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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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to the south and in central ukraine, they are being relocated, reduced, closed , many of their employees have gone abroad, were forced to leave the territory of ukraine due to the war, that is, there are a lot of processes here, thank you, ms. galina, unfortunately, we have to let you go already, the airtime is running out, halyna vasylchenko, people 's deputy of ukraine, was on our airwaves, and we are already passing the floor to our colleague iryna koval, who from the news editorial office has already prepared fresh and relevant information, so we will sell you ... iro the word and actually we ask tell what this issue will be about. thank you marta, well, in this issue i will talk about the situation in kryvyi rih and sumy oblast after the shelling by the russians, and also about the situation at the front, so stay tuned.
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4:00 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. in kryvyi rih , the consequences of yesterday's rocket attack by the russians on a residential quarter are being eliminated. utility workers remove debris, specially created groups record the destruction. people cover windows with plywood. in the dead five as a result of the missile attack. rescuers today. a man's body was found during the demolition of rubble on one of the floors, 43 people were injured, 20 wounded remain in hospitals. doctors continue to fight for the lives of six seriously injured people, including two children. the day before, the enemy hit the city with missiles, probably kh-59. i was lying in the bed, which is next to the window in the bedroom.
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and the number of dead as a result of the shahed attack on sumy increased to two. during the analysis of the rubble of a five-story residential building , rescuers found a body. the second deceased persons, the state emergency service reported. the rescue operation is ongoing. currently, eight victims are known. 30 apartments in the building were damaged, 15 of them were destroyed. rescuers found ten residents under the rubble. for security reasons, the city authorities transferred preschoolers and schoolchildren to distance learning until the end of the week. one of russia's largest oil refineries
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, novoshakhtynskyi, stopped working after an attack by ukrainian drones. governor of rostov region vasyl golubev said that there are allegedly no dead or injured as a result of the attack, and technological processes at the enterprise have been stopped. he also added that the drones fell on the territory of the plant as a result of the operation of regular electronic warfare systems. the military intelligence and security service of ukraine did not officially confirm, but... neither did they deny their participation in this operation. the operational situation on the eastern front remains difficult - emphasized the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. the russian occupation army continues its offensive, concentrating its pressure in the areas of terni, berdychiv, ivanivsky, tonenko, vervovy and roboteny. according to the general, it is probably the result of high activity losses. in other
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areas of the front, it decreased significantly. during two weeks of fierce fighting, the enemy suffered extremely high losses. however, all the settlements that he tried to capture remained under our control, - added syrskyi. the russian occupation troops stormed the left bank of the dnieper three times in the past day in order to knock out our units from their positions. but having suffered losses, the enemy withdrew, according to reports. in defense forces of the south. russian troops do not stop aerial reconnaissance, press with artillery fire, use attack drones of various types. the enemy in this direction lost 41 occupants, one gun, 10 cars and five boats. five enemy observation posts were destroyed. self-destructed. the kairus-1 rocket, owned by the private japanese company space one, exploded.
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5 seconds after the start. it was supposed to deliver a satellite into orbit, reuters reports. the company reported that the rocket self-destructs when an error is detected flight paths quickly. or control system, but spice one did not specify what exactly caused the self-destruction. company representatives noted that there were no casualties as a result of the explosion. they took it again. for the second time this week, the police forcibly removed greta thunberg, who was blocking the entrance to the swedish parliament together with other climate activists, reuters reports. let me remind you that on monday, thunberg and... dozens of eco-activists staged a sit-in protest against the consequences of climate change and political inaction, according to law enforcement officers, although the protesters had the right to demonstrate, they had to be removed due to blocking the exits. 76% of ukrainians
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believe that society today respects veterans of the russian-ukrainian war. these are the results of a survey of sociologists. rating group, and ukrainians consider psycho-emotional instability, health problems, lack of an inclusive space, and problems with issuing benefits as potential risks that veterans may face. sociologists continue to record high levels of trust. 96% express favoring ato veterans who are now fighting again, and 94% trust veterans of a full-scale war. real understanding of the problems that society will face in the future and which are present is growing, this is the main conclusion from the fact that there is a dynamic, here there is no question of a sharp change of attitude towards it, there are problems, people understand them and it is obvious that they turn to primarily
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to the state, we see a decline in the quality of those who believe that the state fulfills its obligations to veterans, because the biggest demand will be on state institutions be the ability to hear. lviv doctors operated on two children with profound hearing loss. the patient underwent a unique , expensive operation. how does the child feel after surgical interventions and what is the specialty of this treatment? kateryna oliynyk will tell. the mother of little matviyka, sofia kishak, does not hold back tears when she talks about the diagnosis of her son, a three-year-old boy with congenital deafness, due to which he hardly speaks. hearing aids... do not help with such a defect, we first went through all the doctors, because our hearing was the same the last theory is that he can't hear, and after two years we still checked the servants, and at 2.5 years old i already got a consultation with fyodor bogdanovich, and for the first time we heard about
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cochlear implantation then. a week ago , otolaryngologists installed a cochlear implant on matvii's right ear, this is an expensive device that... allows the patient to return hearing, for such an operation at the children's medicine center of the okhmadit hospital, the family waited as long as 9 months. on the eighth, we had this operation, but in two days i have to take off his bandage, it bothers him terribly head, here and there and in a month we are already waiting for this final setting, and he will already start to hear, as i was promised, plus or minus like an ordinary person, in the hospital after the operation. three-year-old diana from mykolaiv is also recovering. during the great war, the child was diagnosed with congenital deafness, which arose due to the mother's premature birth. a post about ahmedyt from lviv came to light on instagram purely by chance, and i think i'll write it if i'm
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lucky. we were selected about three weeks ago, and our candidacy was immediately confirmed. after the operation, everything went well, we went to the doctors. we were satisfied before and after the operation, well, there were long consultations, they told us everything. over the past nine months , five such unique operations have been performed at the children's medicine center of the ohmadit hospital. cogalar implant work is one of the most difficult operations in manual surgery, which is generally one of the most difficult operations, because it's microsurgery, delicate things, like i told you, tiny burs, tiny electrodes, tiny things, delicate movements. our otolaryngologists helped carry out the operations. polish and belgian colleagues, and here are expensive ear implants, given by an american manufacturer. the price of one of these is approximately $25,000. we did the first stage - this is the introduction of the internal part, it is implemented with the help of a special complex ear otosurgical operation, and
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the internal part - this is the introduction of the electrode into the female and fixation of the internal part, there is such a special box under the skin, and suturing, we are waiting for healing. complete healing is... installed implants, after which children will be able to fully hear sounds and learn to talk kateryna oliyny, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. and i want to remind you about our collection. we ask for help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers defend our country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields. drones are needed and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help. we have already collected more than uah 150,000, remember, each of your donations is important,
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join the collection, you can see all the details on the screen now. that was the news for now, the updated edition, wait for the 17th, our team is working on it, read more news on our website espresso tv, a summary of the highlights on our social networks and watch us on youtube. then i will continue ater. yuriy from the town of lyman, in donetsk region, left his home and mushroom business after the start of a full-scale invasion. everything had to be started from the beginning, that's why the entrepreneur applied for the competition: do your thing from mhp community
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and won one of the grants. thanks to the fact that we were financed, we were able to purchase the equipment that was needed in such a minimal quantity to start at least a small production, well, the cultivation of mushrooms, and now we have already improved our technology, so we can grow it in three months , and we grew 3 tons there. mushrooms, but from one chamber. the do- it-yourself competition is being held for the fifth year in a row. this year, the total grant budget is uah 10 million. the organizers plan to support businesses of 80 entrepreneurs. in addition to the grant, the winners will be able to join an educational program where they will learn marketing, business planning and accounting. we want to give special attention and special importance to the businesses of veterans and... their families, as well as families who lost their loved ones in the war. this is our conscious decision to be the support and
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support of those who gave the most valuable in this struggle for our independence, for our opportunity to live and work in such a relatively rear environment. they can take it in the competition participation and civilian businesses, there are no particularly complex requirements for the case, it can be craft productions of the studio. for children, services for community residents, etc. here is a full flight of fantasies of our participants, we only have a ban on three things, the production of alcoholic products, tobacco and weapons, that is, we only exclude it, everyone else, please submit all ideas, bright, beautiful, strange, and this just the opportunity to submit them, hear feedback, get funding, so this is a great opportunity. the organizers hope that the competition will help the establishment of small businesses. and communities throughout ukraine. you can learn more about the competition by following the link on the screen.
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applications will be accepted until april 9, 2024 . yulia zubchenko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. wagons held hostage in august last year at the request of sbi investigators and prosecutors of the prosecutor general's office, the pechersk district court of kyiv seized freight wagons of the poltava mining and beneficiation plant. the prosecution calls these wagons alleged physical evidence of illegal sale of production waste. the investigation of this case is still ongoing, but the company's lawyers do not agree with their accusations and such a number. ash wagons. we found out and received written answers from ukrzaliznytsia.
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ukrzaliznytsia keeps track of who transported what to whom, in which wagons, and so on. we managed to find out that only 158 wagons were involved in the transportation of products for this specific counterparty. at the same time , all those who are owned by pgz were arrested. in this we see clear illegality. the plant emphasizes that the seizure of wagons has a negative effect on production indicators. but it became much more difficult to sell products. such a court ruling actually jeopardizes timely delivery. therefore, we are now seeing a decrease in the volume of shipments of akatki, an increase in... the cost price, as a result of which our company's profit will be lower, as a result of which the amount of tax deductions will be reduced. due to the seizure of its own wagons , the plant had to rent transport from several private owners. technical the condition of the trucks can be said to be unsatisfactory and not intended for the transportation of our cargo, due to large gaps,
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as a result of transportation , our cargo leaks. i would still like to. to find understanding in this question, why our wagons are standing, but not working for the benefit of our ukraine. due to the lack of wagons, the sale of products is delayed, which can lead to the loss of sales markets and significant losses. moreover, due to such actions, the company, which is one of the largest taxpayers and an employer in the region, more than uah 150 million in damages have already been caused, and more than uah 30 million in taxes have not been received by the budgets. levels at the poltava mining and beneficiation plant hope for the speedy correction of this regrettable error, which can lead to the destruction of the enterprise, and all involved officials, the investigator, the prosecutor, the judge and others, will suffer the appropriate punishment for such deliberately illegal actions, - the lawyers emphasize. well, the information day
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of the tv channel, espresso, continues at 17 minutes past four, in the next hour we will analyze the situation related to our foreign partners, friends, as well as enemies. we will talk about american aid, about european strategy, and about new trends that the kremlin is currently emitting. well, the espresso studio is live, marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii, and we will soon... join oleksandr krayev, an expert of the council of foreign policy, ukrainian prism, on our airwaves. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine. yes, glory to the heroes, congratulations. so, the united states announced a package of arms for ukraine worth 300 million dollars, this the first such package from the united states this year, we understand that this package does not cover the
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$60 billion that congress is supposed to give us. the question is where... this money, well, not even money, we understand that it is not about financial, but about military support, which will include, in particular, missiles for the stinger, ammunition for the highmars, 150 mm shells, that is, all that, what is needed at the front, and it looks like all these things will be taken from united states stocks, if possible now this amount will be covered so that the united states does not run out. your reserves? well, let's start with where does this money come from? there are two options from where the americans could have taken them so quickly and in such an amount, accordingly to cover these expenses. as you remember, the pentagon announced a few months ago that it is ready to transfer its so-called reserve funds to the needs of ukraine, which is about 4.5 billion dollars. before that, we had
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only one transfer from these reserve funds, it was the transfer of manned aircraft gl, sdb, which we transferred at the beginning of the year. and after that this money was not spent in any way, so now we have a second transfer within this fund. the second option is that the biden administration , together with the democrats, found the same additional insurance funds within the executive branch, that is, in other departments, in other jurisdictions, and accordingly they will also be able to transfer it to us, this is indeed, you correctly said, the american reserves are transferred, and these funds will be enough to close the holes in the american arsenal, all things being equal happens every quarter, which is exactly according to... the state order itself, this money is enough for the states to have no problems with it, so for now everything is absolutely legal, clean and very correct. mr. alexander, look, jake sullivan said that the new aid package for ukraine is , let's say, not even what we need, it is such a palliative, rather an aid package that can allow, at least somehow
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to hold the front, and actually , that yesterday i fell so... very hard, it's that the head the cia said that the intelligence officers were american, they assessed the situation on the ukrainian-russian front, and they said that ukraine needed help in order to even talk about stronger positions of ukraine in possible negotiations, that is, we now understand that ukraine in a very weak position and there is nothing wrong with going into the negotiation process, and the united states intelligence officers understand this, i would like your expert opinion. reason, what do these american intelligence signals mean for us? in fact, this is part of the signals that behrens talked about, because we see the situation developing in international diplomacy, we see. we see that saudi arabia, turkey, and china are beginning to press again on the topic that it is worth going to negotiations, that ukraine cannot effectively defend itself, russia cannot effectively attack, and accordingly we
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need to look for some middle way in order to stop violence and stop this war, and americans realize, unfortunately, that among american politicians, among the american population there are people who could support this idea, and accordingly, flirting with with this part of the electorate, with this part of the establishment. they say that you should not think that weapons for ukraine are weapons of violence, they are weapons of aggression, you need to understand that we are always like america, they constantly repeat this, they supported negotiations and were on the side of ukraine otherwise started these negotiations, but we understand that we cannot force our ally, our partner to go to negotiations with an ineffective weak position, so let's give these weapons so that ukraine is more confident in these negotiations, and here it is just worth noting, you don't need your... that this is the only position of the cia, when burns spoke, he used a lot of different arguments, let's say there was an argument for those who are afraid of china, and it sounded like the victory of ukraine - it will victory not only over russia, but
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also over china, and this must be remembered , was an argument for those who want to make money, he said that it is necessary to understand that ukraine is the contract of the century, and we will make money from it, or not more than in all previous major military conflicts, that is, this part about the negotiations was only part of the general narrative that ukraine... should be given help here and now, and everyone has their own reasons for supporting ukraine in this. mr. oleksandr, allow me, i still want to clarify about the negotiations, if we interpret everything correctly, then we understand that the united states does not exclude the negotiation process between ukraine and russia, but they want us to these negotiations, sooner or later we will still we will reach them, we have reached some more favorable positions, that is, there is no question of negotiations at the moment stands, but the fact that they will take place in the future, well, it's almost. absolutely right, that is, the americans, they keep using the same message, they say that this war must end with negotiations, not because they want to, but
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because every war ends with negotiations, well, that's the political reality, and the americans say, that we always support negotiations, we are in favor of diplomacy, but, and always after but comes the most important thing, ukraine must start these negotiations, it must start on the conditions that it does not lose new territories and should start only when ukraine itself thinks so. it is appropriate to start these negotiations , that is, the states support diplomacy, well, this is their course, they are always in favor of diplomacy, they are against war, but they also understand that going to court on the terms of the aggressor is not an option, and it will not stop the violence, it will not stop russian aggression. mr. oleksandr , look, but we know that putin and russia are still trying not to talk with ukraine, but want to talk with the united states, and you say that the united states believes that ukraine should initiate negotiations, that is, it turns out that now... well , there is no consensus on this issue. absolutely true, that is, russia, why its negotiations with the states, is absolutely clear. they want to show that they are at the level of washington.
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despite the fact that washington and beijing clearly say that a new bilateral confrontation is going on between beijing and washington, and moscow has nothing to do with it. moscow, through its aggression and constant shelling of ukraine , is trying to show that it is equal to the great powers of today, and therefore it needs negotiations with the states. states do not give them such a possibility, because the states understand that if they go to an agreement with russia here, it will be a violation of the principle, nothing about ukraine without ukraine, and this is not only because it is so bad or immoral, they simply understand that if it is possible with ukraine, the next with the same negotiations will be poland, then there will be the baltic countries, then there will be northern europe, that is, they do not give the russians the opportunity to intensify and spread their aggression by their own agreement to negotiations, well, mr. oleksandr, you know, sometimes it closes it... such a suspicion is laid in the use of so so-called double diplomatic accounting , that is, we can pile up a lot of different beautiful correct phrases, and at the same time we
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can not finish the story with the supply of weapons and finances that are critically important to us, we understand that yes, well, president joseph biden is one of the best orators and his speechwriters also work at 150%. but there are questions about certain programs that could already be launched. in particular, when we talk about the american lendlease program, we understand that lendlease is not about the decision of congress, lendlease is currently hanging, we also know about 4.5 billion us dollars, yes, which have not yet been paid, we are talking about an already active program approved by congress, and a corresponding certain vision is creeping in that, well , not too much... our american friends, partners are in a hurry, for which we are extremely grateful, but we understand that the current situation, it involves only increasing military,
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financial aid and any, i don't know. attempts to slow down, to find some reasons, to divert the course into a great republican-democratic debate, and so on so on and so forth, well, it does not add up on the battlefield, it does not add up on the front line, absolutely true, and this is the moment when we must clearly state that despite all the support, despite all the readiness, despite all the statements, now the infighting makes the states look weak, they... show an inability to be leaders, they show an inability to support their key partner when they are under attack, and when essentially the question of democracy versus dictatorship is decided, that's what biden has been repeating for almost the fifth year now that the key confrontation is democracy, which resists dictatorships, ukraine, russia, taiwan, china, israel and the countries surrounding israel, that is, the states cannot confirm their words with actions, and it is necessary
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to... clearly voice it, so yes, they are really trying, they, we see how the internal political struggle is going, we see that spears are breaking, that there is protest with trumpists and with conservative republicans, even not everyone is so unanimous in the democratic camp, but states at the strategic level, at the level of state policy, unfortunately, are now showing us this weakness, the inability to understand domestic politics, which provokes a weak image and weakness in foreign policy. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for your thoughts. the expert of the council of foreign policy ukrainian prism worked for you on our air, now we will move on and in just a few minutes we will add vitaliy portnikov, whom you love very much, to our air, so stay with us, in a few minutes we will return to of our studio, vitaly portnikov and i will talk about important geopolitical events, so stay with us. tired of heavy.
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