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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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of petroleum products in the rostov region, the governor of the region announced this, according to him, there were no casualties or injuries, but the technological facilities of the petroleum products plant were stopped, and the drones were allegedly destroyed. in general, according to the version of the russian side, most of the drones were shot down , and now the russian ministry of defense and regional governors all together reported about 70 downed ukrainian drones. we cannot quickly verify this data, but we can show you the consequences of the attack by the russian... the refinery was filmed by eyewitnesses, yes, it seems to me that it’s coming out , now they’re going to hit it, everything, it’s going to be launched,
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in front of us, in front of the machines, here we are all standing, everything, well, for the second day in a row, drones are also attacking the belgorod region of russia, this morning it appeared, official report of a drone strike on the fsb building in belgorod. the russian state news agency tas reported that the facade was damaged and the windows were broken, but after some time the agency deleted this message from its telegram channel. news about a drone hitting the fsb building in... without
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explanation also disappeared from a number of belgorodskyi media and telegram channels. another drone hit a residential building in belgorod, the mayor of the city published these photos. he also showed how in the city the entrances of buildings where, according to him, you can hide during shelling, were marked with red stickers. in a word, the last two days residents of the russian border regions, and not only, as we can see , the border regions, see the consequences of the war not only on tv, this will, of course , lead to some consequences, in that... and to political ones in russia itself, inside russia , even on the eve of the elections, we will talk about it more details, later, but right now we will talk about what is behind the attack on russian refineries, which is probably attacking the sbu. viktor yagun, major general of the reserve of the security service of ukraine, deputy head of the security service of ukraine in the 14th and 15th years joined the broadcast. good evening. good evening. well, as reported by radio liberty's sources in the security service, and in a word today, not only radio liberty's sources. this was reported by other ukrainian
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media. three refineries in russia were hit by drones last night, and although not publicly, the sbu does not comment on it, but nevertheless, what do you think the goal of these attacks, what is the goal pursued by those who do this, presumably the sbu? well, look , the goal is very simple, it is the reduction of the logistical capabilities of the russian federation as a country that in... uses its oil and products made from oil to obtain additional foreign exchange revenue, it is the reduction of their capabilities for financing the war , this is a reduction in capacity and production facilities used by russia to replenish supplies, the military, everyone understands that
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the army must ride on something, and the creation of certain inconveniences for the domestic consumer of russia, all this in the complex already leads to some things, we know that after the first attacks on those objects, russia made a decision to ban the export of gasoline, not petroleum products. this is really a difficult situation in their markets, and it is necessary to understand that sowing is going on, whether they want it or not, and they need low-fuel, they need gasoline for the implementation of spring sowing work, so it is all in a complex and creates inconvenience for russia, for its authorities , and for the inhabitants, so that they understand that war is not somewhere far away, here... right next to their
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house, and what do you think, why the security service does not officially recognize this, does not report it, but it looks like they just pass this information to the media, and the media will do it later. .. they report with reference to sources in the sbu. well, in fact, everything is very simple, i have repeatedly said that, according to our legislation, the security service must work on our territory and within the limits, within the limits defined by the constitution of ukraine , well, taking into account the occupied territories, but take into account, well, but in recognize that some directions the work of the security service is efficient. began to be used outside of ukraine as well, perhaps this is a bit of a departure from the authority of the service, as the internal security services of the state, but they work effectively both at sea with drones and in the air with drones, and there is reason to believe that some liquidations on the territory
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of russia, it's also the work of the security services, that's why they are so peaceful, peacefully smiling... they say that we don't know who it is, but very, very aptly, they can simply change the legislation and legalize this activity in the ranks of the sbu, i what law, service law security needs to be accepted and it should be aligned with the requirements that nato has for us, that's for sure, but i just think that most likely it will be very difficult during the war, we ladies. passed the first reading of this law, and you know, there were a lot of questions, this is one thing, and secondly, well , then, then it is necessary to create some separate unit, there is no security service in accordance with democratic norms, like the fsb, yes, the fsb,
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for example, it works both in russia and outside of russia, at one time the security service worked in the same way, but in 2004 it was separated from it the foreign intelligence service and... the issue was allegedly partially resolved, therefore, as soon as possible, it is necessary to simply win and after the victory to bring everything to a reasonable conclusion, and now i think that we simply will not succeed, we simply can break the system, and the system that is more or less working now may not work at all, by the way , you know, yesterday the russian oil refineries were also attacked by drones, and for example, even on our air it was commented on. representative of gur , mr. yusov, and he, in principle, partially indirectly, i will say this, confirmed that the huriv people are behind the attacks on the refinery, and today, you know, this gave rise to such speculations that they say that gur and the sbu are competing with each other, yesterday gur reported on
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the refinery, and today the sbu reported on the refinery and the attacks on the refinery, russians, there is a moment of competition here, there is, no, no one hides it. it is not only in the situation that you told about, but also in the sea, we know that the situation with drones used by the security services, and these are baby and magura drones, which are used by gurom, therefore, but in gur such problems that i tell you about he told me no, gur is intelligence and it works with... in fact, there are power components , and everything is defined in the legislation, and it really works within the framework of the powers granted to it by the state, including outside the state . that is, did i understand you correctly , that ideally this work, which we are currently
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observing in russia, should be done by gur, but since there is a war in ukraine, the sbu is also partially doing it, but the legislation does not allow it, well... there is such and such elements, but i already said, when i raised this problem, i said that it was so there is a problem, but what are we going to say now, if the work is effective, then why refuse it, the deputies said, let's make changes, well, let them make changes, yes, you said, if the work is effective, then why refuse it, this work , which we are now showing on the screen, you think it is effective, and we just know, there is nothing to compare it to, well, three refineries, yes, well, it is a lot or a little, maybe more plants were the goal. look, in russia there are hundreds of these factories, for example, in chechnya, in chechnya, roughly speaking, in every yard there is a seesaw, which produced oil, well, we will not take that into account, the question here is about the main
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goals, for example, how was the blow to all that, it was actually a very serious blow to them, because it is oil... the overflow complex, where is it going the export of their oil to foreign markets through the black sea, and the reserves of the black sea fleet are also replenished there. this blow was very powerful, the same situation was with the blow to st. petersburg at the terminal, where it was actually felt, someone there calculated that exports decreased by almost 3% - because of this strike, that is, now there are strikes on such significant objects, for example, as in polukoil, on others that are standing, well, i don't know the dozen in the first dozen that really affect the economic situation. in russia, i think that this is quite significant, and ours, ours know where
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they are hitting, especially since some experts say that they know where they are hitting, that is, they are not just hitting the factory, b' they follow that reference point, which you know, which is not difficult to restore and the destruction of which stops the whole enterprise, even if it is huge, this is as an example there experts said, for example, are huge. but if you destroy the workshop for the production of oxygen, then the plant stops, because without oxygen this metallurgical plant does not work, the same system exists at oil refineries, if there is one installation that is key to destroy, and the equipment is produced only in the west and russia has no way to quickly get it to us somewhere, even if, roughly speaking , he buys it somewhere or hides it somewhere. then it's still months or up to a year of repair work, so such blows are quite accurate and painful for
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the enemy then tell me, please, is it possible to implement such special operations exclusively in ukraine, or can it be assumed that the sbu has accomplices on the territory of russia? well, you can, but they will only be theoretical, why? because you need visualization of the impact, you know, maybe this installation is not working, or well... that is, you still need detailed information that will confirm the impact, show its effectiveness, determine whether this enterprise is working or not, that is, what is its power, where it is necessary to hit, well, it is very difficult to hit with just a laptop using exclusively there, i don't know google maps, it's like that, because the drones that fly there are quite expensive, we simply can't use them. because, unfortunately, we do not have them there, there are millions of them, as they say about it, especially the strike drones, they, they
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are not only quite expensive, but as i emphasize once again, there are very few of them, well, not as many as we would like , so the blow should be spot-on, but directed exactly where it is needed, and real confirmation of the intelligence data greatly increases the effectiveness of these blows, you can, i just don’t understood to clarify, after all, the sbu must have accomplices there, people who cooperate with them and convey more accurate information, where which installation is located, or can it be done without them? i think that there should be accomplices, like accomplices, there should be sources, that's what it's called, sources, accomplices, listen, and what do you say in general, maybe from your experience, during the war in russia it was difficult to find such people or, on the contrary, easier ? a very difficult question, by the way, i answered it myself,
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i was once asked the same question, but i answered a little differently, you see, how can you perceive, for example, the city of tyumen, where 70% of the population are natives of ukraine, of which more than half are from western ukraine, you see, a huge number work in the oil fields and gas fields. from ukraine, from azerbaijan, from other republics of the former soviet union, so , you know, i am always a rhetorical question in tyumen in 1991, when ukraine was independent , they celebrated the day of restoration of independence, which was proclaimed in lviv by ukrainian organizations nationalists, there was quite a powerful cell and organization of the ukrainian nationals and the ukrainian diaspora in general, so you know, with 20 million people of ukrainian origin in
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russia, i think that thousands of people who are loyal to ukraine can be found very easily, this is only about our diaspora, and also to take a huge number of people who are simply physically there or on some other level do not digest the putin regime and their mess, so it is realistic. finding people who can help ukraine is not as difficult as it seems. i have one more question about these attacks, but let me go back a little bit to when you were talking. about the competition between gur and sbu. tell me, please, what the result of such competition may lead to in the future, whether it may be some, well, not very comforting consequences of such competition in the country, of two, two law enforcement agencies. you know, if it is a democratic state, competition is
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a positive thing. why? because there is legislation that should clearly limit the work of one or another. tours and do not give the opportunity to cross paths, everyone must fulfill their own functions and one's work, if the competition will go beyond the limits, well, how is it possible somewhere now at this moment, well, it is possible that this will hurt, but at this stage, i know, in every country there is some kind of conditional confrontation, yes there, when we are shown some movies from the states, we see the police and fb there. i don’t know there, the cia has other structures there, that is, every power structure tries to show that it is higher there, lower there, somewhere even better or better, so there has always been competition, but democratic, democratic norms allow, except legislation and control on the part of the people, and
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the representatives of the people are the verkhovna rada and the legislation must provide... the role is precisely through the verkhovna rada, through a special committee that is provided for, the creation of which is provided for by the law on national security, then i think that if we we will get on some normal lines of creating democratic institutions of control after the war, i think that this competition will not break out somewhere outside, outside the circles defined by the law. you have bright hopes, well, then... returning to the attacks on the refinery, please tell me why, in your opinion , these attacks have become more active now, because the presidential elections in russia, or rather the re-election of putin, are on the horizon, could these attacks be tied to the elections , well, for example, in order to influence the mood of citizens, are these two parallel processes and should they not be connected?
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i think that they are related, well, this is this is clear, i want to say once again, we don't have so many of those. in which it can be used, and all this is precisely the time when russia is trying to make a picture of stability, of some kind of victory, to organize such actions that will remind the russians that there is a war, and the war is organized and sponsored , including by the owners of these refineries, then this is, well, well, this is this, this is only a plus to all these moments , so i... think that it is really connected, that is, it can be said that to some extent the sbu is trying, trying to spoil the re-election of putin, well , the re-election will still be, as such, there are no such elections there, so he already everything was drawn a long time ago, but what destabilizes a certain moment the situation and create an unsightly picture
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for both the internal and the external situation, this is very positive, because... we can say that you see, they do not really control the situation not in the air, not on the distant territories, but what is happening at the front, well, the situation is like this : somewhere we lose, somewhere they cannot win, and this is a clear sign that they do not control the situation, clearly, they cannot provide cover for their main oil refining enterprises, and the air defense system. just once again shows that she is not works in russia, well, we saw that drones fly during the day, they fly where they need to go and fly at a distance of more than 500 km from the border with ukraine, this is exactly the moment when those russians themselves have to ask the question: where is our army , but where is our air defense, and why is this
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happening, and what, where is the money, and what does putin say that we will win, so the question of... the internal, internal consumer of this information is much more serious than even the economic losses that russia will receive. thank you for your comment. viktor yagun, major general reserve of the security service of ukraine and deputy head of the sbu, in the 14th and 15th years he was at radio liberty. thank you very much. the legion of freedom of russia, the russian volunteer corps of the red cross and sibirsk. batal published an appeal to the residents of belgorod and kursk. they urged people to leave the cities and said that in response to russian shelling of ukrainian cities, they were forced to open fire on russian positions. russian troops, which are said to be located in belgorod and kursk. russian legions fighting on the side of ukraine and, as they themselves claim, consisting exclusively of russian citizens, also
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called on the local authorities of the kursk and belgorod regions to start evacuating people in order to save their lives. the russian side did not comment on this appeal. i will remind you that the day before the fighters of the legion of freedom of russia, rdk and the siberian legion announced that they penetrated the border areas of the belgorod and kursk regions and established themselves there. the ministry of defense of russia claims that there was no breach of the state border, but these satellite images indicate that at least one breach was, these are pictures of yesterday's raid by russian legions on the border territory of belgorodskyi kursk oblast, they show traces of the battle at the nekhotiyivka border crossing point in belgorod oblast. our colleagues spoke with oleksiy baranovsky, a representative of the free russia legion, about the situation at the border. listen to him. tell me please. you understand that any use of weapons, including those, may pose a danger to civilians living in the russian border, as far as these moments are concerned
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is it somehow taken into account whether peaceful people are suffering during these measures on the territory of russia itself, but in this context, tell me also, well , unfortunately, they are suffering, of course, unfortunately , they are suffering, of course, putin started this war and the residents of peaceful cities are suffering and ukraine and now russia, moreover, putin 's army of russia, it showed itself... today in all its glory again, now already in the kursk region, if before they did not take into account the damage caused to civilian buildings, peaceful neighborhoods, they carry out their attacks, then in in russia, in the kursk region, they do the same thing, roughly speaking, they think that our assault units are on some street, they start pouring weapons there, and small arms are used, and mortars, artillery, everything is thrown there, we have not been there for a long time , but they continue to shoot there, and what is suffering there... at the same time, civilian houses, buildings of peaceful people, this does not concern putin's army at all, this is how they do things in ukraine and exactly the same way they do it inside russia. russian president vladimir putin
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declared russia's technical readiness for nuclear war. russia is ready for a nuclear war from a military and technical point of view, he said. however, moscow, they say, had no intention of using nuclear weapons during the war. in ukraine, in ukraine, putin said in an interview with dmitry kiselyov, head of the pro-kremlin news agency rian novosti. kiselyov asked about readiness for nuclear war, referring to the radical conservative philosopher oleksandr dugin, who directly calls for preparing for such a war. putin did not comment on dugin's views, but said that the russian army is ready for such a war, and the nuclear forces are in a state of increased combat capability. putin also stated that the russian nuclear triad is, they say, more modern than that of the united states. at the same time, the head of the kremlin, unlike previous times, did not talk about the possibility of launching a nuclear strike first, noting only that russia is simply ready
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for a nuclear war to be unleashed by the usa. he also effectively ruled out russian nuclear tests unless the united states was the first to conduct them. we are really ready for nuclear war. with from a military-technical point of view, we are certainly ready, we always have them. are, are constantly in a state of combat readiness, this does not mean that we should be measured by the number of carriers of warheads, but it is necessary to know about it, and those who need it, experts, specialists, military, they are well aware of this, but this does not mean, in my opinion, that they are ready to unleash this nuclear war tomorrow, well, if they want to, then what to do, we are ready, that is, such an idea did not come to your head, why should we use the means of mass destruction, there was never such a need. no, why, weapons exist to be used? we have
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our principles, which they say, that we are ready to use weapons, including any weapon, including the one you mentioned, if it is about the existence of the russian state, damage to our sovereignty and independence. literally two days ago, cnn with reference to two unnamed officials. from the american administration wrote that at the end of 2022 , the united states began to carefully prepare for a potential russian nuclear attack on ukraine. such a strike would be the first nuclear attack in a war since the us dropped atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki nearly 80 years ago. one of the interlocutors of the publication said that the fears of the biden administration were not just hypothetical. they, they say, were based on certain information, information received by the special services. in washington, it was believed that the release of kherson from the russian occupation could be a potential trigger for the use of nuclear weapons by russia. just then, russian
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propaganda was spreading narratives. about ukrainian so-called dirty bomb, according to cnn, the united states worked closely with its allies not only to develop plans in case of a russian nuclear attack, but also to send warnings to the russian side about the consequences of such an attack. for this, the us also tried to enlist the support of countries that are not members of the alliance, in particular china, india, in order to prevent russia from such an attack. currently , american and european officials, well, according to cnn, believe that the danger has decreased. ihor yeterovych joins our broadcast, political scientist, candidate of political sciences, igor, good evening, congratulations, we listened carefully to putin's interview, it seems that he began to give interviews often, is this a factor of the elections in russia, or something else? i think, on the one hand , there is the factor of the elections here, well, he needs to be somehow in public and try to keep this attention, stimulating the russians, well, at the very least, just come to the polling stations, it is not a question of who to vote for, because there has been a long, long time
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everything is recorded, but i... they need me. the second point, i think it is connected precisely with recent events, and the situation in the border regions, and strikes on oil, well, oil refineries, and in general there, well, constant drone flights over the territory of the russian federation, well, they are gradually, well, to put it mildly, beginning to worry russians, and he somehow needs to was to give answers to this, he tried to do it, by the way, very unsuccessfully , well, this is traditional for him, somehow to submit it... well, from his position there, it didn't work out very well, but it is clear that he has a desire to somehow smooth out these sharp corners that start arise, including in the russian information space, which is not fully controlled by the authorities, i mean there , first of all, various social media such as telegram, because it is clear that the information space is under control, but still, through certain publics, they they cannot control the information until the end, and that is why he was forced to go out and give this
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interview, by the way... there is a third reason, it is completely paradoxical, information appeared about the assessment of his previous interview with tucker carlson from the point of view the impact of this interview on the domestic russian audience, so this influence turned out to be pitifully small, he simply did not enter, well, in general, few people paid attention specifically in russia to the fact that he spoke with some american correspondent there and what he told there, so it was necessary to follow the standard i'm already thinking of calling this, well... type of journalist, i won't just use bad words, and tell him something on the air, well, since this format is an interview for an understandable person, well , it's a little better, it probably goes to the internal audience , and he is to a large extent repeated some of the things he said to carlson there, well, of course, only without excursions into history, yes, he is trying to reach the russian audience, which he did not reach through carlson, i will remind you only for our viewers that this is putin's interview, it actually came out two days before the official
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start of voting. during the presidential elections of russia, putin is running for a fifth term, and many commentators believe that his victory is practically decided, so i immediately thought to myself, why are these all superfluous movements, but it seemed to me that we started on the nuclear threat, it seemed to me that putin's rhetoric on the use of nuclear weapons also softened a little, softened, compared to previous statements, and especially when compared to, for example, the rhetoric the same medvedev that... tell me, have you noticed this and what is it connected with, it really is, and compared to medvedev, he generally looks like a bunny, yes, a peacemaker, but it is clear that medvedev just has such a clownish role, yes, he needs to voice some completely inappropriate things, but putin's rhetoric itself has changed, and it seems to me that there are two reasons here, the first reason, he said about it, only he tried to say about it in an interview with a plus sign, he said that all our specialists are excellent there they know that
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our... system there is in combat readiness and so on, so the problem here is that i think most russian specialists know that their system, to put it mildly, to put it mildly, well, deterring these yes strategic troops and in general this nuclear triad, well, it is soft speaking, it is not in a very good condition, and when he compared it there with the american one, well , it already looks ridiculous when he says that they are lagging behind us, so maybe he got a little more information about the real condition, and he realized that further bluffing, dispersing this topic, well, to put it mildly, is not very good, because it is about... a corresponding reaction from other countries, they are starting to invest more money in the modernization of their nuclear forces, and deterrence, yes, and russia is getting involved in this race, which it a priori cannot win, and there is a second reason, you understand that in the 23rd year publicly two very serious attacks came from india and china, who directly said that they do not consider the possibility of using nuclear weapons there on the battlefield at all.


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