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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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i have such a geopolitical sense of humor, but meanwhile, you know, while all this is going on, these russian volunteers have already warned that one of the goals they are pursuing is to remove from the territory of the belohorod region, the kurdish region, installations there and all other military facilities that constantly carry out terror against civilians. the population of ukraine, because russian volunteers believe that it is not possible to attack ukraine, this is absolutely wrong, these are criminal actions of the putin regime, and therefore it must be stopped, and this was actually in their indictment regarding the fact that residents of kurshchyna and belgorod region should save themselves, well, at least run away from the military facilities that putin's regime has set up. the leadership of these regions
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ignored our warning, there was no evacuation from these regions, so i appeal directly to the residents: immediately leave kurshchyna, bilhorodshchyna and all large settlements, we will open fire on military targets in this territory within an hour and a half after this appeal. well, actually this gonium was opened, so it's already the second day. and belgorod region suffers from constant attacks of some kind, there are drones, rockets, something else, something is constantly flying, well , it was especially bright this thursday morning in the belgorod region, well, so bright that the governor of the belgorod region came out with his hands shaking a little and began to tell, what exactly happened, well , in general, listen, because it's such... also
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interesting in its own way, a kind of text. today was a difficult day for you and i, especially in the graivoronsk city district and bilhorod. i must follow the results of the day i will tell you how many houses, how many cars were damaged, how many were destroyed. we see how false information attacks are being conducted, we count several dozen every day. i believe that they pass almost all of us. there have been many appeals from you to close the malls. we have actually already done this, they are now closing. we agreed that for now until the end of the day. in the following days, everything will depend on the operational situation. i understand that it is not
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possible to completely eliminate traffic, but please be careful if you do there is even the slightest chance, then postpone this trip for a day or two. belgorod, crimea, kursk are territories that are not used to such intense hostilities as in other lands, well, you see, these are informational attacks that they did not even notice, but just in case, they closed shopping centers and did not eat at own car transport , for some reason, probably because an information attack, yes, obviously, obviously, absolutely, exclusively because of information attacks, usually close shopping centers and suggest not to drive own car for a few days, well, they haven't gotten used to it, but let them get used to it, you see, the residents of the graivoronsk district are already getting used to it little by little, they get together almost immediately and run somewhere, this is the first time getting used to it.
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it's gone, and actually, you see, the governor and others also say, get used to it, get used to it, they pass all over like that , some kind of drone flies by, i don't know, well, let it fly by , it has its own purpose, don't pay attention to it, that's the story of it, and actually that probably not quite noticed, but they reacted as i would have liked the governor and propagandists, local residents , because they saw a slightly different picture on the ground than the governor told , that somehow it passed, did not pass, one person died, six were injured as a result of the attack on belgorod, five houses were damaged , as well as about fifty cars, 8:20 in the morning, the belgorod-shebekino highway, many people are rushing to work, when suddenly there is an explosion, a car just exploded in front of me, just wait, okay.
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i ran, one of the shells hit a moving car, as you can see, it was completely burnt out, on on the approach to the city, eight air targets were shot down, one projectile landed in the private sector, lo... it left a gap, everything around was damaged by debris , the fence was like a sieve, all the windows in the houses were broken, opposite here there is no roof at all, there was such a bang that the horror is one, it’s scary, but can they provoke us, if we have to go to vote, we will go to vote, and we will go to vote for the president and that’s all, well, it ’s a typical election with putin there, he will blow the roof off, he will go vote for putin, well, it's okay, he will also beat putin's dad. here is another one a typical putin voter and all of them are just like that selection. and look at me, we are voting for vladimir vladimirovich putin. he was and will be our president for the rest of his life. we vote
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for volodymyr volodymyrovych. well, what can it be for her whole life? yes, i fully believe it is possible. well... again , i get the impression that this is some kind of target audience, because even the pre-election videos are about the same in the same style, look, look, she wore make-up, only drives cool cars, it would be better if she did something good for the country it's true, do something useful for your country, come to the polls. the president of russia, ihor was with you, hello, iopta, what a joy, it did come, and here is the funniest thing, perhaps, in these elections, that they have been going on for
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a week, that is, to choose putin in putin's place, they don't just vote for three days of the election , they start voting in advance in less than two weeks. despite the fact that everyone absolutely understands that there is no election as such, in general , it is not at all clear why they should have any other candidates, there is putin, and that's all. and one thing is enough, why nominate someone else , but no, they nominated something, they did something, although i believe that absolutely, well, solovyov told them what it is and why it cannot be called an election, the voting is already on friday, for me it is a vote
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, they completely broke down and lied, so for me what will happen on the 15th, in these three days of voting, for me it is actually rather a referendum, it is an oath to the supreme commander-in-chief, well, that is, in russia, it is an oath to the supreme commander-in-chief, and where elections are held and no one elected them. an interesting thought, and actually about the oath to the supreme commander-in-chief, everything here is also very comical, because it is already clear that this oath will come to give something only there 70%, they have already painted simply how these elections should be conducted,
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and that means 70% will only come , 80% will vote for putin, that's what i don't understand, if not all the people took the oath, then probably he didn't take the oath... he should be shot, well, if it's not an election , and the oath, well, that means something must be done with them, probably they after that they will do it, and in principle some such plans are already there, because the other day ukrainian hackers hacked volodin's correspondence with putin's office, and there was a direct plan, how to further suppress some opposition phenomena there, how to further strengthen the military there rhetoric, how someone needs to be packed up and sent somewhere, well, that is exactly what it is... the plan for the future, well, there are at least some remnants, maybe there are still some oppositionists who have not been finished off, then finish them off completely, well and continue the war, and of course, well i wonder what this oath is for, but there was such an interesting discussion about this on
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the russia-1 tv channel, where skabieva directly started such things, well, at first it was not clear, well, she was trying to find out who and how in general . thought, prepared for the war, and something came out of it, actually, let's see, i share your optimism in every way, but if no one miscalculated, neither they, nor we. then we would have long since ended the attack, demilitarized ukraine, achieved complete de-nazification, and they would have achieved a strategic defeat of the official moscow we all prepared for the last war, and it is developing according to completely different and unexpected patterns. what did the americans miscalculate? are russians killing russians? well, it is true, russians kill russians when they drive them to fight in ukraine. it is absolutely understood, this, and this is an achievement. for which they will now all vote in unison, but it is even more interesting, because then in response they simply directly
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compared putin to hitler on a russian tv channel, i continue, let's go to february 24 , 22, i consider june 21, 41 as an analogue, sensational statement if there was not the blow was struck on february 24, maybe not the next day, maybe a week later. or within a month, but it would have been necessary to wage a war on their own territory, it does not seem that they miscalculated, i am convinced that hitler asked the same questions to canaris in 41 and 42 , because it was as if they had prepared for everything, as if they had already to fall, the same americans calculated there in 1941, they said that the union would fall in three weeks, the british gave two months, who is hitler here, who is canaris? hitler, we know, is putin, in principle, but who is really a canary interesting. and these comparisons are simply beautiful, eh , that is, to compare directly with hitlerism
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, which then attacked the soviet union, so that the soviet union did not have time to attack earlier, well , what is this, and all this talk about three weeks and so on, well, who promised for in three days, kyiv will be russians again, well, that is , no one, even in russia, on russian propaganda television, does not hide the fact that it is one and the same, well, after putin himself said that hitler was right, because he attacked to poland, did not want to give anything away, well, that is, he compared himself to in fact with hitler, it is not surprising that these comparisons appeared. well, actually, what is the conclusion of this conversation, here is the conclusion, i think it is excellent, absolutely, let’s look, russia has shackles on its feet, we cannot develop the way we want to develop, the way we can develop, they have stopped progress in this context, everything that is happening with russia now is not thanks to, but in spite of, so why? the americans and where they miscalculated, there is one big terrible disaster around russia, russophobia,
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anti-russia, so where and who miscalculated, on their feet right now the shackles, this war, ukraine, and the infinity of these processes, right now, thank god, thank god, at the head of our country is the person who leads us where we are, as if we are going, and we succeed, people rallied, everything as much as possible. it's hard for us, and it's hard for the army , it's hard for the economy, it's just a nightmare for everyone, this war, it would be better if this war didn't happen, that is , such a wonderful leader who led to that war, which would not be better, but let's move on support, let's continue to fight, that's it in fact, and further, what putin himself said in his story about how he sees the future, this is how he sees the future. yes , in principle, to continue fighting, this is a big hello to all those who said that if ukraine
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is stripped of its weapons, the war will somehow end like this, no, ukraine has been stripped of its weapons, what putin says, well, why agree on something now, when you can continue to fight , because it is easier to fight with the unarmed, see if we are ready for negotiations, are we preparing for negotiations, yes, but not only for negotiations foundation on some whims after the use of psychotropic drugs, on the basis of the realities that have developed, as they say in such cases on the ground, which are now conducting negotiations only because they are running out of cartridges, this is somehow not stupid on our part, we know different the options we are talking about, we know the carrots that are collected for us. they will throw out all their
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wishes under the guise of a carrot for us, well not actually a carrot, absolutely not, he confused, well and again a big hello, who thinks that someone is up to something there, they in the same interview, they talked about how they want to capture odesa next, and this is what putin will do if ukraine does not have... weapons will try to go further, so it is better to show what he considers carrots and to give ukraine the opportunity to beat just these upers, see you soon. there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3 max, 10% in psarynyk, bam and ochadnyk pharmacies. what to do in order not to get sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and essential,
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turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound. we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. what is the meaning of the raid of the rdk and the legion of freedom of russia to the belgorod and kursk regions? what is the main goal and whether there will be protests in the russian federation, as well as whether there is a real threat terrorist attacks for moscow before the presidential elections. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. the field where they receive. everyone will hear the word. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and
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feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone poll. turn on and... turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8pm to 10pm at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. candidates for the constitutional court. who is at fault? in an interview when was the constitution of ukraine adopted? i can answer questions. but why did the judge's drunken driving become the fruit of the poisonous tree? i was refused a medical examination. congratulations. judicial control is on the air. judicial system of ukraine requires a thorough reboot. this is one of the requirements of our accession to the european
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union. interviews with candidates for one of the country's most important judges have begun in ukraine. this court. unlike all previous competitions, this time the selection criteria are strict and transparent. biographies and compliance with the criteria of professionalism and integrity are studied in detail by an advisory group of experts, which also includes independent foreign specialists. so hiding the skeletons in the closet is not easy for candidates, but some desperately try. let's talk about that today, but first to the news. higher qualification commission. of judges allowed oksana sofilkanych, the judge of the volovetskyi district court of zakarpattia oblast, to participate in the competition for the position of a judge in the appellate instance, who made a scandalous and high-profile decision last year, and appointed her on probation. punishment of three rapists of a 14-year-old girl. we will remind, in august 2021, a group of teenagers sexually assaulted a minor and filmed it all on camera.
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later, the video was shared on the network and among classmates. the case gained publicity after how oksana sofilkanych freed the defendants from real punishment by imposing a five-year suspended sentence with two years of probation. the transcarpathian court of appeals found procedural violations committed by sofilkanych during the case review and... decision-making, the sentence passed by it was overturned, now the case is being heard again with a different court composition. oksana sofilkanych , on the other hand, was not only not brought to justice for the violation, but can also receive a promotion and hold a position in the court of appeal. it started in ukraine selection to one of the most important judicial bodies of the constitutional court. previously, the judges of the constitutional court were appointed by the president, the parliament and the congress of judges. according to the constitution. selection takes place on a competitive basis. however, in reality, the procedure did not involve a real competition, since each subject of appointment separately held its own formal competitions, which in no way ensured
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the verification of candidates for compliance with the requirements of the constitution. therefore, the risk of political influence was rampant. at the end of 2022 , the verkhovna rada adopted a law on the change procedures for selecting judges of the constitutional court of ukraine. the law established an advisory group of experts, which included six members. one each from the verkhovna rada, the president and the congress of judges of ukraine, one person from the venice commission and two persons delegated by international organizations providing assistance to ukraine in reforms in the sphere of the rule of law. the advisory group must analyze each candidate for compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional competence. and this wonderful group of experts, it should, so to speak, to filter candidates, and already from the filtered candidates and... both judges and the verkhovna rada will already choose their own, according to their quota, whom they will appoint as judges of the constitutional court. and although the new conditions
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of selection for the post of judge of the constitutional court are strict and transparent, unscrupulous servants of themis do not lose hope of climbing into the high chair. the constitutional court is a court of law. this is lyubomyr andreychuk, he is a judge of the economic court of zakarpattia region. and the expert group has an expert. he has a lot of questions, already the judge has been working in uzhhorod for more than 10 years, but he does not declare his residence there, he says he lives from monday to friday wherever he can. in fact, i don't rent, i don't have property rights, very often my parents' friends help me out, these are their friends from student years, in addition , colleagues help me out, well, i would like to understand, well, you can stay like this for a month, you can stay for a week. and 10 years, how do you decide, in 10 years i have already learned to plan it, that is, i plan in advance where i will be, interesting planning, on the other hand, andreychuk has an apartment in lviv, 117 m2, he bought it in
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installments from 2006 to 2014, he paid almost $60,000 for it. according to the judicial tradition, the money was given by the parents. i got married in 2006, and in fact the first installment is all the payments for 2006. these were my parents' wedding present. here, andreychuk didn't get the dates, because he got married in september, and he had been paying for the apartment since january, he paid at least 21,000 dollars before the celebration. well, since the wedding was being prepared for more than a year, we knew about the marriage, the wedding was being prepared, respectively parents made such a gift and paid for it as they could. in 2004, lyubomyr andriychuk bought 30 acres of land in bukovel for farming, but almost. immediately changed the purpose of 25 acres for construction, it was intended to build a hotel complex there, but
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my family had to deal with that. in the end, it did not grow with the business. in 2016, andriychuk sold the plot, without breaking the law , he sold it for cash. what was the amount of the contract, a total of approximately 4.5 million. and what prompted you to become a judge economic? to the court to violate the legislation regarding the procedure for making payments, i know that there are restrictions, as long as the buyers did not agree to make the payment through the bank, then they decided that they will give, i will receive the funds to provide receipts, apparently at that moment i am not completely in 16- last year they didn’t understand , but now they understand, and of course, in addition to questions about lyubomir andreychuk’s professional integrity, experts had questions about his academic integrity, in 2018... he defended a dissertation that contained self-plagiarism, which is a violation of scientific ethics, and as it turned out, the candidate of legal sciences did not know that this was a violation. i did not know, first of all, about this
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information, the first time. i know no, but do you know what self-plagiarism is? i understand, i repeated myself, if i understood myself correctly, did i write myself off? we are talking about the fact that this is a candidate's thesis, the fact that you do not know what self-plagiarism is, it is very strange, well , we will not even comment on the next fragment of the interview with candidate for judge of the constitutional court of ukraine lyubomir andriychuk. when was accepted the constitution of ukraine, and what chapters and articles it consists of. currently, lyubomyr andriychuk is applying not only for the post of judge of the constitutional court. he is also a candidate for the position of judge of the court of appeal. we will find out soon what decision the advisory group of experts and the vkk, where he will also have an interview, will make regarding him. and this is already
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another candidate for the constitutional court, mykolaiv district court judge of the mykolaiv region, mykola voynarivskyi. in 2022, he was caught driving drunk. the police drew up a report on drunken driving. subsequently, the court closed the case against voynarivskyi in the absence of a crime. during the interview, a group of experts wanted to examine the videos from the policemen's chest cameras in order to assess the judge's state of intoxication and his behavior. voynarovsky showed vigilance. it. the record arose for unknown reasons, from an unknown time and i do not know when, and was attached to the materials of the protocol outside the procedural order, which indicates the presence of the fruit of a poisonous tree and cannot be evidence as in the adoption of a court decision, although it was researched, as well as when making a decision of the advisory group regarding...
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the interview specified by me. judge voynarivsky himself considered many cases of drunken driving. according to the statistics available to the experts of the task force, in most of these cases the perpetrators managed to avoid punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. it should be noted here that the delay in considering such cases may indicate a typical corruption scheme. the supreme council of justice usually punishes judges for such actions. the truth in these offenses was established with me and recognized. persons guilty, but the sanction was not applied, since the deadline had passed. according to the judicial tradition, judge voynarivsky also has parents who are landowners, but his mother was also exceptionally lucky. in 2014, a woman managed to purchase a plot of land with an area of ​​more than six hectares on the black sea coast in the village of kobleve for uah 28,000. the price of similar plots in that area is at least five times higher. these are swamps.
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there are swamps, you can say so, this is the first, the second, in relation to the value of the specified land plot, the indicated value of the land plot was determined according to the cadastral register, the price is in the contract, this is the free right of the parties to determine the size. we agree, the price is determined by the seller, however, when it comes to influential judges, such a clear underpricing is often a marker of corruption schemes. mykola voynarivskyi, members of the advisory group in their honesty, we will find out soon. we hope that highly respected experts will carefully examine all the details of his professional biography and comprehensively evaluate his integrity. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shostrova. if you are aware of the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report the judge's misconduct.
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respects or wrongful decisions by him, write to me on facebook or to the mail, the address of which you see on your screens. all the best and we will meet in exactly one week. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers.


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