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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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war, calling on parishioners to pray for those who suffer from the terrible consequences of conflicts. let's listen. today they brought me a rosary and the gospel, a young soldier who died at the front. he prayed with them. many young people, many young people are dying. we pray to the lord to give us the grace to win. this is the madness of war, which is always defeat. why do you think the pope never calls putin and russia the aggressors who are waging this war and does not appeal directly to them to end the war. well, once upon a time he was something like that said, in fact, he did not address them, because he really tries to compare or equate the aggressor and the victim, something that in general outrages all christians. eh, when we talk
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about the pope, we need to understand several extremely important things, because in ukraine there are a lot of catholics and roman rite and eastern rite, greek catholics, and a lot of people immediately start blaming the greek catholics and saying that they owe the church change. so, for faithful catholics , the pope's words are the only really important truth then, when he talks about matters of faith, about matters of theology, any of his political statements, this is his opinion and... the faithful of the catholic church have the right to disagree with him, and the majority do not agree. we saw the statement of his beatitude sviatoslav that he made in the united states of america that those who say that we should, not there, should not win or should surrender, should repent, this is such a strong statement, he basically denied the words and the thought of the pope, although this opinion of the pope, as the vatican later explained, it was not his opinion, but merely a response when he was provoked.
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question, and the journalist's question contained this word about the white flag, although he repeated it, and of course, we cannot agree with it, but the fact that we do not agree with it does not mean at all that we have any claims there to the catholics, because the church or the catholic church is not the communist party of the soviet union after all, and many of our people think that if your first secretary said, then you all should to do, no, there are no such rules in the church. as for the reasons why the pope says this, well, the pope belongs to such an interesting order of the jesuits, and he is the first jesuit pope in history, we have heard a lot about the jesuits from the ukrainian classics of history, and it is no coincidence that the jesuits were never popes, because for they are very often, let's say, the goal is the means are more important than the goal, for many they are more important than the values, the jesuits perfectly understand that the majority of the faithful of their church is the so-called global south, and...
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the south largely depends on russia, it china, where they hope, where there is simply a very large population, and china also has conversations with russia, and therefore the pope, from my point of view , is largely expressing the vision of his order, but not even of the entire catholic church, although he speaks on behalf of this entire church, and this is definitely such a very dangerous situation, but how dangerous is it, it is unpleasant, i would say for the future catholic church, which exists... for so many years and carries the word of god, there is rather a problem here, a problem of morality, but not a problem of existence , and you see that and ukrainian greek-catholic politicians, and the ukrainian clergy, greek-catholics, and polish politicians, including donald tusk, the prime minister of poland, they all disagreed with the pope's words, they directly support ukraine, many catholics directly condemn the pope, yes that this is actually only the opinion of one very high... placed
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person, but it is only the opinion of a person, an opinion, of course, wrong, which cannot be accepted by any of the ukrainians, ukrainian patriots, and we can only express our regret and hope that that we will be in the future to see such popes as ivan paul ii, who in principle, in fact, thanks to him , the wall between the western and eastern world was largely destroyed, and we, as ukrainians, and ukrainian catholics, there are many catholics among ukrainians, and poles, catholics. who support ukraine, many other catholics, they condemn the pope in this case and hope that they will have a pope who will uphold truly democratic values ​​in the struggle of democracy against totalitarianism, because democracy is largely a continuation of christian politicians, christian approaches, it is not by chance that there are many parties of a christian democratic orientation in europe, because christianity itself is democratic, yes, sometimes they try to present it as some kind of ...
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tartar religion, but the middle ages have long passed, today it is a completely democratic religion. mr. mykola, another important topic is the blockade of ukrainian freight transport on the polish border, it continues, and as reported. spokespersons of the state border service of the state border service, because of this blockade, there are queues of trucks on borders with slovakia, hungary, romania. at the same time, oleksiy danilov, secretary of the national security council , told reporters at a meeting in lviv that ukraine works daily to resolve the situation of blocking the polish-ukrainian border. let's listen to what danilo said. i think that after a certain time, some people will be ashamed of what is happening today. on our border, and it's definitely not us, because we didn't do anything to be treated like this, we'll find out exactly how it all happens, our country makes everything possible and impossible, i know for sure that the president of our country, volodymyr oleksanovych,
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should know that such closed meetings are held in our country every day, and there would not be a day when volodymyrovich would not ask denys anatolyovych questions. calculates relatively when we will be able to solve this issue. unfortunately, today i cannot say that it will happen tomorrow, but i can definitely say that we are dealing with this issue. mr. mykola, is ukraine doing, as danilo says, everything possible and impossible in order to solve this issue? well, let's start with the fact that this is not kubrakov's problem and not the problem of the minister of rural affairs economy danilo is right in that there is no ukrainian fault in those traffic jams. the reasons are completely different, and anti-ukrainian hysteria is spreading in poland, we do not sell anything there, we used this country for transit, and that only for 5% of our transit, romania, on the contrary , builds its own roads on this transit of ours and uses this transit, because we pay for this transit, the companies
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that use it are also a boon for romania, and poland, unfortunately, has become a hostage of all these protests, where ukraine is used as an excuse, very often for this russia stands, because begging began. forces, and it seems to me that from the first days of the blockade , danilov himself needed to communicate with his colleague from poland, and then turn to the ukraine-nato council, because this is a direct threat to our security, now they are letting military cargo through, there was a period when were not allowed to pass, cargoes carrying spare parts to military factories were also all kinds of cases, humanitarian aid often stopped there, and it is definitely a threat to national security, an attempt to cut us off from the west, and the council of ukraine should deal with this and danilo himself, but from my point of view this is not... more a matter for danilov than for the minister of infrastructure or the minister of agriculture, although the minister of agriculture, well, the ministry of economy, they actively deal with this issue at the level brussels, and it must be said that other eu countries support us, because they are interested even in our crops, you
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know that there were objections from the polish side regarding some goods, we are even ready to accept them, because of what we have here there is no bad situation at all, because... they say, let's say that ukraine will export goods at the level of the 21st year, but now we are not exporting more, but less of these goods through poland, it does not scare us either, we can do anything agree, they will find 150 other reasons, i hope that after the polish local elections, which will be held on april 7, and the polish politicians talk about it, because the polish politicians have also let this situation go out of control, i mean the polish government, and the polish opposition is the opposite of it fanning this fire and trying to defeat the government in the upcoming elections in such a way, and it simply became a tool of pre-election rhetoric and propaganda. i believe that after that it will end, although the talks with poland regarding our integration into the european union must continue, because poland is extremely supportive, it is very important for security, in all other matters, it is indeed one of
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our closest allies, but with from an economic point of view, it can be our biggest competitor in the european union, so we need to be very active with the poles to work so that they do not turn allies into complete competitors... well, in your opinion, there should also be a third party in this conversation between ukraine and poland, the european union, that is, there should be a tripartite meeting, right? well, look, the european union supports ukraine, if only because our grain is needed by italy, spain, holland , the netherlands, countries where cattle are raised, where animal husbandry is developing, because our grain is not, is not expensive, and is suitable for animal husbandry and... and this is a significant part of them economy, instead, the prices fell not because of our grain, but because of the grain that they buy from the countries of latin america from asia, plus the grain that they buy from russia, and it is absolutely fair to say that belarus should be closed first - the polish border for
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grain and for other products from russia, and then talk about something with ukraine, but if you can argue about grain, then there is no justification for the complete blocking of the border, because it not only harms national security. as i said, it does harm the economy, the economy not only of ukraine, but also of poland, because poland imports more goods to us than it exports, and polish entrepreneurs suffer from this, so it is so politicized. the polish opposition is in a situation that the government cannot deal with and it is difficult to imagine that it will be able to deal with this before the elections . mr. mykola, yesterday the prime minister of poland, donald tusk, said that the sanctions against russia should not be fictitious, i quote tusk, half of europe proclaims loud pro-ukrainian slogans and continues to trade with russia and belarus, well, obviously he also spoke about poland, because there was an investigation by our colleague mykhailo tkach, that poland... also traded with belarus and russia or with russia through
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belarus . well , let's start with the fact that the fact itself is shameful, and tkach should be thanked for exposing it, but this trade is really small, that is , they sell very little of these products there, it is another matter that there are such products of the countryside among them. farms on which for ukraine an embargo is imposed, but not for russia and belarus, and this is of course a complete absurdity, but now poland is correcting it, it accepts the decision of the polish parliament, and this limits it, tusk is right that other eu countries buy much more from russia and belarus, and it should definitely be limited in this, no matter who is the reason for this, whether the weaver's report or some other considerations, tusk should be supported in this, but first of all, of course, the border should be unblocked. thank you, mr. mykola, for the conversation, it was mykola. knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube
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and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube. we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about the following: do you see signs of a parliamentary crisis in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, vote either yes or no, and you can write your comments and your opinion about this under this video. on the tv broadcast, you can take your smartphone and vote if you do you think there are signs of a parliamentary crisis in ukraine 0800 211 381, no, 0800-211382, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences. mr. maksym, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. thank you, good evening. good evening. so, mr. maksym, on the 17th, there will be a pseudo-election in russia, or the election of vladimir putin,
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it can hardly be called a presidential election, but a confirmation of authority putin voting will already take place in the occupied territories of ukraine. the defense ministry's central intelligence agency says that the putin administration ordered him to draw 75% support, where the russian dictator himself addressed the residents. territories occupied by russia with a call to participate in the elections, in the so-called presidential elections, let's hear what putin said. to be honest, participation in the elections today is a manifestation of patriotic feelings. this is very well understood by the residents of donbass and novorossiya, who voted for referendums in difficult conditions unity with russia, and these days will also make a choice. it is necessary to confirm our solidarity, determination to move forward together.
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each of your votes is valuable and counts. therefore , i urge you to exercise your right to vote in the next three days. mr. maksym, putin wants the people of ukraine to vote for him. will this be a reason to question the legitimacy of president putin. unfortunately, unfortunately, the precedents of the previous elections, in particular the elections to the russian state duma, to the federation council, and so on, which took place after the 14th year, we could already give reasons to consider these bodies of the russian government as illegitimate, but we saw that yes, some subjects of international law, international... relations eh to such eh to deputies elected from these
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eh districts of the eu had certain reservations , but no one ever questioned, so to speak, the very legitimacy of the russian government, so there are great fears, so to speak, that it might look like this: we do not recognize these results of the so-called vote on these territories, but... elections as a whole in russia took place, the president was elected and so on, that is, this is a probability, and it is quite present today. high, however, there are , of course, reasons to question the legitimacy of putin's new presidential term for many other reasons, including the crackdown on the opposition, the suppression of freedom of speech, the death of navalny, and the very introduction of those
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norms into the constitution of the russian federation that made the government putin for life. it seems to me that this set of circumstances, they, it gives reasons for some countries, international organizations, to recognize putin as illegitimate president after these elections, so-called after the date of march 17, 2024, and i think that some part, at least of the western leaders, of the western countries, the body. will take this position. against this background, the deputy head of the security council of the russian federation, the former president of russia dmitry medvedev proposed the so-called russian formula for peace, although it is a formula for the destruction of ukraine, it would rather be called that. he said that they
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want ukraine to capitulate, pay compensation to russia, and... put all authorities, constitutional authorities in ukraine. the last points are as follows: official recognition by the temporary parliament of ukraine that its entire territory is the territory of the russian federation, adoption of the act of reunification of the territory of ukraine with russia, self-dissolution of the temporary parliament, un recognition of the act of reunification. you can treat the character, the political character of medvedev in different ways, but usually what is on medvedev's tongue is putin's. in mind, are they united in their desire to achieve exactly such a result and are they ready to go to the end? well actually that the russian side, relatively speaking, the putin regime constantly addresses the topic of negotiations and peace, confirms that they are
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in favor of this peace or truce or respite. they are in great need, and such statements are just bargaining, they are political bargaining , so to speak, which they conduct with the west, and from the position of such a blackmailer, from the position of a rapist , a terrorist , in fact, who intimidates both the community and himself intimidates its victim, so they certainly cannot be accepted. as well as for pure coin and as a real position russia, i think that the putin regime would be ready to negotiate on other terms if it saw at least some movement towards itself and a willingness to negotiate on the part of ukraine, its leadership, on the part of the west, america and so on, but they see that now it
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it is impossible, that is why they raise the bar of their ambitions, their... demands as high as possible with the hope that one day, after all, someone will sit down with them at the negotiating table, and then it will be possible, so to speak, to make certain concessions, to look for somewhere the middle on which they can meet him, i i think that this is such a tactic of intimidation and blackmail, against the background of these calls and constant requests for peace talks or... statements that the west should guarantee something there, and preferably in writing, what is coming from the kremlin, we hear already critical remarks towards putin, even from those who were once considered a sympathizer, the kremlin's grandfather in europe, the former leader of the french right-wing national association
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le pen, who was called putin's friend, harshly denounced russia for the war, from the tribune nationally. assembly, she reminded about thousands of dead and injured, millions of people who had to flee their cities and villages. let's hear what le pen said. with the invasion of ukraine on february 24, 2022 , russia unleashed a war and a geopolitical crisis on the doorstep of the european union, which is perhaps the most dramatic in the last 20 years. we are obliged to express our respect and support to the ukrainian people who suffered. in your opinion, mr. maxim, what is the reason for the change in lepent's position and, in general, is europe changing its position regarding? putin, well, if you don't take the pope, of course, and the vatican state. well, in general, this position, both of europe and america , and of the same trump, who
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makes very ambiguous statements, is rather the rhetoric of, you know, adults who have encountered some such adolescent inadequacy, or maybe orderlies in an insane asylum who have a business with a not very adequate patient, that is, when they have hopes that they can in some good way calm down the rioter there, then they use the same rhetoric, when they see that these methods do not work, then they, so to speak say, they try too to act with certain intimidation, if we talk specifically about this statement by le pen, it is obvious that... there is a certain political competition with the current french president macron and, so to speak , an effort, and he made quite such serious and
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strong statements in support of ukraine, possibly and quite likely , that the french political community saw that it worked for its authority, for the leadership of france, for example, and le pen simply decided not to lag behind and... so to speak, no, not to end up in the role of putin's defender, which, well, this role looks rather ungrateful in modern political space of france and the west as a whole. before that, we saw such a strange, well, not strange, but natural, but rather demonstrative transformation of the positions of the same tucker carlson, who listened fascinated to what putin told him in an interview, and then said that he is such a... . never heard and did not expect mania, bearing in mind this thesis about nazism and the denazification of ukraine. that is, we see that, in principle, telling the truth about
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what the putin regime is today is becoming the norm in the west, and this is good for us news. well, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg said that the countries of the alliance should show political will and... provide ukraine with the necessary amount of weapons and ammunition, let's listen to what stoltenberg said. unprecedented support from nato member countries helped ukraine to survive as a sovereign and independent state. but ukraine needs even more support, they need it immediately. ukrainians are not running out of courage, they are running out of ammunition. together we are able to provide them with everything they need. it is necessary to demonstrate the political will for this. all members of the alliance. must act quickly and decisively, every day of delay has real consequences on the battlefield in ukraine, so this is a critical moment. virtually all the leaders
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of the western world talk about the need to help ukraine, the need for russia to be defeated on the battlefield, but all of them together cannot reach a consensus, and what does putin's defeat in this war mean at all? why is there no such consolidated position that defeat or. not even putin, the defeat of russia in the war with ukraine should be deputinization, demilitarization, denezification, or why not this basis, and why is there no such discussion in the west now? i think that in fact there is a certain agreement and even a consensus around this, the only thing that is needed for this at this particular moment, obviously, western leaders and politicians and experts do not see. prerequisites for this to happen immediately, therefore, in fact, if we talk about the defeat of russia in this war, then for many of our western
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partners, so to speak, this defeat has already happened, and russia is losing every day, so to speak, its crisis, her situation worsens with each one afternoon, it is not easier for us, but in the general logic of this process, this defeat is obvious, of course, that at some point, now we are talking about tactics, about situational factors, at a certain point there was such a fear , the threat of russia getting a second wind, at a time when ukraine lost financial support there and there was no shortage of ammunition, there was a fear that russia could now break through the front. we read these forecasts and so on and a new campaign on kyiv and kharkiv and so on under these conditions, western politicians may
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have become more cautious. and they began to think again that it might be worth negotiating with putin, but it seems to me that the events of the last, last month, actually these fierce battles on all fronts, showed that the situation remains under control, and ukraine just needs a little help, well help seriously, but start at least with something, and then, so to speak... this general line of approach to the gradual defascisification of russia due to the destruction of putin's regime due to its decline, one cannot hope for some kind of uprising, a sharp change in the situation there, but the gradual decline and deconstruction of this regime, this strategy will work, well, this is the period, in your opinion, how long can it last, well, relatively
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speaking, until where... putinization of russia , we know that in the soviet union, the introduction of troops into the territory of afghanistan was so tragic for that country, and starting from 1979 to 1991, the soviet union actually exhausted all its possibilities to maintain the war and maintain the country, as much as putin , do you think it will take time to collapse your regime and... well, look, here, here is such a situation that russia falls into a certain time trap, which in chess is called tsuh tzwang. that is, in principle, it can happen in six months, some palace coup, putin is replaced by someone, and so on. but, this also gives an opportunity for some new
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political figure to appear. conditionally speaking, a new gkchp, which will begin to negotiate with the west and bargain for good terms there, but if putin even remains in power, then these the new conditions are getting worse and worse , that is, it can happen in two years, in 3 years, and here, by the way, it is very important when the active phase of hostilities will end, we do not say that the war will end, because... .. now we don’t see the possibility and the need to end it with some kind of treaty there or an agreement with the dictator, if we are talking about the end of the active phase of hostilities, the sooner it comes, the sooner the russians will start asking what it was and why it was, because now in the period of such aggravation, they seem to instinctively...
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support their army, their president and so on, and as soon as this is over, there will be a lot of questions: why half a million young men, er, so to speak, lost by this country, er, for these eyes, so to speak, a few regions of the kherson, zaporizhzhia regions, for dry land, yes, that is, it is such a long process, but it can be accelerated by any circumstance. thank you, well, we will wait for him. thank you, mr. maksym, it was maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences. friends, during the program we conducted poll. we asked you about this, do you see signs of a parliamentary crisis in ukraine, the results of a television poll, 94% - yes, 6% - no, almost the same numbers on the youtube channel. thank you for watching today, it was serhii rudenko's verdict program.
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goodbye. almost 5 million ukrainians are currently abroad, and in recent months, the authorities at various levels have been signaling in every way that those who left should return, because the economy will not rebuild itself, the budget will not be filled by itself. but how to stimulate refugees to return home and whether the country will be able to ensure this return. we talk about it on bbc ukraine. i am olga polomaryuk. in the third year of the war, ukraine faces many challenges. and one of them is how to return those who went abroad due to russian aggression. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia , more than six have gone abroad.


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