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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EET

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to some extent he even made excuses and said that we are never going there and did not intend to use it and are not going to, well, unless they attack our sovereign territory there and so on, he said that it is in our doctrines , but it seems that he may have received another message either from delhi or from beijing, perhaps from two capitals at once, in the sense that he should stop this rhetoric that they are using. .. had a couple in recent weeks, somewhere there , well, among their propagandists about the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons there again, and so on, a message arrived that this rhetoric should be stopped, because it is unacceptable, in the 23rd year, india and and china publicly made a statement that to think, forget about the use of tactical nuclear weapons there, any nuclear weapons at all, it will be a disaster and so on, here it seems that for everything they sent some kind of greeting more there, you know, in such a whim. ..
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options, well, putin is specifically because the interview made it clear that if he received this hint, he took it into account and gave it back a little. thank you, mr. igor, mr. volodymyr , putin has an arrest warrant from the international criminal court, that is, his current status is such that he is a suspect, he is a criminal, and for the whole world he was and remains a criminal, and it is clear that in these... situation, putin probably does not imagine that no one will hold any negotiations with him, that he will not agree on anything, or that a certain time will come when the world will talk about something with putin or will already talk with the new leader of russia, but without putin? well, i wouldn't take wishful thinking at the moment, but it's too early to say that no one will negotiate with putin at all, unfortunately, but... on certain issues, by the way, we
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will have to deal not with putin, but with russia , at least in order to end the war, but negotiations will have to be held, there will simply be no other way, but the west will also maintain certain contacts with russia, in order to prevent a nuclear conflict, and well, in general, to solve certain issues, as they it was also done in the days when there was the soviet union, and now we also hear from time to time what about this interview and in general about the guarantees that putin talked about, the interview is part of the election campaign, it is obvious, it is the last week, but in parallel putin used it for signals to the west, i completely agree with the fact that it is primarily aimed at the usa, this stereotype of putin that only with the usa it is possible to conduct negotiations, only the usa decides everything, and ukraine. europe will only be implemented, but
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this stamp remains with putin, he still doesn't understands that it will not be possible to reach any agreements on the end of the war without the consent of ukraine, he still believes that it is possible and necessary to negotiate only with the americans, but the issue of these so-called guarantees, which putin said, is important attention , well, based on some publications, as well as information from... diplomatic sources, i can say that the following is meant by security guarantees for russia, first of all, of course, this is the topic of public recognition that ukraine will never be in nato. putin this sought, before the start of the war against ukraine, colleagues mentioned the ultimatum that was put forward by western russia, first of all, by the usa and nato. yes, this goal remains.
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putin wants both ukraine and the west to officially deny that ukraine will never join nato. this goal remains for him. secondly, this is an important point, this is the so-called demilitarization. there are some reports that putin is insisting, by the way, he insisted on this when there were negotiations in istanbul. insists that in the process of agreeing to end the war, in... ukraine has agreed to a significant limitation of its armed forces, especially its missile weapons, well, everything that can harm russia, including reductions in the number of the army, reductions in the number of heavy weapons, missiles and so on, aviation, so that they are so tough restrictions, plus the creation of demilitarized zones, along the line of demarcation, tentatively, as well as along the borders, in fact, it should make ... us completely defenseless against
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new russian aggression, and this will be the guarantee that we will be effectively under russian control, even if will be no matter whatever government there will be in kyiv, ukraine will always be under threat from russia, this is what he is trying to achieve, but this is absolutely unacceptable for us and, well, i never say never, but i think that with a very high probability neither we nor our western partners will we will consider such demands of putin. in general, any preliminary demands on the part of putin to start any negotiations will be unacceptable. but putin , taking advantage of the fact that there are currently, unfortunately, problems with military aid from the united states, he is now somewhat insolent and is starting to put forward ultimatums again, and this is already a signal to our western partners, if they do not want to lose, if they do not want
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to look weak in the eyes of putin, then it is necessary to solve the current problems, restore and increase aid to our country. well, while putin himself is offering the world to prepare some guarantees or proposals for him, in the verkhovna rada of ukraine , the draft law on mobilization is being prepared for the second reading, today's meeting of the committee on national security and defense did not take place, there is a lot amendments to this draft law were made between the first and second reading, as people's deputy of ukraine yaroslav zheliznyak says, the committee on... on issues of national security and defense managed to consider only 10% of the amendments proposed by the deputies, so according to his forecasts, the law on mobilization will not be adopted before than in a month. let's listen to what yaroslav zheleznyak said. it looks like we will pass it only in april, respectively, in april,
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there may be a vote there, respectively, it will come into force already in may, well, according to forecasts. well, and folk deputy. ukraine's mykhailo tsimbalyuk said on espresso that the law on mobilization , despite all the amendments, will still have certain restrictions on the rights and freedoms of citizens. let's listen. undoubtedly, the state should regulate these processes, and we, as legislators, should give mechanisms to state bodies, including law enforcement, how to respond to this or that challenge. i emphasize once again that when we talk about mobilization, we must start with these boys and girls. it is necessary to think about them, because of this, the fighting capacity is lost, the state of health is lost, people need to be restored and in return to send those people, but i
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emphasize once again, to direct and mobilize people through training in training centers for at least three months, health status. and these people should clearly know for what period their state is mobilizing, mr. oleksiy, the issue of the law on mobilization, this issue is political, or is it still a socio-political issue, how would you characterize it, of course, that this is a socio-political issue, it not a military issue, purely, that is, the military must use those fruits under... executive power activities that are usually carried out by the political leadership, which does not want to bear absolutely any responsibility for the mobilizations, it becomes clear, every day i read which amendments were rejected, which will definitely not enter, and the question arises, i am not here now, so to speak , i do not stand for or
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against the law on mobilization, i simply state that, so that it does not turn out that the law on strengthening mobilization will simply be... a law on the introduction of several norms, new clarifications and certain guarantees, so to speak, this maybe good too to be, but it seems to me that this will not solve the problem of mobilization, and everything is clear here, absolutely, sociology says that the ukrainian people are in favor of voluntary mobilization with monetary motivation, well, not only that. motivation in a way that, in principle , completely contradicts the very concept of mobilization, the authorities see this and do not want any responsibility, i think that i do, i recently met, here not recently, yesterday i met with my military friend, he is
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a military man, so to speak , as he graduated from the military department, accidentally became a volunteer and immediately had to leave the 22nd year and. to say yes to an officer's position at the front, and he tells, well, he is constantly thinking about the topic, so to speak, and somewhere really, so to speak , take people to replace those who have been fighting for two years, and some... some are still fighting since the 19th and 18th years, and in nin sees that there will be a possible way out, syrsky offered zelensky a way out, so with this audit, he claims, my friend claims, that a huge number of professional soldiers are not on the those positions at the front, which they should occupy and... but this is what is really done by a lot of such people who, in principle, have never graduated
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from non-military universities, nothing, well, they do not have the appropriate education there, according to this, and perhaps under these guarantees that the silsky will find, well, he talked about this in his interview, so that they will conduct an audit, find people, and the authorities will delay the adoption of the law on mobilization as much as possible. thank you, mr. oleksiy, mr. igor, in your opinion, would it be possible to pass this bill as an urgent matter, if i submitted it personally president zelenskyi marked it as urgent to mobilize the parliament, to vote this bill very quickly , to make it a law, and accordingly to remove all these issues, because there is still tension in society about what this bill will be, and what the restrictions will be , and will there not be these restrictions, and what, what will be, well, definitely? if the president had assumed the political responsibility that already rests on him according to the constitution and submitted
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this draft law himself, or had become more actively involved, for example, in the submission and consideration of this bill, it seems to me that we would see a slightly different picture, the deputies would take a more responsible attitude to, well , work on it, that is, there would not be these wild interruptions that we currently see in the work of the verkhovna rada, they seem to me absolutely unacceptable, especially during the war, and... it was possible to adopt this law there a long, long time ago, but here the question is that we would have to share political responsibility and take it upon ourselves, well, i don't see particularly great political advantages, yes, there are mainly political cons here, that is, to take on part of these negatives, the banks decided that they do not need it, and the people's deputies, they must drink this cup to the bottom, as they say, and pass this law, accordingly, all the negativity must go to them, i i will not be surprised that even if there is a vote there in april, the president can also veto it , indicate that it is necessary to change one or two
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positions that will be there, well, they will remain controversial, the deputies will change and the president then will get some bonuses in the background this, well the problem is simply that it is bad for the country because the situation is seriously delayed, and one more point, we forget that, unfortunately, the consideration of this law coincided with the classic parliamentary crisis that we have today , i do not see. that in the verkhovna rada, for example, there is, unfortunately, no coalition, and this, in principle , also greatly affects the speed and, in principle, the quality of consideration and adoption of this law, but the absence of a coalition , mr. volodymyr, does not cancel it the situation which is in ukraine, and it is clear that no matter what the political crisis is in the parliament, or the parliamentary crisis within the verkhovna rada, it is still necessary to solve the issue of the war and... quite quickly, which in your opinion prevents solving these issues and, in particular,
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regarding the mobilization law? well, i'm not sure that if this bill were introduced by the president, it would make a big difference. well, let's be honest. in society , there is a very ambivalent, ambiguous, contradictory attitude not to the bill on mobilization, but to mobilization. let's be honest let's say a large part, i don't want to. now to say in some absolute categories , there are statistical and so on, but a significant part of our fellow citizens, in words, remaining patriots, in fact do not want to fight, do not want their loved ones to go to the front, but this must be recognized, this is the first, secondly, unfortunately, not only the government, but also the opposition is not aware of all the risks and problems of prolonging the situation with mobile. if, for example, after the presidential elections in russia, god forbid,
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a new wave of mass mobilization will begin in russia, and there is well, let's say this, certain information, assumptions , we simply have no other way out than to carry out mobilization, but you asked me what it is, political or socio-political, it is a state need, it is a need for national self-defense, we simply it may happen that there will be no other way out, and the question is... not that there is a need for rotation, it is necessary, it is necessary to give rest to the people who are on the front lines, but now there can be no demobilization, because, well, let's put it this way in... the russians already have a numerical advantage on the front, yes, we need to restore the situation of balance, regarding consideration in the verkhovna rada, 400 amendments, where do yaroslav's forecasts come from, i spoke with him, and i read his posts about the situation, he is there, well, let's say so, quite a bit, let's say so, in detail describes the situation
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surrounding this bill, the committee is considering it, but all this is necessary for... the real position, well, let's say this, of at least two opposition factions, it is already obvious that they will not vote for this bill, maybe they will not be against it, but they will not support him, in whatever form he may be, in hearing about 170 votes for this draft law, plus there is a part of majoritarians , maybe some of the deputies will vote for the vote, in principle , there were 243 votes in the first reading, and there are chances that it can be approved. but in order for these 400 amendments to be summarized and worked out, well , at least until the end of march, and the committee will have to work on it, a technology was used, which at one time was used against agrarian reform , land reform and some other, let's say, reform bills, so and so against mobilization, therefore the problem here is not in
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the government, unfortunately, it is partly in the public mood, to which specific politicians are adapting, and as well as... in the pro-government faction of some politicians, so is the opposition, and therefore everyone must now realize that this is a state issue interest, state, the issue of the survival of the state now, and therefore there is no time, mr. volodymyr, while we are discussing, it is the british press that writes about mobilization, writes with reference to ministry of defense sources that the law on mobilization provides for the replacement of 330,000 soldiers who zaluzhny won there, before mobilization, so the question arises, well, who writes , i quoted him, by the way, this story with mobilization, the law on mobilization can become one of the elements of this program of special operations, informational and psychological, perun, which we mentioned , mr. oleksiy, you did not comment on how likely it is that the russians will
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now use our information space and leak it in order to influence... the situation in ukraine, or simply put, to destabilize the situation in to ukraine, how do you currently assess russia's capabilities and the tendency of ukrainians to behave in this way? can i comment a little more, i completely agree with volodymyr completely, the problem is different, the problem is that he, all the words he said are absolutely correct, the problem is that it should not be said by an expert, these words should come out and say the president of ukraine. and everything, and everything, when they need it, they bend as they like, and all these factions, and all of them, only the service apparatus, which is there kolomoiskyi there is some subvocal left, opzzh, when they need, yes, they all go there under the article, so they vote as they need to, and when they need to, listen, well, we understand that, we all do, lord, it’s not the first day in this country, and
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everyone perfectly understands, i would come out, say clearly, i put their authority, their rating , yes, because it is a state one, and now there is just throwing around, that's all, hot coals, so to speak, are being thrown at each other, all the same, the verkhovna rada in our country is unpopular, yes, let it be completely there and and and it will stall, so to speak, with this mobilization law, and the majoritarians, a lot of deputies do not want to vote, because they know the mood in the localities, especially the majoritarians, so that after voting for this law, if the state will of course remain, yes. but even in 10 years they will remember this vote, well, these are the sentiments, i am here so to speak, i am in favor of there being other options, but which was completely rejected by zelensky, yes, it would create a government of national unity and all, so to speak, to everyone answered, everyone, so to speak, stood up on the guarantors, so to speak, of the voting of this law on mobilization, because it
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concerns our statehood, in relation to the russian ibso, answering the question, the first one, so to speak... in principle, i believe that i believed that in principle somehow more - our nationalization field is less able to deal with russian psos, people somehow still understand where objective information ends and where russian pso begins, but lately i am beginning to doubt something, and this is based on my own example, just like that, i recently became the hero of the transmission of such a diana panchenko, and everyone. they know very well, works in this field, yes, who works from russia, already has more than a million views on youtube, and this material about me was given to me by a military ukrainian yes. i asked him, why are you watching her at all? well, because everything else is bullshit, as he said, well, he means the telethon and so on and so forth, he watches, and big, and now i see it in
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the reaction of people who write to me, yes, a lot of people do not they don't know her biography or where she comes from, in general, they perceive it as an alternative, just an alternative, it's stupid the russian ipso is perceived as an alternative in the rather clumsy information policy that comes from the telethon, for example, right? let's take another example about the russian ibso, here is strana yua , which works perfectly, i constantly see photos that they are taking, here is the shelling in kyiv, they immediately have a photo, that is, journalists are working, every day they post some videos where they are supposedly workers , tsk, beat ukrainians, where ukrainian military, allegedly ukrainian military. complain about being completely abandoned, it's every day, every day affects millions of people, of course, so we need to find some countermeasures, otherwise,
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well, i'll be honest, otherwise this turns into a huge problem, because , for example, i'm sure that 80% of the relation to mobilization, such a negative, is that among them , the work of the russian ipso was quite successful. thank you, mr. oleksiy, mr. igor. how can you resist this ipso? well, look, first of all, we really need to change the approaches to information policy, they need some modernization, and to end it in some way, well, it won't work in a directive way, here simply in the context of some alternative, the creation of an alternative to all these anonymous telegram channels, by the way, with all due respect, but it seems to me that there is a certain responsibility for this coven. which anonymous telegram channels are organized in ukraine, including the office of the president, because he was the first to actively involve them in such, you know, information policy,
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to leak various information through all telegram channels, including attacking competitors and so on , and a large part of people got hooked on channels that are not even pro-russian, but in fact they very easily come across something russian there and publish it, including in their own, i know enough, i monitor in such detail... a large number of these telegram channels to see what is happening there, and actions are planned there, they are very visible, and unfortunately, not all of them come from russia, so something needs to be done with these anonymous telegram channels, to create some alternatives that will be checked, verified, and really here, well , i absolutely agree with mr. oleksim, that just has to be given something, you know, as a substitute for people to stop reading all this informational, sorry crap, and read something more or less relevant. verified information, which will be correlated there, well, really with those issues that are in ukraine and give answers to more important issues that concern people, and well
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, the second point, of course, here it is connected with the fact that it is necessary to continue somehow to jam and to fight these russian propagandists, because they want to sit in russia, including some of our former fellow citizens, because i i am convinced that all these persons, that shpanchenko and so on, they have had russian passports for a long, long time, and they have the opportunity through youtube and other platforms to convey their information, so we need to work on in order to completely block this opportunity for them, thank you mr. igor, mr. volodymyr, we literally have a minute left on the air, what to do with the russian ipso? well, look, shit is not only in telegram channels, but oleksiy mentioned panchenko on youtube, in youtube shit on pity is not enough, there is crap on facebook too, i don't know if there is an account of the same one there. usa, in february in munich, i
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heard hilary clinton's speech on tiktok, 50 times more pro-russian information than pro-ukrainian, 50 times more, here is also an example, yes, that's why here the method of banning, unfortunately, one ban, the problem is not you '. moreover, we can’t just physically ban everything, yua’s formal country is forbidden, formal, but they constantly change their ip addresses there and so on, but react quickly, mark about diana panchenko, the same one, so that there is constantly in various forms of mention where she is, who she works for, and so on, it is necessary to respond to these fakes openly, immediately and promptly, and here i definitely agree that more is needed. we have to finish, sorry, volodymyr fesenko, igorovich and oleksiy holobutsky were guests of our program today, gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program, during our
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program we conducted a survey, we asked you about this. are russian ipsos able to destabilize the situation in ukraine, 26% think so, 74% no. we put an end to this, it was the verdict of previa serhii rudenko program, goodbye. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost oro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. there are 15% discounts on karsil in travel pharmacies, ban and savings. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice. lakalut active. active varnish actively overcomes
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this november we turned 10 years old. we updated the design, the sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for the updated espresso and thank you for your trust. good evening, we are from ukraine. i congratulate your dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, and we start with an announcement about the assembly. espresso calls to join the assembly at bagi for the evacuation of the wounded and the transportation of combat kits, as well as for the car and trench rewa for the 12th separate detachment of the special appointment. our soldiers daily destroy the enemy in the eastern direction, this collection will help save human lives and increase the effectiveness of the combat unit, so join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which
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our army deters the aggressor and sharpens me. how does she cut this aggressor.


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