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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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but the situation changes, then you have to puff out your cheeks and explain that no, everything is going according to plan, and in general it is for nothing, this is russian, we don’t care, it stands behind these words, and the reality is a wonderful understanding that the west is maturing to the fact that at least advisory missions, they may end up on the territory of ukraine. but dmitry kiselyov had a phrase with which you will surely agree, he literally said the following: nazi regimes do not dissolve by themselves, but disappear as a result of military defeat. definitely, still a certain time of work in ukraine, when he praised ukraine and hated russia, benefited him, at least some reasonable thoughts remained in his head. does putin also have this awareness? i think so, we can see how putin disappears in between these interviews, what statements are made to him, obviously, they understand their situation perfectly, they are just trying to keep a good face and pull out on their nerves, jump out.
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having raised the stakes, you know, like in video clips, wait until the opponent blinks, that's what putin is trying to play once again. one problem is that they are sitting here on the west side ukraine is not a frail, tired old west, as putin said, whose pain threshold was even better than russia's, and ukrainian society, which has already taken a bite out of things, and will definitely not leave this situation like this, we are already really in a war of liberation . thank you oleg. connected to our broadcast, oleg sahakyan, a ukrainian political scientist, was a guest of freedom mornings, we discussed the statements of vladimir putin. in the main intelligence agency of ukraine, meanwhile, they are warning about the perun information operation, which is allegedly carried out by the russian side. it is said to be aimed at destabilizing the political situation in ukraine and the countries of the west. according to gur, the rosguards and spies are involved in it, who are given instructions on how to discredit ukrainian politicians and those politicians in the west, such as kyiv, this can
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be an accusation of corruption and justification of the aggression of the russian federation. according to gur peak, this information should fall on the day of the russian presidential election. we cannot quickly check the reliability of this information in the conditions of war. earlier, ukrainian intelligence stated that the russian leadership would to use for their own purposes the topic of president zelenskyi's illegitimacy after the end of his term of office. what is it about and whether zelensky's legitimacy is really in question, my colleague oleg galiv will tell. in may of this year , zelenskyi's five-year term as president ends, and although elections in wartime are impossible, the topic of zelenskyi's legitimacy is again being actively discussed, not only in comments on social networks, but also in political circles. zelensky himself during the last press conference in response to a question regarding its legitimacy, he said that it was the narrative of russia. this is the narrative and program of the russian federation, the relevant documents.
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all the intelligence agencies, the seven have it, it is basically clear to everyone that this is a program of the russians, everyone is against it, absolutely everyone. in the political circles of ukraine , the former head of the verkhovna rada, and now nardev dmytro razumkov, advocates the transfer of powers to zelenskyi after may. after political disagreements, he left the servant of the people party, and now already as a member of the parliamentary group, the intelligent politician is often criticized. activities of the president. in particular, razumkov emphasizes that after the end of his term, zelenskyi should either voluntarily hand over his powers to the speaker of the rada, ruslan stefanchuk, whom, by the way, he calls the managed office of the president, so in fact, zelenskyi's team would also be satisfied with this, or seek clarification from the constitutional court , to get a clear explanation about who should perform the functions of the president after may. on the international stage, given the changes that are happening today... with the possible
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changes that are happening in the middle of the united states of america, this may have negative effects, not for zelensky, i frankly do not care what he thinks or does not think, or shares, does not share an opinion, i am only concerned about the situation related to how the leadership of the state will be perceived in the international arena, will this not cause any double interpretations there or problems for... helping ukraine in particular. it should be added here that in september of last year , the washington post wrote that despite the martial law, some western politicians are pushing kyiv to hold parliamentary and presidential elections. meanwhile, they do not agree with razumkov's opinion regarding the transfer of powers to zelenskyi in the ruling faction "servant of the people". the head of the parliamentary committee on legal policy, denys maslo, in a comment to radio liberty, assured: there are no threats to the legitimacy of zelensky's presidency after may, but the continuation of such powers. until new
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elections, which cannot be held now, are provided for by law. we have article 108 of the constitution of ukraine, which clearly states that the president exercises powers to... the moment the newly elected president takes office, we also have a law on the legal regime of martial law, which stipulates that during martial law the powers cannot be terminated, well , not only the president, but also the president, and the verkhovna rada, and of the cabinet of ministers and many, many other bodies, which is probably quite obviously logical during martial law, that state authorities should... continue to function, according to maslov, the constitution does provide that certain duties of the president can be performed by the speaker of the parliament, but this is possible only if such powers are terminated early, in particular in the case of the president's death, resignation or impossibility to exercise powers
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due to health or in the case of impeachment. people in the opor civic network are reminded of another important point, the principle of continuity of power, which gives zelensky the right to continue to be president. due to the principle of continuity of power, due to the definition in the constitution of the right and powers of the president to act before the election of a new one, there are no threats there is no legitimacy of the current president, or the parliament as a whole, which was also not re-elected in the fall, accordingly, it is clear to us that the russian federation is using a maximum of arguments against ukraine in this difficult period of time, one of the waves of disinformation about... and again shaking around ukraine, there will be a camp of those who are undecided, or are generally not on the right side of history, today and because of this topic. the thesis of the ukrainian president's illegitimacy will be used by the russian special services in may to question it
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the legitimacy of government decisions made in ukraine after may 20, the intelligence committee under the president of ukraine announced. the same version was voiced in the security service. the representative of the main intelligence department , andriy yusov, even told us on the air that the intelligence has a list of people whom russia plans to involve in the information special operation, which in russia is called maidan 3. further on the air, we talk about the fact that the government of ukraine wants to cancel training in the aerospace specialty , the ukrainian cosmos association urges not to do this. which we will discuss the arguments, but in the meantime, subscribe to our channel and like this video. to add aerospace specialties to the list of professions that can be chosen by entrants to higher education institutions in the space industry, the ukrainian cosmos association addressed a letter to the cabinet of ministers, in particular to prime minister denys shmygal and minister of education oksana lisovoy. according to the association, the ministry of education and science
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of ukraine has prepared a draft resolution on changes to the list of specialties, in which there will be no aerospace specialties . in particular, we are talking about aviation and missile specialties. space engineering and avionics. the association says that the number of specialists in the space industry is significantly decreasing in ukraine, and this will have negative and irreversible consequences. let's talk about how the aerospace industry is currently developing in ukraine and what threatens the reduction of specialists in the space industry in the field of national security. kateryna babikova, director of the kosmos association, joined our broadcast. welcome, thank you for joining. good morning, good morning there is no doubt that the development of the aerospace industry, the development of innovative. space technologies is a crucial factor of the national economy, which allows solving not only a number of economic problems and issues, but also issues related to national security and increasing the defense capability of our country, which is an extremely relevant and important
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issue today. today, ukraine has the status of a space state, enterprises, industry enterprises, companies, despite a number of difficulties associated with... with full-scale war, with a lack of funding and with the absence of the concept of a national target program, nevertheless continue to work, work for the development of the industry, they continue to look for opportunities, to look for investments in order to develop strategically important areas of aerospace activity of the industry as a whole, but today we talk about the place of ukraine in the global. in the global space, as a high-tech country with significant scientific and technical potential, it will be impossible without high-quality educational training of specialists, indeed the community, the industry community was shaken by such news regarding the draft resolution
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of the cabinet of ministers, regarding the introduction of changes to the order of fields of knowledge and specialties, where we really did not see such specialties for which specialists are also trained today, namely 134 aviation and rocket-space specialty engineering and 173 specialty sevionics. today, industries are acutely experiencing a lack of personnel potential, so the disappearance of such specialties, which are critically important for the industry today, may have absolutely irreversible consequences in a few years, and i do not only the director of the association, i also head the private enterprise kurs orbital, and today we even... having specialists who train in these specialties, we understand
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that the level of professional competences also wants to be better, that is why work is actively carried out, mutual work on the initiative of higher education institutions education and for the initiatives of enterprises to improve this situation, i will note that we, me and the audience, are not as deep in this topic as you are, so i will ask you... the question, clarifying, please tell me where you applied to the government, to mr. lisovoy, or is there already an answer, maybe a reaction, maybe some meeting is planned? we have just written a letter, we are waiting for a response and we hope that our general opinion, especially of strategically important enterprises, will be heard. in general, if we talk about the level of development of this sphere, what about it now in ukraine, to what extent do you say that there is, in principle, a personnel shortage in this sense, and what are the main ones? enterprises in this direction and how in general in ukraine with this aerospace industry? like me and
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she said, enterprises are working, enterprises are looking in today's complex realities, conditions, opportunities, projects, orders, in order to develop the direction, to work on, let's say, potentially on defense, strengthening defense capabilities, this is about critically important space... technologies, as well we work for peaceful cosmos, for the development of technologies that will allow us to provide orbital maintenance services, and here it is critically important to really have a powerful, educational scientific base, and this symbiosis that has today implementation of education, science and business, enterprises, he should work for this today, and the strategy for the development of space activities, which we hope
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will appear soon in our country, should support these directions and determine them , therefore the educational component is critically important today for us to talk about innovation, development and new technologies. kateryna, as a space industry, it can affect the defense power of ukraine. undoubtedly, today's struggle is global. countries of leaders that have been developing for decades the space industry, which is precisely related to strengthening one's defense capabilities, is satellites, it can be space topography, other technologies that allow, especially in the conditions of such a full-scale war, to monitor the movement of enemy equipment, the movement of enemy troops, etc. , therefore, of course, having such technologies, the state can provide itself and, let's say, take
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certain measures to eliminate, let's say, the occurrence of certain situations, so yes, it is very important, thank you, katerina, for connecting and telling a little about the industry in which you you are working, kateryna babikova, director of the cosmos association, iryna ostrovska is on the air with novyny. hello, this is news for a minute, here is a brief about interesting and... about important. today is the day of the ukrainian volunteer, it was on this day in 2014 that the first volunteers went from the maidan to the training base in the village of novaya petrivka in the kyiv region. there they began to prepare to defend the territorial integrity of the state. officially, the day of the ukrainian volunteer has been celebrated in ukraine since 2017. the national football team of ukraine will play a friendly match on june 7 match with poland. this was officially reported by the ukrainian football association the day before. football players of the national team went to the training camp of the national team for the play-off
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qualification for the european championship 2024. on march 21, they will play against the team of bosnia and herzegovina in the city of zennica. i have everything, look for more interesting things in the social networks of radio liberty. and indeed, if you use social networks, you can find radio liberty, subscribe and receive information in any of them. to stay busy during the day, when there is no time to read the news, read a lot, the main thing you can learn from radio svoboda. i thank all of you for hosting this broadcast. together with us, share this video, subscribe to our channel, like this video, this is important for the development of ukrainian-language youtube. my name is kateryna nekrecha, and i and the entire team of freedom of mornings wish you a peaceful day and see you tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. good morning, thank you colleagues for
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your work, and we will also continue ours, and you will continue yours, because... our guys need jeeps, pickups, and we started, and it's not bad started, so for those who were not with us a little earlier, who are joining our broadcast, now we will tell you that the preliminary collection for the 12th special purpose squad for medevac and for the trench car rebbe, we have already collected the last hryvnias this morning, arrived, we closed this collection and immediately collect for something new, we have to buy three cars landcru. for air reconnaissance gur, a jeep pickup for gunners and a refrigerator, unfortunately, is also needed for transporting the bodies of our fallen defenders. qr code and card number. here you are you see, there are just such cars nearby that we need to buy, uah 900,000 is our goal. the collection has just started, so it is not cosmos at the moment, but
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everything is exactly 13,840. uah 13,840 is already there, so is it good? look, now i see that the russians are in a panic writing that a land cruiser 200 jeep with diplomatic license plates with possibly a red cross logo is there, and the ukrainian drg is there, and it is driving somewhere in the oleksiivka area near belgorod, and they are all in a panic trying to intercept it, you can still use the jeep and operate on the territory of the russian federation, as well as anywhere in the event that all the cars that the military asks for are needed, that's why they ask for it, they call it what... it's our job to collect, and not to think, why they ask for this one and not another , because there will be a lot of cars, we have to give some more good news in the morning, but for example, one of them is a former tame crazy aunt from france, my god, what did she say, how much she loved putin, and now the popular front and marie le pen expressed
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categorical support for ukraine, condemning russian aggression, well, i didn’t understand, then the money ran out . or is it just on the bright side finally, old age pulled it, it's just such a good epidemic in france, it starts with macron , it started with the members of the parliament, and finally lipen also took it all over. well , there is also good news from luhansk region about a missile attack on the occupiers' training ground in luhansk region, which , unfortunately, is almost intact and is now temporarily occupied by russia. so, such a strike is announced in russia. about the fact that h3 missiles flew there, attacked them, right on the training ground, yes, right on the training ground, and they say that even at least 10/2, well, this is according to russian data, we don’t know the exact number numbers, but to believe, we know that we need to multiply , we know that we need to multiply by a certain number, because they will inflict such precise strikes on
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the training grounds on the temporarily occupied land, because this is our land, luhansk, in connection with ours... begins to consider the case of this judge , finally, well, we waited, you can say, because they also constantly reduced the amount of the bail, after conducting everything as it should be, it turned out not as it should be, well, in fact, everything was not conducted as it should be, let's honestly, because the competition
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for the supreme court was called that, as a new one the supreme court, and that this is the first competition, but actually... at least 25%, every fourth, fourth person who got to the supreme court, they had a negative opinion from the public integrity board, that is , there were reservations about these people, nevertheless , the then higher qualification commission, it appointed these people as judges of the supreme court, and we know very well that the previous higher qualification commission did not cope with its task, that is why it was dissolved. in 2019, so this very competition to the supreme court is an example of how under the guise of a competition they scored in fact, as it should not be, having missed here... a bunch of dubious candidates, and that is why it is now very important to actually check the supreme court judges for those who are in office, because
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let's not forget that the article presented to knyazev is criminal an organization, a criminal group, that is , it is not about one prince, but also about other judges, unfortunately, we still have not received suspicions of other judges who were probably involved in this. nevertheless, at least this suggests that there should be a review of the acting judges of the supreme court, because otherwise we still have 10 judges, who probably also took bribes together with knyazev, but due to the insufficiency of some materials and evidence, they are not suspected, and they continue to make decisions and work in court, and in this case, look, i am sure that the judge that's all... otknyaz went to his friends, borrowed uah 2,550 and paid a fine there , but uah 96,600 was confiscated, i don't know where
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uah 600 is, but where does such money go, but when confiscation comes, they confiscate it, it was a gift, as far as i remember, that's how they explained it, well, a million dollar gift is that million gone? well, confiscated money , it should go to the state budget, and accordingly, both confiscated money and pledges... they go to the budget and are very often sent to the armed forces, in fact, you mentioned about other judges that they also go by the name ukraine is ruling something there, because there is not enough evidence or they did not open the case, i have a question for you, mrs. kateryna, from andriyk portnov, and andriyk had so many judges and all kinds of others in his pocket, what is the value of only oaks or, for example , the pechersk court, everyone? and others, when it's time for them finally everything will work, that is, when in the end this entire portnov judicial mafia will be cleaned out and thus return the good name
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of the ukrainian judicial branch of government, well, unfortunately, we have to admit that partnov's hands are so deep in the judicial system that it will be cleaned in a flash , dismissing several judges, for example, even eliminating the scandalous oask, it does not completely solve the problem. of pakhnov's influence on the judicial system as a whole, because here obviously more than one court needs to be liquidated in order to reduce this influence, therefore some steps are being taken, in fact, the liquidation of huask, this is an important step in reducing the influence of pokhtnov, the next step should be finally the dismissal of the judges of huask, who still , despite the fact that, thank god, do not make scandalous decisions, they still... receive a salary and are accordingly cleaned by judges, they should be dismissed, for this they should be invited to
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a qualification evaluation and be evaluated accordingly, it is also important to create a new administrative court, and that it should not be oaask 2.0, that it should not be the supreme court 2.0, but that it was a court that was really the judges were. selected through a transparent competition with the participation of international experts and with the participation of the public to analyze the integrity of these judges, and this is a big task that lies before us, because i am sure that andriy pakhnov, even without being in ukraine, will be happy to try to gain his influence on this new administrative court that will be created, i hope, mrs. kateryna, you have already partially begun to answer the question that i was only planning to ask... you mentioned that everything is a remark to the big number of judges of the kssu, and obviously there are some
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schemes, some scenarios, how to make the number of those judges who are dissatisfied with them, to whom there are complaints, some remarks, move steadily towards 0%, and whether this scenario is prescribed and whether it has begun is it already implemented here in ukraine? as for the supreme court, the implementation has not yet started because a new written law has to be passed which will allow for the verification of the judges of the supreme court with the participation of international experts, in fact, the judges every year, so you understand, fill so so-called declarations of integrity where they write confirming that their wealth fully corresponds to their income, that they do not do anything that violates the oath of the judge or nothing. which generally casts a shadow on the judicial system, and here are these declarations of integrity, they are checked in the event that during the check it turns out that after all the property does not
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correspond to the income, that everything... some actions were committed that discredit the judicial system, then such and such a judge can be dismissed, and it is important that this verification of these declarations, at least of the judges of the supreme court, it took place at a high level with the participation of international experts, because we understand that this is not just any ordinary district court, this is a supreme court whose judges should be a model. everything and this mechanism for verifying the declaration of integrity, i hope that it will be launched, prescribed and accepted and will start soon, uh, and will start soon, it's about time , it can happen already this year, i hope that this, at least it should happen this year, because actually after the scandal that happened almost a year ago with the supreme
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the court takes into account... that nothing has been done to clean up the supreme court, it's obvious, we don't have much time to drag it on. i will actually remind you that there were initiatives that came from the president, from the deputies, to clean up the supreme court, but in fact they looked more like an attempt to strengthen their influence on the supreme court, because there were applications of the polygraph, something else. which is not really evidential, is not effective, and in fact, a polygraph check of the judges themselves can be exclusively one process for their release, therefore there were definitely such initiatives, then they were forgotten, but it is critically important to clean up and get a good supreme court this year, and this is not the only issue. regarding the cleaning
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and verification of the current judges of the supreme court, but it is also a matter of the selection of new judges of the supreme court, because in fact there are currently at least 50 vacancies in the supreme court, so the higher qualification commission can announce a competition for the supreme court, and here it is important that this process takes place not as it happened in the 16th year, because the result is us we see these princes on the bench, more effectively. mrs. kateryna, thank you for participating in our program, you will have a more successful day today, because i confused you with our next guest, so kateryna butko was with us the head of the public council at the national agency for the prevention of corruption and on the prevention of corruption among those who fights corruption, that is, he is a corrupt official in a mantle, we were just talking about time for the news, khrystyna parobiy is already waiting, because the news team has prepared the most recent and most important
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information for this news. and now we all are we will learn about her. thank you, colleagues, explosions and fires continue in russia, where exactly i will tell in the issue in a moment, as well as about enemy losses, wait. news on the air. espresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy , i'll tell you about the most relevant things at the moment. explosive morning in russia. eight rockets were destroyed in belgorod, the ministry of defense of the aggressor country reported. smoke rises over the city. one of the fragments got into a car on the track. the car caught fire. the driver died. two women and a man turned to doctors. damaged houses. the governor of the region claims. propaganda media write that...


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