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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EET

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the problem here is that i think most russian specialists know that their system , to put it mildly, well, deterring these, yes, strategic troops and this nuclear triad in general, well, to put it mildly, it is not in very good condition, and when he compared it there with the american one, well , it already looks funny in general when he says that they are behind us, so maybe he got a little more information about the real condition, and he realized that then there is bluffing, dispersing this topic, well, gently speaking not very well, because it provokes a corresponding reaction on the part of other countries, they begin to invest more money in the modernization of their nuclear forces, deterrence forces, yes, and russia gets involved in this race, which it cannot win a priori. and there is a second reason , you understand that in the 23rd year publicly on two occasions very serious came from india and china, who directly said that they do not at all consider the possibility of using nuclear weapons there on the battlefield, and do not advise to do it there in no other country, primarily the russian federation, because this, well... the reference was to russia, i
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do not rule out that it is possible that, through some closed channels, he recently received some additional information from these countries, for which this situation is absolutely unacceptable, and now he is officially forced soften the rhetoric somewhat and say that we are not going to use it there, in ukraine we never even thought about it, because here the issue is not even so much in ukraine, the issue is in the precedent, all of this precedent is actually very strong fear and fear primarily those countries which are quite neutral. or even such, well, you know, well, not allied, but enough , well, they maintain such a friendly position in relation to russia today, i mean china and india again, so probably all the hints have arrived, putin has changed his rhetoric somewhat, well where else to voice it, if not in an official interview on an official propaganda channel, knowing full well that it will hit the table there, well , all the leaders and the indian and, accordingly , the chinese, well, in general, everyone in the world will pay attention to it, plus he also hope
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are ready for negotiations not based on some wishes after the use of psychotropic drugs, but for those based on the realities that have developed, as they say in such cases, on the ground. now to negotiate just because they are running out of ammunition is kind of silly on our part. we know the different options that are being talked about, we know the carrots that are going to be shown to us to convince us that the moment has come. we want, i repeat once again, to resolve all disputes, and this dispute, this conflict. by peaceful means, and
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we are ready for it, we want it, but it should be a serious conversation with the provision of security for the opposing side as well, and in this case, the security of the russian federation, the russian federation, igor, how to understand it, we are interested in the security of the russian federation, who and what was he trying to say, because it seems that for ukrainians this flow of words is already there, it is already somewhat, well, familiar, so we have already heard it, no, for us it is completely clear, and here again it is more on... not to political scientists, but to psychiatrists, to him again these, you know, carrots, there are various other phallic symbols that he uses there, well, the man clearly has something wrong with his head, in this regard, he already demonstrates it to the public, but it was a certain message, well, it is clear to western countries , in what sense they still implement this narrative, putin, this narrative that ukraine is in nato, or ukraine is independent there, well, this is a threat to the russian federation, and they will only agree to stop the war, if at all. in a way there, i
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don't know, ukraine gets a neutral status there, and will give up those territories, which they temporarily occupied, that is, this is another attempt of his, it is not new, but you see, here, after all, one innovation appeared, that is, he began to talk about some carrots, as i understand it, these are some possible proposals, such as there sounded or are sounding in some very narrow specialized expert environment, because the discussion of this is being conducted, and it clearly reaches russia there, and now they are actually starting some kind of bargaining there. in parallel, by the way, with putin's speech there was a statement by this zakharova, who said that there were none there will be no concessions regarding, for example, the zaporizhzhia as, and not a single centimeter of the territory that is currently occupied by russia will be given, so on the one hand, this is standard rhetoric, on the other hand, well, she has moved forward a little, you see, that is, he is already saying, that we, we are really considering the possibility of these negotiations, but we are waiting for a favorable time, well , there are appeals there about the lack of cartridges and so on. well, this is an attempt
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to sow some doubt among our apparently partners that you should stop supporting ukraine, or that you are supporting it in the wrong way, and we will still achieve our goal, so there is definitely nothing new here for us. for the west, maybe a little, but this is for a very narrow circle of western elites there, who really would not be against any negotiations there, including at the expense of the interests of ukraine, fortunately these elites are not currently in power in their countries, or they not very influential. igor, i have one last question , for the last two days we have been observing that residents of border and non-border regions of russia see the war not only on tv, what do you think, all these attacks drones at the refinery, what do you think... political consequences can this lead to, if possible within russia itself, well, even on the eve of the elections, if possible , we have literally two minutes, well, the key consequence that could be, it was it would be good if very few russians came to the elections, you see, for the russian authorities it really does not matter how many people vote for putin, they
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have already painted everything, their key issue is different, these moscow political technologists said that their key task is to show a huge turnout queue that people came under... get this leader, if there are very few people, they will have a problem even to submit it normally, so this is the first point, and the second point, it will further contribute to the depressed and apathetic moods recorded by russian sociologists from inside the 23rd year in russia, they will only intensify, because they will really see this war, as we see in the video, from the windows of their cars or from the windows of their houses, and they will understand that this is no longer a special military operation, but it is very long drawn out and directly concerning them on the street. they will not come out yet, but if they react apathetically and, you know, so maliciously to some initiatives of their authorities, well , this is also in principle a good option, because then they will not be able to use them, well, the way they use them today, well at least on that scale, and even then the last question, do you think the west will eventually recognize this election? i
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think that it is possible that some countries do not officially recognize them, some countries, but most countries, including those that unconditionally support ukraine, look, they will take this... position is not officially recognized, that is, they do not say that yes, but they also do not officially recognize it, that is, it will be such that it leaves the possibility, well, look, it will be like this, if it leaves the possibility sooner or later, well, it is possible to really take participation in some negotiations there on the side of ukraine and formally recognize putin, by the way, this is the situation with the baltic states and countries that were part of the soviet union, but the united states never recognized the occupation of these three republics, but they communicated with the soviet leadership and even signed some freedom thank you very much for your comment. ihor yeterovych, a political scientist and candidate of political sciences, was on radio liberty. thank you. well, another attack on peaceful ukrainian cities. yesterday evening, russian troops attacked the crooked horn in dnipropetrovsk region with kh-59 missiles and hit
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a residential high-rise building. five civilians died there and more than 40 people were injured. and already at night, the unmanned drones of the mines flew to sumy from a drone hit to the destroyed entire entrance of a five-story building, the consequences of the attack were filmed by our colleagues in kryvyi rih and sumy, take a look, came out, came out of the dressing room, the whole bedroom is broken, the glass in the corridor, the balcony, the windows, everything in the bedroom, everything is as if in a fog, it's scary, very scary, it's scary to watch on tv, you can feel all this pain on yourself. people died, on the eighth floor there was a man paralyzed, lying in the bedroom, there was a fire there, a young woman, two children were on the balcony,
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she went out on the balcony, and she died just as she was hit, and they live there. "horror, now i have to live, thank god, even though i'm alive, i was alone, and if there was a grandson, he would be in that bedroom, usually he will also lie in the phone, like all young people, covered up, thank god that he was not there in the evening, and the granddaughter was also not there, so that they would die, that she would simply tear them into small pieces. so that no one even collects them again , creatures, i have two small children, four years old, three years old, we were just in the apartment when it all happened, thank god, everyone is alive, everyone is healthy, truhanula, it’s already good , we were just at that time in the corridor,
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we sat for a while, the man said, collect the children and leave, and then the police came and told everyone it turns out quickly that the gas is not shut off, there was a fire. everyone was quickly taken away , whatever they were in, that's why we went out, everyone was screaming, everyone was crying for help, i can't, i feel very bad, what i have... a neighbor from the eighth floor came down to us, all in of blood, fragments of glass in her eyes, i know that she is now in the hospital, her ribs are broken, there is some kind of emptiness inside, it hurts a lot, it's just bad. there were no military facilities here, nothing, i don't know, i don't know when it
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will end. woke up at 1.2 from a powerful explosion, it seemed to me that i was thrown on the bed, i was very scared, i heard that the neighbors were running, running somewhere, so i looked out the window, the whole yard was in flames. i put on the first thing i could get my hands on and ran out into the street, i saw that everything around here was on fire, people were running with children, well, i was in shock, immediately i heard a rumble, not a rumble, but the noise of this moped, and literally in a few seconds. an explosion, i thought it was all going off near the house, i immediately ran out into
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the street, it was the screams of women at the very entrance, where there was an explosion, someone shouted mom, someone called someone for help, someone shouted a name, whether it was sveta or natasha, this is terrible and indescribable, and because of this entrance, you know, you have acquaintances, one man, he left to his cousin... in germany, he lived there for two years and just the other day he came to his homeland, so they say that he died, i knew him very well, the psychologist says that the psycho-emotional state of people is difficult, especially those who are awaiting trial collapsed and do not know what is happening there with their relatives, who have not yet been contacted. who in fascists who live abroad are to blame for this,
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i talk to them among my classmates, and i see that 80% of them want us dead. we have everything for today, i traditionally encourage you to subscribe to radio liberty's pages on the internet, we are on social networks. instagram, telegram, facebook, twitter, and also subscribe to our youtube channels radio svoboda and radio svoboda ukraine, comments, questions, remarks are welcome in the chat under the broadcast, and svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow.
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united by football together, stronger according to the results of february, the esso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. greetings time. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov, our values ​​and ukrainians remain unchanged. keep an eye out for the updated espresso and thank you for your trust. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want
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to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday on... the verdict with serhii rudenko from now on a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on malice of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day is a weekday! from 20 to 22 for espresso. we are looking for 17-year-old oleksandra prokhovnichenko from donetsk region. the girl lived in the bakhmut district of the region in the city of svitlodarsk. this territory was occupied almost from the beginning full-scale war. but information about
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oleksandra's disappearance came in the summer of last year. now it is not known for sure whether the girl is still in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. perhaps the child was taken to russia, which is why your help is very important. if anyone knows where olexandra prokhovnichenko may be, immediately call the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly there is no possibility call, write to the chatbod of the children's search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that the search for 11-year-old georgy tarasev, also from donetsk region, is ongoing. the boy disappeared in june 2023 in the volnova district in the village of velike novosilke. this area is very close to the front line, but the village where the boy lived was not under occupation, so it is difficult to even
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guess where george could have gone. there is no news about the boy for nine months, and i really hope that with your help... we will be able to find him. attention to the photo. george looks 11 years old. he is thin and has light blond hair. if anyone has seen the boy or knows where he might be, please call the magnolia children's hotline immediately at the short number 1163. and i would like to ask for your attention for a moment. this is 13-year-old dianka prokopova from donetsk region. official information about the disappearance of the girl also came at the beginning. summer of 2023. unfortunately , it is not known exactly on what day and under what circumstances the child disappeared. i only know that diana lived in the pokrovsky district in the village of verhnyotoretske, which was occupied at the beginning of the full-scale war i hope that with your help it will be possible to establish the whereabouts of the girl, so if anyone has information about dianka prokopova, please immediately call us
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on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630, or write to " chatbot of the children's search service in telegram . any information is important. and now about the territories under the control of ukraine and a more or less peaceful life. unfortunately, children also disappear here. as the experience of the child tracing service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers who most often just resort to running away. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can certainly prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of talking. with children not only about everyday topics and matters, but also about their own feelings, experiences and fears. frankness , according to experts, will help not only open up to the child, but sometimes even get support and help. show sincere interest in the personality of the child, because often all our conversations with children, and especially with teenagers, come down to a few topics: cleaning, grades, maybe some other material
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moments, but something completely different is important to them, it is important for them to talk... about feelings, about experiences, about the world, about how everything is arranged, on the other hand, they may not be ready to do it first, and it is your turn to be the first to talk about your fears, your doubts, your hesitations and feelings, and this will not only create a good relationship between you and the child, not only will allow the child to open up to you in the future, but also help you get support, get help, feel needed and loved by your... own family. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrame u.a.
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you are watching a program. chas tym ukrainian service of voice of america. my name is maria ulyanovska. congratulations. seven people have already died after russia's night rocket attacks on sumy and kryvyi rih. in response to these attacks the us ambassador to ukraine once again called for approval of funding for kyiv. if russia is not stopped, it will continue the war - said bridget brink. meanwhile, the fate of aid to ukraine is being decided in congress. almost a month ago, the us senate passed a separate bill on additional funding. of national security, which provides 60 billion dollars for ukraine as well. now this document has to be adopted in the house of representatives, but speaker of the house mike johnson does not bring
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the bill to a vote. in order to resolve the issue of assistance to ukraine as soon as possible, democrats and republicans registered separate petitions to bypass the speaker. katryna lisunova, our congress correspondent, will tell us more about this. hello katya. congratulations, maria. katya, there are currently two petitions in congress to bypass the speaker. for approving aid to ukraine, tell us how they differ and how does this mechanism work? in general , there are several bills in the house of representatives that contain aid to ukraine, but none of them is put to a vote by the speaker, so the legislators created several petitions, special representatives who can introduce their bills to help ukraine bypassing the speaker. there are currently two such petitions: democrats are pushing a bill that has already been voted on in the senate, and republican brian fees patrick is pushing one. own bill, i will note that it contains less aid to ukraine than in the senate bill, that any of these petitions will eventually pass and the bill
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will be put to a vote bypassing the speaker, then they must get the necessary 208, 218 votes of the house of representatives , that is, actually the majority in the house of representatives, currently the democrats' petition has 177 signatures, it's not... all democrats and there is not a single republican signature under it yet. as for brian fiss-patrick's petition, it is not known at this time how many signatures his petition has collected, but in general, they are collecting signatures in parallel now to bring these bills to a vote bypassing the speaker. katya, if both petitions get these signatures, wo n't they compete for the support of legislators and thus interfere with each other? some legislators say that the more so... so to speak, petitions with bills that have help for ukraine are even better, because these petitions, if they do not bring the bill to a vote, at least have and exert pressure on the speaker to
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eventually do it on his own. also , the legislators have the right to sign both petitions, that is, there is no need to choose in essence, but in reality in practice, despite the fact that the legislators have the right to sign both petitions in practice, they really actually argue. as to which, which bill is better, which petition is better, and as of now, the republicans and democrats with whom i spoke, directly brentsits patrick himself, say that, despite the fact that they support ukraine and want to vote for aid to ukraine, some of them do not want to sign each other's petition, so the existence of two petitions in in a sense , it breaks the necessary number of signatures to bring it to a vote. i suggest you listen to what they actually told me today. both democrats and republicans. i signed the senate petition yesterday and am currently reviewing it possibility to sign another. i think that we
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need to continue the pressure in all directions so that the speaker finally has the courage to do and support what most americans want, which is to strongly support our ukrainian allies. these petitions are pressure on the speaker to act, but unfortunately i don't think he will, so they are also really a mechanism, one petition. or both in order to put it to a vote. i need to look at the details, as you know, i am a big supporter of helping ukraine, but i haven't seen these petitions yet, i don't i know the difference between them, frankly. we are holding a legislative briefing today at noon. i'm sure that will be up for discussion. procedurally, the fact that there are now two petitions may make the process more difficult, but i believe it may also facilitate a potential compromise. middle option , if it doesn't work, my position is this: the senate has already passed the bill, it will be very difficult to get them to do something like that again, so i
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signed that petition that... the easiest way, my advice to others is sign one, but don't both because we need to send a clear signal about our intentions. speaker johnson has a number of methods available to bring much- needed funding for ukraine, taiwan and israel to a vote in the house. it doesn't have to rely on petitions from lawmakers, so we hope that happens as soon as possible. i am interested in receiving as soon as possible. desperately needed funding for ukraine. and we are working with the speaker to make sure that he can bring this bill forward. katya, we also know that today the leading democrats held a press conference, where they once again urged the speaker to bring this bill to a vote in the house of representatives. you were at this event, what were they talking about, and can it be interpreted as the fact that they still hope that the speaker will change his mind. in fact, there is an option that the speaker himself will put the draft law to the vote with
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the help of ukraine until now. exists, but as democrats said during today's press conference, speaker mike johnson must either bring aid to ukraine to a vote or - quote: do not disturb, in which case the legislators will hold a special petition bypassing the speaker. among those who spoke and addressed the speaker was his immediate predecessor anensi pelosi, there were also american veterans who went to fight in ukraine as volunteers, i suggest you listen to what they said. the bill provides money that means weapons and power on the battlefield for people who have made their choice and now we have to make ours. putin must be defeated, we can do it by calling on the speaker to bring the bill to a vote, now. if i and hundreds of other americans and citizens from around the world are willing to go to ukraine and put their lives on the line for freedom and democracy, the least you can do is pass this
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bill. for voting thank you, katya. we will follow the development of events, let me remind you that kateryna lisonova joined us from the congress. the day before, the visit of the president and prime minister of poland ended in washington. andrzej duda and donald tusk met with president biden amid concerns about the fate of supporting ukraine. joe biden confirmed solidarity with warsaw and commented on the new aid package for ukraine. which was announced by the white house administration on monday. the package includes ammunition and shells for the ukrainians to hold the front against brutal attacks for the next few weeks. i have the authority to do this without further asking congress, but i have also asked them for much more money, because it is not enough that we are announcing today. congress must now pass a bipartisan bill on
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national security, which provides. earlier on tuesday, duda and tusk met with congress leaders and personally with the leader of the house of representatives, mike johnson, to convince him to support ukraine. according to duda, this is a key element in containing putin and russia's imperial ambitions. tusk emphasized that millions of people now depend on the speaker's decisions. the issue of unblocking aid to ukraine is important for ukraine, the united states, and the entire western community. we should stop speculating about whether there will be the united states will continue to help ukraine. president biden said he was optimistic about breaking the impasse. i informed him that from the perspective of my actions in europe, it is very important to preserve pro-ukrainian mobilization in european capitals. our partners want to know they can count on
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america for this, too. i hope so too. that poland's voice will have an impact and change the attitude of the speaker of the house of representatives. mr. johnson must understand, i hope he already understands, that his personal decision depends on his destiny millions of people, thousands of lives in ukraine depend on his decision. meanwhile, the wall street journal, citing american officials, reports that the united states is considering the possibility of transferring aatam missiles to ukraine with a range of about 300 km. previously, ukraine already received atakams with a range of up to... 160 km, this happened after the visit of volodymyr zelenskyi to washington in october 2023. we talk more about this with our pentagon correspondent ostap yarysh. hello, ostap. greetings maria. ostape, yesterday the united states gave ukraine a new aid package, were these atakamsa in it, or when can we expect them? indeed, maria, you know about the probability of such a transfer.


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