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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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to watch and be aware of everything that is happening, so they wanted to defeat our people, if we have wi-fi even in the shelters, well, to zaporizhzhia deputy of the zaporizhzhia regional council askad ashurbekov in connection with our studio, mr. askad , congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory to the heroes , and how was your day, well, the situation remains steadily tense, probably that every day, when we start the broadcasts, we state one. the very things, unfortunately, the enemy continues to shell, and only in the past day there were more than 400 shells of the front-line territory, unfortunately, unfortunately , two women in the gulyapil community were injured in the past day, but these are minor injuries, for now they have received all the necessary help, and as for the regional center, the situation is relatively calm, it has probably been a long enough period zaporizhzhia , the regional center itself, is in a relatively calm situation, that is, the situation like on march 11 there with rockets, with others no longer... it was like that, exactly
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like that, yes, please, we wanted to update this story as well, to get a little more information with the arrest of a person, a traitor, who wanted to, tried to triple the command of the armed forces of ukraine, actually in the zaporizhzhia region, are these some such isolated cases, or in the region, where there is a part of the occupied territories, where it is very well understood... what the enemy is , there are these traitors, collaborators who surrender, i don't know, whether for some money or for what, or whether this is their position, and try to cooperate with the enemy? look, i think that the military is generally quite difficult to comment on, because it has its own specifics, plus we must understand that despite the fact that the actions took place in the zaporizhia direction, there are many different units fighting in the zaporizhia direction.
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including both from the zaporizhzhia region and from other regions of ukraine, because there is a sufficiently large number of military personnel concentrated on the front line of zaporizhzhia, i cannot comment on which city or region this military person was from, i think this is a question of the special services , who worked effectively and they did not succeed in his plans, but about the motives, the reasons, whether he was alone, i think that this is after all a question of the military and security services of ukraine themselves, but you are absolutely right that such situations periodically arise when... including the residents of zaporozhye, there have already been several cases, cooperated with the enemy , but again, very quickly at the first stages of their cooperation, the security service of ukraine exposed them, and there are already criminal proceedings against these people, i mean precedents when people adjusted fire or provided the enemy with the coordinates of certain objects objects, we must understand that these things very often not connected there with the presence of any sympathies for russians, because i am sure that most people in zaporizhzhia, well, in general. such, you know, the maximum majority,
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they clearly understand who is the enemy, who brought the war to our land, however, there are people who are exposed to enemy propaganda, these are units, and plus we must understand from the experience we have on in those temporarily occupied territories, there are people who were eliminated long before the full-scale invasion, who moved to zaporizhzhia, there at one time until then temporarily to the takmak in berdyansk and then even when the territory was occupied, they showed that they were conditionally employees of the sfes there. in general , they helped the armed forces of russia, so i am sure that, unfortunately, there are such people in zaporizhzhia, and the effectiveness of the security service of ukraine, counterintelligence depends on how well they will be detected in a timely manner. mr. askati, about returning to the strange situation that we heard from one gentleman, we still cannot understand why the international atomic energy agency exists in principle, in which rosatom and russia will contribute the most and...
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and here’s another game of grosi’s double-dealing, first, at first he is excited and says that there is absolutely no safety regime at the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant , the security regime is not maintained, as it is guaranteed, so he will conduct an inspection, he was shown something there, and then he went to putin, i don’t i know that they had a buffet there, but right after that he came out and said, well, no admission of ukrainian workers who did not take russians. passports and were not registered with rosatom, the non-admission does not create danger at the occupied zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. i understand that 40° was definitely not one, not one cone, but in in general, this whole game, magat comes, inspects, goes to the kremlin, and then makes such statements, does it give us something or not? unfortunately, we must understand that peace on the territory of the armed forces is possible only after de'.
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occupation of the territory of the zaporizhzhia region, this is probably the first basic thesis, and the second story is that we must understand that international authorities, they are also not, you know, the true last one. relatively speaking, or absolute good, which rests exclusively there on our signals, we must work with them, increase the intensity of this work, which is very, let's say, already clear , is that international bodies, they are also afraid of publicity, they are afraid of transparency, and the more we will, relatively speaking, involve magate, the more difficult it will be for them every time there, linguistically, to go to some agreements with putin and not to notice the obvious things, but the obvious things are that the station is mined, it is that... work is not being carried out according to the regulations, according to the regulations and according to the license, the fact that the term of the nuclear fuel there, it coincides with the end, is that ukrainian personnel are not allowed and etc., we must articulate it in international meetings, write to international bodies, and only then the factor
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of some individual leader, such as money or the behavior of some of their functionaries, will no longer be able to, let's say, hide such things, so i think , that we do not need to stop at this. and it is necessary to further involve the international community. we have one more minute, they are afraid of ukrainian children. i am talking now about lowering the age of criminal responsibility, and not just for sabotage, but for participation in subversive organizations, for learning these processes, they are going to plant for life even from the age of 14. were there any such precedents that ukrainian children were so badly harmed? look, they understand that ukrainian teenagers are a key audience for them. firstly, they want to change their mentality, they do a very large number of actions with them, my friend, secondly, they understand that this is the most protestant, most freedom-loving category of the population, and we have seen precedents when in berdyansk two teenagers actually staged a resistance action, and
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unfortunately, these figures were killed, that is , the russians do not distinguish between children or adult ukrainians, for them we are, unfortunately, all enemies, and they only distinguish those categories, let's say those age groups, which are... more active for them, more dangerous, and, unfortunately, teenagers fall into this group, and you shouldn't expect any indulgences from them . for a snack , just say if anything, at least somewhere in the open space, after this successful elimination of female collaborators, or if a live tobacconist temporarily appeared, or others collaborators, look, we can still analyze them. behavior, as soon as some specific elections start there or some other public projects or actions there, in general, the leadership of the occupiers avoids appearing in any public places in the temporarily occupied territories as much as possible, we remember this story when they left the temporarily occupied crimea, and now
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the situation is not changing, because the resistance movement is working, according to berdyansk, it was quite visible and obvious, and the top collaborators, yes this top, they avoid as much as possible. in general, any contacts with the public number of people, well, yes, that’s how it was, at first baletsky didn’t get off the russian televisions, then, oops, the car was blown up and now no one can be seen or heard, well, of course, mr. askade, thank you for participating in our program, and skarbekov, deputy of the zaporizhzhia regional council, it was zaporizhzhia, yes , a short pause, and the crooked corner, we will talk about the crooked corner about donbas, stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from
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pharmacies plantain to you and savings premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger great ether. vasyl zina, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening over espresso. we are returning and, unfortunately, there is disappointing news from sumy, after shahed hit a high-rise building in
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that city, 10 people have already been pulled out from under the rubble, it is also reported that there are casualties, in fact, a rocket hit an apartment building, a five-story building, 30 residents were damaged, preliminary information and a half, at least half of these apartments were destroyed, and we are looking at the crooked corner of a multi-story building at... a residential quarter, i am looking at how the response of the armed forces of ukraine is taking place, but he adds something new, this is the voronezh region, there is a blackout, but there they pounded on the buturlinivka military airfield, this is where they are aiming, ours are hitting military targets, oil refineries, or military airfields, they are hitting residential neighborhoods with rockets, mortars, here here are these realities, we will now find out, around a crooked corner, we will ask for. yevgena sytnichenko, head of the kryvorizka district military administration. glory to ukraine, mr. yevgeny, welcome to our airwaves. yes, good
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morning. mr. yevgeny, please tell us what is known at the moment, we know that 44 were injured as a result of the impact, we know that one woman died, she died in the hospital after her injuries, and that rescue operations have already been completed. what else can you add to that, what is the current situation in the city? well, for the morning we have a situation. thank god calmly, without emergency situations. regarding yesterday's event , 43 people were injured, 20 of them are in the hospital, the rest are being treated on an outpatient basis, 12 of them are children, two of them are under a year old, babies, yes, four people unfortunately died, one woman died in the hospital from the injuries received, currently the headquarters of the heating station are deployed near the damaged houses, the necessary help is provided in... all the necessary services are working, a special big
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thank you to the emergency services of the state emergency service for their promptness and professionalism, it was saved nine people from under the wreckage, and they did it very quickly and they saved lives, so today we are working, we are eliminating the consequences, this is the situation at the moment, and if we can, let's put it this way, those who are around... they too , someone probably lost windows, someone lost movable property and so on, and about 20 high-rise buildings received various damages, windows, roof, loggia, administration building, two kindergartens, there roofs, windows, a store were damaged, they are still working the local authorities of the city of kryvyi rih, do a yard-by-apartment walk-through and find out about it damage, they will also... be given the necessary assistance, the volunteer movement also supports on the ground everything they need is provided to the people, that is
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, everything necessary has been provided to the people, and those who understand that they will not return in the near future and do not yet know whether they will return to of their house, they will probably be resettled somewhere one way or another, but is there a decision on the building itself, what, where it will be restored, there is no decision on the building itself, the detour is now being completed, experts. will bypass the building completely, if it is possible to repair it, it will be repaired if there will be another conclusion soon , decisions will be made about the building, for now we are waiting. the result of the experts, ugh , mr. yevgeny, for those who are not local, please explain what kind of district this is, respectively, which one, what is the location of the houses there, and how densely populated is it, where could they aim, or exactly in this high-rise building, or where else could the russians have aimed, look, this is a sleeping area of ​​the city, there, apart from
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high-rise buildings, and there, let's say, there are no schools, kindergartens, absolutely no enterprises. the outskirts of the city of the sleeping area and there are also residential districts nearby, there are eastern ones, one two, three, there are absolutely, well, sleeping areas , there is no industry there, that is, it is absolutely clean water, a terrorist attack was carried out against the civilian population who was already at home, it is evening time, when everyone is completely at home, they have come to their houses, so to speak, to rest here there is no industrial airport like this nearby. we will not specify the distance in the nearest radius there, but there is nothing there except the sleeping area. mr. yevhen, thank you for the details, yevhen setnychenko, the head of the kryvorizka district military administration on the consequences of this shelling, well, this is what i said, the oil refinery gives fuel to
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russian tanks, the military airfield reports that planes take off and launch missiles over ukraine, for which legitimate purposes. they are beaten by the armed forces of ukraine. the sleeping area is generally a region , the region of kryvyi rih, a city that is industrial, and there, if they wanted to target objects too, they would aim at objects, and not at residential buildings where people go to sleep. yes, we will now still collect for you information from the east, let's try to collect the east once again, but from the east also abroad, yes from the border east, because look, look, look. voronezh region , there is a blackout, yes, they dreamed of blackouts, but somehow they could not be specific geographically, so they have a blackout, good russians in ryzan, they not only showed us where the point of invincibility and heating would be, they removed exactly everything they taught, in one word, disrespectful russian occupiers, be sure
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to shoot in good quality, so that your hand does not shake, like this astra placed, trembles, do we hold or. a mobile phone so that we can see the coordinates exactly, we are not the only ones, we need to get camera stabilizers from china so that they can take high-quality pictures, this is our development, all hollywood films on our development of camera stabilization, we will not supply them with anything such a thing, let them bring it from china instead of some chips or something else, let's move on, andriy kremchenkov, editor-in-chief of social donbass, joins our conversation, mr. andriy, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, mr. andrii, we will ask about you right away about the main thing, did the examples of audio, and here are these on mirnograd and the extreme shelling, did it at least change the mood of those people who live near the frontline cities and have children, because they are persuaded every day, come,
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persuade, take the children away, leave, no, it tells us. even the volunteers who tried to pull out by the hands, as they say, whether this situation has changed the mood a little, namely in those front-line settlements, well, look, i did not conduct any sociological research, of course, but yesterday we worked with a film crew in turkey, for example, if you measure it on the deep state map, from the center of toretsk to the front line is 6.5 km, that is, they already get mortars , not barrel artillery or rockets, there is no centralized water supply in the city, no sewage, heating does not work, and 12,000 people remain in it, according to the head of the city's military administration, and 13 of them are children, what if these people are waiting to evacuate under fire, well, i
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really don't understand, but the situation is like this, people continue to live, and, as i said sewerage... doesn't work, that's why such wooden toilets are built near high-rise buildings, and people use them, that is, that's how it functions, but at the same time, for example, cars drive around the city, shops are open, you can buy food or household goods, work even atms, well, that is, such contrasts, and from this city, as i said, there are 6 km to the front line, and to the south of it. seems to have been stormed for the past day, to the north of this city is... sivyar, these are the dominant heights on one side above bakhmut, and on the other side above kostiantynivka, this direction is also actively stormed by the russians, because geographically
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this position is simply very advantageous, and between these two directions there is turetsk, which somehow continues to live and is almost not evacuated, well, it somehow sounds apocalyptic, somehow generally phantasmagoric it sounds like it's all dune or how can we not... we are surprised by this phenomenon all the time, every time they tell us new details, but you tell us new details, that's it, there is no sewerage, but the atm works , we we are not going anywhere, but a mine can fly at any time, even just, as they say , by accident, well, the spectrum of the situation is very wide, here you cannot say that they are all greedy, someone has parents lying there, or someone for other reasons does not evacuate, in general, that in sumy oblast. when i worked in donbas, when you directly ask people this question, why don't you leave here, because well, daily, literally daily shelling, wait for a mine on your head,
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in principle the answers plus or minus are the same, the most common one is me well, i'm saying it in my own way subjective impression, the most common answer is, we have nowhere to go and nothing for, uh, that is, people are not offered any plan, that... we are there today at 12 o'clock , a bus will meet you, you are going there on this bus here and there, there you receive support of a certain amount for an apartment there, for example, or compensation for housing that you lost here, lost, that you will be able to buy something for yourself there, well, that is, in fact , all this is not offered, people are simply told to evacuate, well, in fact, to nowhere, and these payments are for internally displaced persons people, they're not too much to... allow people to settle in a new place, second for, yes, yes, say yes, please continue, then i'll ask a question, and the second reason, you say, the second most common reason
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, these are people who live in these houses, in which they have invested money for tens of years, they have some kind of economy, and they understand that if they leave this house now, then it will all be lost, at least it will be looted by looters, and they don't get... anything like that in the place they will move to, they don't want to leave their parents' house , in which they have lived for years, well, somewhere i say, somewhere people may have bedridden patients in their arms, the spectrum of the situation is very wide, they don't take someone, for example, they don't want to take him out there it is much more difficult to evacuate with dogs, for example, that is, with animals , well, there are nuances, let's put it this way, i can't say that these are exactly all the greedy people who are waiting in the wings. russian liberation, i understand, we can see that there is a whole spectrum of these social problems, which are also needed to decide, and not only the people themselves can influence it. please tell
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me, selydova, how do they survive there a little further from the front line than, for example, toretsk and the surrounding area, but again yesterday six rockets flew there, one of which, unfortunately, also destroyed residential buildings, as there are? we also worked in lidovo yesterday morning , six of these rockets really hit there, and we worked at the site of the impact. in the morning, the fire was still going on, the rescuers came and put it out, but all the houses around the damage, broken windows, roofs were exposed, er , the gymnasium building was damaged, several garages were destroyed, two women aged three... 30 and 35 years old sisters were injured and treated, they were given help due to the mine and explosive
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injuries they received, this by the way, that ’s just local shooting, maybe even my personnel, i don’t know, but her people survive there plus or minus in the same way, it’s far from the front line, but shooting from different types of weapons is there somewhere... once in a while two, three, four days, mostly rockets, because the barrel artillery does not reach there anymore, but , let's say, the russian military continues to strike in a silid style, we were not even going to shoot it yesterday, we were going to turetsk, but on the way we already learned about, about this shelling of the city of silidov, and just now there was an abgrade we just found out that in odesa they gave us the opportunity to sleep, it was calm, and now... now there is an explosion in odesa and only after that they turned on the sounds of the air alarm, we will find out, we will tell you in more detail, and mr. andriy and i will try to do this now
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imagine such an imaginary situation, if now, those residents of occupied mariupol who remained, who in one way or another cooperated, put up with everything that is happening in the city, and if now they were shown an oscar-winning film for 20 days, an imaginary situation, no matter how they watched it, well, it seems to me that they saw much more terrible things. those days that happened after the film crew had already left mariupol, well, there you can actually read what happened there, that in the first days the doctors were still more or less somehow able to provide help to the wounded, some kind of the police came somewhere, then the days came when the doctors either buried themselves or left and people could only
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provide medical care to themselves, at first they still tried to somehow bury the dead, then they began, as you know, to simply bury the bodies in the yards of these houses, and then it was no longer possible to do that, they simply took the bodies to such improvised morgues, they were just buildings, there, for example, the new post office building became one of these morgues, in the whole world, in principle , these shots are viewed quite traumatically, and people, some of them who... saw even more terrible things than in the film, stayed in the city, lived with russian peace for two years, so what is this, do you think this is stockholm syndrome, or should it be explained in some other way? well, again, the spectrum of situations is very wide, someone has really accepted this russian measure and lives with it, someone is just trying to somehow survive, function despite the conditions that have developed, someone, someone, is helping.
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ukrainian special operations forces to strike at the occupiers, that is, they are different people. mr. andrii, do you have information from it's sad now, we understand that you are not physically there, but until recently you actually worked there, maybe you have some reports, some data from colleagues, well, today around one in the morning, a kamikaze uav of the shahed type hit a five-story panel building, there is such an old man the house and well... in fact, one of the entrances has completely collapsed, there are dead people, but no one has given the exact number yet, i know for sure that people with various degrees of injuries are being taken out from under the rubble, the demolition of the rubble is still ongoing at this place , and can you describe to us what area is this, is it also a residential building, a sleeping area, or are there some industrial facilities nearby, this is one of the old sleeping
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areas. let's say so, no one has officially named this place yet, so i won't either, it 's one of the old sleeping areas, so let's say, industrial facilities, so now i 'm thinking, well, there might be some small light industry factory there, there is one nearby a military facility, let's put it this way, thank you, actually a residential building, and a sleeping area, this is exactly what is in a crooked corner, that is, a scenario very similar, mr. andriy, thank you for the conversation, andriy kramchenko, the chief... for the footage, because it's actually the footage they shot right there, uh, there's an update from the general staff regarding losses for the previous day, russian losses, of course, 980 russians have forever become very, very good, and will no longer be able to do anything bad for our country. more news, more latest information,
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khrystyna parobiy will tell you in a moment. we pass the word to christina, we watch and listen carefully, congratulations, colleagues, thank you, about the situation in ukrainian cities after the night shelling i will tell you about the russians in a moment in the release, as well as about the situation at the front, don't miss it in a moment. news in the spresso studio, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. russian occupiers attacked sumy with shahedas at night. one of the enemy drones hit a high-rise building. according to preliminary data, 30 apartments in the building were damaged, 15 of them were completely destroyed, the regional military administration reported. rescuers found ten residents under the rubble. most of the injuries are different.


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