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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EET

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ukrainian-russian inscriptions, that is, yes , if i look at it as a journalist, i understand what it is, but also tiktok, now in the united states of america, both the house of representatives, and the house, the house of representatives voted for the text of the law according to which tiktok in the us can completely withdraw from the public domain if it is not separated, if tiktok is not separated from the chinese parent company for the company, this is a serious challenge, because 170 million americans use tiktok, which is more than half. population of the usa, there are approximately 300 million of them there, well, that's it, and in the usa understands this, already the official authorities there, in my opinion, it was forbidden to use tiktok in ukraine a long time ago, that is, besides the fact that there are massive infusions from such bloggers, some analysts, very often from the medvedchuk pool, i will not name their names , but they are, yes, half-truths, well, about 90% are true, 10% are lies, and that too, because it is also voiced by people, they play a kind of mime. well
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, many of them are trained to influence people with facial expressions, gestures, and voice, and it works, this is also a very, very serious weapon, or are ukraine not thinking of somehow removing tik-tok from the legal sphere, or at least somehow limiting it? the question is not to remove it from the legal sphere, the question is, on the contrary, to regulate this story as much as possible, it is unlikely that there in america on... tiktok will be banned in the near future, and in principle, what we read and we see the administration of tiktok is looking for ways to find an understanding, how to get those servers out there or other points, the problem of tiktok is how the algorithms are built, and here the story is precisely that no one tells you what to do monitors tiktok like built-in algorithms, and...
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before bringing you this or that information, tiktok is one of the sneaky networks in the sense that you, that's where you can get to those videos that you've never watched in your life, if you they were deliberately searched for, that is, this is the greatest danger of tik tok today, which exists, but the advice to all users of social networks is... to consume any information responsibly and not to trust especially what you say about these emotional to all these games, because on today in russia, a whole empire of creating fake videos and semi-fake ones has been built, because this is how propaganda itself is created, because if you just tell lies, then this propaganda is unlikely to survive for long and disinformation, it lives.
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precisely due to the fact that it is involved in part of the truth, in part of manipulations, and in this way it penetrates into the heads and sows this russian narrative, not everything is so unambiguous, regulation and understanding of some rules according to which certain social networks exist. thank you very much for your comments, andriy shpovalov, countermeasures expert. was in touch with us for information, it will be very important for you to hear about the money from oleksandr morchivka, but it will be only after a very short pause, stay with us and do not go far. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand?
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how our today will affect our tomorrow see saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson, the key. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as important guests of the studio, the events of the day
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in two hours, the great broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for the intelligent and those who care, at dinner on espresso! good evening, we are from ukraine! moving on, this is big ether and now it's time to talk about money. oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please. greetings to the audience, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes i will traditionally monitor the situation on the ukrainian-polish border. what the business says, also when there will be a reset of the bureau of economic security and forecasts about the exchange rate of currencies. wait, all the details in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. therefore, polish farmers resumed the blocking of freight traffic in front of the korchowak rakivets checkpoint. this is reported by the state customs service of ukraine. protesters
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started the action in the morning. passenger transport in both directions moves without hindrance. well, in fact, more than 1,150 cargoes are waiting to enter ukraine. and indeed the situation is complicated and continues, as far as i am concerned, this is essentially sabotage, this is my personal opinion, this is vasyl’s, and there was also a scandal, as i understand it, in poland with journalists, polish, who made the material, well, chasing after our mykhailo tkach, the material about how they trade very well with russia and belarus, well, that is, it is somehow covered up, that is, poland can trade with russia and belarus, our crops. transit through the territory of poland, well , you can’t, you have to pour it out, that is, you are reading, peter pavel is getting clothes for ukraine, the netherlands is finding money, someone else is giving something, poland is blocking the border again, and you look and think, well people, you are normal in general, well, this is a separate question it is necessary to investigate poland's trade with russia, but due to the blocking of borders,
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even polish companies that conduct business transparently in ukraine suffer losses of hundreds of millions, well, such a statement appeared from the side of the industry. associations, even polish entrepreneurs, polish business is starting to speak to its own government, let's friends, somehow figure it out, because as long as you listen to farmers' protests, well, processors will suffer losses, ukraine is a big country, it has many connections, it has many resources , in excuse me, they only bought cars there last year for zero, as they say , for terrible amounts, well, with all that, ukrainians are this and that, well, but we have to figure it out. polish business experienced this firsthand, and then it is possible that the entrepreneurs themselves will tell the farmers, let's close the store with polish products in the area where i live, all polish, on krakivske, there , by all means, a branch with polish cheeses , what else do people buy with, i'm not saying it's
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better worse, well, it's just a fact that trade continues even at such a minimal level , but we expect a reset of this situation, but we expect a reset and otherwise ukraine will lose. millions of dollars in international aid without reforming the bureau of economic security, people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak believes. currently, the verkhovna rada has registered several draft laws on the reform of the bureau. in particular, the government proposes to update the management of the body. in the alternative , they emphasize the full and urgent re-certification of the official, current employees of all bureau of economic security. the reboot is a requirement for the further european integration of ukraine and not only that. and in order to receive international aid from the european union, everything must be resolved by july 1 of the current year. let's listen to what the people's deputies said. reloading , the draft law has now been sent for a second first reading. and allegedly, there is already
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an editorial office that has agreed with our creditors, with the j7 ambassadors, who... and are very concerned about this issue, because the law enforcement system raises the most questions from our partners, we will lose 5.4 billions from the imf, about 10 billion from the european union, the opportunity to go to the next stage of european integration, a lot of money, about 23 billion in the illegal markets of chichin, plus 17 billion for this already in hryvnias, fuel plus i think that somewhere there are billions under 50 contraband, well, that is, there are certain financial risks, well, we are watching the reform, indeed, international partners are demanding the reform of the economic security bureau, but we forget
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that the world community, which is currently giving money to ukraine, also demanded the reform of the accounting chamber, but despite these changes, they appointed, well.. . western partners simply don't have any trust in this matter, as far as i understand, what will happen with the economic security bureau is also now under question, well... let's move on: ukrainian drones caused significant damage to the ryazan refinery. two oil processing plants were damaged there. one with a capacity of 23,190 tons per day, the other - 11,400 tons. they divided oil into the main functions, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, reuters reported. thus, as a result of the drone strike, the capacity of the ryazan oil refinery decreased by as much as 70% - counted analysts, and the vice-president of the russian oil and gas company luk oil, vitaly robertus, died at the age of 54,
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well, something happened suddenly, and he died immediately, but it is interesting, it is obvious that this is the case, because he became the fourth top- the manager of the company luk cool since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, that is, since february 22, who died, the press service of the company reports, apparently could not withstand the statement. of the russian propagandist solovyov, who said, buy yourself security, buy yourself, well, anti-aircraft defense for your oil refineries for their own money , and lukoil probably, well, the only question here is that sooner or later it will have negative consequences, because after all, they give this money, well , knowingly or unknowingly for this war, because they can not to give, but then it seems that the russian government must guarantee them security and business, if you do not guarantee this , neither business, nor security, nor profits, nothing, we need this power, and as if it is possible , then people begin to think, why should people be cleaned , but it will take
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time, we understand that this is the situation, we are monitoring the situation with oil refineries, we are preparing a fresh review soon , a short one, you will find out where and what was on fire, then we will talk about how hot it is with the exchange rate in the last few days . perspectives dollar exchange rate in ukraine, well , disappointing forecasts, the american dollar will become more expensive, will it really come true and what can consumers expect? oleg getman, coordinator of the expert group of the economic expert platform, we are in touch with him about this we will ask. good evening. i congratulate you. mr. olezh, well, the latest information is the forecast of the snp rating agency regarding the prospects of an american in ukraine. well , maybe based on this information... in recent days, the nbu began to set the dollar rate higher than
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last week. please, to what extent is this a temporary phenomenon, or is it a traditional spring phenomenon, or should ukrainians think about something? er, well, look, certain fluctuations in the exchange rate of the dollar against the hryvnia during the year always occur within the limits of one or two hryvnias per dollar - that's enough common practice. at the same time. now we are having a rather abnormal year, if in the previous two years our international partners gave us significant funds, significant foreign currency income, about 30 to 40 billion per year, and part of them settled in our gold and foreign exchange reserves, which we had to build up at the end of last year more than 40 billion dollars in reserves, this year, unfortunately, the situation is a little worse, due to the fact that in america it is blocked... one of our aid packages, it is about 30% of this aid of ours, and it may not reach us , then
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revenues can amount to only 20-25 billion dollars in our country, and this is not a catastrophe, this will be enough to keep the rate in the corridor, well, let's say from 38 to 40 hryvnias per dollar, all these accumulated gold and foreign exchange reserves will not allow a significant devaluation. take place, but the nbu will gradually devalue there by one hryvnia once a quarter or once every six months, in order to gradually balance imports and exports, because now the import-export imbalance is more than 10 billion dollars a year. and how much money from the european union ukraine expects at the end in march, they can also replenish the gold and currency reserves and thus support our hryvnia? that is what we are hoping for, the first few tranches will be in the range of 5 billion euros, and
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this will really strengthen our gold and foreign exchange reserves, we will again cross the mark of 40 billion dollars of gold and foreign exchange reserves, and this is more than enough to hold the course, then the situation will improve somewhat , then it is possible to devalue in this way not to 40, but conditionally there to 39. in fact, this is a record indicator of gold and foreign exchange reserves, which may be at the end of march together with the money of the international european union, such an indicator, if i am not mistaken, has not been in recent years. and perhaps this gives confidence to us, ordinary ukrainians, that we should not run and, for example, buy dollars now for some savings. your recommendations? well, look, it’s definitely not worth running anywhere, because the devaluation there is in the range of 5-7%, it’s still , no, not as threatening as it happened there in
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the 14th, 15th year, for example, that is, people in our country in general, they are used to such a small one. devaluation, and i think that our citizens already know what to do with it, there are sufficiently reliable, very reliable instruments that ensure , on the one hand, the preservation of the hryvnia, and on the other hand, quite significant interest rates, it is about 16-18% on vgz, on military bonds, and about 13, 12, 14 in terms of deposits in hryvnias, the most in the top five. reliable banks of ukraine, so both those and other instruments are now 100% guaranteed by the state, they will exist there as long as the state exists in general, we do not doubt its existence, so to keep your savings and increase them somewhat, this ovg, military bonds and deposits. well
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, really, i agree with you, these are two such reliable tools that currently exist. these are really hryvnia deposits and investment in victory, bonds. oleg hetman, coordinator of expert groups, economic expert platform, was in touch with optimistic news from the world of money, and i will put an end to this news, but the big broadcast continues, vasyl zima will continue it, watch us. you know, we are not at the front here, but after reading this news, because... i think, i don't have no neither the information front, nor the cultural front, there is one difficult, difficult front, hot, where our wars are, and we are trying to do what we can do, but this news, which i just looked at, how much we collected, how much you collected, and you know, it’s as if we shot down some kind of mst, or even a su-35, which means we need 480,000, i’ll tell you now, i ’ll remind you, what we’re collecting for, we’re collecting
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for a very necessary thing, a buggy for evacuation of the wounded and transportation of combat kits, as well as to the automobile and trench reg. for of the 12th separate special forces unit, which is currently at war, our soldiers destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day, this collection will help save human lives and increase the effectiveness of the unit, so join us, each donation strengthens the shield with which our army restrains the aggressor and sharpens the sword, with which she cuts this aggressor. our goal is 480,000 hryvnias, i looked and thought, well, how much have we collected already, no, well, i believed that, and we have already collected, you have already collected 455, 612 hryvnias. 72 kopecks, we need 480, well, another mallet will be a rival player without a flag, anastasia potapova. the 21st round of the ukrainian premier league started on tuesday. dynamo in kyiv confidently beat zorya. 2:0. vladyslav vanat scored in the first half, and denys popov after the break. luhansk played the match with a semi-reserve team.
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later, the representative of the club, ihor gus, reported that several football players did not come to the game, which was a gross violation. contractual obligations, according to him, there were health complaints that were not confirmed by the zori medical service. at the same time, gus admitted that there are discrepancies in the date of payment of the premium. in in other matches on tuesday, the championship leader shakhtar beat the outsider of the minai league - 2:0, and dnipro-1 drew with lnz - ​​1:1. the 21st round will continue on friday, saturday and sunday. the day before, two more participants in the quarterfinals of the league were determined. uefa champions. after losing 0:1 on the road, london arsenal defeated fort on their own field. the main and extra time ended with the score 1:0 in favor of the gunners. leandro trosar scored the only goal in the match. the hero of the series of post-match penalties was arsenal goalkeeper david raia, who twice managed to take shots rivals gunners coach mikel arteta
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is not going to stop there. in the last 14 years, we have not been where we are today. and that tells you how difficult it was, and the best thing is that we didn't get the satisfaction. we want more and we will definitely try to overcome the next round. we played a great game again, just like we did at dragao. we could and should have scored in 90 minutes and ended the game in a draw, which would have been the fairest result in my opinion. i find it hard to believe that any team would cause arsenal the same difficulties as us. another winner. barcelona became the winner. the catalans won 3:1 over napoli. the overall result of the duel is 4:2 in favor of the champion of spain. in the quarter-finals of the champions league, the blue garnets will play for the first time in four years. on wednesday, march 13 , the names of the remaining quarter-finalists of the elite eurocup will be announced. in the two final matches 1.8. borussia dortmund will host psv, and
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inter will visit atletico madrid. dortmund and einhoven in the first meeting exchanged goals, and inter has an advantage over matrasniki by one scored goal. both matches will start at 22:00 kyiv time. well, thank you for being with us, thank you for gathering, stay, stay with a big ether, because there is still weather from natalka didenko, well, then we will not switch, because the verdict is on, stay with us, this evening will be interesting, synoptic for everyone hello, our dear viewers, before we talk about the weather that is expected... in the coming days, we continue our section on weather stations of the kyiv region and remind you that this is yours familiarization with this section is timed to
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the international day of the meteorologist, which we will celebrate on march 23, and of course , the central geophysical observatory named after boris sreznevsky helped me prepare this material, for which i thank them very, very much, so today... let's talk about the boryspil weather station , it was founded , organized, so to speak, in 1909 at the agricultural school and worked until september 1941 without interruption, during the war it did not work, but was resumed on october 1 , 1943, its work as a management inspector zherebytsky of the kharkiv military district hydrometeorological service and koshelap, the head of the weather station. all archival data up to this period were destroyed, er, in the 51st year, the station was moved and it is still located there
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on hlybotsky street. this year , boryspil metro station will mark 115, 115 years since its existence. the program includes, of course, meteorological observations of the main weather elements, as well as monitoring the temperature of the soil at depths, the duration of sunshine. snow recording, agrometeorological, radiometric and activometric observations. experienced specialists work at the boryspil weather station. well, for example, technician, meteorologist vira mykhaylivna bogovich devoted 52 years of her life to work at the weather station. i remind you once again that the boryspil metro station will celebrate 115 years since its foundation this year. we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. tomorrow, here is a forecast diagram for your attention. the activity will be insignificant, that is, no such magnetic storms are expected, which could it is possible that they could have a negative effect on the state of health and well-being, so we
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are observing, as usual, and moving on to the weather forecast for the next day, for the next day, for march 14, well, i want to say right away that there will not be any such special drastic changes , cloudy moisture and not clearly hot weather will prevail, so we start from the western regions, tomorrow in the west of ukraine. precipitation, rain and sleet are expected in places, the air temperature will fluctuate between 3-7°c, in transcarpathia up to +12, in the northern part of ukraine, in kyiv region, zhytomyr region, in sumy and chernihiv regions, cloudy weather will prevail, thunderstorms are more likely in the night and morning hours in the north, cloudy weather will simply prevail in the afternoon, there may even be some sunny islands, but the air temperature will still not be high, the maximum +3. +6° in the eastern part of ukraine , a moist air mass will also dominate, rain is possible, in places with sleet, the air temperature is +3-+6°, and in the coming night
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minuses will be -1-4. in the central part of ukraine, from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk region, er, the air temperature during the day will fluctuate within 2.5 degrees of heat, there is also a chance of precipitation in the form of rain and sleet. and in the south of ukraine, due to the higher air temperature, which is expected to be in the range of 6-12° heat, rain will prevail, the precipitation phase will be rain, the air temperature, as i said, is a little higher, but i would still like, of course, a little higher , in kyiv, in kyiv on march 14 the weather is expected to be cloudy, at night and in the morning there is a chance of light precipitation, on a day without significant precipitation, the air temperature will reach 5°c, i want to say that warming is expected in ukraine just in time for the weekend on saturday and sunday around +9 +14 +10 +15°, on saturday it will be most favorable.
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an optical day, there is a chance of rain on sunday, so if you want to go somewhere in nature, for a walk or do some work in the garden, it is better to use saturday for both work and recreation in the fresh air, this is the closest synoptic outlook so far in ukraine, we meet with you every day and always closely monitor the future development of the synoptic situations on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. grenache, yuriy viktorovych. grenash, yuriy viktorovych, lviv region, drohobych city. i was in polonia, 648 days in
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polonia. he was released from captivity on january 3 of this year, 2024, and i myself served, served and still serve in the 24th unit, as soon as i found out that the war had started, i immediately left... well, this putin is a bad person, not good, let's put it this way, not only did he eat the heads of people there, he zombified them, and he...
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now wants to take over our state with an adverb that it's their land, well, it's not normal, it's wrong in general, i had to stand in line for several days , several times, four, five hours at a time, then i was mobilized, well, they already accepted the 24th part in yavor. we stayed there, i specifically for 5 days, we got a uniform, there was such a basic special training, and after that we were already sent east, well, they didn’t tell us where, so i thought we would be sent somewhere to kyiv, i wanted to, to be honest, somewhere in kyiv to get there, because it is the third day of the war there or something, and they have already traveled around kiev, i think, it’s okay, i need my
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help. we were sent first to bakhmut, well, everything was calm in bakhmut, this donetsk region, then a little further east, to pokrovsk, that's it. the second line was, well, and then in popasne, and this is in popasne , we stayed there for more than a week, we didn’t have time to stay there for very long, we were still in the center of popasne, everything was fine in principle while i was there, that is, according to us and he shot at us.


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