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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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place, and the works will still be managed by people , but for now, well, no, well, in the near future, let’s go, well, we won’t take people out of the war, well, no way, that’s another matter, you’ll just understand, if we don’t have enough now number of people ready to take up arms, those people who made this decision two years ago. well , they will simply end sooner or later, and then the state will still be forced to come for those people who refused, or the state will simply cease to exist, in fact all our current uav operators, or operators half-drones, these are yesterday's infantrymen, well, after all , i myself was a uav operator for about a year, i flew, adjusted art even when we were in the ssso, also as part of the davinch battalion, that is, well... this is my
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first and only battalion in my nikutizy, this is me i definitely don’t plan, there are cool people here, and you can just from the base i was a medic in general, it’s just that when i got into the davich battalion, it was literally the right month, year, i saw that there was nothing for me to do in the ulf medical service, that’s all there works like clockwork, that is, this is another advantage of this battalion, that there is a cool medical service here , well, they really are... well, when i am wounded, i am already running, if we take the idea of ​​dignity, then in the world of things this dignity is materialized by an act, the example of dmytro kotsyubail, i am telling him, because it seems to me, it is very revealing, the 22nd year of the battle, despite god, near bogorodychny, the russians went on the attack
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, with a tank column, they were hit in the teeth, the tanks abandoned, ran away, and well, such good lies on the field, of course, there between the brigades, who will take the tanks , well, you can imagine, it is in the chats that you talked about, who is crazy, yes he says, come to us and take away the michano, and we are going to the place where da vinci actually lived and where mihan was. we get there, the beaver shirley is sitting next to me, his window is open, a young man approaches us, and shirley says, it’s you, he says, meehan, then the other laughs, says, boys, i’m your commander, in general, we ’re from they were acquaintances, well, i went out, they hugged, said hello, they talked back and forth, and his reaction, he burst out laughing and said, guys, i 'm actually the commander, can you imagine that? well, you are in some kind of savva army
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he didn’t recognize the combatant , it’s a flight, son, that’s about the story, well, that is, it’s an equal with an equal, shirley is a soldier, i’m a soldier, we’re two aerial scouts, he didn’t recognize a combatant, so what, haha, class, and this is a man, which says, i will fight for my country to be free from dictatorship. and he goes to the right-wing sector, they cut down very hard on the maidan, and then we are attacked by the russian dictatorship, which wants, of course, to turn ukraine into a dictatorship, and he goes to fight, that is, the idea of ​​freedom, it is embodied in actions. you speak well of freedom, it does not make your words a reality. but when... you believe in freedom, you do things,
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the idea is justice, well, we can do that, as long as the idea of ​​the commander, which is already about now, that is , the idea of ​​leadership, i already told you that the leader, he does not send , he leads with him, here is another idea that davinchik brought to life, why ideas live, and simply because where he died, and what he does, we are doing now. usual affairs become unreal heavy bags.
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of the national team represents united by football together strong greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom to live, openly and irrefutably. you draw your own conclusions. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones guests foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii. morudenko daily on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. well, the enemy hit the tv and radio infrastructure in sumy region and kharkiv region, communication partially disappeared. yes, there may be interruptions with the mobile phone. communication in sumy oblast due to part damage territory temporarily unable to receive ukrainian television and radio signals. volodymyr artyukh, head of the sumy regional military administration, will be in touch with us now. glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i wish you health. we wish you health too. mr. chief, we would like to ask you right away
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about the consequences of another russian crime against our civilian objects. yes, this morning the enemy attacked. air-missile attack on the city of shostka, on the city of sumy, on trostyanets and on bilopyl, that is, four populated point, and there were strikes against radio equipment that gave our citizens the opportunity to use the radio and tv broadcasting of its ukrainian content, so eh... not only was this a planned operation, because some objects were initially struck by air strikes, two for each the object flew in and certain structures on these objects were struck,
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and then they were also finished off with iskander cruise missiles, so today we felt that for... the enemy it is very important to carry out within the framework of the information struggle and fiery effect on these our ukrainian tv and radio channels. means, for today, for this second, today we have almost now restored mobile communication for the objects that were hit , as for tv and radio broadcasting, an emergency meeting was held by the president's office with the participation of the cabinet of ministers and specialists of other technical services regarding creation. conditions , worked out a plan to restore radio and television broadcasting as soon as possible in those
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settlements in which it disappeared today, this signal, so we are now working on restoration from today. sir volodymyr, can i ask you to describe the situation in sumy oblast in general, how it has changed recently, because those people we included on our airwaves both this week and the previous one. they say that the enemy has become very active in sumy oblast, how would you describe the situation? i fully support such a situation that the enemy has increased the intensity of shelling of populated areas using tactical aircraft, tactical aircraft are su-34, su-35, which use cabs, powerful weapons, i 'll just tell you. that over the last two days 63 explosions were carried out by these aerial
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bombs on populated areas, mainly border areas, that is , the entire infrastructure of these populated areas is practically destroyed there, and they are used, they have begun to use them to date already six populated areas in sumy oblast, on which they were applied. cluster aerial bombs are prohibited by international conventions, that is, an area of ​​400 by 500 m is mined, it is completely mined, and then it is very difficult to demine this area, and they mine populated areas as a whole, so this is new in their criminal actions , it has been happening for the last week, mr. volodymyr, is it possible, is it possible... to ask you about the situation that took place on march 13, that is
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, yesterday, when shakhet got into an apartment building, in sumy, from under the rubble got the third person, this was the most recent information that at least i found, if you could share with us the course of events at the place of this arrival and if there is any updated information about the victims and victims as a result of this russian attack, at this moment of work from.. . is happening, the public emergency service continues, unfortunately, according to the information we received from the management of this building, that is expected, maybe one more person who is under the rubble, so the public service is working day and night, hoping that they will provide. .. such an opportunity, and the relatives, everyone asks that
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the work be restored in this house as soon as possible, the house has practically already been dismantled, because it was a panel, a panel house that was formed from a powerful explosion, and such difficult conditions in which our rescuers are working today, trying to... save er people, in this case there were 10, 10 people were saved during the liquidation work, unfortunately, today ritual works are taking place in several, several cities, including sums for the radio-technical facility that was hit, a person also died there. also happened in trostyanka, where there was
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a hospital, more than 200 patients, the most severe of which had to be evacuated to another hospital in another city, and now work is being resumed there, practically all of them were closed windows, several hundred windows were broken there, doors were damaged, now thanks to the actions of our liquidators, the liquidators of the territorial community, the leadership of the territorial community, they did it quickly, that is, quite quickly. and the rescue services and the local authorities are acting in a coordinated manner in order to eliminate the consequences of the assistance, but we were talking now, uh, about increasing the number of shellings, so i will tell you that in almost two days , the number of shellings that we counted today is more than 800 explosions , earlier even
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last year it was about three or four months, here in... two days the number of explosions increased, the use of powerful weapons, especially in the south, these are communities like velyka pyserivka, and today we are evacuating from this settlement, from this community, thanks to the actions of the state emergency service, the police and the military, of course, and the district administration, conditions have been created for the displaced, and hot food and... er, certain financial support, we started carrying out these measures yesterday and continue today and so on we will evacuate people as much as possible, to date 106, of which 22 children have been evacuated to safer places. thank you, thank you, mr. chief , volodymyr artyukh,
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the head of the sumy regional military administration, contacted us promptly about the situation in the region, the enemy struck today. on telecommunications towers, that's how communication disappeared in sumy oblast, well, they are restoring, working, and we are moving on, now we will include natalia pushyna, a lawyer, glory to ukraine, mrs. natalia, to our marathon, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to the heroes, well, we saw an extremely high level of activation of various law enforcement agencies of our beautiful state system, but we understand that very often, perhaps their certain ones are full. intersect, and in general, if we talk about that, well, you know, i don’t know, there are enough fingers on one hand, then fine, yes, the sbi, nabu, sbu, there, the national police, the office of the prosecutor general , and so on and so forth, and more additional various structures, there, bep, there, in addition, there is also the good old tax police, and so on, we would like to ask you about whether
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cross them in terms of their powers and in general, how clearly they follow this and that. the logic according to which they should function, and it is prescribed in certain regulatory documents, yes, good afternoon, dear viewers, i would like to note that you correctly indicated such bodies, but the most practically complete list of such bodies is contained in the law of ukraine on state protection of civilians employees of the court and law enforcement agencies, by the way, and in addition to those specified by you, there are also such bodies as you mentioned, the national anti-corruption bureau, bodies of the state security guard, the bureau of economic security of ukraine , bodies of institutions for the execution of punishments , pretrial detention facilities, bodies of state financial control, even fish protection, state forest protection and other bodies, by the way, which perform law enforcement and law enforcement
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functions, but i would like to note, that all these bodies and any law enforcement agencies that we have, in their activities, each of them must first of all use and be guided by the constitution of ukraine, and then by all other laws, in including their profile, as well as normative legal acts adopted on their basis, but each of the profile laws, which determines that the main basis... of the activity of one or another of our law enforcement bodies is the very supremacy of law and the recognition of a person, his life and health i, honor and dignity, inviolability and security of the highest social value, this unites all our law enforcement agencies and their activities. yes, ms. natalya,
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but we would like to discuss with you, actually, where, perhaps, our law enforcement agencies are exceed their... one or another authority, so we are not talking now about specific cases, but in general we understand that such cases happen, and actually, in your opinion, do certain law enforcement agencies exceed their authority in certain cases, and i would like to point out that what concerns, i would like to dwell on, more precisely, the activities of law enforcement agencies that carry out pre-trial investigations of crimes, this is very relevant today. but i would like to note that such a number of special laws, their content and the code of civil procedure, by the way, which is the main document that regulates the behavior and... and the capabilities of investigative bodies shows us that some concern of the state from the state is aimed at raising the authority
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of such law enforcement agencies, precisely through adequate and authentic, i would like to emphasize the perception and implementation of the norms of these laws should the authority and respect of society, namely society towards the law enforcement system, should be won, and for today, i would like to note that during the investigation of the crime, the investigators avoid what the law has given them, and the law has given them , by virtue of its norms, special powers, which are its duties. investigators and prosecutors in criminal proceedings are representatives of state power, and investigators must remember this. about this, they are empowered to take coercive measures to the extent of restricting the constitutional freedoms of citizens, while one should not forget that the main reference point
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for them, which should determine the activity of the investigator and prosecutor, is the constitutional principle of the presumption of innocence, by the way, not i would like to stop and quote the 62nd article. the constitution and repeat its content, but these provisions of the content of the presumption of innocence, as an axiom and not only a legal, but also a moral guideline for the activities of the pre-trial investigation bodies and the prosecutor's office, should, therefore, in my opinion, be the main tool for the pre-trial investigation body during the investigation of criminal proceedings, and the cpc should be the investigator, and it is. and it is prescribed by law, which determines what, what and how the investigator should perform the relevant norms, one's rights and duties, ah, that's why
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the moral self-principle should be the investigator's internal compass, and this principle should not allow the investigator to go astray on the immoral path in pursuit of imaginary and easy, quick success. agreement with one's own conscience, no matter what the goals justify it, that is, in this way, the complex of tactical techniques and ethical requirements during the investigation of the case are largely determined by the intellectual and moral orientation of the investigator and the goals facing him. by the way, maybe i am quoting this for a long time for myself and for the audience, but i would like to remind: once again, that the goals are realized through the tasks of criminal proceedings, which are established
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by the criminal procedure law, nowhere in the criminal procedure code and the laws that grant broad powers to the body of pre-trial investigation, we will not find their right to humiliate the honor and dignity of a person, even if she is suspected of committing a criminal offense. by the way, i would like to note that recently, the pre-trial investigation body, the state bureau of investigation, allows itself publications and press releases in the style of blogging with insults that cause irreparable damage to their authority and respect for the body of the pre-trial investigation itself, er, and that is why, in my opinion, such a powerful body, which is endowed by the law of law, and it is endowed with resources at the expense of us taxpayers, today regrets this to the society about the impossibility of maintaining one's authority.
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yes, mrs. natalia, we agree with you, on the other hand, what to do in situations when the internal moral compass of this or that investigator or operational worker does not work, or was absent, you know, in general by definition, please. it is not provided for at one or another individual level, and we understand that there are certain bodies that should correct, react, and in an appropriate way prevent such things, if, god forbid, in one or another, so to speak, a law enforcement officer with morals is not everything ok, yes, well, he did not read benedict spinoza, for example, and accordingly, what do you think should be changed as soon as possible so that, so to speak, the regulated activity corresponds to the actual activity? well, you know, i am i would also like to point out that, if we say what you rightly emphasize, regarding the violation of morals and ethics, as well as... along with
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the violation of principles recently, it can form a genetically embedded attitude in society, an attitude towards the law enforcement system that was born in the period of 33-53 years of the last century, and the lack of reaction of the state and judges to such behavior may open the way to the appearance in the near future of such beings as lavrenti in beria, in my opinion, in the basis what you mentioned is primarily the relationship of the state to the person, the state must take, in my opinion, all measures to implement the third article of our constitution, and in particular, as regards the body of the pre-trial investigation of the sbi, this is the observance of the observance of the norms of morality and ethics, and in the absence of education and understanding of these categories, it is the study and observance of at
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least the norms of the constitution. which are simple in my opinion, but they are norms of direct action, and i would also like for the relevant employees of such law enforcement agencies to still teach the criminal procedure code and the criminal code of ukraine, and they did not issue such press releases, such content, which reveals an absolute lack of understanding of the norms of law, morality and ethics, as well as their behavior and the real reasons for disrespecting the authority of the state bureau of investigation, therefore we, as a society, and in general, the state , must react to such behavior and , in general, to such actions of empty investigative bodies, and i would like to note at the end that as far as, by the way, this kind of blogging is concerned, this concerns our very
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the client kostyantyn nyvaga, and we believe that, being in an illusion, the body of pre -trial investigation loses its authority on its own, saying that one person, who, by the way, is a participant in criminal proceedings, can deal an irreparable blow to the authority of the state bureau of investigation, and as for our client, i would like to point out that even... the french court, considering the case, konstantin azhivaga, noted that ukraine cannot ensure a fair investigation and trial regarding him, therefore, i would like us, society and the state in general to really take measures and respond to such, well, behavior of pre-trial investigation bodies, and i would like to
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raise them. their authority before the citizens, and so that the citizens are proud of such bodies that they exist in our country. thank you . to report that at the request of the police taxi service. uklon limited its working hours, that is , from tonight it will no longer work during the curfew, this was the recommendation of the police, and actually the uklon service positions itself not as a taxi service, but as a platform used by drivers who have the right to transport in curfew, and passengers, according to the request of the law enforcement officers, this service will not work at night, that's the story. thank you for warning, marta, well, in sumy oblast, in the meantime, communication has been restored after the shelling of the russian federation of tv and radio infrastructure.
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oblast, the head of the sumy regional military administration, volodymyr artyukh, just confirmed this information on our air. well, but we are already finishing up for today, our colleague irena koval will tell you about everything in just a few seconds in a fresh presentation, but for today antin and i are already telling you, goodbye, tomorrow we will see you in this studio, in the same pori, take care of yourself. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel. in iryna's studio blacksmith. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events.
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the rotation of units began at the front. and units from the front line , we are talking about the military.


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