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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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if the judge overstepped his authority or made illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on your screens. all the best and we will meet in exactly one week. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. at the front
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, the rotation of units and units from the front line began, it is about servicemen who perform combat tasks for a long time. this was announced by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. according to him, the replacement soldiers will stabilize the situation and have a positive effect on the moral and psychological state of the defenders. we speak one language - the language of nato. the largest ones are ongoing in europe. in the history of training of the forces of the north atlantic alliance, steadfast defender 2024. they involve 900 servicemen from all nato countries. also 80 fighters and helicopters, drones, more than a thousand combat vehicles, 133 tanks and 533 armored personnel carriers. training is needed to improve training, improve skills and advance operational readiness. at the same time, one
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goal of the exercises is called the demonstration of deterrence capabilities for the russian side. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg urged allies to urgently provide ukraine with a sufficient amount of ammunition. he reproached the leaders of the alliance countries for the lack of political will to give ukraine more weapons. he also added that any attempts to organize are russian. elections in the occupied regions of ukraine will be illegal. nato allies do not provide ukraine with a sufficient amount of ammunition, and it has consequences on the battlefield every day. the fact that the russians are able to defeat the ukrainians with weapons on a daily basis is, of course, a huge challenge, and is one of the reasons why the russians have managed to achieve some success on the field in recent weeks and months.' battle, so the allies
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urgently need to make the decisions necessary to step up and provide more ammunition to ukraine. the bundestag again did not support the supply of taurus missiles to ukraine, reports the german publication bilt. although there are supporters of the provision of tauris in the coalition parties, the coalition still listened to position of chancellor olaf scholze, who clearly rejected the supply several times. let me remind you, february 22. in 2024, the bundestag also did not support the opposition resolution calling for these long-range missiles to be provided to ukraine. they ask not to participate in the kremlin production. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine urged the international community not to send observers to the so-called elections of putin in the temporarily occupied territories. the corresponding statement was published on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs . forced involvement of ukrainians in
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participation in a fake manifestation of will is illegal. the ministry also urged the residents of the temporarily occupied territories not to participate in the vote. the belgorod region of russia was attacked for the third time in a day. there, russian air defense allegedly shot down 11 air targets. there are hits on the territory of the construction base. previously, two people were injured, he said. regional governor vyacheslav gladkov. according to him, the graivoron city district also came under fire. there is a hit in the house. previously, four people were injured. the day before, gladkov announced the shooting down of 10 more aerial units over the belgorod region. a woman died and three others were injured in the attack. tired and fell. the mi-8 helicopter crashed in the magadan region of the russian federation.
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as a result of the accident, one person died, several others were seriously injured. the russian media write about it. a total of 20 workers from one of the local mines and three crew members were on board the helicopter. according to preliminary information, the plane wreck happened due to engine failure. details of the incident are being established. burning like a torch. in a seventeen-story building is on fire in the russian city of tver. this was reported to the local media. according to preliminary information, no one was injured, as construction work was being completed in the apartments. the cause of the fire is currently being established. failed. the american company spacex reported the loss of the spacecraft starsship superhavivi during the third test flight. the incident happened at the spaceport in texas. starship is the largest and most powerful system ever
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created for space launches. elon musk positions it as an option for flights to the moon and mars. the previous two tests were only partially successful. after all, musk's company failed to fully complete the testing program. the arrest was continued. roman hrenkevych was remanded in custody for another month. this was announced today in the pechersk district court of kyiv. notifies the public. at the same time, the amount of the pledge was reduced to uah 469 million. hrenkevych's defense has already announced that it will file an appeal. let me remind you that roman was detained as one. of the five suspects in the case of supplying clothes for ukrainians defenders, also detained his father, lviv businessman ihor hrynkevich. for the seventh year in a row, ukraine celebrates the day of the ukrainian volunteer. on the occasion of the holiday
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, a number of solemn events are held in lviv, including a meeting of youth and volunteers for the years 2014-2022. he is at the event. our correspondent natalya stareprava. natalya, i congratulate you and await the details of what is currently happening in the city of leva. greetings irina, greetings to our viewers. just now in the house of a soldier, young people, these are students, schoolchildren of educational institutions of lviv oblast, village communicate with veterans, military personnel, volunteers of 2014-2022. such an event was organized with the support of the department of youth and sports from the lviv regional military administration, this is not the first event that they organize, similar schools and patriotic events for the education of young people, they are held on other national and state days, on
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birthday holidays, for example, roman shukhevich, taras shevchenko and others. now the students are talking to the military about why these people decided. what motivated them go to the front, what did they do before going to the service, what do military personnel need to know when they serve, and this is the motivation, and this is precisely in order to educate young people in such a patriotic way, by the way, among the participants of the event are participants of the youth patriotic organization of apostolic chota, these are also them. they also have a military upbringing, spiritual, patriotic, many participants from their organization also serve at the front, someone was injured, is currently undergoing rehabilitation, so this is not new for them, however they admit that they should know more about what is happening in ukraine, and they
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need to learn more, to be ready for different circumstances, because they do not know which of them will go to fight sooner or later, and the organizer of the event, taras nazarkiv. . also said that the first volunteers should be considered not the participants in the hostilities of 2014 and 2012, but rather the upa participants, and they are an example to follow. let's listen to taras. we have prepared a number of questions that would be interesting, before that we talked with young people about what questions they would like to get answers about who they were in civilian life, how they made this choice for themselves, what they achieved. and we want them to convey it to others, because the younger generation will be present here, the future defenders, so that they understand how far they are now in their place, what they can do, how they can be useful for our common victory. well, let me remind you that the date
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of march 14 was chosen not by chance, as the day of the ukrainian volunteer on this very day, and in 2014, the people of maidan, ah,... people just from maidan went to the training ground to organize the first volunteer battalion just from the maidan and went with the goal... to serve, to defend our state in the east of ukraine, and today most of them continue to defend our entire ukraine and our independence. that's the news for the moment, i 'll pass the floor to the studio. i thank you natalya, it was our correspondent natalya stareprava, and once again i would like to sincerely thank all the volunteers who independently and voluntarily took up arms and went to defend our country, and then in 2014 and... already during a full scale invasion in 2022 . we thank you. and precisely for that, for
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our victory, we constantly hold meetings and help the armed forces of ukraine. therefore, i want to remind you about one more of our collection. we ask you to help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones. for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers defend the country in the direction of zaporozhye, so that they do not risk their lives and... drones are needed for an assault on minefields, and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help we collected already more than 175 hryvnias. remember that every donation you make is important, so join the collection. you can see all the details on the screen. thank you for supporting the armed forces of ukraine, together we are a force. such were the news at that time. i'm iryna koval, i'm telling you. goodbye, goodbye until tomorrow, just in a few minutes you will meet my colleague vasyl zymo.
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mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine, on there will be some katsaps on the borders of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18.15 for espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict is with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm at espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. mike johnson has a new plan to help belgorod in ugna, what 's going on there. the german parliament decided the fate of taurus, but the famous football coach fled abroad, new rules for recruiting in the armed forces. countries and ukrainians do not want to go home a fresh survey of ukrainians in poland, we will talk about this and other things during the next hour and 45 minutes. my name is vasyl zema, this is the great ether program, and we begin by thanking you, thank you sincerely, sincerely, thank you for joining the collection on bagi for the evacuation of the wounded and the transportation of combat kits, as well as for the car and
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trench rebs for the 12th separate special forces detachment. our soldiers destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day, this... the collection will help save human lives and increase the efficiency of the unit, with your help we actually collected uah 480,000 very quickly, really quickly. the video report will be later, thank you and let's win together, well, we too, of course, we are opening a new collection and will continue to help our army to the best of our ability, and sometimes too much, cars at the front are consumables, although very necessary, critically unnecessary. native cars work in an extremely intensive mode and often come under enemy fire, so they quickly break down or suffer significant significant damage, so we invite you to join the important collection for three four-wheel drive cars: a powerful land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and
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a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is 9,000 hryvnias , support the front in order to free ukraine from russian evil together. let's start, i believe that we will also close this collection quite quickly. well, now we are adding to the conversation dmytro bachko, the acting head of the nikopol district council. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. the enemy continues to hit nikopol, nikopol region with long-range artillery. what else flew by? tell us about the security situation, the night, day today how is the past? unfortunately, the enemy continues to terrorize nikopol and the nikopol district, already this morning the enemy attacked the city of nikopol, the central parts, the sleeping parts of the city, that is, ordinary high-rise buildings in which people live, there are no nato military facilities, and there is nothing that can be linked as a military target, but unfortunately, the enemy, who
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is just a terrorist enemy, continues to shell ukraine, continues... during this shelling there are five victims, among them a seven-year-old child, so unfortunately, these here is a photo of a sleeping area of ​​the city, it is the central part of our city, the district center, that is why the situation in the nikopol district is unfortunately such, it is a constant air alarm that hangs over the nikopol district, it spills into such daily, daily night, evening shelling of our region, how are people in general? live, it’s hard to understand, one, not that it’s one thing, but let’s say, when shaheds fly, well, at least some kind of alarm is announced, there, when iskander or cruise missiles are also an alarm, ballistics arrive quickly, shaheds, well, you can at least have time to move somewhere, but no, i understand that you don’t listen, but still, when there are some large objects, it’s one thing, when this artillery flies constantly, and how do people live, well, a little
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tell us about the rhythm of this life, because it is in any window, in any entrance, there is a stairwell. or something will fall somewhere on the street and the debris can injure or kill, well yes, unfortunately, it is very difficult to get used to it, but the residents of our district, who have been for a year and a half, are even more shelled by the occupiers from the surrounding area the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, little by little, no matter how it sounds, partially got used to these shellings, which, unfortunately, arrive approximately in 10 seconds, and a person has... in order to save himself and hide, it is almost unreal, when you are in such a romantic place, in the center of the city, where there are no such certain moments of safe stay, so of course. it is very difficult for people, it is very depressing, it affects the psyche, the development, of course , of the territory of our region, because a lot of
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people have left, a lot of workers have been lost seats, the last flight that took place at the epicenter shopping center, it not only stopped, let's say, the economy of these enterprises, it slightly, of course, significantly worsened the economic situation, because a certain number of people who... a large number who worked in this shopping center, now they are not working, of course, these are the daily shellings, they affect the economy, the income of the local budget, affect the children, because i always say, the most important thing is that there is a problem, we have a lot of different crises, in including humanitarian crises, but you are very grateful to the funds that help our region, but of course a child who for two years... does not study, does not go to school, a child who does not attend sports classes for two years, who does not no, she is not involved in a cultural group, she
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is losing a lot, it is actually a lost childhood and we are experiencing it right now. mr. dmytro, i would like to ask a question, in my social networks they write in local publications in the nikopol region, the nikopol region, that it is allegedly the work of the military command, which was was introduced, it consists in the fact that... that men who are militarily obligated or assigned to, not assigned, are registered in one or another rtcc, are not allowed to leave the district, and people complain, well, how many of them there were a lot of posts, maybe there are some individual stories, but is there any order, well, because then the question simply arises, why that one, because we have many districts, but supposedly people go there in lviv region, in kyiv region, they all leave , and those from the baryshiv district can... leave there to some makariv district, well, for example, here or there to a hospital or to the district center, well, this is the story, are there such cases, and if so , what is it regulated by and what is the reason,
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please, well, there is a corresponding order, it already exists, and i can say that it has not significantly, very significantly changed the situation in nikopol, because of course there are certain restrictions, they have been there since the beginning of the war, when people are checked... the relevant documents, the relevant checkpoints are working, and this and there is, in principle, limited movement of the press, because people should know where they are leaving, well, it means who enters the territory of nikopol, because no matter what, we are 7 kilometers from the enemy, and of course such restrictions, they should contribute to improving the security situation in nikopol, i can say that this applies to moving almost... meaning that to the nikopol district to another district there is some, well, for example, yes , of course, it cannot be compared , for example, with another part of ukraine, where there are
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, of course, appropriate restrictions of roadblocks, but we are very close to the occupier to the enemy, well, but there are facts that people are not being let out of the area , whether it is people, whether it is some posts, maybe it is someone, it concerns, let's say directly that if a person wants to move, if he wants change residence. she wants to change her place of work, here the necessary documents are just right, such and such, such a security story, if a person goes to the hospital, if a person goes to sports competitions, if a person goes on his work and he shows the relevant documents and everything is fine understand, this does not affect anything, that is, in principle, the situation has not changed significantly, what were the relevant restrictions, they still exist in the territory of the nikopol district, it is important that you updated, because... when because people are writing and if you don't know the situation , you can think that no one is being released, then of course you have to say that it's not unconstitutional, and so i have one more short question, but on tuesday,
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march 12, the cabinet of ministers made a decision on prohibition of ownership and use of land, which was occupied by the kokhov reservoir, well , it is also far from you there, and what were the attempts to take it into the property to use, well, we saw that some potatoes were planted somewhere, but well, in principle, what does it give the most important thing, why? well, i can't comment, maybe this is some kind of, let's say, preventive, some appropriate measure for the future, so that this does not happen, but really, in addition to the fact that in some rural communities, they tried to dig a little bit of potatoes in the corresponding territory in the territory where the kakhov reservoir was , therefore, in principle, i am like others i haven't heard of any cases, i think that this is some kind of precautionary measure, so i think that there are no such appropriate actions now... let's think about any economic and future plans there today in the territory that is shelled every day, i think , that it is not worth it, well, i agree, but maybe
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someone would dig up some antiquities there, thank you very much. mr. dmytro, dmytro bechko, acting as the head of the nikopol district council, was in touch with us, so why is it so important to discuss such points at all, the public is local, well, again we discussed with mr. dmytro, i don't know, maybe there are still some, well, about the fact that from the nikopol district, allegedly, well, not allegedly, but there they don't release men and men of legal age, who are registered or not , well, now, in principle , you should be registered so that you can somehow move around and have the appropriate documents, as you can clearly see here. in the fact that if a person leaves due to a change of job or place of residence, then you have to rest somewhere there, somewhere, well, from, for example, the territorial center there staffing, getting attached somewhere , there are various nuances, and employers now also require documents, because when you get a job, you have to provide documents, the employer provides these documents again to the territorial staffing centers, updates the data, well, there is a certain period of time, that's all it should be. well, it just so
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happens that one story happens, and people start writing that this is such a general phenomenon, yes, but it is not always, so it is important to always update such things and understand what is happening there, now there is another important topic, it does not concern, well, it concerns the war , now, in principle, almost everything concerns the war, but listen, oleksandr glushchenko, an expert in digital technologies, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i may not call everything correctly, i will try to say all that which now primarily worries the viewers of ukrainian tv channels, in particular the espresso tv channels. so, the russians are somehow jamming the satellite signal from the astra satellites and, by contact, not only the espres tv channel, but also many ukrainian tv channels, which people in different regions of our country do not receive a signal or do not receive a high-quality signal. what
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is known about it that you... could tell about it, what is going on? what happened two years ago, exactly during this period, russia conducted the same hybrid war against ukraine, the ukrainian people, they fired at television towers and jammed the satellite signal of ukrainian tv channels, astra, amas and hadbord satellites. currently, we have been recording for the last week that the russians have become more active in this regard. they jam the signal of the ukrainian tv channels of the astra 4a satellite, they jam the signal of the ukrainian channels of the hotburd satellite and fire at the objects of the prt concern, which are equipped with repeaters of digital terrestrial television and fm transmitters. the scheme is very simple: they want to intimidate the ukrainian people, they want to sow panic when a person has. there is some
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primary source of information, and some weird metamorphosis occurs with that primary source, and the technology doesn't work, or doesn't work well. and is there any information, first of all, i will ask our viewers, since now we are talking about it, you are on youtube , write in the comments whether you are receiving a high-quality signal, if you have a satellite signal , what medium is there , is it a tv or what do you have, well, a tv or a plasma, please write in the comments, if you have the opportunity, do you have this signal , do you not have a signal, this is not only espresso, this is the fifth, direct, only marathon there, it is interesting to know and understand, if there is an understanding, where this blocking of the signal from the side comes from of the russian federation, is it possible to move it in a certain way, and then elect it as a legitimate military objective? of course, in the world of physics, geometry, especially where there is radio radiation, is quite easy to grow.
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to hide where the radio interference is coming from, the russians do it so defiantly that they say they are not ashamed of the fact that they are sending a signal with which they are trying to replace the signal of ukrainian tv channels from their satellite communication centers, this is the moscow region, bear lake, this objects that are under management. at the federal federal company of the state-owned enterprise kosmicheskaya svyaz, there are two types of opportunities to do this, they they use large satellite antennas, which are just installed in the suburbs of moscow, also use mobile military vehicles, rebu, on which these complexes are installed, on which satellite antennas are installed, thanks to which they also try...


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