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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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much better than the last three months, that is , we had some difficulties due to the lack of artillery shells, long-range, blocking the sky and a large number of drones of the russian federation, we worked very well on russian aviation, we have now leveled the situation in the east, we are advancing. russia is stopped. mr. colonel, against this background , cia director william burns stated that ukraine could regain the offensive initiative in late 2024 and early 2025 , provided that the congress and senate of the united states the united states will resume financing ukraine. unless the united states of america restores it. financing, or this
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financing will be delayed, how does it threaten ukraine, and, accordingly, western europe? actually, it's a very complicated question, and it's quite difficult to find an answer, because it all depends on many different variables, because the way russia is actually throwing everything into the crucible of war right now, everything it has, it's trying to ... show it as such a political bonus before the elections in russia, that's why it's such a positive signal for them, because the ukrainians pushed out from avdiivka, for example. at the moment, it is quite difficult to make certain judgments or predictions about what this pause in the russian offensive will be like, zelensky is definitely right to express himself in this way. but we know that the ukrainian
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armed forces are also exhausted, and so how long this pause will last, i don't know at the moment, but i 'm sure that russia will look until it finds some weak spot, some weak spot along the entire front line, and then it will start hitting there. of course, it is very difficult, very difficult for the armed forces of ukraine to prepare soldiers to duty. offensive, even if they will have the necessary weapons and ammunition from the united states, they still need to be trained, they need to be trained, because what happened last year, yes, the soldiers, the military, they were not prepared for what they had to deal with clashed and suffered huge losses, if, but if they do not get the weapons that they requested, which they requested, then far. it won't
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work. over the past month , french president emmanuel macron has hinted several times in different interpretations that the french army, or french army troops may sooner or later end up on the territory of ukraine. this caused an immediate reaction, a big reaction in the kremlin. you allow the possibility that individual countries of the north atlantic... can send small contingents to the territory of ukraine if necessary. well, there is no point now in sending such small legions or something like that from the side of individual states. that is, if there is still a decision to send its military to ukraine, then it is necessary to do it on an appropriate scale, on a large scale.
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yes, macron wants to put himself somehow , you know, in such a light that he is a leader in europe, because putin has somehow now gone into the shadows, he is now in the role of a villain, he is now trying to put pressure on scholz as well. i also want to say that he is saying sensible things, he is preparing his military for... for such an unfolding of events, why the british, german or french forces, why should they prepare for such a scenario, because, as we have already talked about the fact that if there will be a specific attack on one of the nato countries, then it is necessary to really transfer in a heightened state of readiness of the army.
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sending these troops from france, for example, well, a larger contingent of troops to the territory of ukraine, would that mean that russia, having struck, for example, in... in response to france, simply started a war with the entire north atlantic alliance, because there is point five, but these troops, whether this agreement on the north atlantic alliance allows us to avoid this, is a very good question, because what has happened so far, russia has taken over a lot of bad initiatives, they work a lot in the media space, they they want to undermine trust, put top representatives of the highest political establishment in a bad light, they are trying
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to intimidate georgia, the baltic countries, moldova, and what did france do? france tried to transfer the whole... this threat to russia itself, to russia, and so putin now has to think whether he wants to take this war game of his to another level, i think that putin will not do that, and even if there are french troops in ukraine, he will not dare to do anything more, because for him it is a very big danger. sir colonel, today the russian public, the russian media are writing about the fact that... that the ministry of defense of great britain publishes footage of tests of a classified laser weapon of this action, the video shows the use of a laser against static targets and a dry test on a training ground, do you know that what what kind of weapon is it, and to what extent it is
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such that it will help to hit russian, including equipment. in case it will be tested in ukraine? yes, there are open sources that provide specific announcements, specifically about this laser weapon that works against missiles, against military aircraft, and this has been known for a long time, because many countries... have been testing something similar for 25 years, and therefore, if such weapons are really at the proper level now, then good luck, use them, we let's see what happens, because so far i haven't heard that
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such tests have actually been successful, but i've read that several countries, yes, they are looking for, in fact, such systems to ... to disable satellites, but if such negotiations are already underway, which means that such a thing will be invented in the future. sir colonel, the american institute for the study of war suggests that the russian defense-industrial base will inevitably face a shortage of manpower, a reduction in reserves, including due to sanctions, so its capabilities will not be sustainable in the medium and long term. in your opinion, at the current pace of hostilities, russia will have enough time to recover or create new types of weapons and be at some level.
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there are a lot of different discussions, especially when it comes to heavy weapons, they are now already... they cannot produce in sufficient quantities, or even cannot produce specific spare parts and heavy weapons in general. and all this is precisely the consequence of sanctions. one of my friends, who has connections in russia, claims that the people who work in factories in russia can be called, i don't know, some young ladies from the village who do not know at all what they are doing there. that is, they have unqualified personnel, they already lack, accordingly , the weapons they manufacture do not meet the standards. when we talk about sanctions, there are countries, there are countries in particular switzerland, for example, and others that
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simply violate sanctions, certain companies, there are companies all over europe that ignore these sanctions, that send russia what it needs. therefore, i think that russia really has great potential in the fact that it manages to get what it needs. using other countries, but unfortunately , getting these parts, they just don't have specialists, then they turned all this iron into proper equipment, combat equipment, we know that russia has been successful all along, they had real specialists, but we now see how much they improve. means of radio electronic warfare, and therefore they will continue in this, they have
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specialists for this. thank you, colonel, for speaking to you, this was glen grant, a retired british army colonel, a military expert. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you whether raids by russian rebels on the territory of the russian federation are bringing our victory closer. take a look. intermediate results of the poll, we do not have intermediate results of the telecast, but on youtube 72% yes, they are bringing our victory closer, these raids, 28% no, you see the phone numbers now on the screen, we will hold the results of the full vote in the second part of our program, tired of of heavy and bulky saws, then saw. unboxing tv is just for you, with it you can easily trim trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it
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bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two o'clock. to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and what the world lives on, and now about what happened in the world , yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please , you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka, with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, to sports news, a review of sports events by yevhen postakhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much to the chechen line for information about cultural news, presenters who have become familiar to many, is already ready to tell us about the weather on friday , as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii
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parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football together are stronger. following the results of february , the espresso tv channel continues. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, the sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian view. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana
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shustrova. candidates for the constitutional court. who failed the interview? when? the constitution of ukraine was adopted, i can answer the question why the judge's drunken driving became the fruit of a poisonous tree, and i was refused a medical examination. on thursday, march 14, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shostrova on the espresso tv channel. greetings, friends, live. tv channel, the second part of the verdict program is in the program today. first of all, the cessation of aggression. the vatican has finally set priorities on the diplomatic path to peace in ukraine. why are ukrainians pushed to surrender? freezing of russian assets. switzerland took the first steps. who can become the locomotive
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of the confiscation of the money of the criminal regime. overthrow. dictatorship, russian volunteers came to putin's election with weapons, what good are insurgent raids on the territory of russia. we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook. for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether the raids of russian rebels on the territory of the russian federation are bringing our victory closer. yes, no , it's pretty simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, please pick up your smart phone or phone and vote if you think russian rebel raids on russian territory are bringing our victory closer 0.800 211 381 no 0.800 211 382, all calls to these numbers are available free of charge, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this
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vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, they are people's deputies of ukraine ivan. pushynsadze, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on ukraine's integration into the european union. mrs. ivana, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening. oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, chairman of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you and thank you for finding me time to join our broadcast. good evening, thank you for the invitation. andrii osachuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice faction, first deputy chairman. committee on law enforcement activities of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. i congratulate you, mr. andriy, thank you for being with us today. good evening. well, since we ask our tv viewers and viewers what they think about the raids of russian rebels on the territory of the russian federation, which happened both today and in the past . i will ask you the same question.
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ladies and gentlemen, what i ask our viewers, are raids bringing our victory closer. russian rebels on the territory of the russian federation. mrs. ivana, let's start with you, with you. you know, i believe that any postponement of hostilities in this war on the territory of the enemy is positive for our future victory. just like these drone attacks on oil refineries on absolutely legitimate military targets, so too. of the russian volunteer legion, on the territory of the russian federation, they will definitely force the russian federation to additionally disperse its military capabilities, precisely for to protect themselves, their territory, and accordingly they will withdraw a certain resource from ukraine.
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therefore, i believe that yes, such things are one hundred percent added. well, the arguments, let's say, military arguments, in order for us to be able to ensure the defeat of our enemy. thank you, mr. andrii, do such raids bring our victory closer. well, you know, i think that everything is quite obvious here, i actually completely agree with vanna's rhetoric, because any military damage that is done to the russian federation, any military. losses of the russian federation, any resources that they need to divert from the ukrainian front, they usually contribute to the success of the ukrainian armed forces. the only thing that , of course... we are all interested in is the scale and scope of such activities against putin's regime by formations of citizens of the russian federation, and
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i think that this is precisely the direction that they should develop, because all these endless conferences of russian liberals, who constantly push the envelope, this is all of course, maybe they are very interested, but probably the only option, how they can really... fight for the status of good russians, is if they will maximally finance such armed formations and take a direct part in such armed formations and forays into the territory of the russian federation, which will naturally accelerate the end of the regime. thank you, mr. andriy, mr. oleksandr, do you think such raids bring our victory closer? in order to win a war, it is necessary to conduct combat operations, not only to defend oneself. territory, but also to conduct combat operations in the territory of the enemy, in the territory of the enemy, this is extremely important, so definitely these raids bring victory closer of ukraine. at the same time, i would also
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like to emphasize that these raids are politically and symbolically important on the eve of quasi or pseudo-elections in russia, because they clearly demonstrate to the world and the russian population that putin is unable to guarantee security. its citizens on the territory of russia, and this is already, well, such a small victory, one might say. thank you, mr. oleksandr, this morning fighters of the russian volunteer corps of freedom of russia, siberian battalion entered the territory of the russian federation, took control of tyotkino, this is the kursk region. a volunteer of the legion of freedom of russia, oleksiy baranovsky, confirmed that the rebel units. continue to control this settlement in kursk oblast, it is next to sumy oblast, next to bilopol', the russian army is now retreating, let's hear
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what he said. the armed forces of russia did not expect breakthroughs in those areas of the border where they occurred. let's see how the situation will develop. it's literally the first day, and the election is at the end of the week. there is still a lot of work, and all the most interesting. let's see how events will develop, it depends not only on us, but also on what forces the kremlin will throw at suppressing this uprising. we still have many surprises in zagashnik, some of them in gusenytsy have already been passed, but we still have a lot more in store. let's see how things will develop. well, it must be said right away that these are russian volunteers, that these are people who are communities. of the russian federation, who entered the territory of their state and demand, or fight, as they say, with the dictatorship of vladimir putin. mrs. ivano, literally in 5
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putin's election will be held in russia in a few days, because this is not a presidential election, it is an inauguration, i don't know, putin's next coronation. in your opinion, given the circumstances under which these elections are taking place, including the occupied ukraine, how the kremlin is conducting this campaign, are there sufficient grounds for the world community, i mean, not even ukraine, the world community, did not recognize the legitimacy of putin, is there such a possibility? in my opinion, it is clear that the world community should not recognize, well at least a democratic one the world community should not recognize the legitimacy of the head of the russian federation after the holding of these pseudo -elections, in particular due to the fact that these elections will be held in the occupied territories, which the russian
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federation, contrary to international law , has declared as its territories, in which the forced passporting of ukrainian citizens is taking place, in which, once again, there is a forced attempt to lead to the elections districts of ukraine. of their citizens and present it as an election on russian territory is the first, but at the same time, we also already have the decision of the same parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, which speaks not only about these violations by the russian federation, but also about those changes to the constitution of the russian federation, which now allow for the second time, well, let's call it... appointing putin as once again after all, the president of the russian federation, which also contradicts any principles. rights and changes in power and
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changes, changes in approaches that should take place in a country that somehow claims to be recognized as a country with some legal and adequate regime, so here there are other, additional reasons why these elections should not be recognized and should not give legitimacy to the russian dictator, and for the next one, it is his own... the deadline, at the same time, you and i, well, we are unlikely to see such a systemic disagreement and or the systematic non-recognition of various countries of the free world , including, well, these, this appointment of the president of the russian federation, i think that in fact, due to the fact that there are no
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international... spectators, international observers, themselves, the election process itself in any way , well, it will not be perceived as acceptable, but at the same time you and i will not see what the countries there will say, no, this is not a valid head of the russian federation, i think that this should not be expected. thank you, mr. andrii, but what is the threat to the world of such a straussian policy, because it is clear that... what is putin doing? it is clear that putin is killing ukrainians, that he is destroying the ukrainian state, that he is trying to usurp power, full power in russia, it is clear that he is a dictator, an autocrat, there are no elections there, so silence, or let's say, some kind of slow, cautious criticism that which is happening in russia, and as a consequence and recognition of putin's powers, how does this
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threaten the world? well, look, there is a quite clear explanation for this: on the one hand, there is no argument to justify the legitimacy of putin's reassignment, which will take place this weekend, first of all, because this reassignment will take place in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. if there were no temporarily occupied territories there, it would be a completely different story, and now it is absolutely obvious, brutal, not just from... destruction, destruction and trampling into the swamp of international law, which was formed since the end of the second world war. therefore, of course, according to all formal signs , no one will assert the legitimacy of vladimir putin. but again, the realities of the world are complex, and since until today, i have long said that probably the biggest, or one of the biggest
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problems of the great war in ukraine is... the lack of a common vision of the west, the future of russia, there is none, and accordingly , so that we don't talk about our ambitions there destruction of the russian regime, but such rhetoric is not actually heard from the key countries and nato and the g7, while all of them somehow keep different plans for the political end of the war somewhere in their bosoms, in fact, in one way or another in the history of people. after all, wars are not ended by the military, but wars are always ended by politicians in the form of some documents, which are very, very different, and given such a perspective, of course, neither the leadership of the united states nor the european union would like to put themselves in a situation what if they have to agree on something with russia there in a year two, three or five, then they will negotiate with
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a person whom they... themselves will recognize as illegitimate, this would contradict the very idea of ​​such a potential agreement, so there is such a double situation that with on the one hand, everyone understands that international law has been destroyed and recognizing putin as not a legitimate president is absolutely unacceptable, on the other hand, everyone is thinking about some kind of plan to end this terrible conflict in central europe, and therefore i agree with... ivanna that most likely they will behave quite restrained himself. mr. oleksandr, the lack of a vision of the future of russia , what to do with russia, is it not a sign of equality that the world does not know what, what to do with everyone on this planet earth, well, relatively speaking, what they, they do not know how they want to see their future, because the lack of vision, what to do with...


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