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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EET

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united by football, stronger together. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. in the curve. in the cold, march 14 was declared a day of mourning for those who died from a russian rocket attack on a residential quarter, - said the head of the city oleksandr vilkul. in the morning, the number of victims of this terrorist attack increased. a 47-year-old woman died in the hospital, and this is the fourth death. at the same time, doctors continue to fight for the lives of six more seriously injured people, including two children. the day before, the enemy hit the city rockets the occupiers attacked the residential quarters of vlucha. in nine and five-story buildings,
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probably by kh-59 missiles. more than four dozen civilians were injured, half of them were hospitalized. the youngest wounded are not even a year old, they are a two-month-old boy and an 11-month-old girl. almost two dozen high-rise buildings, two kindergartens and two schools, an enterprise, an administrative building, a shop and a warehouse were also damaged in the place. three people are believed to have disappeared. missing due to an enemy attack on sumy, the ministry of internal affairs reported. at night, the occupiers attacked shahedam city. two of them were shot down by our defenders. another one hit a high-rise building. according to preliminary data, 30 apartments were damaged in the building, 15 of them were completely destroyed. rescuers saved ten residents under the rubble. most of them are injured, there are, unfortunately, also dead, but the number is being specified. two people will die. but five more were
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wounded. yesterday, around 11 p.m., the russians shelled myrnograd in donetsk region. an aviation guided missile grom e-1 was released over the city, which hit a five-story building. one person is in serious condition, three others are dead conditions of medium severity. another 13-year-old girl was rescued by rescuers from under the rubble. she was not physically injured. in total , four houses were damaged by the impact. rescue operation at the scene. completed three people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. the occupiers set fire to almost one and a half dozen settlements - informed the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. in kherson, russian shells damaged eight high-rise buildings and two private houses, the administration building, an outbuilding and a garage. also damaged agricultural machinery.
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perhaps the largest drone attack on russia continues, almost 70 drones have already flown into the territory of the aggressor country in the morning and during the night, the ministry of defense of the enemy has traditionally said that everything is being shot down. drones attacked seven regions, about 40 flew into voronisk region. the governor of the leningrad region also announced the attack by drones, saying that the uav was shot down on the approach to the oil refinery. due to the attack, the operation of the pulkovo airport was restricted, and a drone was damaged in belgorod fsb building. an industrial zone also came under fire, power lines were damaged, and in buturlynivka locals were frightened by the sound of gunshots. the head of the city says that there is likely to be damage to infrastructure facilities. there is also unrest in vologoodonsk, where the nuclear power plant is located. there, too, they seem to have shot down drones. and in ryazan, a drone
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was shot down by an oil refinery, a large-scale fire broke out, as reported by local telegram channels, several explosions rang out over the city, after that thick smoke rose from the ryazan naftoprodukt enterprise, its can be seen from different parts of the city, firefighters urgently went to the plant, the fire covered 200 km of territory, the governor of the region reported two victims, probably the drone fell on... from primary oil processing. propaganda media wrote that it will take at least three months to restore the company's work. and as defense express analysts report, a ukrainian uav, the ferocious, which can strike up to a thousand km, arrived at the ryazan plant. the russian oil refinery is located 450 km away from the border with ukraine. new results of the rdc raid on the russian border. fighters
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the freedom of russia region was informed that fighting is going on for the village of tyotkino in the kursk region, although the regional authorities say that the settlement was allegedly shelled by ukraine, and about a clash with their own... also, in the morning, the russian volunteer corps posted a video of the destruction of the russian control post. he still worked not for defense, but for attack, the video fighters ironically signed. the legion of freedom of russia reported that it continues to hold and capture territories new positions in particular, it is advancing in tetkin. legion of freedom of russia. the name of the village is further there, we will move on a little later. the streets are heavily shelled, and there is still a precinct waiting for us , with whom we need to communicate, and the local residents, who must be liberated, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, how russian volunteers liberate
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their native land, they will never see 980 occupiers again, and in general, since the beginning of a full-scale invasion, almost 427 thousand russians will forever remain russian slaves. because they were destroyed by our soldiers and also replenished scrap metal park, destroyed five tanks, 22 bmps, 32 artillery systems, more than 60 tank trucks, a rocket salvo system and two air defense systems of the occupiers. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 91 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. fantas continue to storm ukrainian positions in donetsk region. fierce fighting continues near krasnohorivka, novomykhaivka and georgiivka. there, the enemy tried to break through our defenses 26 times. the same number of attacks were repelled by our defenders on avdiivske direction the tense situation in the area
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of ​​chasovoy yar and pervomaiskyi. there, the armed forces of ukraine repelled an attack by terrorists seven times. also, 12 times our soldiers repelled the invaders in the orichiv direction in the district. robotic and willow in zaporizhzhia, tried to attack the occupier on the left bank of the dnieper, unsuccessfully. yesterday , the ukrainian aviation carried out nine strikes on areas of concentration of personnel of the occupiers, and rocket launchers and gunners hit three areas of concentration of the enemy, an artillery installation, an ammunition depot and two anti-aircraft vehicles of the occupiers. and i will remind you about our collection, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are asking. to help with the purchase of maviks and their components, as well as fividrons for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed. and we
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can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 140,000. remember, everyone. your donation is important so join the gathering, you can see all the details on the screen. dragon's teeth, anti-tank trenches and dugouts. a second line of defense is being built in the kherson region. for the construction of the fortification , concrete blocks, wood, geotextile and pipes are used - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. he also noted that before the start of construction work , the territory is checked by sappers. so far , a third of the liberated areas have been examined in the region, and more than 150,000 mines, streamers, unexploded shells and other explosives have been found and destroyed there. to preserve culture during the war, in a documentary film festival was held in lviv. this is a project that was worked on
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by the ukrainer team, which has been researching ukraine and the ukrainian context since 2016. the films show how ukrainian culture survives during the war and how the european community... helps to restore our damaged monuments, in particular, lviv residents were shown how to help restore the bohdan and varvara khanenko national art museum, which was damaged by the russian attack last year. films are traveling across ukraine, they already are seen in chernihiv, poltava and kyiv. the project was made possible with the support of the european union. great efforts must be made to preserve these cultural assets, to promote them. to those artists who create today, so that they can continue to create in ukraine, in order for culture to develop, and it is very good that europe understands this, and therefore, for example, along with financial assistance for social needs, for military needs, there is a very large layer of aid specifically for cultural institutions
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or artists so that they continue to create. we will summarize the morning at 12 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, bet. all likes, my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, will continue the ater, do not switch, stay with the espresso team. wagons held hostage in august of last year , at the request of sbi investigators and prosecutors of the prosecutor general's office, the pechersk district court of kyiv seized freight wagons of the poltava mining and beneficiation plant. the prosecution calls these wagons... alleged material evidence of the illegal sale of waste from production. the investigation of this case is still
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ongoing, but the company's lawyers do not agree with their accusations and so many arrested cars. we found out and received a written response from ukrzaliznytsia. ukrzaliznytsia keeps track of who transported what to whom, in which wagons, and so on. we managed to find out that only 158 wagons participated in the transportation of products for this purpose. of a specific counterparty, while all those owned by pzp were arrested. we see clear illegality in this. at the combine, they emphasize the seizure of wagons has a negative effect on production indicators, because it has become much more difficult to sell products. such a court ruling actually jeopardizes timely delivery. that is why we are now seeing a decrease in the volume of cargo shipments, an increase in our cost price, as a result of which our company will have a lower profit, as a result of which the volume of tax deductions will be reduced, due to the seizure of its own wagons
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, the plant had to rent transport from several private owners. the technical condition of the wagons can be said unsatisfactory and not intended for the transportation of our cargo, due to large gaps, as a result of transportation , our cargo leaks. i would still like to find an understanding in this question, why our wagons are standing. due to the lack of wagons, the sale of products is delayed, and this can lead to the loss of sales markets and significant losses, moreover, due to such actions, the company, which is one of the largest taxpayers and an employer in the region, has already suffered losses of more than uah 150 million, and more than the budgets of all levels did not receive uah 30 million in taxes. on to the poltava mining and beneficiation plant, they hope for the earliest possible. correction of this regrettable error, which can lead to the destruction of the enterprise, and all
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involved officials, the investigator, the prosecutor, the judge and others will suffer the appropriate punishment for such deliberately illegal actions, - the lawyers emphasize. we'll be right back. before we bring our next guest to our conversation, i want to remind you about our collection, why we bring it up so often, because it's not just a bog we 're packing, it's a medical evacuation transport, that is, it is what goes to the battlefield, almost the first, and takes from there wounded soldiers, our boys, girls who were injured, who cannot get to the nearest staging post themselves, who cannot. to get to medics, and this is what helps medics save lives, save limbs,
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prepare the wounded soldier as best as possible for recovery, for rehabilitation, and also there will still be a radio electronic means of struggle in the same unit, and guys, this is what will allow the same bug to escape the attack fpv (100%), and i don't think anyone needs to explain why. rap today is certainly no less important, take the camera of your smartphone, point at the qr code, if not a smartphone, then here is the card number below, we have a little left to 480 00 hryvnias, if you can, then any donation, small or large, but if we attack as a community, then maybe 54 less than a thousand need to be collected, we remember literally two weeks ago we collected for drones, and then the collection flew insanely fast, because everyone knows that... the drone is important, the reb and the evacuation transport - it is not it is less important, please do it, because it
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is important, and it is equally important to ask oleg sahakyan about everything that interests us, he is a political scientist, the head of the united coordination center platform and he is in touch with us, oleg, congratulations , my greetings, i'm glad to see and hear, oleg, i'm me, and i'll start not by default with some such difficult questions, but with such a question, as the people say, a whip, from a household one. there is an obolon district in kyiv, my native, there is everything, there is an obolon court, quite odious at the time, for example, revolution of health. there is kolya obolonskyi, for example, the hero of a local epic, that, aka mykola tyshchenko, aka mykola kotleta, aka the transcarpathian-prikarpattian servant of the people, he is no longer a servant of the people, mykola, and mykola divorced his ex-wife alla baranovska through court , and it was a secret court, everything
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is classified there, like the launch of nuclear missiles, but the declaration arrived here. from kolya obolonskyi, it contains a gift from his ex -wife of 13 million uah, more precisely 12 million 600, 12 63480 uah, and what kind of gifts are these at the time war? redemptive, but then we, roman, will just get along with you, because women obviously don't give us such gifts. before the divorce, but it would be funny if it weren't bitter that , unfortunately, we have parliamentary ethics, it is far from ideal, and the fact that we often find people in the parliament who cannot be admitted to state administration at the drop of a hat , but actually these are the remnants and the consequences of, let's say, our transformational
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various processes, both in society and in the state, and never without it, that is, it is a mandatory element that was one way or another, it's just... his name can be completely different and tyshchenko is not the only one on this list, but the fact that it was issued as a gift, well, it's obvious that it's a minimization of taxes, or maybe a little, really, but we just don't know the secret of marital success and happiness, and that's how the field was just seriously lucky, well , they just knock from below all the time, you know, i put my foot on the bottom, and from below mykola and the obolon suta are knocking, well, i have to reflect on this story, because. .. but now, on the contrary, according to statistics , women receive a lot of gifts from men time and mobilization, in particular, and recorded that a huge number of cars that are re-registered, yes, for women, just en masse, who knows what mobilization law will be written there, you know, yes, but let's count the money a little differently, the money that and larger sums, and probably more important
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at the moment, i am talking now about this package of aid from the states, which... quite unexpectedly came out, they said about 400 million, in fact, they announced about 300 million for ukraine after a three-month break, already for sure and not really expected, and quite good things there is, and this is after statements that there may be more audios, if the world does not recover here , and in particular the united states of america, this is a one-time action, can we expect that during that year before the election, which ... less presidential states , it will be regular, well, i would not like the time to say that we count on this money regularly, because it will mean that the american parliament is never able to pass a budget in which money is allocated for the allies of the united states, in particular for ukraine, therefore, first of all, i would like to to see this budget passed,
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we are currently in the grip of a domestic political crisis in the united states, the next window of opportunity will be around mid- april. is contained, in particular, due to the fact that now the american congressmen have begun to collect signatures to register the vote of this bill for a vote bypassing speaker johnson in the congress, accordingly, this term, it is about 30 days to collect these votes is given, and after 30 days you can will be put to the vote, this will be a window possibilities, or before that the political crisis will move and the existing bill will be voted on with a certain set of compromises and... agreements within the republicans, or then they will go down an alternative path and then the chances of the adoption of this budget are also quite good, since there are also democratic votes, who support and there is a part of the republicans who are ready to support, today we have a kind of one-and-a-half party support inside the congress and almost full bipartisan
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support inside the senate, but speaking about support from this money is under-reported. if we take into quotation marks that the pentagon has, then it is clear that there is still a margin of safety, and it is several billions, it is measured, according to various data, to 4 billions of money that was still possible to use for helping ukraine, of which now these 300 and a half million stand out, but here no one knows the exact number, since it is floating, since it depends on how the debit credit is settled in the uh... pentagon, and accordingly we can simply state that it is several billion more is, therefore, of course, even if if standard support lags, we can count on at least several more tranches that will be stretched over time. with the support of ukraine on critically important articles, not to mention the fact that part of this money is reserved for the needs of the f-16, since we understand that the beginning of summer,
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the middle of the summer, this will be the period when the f-16s rush into our lives . oleg, when we were talking about such local freaks like kolya kotlet and tyshchenko, yes, here about another freak, i just remember the facial expressions of speaker johnson when the president spoke biden. and talked about the thousands of dead ukrainians and who is responsible for it and he nodded his head so sympathetically, now the prime minister of poland donald tusk says the same thing directly to his face, he says that speaker johnson is personally responsible for thousands of lives in ukraine, and here is the question, is it just the stubbornness of johnson himself, or is it just an effect, i don't know boa and toad? who freezes when she sees him, when johnson sees the portrait of trump, he also looks like a frog in front of a boa constrictor, how to explain it, the whole world already belongs to that johnson appeals, well, listen, he is in
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both transverse and longitudinal twine, and it is clearly not very comfortable to sit in it, since for him his political career has now started with a rapid takeoff, he was, well, a congressman and especially no one of any kind did not do anything to him, he became the speaker, and this is a higher position today, he has risen higher than even expected, and accordingly he understands that his future depends on how well he can maneuver in the situation, how not to quarrel with trump, not to create a situation so that trump could and wanted to remove him, and accordingly, it is a frog with a boa in one direction, in the other direction, this is a stretch with his party members. on which he stands also next to this, is his strained relationship even with his spiritual brothers from the religious line, because he is
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a sufficiently religious person, not just a sufficiently religious person, but a very religious person, and there were a number of meetings along the line of protestant churches, in particular his denomination, and it is represented in ukraine, including, and it also has little effect, he's just sitting and waiting and trying to find a window now when he can... to jump out as efficiently as possible with minimal effect to himself . he has the stefanchuk virus, well, in order for our ukrainians to understand how he has to behave as an independent head of the parliamentary branch of government, but i would quote tusk, i cannot but quote one more point, because we know that in reality at the meeting of the polish coalition government tusk was surprised. when he found out that the european commission did not put agricultural products from russia under any sanctions or quotas, and now the next thing that donald tusk is saying
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is that half of europe is still all half of europe, he says that half of europe is still trading with russia and belarus, this is what he said of the tvn24 channel, well, in fact, european sanctions are being used with one hand, and they are trading with the other hand, and it turns out that they are fictitious or not? sweat, will tusk be heard, will it continue to be business as usual, and we will now draw up the sanctions package, well, for now, europe came close, or the closest thing to banning the export of agricultural products from russia to europe, its import, this can really be a breakthrough step, they were not ready for it before due to a whole series of circumstances, starting from the weight of food on international markets and accordingly.. . social and political effects from this, because russia is blackmailing with grain, in fact blackmailing a whole number of countries with famine, accordingly, to create an artificial deficit in certain regions, karchiv, europe was extremely unwilling
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, and thus the only field in which left a big hole for russia to cooperate with the world, this is exactly what was related to food, because otherwise it would be possible to see protests in europe and protests in the global south, which would say that europe is squeezing russia and because of this they are starving and everything else, for now... sanctions have evolved, the perception of the russian-ukrainian war has evolved to the level where there is a window of opportunity. i would not put my head on the stake now for whether they will vote or not. there is still no consensus on this issue in europe. there is a whole series countries that are interested in providing, say, intermediary functions in the trade of russian grain, but the lobby of agricultural countries for which russia is a competitor, it... is currently gaining momentum and there is a good chance that it will be possible in more than two years a full-scale invasion will be able to solve this issue. mr. oleg, what have they
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not used against. ukraine, there were no nuclear weapons yet, but there is always this tension in the air, in statements, in communication, that they are ready, they can, the us is considering that russia will dare and so on, does the world, the western, democratic world, have an understanding of what can deter putin from using nuclear weapons, or is there anything like that at all? the event still has a number of mechanisms that can be used. in order to make putin's regime very, very, very painful. and starting from the assets that are russian abroad, and serious pressure on third countries so that these assets are frozen or arrested, it means the countries of the global south for everything. is also the chinese factor, which is a serious deterrent to russia, because china is categorically opposed not just to the use of nuclear weapons, but even to the threat of their use, and you can see how these statements by putin all the time
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coincide with the ... freezes in relations with china, and recently russian-chinese relations are far from ideal, to put it mildly, on the political track and on security, so putin is now not so much threatening the west with this nuclear warhead as he is demonstrating to china that he can be both part of the solution for them and part of the problems. here, russia's dependence on china should not be overestimated, it is two-way, although it is symmetrical, it is clear that this is the relationship of a senior and a junior partner, if we are talking about the economy, if we are talking about politics and security. that is, the situation there is somewhat different depending on the sphere , so putin actually does not grasp it, this is the last argument, they have nothing else to threaten, this is partly a response to macron, who intercepted the escalation initiative and now has already put russia in a situation where they have to guess red the west line, and not the other way around, well, these are the extremes of yesterday, the two ashen nuclear grandfathers kiselyov and putin reinforced this topic, and i am talking about our neighbors, we understand that
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there is borscht with orban, and nothing will be cooked at all, but yesterday there was an action in support of ukraine is quite massive, and i look at these representatives of the slovak people who came out under the slogans "russian is a terrorist state and we stand together with ukraine, this is against robert fico, the president criticizes the prime minister, but the prime minister is the main one there, robert fico does appearance that he is bigger than dima kiselyov dima kiselyov supports putin, but i'm leaving. the protests have already brought down that populist and racist robert fitza, will the protests bring him down this time, or will we hope for the best here and have to live with such and such a government in slovakia, well , nothing prevents us from hoping for the best, but we must prepare for worst of all, so far these actions are not so massive, although they show a serious level of tension in society,
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as far as i know, somewhere close to... 5 thousand people came to a protest in the center of the city capital, but if we talk about the country as a whole, then today these sentiments are significant, present, but they do not yet have the level of determination that would tell us about the possibility of detonating a political crisis now and, accordingly, for example, fitso's re-election or departure his resignation due to the impossibility of exercising his powers, due to paralysis or, for example, the executive branch of power, no, at the moment it is only a flare-up. of this situation, whether it will subside or gain momentum, we will continue to observe. at the moment, this is a very good indicator that the immunity and healthy forces in slovakia have their voice, are present, and fitso, this is not the consensus of the whole society, especially in the matter of supporting ukraine, because even when fitso was elected, and his position at the moment, let's say , it is mildly pro-russian, it even contrasts with the position of the same orban, in particular because part of his voters, they
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voted for... as an anti-american, anti-european politician, but not as a pro-russian one, because this voter sympathizes with ukraine, and in him, even inside him a nuclear voter , this is a slightly complicated schizoid situation for him, when they advocate for him as a counterweight to brussels and the west, but at the same time they do not tolerate him and do not support pro-russian and anti-ukrainian steps, well, god gave us that orban and fitz, but it... was demolished last time in bratislava by slovak maidan, so that's how things are. mr. oleg, thank you for the conversation, oleg sahakyan, political scientist, head of the united coordination center platform, was with us. and i want to thank our viewers, here we are they asked, explaining in this way, 15 thousand, yes, it arrived during this time, while we were talking with oleg saaken, let's give it an honest look.


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