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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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the most important thing is what happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with seestre au. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to stay up to date with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite anchors, anchors that to many, they became like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united
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by football, stronger together. we are coming back, thank you for watching, thank you for donating, because the money for cars for our defenders from different brigades is coming, and we need to collect uah 9,000, so donate, and we will talk about everything that is happening in the country and analyze it all. with our experts, and i wanted to tell you what are you looking at, in sweden children and citizens began to be prepared for war with russia, in warsaw they began to equip a bomb shelter, this is me saying that if you have not done it yet, then do as i recommend oksana on netflix, subscribe and watch the series cold war, because there is everything about ukraine, and about the atomic bomb, and about... how it
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grows, and there is a lot of footage from today's ukraine, a lot of events from ukraine, because it all turns out to be connected, and in fact, it is the very same moscow- moscow-american confrontation, which simply from the cold war turns into a global confrontation. so far, russia is realizing its centuries-old wet and damp dreams of annexing and destroying ukrainians as a whole, as a nation. to take these lands and say that this is russia, which the historian of the kremlin and the chekists, like his vasilievich yulikovich, vladimir putin, does not tire of saying all the time, in one word. oleksii yezhak, an analyst of the national institute of strategic studies, is already in touch with us, mr. oleksii, we welcome you. i congratulate you. mr. oleksiy, everything has been investigated, even for customs documents, if under-sanctioned italian
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wines go to the former president and aggressor, dmitry medvedev, then on the second day, expect another nuclear threat from him. now this baton was intercepted by putin, here he met with the former hero of ukrainian television, whom pinchuk once brought, said: "here are vyshyvantsi, look, this is dima kiselyov." now he and kiselov talked about another nuclear war, a threat and... he assured everyone that they have nuclear weapons of such good quality, and they are ready and standing to bomb, it was dmitry medveyev who shared a bottle with him, or there are some other reasons, well , putin is playing the role of a good russian policeman here, and medvedev, well, instead of zhirinovsky, he is now basically a regular here.
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mr. medvedev says something, and then putin, or his press secretary, appears and says that you should not listen to anyone but putin. what putin said, he basically said that what he now needs to prove in order for russia to be able to scare the world with nuclear weapons in general is to prove that russia's nuclear weapons are in good condition, and now he, it's interesting, really what he said, because it's completely the opposite of what he said two years ago, two years ago he said that... russia is politically ready, well , the signals were given that he is politically ready to carry out a nuclear strike, despite the fact that they do not really believe in the quality of russian nuclear weapons, he simulated with all his might the preparation for a nuclear strike to stop aid to ukraine, and now he says that russia is technically ready, that is, a tragedy has happened, for russia it has happened tragedy, stopped believing in what she has there any nuclear weapon. that it
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shoots at all, that it flies at all, they understood that - they understood that they are no longer afraid, they are not afraid, and even the french say that the nato armed forces can be deployed. in ukraine, not just the supply of weapons, well, they are just not afraid, and that is why he has to take a little step back again and start saying that russia is technically ready, he will say, i think, for some time that russia is technically ready, and then, when the ukrainian troops will approach moscow, he will start to scare again with the fact that he will launch a nuclear attack, what should the democratic party do now? to show putin that we don't give in to these words, and is the west ready to do something like that, or could the next threats become another red line in their minds that, oh, maybe we don't go any further? the west
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does it all the time, it's just that it's done without big statements, but the russian military always sees a change in the configuration... of nuclear forces, they understand that not only russia has nuclear weapons, and now they see it all the time, because the next largest nato exercise is taking place , now, every year, the exercises will be the largest, because the scope of the cold war is growing, now such typical exercises of the cold war are taking place, when a nuclear attack on russia is practiced , including, accordingly, nato is practicing... operations with the use of nuclear weapons, and this means that now putin and medvedev, instead of drinking spanish wine, every time nato aircraft move in europe, an officer with a nuclear hatch comes and forces them, reads
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the instructions that they need to prepare for a nuclear war, of course they don't like it, they can't bring, well, prove that... they have such quality nuclear weapons, well, there are differences in the configuration of nuclear forces, which make russia very nervous whenever nuclear exercises are conducted without, well training , in general, military exercises in europe without such big statements, that is why putin, putin and medvedev compensate for their inability to compensate with statements, now they have declared that they have nuclear weapons somewhere deep in the siberian ruts, they are... in good condition , and not yet we are scaring, but after a certain time we will start scaring again, what is more, what he said, there is another important signal in those conversations, on the eve of the russian attack on ukraine in february, there was a joint statement of the nuclear powers, in principle
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, everyone knew that russia will attack, only not everyone believed in us, there was a joint statement of the nuclear powers, it was published on the websites of all, well... all presidents, prime ministers, about the fact that, well, relatively speaking, about the fact that this war there will be no nuclear weapons in ukraine, russia violated these signals, its agreements, well here she pretended that she could violate it, she was warned by both china and the united states, but now once again china warned, and the united states warned, well, they said, no, we are civilized, we are civilized, we fulfill our obligations, the war in ukraine will not be nuclear. mr. oleksiy , look, i'm even visualizing the question now because our favorite, the artist serhiy kolyada, is just looking and quickly handed us one of his fresh paintings, so we 're showing it, you see, that's why we're visualizing
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this question and thank you serhiy kolyadi, because 5580 nuclear warheads, this is the russian arsenal. well, if you use them all together , then you can blow up the earth and mars, but 1200 are decommissioned, as we just saw in this picture, that is, as if whole, but not whole, decommissioning, so something is wrong with them not so, but with all that arsenal, eh, what is wrong with the russians, we understand that ballistic missiles without specialists from ukraine, from pivdenmash, all this fuel, toxic... substances, all this maintenance, well, let them not tell fairy tales to us, but with what is left in them, in what technical condition is it, as in the picture, is it better , maybe there is something that is better, i will say such
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a simple criterion, in principle, from those arsenals that are officially considered, there are four 5 00 in russia, in the united states, most of it is in warehouses, in various conditions. what can really be used quickly is only what is on intercontinental ballistic missiles, tactical nuclear weapons are stored separately, generally in central warehouses. but what is on ballistic missiles, on submarines and on land , it can theoretically be, well, about 1,500 of these, of these 1,500, part of the missiles do not fly, in the united states and states, all missiles fly, well, there, let's say, 90%, and all submarines are constantly at sea, in not so in russia, there the boats stand on the shore and sometimes float out to sea if there is a threat. war, and what is standing is standing in the mines, well, maybe it is a thousand, in russia there are,
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out of this thousand, maybe half there are working on new missiles, new missiles, but you can always see when, when, when russia something will test new missiles, they are black, well, it’s just that there are features of the technology, they are black in color, they have a special coating in case of a nuclear war, if there is an exchange of blows, it flies to... uh, through nuclear clouds and this is relatively recent it was an invention at the end of the 80s, they started doing it like that, and ukrainian missiles are also those missiles , they are black, well, let's say 500 of them , maybe they would be ready, they fly what is written on them, well, anyway, you know, even a few hundred nuclear warheads are a lot, but here the question is, by and large, why now we can say that the risk is small, because after the anti-missile defense of ukraine appeared, and they
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shot down the most obvious means of a nuclear attack on ukraine, which are the x-101, x55, well, these cruise missiles, they shot down the iskander and daggers, and even if it doesn't hit 100%, it's already a very big risk, in order to make a nuclear strike, you have to be sure that this nuclear warhead doesn't fall into the corn. in ukraine and will not fall into the hands of the ukrainian armed forces, that is, it is now risky, and that's why it's just that even what is now in russia is very difficult for them to use, so they again start talking about the fact that the technical condition of their missiles is, well, very high. well, this scenario, which is now being actively discussed, is to prepare for strikes through the north pole. that it seems that the russians and the chinese will also join these, this is being considered at a serious level,
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we understand that they will not sail over the ice with ships and break up the entire ice, that is , they consider it as a missile strike across the pole, i will say, it is very old, old idea, and such missiles were deployed and stood for a long time in the united states, and the soviet union did it in the 70s. by the way, it was a ukrainian missile, it can now be seen in the dnipro missile museum, it is standing, which flew over the south pole, the idea is that there are difficulties in intercepting such and such a warhead, it is from the unexpected places fly, and fly very low, so to speak, there is nothing clever here, the fact that russia again, it was shortened back in the 80s. according to previous agreements there said, well this, well this is too
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much, it's a no-brainer, creates a lot of additional problems, any space rocket that carries, carries astronauts or a satellite into space, it can carry a nuclear warhead that can drop from an unexpected place at a certain there revolved around the earth, that's why there are all these conventions, not to place nuclear weapons. in space, because it opens a pandora's box, in which, in fact, whoever opens this box, he loses, because russia, well, at the moment, it does not have such number of missiles to carry that number, well, they will lose to china, they will lose in this competition to the united states, maybe even to france and south korea, it's just, well, it's just that the conversations can go on, but it's already happened. and it has already been stopped, because there is no sense in it, you see, they were given a new
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life, but the conversations are old, the truth is that now the americans are not panicking, no one is digging in their garden, in the garden underground eyes for survival in the apocalypse, bunkers with, and this is the only thing that distinguishes it from those old times of the caribbean crisis, thank you mr. oleksii for the analysis and comment, oleksii. yizhak, analyst of the national institute of strategic studies, all the same, be sure to watch this cold war series, everything is very interconnected there, even with what we are talking about now, wait a minute. the advertisement has ended, and we are going to our next guest, viktoriya maksimova, an analyst of the movement honestly in touch with us, mrs. viktoriya, congratulations, i congratulate you, let us feel threatened, we are already used to google, facebook, all , everything that is on the internet we are being watched somewhere out there, even our
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phones and personal computers, here now even the parties have started collecting information about... people, personal data, who has what preferences, we have to stress, or already everything is in the palm of our hand about each of us? in fact, this practice of collecting personal data for political parties, for politicians in general, it is not new, i.e. during all the election companies there, it was actively used, accordingly often election campaigns, they are based precisely on the personal data of ukrainians, there potential voters, before same movement honestly, for example, i recorded that some parties use the personal data of ukrainians without their consent in order to create fake donors and fakely increase their funding. uh, now we've just explored how parties use and collect this data during wartime, given that no one is actively preparing for elections there, because their ee
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ghost is still very far away, and it's definitely not during martial law . accordingly, in most parties these collect data through their websites using various trackers or filling registration forms, or by filling out applications, or with the help of party organizations and charitable foundations, accordingly, we investigated in general parliamentary parties, deputy groups, some individual people's deputies, pro-party and also related public organizations and benevolent funds. in total, we examined 21 websites, of which only five have privacy policies that explain exactly how these parties and organizations use this data, who they can share it with, who to contact to withdraw this data, and only three sites, they ask for consent to the processing of this data, because in ukraine there is
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legislation on the protection of personal data, it regulates this entire sphere, in principle. and in general, the main principle is that every person has the right not to give consent, and to withdraw this data, if the site or organization or party does not provide such an opportunity, accordingly, this goes against the principles of personal data protection in general. ok, look, you researched the movement honestly, regarding party sites, regarding organizations, but you, you know that there are still people living next to us people who believe in reptiles. others believe in a flat earth, still others believe in serials about which rumors, different people, and they are all scared , i threw a little conspiracy theory at you, they say, but that application works, so how many millions were ordered, then all the personal data is there, and the parties have the possibility of withdrawing the effect of all that for the relationship, or is it easier for them to go to petrivka and buy
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a database from the mints for 100 uah on a disk, we talked with party representatives, including from the representatives of the servant of the people, about whether there is such a threat in the misuse of this personal data by political parties that are going into action, we have been assured that there is no such threat , again, this is a government body, there are requirements for the protection of all this personal data, they are higher, eh, but we can never be 100 sure %. we have already seen that during the full-scale war, and even earlier since 2014, russia actively collects personal data of ukrainians, leaks of these constantly occur. personal data, they are sold and bought, but in general, this is the practice of buying databases or logs, it is very expanded, including among politicians, we talked anonymously with representatives of all parliamentary forces, eh, and they all confirmed that there is a practice , including not only sales and purchases, but also the transfer of data between organizations, there
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partisan and, respectively by the political parties themselves, and in addition, often one person can ... come between, for example, party cells, or even different parties, and take with him there these databases of potential voters or party members that he had access to. fiction, that's right as from our table, your table, here is the base for you, yes no, it is mine, it is mine, it is together with my experience, with what i have in my head, i take with me. panikaterina, we are here before, mrs. victoria, i apologize, we are moving here to the eu, and in principle, in the european union, personal data and in general... personal information is of great value, that is , even about publishing a photo or, do not publish in order to take pictures of children, for example, at school, here i am... a mother comes and wants to punish her child, she cannot in the background of other children, because other children, well, this public place will be filmed and everything is already declassified, and even just taking pictures is not something that can be published,
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but how can we deal with this, we already have such a crazy list of duties here relations and what we have to do before the entry, and with personal data , such problems arise, in fact, we must understand that this is a matter of reforming the legislation on the protection of personal data, increasing the requirements for... their security, this is primarily not it's just a question of joining the eu and european integration requirements, that's the question our safety. again, we have documented repeatedly, other organizations have documented that russia is actively using all these data leaks. if we are talking about any political parties or political preferences. it is also quite sensitive information on which, in some hands, it can carry a threat. accordingly , we must understand that if we accept it. that it is impossible to live in the world and not collect personal data there, not to use it in any way, it is really impossible, then we must set appropriate requirements for their storage,
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again, the principles of the gdpr are in force in europe, they regulate this whole area quite well, the ukrainian legislation is still far from that, however, there are currently several bills registered there that will increase these requirements for the protection of personal data, but again , i emphasize that this issue not just exist. integration, this is a matter of security for absolutely every person. yes, mrs. victoria, i am giving you something like this for a snack, you are more cheerful, because your organization is called honest, and it does its work honestly, and i am telling you about one of these honest cases just now, because yesterday we threw up our hands and don't know what to do with it, well, you know that there are characters from ukrainian fairy tales and legends, one of them is from the criminal, from the criminal 90s, about such a terrible character when abalonsky, have you heard such terrible? fairy tales, that’s how this kolya obolonsky later reincarnated, reincarnated as people’s deputy mykola tyshchenko, mykola tyshchenko wrote, opened his declaration, in the declaration we even learned that
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his wife, a divorcee, had left him 7 years ago somewhere, and there is nothing better to come up with , than i couldn't give uah 13 million as a gift, because it says so, a gift from my ex-wife, we threw up our hands, because now we just don't understand, and what's with it, honestly, we have to believe it, that it is so. that is why we honestly ask, and what will happen next with such cases, these are the stories and legends of wartime, and if we are talking about, as far as i understood from the question, if we are talking about declarations and in general all these stories with incomprehensible gifts, then again - after all, all this should be checked by the ministry of health, accordingly, make protocols in case of violations, we are on our side the parties are also preparing a number of materials and investigations there, in the declaration of people 's deputies, deputies of local councils, and accordingly we will also experience this, and it is a good thing that you will honestly analyze it, honestly succeed in it, and you
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will publish it on your website, come in, read there, you will read that you will not be able to sleep without a reliable one, ms. victoria, thank you for the analysis and the comment from the traffic honestly, well, we also need it quickly, we are going to take a short break, then the ater will continue the news about the fact that the prices of gasoline there have skyrocketed and about what is happening in border russia, in a few minutes in the news. there are 10% discounts on lisobact in podorozhnyk bam-tashchad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on valeriana bolgarska in podorozhnyk bamtaoshkad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on lactial in travel pharmacies in bantaschat. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is for you, with it you can easily cut trees and shrubs, it is so convenient to use for carpentry
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11:00 am
by football, stronger together, 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine. and around this time khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. explosive morning in russia. rockets and drones fly to the belgorod region, and kursk is attacked by drones. as the russian ministry of defense reported, 14 uavs were shot down over these regions in the morning. the authorities of the belgorod region report six victims. a fragment of a projectile fell into a car on the track. she exploded. the driver died. it also seems to be damaged.


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