's revelations, which he made in an interview with the so-called carlson, we
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understand that he also has a certain fixation, this fixation is ukraine, that is, where i see manifestations of a certain historiosophy, i stress extremely hard, including when there is a mobilized nation, yes, we understand where it is going mobilize, it can have very specific manifestations. this historiosophy seems crazy and... fantastic to every listener, because all interlocutors of putin and carlson also grew up in the modern world, in the world of modern concepts, sovereignty and global security. and putin begins to tell them his phantasmagoric picture that on the territory of eurasia, which does not have state borders, there is a kind of eurasia without borders. there is a nation there without a nationality, which consists of different ethnic groups. but this is one imaginary post-soviet nation, which, if
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will be reunited under the auspices of moscow, it will be some new, great, majestic imperial entity that will change the course of world history, and the kremlin, with the help of various formulations and intellectual contexts, promoted this idea. the kremlin once insisted that this was russian peace. now it is clear that putin is on top of things. any actions against moldova from the kremlin, then there will be the same concept. moldovans are the same people as in the entire post-soviet region. but
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he does not understand, that is, that by killing ukrainians, he is doing everything to be final, civilized to moor to the maximum distance, yes, but it is clear that to moor to the maximum distance, yes, but it is clear that it is impossible to convey to putin this simple idea, which is obvious to everyone in europe. especially after the second world war, after the work that europe itself did as a result of the second world war, because after all it is a huge political culture, new, mature, which is based on the fact that state borders and cultural borders are preserved, but at the same time they not important, they are open, the impossibility of war on the territory of europe many times all european politicians are already in three... because it is obvious that his consciousness, and now also the consciousness of his
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entourage, and what is worse, the consciousness of very large contingents, if we speak in sociological terms in russia, they are really captivated by this idea, that is, captivated some kind of phantasmagorical idea that russia in the 21st century should become some kind of really hegemonic... power here on the continent, that is, equalize itself with europe in conflict, not cooperation. at the same time, it is clear that they are ready for anything for the sake of this idea. ready to donate many years of relations with israel, they have already sacrificed their many years of relations with germany, they are ready, and this is clearly visible now, to flirt with china, and they are ready on the world stage if china refuses, and china refuses
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to simply pretend that russia and iran stand together to the rest of the world, it's all terrible. but none of us imagines how this is possible, even when in russia someone still remains sane within some of the old institutions of international politics, in the institute of europe, the academy of sciences, for example, or in in similar places, these people also have no idea how to think about russian politics in a different way now, see why navalny was put on the chopping block, that is, it is not just a technical point, so to speak, we understand that it is... it is so yes, the symbolic meaning of navalny's murder is clearly visible, and it must be said that it caused such an international response, it is obvious. we are now seeing a series of publications that different countries have recorded various deaths among
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russian businessmen who left under putin. as early as 2019, british. police services paid attention to this, to the circumstances later. now we see the picture, and what are these strange deaths, but all this was put on the picture, it is a picture of consistent and brutal intimidation. after all, navalny's murder sends a clear signal that in the new term, now that putin will enter his six-year term, no one will be spared. it is also important that a pilot who flew to the ukrainian side was killed in spain on the same day. and if you look at the kremlin's comments, there is triumph. i am absolutely serious that the russians oppositionists living outside the country must take a new look at their situation
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and their security, because a new stage is openly being entered. and this is evidenced by the murder of navalny and the beginning of the qualification of some public figures as terrorists by the kremlin. the kremlin began to give not only incomprehensible titles to foreign agents that do not have a strong and dangerous projection, but also to extremist terrorists. and navalny was called a terrorist and extremist by the kremlin, one of the first. now there's a record. have on attention will act against you really something like death, since martial law and the like, in this sense, the murder of navalny is read exactly like that. at the exit we see, well,
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that it is some kind of, i don't know, civilization proposal, it is a novel by baron ungern von stern. that is, the only thing is that china is not ready to actively support him in this matter, that is , putin has reconciled himself, he has thrown the mantle of this crazy daurian baron over his shoulders, so that, we understand, here he has a mobilized russian nation, he has damn, he has preparations for a new storm and a long, bloody war against ukraine, but it has to go somewhere, too, or is he just going to... implement all his cannibalistic plans that he voiced to carlson, or is there something more? yes, this is a very good comparison with baron ungern, it seems very appropriate to me, because many people now see and understand that putinism is no longer some kind of deviation, that is , behavior that does not meet the general
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standard of democracy, not some late the soviet union with the conformist democracy everyone can clearly see that the pathos of the conservative revolution has now been added to all this. putin is entering a kind of mystical phase of his rule, raising a heavy degree of opposition to the west. this is another level of it. in this sense, the words: yes, it is something similar to baron ungern or the national bolsheviks, as my colleague volodymyr pastukhov writes, are absolutely correct. i also see signs of wounds. fascism, a mixture of tsarism and fascism in the early phase, before it finally took shape. in this sense of the word, i would say, it is really, if terrible, for putin no... it sounded: there is no other way but the way to a great war that burns everything. the further we look at it, the less we
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see, of course. in general, how is the russian federation going to get out of this political tension, which it has been dragged into for the past 10 years. grigory yavlinskyi's silent growling with a shout: "give a truce at any price, or some kind of game in anti-war sentiment." it's hard to even say from whom. for boris nadezhdin, this is a weak squeak of mice from under the plinth, compared to the colossal inertia that had already arisen not only during the war, but also in several previous ones years it is obvious that this movement started in 2020 precisely, in its new phase, when the constitution was changed. even then it was clear that everything was moving towards a global conflict. i would say that we have to be... careful and keep a lot of resilience, focus on ursula funderlajen and figures like her, that is, people who don't panic, with no defeatist
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attitude, telling themselves that the us is running away, the west is weakening , putin is winning, you can't say anything like that to yourself. in danger, one must stand with a straight back, remember every day that for ukrainians who compete simply in the trenches, such burnout cannot happen. this is a matter of life and death, as well as for european politicians, who do something every day in order to maintain a certain resilience of european societies. in this sense, i look at the new czech government in particular with great sympathy and respect. the czech leadership, which in this sense of the word, is among the best not only leaders, but also cultural figures, public figures who clearly ask questions. no, putinism cannot win any victory under any circumstances. thank you very much, oleksandra, for this extremely
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interesting and informative conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that oleksandr morozov, a political scientist and political expert who is in the czech republic, was currently working on espress. the time of our program has run out, stay tuned to the channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. see this week in the collaborators program. rashistka-kherson regional duma. who are they, deputy deputies from the kremlin. we, personally, were waiting for russia for 30 years but how traitors wash the cities of schoolchildren. only development awaits the kherson region. congratulations. i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who went to serve the russian occupiers at the call of their hearts and wallets. last fall , russia held so-called elections in the temporarily
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occupied territories of ukraine, in particular in the kherson region. as a result, the so-called kherson regional duma was formed, which included 36 deputies. the largest number of fake elected officials came from the united russia party, 28 of them, followed by a few from the ldp. just russia, communist party of the russian federation and just russia for truth. the main task of this racist illegitimate body is to establish life in the region according to the laws of the russian federation. i have already told you about some who decided to fall to the social bottom and received a mandate from the kremlin. today's issue is a continuation of the acquaintance with the newly elected fake russian officials. at the first meeting of the so-called kherson regional duma , a deputy deputy. they chose their head, it became her 57-year-old tomilina tetyana yuriivna. before becoming a collaborator, she was a candidate for mayor of kherson in 2015 and the director
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of the mishukov academic lyceum at kherson state university. the war of ukrainians against ukrainians has tired me, personally i am fed up with pseudo-patriotism, and i am also very fed up with politics for the sake of money and vanity. i am going to meri kherson. to engage in politics for the people and for development, please help me, at the debate of the mayoral candidates, then tomilina declared that on the spot the americans equipped a biolaboratory at the municipal haystack station. a secret laboratory of particularly dangerous infections is operating in kherson in the center of the city. the contract between the us department of defense and the ministry of health of ukraine exists, no one knows about it. adequacy. the rector of the academic lyceum raised questions even then. the diagnosis was confirmed when it turned out that the woman was among the founders of the kherson public organization public safety and development, and
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her partner... was oleksandr gulyaev, a well-known a separatist who represented the fake kherson people's republic at the congress of the so-called republics in yalta in 2014. even then , their pro-kremlin views began to be exposed. when the russian troops completely captured kherson, milina began to actively cooperate with the occupiers. in the summer, the faithful dog of the kremlin master, as kistko, was appointed to the position of rector of the kherson state university, for which the collaborator paid. on september 12, 2022 , an explosion rang out in the apartment of the so-called rector. tomilina was seriously wounded, and her bodyguard was killed. after this incident, she began to glorify putin's regime even more actively, literally with her back in her mouth. we, personally, have been waiting for russia for 30 years. but this turned out to be not enough for the big ambitions of the traitor. she wanted to become a politician, and therefore, after winning the primaries, she was listed as a candidate
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for the united russia party. and tomilina received that toy mandate. almost two years of crawling in front of the occupiers were not in vain. when the special military operation began, but everyone thought i was crazy. of course, when they told me on the trolley: oh, the orcs have arrived, who called them here? i went to the center of the trolleybus and said: i am. but even now we do not consider tumilin to be an adequate person. after she was elected head of the kherson pseudo-regional duma, she travels around russia, meets with politicians from moscow and st. petersburg, speaks at forums where she reflects on what will happen after the victory of russia, tries to integrate part of kherson oblast under russian laws is building plans for its further political career a fool gets rich with his opinion, it's a bit like madness: to manage a body that exists and is legitimate only in the sick imagination of russians. back in the summer of 2022...
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the first suspicion of tomiliny appeared on the website of the prosecutor general's office under the article collaborative activities. the case is now being considered by the malinovsky district court of the city of odesa. and later on, this sale earned itself a second suspicion. proceedings were initiated against her for complicity in an enemy country. this case has already been referred to the pechersk district court of kyiv. what remains tomilinium in this case? there are several options: stay as long as possible in the desired red star mode. because when it becomes exhausted, it can simply be disposed of in the swamps. the second option is to return to ukraine. our law enforcement agencies are always waiting for her, at least she will remain alive. our next traitor with the mandate of the kherson regional duma is moroz oksana petrivna. today, united russia with the support of the people's front in the skadovsky municipal district welcomes. oksana moroz was born in 1975 in the village of shevchenko.
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skadovsky district. at first, she taught ukrainian language and literature at the skadovsky school number one. she then resigned and from 2006 to 2020 worked at the rice naan institute as a leading specialist in the sector of intellectual property marketing research and economic analysis. and in the same year, on the 22nd, for several months, she held the position of head of the social protection department in the skadovsk city council. when skadovsk was occupied, moroz began to look for ways to profitably betray ukraine. and in the summer of the 22nd year, such an opportunity appeared. first the occupiers made her the head of the social protection department of skadovsk, within a few months she became the head of the education department. at the same time, the collaborator entered the kherson state pedagogical university, created by the invaders, at the faculty of state and municipal administration. before the accession of our regions to the russian federation, history was hushed up, children did not know the whole truth. all the truths
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moroz chose her future as a role model, so it was an honor for her to become a deputy deputy of the kherson regional duma. she is in a new role travels through the occupied territories and distributes humanitarian aid from the united russia party. he appears in political advertisements and agitates people to believe in and support the russian peace. it was decided to build a new dispensary for high-quality and fast medical care, since the old one in kyiv. the authorities destroyed it with rockets and it is no longer subject to restoration, and moroz decided to impose the ideas of the neo-fuhrer not only on adults, but also on children. according to information from the media in the occupied part of the kherson region until the day of the constitution of the russian federation, which is celebrated by russians on december 12, collaborators held lessons where they told schoolchildren about the basics of the russian constitution. moroz also joined this. she conducted a lesson for the second grade students of the skadov school.


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