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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

8:30 am
gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. we will be back, thank you. to donate, because we see that more and more donations are coming to the account up to 480 thousand, we are moving confidently, and in it is up to you to pedal this one, speed it up, because both buggies and slaves are very much needed now at the front. we will talk about the front further, about the kupyan region first of all, but also about other matters. kyrylo sazonov is with us, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine and a political scientist. mr. kirill, welcome to our airwaves. good morning, nice to see you. ima
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, i am glad to see, and we will immediately ask about the northern part of our front, kupyansk, kremina, that is the line, the situation there now, we read that near sentivka they are trying to do something again, please tell me what you can tell, yes, the press service of the direction will probably give detailed information about the situation, and in senkivka, they have activated it. but it has never been quiet here, here and now, if you go to the surface, it is quite loud, it periodically flies towards us, periodically flies away from us, we also work, and we worked at night, and today will continue, they are constantly storming the positions, trying to push through , to survive, to break through somehow, to get around with their usual tactics, but they are not very successful, the tactics change, is constantly changing, sometimes they try...
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with the help of armored vehicles to pass, sometimes this tactic is really to drive up to our positions on a buggy, jump out and storm, it happens that groups make their way, as they think, unnoticed to our positions, but our dissension with they don't do well, they connect, connect, connect , control battery of artillery calculations, and there are wonderful moments when even whole trucks with replenishment do not even reach the... line they have, uh, mr. kirill, i wanted to ask you about things so that you are here more , as a matter of fact, as a military political scientist told us, i see that those units, the cb battalion, is a new one that we heard about, and the russian freedom legion and the volunteer corps, so they somehow got into the kursk people's republic and the belgorod people's republic. and i see some
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photos, they say that they stayed there for the night, this raid, it is a small enough force, and how harmful or useful it is for ukraine in general, the day ahead, well , the finale of the so-called action called putin's election, some say to me, that it only rattled, and who was scared, then they will run to vote for putin, because only putin will protect them, and the others tell me no, on the contrary, it is psychologically very good p- shows how much this czech colossus is on clay feet, and how do you decipher all this, because what was this outburst for in belgorod oblast, in the village of tyotkino, in the settlement of spodaryushyno, well , putin did not protect them in any way, as we can see, i worked for more than a year in this specific area, our unit worked then so that it would not be called thunder. we worked as subversive
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groups and of course as countersubversive, i will say that small subversive professional groups are the biggest headache, because fighting them is one thing, you have to find them, you have to catch them, they came in, worked out, moved, even arta can't keep up with them, it's very, very painful, and fighting such groups requires a lot of resources , much more people, equipment than the saboteurs themselves, and we see how they entered. quite sharply, we see how the russian police and the russian national guard ran away, they are used to fighting with the civilian population, chasing demonstrators, dispersing rallies, but with armed people, with trained people, they do not they can do nothing, they ran, and akhmat turned out to be not power either, but tea, here, for us , some of the guys from ours say, why waste these resources, it would be better to transfer them somewhere to vdiivka, to other areas. where it is difficult, let
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them work there, it seems to me that the benefit of this raid is quite large, well, first of all, purely military, as i said, in order to neutralize these small groups, discard them. to protect the border from them, the russians need significantly more forces, and if the russian guard and the police do not cope, they run from the militants guys, because they have neither the experience nor the training, it is necessary to throw in reserves, it is necessary to throw in, transfer from somewhere, really combat-capable units, that is, they will not be in other areas of our front, this is good, secondly, it is a purely psychological moment, the russians for ... do you hang this propaganda in your ear that they are at war with nato, with the west, there really are black gays everywhere, who dream of bringing them to their knees, taking away their scraps, and they are russians, they are ruled by god and such, this is
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nonsense this is what they have in general, here this propaganda somehow pours out, because it is also russian, russian against the russians, the russians against putin, and somehow they don't work in scraps anymore. all that they say about great russia, they are also confused , they say yes, yes, but the tyrant putin must be overthrown, and this breaks the propaganda, a little, breaks the orderly system, that is, there is a little despair in the brains, a little demoralization, well, thirdly, purely personally, as a person who left occupied buchi, has been fighting for two years, and sees both the liberated territory, what is happening, and sees it flying over our peaceful cities, i just like it when the russians see the shots. this tank with the flag of the european union is a simple question, and you have often seen tanks
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under the flag of the european union at the front, for whom do such stupid demonstrations, they ask questions, and this question remains, i am not talking about the fact that the fsb said that we are all ... they knew about it a couple of weeks ago, they leaked everything to us, they say that 100 people were destroyed, six tanks, a sau cesar, 20 units of armored combat vehicles, well, this is the fsb, i do n't know if their eyes are big or not they ate a bite in the morning , these are scary, they write numbers and bmp bradley and two armored personnel carriers and all the rest, but in general, these are cases with staged certain such emotional things, well, i don't know, there is a tank under the flag of the european union, well... it doesn't look very smart, or is it on the contrary cunning? let's wait for the news today, apparently they have already shot down several f35 planes , it will be terrible there, but as for the flag of the european union, well, it seems to me to be a bit incomprehensible,
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a bit of a soldier's humor in the trenches, i would, of course, if i was in charge of a group there and in we had a tank, i would hang a rainbow flank there kgbt. it's supposed to be scary too, if it's trolling, it 's trolling, right? yes, this is purely trolling , that is, we practice this, too, i have a karol gustov machine gun hanging on the wall, it was issued to me for trips, it is short, very suitable, it is very similar to the german m20 that the fascists had, so we now we call our dugout a hideout, we too stand to the luftwaffe anthem, well, we are nazis, we have something. may you have not only fun, but also comfort in your corner, please tell us in general about this raid yesterday, did you mention that it would be good if such raids on were becoming larger, more massive, more frequent, that
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this could pull the russian military from the front line, was something like that recorded yesterday, or did they use only those forces that they have located somewhere along the border, somewhere to pull them there? and in general, your vision , it is actually several regions, the border with ukraine, to moscow, in fact there is still a piece, whether these raids are felt in the larger territory of russia, because they can just look at it as some kind of show, oh interesting, something is happening, it's the russians, well, they used to be watched in the same belgorod region, in the kursk people's republic, they watched what was happening as if they were watching a tv show. nearby in the kharkiv region , now they already look out the window and see it, those who live in other regions look at them like a show, but sooner or later they will also see it in other regions, because now roma has made a lot of noise about it, it is very
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fair that now many believed that we live in the mud, we live in poverty, we live in isolation, but we live in complete safety, we have a long way to go. and the second army of the world will always protect against a terrible event , but now they see, no, they will not protect, guys with weapons nearby, every moment, and this is a drop in faith in... the reality of russian power, and this can lead to some centrifugal processes, especially in the outskirts, when the outskirts will begin to fight for independence, and we know that such processes are taking place in chechnya, and in dastan, and in bashkirtakhstan, and ukraine supports them both officially and unofficially, and so, this colossus on clay legs, if it collapses, it will what we dream about, russia will be divided into 10-20 small states that will be left alone. neighbors will somehow work on their own, that's why it's interesting, it's from the point of view of propaganda, first of all from
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the point of view, first of all from the point of view of propaganda it's important, because well, actually subversive groups, our others work in a different way, they quietly cross the border, quietly they go anywhere, at least to machulichy, at least somewhere else to work out and quietly disappear, well, these are our professional saboteurs, gur, sbu, and this is more psychological. i consider it a shock for the russians that the brigade was removed from kupyansk and thrown there, there is no such thing, of course, in conclusion kirill , what is the situation here, our partners, even poland has already said, and we will support the czech initiative with money, almost a million shells of various calibers, everything seems to be being prepared, they say that it is a matter of several weeks, we already in our defenses'. nicks in certain directions quite close to you, there on both bakhmutsky and vadiivsky, they say yes,
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arta is working normally, arta has returned to work, and god forbid she does not give an answer, so how are you, how do you feel, that is, from already some bc came, we we just don't know anything about him , has the situation really improved, or is it just that there is some kind of redistribution along the front line, well, today we have to be there, and tomorrow we will transfer it there, it... there was something like that before, we didn't really talk about it, that some people get there are a lot of bcs, some get some kind of minimum, although it is difficult everywhere, now stivskyi has such a monitoring, where there is an exacerbation, where it is difficult, then the bc goes immediately, and ours has actually been walking for a week, he smiles slyly, i ask, in a circle i i say, well, that's enough already shells, journalists ask me, civilians ask me, he says, kirill, there are enough shells, this is when the last ketchup died, we still have a few shells left, it is enough, but
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now it is not enough, but the art works with shells, and cassettes, and rockets, and we have a little bit, a little, more in the kherson region, and the guys and i, we have a marathon here with almost no sleep, because we worked at night and during the day we make bombs for drones ourselves, because the drone operators work and work until... they also promised, plus, we are still waiting
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for some weapons from the united states, also for arty, missiles, this is a very, very good topic, because the way it looks now in our 41st brigade, where grim, our tactical unit is working, the guys are holding the defense on sinkovka and others, there are actually three such hot spots, the guys are holding the defense , it is not moving back, the enemy is storming our groups... they go out, go out in raids, and the main work of destroying the enemy is performed by the artillery, the rocketmen, the drones, the mortars, they work on the enemy’s positions, on the near rear, disrupting its logistics, workshops, personnel deployment locations, warehouses with weapons, this is how it looks, and against this background, the sbu also works there, gur works, works, well, those who work far away, we saw how oil refineries were burning in ten regions yesterday. some infrastructural objects, something in crimea is being blown up, that's how it works, that's why weapons for arta, especially
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long-range missiles, are very necessary, very much, the more, the sooner we will leave russia without money, without infrastructure and without the ability to fight, well here is hot information, ads for the author chermet, and the best scrap metal will collect near senkivka, at least we know for sure what kyrylo sazonu confirmed to us including, kyrylo, thank you for. service to brothers and sisters , greetings, kyrylo sezonu, you are from the hot eastern direction of donetsk, you yourself have heard everything, and in general, we will take a short break, we must analyze everything, and the eyes... are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv, just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it
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opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict from in the morning, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. we managed to extinguish the fire at the refinery in ryazan, a new drone arrived, well and, in belgorod, the saint raised his hand, an unknown good drone from ukraine attacked the regional office of the fsb, you can imagine. such things. in total, they say that 58 drones were intercepted and shot down, intercepted and shot down.
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did it take a bit of effort to get it to land? well, in fact, we are rather talking about the fact that karma is on our side, and it is actually now, well, it allows that russian planes really fall, when we talk about the il-76, there are different versions here and there it is said that the bird got there in digun, etc., but in any case it is rather a low one. maintenance of aircraft-76, which is now used quite intensively by the russian federation, and this case was connected with an engine fire and a crash. the trophy of the crew and the people who were on this plane was the information that there were apparently also officers who were supposed to be there
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in the calculation of another complex of the a50 type aircraft, so far the information has not been confirmed, but in any case we see that the destruction of the fleet of military transport aircraft is happening due to, as we can see, insufficient high-quality maintenance of russian aircraft, and i think it would be good if it continued to do so. in addition, yesterday there was information that another russian so-27 fighter was shot down, the representative of gur spoke about this in the telethon, so far the information is being checked there, because i did not see these indicators in the report of the general staff this morning, ugh, i wanted to ask you about this new, new batch, the first military aid package from the us, the white house announced it for 300 million. and everyone had a whole evening yesterday telegram channels, oh, the attacks will appear, but i 'm looking at this list now, and the projectiles are jimirs,
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and highmars, and something else, but i don't see atacoms, well, actually, and when the last time there was a broadcast, when we first used these atacamps in october of last year, that is, we found out after the fact that these missiles were handed over, really a release to a politician. wrote about the fact that a certain amount, even a significant amount of atkams missiles may be transferred in the package of this military aid, but i think that they may be hiding somewhere between of the lines of this package of military aid , which the pentagon announced, the package is really worth 300 million, it includes, first of all, ammunition for artillery and there is a cluster high-explosive, which is very necessary, caliber 155 mm, there is ammunition for 105 mm, there is ammunition for the missile for the hymars, and there is possible there may be atakams, as well as other equipment and equipment that our armed forces desperately need now, it is said
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that this package will not be transferred from the reserves of the ministry of defense, that is, these ammunition will arrive quickly enough, ee there the mechanism is said to be due to additional savings, but in fact, let me remind you that from the previous packages last year, there was a balance of four. billions of dollars , and the pentagon admitted that there is a reserve of 4 billion, so far we are talking about 300 million, only a quarter of the balance, but as i understand it, the american military does not want to go down this path, because they currently lack such a legal decision , in order to reorder weapons that are supplied from the stocks of the ministry of defense, so in any case we understand that further unlocking financial assistance from the united states will cause a more active transfer of weapons to ukraine, and remove certain fears of the american military, who want, conditionally speaking, to have orders that compensate for the samples that are currently being transferred to ukraine.
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in parallel with the american package, even a little earlier, the czechs actually stepped up and found an opportunity to buy another 2,000 shells, the poles are shouting we are with you, we are with you, in general we see that europe is also actively trying to... provide us with what we need , this suggests that they understand that now is a really important turning point, and we cannot allow another avdiivok, or what is the story now? well, actually, really, we are talking about the activation of european countries, we really see more such powerful initiatives from france, from the czech republic, from other countries, in particular, yesterday the decision of the european union was made to allocate another 5 billion euros to the... support fund of ukraine, the peace fund, yes, that is, and in fact this fund is now one of such important resources for financing and
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purchasing ammunition and other things that are now being implemented by our european partners, when we now mention another country , denmark, which in parallel announced the transfer of finances in the range of 300 million, 330 million dollars, then this is... the list of weapons mentioned there, but in fact denmark allocates money in the same way this peace fund, and these funds already from this fund will be used for the purchase of caesar's howitzer, and artillery ammunition, and other systems for ukraine, and it is precisely from this same fund and at the expense of the surrendered money that the purchases will be financed and are being financed of ammunition for ukraine, which was found by the president of the czech republic, peter pavel, we are talking about the fact that the first trans... was for 300,000 shells, they have already been processed and purchased, then peter pavel said that there are 200 thousand more, so in general we can talk about a million
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projectiles with... according to this czech initiative, well , actually, now the question is precisely the financing of these purchases. the first batch, i think, is already arriving in ukraine, because we know that the czech republic independently made a number of deliveries, primarily ammunition for ukraine, so, in general, we can say that now stabilization with ammunition is slowly taking place, our military is also talking about it there, but in any case, russia retains a certain quantitative advantage. there were publications on cnn yesterday, which talked about the ratio of the pace of ammunition production in russia and european countries, so far it seems that russia has larger reserves and is ahead, but still the pace of the deployment of the defense industry in europe, it is for the europeans unusually high, and i think that's exactly what it is an indicator of the understanding of threats from the russian federation and the understanding that a bet on one's own defense industry is extremely necessary.
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europe's aid is stable, it will be against the background of those things that can happen in the united states, so in any case , expanding, well, it gives us confidence that our military will receive, technically, mr. serhiy, i want all- to return to this il 76, yes, as shurik said, it’s a pity for the bird, they said that the bird shot down this plane, but in this case it’s faster it is about technical degradation and karma. in which even a couple of years ago they showed the russian development of the iphone killer tablet, it was not even released in one quantity, the degradation of the air fleet, the pride of the ships did not even have normal air defense, so it went to the submarine fleet, and in this case , putin’s statement that they, it was yesterday that he kiselyov sat, there were two nuclear ashes, and he said that the technical readiness of russia to start a nuclear
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war and strike at. circumstances in ukraine at the highest level, technical readiness is super, and the question arises, indeed, if everywhere the degradation is technical , that the nuclear forces are so technically maintained separately in them, well, i think that it is hardly separate, but in any case here we see that the russians have started to pull out this nuclear card again, it has actually started to play again, a couple of weeks ago, when we started to read information in the foreign press about... that they say that russia has a sufficiently low threshold for the use of tactical nuclear weapons in view of the threats there, some foreign experts began to evaluate the scenarios there, but in any case -which in this case, it was, in my opinion, a certain kind of information input, which is traditionally used by russia to influence european countries in the first place, that there will be the use of nuclear weapons and politics there with
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verbal nerves, they will start panicking there about the fact that it is not necessary then to some kind of escalation, that is, not to transfer weapons to ukraine, now it clearly fits into this scenario, but it is very telling that against this very background, these initiatives, primarily by france, to erase any conditional lines that the russian federation may start there, with the possibility of using nato units on the territory of ukraine, so far for non-combat, but extremely important functions, this is exactly... the readiness of european countries to raise the stakes in this game is an extremely important trend that works in our favor, well, what about putin now will indeed use the argument related to nuclear weapons, there is nothing new in this. thank you, mr. serhiy, serhii sgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express, about the technical degradation and aggressiveness of russia, and western aid, which is coming to us and has already arrived. and
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recently actually. this has all intensified and we expect even more. in the meantime , 9:00 a.m. is approaching, the time when we commemorate every day all those who died due to russian aggression, all the military and civilians who died because of russia. we will observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war. that it was unleashed by russia.


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